Note that these instructions are preliminary and work in progress... These instructions assume that you have a Symbian development set up and that you have the source code checked out. == Requirements == * QtWebKit is best built with Sbsv2 (aka Raptor). This setup assumes the availability of it. * Please install the Bison, Flex, ActiveState Perl etc. tools from GnuWin32. See the [BuildingQtOnWindows instructions for building on Windows] where to get these. * Make sure that the GnuWin32 tools are installed in a path without spaces, i.e. not {{{Program Files\GnuWin32}}} but for example {{{c:\GnuWin32}}}. * You need to have {{{\GnuWin32\bin}}} and {{{\Perl64\bin}}} (if that's where your Perl is installed) in your {{{%PATH%}}}. * In addition you need to have a native Windows compiler in your PATH, i.e. MSVC or MingW. * You can download Raptor from here: == Building Qt == If you haven't done so already, try these instructions: * Clone Qt: {{{git clone git:// qt-4.6}}} * Set up the 4.6 Branch: * {{{cd qt-4.6}}} * {{{git checkout -b 4.6 origin/4.6}}} * {{{git branch -D master}}} * Configure: {{{configure -xplatform symbian-sbsv2}}} * Build for arm with 8 cores: {{{sbs -c armv6_urel -j8}}} * Get a cup of tea/coffee. * Put the {{{qt-4.6\bin}}} directory in your {{{%PATH%}}}. == Building WebKit == * Build the generated files and set up the build system: * {{{cd where-your-webkit-sources-are}}} * {{{perl WebKitTools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --symbian}}} * {{{cd WebCore}}} * Build for hardware: {{{sbs -c armv6_urel -j8}}} * Patch capabilities: {{{perl %QTDIR%\bin\ QtWebKit_template.pkg release-armv6}}} * Create the sis file: {{{make sis}}} * Drag'n'drop the resulting .sis file onto Nokia PC Suite to install it on the phone