== Discussion notes == * [wiki:"Accelerated rendering and compositing"] * [wiki:"Instrumentation and Metrics"] * [wiki:"April 2012 MeetingRethinkingRendering"] * [http://openetherpad.org/b9MBrNttxo Canvas canvass] * [wiki:"Importing Thirdparty tests"] * [wiki:"Deprecating features and vendor prefixes"] == Proposed Talks / Discussions (host) [would attend!] == * Writing your own RenderObject (eric) [dbarton, rniwa, leviw, eae, jchaffraix, torarne, dbates] * 2-Minute Overview of Each Component [] * Perf-o-matic and performance tests (rniwa) [tomz, dtharp, jacobg, enne, kov, kseo] [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NZ9w_Mlk-bJLRgF6ToQI3J-HvhNjV-sPbYTFIgBaGCU/edit slides] * What type of benchmarks do we need in WebKit? (rniwa) [morrita, kseo] * Instrumentation and metrics collection [morrita, jchaffraix, zherczeg, tomz, eae, kov, kseo] * Reducing our number of "supported" build systems from 7 to fewer-than-7 (eric) [torarne] * Introduction to new CSS layout modes (maybe ojan/tony{{{^}}}work/TabAtkins/mihnea ?) [rniwa, hober, astearns, nov, dbates] * Better documenting status of new features [rniwa, hober] * Rethinking the rendering architecture: RenderLayer, RenderObject hierarchy, ... (jchaffraix) [eae, enne, kov, dbarton, huangdongsung] * Revisiting the convention and the process to import third-party (e.g. W3C) tests (jacobg/astearns) - Thu 1:45-2:45pm [rniwa, tomz, dtharp, dbarton, hober] [http://www.slideshare.net/jacobg415/w3cwebkit-test-integration-presentation slides] * Indexed Database discussion - interest from other ports?, overview of implementation, roadmap (jsbell) [] * Canvas accessibility - how to implement latest whatwg additions like focusable fallback content, hit testing, ... (dmazzoni) [hober] * Ninja build system: [http://martine.github.com/ninja/ ninja] is a new fast build system that builds the chromium/mac port 6x as fast as xcodebuild and the chromium/linux port 2x as fast as make. There are ninja backends for cmake and gyp. If there's interest, I can give a short overview/demo of ninja (thakis) [] * Web Components: progress update (dglazkov) [dominicc] Notes: WebComponentsStatusMeetingNotes * Explain accelerated compositing (smfr) [] * Add topics here! == Proposed Hackathons (host) [would attend!] == * Add performance tests (rniwa) [kseo] * Stabilize performance tests (rniwa; needs to be on 20th as we need a bunch of clean machines) [kseo] * Import/sync with w3c test suites (jacobg) [rniwa, astearns] * Reviewathon 2012! (eric?) [rniwa, jchaffraix, kov] * Move methods from layoutTestController and friends to internals (morrita/dglazkov?) [rniwa, enne] [wiki:Internals_Hackathon] * Add features to / fix bugs with garden-o-matic, flakiness dashboard, run-webkit-tests, etc. (ojan) [] * Work through shadow DOM design issues (dglazkov) [dominicc] * Add more hackathon ideas here! == Time Blocks == https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak3cRcJYT0VmdEY0THJVUkp2bllYSGxSTlpxSm9PLXc == Attendee == * Dominic Cooney (dominicc@chromium.org)