= The State of JSC = - Moved from LLVM to B3/Air - Transition is complete - FTL Jit in 64-bit platforms - Big Jetstream improvements - Big Kraken improvements - Moved from Tracing to Sampling profiler - Performance is an order of magnitude better in Web Inspector - 10-20x faster with the sampling profiler - ES6 Feature Complete - Block Scoping - Generator Functions - Current work - ES6 Sample Bench - Fast Generators - Fast Map/Set - gotten 20% faster - Runs 2 different tests - Takes geometric mean of tests - Steady state - Concurrent Garbage Collection - Gonna mean pauses in JSC - Pauses won’t be nearly as long - Execute JS during GC - There will be points where you pause the world but it won’t be in high milliseconds - Working on WebAssembly - It’s being implemented - DOM JIT - Creating an abstraction for the JSC for operations on the DOM - Be aware of getter accessors of being compiled - Integrating ES6 Modules in HTML -