= What is an abandoned document? = Abandoned documents are effectively leaked: they are Document objects which have never been destroyed, and persist after loading about:blank, running a garbage collection and clearing caches. This is probably because there's some object that is holding a reference to the Document object, possibly in the GC heap, or via a retain cycle (often involving Nodes in the document). All documents are referenced by Document::allDocumentsMap(), so they are not leaked in the sense that the 'leaks' tool doesn't show them. = Why are layout test results showing me a list of abandoned documents? = Leaked documents usually entrain a lot of other objects, which can use lots of memory (e.g. via entries in the memory cache). Leaking documents is bad because it will cause ever-increasing memory use as the user browses. See [https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=186214] = What should I do if see a new case of document abandonment? = If you made a code change that is causing a test to newly show that a document is leaked, it probably means you have a coding bug that is triggered a leak or (more likely) a reference cycle. You need to resolve this before committing. = How do I debug document abandonment? = Let's take an example [https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=188722]. We run tests, checking for abandonment: {{{ run-webkit-tests fast/forms/ --check-for-abandoned-documents }}} The results say that {{{fast/forms/textarea-paste-newline.html}}} was abandoned. Now you have to figure out why this Document object is not going away. A bit of testing in MiniBrowser can be useful, and if you're lucky, the abandonment will reproduce there. To test this, do these steps: 1. Run MiniBrowser 2. Load a simple HTML file (not the test!) 3. Load the test file 4. Go back to the simple HTML file 5. Simulate a memory warning (on macOS, you can do this by running {{{notifyutil -p "org.WebKit.lowMemory"}}} in the Terminal). 6. Now dump the list of live documents: {{{notifyutil -p "com.apple.WebKit.showAllDocuments"}}}. This will show something like: {{{ 2 live documents: Document 0x630002400 (refCount 5, referencingNodeCount 1) file:///Volumes/Data/webkit/LayoutTests/fast/forms/textarea-paste-newline.html Document 0x630024400 (refCount 2, referencingNodeCount 4) file:///Volumes/Data/simple.html }}} 7. That confirms that after a memory warning (which clears caches and does a GC) that the document is still alive. So something is holding a reference to it. 8. Now you could start doing manual debugging of ref() and deref() to try to figure out where the extra ref() is happening. But there's a better way. 1. Apply the most recent patch from [https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=186269] (if this has not been checked in yet) and build. 2. Repeat the above steps. Now the output will be something like: {{{ 2 live documents: Document 0x630002400 (refCount 5, referencingNodeCount 1) file:///Volumes/Data/Development/apple/webkit/OpenSource/LayoutTests/fast/forms/textarea-paste-newline.html Document 0x630002400 reference stacks: Backtrace for token 6074 1 0x6179baa97 WebCore::Node::ref() 2 0x615af576e unsigned int WTF::refIfNotNull(WebCore::Node*) 3 0x615af5728 WTF::RefPtr >::RefPtr(WebCore::Node*) 4 0x615af4add WTF::RefPtr >::RefPtr(WebCore::Node*) 5 0x615af4b73 WTF::RefPtr >::operator=(WebCore::Node*) 6 0x61788ccb2 WebCore::Document::removeFocusNavigationNodeOfSubtree(WebCore::Node&, bool) 7 0x61788c82a WebCore::Document::nodeChildrenWillBeRemoved(WebCore::ContainerNode&) 8 0x6178252de WebCore::ContainerNode::removeAllChildrenWithScriptAssertion(WebCore::ContainerNode::ChildChangeSource, WebCore::ContainerNode::DeferChildrenChanged) 9 0x617828d49 WebCore::ContainerNode::removeChildren() 10 0x617882aef WebCore::Document::implicitOpen() 11 0x617878043 WebCore::Document::open(WebCore::Document*) 12 0x617884062 WebCore::Document::write(WebCore::Document*, WebCore::SegmentedString&&) 13 0x61788432b WebCore::Document::write(WebCore::Document*, WTF::Vector&&) 14 0x61609d242 WebCore::jsDocumentPrototypeFunctionWriteBody(JSC::ExecState*, WebCore::JSDocument*, JSC::ThrowScope&) 15 0x61608046e long long WebCore::IDLOperation::call<&(WebCore::jsDocumentPrototypeFunctionWriteBody(JSC::ExecState*, WebCore::JSDocument*, JSC::ThrowScope&)), (WebCore::CastedThisErrorBehavior)0>(JSC::ExecState&, char const*) 16 0x61608016c WebCore::jsDocumentPrototypeFunctionWrite(JSC::ExecState*) 17 0xeef1324177 18 0x62650d44b llint_entry 19 0x62650d44b llint_entry 20 0x626504e37 vmEntryToJavaScript 21 0x6270a7c7a JSC::JITCode::execute(JSC::VM*, JSC::ProtoCallFrame*) 22 0x6270a8303 JSC::Interpreter::executeCall(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSObject*, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&) 23 0x627356dce JSC::call(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&) 24 0x627356eac JSC::call(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&, WTF::NakedPtr&) 25 0x62735717d JSC::profiledCall(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::ProfilingReason, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&, WTF::NakedPtr&) 26 0x617351ffb WebCore::JSExecState::profiledCall(JSC::ExecState*, JSC::ProfilingReason, JSC::JSValue, JSC::CallType, JSC::CallData const&, JSC::JSValue, JSC::ArgList const&, WTF::NakedPtr&) 27 0x617398407 WebCore::JSEventListener::handleEvent(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext&, WebCore::Event&) 28 0x617960d3e WebCore::EventTarget::fireEventListeners(WebCore::Event&, WTF::Vector >, 1ul, WTF::CrashOnOverflow, 16ul>) 29 0x61795c7a0 WebCore::EventTarget::fireEventListeners(WebCore::Event&) 30 0x61824752d WebCore::DOMWindow::dispatchEvent(WebCore::Event&, WebCore::EventTarget*) 31 0x6182523de WebCore::DOMWindow::dispatchLoadEvent() 32 0x6178839fa WebCore::Document::dispatchWindowLoadEvent() 33 0x61787bff3 WebCore::Document::implicitClose() 34 0x6180d6f2b WebCore::FrameLoader::checkCallImplicitClose() 35 0x6180d69c8 WebCore::FrameLoader::checkCompleted() 36 0x6180d58f5 WebCore::FrameLoader::finishedParsing() 37 0x617895ca9 WebCore::Document::finishedParsing() 38 0x617e3df58 WebCore::HTMLConstructionSite::finishedParsing() 39 0x617e8c969 WebCore::HTMLTreeBuilder::finished() 40 0x617e4708c WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::end() 41 0x617e440e9 WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::attemptToRunDeferredScriptsAndEnd() 42 0x617e43de3 WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::prepareToStopParsing() 43 0x617e470ff WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::attemptToEnd() 44 0x617e471d8 WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::finish() 45 0x6180c55fe WebCore::DocumentWriter::end() 46 0x618084a1f WebCore::DocumentLoader::finishedLoading() [snip] Backtrace for token 5651 1 0x6179baa97 WebCore::Node::ref() 2 0x615d77d88 WTF::Ref >::Ref(WebCore::Document&) 3 0x615d77d4d WTF::Ref >::Ref(WebCore::Document&) 4 0x617396d29 WebCore::toJS(JSC::ExecState*, WebCore::JSDOMGlobalObject*, WebCore::Document&) 5 0x6173ad378 WebCore::createWrapperInline(JSC::ExecState*, WebCore::JSDOMGlobalObject*, WTF::Ref >&&) 6 0x6173ad0a0 WebCore::createWrapper(JSC::ExecState*, WebCore::JSDOMGlobalObject*, WTF::Ref >&&) 7 0x615c363de WebCore::toJS(JSC::ExecState*, WebCore::JSDOMGlobalObject*, WebCore::Node&) 8 0x615c8fbb0 WebCore::toJS(JSC::ExecState*, WebCore::JSDOMGlobalObject*, WebCore::Node*) 9 0x617384fd3 WebCore::JSDOMWindowBase::updateDocument() 10 0x6173d677e WebCore::ScriptController::initScriptForWindowProxy(WebCore::JSWindowProxy&) 11 0x617457455 WebCore::WindowProxy::createJSWindowProxyWithInitializedScript(WebCore::DOMWrapperWorld&) 12 0x6173c70d6 WebCore::WindowProxy::jsWindowProxy(WebCore::DOMWrapperWorld&) 13 0x6173d556b WebCore::ScriptController::jsWindowProxy(WebCore::DOMWrapperWorld&) 14 0x6173d5355 WebCore::ScriptController::evaluateInWorld(WebCore::ScriptSourceCode const&, WebCore::DOMWrapperWorld&, WebCore::ExceptionDetails*) 15 0x6173d57bd WebCore::ScriptController::evaluate(WebCore::ScriptSourceCode const&, WebCore::ExceptionDetails*) 16 0x617a04d37 WebCore::ScriptElement::executeClassicScript(WebCore::ScriptSourceCode const&) 17 0x617a03084 WebCore::ScriptElement::prepareScript(WTF::TextPosition const&, WebCore::ScriptElement::LegacyTypeSupport) 18 0x617e64798 WebCore::HTMLScriptRunner::runScript(WebCore::ScriptElement&, WTF::TextPosition const&) 19 0x617e645bf WebCore::HTMLScriptRunner::execute(WTF::Ref >&&, WTF::TextPosition const&) 20 0x617e455a3 WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::runScriptsForPausedTreeBuilder() 21 0x617e45b63 WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::pumpTokenizerLoop(WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::SynchronousMode, bool, WebCore::PumpSession&) 22 0x617e44684 WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::pumpTokenizer(WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::SynchronousMode) 23 0x617e43f8f WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::pumpTokenizerIfPossible(WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::SynchronousMode) 24 0x617e46e9a WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::append(WTF::RefPtr >&&) 25 0x61785fe62 WebCore::DecodedDataDocumentParser::flush(WebCore::DocumentWriter&) 26 0x6180c55b4 WebCore::DocumentWriter::end() 27 0x618084a1f WebCore::DocumentLoader::finishedLoading() [snip] }}} The second stack there is normal document wrapper creation. The first one is more interesting, and points to the bug, which is that Document::removeFocusNavigationNodeOfSubtree() store the Document in a RefPtr data member of the same document, creating a ref cycle. Here's another example [https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=188776]: In this case, {{{notifyutil -p "com.apple.WebKit.showAllDocuments"}}} dumps: {{{ SVGDocument 0x1262e8400 5 (refCount 0, referencingNodeCount 1) file:///Volumes/Data/Development/apple/webkit/OpenSource/LayoutTests/svg/wicd/resources/test-svg-child-object-rightsizing.svg Document 0x1262e8400 5 reference stacks: }}} So there were no unmatched ref()/deref(). But what's this referencingNodeCount? That means that there are Nodes alive that belong to this document. To investigate that, in Node.h change the {{{#define DUMP_NODE_STATISTICS 0}}} to {{{#define DUMP_NODE_STATISTICS 1}}} and add a call to {{{Node::dumpStatistics();}}} in the dumping code in Page::platformInitialize(). Now you can do the MiniBrowser steps above, but do it in a WebKit1 window, and close the window when done, followed by the lowMemory notification, and the showAllDocuments notification. Dumped node statistics say: {{{ Number of Nodes: 16 Number of Nodes with RareData: 0 NodeType distribution: Number of Element nodes: 6 Number of Attribute nodes: 0 Number of Text nodes: 7 Number of CDATASection nodes: 0 Number of Comment nodes: 0 Number of ProcessingInstruction nodes: 0 Number of Document nodes: 2 Number of DocumentType nodes: 1 Number of DocumentFragment nodes: 0 Number of ShadowRoot nodes: 0 Element tag name distibution: Number of
tags: 1 Number of tags: 1 Number of tags: 1 Number of tags: 1 Number of tags: 1 Number of