2013 WebKit contributor's meeting is held at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in San Jose on Thursday, May 2nd and Friday, May 3rd [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj6dPU5MvxHxdDJqVW9TN2VFSXNPckVTdGg2RkhsdFE&usp=sharing The Schedule] == Proposed Talks / Discussions (host) [would attend!] == * Unprefixing frenzy - state of the art, sharing the experience on some of the work done, list and create bugs for features we should unprefix (Simon Fraser) * * Removing pointless arcana and making common tasks easier (rniwa) [] * Importing W3C Tests (rhauck) - needs to be early on Thursday [stearns] * State and future of the Web Inspector (xenon) [JoePeck, vivekg, brrian] * Deterministic record/replay - demo of prototype, discuss implementation and challenges to upstreaming (brrian) [xenon, JoePeck] * Restructuring of CSS, cleanup of StyleResolver/StyleBuilder [krit, rniwa] * Pagination with Hyatt! (weinig) * Status of JSC / Optimizations (Pizlo) * Tools and Infrastructure (simon fraser/dirk) * OpenType (martin) * Build systems - why do we need so freaking many (mark salsbury) * Improving the DOM now that we only have 1 JS engine / the removal of ScriptState! (rniwa) * Enabling Experimental Features (beartravis) * Managing the differences between ports (noam) * JSC Profiler (pizlo) * Merging iOS WebKit back to WebKit trunk (ggaren, ddklizer) * WebKit2 Governance / Come for the Yelling (weinig) * How to security now!? (weinig) * Regions and Shapes (mihnea) * Touch interaction and fat fingers (gmak) * Remove all the things / Process for removing (weinig) * How to debug the JIT in JSC * What is our strategy for compatibility with more others / when to adopt / when to say no! * Improving performance of Text Layout * What are the layers of WebKit and why == Proposed Hackathons (host) [would attend!] == * Reviewathon 2013! () [benjamin] * Transforming Pixel tests to Ref-tests or dump-as-text tests () [benjamin, rniwa] * Remove stale comments/FIXME. Add proper comments/documentation when helpful. [benjamin, rniwa] * Improving wiki pages [benjamin, rniwa] * Removing/Adding Layering Violations * Simplifying & refactoring the binding generators (jmason) [rniwa]