= QtWebKit 2.0 Release = This wiki page tracks the status of the QtWebKit 2.0 release. The release follows the standard [wiki:"QtWebKitReleases" release procedures and policies]. QtWebKit 2.0 was branched off WebKit trunk from SVN revision 56441. The user agent string reports "AppleWebKit/533.3". == Features and bugs == Jira link to * Committed content: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBKIT/fixforversion/11566 * Feature backlog: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBKIT-31 See also [wiki:"QtWebKitTableOfFeatures20" high-level feature documentation]. Release critical bugs are tracked with * https://bugs.webkit.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=35784&hide_resolved=1 == Deployment on QtWebKit 2.0 on top of a Qt SDK == See the page [wiki:QtWebKitRelease20Deployment] == Release branch == The release branch is called {{{qtwebkit-2.0}}} and is hosted in the qtwebkit repository at http://gitorious.org/+qtwebkit-developers/webkit/qtwebkit Instructions for getting changes into the release branch: http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/QtWebKitBackportingFixes#PatchesforQtWebKit2.0 == Packages == * [wiki:"QtWebKitJournal" Latest weekly build] == Documentation TODO == This is a list of items to do regarding the API / overview documentation of QtWebKit that we'd like to fix before the release: * Zero qdoc warnings * Review existing API documentation: * Widget plugins * Classes (QWebPage, QWebHistory, etc.) * Expand and combine sentences, adding missing \sa links, etc. * Ask the Qt support staff about things they're aware of that are bad or missing in the current docs. * Architectural overview (QWebView, QGraphicsWebView, QWebPage) - update existing diagram * Make sure that all new functions have the \since tag * Figure out how to expand \since 2.0 to "Since QtWebKit 2.0", or consider a \since 4.7 and \sinceqtwebkit 2.0 * Task orientation documentation: * How to implement a desktop and a mobile/embedded browser * JavaScript bridge documentation (Noam)