=== 3D_PLUGIN === === 3D_RENDERING === === ACCELERATED_2D_CANVAS === === BLOB === === CALENDAR_PICKER === Under development. This flag requires PAGE_POPUP. === CHANNEL_MESSAGING === === CONTEXT_MENUS === === CSS_FILTERS === === CSS_GRID_LAYOUT === === CSS_SHADERS === === DASHBOARD_SUPPORT === === DATABASE === === DATALIST === support. This shouldn't be enabled unless platform-specific UI code is implemented. === DATA_TRANSFER_ITEMS === === DEBUG_MATH_LAYOUT === === DETAILS ===
and support. === DEVICE_ORIENTATION === === DIRECTORY_UPLOAD === support. Experimental. === DOWNLOAD_ATTRIBUTE === === DRAG_SUPPORT === === EVENT_MODE_METATAGS === === FAST_MOBILE_SCROLLING === === FILE_SYSTEM === === FILTERS === === FTPDIR === === FULLSCREEN_API === === GAMEPAD === === GEOLOCATION === === GESTURE_EVENTS === === GLIB_SUPPORT === === GLOBAL_FASTMALLOC_NEW === === HIGH_DPI_CANVAS === === ICONDATABASE === === IMAGE_DECODER_DOWN_SAMPLING === === INDEXED_DATABASE === === INPUT_COLOR === support. Need platform-specific code in ChromeClient. === INPUT_SPEECH === support. === INPUT_TYPE_DATE === support. This shouldn't be enabled unless its UI is handled in platform-specific code. A calendar picker UI for desktop platforms is under development. === INPUT_TYPE_DATETIME === support. This shouldn't be enabled unless its UI is handled in platform-specific code. === INPUT_TYPE_DATETIMELOCAL === support. This shouldn't be enabled unless its UI is handled in platform-specific code. === INPUT_TYPE_MONTH === support. This shouldn't be enabled unless its UI is handled in platform-specific code. === INPUT_TYPE_TIME === support. This shouldn't be enabled unless its UI is handled in platform-specific code. === INPUT_TYPE_WEEK === support. This shouldn't be enabled unless its UI is handled in platform-specific code. === INSPECTOR === === JAVASCRIPT_DEBUGGER === === JAVASCRIPT_I18N_API === V8-only. Experimental. === JAVA_BRIDGE === === LEGACY_NOTIFICATIONS === === LINK_PREFETCH === === MAC_JAVA_BRIDGE === === MATHML === === MEDIA_SOURCE === === MEDIA_STATISTICS === === MEDIA_STREAM === === MEMORY_SAMPLER === === METER_TAG === support. === MHTML === === MICRODATA === === MUTATION_OBSERVERS === === NETSCAPE_PLUGIN_API === === NETSCAPE_PLUGIN_METADATA_CACHE === === NEW_XML === === NOTIFICATIONS === === ORIENTATION_EVENTS === === OVERFLOW_SCROLLING === === PAGE_POPUP === This is needed for CALENDAR_PICKER. Need ChromeClient implementation. === PAGE_VISIBILITY_API === === PAN_SCROLLING === === PLUGIN_PACKAGE_SIMPLE_HASH === === PLUGIN_PROCESS === === PLUGIN_PROXY_FOR_VIDEO === === POINTER_LOCK === === PROGRESS_TAG === support. Need to implement functions of RenderTheme. === QUOTA === === REGISTER_PROTOCOL_HANDLER === === REPAINT_THROTTLING === === REQUEST_ANIMATION_FRAME === === RUBBER_BANDING === === SCRIPTED_SPEECH === === SHADOW_DOM === Shadow DOM support. Experimental. === SHARED_WORKERS === === SKIA_GPU_CANVAS === === SMOOTH_SCROLLING === === SPEECH_INPUT === INPUT_SPEECH? === SPELLCHECK === === SQL_DATABASE === === STYLE_SCOPED === === SVG === === SVG_DOM_OBJC_BINDINGS === === SVG_FONTS === === TEXT_CARET === === THREADED_SCROLLING === === THREADING_GENERIC === === TOUCH_EVENTS === === TOUCH_ICON_LOADING === === VIBRATION === === VIDEO ===