maction |
No |
math |
Partial |
Only the display attribute is supported. |
menclose |
No |
merror |
Partial |
There is no inferred row support. |
mfenced |
Yes |
mfrac |
Partial |
The bevelled attribute is not supported. |
mglyph |
No |
mi |
Partial |
The dir attribute is not supported. The font style does not change to normal when the content is more than a single character. |
mlabeledtr |
No |
mlongdiv |
No |
mmultiscripts |
No |
mn |
Partial |
The dir attribute is not supported. |
mo |
Partial |
The accent , dir , largeop , lspace , maxsize , minsize , movablelimits , rspace , and symmetric attributes are not supported. |
mover |
Partial |
The accent and align attributes are not supported. |
mpadded |
No |
mphantom |
Yes |
mroot |
Partial |
The displaystyle , decimalpoint , infixlinebreakstyle , scriptlevel , scriptminsize , and scriptsizemultiplier attributes are not supported. |
mrow |
Partial |
The dir attribute is not supported. |
ms |
No |
mscarries |
No |
mscarry |
No |
msgroup |
No |
msline |
No |
mspace |
No |
msrow |
No |
mstack |
No |
mstyle |
Partial |
The displaystyle , decimalpoint , infixlinebreakstyle , scriptlevel , scriptminsize , and scriptsizemultiplier attributes are not supported. Inferred rows are not supported. |
msqrt |
Partial |
The displaystyle , decimalpoint , infixlinebreakstyle , scriptlevel , scriptminsize , and scriptsizemultiplier attributes are not supported. |
msub |
Partial |
The subscriptshift attribute is not supported. |
msup |
Partial |
The superscriptshift attribute is not supported. |
msubsup |
Partial |
The subscriptshift and superscriptshift attributes are not supported. |
mtable |
Partial |
The alignmentscope , columnspacing , columnwidth , displaystyle , equalcolumns , equalrows , framespacing , groupalign , minlabelspacing , rowspacing , side , width attributes are not supported. |
mtd |
Partial |
The columnspan , groupalign , and rowspan attributes are not supported. |
mtext |
Partial |
The dir attribute is not supported. |
mtr |
Partial |
The groupalign attribute is not supported. |
munder |
Partial |
The accentunder and align attributes are not supported. |
munderover |
Partial |
The accent , accentunder , and align attributes are not supported. |