= Overview = The [http://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL/ Web IDL] is a language that defines how WebCore interfaces are bound to external languages such as JavaScriptCore, V8, ObjC, GObject and CPP. We need to write IDL files (e.g. XMLHttpRequest.idl, Element.idl, etc) to expose WebCore interfaces to those external languages. When WebKit is built, the IDL files are parsed, and the code to bind WebCore implementations and JavaScriptCore/V8/ObjC/GObject/CPP interfaces is automatically generated. This page describes practical information about how the IDL binding works and how we can write IDL files in WebKit. The syntax of IDL files is fairly well documented in the [http://www.w3.org/TR/WebIDL/ Web IDL spec], but it is too formal to read:-) and there are several differences between the Web IDL spec and the WebKit IDL due to implementation issues. = Basics of the IDL = = How the IDL bindings work = == JavaScriptCore == == V8 == == ObjC == == GObject == == CPP == = IDL attributes = == Basic naming rules == == IDL attributes around methods, attributes and parameters == In the following explanations, (i), (m), (a) and (p) means that the IDL attribute can be specified on interfaces, methods, attributes and parameters, respectively. For example, (a,p) means that the IDL attribute can be specified on attributes and parameters. === * [TreatNullAs](a,p), [TreatUndefinedAs](a,p) === * [http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#TreatNullAs The spec of TreatNullAs] (Note: The WebKit IDL explained below behaves differently from the spec) * [http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#TreatUndefinedAs The spec of TreatUndefinedAs] (Note: The WebKit IDL explained below behaves differently from the spec) Summary: They control the behavior when a JavaScript null or undefined is passed to DOMString attributes/parameters. Usage: The possible usage is [TreatNullAs=NullString] or [TreatUndefinedAs=NullString]. They can be specified on DOMString attributes or DOMString parameters only: {{{ attribute [TreatNullAs=NullString] DOMString str; void func(in [TreatNullAs=NullString, TreatUndefinedAs=NullString] DOMString str); }}} [TreatNullAs=NullString] indicates that if a JavaScript null is passed to the attribute/parameter, then it is converted to a WebKit null string, for which String::IsEmpty() and String::IsNull() will return true. Without [TreatNullAs=NullString], a JavaScript null is converted to a WebKit string "null". [TreatNullAs=NullString] corresponds to [TreatNullAs=EmptyString] in the Web IDL spec. Unless the spec does not specify [TreatNullAs=EmptyString], you should not specify [TreatNullAs=NullString] in WebKit. [TreatUndefinedAs=NullString] indicates that if a JavaScript undefined is passed to the attribute/parameter, then it is converted to a WebKit null string, for which IsEmpty() and IsNull() will return true. Without [TreatUndefinedAs=NullString], a JavaScript undefined is converted to a WebKit string "undefined". [TreatUndefinedAs=NullString] corresponds to [TreatUndefinedAs=EmptyString] in the Web IDL spec. Unless the spec does not specify [TreatUndefinedAs=EmptyString], you should not specify [TreatUndefinedAs=NullString] in WebKit. Note: For now the sole usage of [TreatUndefinedAs=NullString] is not allowed in WebKit. [TreatUndefinedAs=NullString] must be used with [TreatNullAs=NullString], i.e. [TreatNullAs=NullString, TreatUndefinedAs=NullString]. === * [TreatReturnedNullStringAs](m,a) === Summary: It controls the behavior when a WebKit null string is returned. Usage: The possible usage is [TreatReturnedNullStringAs=Null], [TreatReturnedNullStringAs=Undefined] or [TreatReturnedNullStringAs=False]. They can be specified on DOMString attributes or methods which return a DOMString value: {{{ attribute [TreatReturnedNullStringAs=Null] DOMString str; [TreatReturnedNullStringAs=Undefined] DOMString func(); }}} [TreatReturnedNullStringAs=Null] indicates that if the returned string is a WebKit null string, the returned value is converted to a JavaScript null. [TreatReturnedNullStringAs=Undefined] indicates that if the returned string is a WebKit null string, the returned value is converted to a JavaScript undefined. [TreatReturnedNullStringAs=False] indicates that if the returned string is a WebKit null string, the returned value is converted to a JavaScript false. Without [TreatReturnedNullStringAs=...], if the returned string is a WebKit null string, the returned value becomes a JavaScript empty string ''. Note that what should be specified depends on the spec of each attribute or method. === * [Optional](p) === Summary: It allows method overloading for methods whose argument count are different with each other. Usage: The possible usage is [Optional], [Optional=DefaultIsUndefined] or [Optional=DefaultIsNullString]. [Optional] and [Optional=DefaultIsUndefined] can be specified on parameters. [Optional=DefaultIsNullString] can be specified on DOMString parameters: {{{ interface HTMLFoo { void func1(in int a, in int b, in [Optional] int c, in [Optional] int d); void func2(in int a, in int b, in [Optional=DefaultIsUndefined] int c); void func3(in int a, in int b, in [Optional=DefaultIsUndefined] DOMString c, in [Optional=DefaultIsNullString] DOMString d); } }}} The parameters marked with [Optional=...] are optional, and JavaScript can omit the parameters. Obviously, if parameter X is marked with [Optional=...], then all subsequent parameters of X must be marked with [Optional=...]. The difference between [Optional] and [Optional=DefaultIsUndefined] is whether your WebCore implementation has overloaded methods or not, as explained below. In case of func1(...), if JavaScript calls func1(100, 200), then HTMLFoo::func1(int a, int b) is called in WebCore. If JavaScript calls func1(100, 200, 300), then HTMLFoo::func1(int a, int b, int c) is called in WebCore. If JavaScript calls func1(100, 200, 300, 400), then HTMLFoo::func1(int a, int b, int c, int d) is called in WebCore. In other words, if your WebCore implementation has overloaded methods, you can use [Optional]. In case of func2(...), if JavaScript calls func2(100, 200), then it behaves as if JavaScript called func2(100, 200, undefined, undefined). Consequently, HTMLFoo::func1(int a, int b, int c, int d) is called in WebCore. 100 is passed to a, 200 is passed to b, 0 is passed to c, and 0 is passed to d. (A JavaScript undefined is converted to 0, following the value conversion rule in the Web IDL spec.) In this way, WebCore needs to implement func2(int a, int b, int c, int d) only, and needs not to implement overloaded methods like func2(int a, int b) or func2(int a, int b, int c). The difference between [Optional=DefalutIsUndefined] and [Optional=DefaultIsNullString] appears only when the parameter type is DOMString. While in [Optional=DefalutIsUndefined] the "supplemented" JavaScript undefined is converted to a WebKit string "undefined", in [Optional=DefaultIsNullString] the "supplemented" JavaScript undefined is converted to a WebKit null string. Specifically, if JavaScript calls func3(100, 200), then HTMLFoo::func3(int a, int b, String c, String d) is called in WebCore. Here 100 is passed to a, 200 is passed to b, a WebKit string "undefined" is passed to c, and a WebKit null string is passed to d. === * [Callback](i,p) FIXME === Summary: ADD SUMMARY Usage: [Callback] can be specified on interfaces and parameters: {{{ interface [ Callback ] HTMLFoo { void func(in int a, in [Callback] int b); } }}} ADD EXPLANATIONS === * [Custom](m,a), [JSCustom](m,a), [V8Custom](m,a), [CustomGetter](a), [JSCustomGetter](a), [V8CustomGetter](a), [CustomSetter](a), [JSCustomSetter](a), [V8CustomSetter](a) === Summary: If your bindings require special (i.e. "custom") handling, you can write the bindings code as you like. Usage: [Custom], [JSCustom] and [V8Custom] can be specified on methods or attributes. [CustomGetter], [JSCustomGetter], [V8CustomGetter], [CustomSetter], [JSCustomSetter], [V8CustomSetter] can be specified on attributes: {{{ [Custom] void func(); attribute [CustomGetter, JSCustomSetter] DOMString str; }}} Before explaining the details, let us clarify the relationship of these IDLs. * [JSCustom] on a method indicates that you want to write JavaScriptCore custom bindings for the method. * [V8Custom] on a method indicates that you want to write V8 custom bindings for the method. * [Custom] on a method is equivalent to [JSCustom, V8Custom]. * [JSCustomGetter] or [JSCustomSetter] on an attribute indicates that you want to write JavaScriptCore custom bindings for the attribute getter or setter. * [V8CustomGetter] or [V8CustomSetter] on an attribute indicates that you want to write V8 custom bindings for the attribute getter or setter. * [JSCustom] on an attribute is equivalent to [JSCustomGetter, JSCustomSetter]. * [V8Custom] on an attribute is equivalent to [V8CustomGetter, V8CustomSetter]. * [Custom] on an attribute is equivalent to [JSCustom, V8Custom], i.e. [JSCustomGetter, JSCustomSetter, V8CustomGetter, V8CustomSetter]. For example, if you want to write custom bindings only for an attribute getter of JavaScriptCore and V8 and an attribute setter of JavaScriptCore, you can specify [CustomGetter, JSCustomSetter]. How to write custom bindings are different between JavaScriptCore and V8 or between a method and an attribute getter/setter. * JavaScriptCore method Consider the following example: {{{ interface XXX { [JSCustom] void func(in int a, in int b); } }}} You need to prepare WebCore/bindings/js/JSXXXCustom.cpp and write custom bindings: {{{ JSValue JSXXX::func(ExecState* exec) { ...; } }}} Refer to WebCore/bindings/js/JSXXXCustom.cpp for more details. * JavaScriptCore attribute getter Consider the following example: {{{ interface XXX { attribute [JSCustomGetter] DOMString str; } }}} You need to prepare WebCore/bindings/js/JSXXXCustom.cpp and write custom bindings: {{{ JSValue JSXXX::str(ExecState* exec) const { ...; } }}} Refer to WebCore/bindings/js/JSXXXCustom.cpp for more details. * JavaScriptCore attribute setter Consider the following example: {{{ interface XXX { attribute [JSCustomSetter] DOMString str; } }}} You need to prepare WebCore/bindings/js/JSXXXCustom.cpp and write custom bindings: {{{ void JSXXX::setStr(ExecState*, JSValue value) { ...; } }}} Refer to WebCore/bindings/js/JSXXXCustom.cpp for more details. * V8 method Consider the following example: {{{ interface XXX { [V8Custom] void func(in int a, in int b); } }}} You need to prepare WebCore/bindings/v8/custom/V8XXXCustom.cpp and write custom bindings in the following signature: {{{ v8::Handle V8XXX::funcCallback(const v8::Arguments& args) { ...; } }}} Refer to WebCore/bindings/v8/custom/V8XXXCustom.cpp for more details. * V8 attribute getter Consider the following example: {{{ interface XXX { attribute [V8CustomGetter] DOMString str; } }}} You need to prepare WebCore/bindings/v8/custom/V8XXXCustom.cpp and write custom bindings in the following signature: {{{ v8::Handle V8XXX::strAccessorGetter(v8::Local name, const v8::AccessorInfo& info) { ...; } }}} Refer to WebCore/bindings/v8/custom/V8XXXCustom.cpp for more details. * V8 attribute setter Consider the following example: {{{ interface XXX { attribute [V8CustomSetter] DOMString str; } }}} You need to prepare WebCore/bindings/v8/custom/V8XXXCustom.cpp and write custom bindings in the following signature: {{{ void V8XXX::eventAccessorSetter(v8::Local name, v8::Local value, const v8::AccessorInfo& info) { ...; } }}} Refer to WebCore/bindings/v8/custom/V8XXXCustom.cpp for more details. We should minimize the number of custom bindings as less as possible. Before using [Custom], you should doubly consider if you really need custom bindings. Note: ObjC, GObject and CPP bindings do not support custom bindings. === * [CallWith](m,a) === Summary: It calls a WebCore method with additional information. Usage: The possible usage is [CallWith=X1|X2|X3|...], where X1, X2, X3, ... is "ScriptExecutionContext", "ScriptState", "ScriptArguments" or "CallStack". "ScriptExecutionContext", "ScriptState" and "CallStack" can be specified on methods or attributes, but "ScriptArguments" can be specified on methods only: {{{ interface HTMLFoo { attribute [CallWith=ScriptExecutionContext] DOMString str; [CallWith=ScriptExecutionContext] void func1(in int a, in int b); [CallWith=ScriptState] void func2(in int a, in int b); [CallWith=ScriptArguments|CallStack] void func3(in int a, in int b); [CallWith=CallStack|ScriptArguments] void func4(in int a, in int b); } }}} In case of func1(...), HTMLFoo::func1(ScriptExecutionContext* context, int a, int b) is called. Thus, in HTMLFoo::func1(...) you can retrieve document or window through context. In case of func2(...), HTMLFoo::func2(ScriptState* state, int a, int b) is called. In case of func3(...), HTMLFoo::func3(ScriptArguments* arguments, ScriptCallStack* callstack, int a, int b) is called. In this way, the additional information is added at the head of normal arguments. The order of additional information is "ScriptExecutionContext", "ScriptState", "ScriptArguments", and then "CallStack", despite the order of [CallWith=X1|X2|X3|...]. Thus, in case of func4(...), HTMLFoo::func3(ScriptArguments* arguments, ScriptCallStack* callstack, int a, int b) is called. === * [CheckAccessToNode](m,a) === Summary: It checks if a given Node access is allowed in terms of security. Usage: It can be specified on methods and attributes: {{{ attribute [CheckAccessToNode] Node contentDocument; [CheckAccessToNode] SVGDocument getSVGDocument(); }}} In terms of security, node.contentDocument should return undefined if the parent frame and the child frame are from different origins. If the security check is needed, you should specify [CheckAccessToNode]. === * [StrictTypeChecking](m,a) FIXME === Summary: ADD SUMMARY Usage: [StrictTypeChecking] can be specified on methods and attributes: {{{ attribute [StringTypeChecking] float x; [StrictTypeChecking] DOMString func(); }}} ADD EXPLANATIONS === * [ReturnNewObject](m,a) === Summary: It controls whether WebCore can return a cached wrapper object or not. Usage: It can be specified on methods or attributes: {{{ attribute [ReturnNewObject] Node node; [ReturnNewObject] Node createTextNode(); }}} Without [ReturnNewObject], JavaScriptCore and V8 cache a wrapper object for performance. For example, consider the case where node.firstChild is accessed: * Node::firstChild() is called * The result is passed to toJS() or toV8() * toJS() or toV8() checks if a wrapper object of the result is already cached on the node * If cached, the cached wrapper object is returned * Otherwise, toJS() or toV8() creates the wrapper object of the result * The created wrapper object is cached on the node * The wrapper object is returned On the other hand, if you do not want to cache the wrapper object and want to create the wrapper object every time, you can specify [ReturnNewObject]. === * [ImplementedAs](m) === Summary: It specifies a method name in WebCore implementation, if the IDL method name and the WebCore method name are different. Usage: The possible usage is [ImplementedAs=XXX], where XXX is a method name of the WebCore implementation. It can be specified on methods: {{{ [ImplementedAs=deleteFunction] void delete(); }}} Basically, the WebCore method name should be equal to the IDL method name. That being said, sometimes you cannot use the same method name; e.g. "delete" is a C++ keyword. In such cases, you can explicitly specify the WebCore method name by [ImplementedAs]. You should avoid using [ImplementedAs] as much as possible though. === * [Reflect](a) FIXME === Summary: ADD SUMMARY Usage: [Reflect] can be specified on attributes. {{{ attribute [Reflect] DOMString str; }}} ADD EXPLANATIONS === * [Replaceable](a) === * [http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#Replaceable The spec of replaceable] Summary: It controls if a given attribute is "replaceable" or not. Usage: It can be specified on attributes: {{{ interface DOMWindow { attribute [Replaceable] screenX; } }}} Intuitively, "replaceable" means that you can set a new value to the attribute without overwriting the current value. If you delete the new value, then the old value still remains. Specifically, without [Replaceable], the attribute behaves as follows: {{{ window.screenX; // Evaluates to 0 window.screenX = "foo"; window.screenX; // Evaluates to "foo" delete window.screenX; window.screenX; // Evaluates to undefined }}} With [Replaceable], the attribute behaves as follows: {{{ window.screenX; // Evaluates to 0 window.screenX = "foo"; window.screenX; // Evaluates to "foo" delete window.screenX; window.screenX; // Evaluates to 0 }}} Whether you should specify [Replaceable] or not depends on the spec of each attribute. === * [Deletable](a), [NotEnumerable](a), [V8ReadOnly](a) === * [http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/Ecma-262.pdf The spec of Writable, Enumerable and Configurable (8.6.1)] Summary: They control Writability, Enumerability and Configurability of attributes. Usage: They can be specified on attributes: {{{ attribute [NotEnumerable, Deletable] DOMString str; readonly attribute DOMString readonlyStr; attribute [V8ReadOnly] DOMString readonlyStrOnV8; }}} By default, non-"readonly" attributes are enumerable, writable and not deletable. "readonly" attributes are enumerable, not writable and not deletable. You can change the default behavior using [Deletable], [NotEnumerable] or [V8ReadOnly]. [Deletable] indicates that the attribute is deletable. [NotEnumerable] indicates that the attribute is not enumerable. [V8ReadOnly] indicates that the attribute is readonly in V8 even if the attribute is not prefixed by "readonly". === * [CachedAttribute](a) === Summary: For performance optimization, it indicates to cache a wrapped object in a DOM object. Usage: It can be specified on attributes: {{{ interface HTMLFoo { attribute [CachedAttribute] DOMString normalValue; attribute [CachedAttribute] SerializedScriptValue serializedValue; } }}} Without [CachedAttribute], the normalValue getter works in the following way: * HTMLFoo::normalValue() is called. * The result is passed to toJS() or toV8(), and is converted to a wrapper object. * The wrapper object is returned. In case where HTMLFoo::normalValue() and wrapping the result is weight, you can cache the wrapped object in the DOM object by using [CachedAttribute]. With [CachedAttribute], the normalValue getter works in the following way: * If the wrapper object is cached, the cached wrapper object is returned. * Otherwise, HTMLFoo::normalValue() is called. * The result is passed to toJS() or toV8(), and is converted to a wrapped object. * The wrapped object is cached. * The wrapped object is returned. In particular, [CachedAttribute] will be helpful for serialized values. Without [CachedAttribute], the serializedValue getter works in the following way: * HTMLFoo::serializedValue() is called. * The result is deserialized. * The deserialized result is passed to toJS() or toV8(), and is converted to a wrapped object. * The wrapped object is returned. In case where HTMLFoo::serializedValue(), deserializing and wrapping the result is weight, you can cache the wrapped object to the DOM object by specifying [CachedAttribute]. With [CachedAttribute], the serializedValue getter works in the following way: * If the wrapper object is cached, the cached wrapper object is returned. * Otherwise, HTMLFoo::serializedValue() is called. * The result is deserialized. * The deserialized result is passed to toJS() or toV8(), and is converted to a wrapped object. * The wrapped object is cached. * The wrapped object is returned. Note that you should cache attributes if and only if it is really important for performance. Not only does caching increase the DOM object size, but also it increases the overhead of "cache-miss"ed getters and setters (Setters always need to invalidate the caches). === * [V8Unforgeable](m,a), [V8OnProto](m,a) === * [http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#Unforgeable The spec of Unforgeable] Summary: They control where a given attribute getter/setter is defined. Usage: They can be specified on attributes: {{{ attribute [V8Unforgeable] DOMString str1; attribute [V8OnProto] DOMString str2; }}} By default in JSC and V8, attribute getters/setters are defined on a DOM object, and methods are defined on a prototype chain (although the Web IDL spec requires that both attribute getters/setters and methods should be defined on a prototype chain). If you want to explicitly control where an attribute getter/setter or a method is defined in V8, you can use [V8Unforgeable] or [V8OnProto]. [V8Unforgeable] indicates that the attribute getter/setter or the method should be defined on a DOM object. On the other hand, [V8OnProto] indicates that the attribute getter/setter or the method should be defined on a chain. Note: As explained above, the current implementation of JSC and V8 is wrong with the Web IDL spec, and [V8Unforgeable] and [V8OnProto] are used for hack. You should not use them unless you have a strong reason to use them. === * [URL](a) === Summary: It indicates that a given DOMString is a URL. Usage: It can be specified on DOMString attributes: {{{ attribute [Reflect, V8URL] DOMString url; }}} You must specify [URL] if the DOMString represents URL, since URL attribute getters are realized in a special routine in WebKit, i.e. Element::getURLAttribute(). If you forgot to specify [URL], then the attribute getter might cause a bug. === * [JSWindowEventListener](a) === == IDL attributes around interfaces == === * [Supplemental](i) === * [http://dev.w3.org/2006/webapi/WebIDL/#dfn-supplemental-interface The spec of Supplemental] * [http://old.nabble.com/Things-missing-from-Web-IDL-for-HTML5-td24873773.html Easy explanation of Supplemental] Summary: [Supplemental] helps WebKit modularization. The [Supplemental] IDL makes it possible to add XXX's APIs (e.g. XXX=WebAudio, WebSocket, Blob, GamePad, ...etc) without modifying code outside of WebCore/Modules/XXX/. This helps make XXX a "self-contained module". Usage: The possible usage is {{{ interface [Supplemental=YYY] XXX { ... } }}} where XXX implements YYY. [Supplemental] can be specified on interfaces. Here is an example. Without [Supplemental], if we want to add XXX's attributes or methods to DOMWindow, * we need to modify WebCore/page/DOMWindow.idl to add the IDLs of the XXX's attributes or methods * we need to modify WebCore/page/DOMWindow.{h,cpp} to add the C++ implementation of the attribute getters and setters or the method callbacks. On the other hand, in the modularized world with [Supplemental], we just need to modify the code under WebCore/Modules/XXX/: * WebCore/Modules/XXX/DOMWindowXXX.idl {{{ interface [ Conditional=XXX, Supplemental=DOMWindow // The attributes and methods of this interface are exposed as those of DOMWindow. ] DOMWindowXXX { attribute foo; void bar(); }; }}} * WebCore/Modules/XXX/DOMWindowXXX.h {{{ DOMWindowXXX::foo(...) { ... } // The C++ implementation of the foo attribute getter. DOMWindowXXX::setFoo(...) { ... } // The C++ implementation of the foo attribute setter. DOMWindowXXX::bar(...) { ... } // The C++ implementation of the bar method callback. }}} As shown above, [Supplemental=DOMWindow] indicates that all the attributes and methods of DOMWindowXXX should be exposed on DOMWindow, but should be implemented in DOMWindowXXX. In this way, we can implement the attributes and methods without modifying code of DOMWindow.{h,cpp,idl}. If you want to add APIs whose implementations are likely to be independent from WebCore, it is strongly recommended to put the APIs and .h/.cpp files into WebCore/Modules/XXX/ using [Supplemental]. === * [Constructor](i), [ConstructorCallWith](i), [ConstructorRaisesException](i) === === * [ConstructorTemplate](i), [InitializedByEventConstructor](a) === === * [NamedConstructor](i) === === * [CustomConstructor](i), [JSCustomConstructor](i), [V8CustomConstructor](i) === === * [Conditional](i,m,a) === === * [V8EnabledAtRuntime](i,m,a) === === * [CustomToJSObject](i), [JSCustomToJSObject](i), [V8CustomToJSObject](i) === === * [CheckDomainSecurity](i), [DoNotCheckDomainSecurity](m,a), [DoNotCheckDomainSecurityOnGetter](a), [DoNotCheckDomainSecurityOnSetter](a) === === * [IndexedGetter](i), [CustomIndexedGetter](i) === === * [NamedGetter](i), [NamedCustomGetter](i), [NamedCustomSetter](i) === === * [EventTarget](i) === === * [DoNotCheckConstants](i) === === * [ActiveDOMObject](i), [V8DependentLifeTime](i) === === * [CustomEnumerateProperty](i), [CustomDeleteProperty](i) === === * [IsWorkerContext](i) === === * [CustomCall](i) === === * [JSCustomToNativeObject](i), [JSCustomFinalize](i), [JSCustomIsReachable](i), [JSCustomMarkFunction](i), [JSCustomNamedGetterOnPrototype](i), [JSCustomPushEventHandlerScope](i), [JSCustomDefineOwnProperty](i), [JSCustomGetOwnPropertySlotAndDescriptor](i), [JSCustomDefineOwnPropertyOnPrototype](i) === === * [JSCustomHeader](i) === === * [JSGenerateToJSObject](i), [JSGenerateIsReachable](i), [JSGenerateToNativeObject](i) === === * [JSLegacyParent](i) === === * [JSInlineGetOwnPropertySlot](i) === === * [JSNoStaticTables](i) === == IDL attributes used by ObjC, GObject and CPP bindings only == === * [ObjCProtocol](i), [ObjCPolymorphic](i), [ObjCLegacyUnnamedParameters](m), [ObjCUseDefaultView](m), [ObjCImplementedAsUnsignedLongLong](a) === Used by ObjC bindings only. === * [CPPPureInterface](i) === Used by CPP bindings only. === * [CustomReturn](p) === Used by ObjC, GObject and CPP bindings only. == IDL attributes which might be deprecated == === * [OmitConstructor], [Immutable], [MasqueradesAsUndefined] === Might be deprecated. Discussion is on-going. === * [CustomGetOwnPropertySlot], [ConstructorParameters], [ReplaceableConstructor], [ExtendsDOMGlobalObject], [IsIndex], [V8DoNotCheckSignature], [NumericIndexedGetter] === Will be deprecated. Discussion is on-going.