This page lists the features of WebKit that are integrated into Qt 4.5. The vast majority of the features are core WebKit implementations done by the community, notably Apple engineers. == Rough overview of features implemented in WebKit trunk since trunk revision 26376 == * Many updates in the WebKit Web Inspector [] * Native implementation of =getElementsByClassName= [] * Support for the W3C Selectors API [] * Acid 3 Test [] * Full Page Zoom [] * Improved support for CSS 2 and 3 selectors * Optimizations in Page Loading via Speculative Preloading [] * CSS Gradients [] * Use of Canvas Drawings in CSS [] * CSS Masks [] * CSS Reflections [] * SquirrelFish [] and SquirrelFish Extreme [] * HTML 5 Client Side Storage [] == Qt specific implementation of existing WebCore interfaces == * HTML 5 Media Elements using Phonon [] * Support for NPAPI on X11, Windows and Mac OS X == Features that are not working properly in the Qt port yet == * Tiled border images (bug in ImageQt.cpp: Image::drawPattern to not use the tileRect correctly) == Related Improvements in Qt 4.5 itself == * Network Disk Cache []