=== Mostly DOM === These benchmarks are mostly testing DOM performance, not JavaScript. But they can be significantly affected by JS performance (strings, garbage collection, etc). * [http://www.hixie.ch/tests/adhoc/perf/dom/artificial/core/001.html Hixie's DOM Core Performance tests] - pure test of basic DOM operations * [http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/innerhtml.html QuirksMode W3C DOM vs. innerHTML] - this was meant to compare performance of using DOM methods to innerHTML to build content, but is also interesting as a cross-browser metric. === Mostly JavaScript === These could be converted to pure JS tests that can run even command-line. * [http://www.rahul.net/rhn/bench.js.html Ron's Small JavaScript Benchmarks] - fairly math-heavy. * [http://www.xfinitegames.com/safari/bib.html Bits In Byte Function Compare] - pure JS, a lot of numerics stuff. * [http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/playground/bindings/qtscript/qscript/benchmark.js?revision=634925 CORDIC] - pure JS (in fact it's just a JS file). Numeric-sheavy. * [http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/tests/khtmltests/regression/tests/js/md5-1.js?revision=419016 MD5 in JS #1] - MD5 implemented in JS * [http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/tests/khtmltests/regression/tests/js/md5-2.js?revision=419016 MD5 in JS #2] - another version of MD5 * [ jorendorff.com JavaScript speed test (Google Cache copy)] - A wide variety of JS tests, includings strings, math and basic processing. * [http://www.devpro.it/examples/loopsbench/ JavaScript for and while loop benchmark] - compares performance of different approaches to looping. === Mixed JS and DOM === also covers some DOM stuff. The correctness checks seem wrong, as both WebKit and Firefox 2 fail a lot of them. * [http://www.24fun.com/downloadcenter/benchjs/benchjs.html BenchJS by 24fun.com] - a grab back of JS, DOM and rendering benchmarks. Computing total is currently broken on the live site. * [http://celtickane.com/projects/jsspeed.php Celtic Kane's JavaScript Speed Tests] - mostly pure JS, but also some DOM and rendering benchmarks. * [http://www.visibone.com/javascript/unittests.html VisiBone JavaScript Unit Tests] - these are both correctness and performance tests. 1 and 2 are pure JS, but 3 * JS/Bench - http://www.computerbytesman.com/js/jsbench/dobench.htm - mostly pure JS, but also some DOM stuff * [http://www.gloo.ru/blogs/gloom.dhtml_javascript_benchmark._l_en.wiki.aspx DHTML JavaScript Benchmark] - mix of DOM and JS * iBench (JavaScript, HTML DOM, and XML DOM tests) - you need to install this on your own server (requires a Windows IIS installation to run). This is available from http://www.lionbridge.com/lionbridge/en-US/services/outsourced-testing/zdm-eula.htm The JavaScript test is mostly JavaScript but has a tiny handful of DOM dependencies.