This is a random collection of TODO items for ksvg2 in WebKit.[[BR]] If any of this item is fixed, a proper bug report will be created,[[BR]] until that happens, this is a good place to list certain items.[[BR]] If you have any questions about these items, or want to help[[BR]] with them, please contact rwlbuis/WildFox on, #webkit.[[BR]] [[BR]] = W3C Test Status (October 7th 2007) = == Filter problems == * filters-composite-02-b.svg (no visible filter output)[[BR]] * filters-conv-01-f.svg (no feConvolveMatrix filter)[[BR]] * filters-felem-01-b.svg (problem with non-existant filters)[[BR]] * filters-gauss-01-b.svg (problem with x/y std devs)[[BR]] * filters-light-01-f.svg (point & spot light have problems)[[BR]] * filters-morph-01-f.svg (no feMorphology support)[[BR]] * filters-tile-01-b.svg (feTile support broken)[[BR]] * filters-turb-01-f.svg (no feTurbulance support)[[BR]] == Problems when running testsuite embedded in XHTML == * (initial display fails when embedded)[[BR]] * (initial display fails when embedded)[[BR]] * (initial display problem, xml parsing related)[[BR]] == Misc problems == * color-prof-01-f.svg (no icc color profiles)[[BR]] * coords-units-03-b.svg (outermost svg viewport clipping not supported)[[BR]] * masking-path-03-b.svg (outermost svg viewport clipping not supported)[[BR]] * masking-path-04-b.svg (clip text to image doesn't work)[[BR]] * painting-render-01-b.svg (no color interpolation)[[BR]] * struct-use-05-b.svg (no external references)[[BR]] * styling-css-05-b.svg (css :lang selector problem)[[BR]] == Gradient problems == * pservers-grad-10-b.svg (no spread method support)[[BR]] * pservers-grad-14-b.svg (no spread method support)[[BR]] * pservers-grad-18-b.svg (inherted color & gradient stops issue)[[BR]] * pservers-grad-19-b.svg (inherted color & gradient stops issue)[[BR]] == Text problems == * fonts-desc-02-t.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]] * fonts-elem-01-t.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]] * fonts-elem-02-t.svg (text composition issue)[[BR]] * fonts-elem-03-b.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]] * fonts-elem-04-b.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]] * fonts-elem-05-t.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]] * fonts-elem-06-t.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]] * fonts-elem-07-b.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]] * fonts-kern-01-t.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]] * pservers-grad-08-b.svg (okay, but no svg fonts)[[BR]] * render-elems-06-t.svg (okay, but no svg fonts)[[BR]] * render-elems-07-t.svg (okay, but no svg fonts)[[BR]] * render-elems-08-t.svg (okay, but no svg fonts)[[BR]] * render-groups-01-b.svg (okay, but no svg fonts)[[BR]] * render-groups-03-t.svg (okay, but no svg fonts)[[BR]] * text-align-05-b.svg (vertical text issues)[[BR]] * text-align-08-b.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]] * text-altglyph-01-b.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]] * text-intro-03-b.svg (glyph-orientation, various non-latin language related issues)[[BR]] * text-text-01-b.svg (textLength/lengthAdjust support)[[BR]] * text-text-04-t.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]] * text-text-05-t.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]] * text-text-06-t.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]] * text-tref-01-b.svg (external tref references)[[BR]] * text-tselect-02-f.svg no text selection API[[BR]] = Important, data type design changes: = * SVGAngle* -> SVGAngle (pass by value, not by pointer)[[BR]] * SVGColor* -> SVGColor (pass by value, not by pointer)[[BR]] * SVGPreserveAspectRatio* -> SVGPreserveAspectRatio (pass by value, not by pointer)[[BR]] = JavaScript / ObjC SVG DOM issues: = * Provide more SVG DOM JavaScript tests (ie. for SVGLength & friends)[[BR]] * Fix fundamental SVG DOM issues with baseVal/animVal[[BR]] = Filter issues: = * Quality of filter output can be low in certain circumstances[[BR]] = General structure: = * platform/graphics/svg must be moved into ksvg2/ (maybe "graphics").[[BR]] * ksvg2/ must be moved to svg/ (inside WebCore, as it is right now)[[BR]] [[BR]][[BR]] Last update: October 7th 2007.