= TODO List for QtWebKit = * New HTTP Stack (Priority 1) * QWebFrame Design (Priority 2) * Editing / EditorClient -> API * Windows Build / Build System cleanups (Priority 1) * Input Method Support * Clipboard / DND review/cleanups * Loader: PageCache * QWebCookieJar integration with QWebNetworkInterface * Netscape Plugin Support (Priority 2.5) * JavaScriptCore <-> QtScript research (Priority 2) * Revisit Settings API (Priority 2) * Provide ContextMenu API * Research Qtish API to provide access to the same functionality that DOM provides without the DOM insanity * Get layout tests for the Qt build running on all platforms (Priority 1) * Investigate integration into Qt itself (packaging, build system, etc.) * KDE Integration (WebKitKDE) * VC 6 Support (give it a try at least)