[[PageOutline]] = Setting up development environment for Nokia N9 = under construction Build Qt5 and WebKit2 for N9 on Ubuntu 11.10 x64. Running MiniBrowser on the device. = 1. Scratchbox Instructions = This section based on * https://github.com/resworb/scripts * https://trac.webkit.org/wiki/BuildingQt5OnHarmattan Follow the instructions exactly! == 1.1. Install and configure Scratchbox for Harmattan == (run@host) {{{ $ wget http://harmattan-dev.nokia.com/unstable/beta3/harmattan-sdk-setup.py $ chmod +x harmattan-sdk-setup.py $ sudo ./harmattan-sdk-setup.py admininstall }}} Post install (run@host): {{{ $ newgrp sbox }}} or logout / login to get user access to /scratchbox/login. Verify by writing (run@host) {{{ $ /scratchbox/login }}} you will get prompt {{{ #!html
  [sbox-HARMATTAN_X86: ~] >
}}} and now you can switch to armel target (run@sbox) {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_X86: ~] >sb-conf select HARMATTAN_ARMEL [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > }}} CTRL+D to exit. Sync resolv.conf and host.conf for network access in Scratchbox (run@host): {{{ $ sudo /scratchbox/sbin/sbox_sync }}} == 1.2. Prepare your environment == (run@host) {{{ $ mkdir /scratchbox/users/$USER/home/$USER/swork $ ln -s /scratchbox/users/$USER/home/$USER/swork ~/swork }}} NB: You don't need the explicit swork directory as long as the script directory resides on the same level as the source directories. You should now have a working dir (~/swork), residing in/accessible from Scratchbox, linked in the root of your user root. (Not root user!) Go to swork directory (run@host): {{{ $ cd ~/swork }}} Download scripts for building (run@host): {{{ $ git clone https://github.com/resworb/scripts.git browser-scripts }}} Apply the pach attached to this page: [https://sed.hu/projects/webkit/attachment/wiki/Build%20Qt5%20and%20WebKit2%20for%20N9%20%28Resworb%20Scripts%29/browser-script.patch?format=raw browser-script.patch] {{{ $ cd browser-scripts $ patch -p1 < browser-script.patch }}} Download testfonts (run@host): {{{ $ git clone git://gitorious.org/qtwebkit/testfonts.git ~/swork/testfonts }}} Install required dependencies inside scratchbox (run@host): {{{ $ /scratchbox/login [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > cd swork [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > browser-scripts/builddeps-install.sh [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > exit $ }}} In order to get git installed inside Scratchbox please follow these steps (run@host): {{{ $ sudo su $ echo "deb http://scratchbox.org/debian harmattan main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/sb.list $ apt-get update $ apt-get install scratchbox-devkit-git $ exit }}} Add this to your PATH inside Scratchbox (preferrably add to .bashrc) (run@sbox): {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > echo "export PATH=/scratchbox/devkits/git/bin:\$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > . ./.bashrc }}} The next step is getting the source of Qt5 and WebKit (run@host): {{{ $ browser-scripts/clone-sources.sh }}} This will try to clone Qt5 and WebKit git repository to ~/swork/qt5 and ~/swork/webkit. {{{ #!html
Warning: Sometimes Qt5 cloning fail because of connection timeout problems. This would cause that your ~/swork/qt5/qtscript direcory stays empty and WebKit build will miss QtScript/qscriptengine.h header. In this case delete ~/swork/qt5 and re-run clone-sources.sh .
}}} If you have already a local git repo for WebKit, you can speed up the process by copying its contents to ~/swork/webkit directory. After copying you should run ''git reset --hard HEAD'' on it before running clone-sources.sh . You can update the sources by running (run@host): {{{ $ browser-scripts/update-sources.sh }}} == 1.3. Create ICECC toolchain (optional) == If you have multiple workstations configured to use [http://en.opensuse.org/Icecream ICECC], you can speed up building process significantly. Create a toolchain for distributed building (run@host): {{{ $ cd ~/swork $ browser-scripts/create-icecc-env.sh }}} Save the printed output to a file called icecc-env.sh: {{{ #!html
icecc_tarball=$(readlink -f $HOME/icecc/icecc-build)

if [ -f $icecc_tarball ] ; then
    export ICECC_VERSION="i386:$icecc_tarball,x86_64:$icecc_tarball"
    export PATH="/home/azbest/icecc/bin:$PATH"
    export MAKEFLAGS="$MAKEFLAGS -j$parallel_builds"
    export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="$DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS,parallel=$parallel_builds"
}}} Make the script runnable and execute it before building inside scratchbox when you need speedup. == 1.4. Build QtWebKit == Login to scratchbox and optionally execute script for icecc (run@host): {{{ $ /scratchbox/login [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > cd ~/swork [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > . icecc-env.sh }}} Before building, you have to remove environment variable that was used to work with other Qt version (run@sbox): {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > export -n QTDIR }}} You should also remove '''/usr/X11R6/bin''' and '''Qt''' from PATH. Check and modify your path variable (run@sbox): {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > echo $PATH }}} You may get something similar to this: {{{ #!html
}}} Building Qt5 for Harmattan. You should use the --clean parameter (run@sbox): {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > browser-scripts/qt5-build.sh --clean }}} When building is successful you get a similar message: {{{ #!html
Build completed, run the following to use your new Qt build
export PATH=/scratchbox/users/$USER/home/$USER/swork/browser-scripts/../qt5/qtbase/bin:$PATH
}}} So, follow this instuction that printed (run@sbox): {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > export PATH=/scratchbox/users/$USER/home/$USER/swork/browser-scripts/../qt5/qtbase/bin:$PATH }}} Now, build !QtWebKit2 (run@sbox): {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~/swork] > browser-scripts/webkit-build.sh }}} If everything is right you should get similar result: {{{ #!html
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/azbest/swork/qtwebkit-webkit2-dev-builddir-armel-m6/Release'

 WebKit is now built (30m:22s). 
 To run QtTestBrowser with this newly-built code, use the
 "Tools/Scripts/run-launcher" script.
}}} == 1.5. Updating build environment == If you need to update browser-scripts, run on host: {{{ $ cd ~/swork/browser-scripts $ git reset --hard HEAD $ git pull $ patch -p1 < ../browser-script.patch }}} If you neet to update Qt5 and WebKit, run on host: {{{ $ cd ~/swork/qt5 $ git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -fdx $ git clean -fdx $ git reset --hard HEAD $ cd ~/swork/webkit $ git clean -fdx $ git reset --hard HEAD $ cd ~/swork $ browser-scripts/update-sources.sh }}} Than rebuild binaries inside scratchbox: {{{ [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > cd ~/swork [sbox-HARMATTAN_ARMEL: ~] > browser-scripts/build-sources.sh }}} = 2. Configuring N9 = == 2.1. Turn on developer mode == There is a tutorial for this at http://paazio.nanbudo.fi/tutorials/qt-quick/developer-mode-in-nokia-n9 Enable developer mode: Settings / Security / Developer mode. After installation the device will do a reboot. Change usb connection mode: Settings / Accessories / USB to "SDK" or "Always ask". Set up wifi internet connection. Connect usb cable. == 2.2. Enable root access over ssh == Login as 'developer' (run@host): {{{ $ ssh developer@ developer@'s password: ****** (getting this from N9 usb connection) }}} Switch to root (run@n9): {{{ /home/developer $ devel-su Password: rootme }}} You can create permanent password for default user 'user' (run@n9): {{{ ~ # passwd user New password: password Re-enter new password: password }}} Enable root login on ssh (run@n9): {{{ ~ #vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config PermitRootLogin yes }}} After saving sshd_config, modify default ssh options (run@n9): {{{ ~ #echo -e 'mkdir -m 0755 -p /var/run/sshd\nexec /usr/sbin/sshd $SSHD_OPTS' >> /etc/default/ssh ~ #pkill -9 /usr/sbin/sshd }}} Now you can access your N9 as root over ssh. '''Be careful: it is a huge security risc.''' (run@host) {{{ $ ssh -X root@ Password: rootme }}} Maybe you should change default root password, too. == 2.3. Install missing packages == Resworb scripts has a solution for this. This script uses name 'device' for N9. You can add this to your /etc/hosts file (run@host): {{{ $ sudo su $ echo -e '\tdevice' >> /etc/hosts $ exit }}} Scrachbox should be configured to armel target befor running this script (run@host): Run {{{ $ cd ~/swork $ browser-scripts/device-install-packages-n9.sh }}} = 3. How you get things running on the N9 = == 3.1.a Transfer files to N9 with rsync == With rsync you can deploy the files to the device. Required storage: * (ext4)/home/user - 1GB * (vfat)/home/user/MyDocs - 4.3GB Download rsync for N9 * [http://repo.pub.meego.com/home:/rzr:/harmattan/MeeGo_1.2_Harmattan_Maemo.org_MeeGo_1.2_Harmattan_standard/armel/rsync_3.0.9-1.0%7erzr1_armel.deb Scp rsync installer to N9 as root: {{{ $ scp rsync_3.0.9-1.0~rzr1_armel.deb root@device:./ $ ssh root@device RM696-40-4_PR_001:~# dpkg -i rsync_3.0.9-1.0~rzr1_armel.deb RM696-40-4_PR_001:~# exit $ }}} Create public key for ssh connection, if you don't have it already: {{{ $ ssh-keygen -t rsa }}} Copy public key to N9: {{{ $ ssh user@device "mkdir .ssh" $ scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub user@device:./.ssh/authorized_keys }}} Now, you don't have to enter password for 'user' when you connect to N9. Download [https://sed.hu/projects/webkit/attachment/wiki/Build%20Qt5%20and%20WebKit2%20for%20N9%20%28Resworb%20Scripts%29/rsync-scripts.tar.gz?format=raw rsync-scripts.tar.gz] and extract it to ~/swork. Initialize directory tree for Qt and WebKit files: {{{ ~/swork/rsync-scripts$ init-rsync.sh }}} Sync files to device: {{{ ~/swork/rsync-scripts$ ./all-rsync.sh }}} This script will execute ./testfonts-rsync.sh, ./qt5-rsync.sh, ./webkit-tests-rsync.sh and ./webkit-build-rsync.sh. This can take some time on first run, so get some coffee or have a lunch. If you don't want to transfer LayoutTests to N9, then you should use '''./all-rsync.sh --no-layout-tests'''. Without this argument rsync always does re-transfer on LayoutTests because of the vfat filesystem's limitation. == 3.1.b Mounting NFS on retail N9 == The retail N9 has a very stricky security system, called AEGIS. You can read about this at: [http://harmattan-dev.nokia.com/docs/library/html/guide/html/Developer_Library_Developing_for_Harmattan_Harmattan_security_Security_guide.html Harmattan Security Guide] The only known way to disable AEGIS restrictions is flashing an alternate kernel onto N9. === 3.1.b.1 Flashing pached kernel to get open mode === Prerequisite (all of this can be found in /common/projects/WebKit/N9-!FirmWare) * Pached kernel: [http://maemo.cloud-7.de/HARM/N9/openmode_kernel_PR1.1/zImage- zImage-] * Original firmware 20.2011.40-4 * Nokia flasher: [http://tablets-dev.nokia.com/maemo-dev-env-downloads.php flasher_3.12.1_amd64.deb] It is recommended to flash back the device to factory state. If you have any importand data on the device, back it up first or you will lose it! Install Nokia flasher utility and download the firmware and pached kernel file to a directory. Turn off the device and disconnect it from usb. Flash the original firmware to the device: {{{ sudo flasher -F DFL61_HARMATTAN_20.2011.40-4_PR_LEGACY_001-OEM1-958_ARM.bin -F DFL61_HARMATTAN_20.2011.40-4.CENTRALEUROPE_EMMC_CENTRALEUROPE.bin -f }}} Do NOT disconnect usb cable. Do NOT restart the phone. Now, flash the pached kernel onto it: {{{ sudo flasher -f -a DFL61_HARMATTAN_20.2011.40-4_PR_LEGACY_001-OEM1-958_ARM.bin -k zImage- }}} Now, your N9 is ready. Disconnect it from usb. It will start booting. === 3.1.b.2. Developer mode and required libraries === Enable developer mode: Settings / Security / Developer mode. After installation the device will do a reboot. Change usb connection mode: Settings / Accessories / USB to "SDK" or "Always ask". Set up wifi internet connection. Connect usb cable. On N9 menu, select SDK Connectivity / USB. It will show your password for user developer. Leave it open. Install required libs for NFS mount and add static password for 'user' user (run@host): {{{ ssh developer@ echo 'rootme' | devel-su cd /root apt-get install wget wget http://maemo.cloud-7.de/HARM/N9/openmode_kernel_PR1.1/opensh/opensh.deb wget http://repo.pub.meego.com/home:/rzr:/harmattan/MeeGo_1.2_Harmattan_Maemo.org_MeeGo_1.2_Harmattan_standard/armel/libwrap0_7.6.dbs-maemo6.1_armel.deb wget http://repo.pub.meego.com/home:/rzr:/debian/harmattan/armel/portmap_6.0.0-2_armel.deb dpkg -i opensh.deb dpkg -i libwrap0_7.6.dbs-maemo6.1_armel.deb dpkg -i portmap_6.0.0-2_armel.deb passwd user exit exit }}} Create public key for ssh connection, if you don't have it already (run@host): {{{ ssh-keygen -t rsa }}} Copy public key to N9 (run@host): {{{ ssh user@device "mkdir .ssh" scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub user@device:./.ssh/authorized_keys }}} Now, you don't have to enter password for 'user' when you connect to N9. === 3.1.b.3. Setup NFS on host computer (Ubuntu): === Install the required packages and share swork (run@host): {{{ sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server portmap sudo echo "/home/$USER/swork,sync,no_root_squash)" >> /etc/exports sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart }}} === 3.1.b.4. Setup NFS on N9 === Create script for mounting NFS (run@host): {{{ ssh user@ "mkdir /home/user/swork; \ echo 'opensh -c \"/sbin/portmap; /sbin/modprobe nfs; mount -t nfs$USER/swork /home/user/swork\"' > nfsmount.sh; \ chmod +x nfsmount.sh " }}} Connect to N9 (run@host) {{{ ssh user@ }}} Mount NFS if you didn't do it (run@n9). {{{ . nfsmount.sh }}} == 3.2. Running MiniBrowser == === 3.2.1. Environment variables === Now create script for setting environment variables (run@host): {{{ ssh user@ "echo 'export QTDIR=/home/user/swork/qt5/qtbase' > nfsenv.sh; \ echo 'export QT_IMPORT_PATH=/home/user/swork/qt5/qtbase/imports' >> nfsenv.sh; \ echo 'export QML_IMPORT_PATH=/home/user/swork/qt5/qtbase/imports' >> nfsenv.sh; \ echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/swork/qt5/qtbase/lib:/home/user/swork/qtwebkit-webkit2-dev-builddir-armel-m6/Release/lib' >> nfsenv.sh; \ echo 'export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=/home/user/swork/qt5/qtbase/plugins' >> nfsenv.sh; \ echo 'export QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH=/home/user/swork/qt5/qtbase/plugins/platforms' >> nfsenv.sh; \ echo 'export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb' >> nfsenv.sh; \ echo 'export WEBKIT_TESTFONTS=/home/user/swork/testfonts' >> nfsenv.sh; \ echo '# export TZ=/usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles' >> nfsenv.sh; \ echo 'export PATH=/home/user/swork/qt5/qtbase/bin:$PATH' >> nfsenv.sh" }}} Load environment variables (run@n9): {{{ . nfsenv.sh }}} === 3.2.2. Launch browser === (run@n9) {{{ ~/swork/qtwebkit-webkit2-dev-builddir-armel-m6/Release/bin/MiniBrowser }}} = 4. Flash back N9 to factory state =