[[PageOutline]] There is also a separate list of [http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/wiki/ApplicationsGtk applications using WebKit / GTK+]. == Browsers == All the browsers in this list use WebKit at the core of the application, unless otherwise stated. === Maxthon Browser === * Freeware * Windows [http://www.maxthon.com/ Maxthon 3] * Android [http://www.maxthon.cn/mm/ Maxthon for Android] * iPad [http://www.maxthon.com/ipad/ Maxthon for iPad] [http://www.maxthon.com/ Maxthon 3] is a web browser that renders both Webkit and IE. It offers the best out-of-the-box user experience. It is faster, easier to customize, and loaded with more features that make surfing the web very fast, fun and productive. === 360 Speedy - Qihoo 360 === * Freeware * Windows [http://chrome.360.cn/ 360 Speedy Browser] is the web browser customized for Chinese users developed by [http://www.360.cn/ Qihoo 360]. It's based off of the [http://code.google.com/p/chromium/ Chromium] project, and adds performance optimization, IE compatibility mode, security features, and 360 sync. === Air Browser - Daniel Bartlett === * [http://code.google.com/p/airbrowser/ Project Page] * Open Source * Written in Air/flex ActionScript 3 - Cross platform [http://airbrowser.9t9.us/ Air Browser] has a very small feature list at the moment, as it's mainly an excercise in demonstrating simple application development in Air/flex/ActionScript/HTML. === Arora - Benjamin Meyer === * Open Source * Available for platforms that support Qt or Qt/Embedded * Based on [http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/QtWebKit QtWebKit] [http://code.google.com/p/arora/ Arora] is a simple cross platorm web browser. Its code base (and feature list) is very small, fitting in less than 10,000 lines. === Atlantis - Ali Akcaagac === * Freeware * Available for all POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), Red Hat/Fedora Linux * Based on Gtk+ WebCore [http://www.akcaagac.com/index_atlantis.html Atlantis] is a lightweight Web browser based on GTK-WebCore. It fully integrates into the GNOME desktop. === BumperCar - Freeverse === * Commercial * Mac (PPC) [http://www.freeverse.com/bumpercar2/ BumperCar] is a browser designed for kids. It has a number of child friendly features including profanity filtering, whitelists, blacklists, IRCA support and time limits. BumperCar earned a prestigious Best of Show award at MacWorld San Francisco. === Element Browser - Element Software LLC === * Freeware * MS-Windows, Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.elementsoftware.co.uk/software/elementbrowser Element Browser] is a stylistic, modern and powerful web browser. It features unmatched security, an intuitive user interface and great features. === Find It! Keep It! - Ansemond LLC === * Commercial * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://ansemond.com Find It! Keep It!] is a browser with which you can save pages (including Flash videos and javascript) to a database so you never lose them. Later you can browse your database, or search it by tags and content. === Flock 3.0 - Flock, Inc. === * Commercial * Windows with Mac/Linux in beta [http://flock.com Flock] is The Social Web Browser. It's based off of the [http://code.google.com/p/chromium/ Chromium] project, and adds tight integration with popular social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. === Google Chrome/Chromium - Google === * Open Source * MS-Windows [http://www.google.com/chrome Google Chrome] and [http://code.google.com/p/chromium/ Chromium], which is the open-source project behind Google Chrome, is Google's foray into providing an alternative standards based browser for Microsoft's Windows platform. === KidsBrowser - app4mac Software === * Commercial * Mac (PPC) [http://www.app4mac.com/kidsbrowser.html KidsBrowser] allows children to surf the Web without the risks of being exposed to harmful or pornographic websites. It includes content filtering, and runs in full screen mode. === LeechCraft === * Open Source * Cross-platform (Linux, Windows) [http://leechcraft.org/ LeechCraft] is rich internet-client with modular architecture. It allows web-browsing, reading RSS/Atom feeds, downloading files via BitTorrent, automatic downloading, playback or streaming of podcasts (and other media files) and much more. Poshuku, one of LeechCraft plugins is a full-featured WebKit-based web browser. === Iris Browser - Torch Mobile === * Commercial and Free versions * Windows Mobile, Windows CE, Qt Embedded, and others under development [http://www.torchmobile.com/ Iris Browser] is a mobile and embedded web browser available for multiple platforms. It supports desktop browsing, iPhone emulation, touch screen and non-touch screen devices, and internationalization. It works well on low-end and high-end devices and can handle more of the largest and most complex pages than other browsers can. Iris Browser for Windows Mobile is available for free for personal use. === Midori - Christian Dywan === * Open Source * Available for all GTK+ 2 platforms. [http://software.twotoasts.de?page=midori Midori] is a leightweight web browser which nicely integrates with GTK+ 2. Features include advanced session management, XBEL bookmarks and Opensearch support. === OmniWeb - The Omni Group === * Commercial * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.omnigroup.com/applications/omniweb/ OmniWeb] is a powerful browser, with a number of advanced features. Its features include graphical tabs in a drawer, ad blocking, workspaces, auto-saved browsing sessions, site preferences, RSS news feeds, a HTML source editor and zoomable text areas. OmniWeb was awarded 4 mice in Macworld and an Eddy award in 2004. OmniWeb recently released OmniWeb 5.5 which is based on a recent version of WebKit. The OmniWeb 5.0 series of browsers used a custom version of WebCore. === osb-browser - Nokia === * Open Source * Available for all POSIX (Linux/BSD/UNIX-like OSes), Linux * Based on Gtk+ WebCore [http://gtk-webcore.sourceforge.net/ osb-browser] is an example browser implementation which uses Gtk+ WebCore. It is written in C and uses Gtk+ GUI-library. There is interest in merging the changes made in the creation of Gtk+ WebCore into the WebKit source tree. === Safari - Apple === * Commercial (Included with Panther, Tiger, and Leopard) * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/safari/ Safari] is Apple's own browser. It includes tabbed browsing, pop up blocking, parental control features, RSS news feeds, web archives, SnapBack and private browsing. Safari was designed to be the fastest browser on OS X. === Shiira - HMDT Siira Project === * Open Source * Mac (PPC) [http://hmdt-web.net/shiira/index-e.html Shiira] is an open source browser developed in Japan. It has a number of unique features. Tab Exposé looks and works similar to Exposé, but works for tabs instead of windows. Core Image is used for page transition effects, such as a page curl when loading a new page. "Open All Links in Tabs" allows the user to select text, and all the links included in the selection will open in new tabs. === SunriseBrowser - Jike Atsushi === * Open Source * Mac (PPC) [http://sunrisebrowser.com/en/index.html SunriseBrowser] is a light and fast browser with features aimed towards web developers. Auto Resizable Window resizes the window to a number of pre-set sizes with one click. The source window is translucent so that the page can be seen behind the source code. The source can be edited from the view source window, and the changes will update in the browser. === surf - suckless.org === * Open Source * Linux [http://surf.suckless.org surf] is a simple web browser based on WebKit/GTK+. It is able to display websites and follow links. It supports the XEmbed protocol which makes it possible to embed it in another application. Furthermore, one can point surf to another URI by setting its XProperties. === Xtreme Browser - Tom Brown === * Written in Visual Basic.net * Windows Tom Browser is a feature rich browser that supports user profiling and multiple data configurations using specialized string collections and file streaming. Each user can have their own customizable experience and the browser supports theming and private browsing and has a built in internet filter. Coming soon. === TrailBlazer - MacWarriors === * Open Source * Mac (PPC) [http://www.acm.uiuc.edu/macwarriors/projects/trailblazer TrailBlazer] solves the problem of getting back to a web page you've been to before, but didn't have the forethought to bookmark. The current solutions provided by most web browsers, their history menu, is just a list of titles and web addresses which aren't memorable enough to be useful. The actual solution used by most people, is to retrace their own steps through different links until they find they page they are looking for. Trailblazer provides the user with a graphical representation of the steps they took from page to page, such that they can simply click to their final destination page. Trailblazer makes use of Apache Foundation's Lucene to provide the search functionality. === Web Browser for S60 - Nokia === * Commerical * Included with S60 3rd Edition or later devices The [http://www.s60.com/browser Web Browser for S60] is a full mobile browser that fetches content from a Web server and renders it to the display on a mobile phone, making "real" Web content accessible to mobile phone users. It uses the [http://trac.webkit.org/projects/webkit/wiki/S60Webkit S60Webkit] web browser engine - a port of WebKit to the S60 platform - to render any HTML or XHTML Web page in addition to WML and XHTML-MP content on an S60 smartphone. === Origyn Web Browser - Sand-Labs === * Opensource The [http://www.sand-labs.org/owb OWB] Browser is a port on WebKit on top of an abstraction layer named OWBAL which makes it easy to port on various embedded platoforms and to replace regular libraries by already present libs on the systems, making the final result lighter. OWB goal are to get more and more specific JS extensions to control embedded values such as comms stacks, etc, and to bring back to WebKit its specific changes. == Server == === Wakanda Server - 4D === * Live License (Free for non commercial) * Mac / Windows / Linux [http://www.wakanda.org/features/server Wakanda Server] is a NoSQL Object datastore with native HTTP/REST & SSJS APIs. It uses JavaScriptCore/SquirrelFish Extreme/Nitro as JavaScript engine, supports the CommonJs Modules specification, and implement many HTML5 APIs (Worker, Storage, Blob, File, Timers, ..) as well as some few Node.js APIs (Buffer, Net, Events, ...) == E-Mail Clients == === Entourage 2008 - Microsoft === * Commercial * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.microsoft.com/mac/products/entourage2008/default.mspx Entourage] is an E-Mail client that ships with Microsoft Office for Mac. Starting with version 2008, it uses WebKit to display complex HTML messages. === Mail - Apple === * Commercial (Included with OS X) * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/mail/ Mail] is an E-Mail client which started life in NeXTSTEP. Mail includes smart mailboxes, spam filtering, parental controls, .Mac integration and spotlight search. Recent versions of Mail use WebKit to render HTML messages. From Tiger onwards, WebKit is used to compose HTML E-Mails. === Mailplane - Ruben Bakker === * Shareware * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://mailplaneapp.com Mailplane] is a specialized Gmail (Google Mail) client that provides desktop features like easy attachment handling, iPhoto integration, "new mail" notifications (Growl, sound, notifier item), support for multiple Gmail accounts, and much more. WebKit is used to present all Gmail web content. == Instant Messenger/Chat Clients == All Instant Messenger and Chat clients in this section use WebKit to render and style messages, unless otherwise stated. This allows messages to be styled using a stylesheet language such as CSS. This enables customised message layout to be developed easily using web technology, without touching a line of code in the application. === Adium - Adium Project === * Open Source (GNU GPL) * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.adiumx.com/ Adium] is a free instant messaging application for Mac OS X. It supports a number of protocols including AIM, ICQ, Jabber, MSN, Yahoo!, Bonjour, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise and Lotus Sametime. Its notable features include OTR encryption, a very customizable UI, tabbed messaging and file transfer. === Colloquy - Colloquy Project === * Open Source (GNU GPL) * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://colloquy.info/ Colloquy] is an advanced IRC & SILC client which adheres to Mac OS X interface conventions. Its features include file transfers, a buddy list, the ability to chat on multiple servers, AppleScript scripting support and an extensible plug-in architecture. === Fire - Epicware === * Open Source (GNU GPL) * Mac (PPC) [http://fire.sourceforge.net/ Fire] is a multi-protocol internet Instant Messaging client based on freely available libraries for each service. It supports AIM, Bonjour, ICQ, Yahoo!, IRC, MSN and Jabber. Fire has an extensible plug-in architecture. === iChat AV - Apple === * Commercial (Included with OS X) * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/ichat/ iChat AV] is a Instant Messaging client which supports AIM, ICQ, Bonjour and Jabber. It supports file transfer, direct connection (in AIM), parental controls, iTunes integration, and ten person AAC audio and four person AVC video conferencing. Unlike the other clients in this section, iChat does not use WebKit for rendering messages, but for some elements of the interface. === Kadu === * Open Source (GNU GPL) * Linux, BSD, Windows, Mac, Maemo, Haiku [http://www.kadu.net/ Kadu] is a Instant Messaging client with support for GaduGadu and Jabber networks (since 0.6.6). In the future more protocols will be supported. It has a very user friendly yet powerful user interface. For even more functionality and operating system integration additional plug-ins can be used. === MSN Messenger - Microsoft === * Freeware * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.microsoft.com/mac/products/messenger/default.mspx MSN Messenger] is an Instant Messaging client for the MSN network. === Proteus - Defaultware === * Shareware * Mac (PPC) [http://www.defaultware.com/proteus/ Proteus] is a multi protocol Instant Messaging client. It offers support for AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ, Jabber, Bonjour, Gadu Gadu, and Novell Sametime. Its features include file transfer, draw based tabbed messaging, AddressBook integration, plug-in support and LaTeX equations. === Yahoo! Messenger - Yahoo! Inc === * Freeware * Mac (Universal) [http://messenger.yahoo.com/mac.php Yahoo! Messenger] is an Instant Messaging client which supports Avatars, Webcam, Yahoo! Chat rooms, tab based IMs, file transfers, and message archiving. Yahoo! Messenger uses WebKit to render IM conversations. === Digsby - Digsby Project === * Freeware * Windows (Mac & Linux coming soon) [http://www.digsby.org Digsby] is a multi-protocol Instant Messaging program with built-in support for email as well as Social Networking protocols. Digsby uses wxWebKit to display the themeable chat windows and in various other places throughout the UI. == RSS Readers == All the RSS Readers in this section use WebKit to display the news summaries, and the full articles that the RSS feeds link to. === MiNews - JS8 Media Inc. === * Freeware * Mac (PPC) [http://www.js8media.com/minews/ MiNews] subscribes to RSS Feeds so that it does all the work collecting the news for you. MiNews supports RSS 0.9, RSS 1 and RSS 2. Atom is planned to be supported shortly. It supports OPML files, to allow a collection of existing feeds to be imported. A bookmark feature allows individual items to be bookmarked, in much the same way as pages are bookmarked in a browser. === NetNewsWire - Ranchero Software === * Commercial (NetNewsWire Lite available as freeware) * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://ranchero.com/netnewswire/ NetNewsWire] is an easy-to-use RSS and Atom newsreader for Mac OS X. It uses a familiar three-paned interface—similar to Apple Mail. Features include feed subscription, tabbed browsing of feeds, smart lists, synchronisation support, Bloglines syncing, scripting and Automator support, scripted feeds and HTML differences. It supports RSS with enclosures (Podcasts) and has beta support for Atom feeds. NetNewsWire has won many awards including a MacWorld eddy, and a Mac OS X Innovators Award from O'Reilly. === NewsFire - David Watanabe === * Shareware * Mac (PPC) [http://www.newsfirerss.com/ NewsFire] is an elegant way to monitor news feeds and be notified of updated content. NewsFire has a minimal interface to aid ease of use. NewsFire supports RSS with enclosures, atom and OPML files. === PixelNews - PixelatedSoftware === * Shareware * Mac (PPC) [http://www.pixelatedsoftware.com/products/inews/ PixelNews] allows the organisation of feeds in Channels that are quickly accessible in the sidebar. Clicking on a Channel will reveal all the feeds in that Channel making it easy to view all PhotoBlogs in one Channel, World News in another, Movie review feeds in another. A "Breaking News" channel is provided, which contains all the posts that are unread. Search and smart channels are incorporated to help find specific content. PixelNews supports RSS with enclosures and Atom feeds. === PulpFiction - Freshly Squeezed Software === * Commercial (PulpFiction Lite available as freeware) * Mac (PPC) [http://freshsqueeze.com/products/pulpfiction/ PulpFiction] is a next-generation, easy-to-use, powerful RSS/Atom feed reader. Featuring a familiar Mail-like interface. It supports filters to move, mark, and process articles. Flags, sounds, and dock icons alert you to new or important posts. AppleScript support allows PulpFiction to be extended to work with other applications. Also included are smart folders, local feed support, authenticated feeds and NetNewsWire Stylesheet support. PulpFiction supports RSS with enclosures and Atom feeds. === Shrook - Graham Parks === * Commercial * Mac (PPC) [http://www.fondantfancies.com/apps/shrook/ Shrook] is a easy to use news reader with advanced features. Features include synchronisation with an online Shrook account, distributed checking, podcast synchronisation with iTunes, Growl support, smart groups, integration with external blog editors, a channel guide and access to encrypted feeds. Shrook supports all versions of RSS and Atom feeds. Shrook was one of the first (if not the first) third party application to use WebKit. === Vienna - Steve Palmer, Jeff Johnson, et. al. === * Open Source (Apache License, Version 2.0) * Mac Universal [http://vienna-rss.sourceforge.net/vienna2.php Vienna] is an open source RSS/Atom newsreader for Mac OS X. Vienna provides features comparable to commercial newsreaders, but both it and the source code are freely available for download. == Web Development Applications == === Adobe Integrated Runtime - Adobe === * Commercial [http://www.adobe.com/products/air/ Adobe Integrated Runtime] is an environment for building rich internet applications. === Coda - Panic === * Commercial * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.panic.com/coda/ Coda] === CSSEdit - MacRabbit === * Shareware * Mac (PPC) [http://www.macrabbit.com/cssedit/ CSSEdit] === Contribute 3 - Macromedia === * Commercial * Mac (PPC) [http://www.macromedia.com/software/contribute/ Macromedia Contribute 3] redefines web publishing, making it an activity open to everybody, every day. Contribute 3 lets everyone in an organization publish to websites and bring them alive with up-to-date information. On the Mac, Contribute 3 users WebKit to render HTML. === iWeb - Apple === * Commercial * Mac [http://www.apple.com/ilife/iweb/ iWeb] allows users to easily design and publish personal websites. === RapidWeaver - Realmac Software === * Commercial * Mac (PPC) [http://www.realmacsoftware.com/rapidweaver/ RapidWeaver] RapidWeaver is a next-generation web design application to help you create professional looking web sites in minutes. No knowledge of complex code is required, RapidWeaver will take care of all that for you. RapidWeaver makes it easy for everyone to publish Photos, Movies and Blogs online instantly. If you're thinking about starting a blog or website, RapidWeaver is the perfect choice. Not only does it allow you to work in a familiar iApp style environment it also integrates seamlessly with iLife, .Mac and Mac OS X. === Sandvox - Karelia Software === * Commercial * Mac (PPC) [http://www.karelia.com/sandvox/ Sandvox] is a playful, powerful new website development tool for everyone, from the developer of Watson. Sandvox provides page layouts designed by professional designers, real time site preview (via WebKit), rich text editing, drag and drop assembly, automatic RSS generation, custom page coding, and a highly extensible plug-in architecture. Sandvox makes use of many Tiger features such as Core Image, Spotlight, and Quartz Composer. === Wakanda Studio - 4D === * Live License (Free for non-commercial) * Mac / Windows [http://www.wakanda.org/features/studio Wakanda Studio] is a Studio using webkit to provide a HTML5/CSS3 GUI Designer, a Model Designer, a SSJS Debugger interface, User & Group managements, and many other user friendly interfaces. === Xyle scope - Cultured Code === * Shareware * Mac (PPC) [http://www.culturedcode.com/xyle Xyle scope] is an innovative CSS tool for analysis, debugging and fine-tuning. It’s like surfing the web with an X-ray view. Using Xyle scope you will deepen your understanding of XHTML and CSS, find out how your peers did it, as well as debug and fine-tune your own work. === XML Nanny - Todd Ditchendorf === * Freeware * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://xmlnanny.com XML Nanny] Check XML and XHTML documents for Well-Formedness and Validity either locally or over the network. XML Nanny supports DTD, W3C XML Schema, RELAX NG, Schematron, and XInclude. === XML-RPC Client - Todd Ditchendorf === * Freeware * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://ditchnet.org/xmlrpc XML-RPC Client] Access and debug XML-RPC web services from the comfort of your desktop using an Aqua interface. XML-RPC Client allows you to specify arbitrarily complex parameters to any remote XML-RPC method and shows you the raw XML-RPC request and response from an service as well as a high-level object psuedo-code representation. == Weblog Editors == All applications in this section use WebKit to preview the blog entry as they are written. === ecto - Adriaan Tijsseling, Alex Hung === * Shareware * Mac (PPC) [http://ecto.kung-foo.tv/ ecto] is a feature-rich desktop blogging client, supporting a wide range of weblog systems, such as Blogger, Blojsom, Drupal, MovableType, Nucleus, TypePad, WordPress, and more. It works with NetNewsWire, PulpFiction, and Shrook RSS Readers. === iBlog - Lifli Software === * Commercial * Mac (PPC) [http://www.lifli.com/Products/iBlog/main.htm iBlog] is an elegant desktop weblogging application that makes authoring and publishing your personal weblogs a breeze. Preview and publishing of weblogs to an iDisk is available with a single click of a button. iBlog can also generate a RSS/XML file for the blog being edited. iBlog has won a Mac OS X Innovators award from O'Reilly. === MarsEdit - Red Sweater Software === * Commercial * Mac (Intel, PPC) [http://www.red-sweater.com/marsedit/ MarsEdit] is a weblog editor for Mac OS X that makes weblog writing like writing email – with spell-checking, drafts, multiple windows, and AppleScript support. It works with various weblog systems including Blogger, Drupal, Movable Type, TypePad, Vox, WordPress, and others. == Text Editors == All applications in this section use WebKit to preview web pages produced in the text editor. === BBEdit - Bare Bones === * Commercial * Mac (PPC) [http://www.barebones.com/products/bbedit/index.shtml BBEdit] is a leading professional HTML and text editor for the Macintosh. Specifically crafted in response to the needs of Web authors and software developers, this award-winning product provides a plethora of features for editing, searching, and manipulation of text. Features including grep pattern matching, search and replace across multiple files, function navigation and syntax coloring for numerous source code languages, FTP and SFTP open and save, AppleScript, Perl and Mac OS X Unix scripting support, glossary support, and a complete set of HTML tools. === CreaText - Marius Soutier === * Open Source (GNU GPL) * Mac (PPC) [http://creatext.sourceforge.net/index1.html CreaText] is an HTML text editor with some basic and advanced features. CreaText features include tag colouring, easy access to Mac browsers, the change of special characters into HTML entities in realtime, an Insert menu with rapid access to all usual HTML commands, an HTML colour chooser, drag & drop, and the possibility to setup HTML parameters when creating a new document. === Smultron - Peter Borg === * Open Source (GNU GPL) * Mac (PPC) [http://smultron.sourceforge.net/ Smultron] is an open-source text editor written in Cocoa for Mac OS X. It features easy selection of the opened documents, line numbers, support for syntax colouring for many different languages, support for text encodings, code snippets, a toolbar, HTML preview, multi-document find and replace with regular expressions, possibility to show invisible characters, authenticated saves, command-line utility and .Mac synchronisation of preferences. === SubEthaEdit - TheCodingMonkeys === * Freeware (Commercial if for commercial use) * Mac (PPC) [http://www.codingmonkeys.de/subethaedit/ SubEthaEdit] is a powerful and lean collaborative text editor. It combines the ease of Bonjour with a powerful text collaboration engine, to enable multiple users to co-operate on one document. SubEthaEdit has won many awards including an Apple Design Award for best student product, and an Mac OS X Innovators Award from O'Reilly. === Taco HTML Edit - Taco Software === * Freeware * Mac (PPC) [http://tacosw.com/index.php Taco HTML Edit] is a full-featured HTML and PHP editor. It has features including spell checking, live browser previewing, PHP previewing and syntax checking. === TextMate - MacroMates === * Shareware * Mac (PPC) [http://macromates.com/ TextMate] attempts to bring Apple's approach to operating systems into the world of text editors. By bridging UNIX underpinnings and GUI, TextMate cherry-picks the best of both worlds to the benefit of expert scripters and novice users alike. TextMate includes features like tabs, foldings, and macros. == Kiosk Software == All applications in this section use WebKit at their core to display web pages and other content. === eCrisper - Kiosk Software === * Commercial * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://ecrisper.com] turns a Mac into a secure public access kiosk. It is ideal for Internet kiosks, Internet cafes, libraries, museums, and information terminals. === Kioskbrowser - KioskBrowser === * Shareware * Mac (PPC) [http://www.kiosksw.com/kioskbrowser.html KioskBrowser] is a fullscreen internet browser with kiosk mode, extensive security options, 5 different filter levels to limit the URL/page access, Café mode to limit the access time of internet café users and children, fast bookmark system, and log files. === webXkiosk - NC State University === * Open Source (custom licence) * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.ncsu.edu/mac/software/webXkiosk.html webXkiosk] is a full screen, web kiosk application with security, web screen saver, video embed and some "universal access" features. This application can be used to create public information and/or web kiosks. webXkiosk is meant to be deployed in a secured environment where it has replaced the Finder for a standard or managed user. === wKiosk Browser - app4mac Software === * Commercial * Mac (PPC) [http://www.app4mac.com/world/wkiosk.html wKiosk Browser] allows websites to be displayed without a menu bar or any navigation toolbar. Its features include disabling the finder, force quit, shortcuts, downloads, the automatic deletion of cookies and cache, pop-up and tabs configuration, usage logs, and remote management. == Media Players == === Bookpedia - Bruji === * Commercial * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.bruji.com/bookpedia Bookpedia] is a book cataloger. Some of its features are online searches, statistics, z39.50 support, smart collections, barcode scanning, bluetooth scanner support, MLA bibliography creation and HTML export. === CDpedia - Bruji === * Commercial * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.bruji.com/cdpedia CDpedia] is a CD cataloger. Some of its features are iTunes imports and integration, online searches, statistics, full screen mode, smart collections, cover flow and HTML export. === CocoaJT - Jean Matthieu === * Freeware * Mac (PPC) [http://jeanmatthieu.free.fr/cocoajt/ CocoaJT] is a Cocoa application based that gives access to TV news services including the BBC, TF1, France2, Canal+, TSR, and Les Guignols de l'Info. It uses WebKit to display a way-back machine, which shows what has happened since 2002 with easy access to broadcast archives. === DVDpedia - Bruji === * Commercial * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.bruji.com/dvdpedia DVDpedia] is a movie cataloger. Some of its features are online searches, statistics, full screen mode, smart collections, cover flow, barcode scanning and HTML export. === Gamepedia - Bruji === * Commercial * Mac (Universal Binary) [http://www.bruji.com/gamepedia Gamepedia] is a game cataloger. Some of its features are online searches, statistics, link game files including walkthroughs and reviews, smart collections, cover flow and HTML export. === InterActual Player - InterActual === * Freeware * Mac (PPC) [http://player.interactual.com/default.asp?code=AP InterActual Player] allows InterActual DVD-ROM content to be played on Mac OS X. WebKit is used to display interactive web content found on InterActual compatible DVDs. === Real Player - RealNetworks === * Freeware * Mac (PPC) [http://www.real.com/international/ Real Player] is a media player based on the Helix open source project. It's features include near DVD-quality video, full-screen theater mode, graphic equalizer and plays QuickTime files. WebKit is used to create a mini browser for displaying interactive content linked from movie clips. The browser can be used as a regular web browser. == Help Viewers == All applications in this section use WebKit to display the HTML based help files. === Chmox - Stéphane Boisson === * Open Source * Mac (PPC) [http://chmox.sourceforge.net/ Chmox] is a viewer for Microsoft Help "CHM" (Compiled HTML) files and ebooks. === Help Viewer - Apple === * Commercial (Included in Mac OS X) * Mac (Universal Binary) Help Viewer is the standard application for showing help files on Mac OS X. When connected to the Internet, Help Viewer automatically displays the latest information available. === Lifesaver - Icecold Software === * Freeware * Mac (PPC) [http://www.icecoldsw.com/lifesaver/ Lifesaver] is a help viewer that reads HelpML files that are hosted on the internet. HelpML (Help Markup Language) is a proposed standard for topic-based help documents. == Desktop Wallpaper Browsers == All applications in this section use WebKit to render web pages as wallpaper on the desktop. === DesktopBrowser - Kiosk Software === * Shareware * Mac (PPC) [http://www.kiosksw.com/desktopbrowser.html DesktopBrowser] is a fullscreen internet browser in the background of your screen. It allows the browser to be continually updated or change at pre-defined intervals. === iBrowser - ArtiszZ === * Freeware * Mac (PPC) [http://www.frontiernet.net/%7eartistz/products iBrowser] is an embedded desktop background "Kiosk Mode" web browser that displayed webpages in fullscreen and features a build in bookmark menu. === NagaraBrowser - Anne's Software === * Open Source * Mac (PPC) [http://www6.plala.or.jp/lingo/contents/software/nagarabrowser.html NagaraBrowser] displays web pages as transparent desktop wallpaper. It allows the browser to be continually updated or change at pre-defined intervals, and supports Safari bookmarks and SSL connections. === WebDesktop - Steven Frank === * Freeware * Mac (PPC) [http://www.stevenf.com/index.php?node=WebDesktop WebDesktop] layers a web browser over the desktop. Preferences are available to specify an automatic refresh interval so that the page is refreshed at the selected interval == Miscellaneous == * [http://www.acquisitionx.com/ Acquisition] – Innovative Mac P2P. Mac (PPC) * [http://www.apple.com/aperture Aperture] – Pro Photography Post-Production. Apple. Mac (Universal Binary) * [http://www.midnightapps.com/ Cha-Ching] – Midnight Apps. Mac (Universal Binary) * [http://dehydratedvegetablesonline.com/ Dehydrated Vegetables] – Pro Photography Post (Universal Binary) * [http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/dashboard/ Dashboard] – Apple. Mac (Universal Binary) * [http://www.dejumble.com/mac/ Dejumble] - Productivity App. Mac (Universal Binary) * [http://www.apple.com/support/mac101/work/5/ Dictionary] – Apple. Mac (Universal Binary) * [http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/ BibDesk] – BibTeX manager. Opensource. Mac (PPC) * [http://www.devon-technologies.com/products/devonagent/overview.php DEVONagent] – DEVONtechnologies. Mac (PPC) - [http://itcomputerzone.com/ DEVONblog] * [http://www.funkeemonk.com/phonejournal/ Phone Journal] - SMS/MMS backup viewer. FunkeeMonk Technology. Mac (Universal Binary) * [http://growl.info/ Growl] – System-wide notification manager. Growl Development Team. Mac (PPC) * [http://www.aquaminds.com/product.jsp NoteTaker] – AquaMinds. Mac (PPC) * [http://derailer.org/paparazzi/ Paparazzi!] - Full-Length Web Page Capture (Universal Binary) * [http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/sherlock/ Sherlock] – Apple. Mac (Universal Binary) * [http://iconfactory.com/software/twitterrific/ Twitterrific] – Iconfactory. * [http://www6.plala.or.jp/lingo/contents/software/webstickies.html WebStickies] – Anne's Software. Mac (PPC) * [http://www.softchaos.com/products/webstractor/overview/ Webstractor] – Softchaos Ltd. Mac (PPC) * [http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/xcode/ Xcode] – Integrated development environment. Apple. Mac (Universal Binary) * [http://www.solusinc.com/hunter-associates/wx/ Wx] – U.S. meteorological software. Hunter Associates. Mac (PPC) * [http://www.mancer.pl/ poderwac dziewczyne] – MNCR inc. Mac (Universal Binary)