= 2009 = == Week 47 == Status Meeting Agenda: 1. Qt 4.6 Status Oslo todo from last week: * Black style bug (Jocely) * Font selection bug (Tor Arne) * Crash with fonts & SVG (Benjamin) * JSC crash (Benjamin) * setHtml regression (Tor Arne) * QUrl::fromUserInput fixes (Jocelyn) * API Documentation (Tor Arne) * QGraphicsWebView input method issues on S60 (Simon, Janne) * DRT and Qt 4.6 (Szeged) 2. API review procedure 3. Task bleeding == Week 33 == Status Meeting Agenda/Minutes: 1. QtScript + JavaScriptCore status * Kent has been going through the autotests to make sure that they pass. There are still some tests marked as expected failures, but the amount of noise when running the tests should be very low now. The last bit of major functionality missing is the debugger callbacks; nierob is working on integrating that into the qtscript-jsc-backend branch as we speak. * Qt 4.6 Alpha will ship with QtScript linked statically against JSC. * Kent, Nierob and Simon will sit down Tuesday morning to sort out the JSC patchset and prepare email to squirrelfish-dev about QtScript. * We need to get rid of the QtScript-specific ifdefs one at a time. 2. QtWebKit update in Qt master * Target for update is Thursday, together with QtScript update. * '''UPDATE:''' No more update of WebKit in Qt master until Qt 4.6 Alpha. QtScript with JSC will still be part of it though. 3. Bot/DRT Status * Almost green, one failure left. mfenton & manyoso are looking into it. * Thanks to Reni from Szeged we pass more tests that relied on the wrong font sizes. * Thanks to Carol from the Boston team letter/word spacing is fixed. * Tor Arne is looking into making the DRT and TestNetscapePlugin work on the mac. * Ariya is working on pixel test support. 4. Qt 4.6 Alpha * Freeze 21st, release 1-2 weeks later. * Latest possible update of src/3rdparty/webkit 21st. More continuous updates again after the Alpha. * Possible showstoppers: * Amazon misrendering. * GMail crashes when deleting all spam. * Icefox is trying to get more details about the google docs shortcut problem. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28179 5. APIs * What's still missing that is low-hanging fruit? * [http://code.google.com/p/arora/wiki/MissingQtWebKitAPI] * Everybody agrees that it would be nice to have API to delegate the rendering of the QComboBox that is currently used for select elements. * Kenneth would like to have fit-to-viewport zoom that also considers the scrollbars. * API to allow rendering individual QWebElements. * Adding support for event listeners to QWebElements. == Week 18 == * ~~Extend documentation with lots of snippets.~~ * ~~Add support for wrapping QWebElement in QVariant and return it in the new API, such a scriptProperty() or callScriptFunction. In the long run we would like to deprecate QWebFrame::evaluateJavaScript in favour of a function that returns a QScriptValue... -> Postponed: We shall use that correct behaviour in new API with QScriptValue~~ * ~~Created {{{qtwebkit-4.6-staging}}} branch (frequently rewound) (Simon)~~ == Week 17 == * DOM API: * ~~Another round of API review~~ * ~~Some new functions discussed in the review need to be implemented now.~~ * ~~Eliminate QWebElementCollection in favour of QList