= Line Breaking in WebKit = {{{ #!div class="important" **WARNING:** This page contains forward looking statements, which should ''not yet'' be considered an accurate description of WebKit. }}} == Line Breaking == [http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-text/ CSS3 Text] defines a set of rules governing [http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-text/#line-break-details default line breaking behavior], some of which is very specific, i.e., testable and repeatable among browsers, and some of which is generic, i.e., not standardized. An example of the former is that the non-tailorable line breaking classes defined by the Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm, Unicode Technical Report #14 [http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/ UAX14], must be honored; an example of the latter is that [http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-text/#soft-wrap-opportunity soft break opportunities] are not concretely defined. === The `line-break` property === In order to customize line breaking behavior, CSS3 Text intorduces the inheritable [http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-text/#line-break line-break] property, with the following standard values: * `auto` * `loose` * `normal` * `strict` If not specified, the initial (default) value is `auto`. === The former `-webkit-line-break` property === For some time now, WebKit has supported a non-standard `-webkit-line-break` property, based on the earlier `-khtml-line-break` property, which accepted one of two values: * `normal` (default) * `after-white-space` === The new `-webkit-line-break` property === With the introduction of CSS3 Text features, and since its properties have not yet been designated non-prefixed by the CSS Working Group, it is necessary to merge the value space of the former `-webkit-line-break` property and the new `line-break` property into a newly defined `-webkit-line-break` property that accepts the following values: * `auto` (default) * `loose` * `normal` * `strict` * `after-white-space` Note that this functional merger results in the value `auto` being returned as the default value instead of the former `normal` value. === Implementation Details === == References == 1. [=#css3text http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-text/] 1. [=#uax14 http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr14/] 1. [=#icu http://site.icu-project.org] 1. [=#html5lang http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/global-attributes.html]