== QtWebKit code camp 08-10.12.2009 == More than 30 developers gathered together for QtWebKit code camp in Wiesbaden, Germany. === Intro & general presentations === In the beginning there were three presentations: * Henri Haverinen: QtWebKit roadmapping & using [http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa Qt Jira] * Kenneth Christiansen: How Web and [http://gitorious.org/+qt-kinetic-developers/qt/kinetic QML] fit together * Akos Kiss: University of Szeged WebKit related activities After that people were split into five work stream: Performance & Architecture, User Interface, JavaScriptCore, QA and Relasing & Roadmapping === Performance & Architecture === === User Interface === === Java Script Core === === QA === === Roadmap & Releasing ===