== WebKit Contributor Meeting 2012 - LayoutTestController Functions That We Want to Move to Internals == Guidelines:[[BR]] - Everything that makes many ports skip tests should be considered.[[BR]] - Functions that use internal WebKit methods whose only purpose is to support DRT (as opposed as providing public API) should be strongly considered.[[BR]] - Functions that rely upon a significant amount of WebKit code may be best to remain in LayoutTestController, so that this code would be tested. [[BR]][[BR]] We'll file bugs in Tools/Tests component as we go, too. ---- * counterValueForElementById Mac DRT has a StorageTrackerDelegate to test WebStorageManager, but no other port seems to have this. Related LayoutTestController functions that are implemented in Mac only are: * deleteAllLocalStorage * syncLocalStorage * observeStorageTrackerNotifications * deleteLocalStorageForOrigin * localStorageDiskUsageForOrigin * originsWithLocalStorage (morrita: This set of APIs looks a part of real Mac WebKit API. See: http://wkb.ug/51878) ---- Animation Controller DRT APIs that can be ported to internals as these APIs depend on core frame pointer. Currently implemented for - Chromium, Gtk, Efl, Qt, Mac, Win * pauseAnimationAtTimeOnElementWithId * pauseTransitionAtTimeOnElementWithId * numberOfActiveAnimations * suspendAnimations * resumeAnimations ---- * setTextDirection - calls a WebKit API on Mac and Chromium, but it seems that other than passing it through to WebCore, it doesn't do much else ---- The following methods are not implemented in all ports and should be considered for move to Internals: * computedStyleIncludingVisitedInfo * dispatchPendingLoadRequests * displayInvalidatedRegion ---- * printToPDF - No Implementation, no usage, No Testcase.