Changeset 246265 in webkit

Jun 10, 2019 9:35:00 AM (5 years ago)

Make new Symbol/Promise API public

Reviewed by Saam Barati.

We also need to #ifdef some tests when building for older
platforms because the signatures for some methods are outdated on
those platforms.

  • API/JSObjectRef.h:
  • API/JSObjectRefPrivate.h:
  • API/JSValue.h:
  • API/JSValuePrivate.h:
  • API/JSValueRef.h:
  • API/tests/


7 edited


  • trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore/API/JSObjectRef.h

    r243376 r246265  
    2  * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
     2 * Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
    33 * Copyright (C) 2008 Kelvin W Sherlock (
    44 *
     480 @function
     481 @abstract Creates a JavaScript promise object by invoking the provided executor.
     482 @param ctx The execution context to use.
     483 @param resolve A pointer to a JSObjectRef in which to store the resolve function for the new promise. Pass NULL if you do not care to store the resolve callback.
     484 @param reject A pointer to a JSObjectRef in which to store the reject function for the new promise. Pass NULL if you do not care to store the reject callback.
     485 @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
     486 @result A JSObject that is a promise or NULL if an exception occurred.
     487 */
     488JS_EXPORT JSObjectRef JSObjectMakeDeferredPromise(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef* resolve, JSObjectRef* reject, JSValueRef* exception) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0));
    481492@abstract Creates a function with a given script as its body.
     568 @function
     569 @abstract Tests whether an object has a given property using a JSValueRef as the property key.
     570 @param object The JSObject to test.
     571 @param propertyKey A JSValueRef containing the property key to use when looking up the property.
     572 @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
     573 @result true if the object has a property whose name matches propertyKey, otherwise false.
     574 @discussion This function is the same as performing "propertyKey in object" from JavaScript.
     575 */
     576JS_EXPORT bool JSObjectHasPropertyForKey(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSValueRef propertyKey, JSValueRef* exception) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0));
     579 @function
     580 @abstract Gets a property from an object using a JSValueRef as the property key.
     581 @param ctx The execution context to use.
     582 @param object The JSObject whose property you want to get.
     583 @param propertyKey A JSValueRef containing the property key to use when looking up the property.
     584 @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
     585 @result The property's value if object has the property key, otherwise the undefined value.
     586 @discussion This function is the same as performing "object[propertyKey]" from JavaScript.
     587 */
     588JS_EXPORT JSValueRef JSObjectGetPropertyForKey(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSValueRef propertyKey, JSValueRef* exception) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0));
     591 @function
     592 @abstract Sets a property on an object using a JSValueRef as the property key.
     593 @param ctx The execution context to use.
     594 @param object The JSObject whose property you want to set.
     595 @param propertyKey A JSValueRef containing the property key to use when looking up the property.
     596 @param value A JSValueRef to use as the property's value.
     597 @param attributes A logically ORed set of JSPropertyAttributes to give to the property.
     598 @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
     599 @discussion This function is the same as performing "object[propertyKey] = value" from JavaScript.
     600 */
     601JS_EXPORT void JSObjectSetPropertyForKey(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSValueRef propertyKey, JSValueRef value, JSPropertyAttributes attributes, JSValueRef* exception) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0));
     604 @function
     605 @abstract Deletes a property from an object using a JSValueRef as the property key.
     606 @param ctx The execution context to use.
     607 @param object The JSObject whose property you want to delete.
     608 @param propertyKey A JSValueRef containing the property key to use when looking up the property.
     609 @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
     610 @result true if the delete operation succeeds, otherwise false (for example, if the property has the kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete attribute set).
     611 @discussion This function is the same as performing "delete object[propertyKey]" from JavaScript.
     612 */
     613JS_EXPORT bool JSObjectDeletePropertyForKey(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSValueRef propertyKey, JSValueRef* exception) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0));
    558617@abstract Gets a property from an object by numeric index.
  • trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore/API/JSObjectRefPrivate.h

    r243376 r246265  
    2  * Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
     2 * Copyright (C) 2010-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
    33 *
    44 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
    7272JS_EXPORT JSGlobalContextRef JSObjectGetGlobalContext(JSObjectRef object);
    74 /*!
    75  @function
    76  @abstract Creates a JavaScript promise object by invoking the provided executor.
    77  @param ctx The execution context to use.
    78  @param resolve A pointer to a JSObjectRef in which to store the resolve function for the new promise. Pass NULL if you do not care to store the resolve callback.
    79  @param reject A pointer to a JSObjectRef in which to store the reject function for the new promise. Pass NULL if you do not care to store the reject callback.
    80  @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
    81  @result A JSObject that is a promise or NULL if an exception occurred.
    82  */
    83 JS_EXPORT JSObjectRef JSObjectMakeDeferredPromise(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef* resolve, JSObjectRef* reject, JSValueRef* exception) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA));
    85 /*!
    86  @function
    87  @abstract Tests whether an object has a given property using a JSValueRef as the property key.
    88  @param object The JSObject to test.
    89  @param propertyKey A JSValueRef containing the property key to use when looking up the property.
    90  @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
    91  @result true if the object has a property whose name matches propertyKey, otherwise false.
    92  @discussion This function is the same as performing "propertyKey in object" from JavaScript.
    93  */
    94 JS_EXPORT bool JSObjectHasPropertyForKey(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSValueRef propertyKey, JSValueRef* exception) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA));
    96 /*!
    97  @function
    98  @abstract Gets a property from an object using a JSValueRef as the property key.
    99  @param ctx The execution context to use.
    100  @param object The JSObject whose property you want to get.
    101  @param propertyKey A JSValueRef containing the property key to use when looking up the property.
    102  @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
    103  @result The property's value if object has the property key, otherwise the undefined value.
    104  @discussion This function is the same as performing "object[propertyKey]" from JavaScript.
    105  */
    106 JS_EXPORT JSValueRef JSObjectGetPropertyForKey(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSValueRef propertyKey, JSValueRef* exception) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA));
    108 /*!
    109  @function
    110  @abstract Sets a property on an object using a JSValueRef as the property key.
    111  @param ctx The execution context to use.
    112  @param object The JSObject whose property you want to set.
    113  @param propertyKey A JSValueRef containing the property key to use when looking up the property.
    114  @param value A JSValueRef to use as the property's value.
    115  @param attributes A logically ORed set of JSPropertyAttributes to give to the property.
    116  @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
    117  @discussion This function is the same as performing "object[propertyKey] = value" from JavaScript.
    118  */
    119 JS_EXPORT void JSObjectSetPropertyForKey(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSValueRef propertyKey, JSValueRef value, JSPropertyAttributes attributes, JSValueRef* exception) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA));
    121 /*!
    122  @function
    123  @abstract Deletes a property from an object using a JSValueRef as the property key.
    124  @param ctx The execution context to use.
    125  @param object The JSObject whose property you want to delete.
    126  @param propertyKey A JSValueRef containing the property key to use when looking up the property.
    127  @param exception A pointer to a JSValueRef in which to store an exception, if any. Pass NULL if you do not care to store an exception.
    128  @result true if the delete operation succeeds, otherwise false (for example, if the property has the kJSPropertyAttributeDontDelete attribute set).
    129  @discussion This function is the same as performing "delete object[propertyKey]" from JavaScript.
    130  */
    131 JS_EXPORT bool JSObjectDeletePropertyForKey(JSContextRef ctx, JSObjectRef object, JSValueRef propertyKey, JSValueRef* exception) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA));
    133 /*!
    134  @function
    135  @abstract            Creates a JavaScript value of the symbol type.
    136  @param ctx           The execution context to use.
    137  @param description   A description of the newly created symbol value.
    138  @result              A unique JSValue of the symbol type, whose description matches the one provided.
    139  */
    140 JS_EXPORT JSValueRef JSValueMakeSymbol(JSContextRef ctx, JSStringRef description) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA));
    142 /*!
    143  @function
    144  @abstract       Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the symbol type.
    145  @param ctx      The execution context to use.
    146  @param value    The JSValue to test.
    147  @result         true if value's type is the symbol type, otherwise false.
    148  */
    149 JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsSymbol(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA));
    15174#ifdef __cplusplus
  • trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore/API/JSValue.h

    r243376 r246265  
    2  * Copyright (C) 2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
     2 * Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
    33 *
    44 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
     137@abstract Create a new promise object using the provided executor callback.
     138@param callback A callback block invoked while the promise object is being initialized. The resolve and reject parameters are functions that can be called to notify any pending reactions about the state of the new promise object.
     139@param context The JSContext to which the resulting JSValue belongs.
     140@result The JSValue representing a new promise JavaScript object.
     141@discussion This method is equivalent to calling the Promise constructor in JavaScript. the resolve and reject callbacks each normally take a single value, which they forward to all relevent pending reactions. While inside the executor callback context will act as if it were in any other callback, except calleeFunction will be <code>nil</code>. This also means means the new promise object may be accessed via <code>[context thisValue]</code>.
     143+ (JSValue *)valueWithNewPromiseInContext:(JSContext *)context fromExecutor:(void (^)(JSValue *resolve, JSValue *reject))callback JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0));
     147@abstract Create a new resolved promise object with the provided value.
     148@param result The result value to be passed to any reactions.
     149@param context The JSContext to which the resulting JSValue belongs.
     150@result The JSValue representing a new promise JavaScript object.
     151@discussion This method is equivalent to calling <code>[JSValue valueWithNewPromiseFromExecutor:^(JSValue *resolve, JSValue *reject) { [resolve callWithArguments:@[result]]; } inContext:context]</code>
     153+ (JSValue *)valueWithNewPromiseResolvedWithResult:(id)result inContext:(JSContext *)context JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0));
     157@abstract Create a new rejected promise object with the provided value.
     158@param reason The result value to be passed to any reactions.
     159@param context The JSContext to which the resulting JSValue belongs.
     160@result The JSValue representing a new promise JavaScript object.
     161@discussion This method is equivalent to calling <code>[JSValue valueWithNewPromiseFromExecutor:^(JSValue *resolve, JSValue *reject) { [reject callWithArguments:@[reason]]; } inContext:context]</code>
     163+ (JSValue *)valueWithNewPromiseRejectedWithReason:(id)reason inContext:(JSContext *)context JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0));
     167@abstract Create a new, unique, symbol object.
     168@param description The description of the symbol object being created.
     169@param context The JSContext to which the resulting JSValue belongs.
     170@result The JSValue representing a unique JavaScript value with type symbol.
     172+ (JSValue *)valueWithNewSymbolFromDescription:(NSString *)description inContext:(JSContext *)context JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0));
    137176@abstract Create the JavaScript value <code>null</code>.
    138177@param context The JSContext to which the resulting JSValue belongs.
     400 @property
     401 @abstract Check if a JSValue is a symbol.
     402 */
     403@property (readonly) BOOL isSymbol JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0));
    362407@abstract Compare two JSValues using JavaScript's <code>===</code> operator.
    505550@interface JSValue (PropertyAccess)
     553typedef NSString *JSValueProperty;
     555typedef id JSValueProperty;
    508559 @method
    510561 @result The JSValue for the requested property or the JSValue <code>undefined</code>
    511562 if the property does not exist.
    512  */
    513 - (JSValue *)valueForProperty:(NSString *)property;
     563 @discussion Corresponds to the JavaScript operation <code>object[property]</code>. Starting with macOS 10.15 and iOS 13, 'property' can be any 'id' and will be converted to a JSValue using the conversion rules of <code>valueWithObject:inContext:</code>. Prior to macOS 10.15 and iOS 13, 'property' was expected to be an NSString *.
     564 */
     565- (JSValue *)valueForProperty:(JSValueProperty)property;
    516568 @method
    517569 @abstract Set a property on a JSValue.
    518  */
    519 - (void)setValue:(id)value forProperty:(NSString *)property;
     570 @discussion Corresponds to the JavaScript operation <code>object[property] = value</code>. Starting with macOS 10.15 and iOS 13, 'property' can be any 'id' and will be converted to a JSValue using the conversion rules of <code>valueWithObject:inContext:</code>. Prior to macOS 10.15 and iOS 13, 'property' was expected to be an NSString *.
     571 */
     572- (void)setValue:(id)value forProperty:(JSValueProperty)property;
    523576 @abstract Delete a property from a JSValue.
    524577 @result YES if deletion is successful, NO otherwise.
    525  */
    526 - (BOOL)deleteProperty:(NSString *)property;
     578 @discussion Corresponds to the JavaScript operation <code>delete object[property]</code>. Starting with macOS 10.15 and iOS 13, 'property' can be any 'id' and will be converted to a JSValue using the conversion rules of <code>valueWithObject:inContext:</code>. Prior to macOS 10.15 and iOS 13, 'property' was expected to be an NSString *.
     579 */
     580- (BOOL)deleteProperty:(JSValueProperty)property;
    531585 @discussion This method has the same function as the JavaScript operator <code>in</code>.
    532586 @result Returns YES if property is present on the value.
    533  */
    534 - (BOOL)hasProperty:(NSString *)property;
     587 @discussion Corresponds to the JavaScript operation <code>property in object</code>. Starting with macOS 10.15 and iOS 13, 'property' can be any 'id' and will be converted to a JSValue using the conversion rules of <code>valueWithObject:inContext:</code>. Prior to macOS 10.15 and iOS 13, 'property' was expected to be an NSString *.
     588 */
     589- (BOOL)hasProperty:(JSValueProperty)property;
    538593 @abstract Define properties with custom descriptors on JSValues.
    539594 @discussion This method may be used to create a data or accessor property on an object.
    540  This method operates in accordance with the Object.defineProperty method in the
    541  JavaScript language.
    542  */
    543 - (void)defineProperty:(NSString *)property descriptor:(id)descriptor;
     595 This method operates in accordance with the Object.defineProperty method in the JavaScript language. Starting with macOS 10.15 and iOS 13, 'property' can be any 'id' and will be converted to a JSValue using the conversion rules of <code>valueWithObject:inContext:</code>. Prior to macOS 10.15 and iOS 13, 'property' was expected to be an NSString *.
     596 */
     597- (void)defineProperty:(JSValueProperty)property descriptor:(id)descriptor;
    576630 An object key passed as a subscript will be converted to a JavaScript value,
    577  and then the value converted to a string used as a property name.
     631 and then the value using the same rules as <code>valueWithObject:inContext:</code>. In macOS
     632 10.14 and iOS 12 and below, the <code>key</code> argument of
     633 <code>setObject:object forKeyedSubscript:key</code> was restricted to an
     634 <code>NSObject <NSCopying> *</code> but that restriction was never used internally.
    579636@interface JSValue (SubscriptSupport)
    581638- (JSValue *)objectForKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
    582639- (JSValue *)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)index;
    583 - (void)setObject:(id)object forKeyedSubscript:(NSObject <NSCopying> *)key;
     640- (void)setObject:(id)object forKeyedSubscript:(id)key;
    584641- (void)setObject:(id)object atIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)index;
  • trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore/API/JSValuePrivate.h

    r243376 r246265  
    2  * Copyright (C) 2018 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
     2 * Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
    33 *
    44 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
    3030@interface JSValue(JSPrivate)
    33 typedef NSString *JSValueProperty;
    34 #else
    35 typedef id JSValueProperty;
    36 #endif
    38 /*!
    39  @method
    40  @abstract Create a new, unique, symbol object.
    41  @param description The description of the symbol object being created.
    42  @param context The JSContext to which the resulting JSValue belongs.
    43  @result The JSValue representing a unique JavaScript value with type symbol.
    44  */
    45 + (JSValue *)valueWithNewSymbolFromDescription:(NSString *)description inContext:(JSContext *)context JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA));
    47 /*!
    48  @method
    49  @abstract Access a property of a JSValue.
    50  @result The JSValue for the requested property or the JSValue <code>undefined</code>
    51  if the property does not exist.
    52  @discussion Corresponds to the JavaScript operation <code>object[property]</code>. After macOS TBA and iOS TBA, 'property' can be any 'id' and will be converted to a JSValue using the conversion rules of <code>valueWithObject:inContext:</code>. Prior to macOS TBA and iOS TBA, 'property' was expected to be an NSString *.
    53  */
    54 - (JSValue *)valueForProperty:(JSValueProperty)property;
    56 /*!
    57  @method
    58  @abstract Set a property on a JSValue.
    59  @discussion Corresponds to the JavaScript operation <code>object[property] = value</code>. After macOS TBA and iOS TBA, 'property' can be any 'id' and will be converted to a JSValue using the conversion rules of <code>valueWithObject:inContext:</code>. Prior to macOS TBA and iOS TBA, 'property' was expected to be an NSString *.
    60  */
    61 - (void)setValue:(id)value forProperty:(JSValueProperty)property;
    63 /*!
    64  @method
    65  @abstract Delete a property from a JSValue.
    66  @result YES if deletion is successful, NO otherwise.
    67  @discussion Corresponds to the JavaScript operation <code>delete object[property]</code>. After macOS TBA and iOS TBA, 'property' can be any 'id' and will be converted to a JSValue using the conversion rules of <code>valueWithObject:inContext:</code>. Prior to macOS TBA and iOS TBA, 'property' was expected to be an NSString *.
    68  */
    69 - (BOOL)deleteProperty:(JSValueProperty)property;
    71 /*!
    72  @method
    73  @abstract Check if a JSValue has a property.
    74  @discussion This method has the same function as the JavaScript operator <code>in</code>.
    75  @result Returns YES if property is present on the value.
    76  @discussion Corresponds to the JavaScript operation <code>property in object</code>. After macOS TBA and iOS TBA, 'property' can be any 'id' and will be converted to a JSValue using the conversion rules of <code>valueWithObject:inContext:</code>. Prior to macOS TBA and iOS TBA, 'property' was expected to be an NSString *.
    77  */
    78 - (BOOL)hasProperty:(JSValueProperty)property;
    80 /*!
    81  @method
    82  @abstract Define properties with custom descriptors on JSValues.
    83  @discussion This method may be used to create a data or accessor property on an object.
    84  This method operates in accordance with the Object.defineProperty method in the JavaScript language. After macOS TBA and iOS TBA, 'property' can be any 'id' and will be converted to a JSValue using the conversion rules of <code>valueWithObject:inContext:</code>. Prior to macOS TBA and iOS TBA, 'property' was expected to be an NSString *.
    85  */
    86 - (void)defineProperty:(JSValueProperty)property descriptor:(id)descriptor;
    88 /*!
    89  @property
    90  @abstract Check if a JSValue is a symbol.
    91  */
    92 @property (readonly) BOOL isSymbol JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA));
    94 /*!
    95  @method
    96  @abstract Create a new promise object using the provided executor callback.
    97  @param callback A callback block invoked while the promise object is
    98  being initialized. The resolve and reject parameters are functions that
    99  can be called to notify any pending reactions about the state of the
    100  new promise object.
    101  @param context The JSContext to which the resulting JSValue belongs.
    102  @result The JSValue representing a new promise JavaScript object.
    103  @discussion This method is equivalent to calling the Promise constructor in JavaScript.
    104  the resolve and reject callbacks each normally take a single value, which they
    105  forward to all relevent pending reactions. While inside the executor callback context will act
    106  as if it were in any other callback, except calleeFunction will be <code>nil</code>. This also means
    107  means the new promise object may be accessed via <code>[context thisValue]</code>.
    108  */
    109 + (JSValue *)valueWithNewPromiseInContext:(JSContext *)context fromExecutor:(void (^)(JSValue *resolve, JSValue *reject))callback JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA));
    111 /*!
    112  @method
    113  @abstract Create a new resolved promise object with the provided value.
    114  @param result The result value to be passed to any reactions.
    115  @param context The JSContext to which the resulting JSValue belongs.
    116  @result The JSValue representing a new promise JavaScript object.
    117  @discussion This method is equivalent to calling <code>[JSValue valueWithNewPromiseFromExecutor:^(JSValue *resolve, JSValue *reject) { [resolve callWithArguments:@[result]]; } inContext:context]</code>
    118  */
    119 + (JSValue *)valueWithNewPromiseResolvedWithResult:(id)result inContext:(JSContext *)context JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA));
    121 /*!
    122  @method
    123  @abstract Create a new rejected promise object with the provided value.
    124  @param reason The result value to be passed to any reactions.
    125  @param context The JSContext to which the resulting JSValue belongs.
    126  @result The JSValue representing a new promise JavaScript object.
    127  @discussion This method is equivalent to calling <code>[JSValue valueWithNewPromiseFromExecutor:^(JSValue *resolve, JSValue *reject) { [reject callWithArguments:@[reason]]; } inContext:context]</code>
    128  */
    129 + (JSValue *)valueWithNewPromiseRejectedWithReason:(id)reason inContext:(JSContext *)context JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA));
    131 @end
    133 /*!
    134  @category
    135  @discussion Instances of JSValue implement the following methods in order to enable
    136  support for subscript access by key and index, for example:
    138  @textblock
    139  JSValue *objectA, *objectB;
    140  JSValue *v1 = object[@"X"]; // Get value for property "X" from 'object'.
    141  JSValue *v2 = object[42];   // Get value for index 42 from 'object'.
    142  object[@"Y"] = v1;          // Assign 'v1' to property "Y" of 'object'.
    143  object[101] = v2;           // Assign 'v2' to index 101 of 'object'.
    144  @/textblock
    146  An object key passed as a subscript will be converted to a JavaScript value,
    147  and then the value using the same rules as <code>valueWithObject:inContext:</code>. In macOS
    148  TBA and iOS TBA and below, the <code>key</code> argument of
    149  <code>setObject:object forKeyedSubscript:key</code> was restricted to an
    150  <code>NSString <NSCopying> *</code> but that restriction was never used.
    151  */
    152 @interface JSValue (SubscriptSupportPrivate)
    154 - (JSValue *)objectForKeyedSubscript:(JSValueProperty)key;
    155 - (JSValue *)objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)index;
    156 - (void)setObject:(id)object forKeyedSubscript:(JSValueProperty)key;
    157 - (void)setObject:(id)object atIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)index;
     32// Currently empty. May be used again in the future.
  • trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore/API/JSValueRef.h

    r243376 r246265  
    2  * Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Inc.  All rights reserved.
     2 * Copyright (C) 2006-2019 Apple Inc.  All rights reserved.
    33 *
    44 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
    5252    kJSTypeString,
    5353    kJSTypeObject,
    54     kJSTypeSymbol JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(JSC_MAC_TBA), ios(JSC_IOS_TBA))
     54    kJSTypeSymbol JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0))
    5555} JSType;
     147@abstract       Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the symbol type.
     148@param ctx      The execution context to use.
     149@param value    The JSValue to test.
     150@result         true if value's type is the symbol type, otherwise false.
     152JS_EXPORT bool JSValueIsSymbol(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0));
    147156@abstract       Tests whether a JavaScript value's type is the object type.
    148157@param ctx  The execution context to use.
    271280JS_EXPORT JSValueRef JSValueMakeString(JSContextRef ctx, JSStringRef string);
     283 @function
     284 @abstract            Creates a JavaScript value of the symbol type.
     285 @param ctx           The execution context to use.
     286 @param description   A description of the newly created symbol value.
     287 @result              A unique JSValue of the symbol type, whose description matches the one provided.
     288 */
     289JS_EXPORT JSValueRef JSValueMakeSymbol(JSContextRef ctx, JSStringRef description) JSC_API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0));
    273291/* Converting to and from JSON formatted strings */
  • trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore/API/tests/

    r246060 r246265  
    2  * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
     2 * Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
    33 *
    44 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
    650650    }
     652// Older platforms ifdef the type of some selectors so these tests don't work.
     653// FIXME: Remove this when we stop building for macOS 10.14/iOS 12.
    652656    @autoreleasepool {
    653657        JSContext *context = [[JSContext alloc] init];
    734738        checkResult(@"iteration count should be 1", [count toUInt32] == 1);
    735739    }
    737743    @autoreleasepool {
  • trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore/ChangeLog

    r246240 r246265  
     12019-06-10  Keith Miller  <>
     3        Make new Symbol/Promise API public
     6        Reviewed by Saam Barati.
     8        We also need to #ifdef some tests when building for older
     9        platforms because the signatures for some methods are outdated on
     10        those platforms.
     12        * API/JSObjectRef.h:
     13        * API/JSObjectRefPrivate.h:
     14        * API/JSValue.h:
     15        * API/JSValuePrivate.h:
     16        * API/JSValueRef.h:
     17        * API/tests/
     18        (testObjectiveCAPIMain):
    1202019-06-09  Commit Queue  <>
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