In source code, we prefer full word rather than abbreviation. Although, we use abbreviation and acronyms in emails, IRC, speaking and so on. This page is collection of acronyms I heard so far. Please feel free to add abbreviation and acronyms you heard or want to use. * AIR = Adobe AIR * CA = [ Core Animation] (MacOS) * [ WebCore/platform/grapphics/ca] * CC = Chromium Compositor * CF = [ Core Foundation] (MacOS) * [ WebCore/platform/cf] * CG = Core Graphics (MacOS) * [ WebCore/platform/grapphics/cg] * DFG = Data Flow Graph (one of JIT tiers in [JavaScriptCore JSC]) * DOM = [ Document Object Model] * DRT = Dump Render Tree * EFL = [wiki:EFLWebKit Enlightenment Foundation Libraries] * EWS = [wiki:EWS Early Warning System] [ Queue Status] * GPU = Graphics Processing Unit * [ WebCore/platform/graphics/gpu] * GTK+ = [ GIMP ToolKit] * HTML = [ Hyper Text Markup Language] :-) * ICU = [ International Components for Unicode] * [ Source/WTF/icu] * IDL = [ Interface Description Language] * JNI = [ Java Native Interface] * [ WebCore/bridge/jni] * JSC = [[JavaScriptCore]] * NP = [ Netscape Plug-in] * [ WebCore/bridge/npruntime.cpp] * NRWT = new-run-webkit-tests (new implementation of run-webkit-tests, the only one since r171967) * NS = [ NextStep] * ORWT = old-run-webkit-tests (removed in r171967) * PB = Project Builder (MacOS) * POD = [ Plain Old Data] * Qt = [ Qt] cross-platform framework * SVG = [ Scalable Vector Graphics] * TOT = Tip of Tree = The latest commit on the tree, Did you try on TOT? * UUID = [ Universally unique identifier] aka [ GUID](MS) * WHATWG = [ Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group] * WIP = Work In Progress * WK = WebKit * WK1 = WebKit1 * WK2 = WebKit2 * WTF = Web Template Framework * [ Source/WTF] * WTR = WebKit Test Runner * wx = [wiki:wxWebKit wxWidget] * [ WebCore/platform/wx] * xcconfig = XCode Config (MacOS) * XML = [ eXtensible Markup Language] :-)