[[PageOutline]] = Tips and Tricks for using Git with WebKit = == Install == {{{ fink install git }}} == Checkout == {{{ git clone git://git.webkit.org/WebKit.git }}} == WebKit Script support for Git == The various scripts in WebKitTools/Scripts have been made to work pretty well with Git. Here are some of the specific things you can do with them: * Telling the various scripts to '''append the git branch name to every build'''. This is especially useful so you don't clobber your previous branch's build when you switch branches {{{ git config core.webKitBranchBuild (true|false) //the default is off }}} * Overriding the core.webKitBranchBuild setting for a specific branch {{{ git config branch.$branchName.webKitBranchBuild (true|false) }}} * Using '''prepare-Changelog''' with git {{{ WebKitTools/Scripts/prepare-Changelog --git-commit=$committish --git-reviewer="Foo Reviewer" }}} * Using '''resolve-ChangeLog''' with git {{{ PLEASE FILL ME IN }}} * Using '''commit-log-editor''' with git {{{ git config core.editor commit-log-editor }}} == Misc. Tips and Tricks == * You can setup '''Git shell completion and branch name in your bash prompt.''' In your /path/to/git/source/contrib/completion directory you will find a 'git-completion.bash' file. Follow the instructions in that file to enable shell completion. Here is a nice bash prompt for instance {{{ PS1='\[\033[41;1;37m\]\u@\h:\[\033[40;1;33m\]\W$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")>\[\033[0m\] ' }}} * You can set up '''multiple working directories to work on more than one branch at a time.''' In your /path/to/git/source/contrib/workdir directory you will find a 'git-new-workdir' script that can create new working directories. The usage is {{{ ./git-new-workdir [] }}} * Colorize various git commands {{{ git config --global color.status auto git config --global color.diff auto git config --global color.branch auto }}} * Important git config settings {{{ git config --global user.name "Foo Bar" git config --global user.email "foo@webkit.org" }}}