under construction = Setting up development environment for Nokia N9 = Build Qt5 and WebKit2 for N9 on Ubuntu 11.10 x64. Running MiniBrowser on the device. == I. Scratchbox Instructions == This section based on * https://github.com/resworb/scripts * https://trac.webkit.org/wiki/BuildingQt5OnHarmattan Follow the instructions exactly! === 1. Install and configure Scratchbox for Harmattan: === (run@host) {{{ $ wget http://harmattan-dev.nokia.com/unstable/beta3/harmattan-sdk-setup.py $ chmod +x harmattan-sdk-setup.py $ sudo ./harmattan-sdk-setup.py admininstall }}} Post install (run@host): {{{ $ newgrp sbox }}} or logout / login to get user access to /scratchbox/login. Verify by writing (run@host) {{{ $ /scratchbox/login }}} you will get prompt {{{ #!html
  [sbox-HARMATTAN_X86: ~] >
}}} and now you can switch to armel target (run@sbox) {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_X86: ~] >sb-conf select HARMATTAN_ARMEL [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > }}} CTRL+D to exit. Sync resolv.conf and host.conf for network access in Scratchbox (run@host): {{{ $ sudo /scratchbox/sbin/sbox_sync }}} === 2. Prepare your environment === (run@host) {{{ $ mkdir /scratchbox/users/$USER/home/$USER/swork $ ln -s /scratchbox/users/$USER/home/$USER/swork ~/swork }}} NB: You don't need the explicit swork directory as long as the script directory resides on the same level as the source directories. You should now have a working dir (~/swork), residing in/accessible from Scratchbox, linked in the root of your user root. (Not root user!) Go to swork directory (run@host): {{{ $ cd ~/swork }}} Download scripts for building (run@host): {{{ $ git clone https://github.com/resworb/scripts.git browser-scripts }}} Apply the pach attached to this page: [https://sed.hu/projects/webkit/attachment/wiki/Build%20Qt5%20and%20WebKit2%20for%20N9%20%28Resworb%20Scripts%29/browser-script.patch?format=raw browser-script.patch] {{{ $ cd browser-scripts $ patch -p1 < browser-script.patch }}} Download testfonts (run@host): {{{ $ git clone git://gitorious.org/qtwebkit/testfonts.git ~/swork/testfonts }}} Install required dependencies inside scratchbox (run@host): {{{ $ /scratchbox/login [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > cd swork [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > browser-scripts/builddeps-install.sh [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > exit $ }}} In order to get git installed inside Scratchbox please follow these steps (run@host): {{{ $ sudo su $ echo "deb http://scratchbox.org/debian harmattan main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sb.list $ apt-get update $ apt-get install scratchbox-devkit-git $ exit }}} Add this to your PATH inside Scratchbox (preferrably add to .bashrc) (run@sbox): {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > echo "export PATH=/scratchbox/devkits/git/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > . ./.bashrc }}} The next step is getting the source of Qt5 and WebKit (run@host): {{{ $ browser-scripts/clone-sources.sh }}} This will try to clone Qt5 and WebKit git repository to ~/swork/qt5 and ~/swork/webkit. {{{ #!html
Warning: Sometimes Qt5 cloning fail because of connection timeout problems. This would cause that your ~/swork/qt5/qtscript direcory stays empty and WebKit build will miss QtScript/qscriptengine.h header. In this case delete ~/swork/qt5 and re-run clone-sources.sh .
}}} If you have already a local git repo for WebKit, you can speed up the process by copying its contents to ~/swork/webkit directory. After copying you should run ''git reset --hard HEAD'' on it before running clone-sources.sh . You can update the sources by running (run@host): {{{ $ browser-scripts/update-sources.sh }}} === 3. Create ICECC toolchain (optional) === If you have multiple workstations configured to use [http://en.opensuse.org/Icecream ICECC], you can speed up building process significantly. Create a toolchain for distributed building (run@host): {{{ $ cd ~/swork $ browser-scripts/create-icecc-env.sh > icecc-env.sh }}} The resulted icecc-env.sh file will be similar to this: {{{ #!html
icecc_tarball=$(readlink -f $HOME/icecc/icecc-build)

if [ -f $icecc_tarball ] ; then
    export ICECC_VERSION="i386:$icecc_tarball,x86_64:$icecc_tarball"
    export PATH="/home/azbest/icecc/bin:$PATH"
    export MAKEFLAGS="$MAKEFLAGS -j$parallel_builds"
    export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="$DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS,parallel=$parallel_builds"
}}} Make the script runnable and execute it before building inside scratchbox when you need speedup. === 4. Build QtWebKit === Login to scratchbox and optionally execute script for icecc (run@host): {{{ $ /scratchbox/login [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > cd ~/swork [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > . icecc-env.sh }}} Before building, you have to remove environment variable that was used to work with other Qt version (run@sbox): {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > export -n QTDIR }}} You should also remove '''/usr/X11R6/bin''' and '''Qt''' from PATH. Check and modify your path variable (run@sbox): {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > echo $PATH }}} You may get something similar to this: {{{ #!html
}}} Building Qt5 for Harmattan. You should use the --clean parameter (run@sbox): {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > browser-scripts/qt5-build.sh --clean }}} When building is successful you get a similar message: {{{ #!html
Build completed, run the following to use your new Qt build
export PATH=/scratchbox/users/$USER/home/$USER/swork/browser-scripts/../qt5/qtbase/bin:$PATH
}}} So, follow this instuction that printed (run@sbox): {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > export PATH=/scratchbox/users/$USER/home/$USER/swork/browser-scripts/../qt5/qtbase/bin:$PATH }}} Now, build !QtWebKit2 (run@sbox): {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > browser-scripts/webkit-build.sh }}} If everything is right you should get similar result: {{{ #!html
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/azbest/swork/qtwebkit-webkit2-dev-builddir-armel-m6/Release'

 WebKit is now built (30m:22s). 
 To run QtTestBrowser with this newly-built code, use the
 "Tools/Scripts/run-launcher" script.
}}} == II. ==