
Feb 18, 2007:

11:58 PM Changeset in webkit [22965] by mjs
  • 20 edits in branches/WindowsMerge


Reviewed by Oliver.

  • Adapt for Lars's patch to clean up Frame
  • bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::cleanupPlatformScriptObjects): (WebCore::Frame::createScriptInstanceForWidget): (WebCore::Frame::computePageRects): (WebCore::drawRectIntoContext): (WebCore::imageFromSelection): (WebCore::Frame::isCharacterSmartReplaceExempt):
  • bridge/win/FrameWin.h:
  • page/win/EventHandlerWin.cpp:
  • platform/win/ScrollViewWin.cpp: (WebCore::ScrollView::windowResizerRect): (WebCore::ScrollView::addToDirtyRegion): (WebCore::ScrollView::scrollBackingStore): (WebCore::ScrollView::updateBackingStore):
  • platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: (Frame::print): (Frame::issueTransposeCommand): (WebCore::Frame::respondToChangedSelection):
  • plugins/win/PluginDatabaseWin.cpp: (WebCore::PluginDatabaseWin::createPluginView):
  • plugins/win/PluginDatabaseWin.h:
  • plugins/win/PluginViewWin.cpp: (WebCore::PluginViewWin::createNullPluginView): (WebCore::PluginViewWin::PluginViewWin):
  • plugins/win/PluginViewWin.h:


Reviewed by Oliver.

  • Adapt for Lars's patch to clean up Frame
  • WebChromeClient.cpp: (WebChromeClient::tabsToLinks): (WebChromeClient::windowResizerRect): (WebChromeClient::addToDirtyRegion): (WebChromeClient::scrollBackingStore): (WebChromeClient::updateBackingStore):
  • WebChromeClient.h:
  • WebEditorClient.cpp: (WebEditorClient::shouldChangeSelectedRange): (WebEditorClient::textFieldDidBeginEditing): (WebEditorClient::textFieldDidEndEditing): (WebEditorClient::textDidChangeInTextField): (WebEditorClient::doTextFieldCommandFromEvent): (WebEditorClient::textWillBeDeletedInTextField): (WebEditorClient::textDidChangeInTextArea):
  • WebEditorClient.h:
  • WebElementPropertyBag.cpp: (WebElementPropertyBag::Read):
  • WebFrame.cpp: (kit): (WebFrame::initWithWebFrameView): (WebFrame::searchForLabelsBeforeElement): (WebFrame::matchLabelsAgainstElement): (WebFrame::createPlugin): (WebFrame::createJavaAppletWidget): (WebFrame::computePageRects): (WebFrame::getPrintedPageCount): (WebFrame::spoolPages):
  • WebFrame.h:
  • WebView.cpp: (WebView::handleEditingKeyboardEvent): (WebView::keyDown): (WebView::generateSelectionImage):
  • WebView.h:
11:58 PM Changeset in webkit [19704] by beidson
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by Oliver

<rdar://problem/4985321> - Can't edit templates for Web Gallery/Web Page Export in Aperture

  • Misc/WebKitVersionChecks.h: Add a #define for this APERTURE quirk
  • WebView/WebView.mm: (-[WebView _shouldChangeSelectedDOMRange:toDOMRange:affinity:stillSelecting:]): If the current app is Aperture and it was linked against Tiger WebKit, always allow selection change
11:57 PM Changeset in webkit [19703] by lars
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

fix compilation.

11:54 PM Changeset in webkit [19702] by mjs
  • 91 edits
    4 adds
    2 deletes in trunk


Reviewed by Maciej.

Additional coding by Maciej, additional review by Oliver.

Get rid of the FrameMac and FrameQt classes. Instead
move all methods into Frame directly, and implement
some platform specific methods in foo/FrameFoo.cpp.

Some general cleanup in Frame:

  • Move some methods out of Frame, to the place where they belong.
  • Unify the different ways of creating the JavaScript wrappers for <object>, <embed> and <applet>
  • Some cleanup of the WebCoreFrameBridge
  • ForwardingHeaders/bindings/NP_jsobject.h: Added.
  • ForwardingHeaders/bindings/npruntime_impl.h: Added.
  • ForwardingHeaders/bindings/runtime_root.h: Added.
  • WebCore.exp:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • bindings/js/kjs_binding.cpp: (KJS::ScriptInterpreter::shouldInterruptScript):
  • bindings/objc/DOM.mm: (-[DOMNode KJS::Bindings::]):
  • bindings/objc/DOMInternal.mm: (-[WebScriptObject _initializeScriptDOMNodeImp]):
  • bridge/EditorClient.h:
  • bridge/mac/FrameViewMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameView::updateBorder): (WebCore::FrameView::updateDashboardRegions):
  • bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.mm: (-[WebCoreAXObject rendererForView:]):
  • dom/Position.cpp: (WebCore::Position::next):
  • editing/CommandByName.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::execCopy): (WebCore::Frame::execCut): (WebCore::Frame::execPaste):
  • editing/Editor.cpp: (WebCore::Editor::canEdit): (WebCore::Editor::pasteWithPasteboard): (WebCore::Editor::paste): (WebCore::Editor::pasteAsPlainText):
  • editing/Editor.h:
  • editing/JSEditor.cpp:
  • html/HTMLAppletElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLAppletElement::getInstance):
  • html/HTMLEmbedElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLEmbedElement::getInstance):
  • html/HTMLFormElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLFormElement::formData):
  • html/HTMLObjectElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::getInstance):
  • loader/FrameLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoader::clear): (WebCore::FrameLoader::detachFromParent):
  • loader/mac/ImageDocumentMac.mm: (WebCore::finishImageLoad):
  • loader/qt/DocumentLoaderQt.cpp:
  • page/Chrome.cpp: (WebCore::Chrome::shouldInterruptJavaScript):
  • page/Chrome.h:
  • page/ChromeClient.h:
  • page/Frame.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::~Frame): (WebCore::Frame::markedTextRange): (WebCore::Frame::shouldChangeSelection): (WebCore::Frame::shouldDeleteSelection): (WebCore::Frame::isContentEditable): (WebCore::Frame::setSecureKeyboardEntry): (WebCore::Frame::isSecureKeyboardEntry): (WebCore::Frame::bindingRootObject): (WebCore::Frame::createRootObject): (WebCore::Frame::windowScriptNPObject): (WebCore::Frame::cleanupScriptObjects): (WebCore::FramePrivate::FramePrivate):
  • page/Frame.h:
  • page/FramePrivate.h:
  • page/FrameView.h:
  • page/mac/EventHandlerMac.mm: (WebCore::EventHandler::tabsToLinks): (WebCore::EventHandler::tabsToAllControls): (WebCore::EventHandler::focusDocumentView): (WebCore::EventHandler::passMouseDownEventToWidget): (WebCore::EventHandler::handleDrag): (WebCore::EventHandler::sendFakeEventsAfterWidgetTracking): (WebCore::EventHandler::keyboardUIMode):
  • page/mac/FrameMac.h: Removed.
  • page/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::Frame::setBridge): (WebCore::Frame::bridge): (WebCore::Frame::searchForLabelsAboveCell): (WebCore::Frame::searchForLabelsBeforeElement): (WebCore::Frame::matchLabelsAgainstElement): (WebCore::Frame::focusWindow): (WebCore::Frame::unfocusWindow): (WebCore::Frame::imageFromRect): (WebCore::Frame::selectionImage): (WebCore::Frame::snapshotDragImage): (WebCore::Frame::fontAttributesForSelectionStart): (WebCore::Frame::baseWritingDirectionForSelectionStart): (WebCore::Frame::print): (WebCore::Frame::issuePasteCommand): (WebCore::Frame::issueTransposeCommand): (WebCore::Frame::respondToChangedSelection): (WebCore::Frame::textFieldDidBeginEditing): (WebCore::Frame::textFieldDidEndEditing): (WebCore::Frame::textDidChangeInTextField): (WebCore::Frame::textDidChangeInTextArea): (WebCore::Frame::doTextFieldCommandFromEvent): (WebCore::Frame::textWillBeDeletedInTextField): (WebCore::Frame::setSecureKeyboardEntry): (WebCore::Frame::isSecureKeyboardEntry): (WebCore::Frame::setMarkedTextRange): (WebCore::Frame::dashboardRegionsDictionary): (WebCore::Frame::dashboardRegionsChanged): (WebCore::Frame::willPopupMenu): (WebCore::Frame::isCharacterSmartReplaceExempt): (WebCore::Frame::setNeedsReapplyStyles): (WebCore::Frame::customHighlightLineRect): (WebCore::Frame::paintCustomHighlight): (WebCore::Frame::createScriptInstanceForWidget): (WebCore::Frame::windowScriptObject): (WebCore::Frame::cleanupPlatformScriptObjects):
  • page/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h:
  • page/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: (createRootObject): (bridge): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge _frame]):
  • page/qt/EventHandlerQt.cpp:
  • page/qt/FrameQt.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::unfocusWindow): (WebCore::Frame::focusWindow): (WebCore::Frame::issueTransposeCommand): (WebCore::Frame::respondToChangedSelection): (WebCore::Frame::print): (WebCore::Frame::createScriptInstanceForWidget): (WebCore::Frame::cleanupPlatformScriptObjects): (WebCore::Frame::isCharacterSmartReplaceExempt):
  • page/qt/FrameQt.h: Removed.
  • platform/MimeTypeRegistry.h:
  • platform/graphics/svg/SVGImage.cpp: (WebCore::SVGImage::setData):
  • platform/graphics/svg/SVGImageEmptyClients.h: (WebCore::SVGEmptyChromeClient::shouldInterruptJavaScript): (WebCore::SVGEmptyEditorClient::shouldChangeSelectedRange):
  • platform/mac/ClipboardMac.h:
  • platform/mac/ClipboardMac.mm: (WebCore::ClipboardMac::ClipboardMac):
  • platform/mac/FileChooserMac.mm: (-[OpenPanelController beginSheetWithFrame:]):
  • platform/mac/MimeTypeRegistryMac.mm: (WebCore::MimeTypeRegistry::getMIMETypeForPath):
  • platform/mac/PopupMenuMac.mm: (WebCore::PopupMenu::show):
  • platform/mac/WidgetMac.mm: (WebCore::Widget::setFocus): (WebCore::Widget::setIsSelected):
  • platform/network/mac/ResourceHandleMac.mm:
  • platform/network/qt/ResourceHandleManagerQt.cpp:
  • platform/network/qt/ResourceHandleQt.cpp: (WebCore::ResourceHandle::start):
  • platform/qt/MimeTypeRegistryQt.cpp: (WebCore::MimeTypeRegistry::getMIMETypeForPath):
  • platform/qt/PopupMenuQt.cpp:
  • platform/qt/ScrollViewCanvasQt.cpp:
  • platform/qt/ScrollViewQt.cpp:
  • platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp:
  • rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintCustomHighlight):
  • rendering/RenderBox.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBox::paintCustomHighlight):
  • rendering/RootInlineBox.cpp: (WebCore::RootInlineBox::addHighlightOverflow): (WebCore::RootInlineBox::paintCustomHighlight):


Reviewed by Maciej.

Additional coding by Maciej, additional review by Oliver.

Added implementations for the new callbacks in EditorClient
and ChromeClient (basically moved from WebFrameBridge).
Cleaned up some code paths that are not called anymore
and done fully inside WebCore now.

  • DefaultDelegates/WebDefaultContextMenuDelegate.mm:
  • Misc/WebElementDictionary.mm:
  • Misc/WebNSAttributedStringExtras.mm:
  • Plugins/WebBaseNetscapePluginView.mm: (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView getVariable:value:]):
  • Plugins/WebNetscapePluginEmbeddedView.mm:
  • Plugins/WebNetscapePluginStream.mm:
  • Plugins/WebPluginContainerCheck.mm:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebChromeClient.h:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebChromeClient.mm: (WebChromeClient::shouldInterruptJavaScript):
  • WebCoreSupport/WebEditorClient.h:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebEditorClient.mm: (WebEditorClient::shouldChangeSelectedRange):
  • WebCoreSupport/WebFrameBridge.mm: (-[WebFrameBridge finishInitializingWithPage:frameName:frameView:ownerElement:]): (-[WebFrameBridge fini]):
  • WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.mm:
  • WebView/WebArchiver.mm:
  • WebView/WebFrame.mm: (core): (kit): (-[WebFrame _updateBackground]):
  • WebView/WebFrameInternal.h:
  • WebView/WebFrameView.mm:
  • WebView/WebHTMLRepresentation.mm:
  • WebView/WebHTMLView.mm: (-[WebHTMLView _updateMouseoverWithEvent:]): (-[WebHTMLView _isEditable]): (-[WebHTMLView validateUserInterfaceItem:]): (-[WebHTMLView maintainsInactiveSelection]): (-[WebHTMLView scrollWheel:]): (-[WebHTMLView acceptsFirstMouse:]): (-[WebHTMLView shouldDelayWindowOrderingForEvent:]): (-[WebHTMLView cut:]): (-[WebHTMLView paste:]): (-[WebHTMLView selectedAttributedString]):
  • WebView/WebScriptDebugDelegate.mm:
  • WebView/WebView.mm: (-[WebView _dashboardRegions]): (-[WebView setProhibitsMainFrameScrolling:]): (-[WebView _setInViewSourceMode:]): (-[WebView _inViewSourceMode]): (-[WebView shouldClose]): (-[WebView setEditable:]):


Reviewed by Maciej.

Additional coding by Maciej, additional review by Oliver.

Add stubs for the new methods in ChormeClient and EditorClient,
remove all references to FrameQt.

  • Api/qwebframe.cpp: (QWebFrame::QWebFrame):
  • Api/qwebframe_p.h:
  • Api/qwebpage.cpp:
  • WebCoreSupport/ChromeClientQt.cpp: (WebCore::ChromeClientQt::shouldInterruptJavaScript):
  • WebCoreSupport/ChromeClientQt.h:
  • WebCoreSupport/EditorClientQt.cpp: (WebCore::EditorClientQt::shouldChangeSelectedRange): (WebCore::EditorClientQt::isEditable):
  • WebCoreSupport/EditorClientQt.h:
  • WebCoreSupport/FrameLoaderClientQt.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoaderClientQt::setFrame): (WebCore::FrameLoaderClientQt::webFrame):
  • WebCoreSupport/FrameLoaderClientQt.h:
11:18 PM Changeset in webkit [19701] by oliver
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2007-02-18 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by NOBODY (Buildfix).

Oops, missed a 'const'

  • platform/qt/ClipboardQt.h:
11:04 PM Changeset in webkit [19700] by oliver
  • 3 edits
    2 adds in trunk/WebCore

2007-02-18 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by Adam.

Adding stubbed out implementation of Clipboard for Qt to stop
it crashing whenever someone drags the mouse.

  • WebCore.pro:
  • page/qt/EventHandlerQt.cpp: (WebCore::EventHandler::createDraggingClipboard):
  • platform/qt/ClipboardQt.cpp: Added. (WebCore::ClipboardQt::ClipboardQt): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::clearData): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::clearAllData): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::getData): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::setData): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::types): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::dragLocation): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::dragImage): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::setDragImage): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::dragImageElement): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::setDragImageElement): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::createDragImage): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::declareAndWriteDragImage): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::writeURL): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::writeRange): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::hasData):
  • platform/qt/ClipboardQt.h: Added. (WebCore::ClipboardQt::~ClipboardQt): (WebCore::ClipboardQt::isForDragging):
11:00 PM Changeset in webkit [22964] by adachan
  • 9 edits
    4 adds in branches/WindowsMerge

2007-02-18 Ada Chan <adachan@apple.com>


Reviewed by Adam.

Move app text controls to use WebView.

  • added a method to let us render text using WebKit.
  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj:
  • platform/win/WebCoreTextRenderer.cpp: Added. (WebCore::WebCoreDrawTextAtPoint):
  • platform/win/WebCoreTextRenderer.h: Added.


Reviewed by Adam.

Move app text controls to use webview

10:14 PM WebKit Team edited by oliver@apple.com
I appear to be the DnD guy now (diff)
10:07 PM Changeset in webkit [19699] by oliver
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2007-02-18 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by Adam.

Don't even attempt to do a document based drag if there isn't a document
Fixes rdar://problem/4960109

  • page/DragController.cpp: (WebCore::DragController::tryDocumentDrag):

Null check m_document


ASSERT(m_document) -- tryDocumentDrag is the only
thing that will ever call us, but lets play it safe

4:42 PM Changeset in webkit [22963] by aroben
  • 4 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

Rubberstamped by Hyatt.

Fix <rdar://problem/5006918> All selected text is black, even if it is
some other color when not selected

4:28 PM Changeset in webkit [22962] by aroben
  • 3 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

Reviewed by Hyatt.

Fix <rdar://problem/5006872> <select> popups need Aqua scroll bars

PopupMenuWin now uses a PlatformScrollbar.

4:26 PM Changeset in webkit [19698] by aroben
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Hyatt.

A little preparation for <rdar://problem/5006872>.

  • platform/PopupMenu.h:
1:07 PM Changeset in webkit [19697] by ap
  • 4 edits
    2 adds in trunk

Reviewed by Adele.

XPath incorrectly converts NaN to boolean

Test: fast/xpath/nan-to-boolean.html

  • xml/XPathValue.cpp: (WebCore::XPath::Value::toBoolean): Convert NaN to false.
  • xml/XPathFunctions.cpp: (WebCore::XPath::FunSubstringAfter::doEvaluate): Fix substring-after to actually work.
8:15 AM Changeset in webkit [19696] by ap
  • 128 edits
    12 adds in trunk

2007-02-18 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>

Reviewed by Hyatt.

Tests: fast/repaint/float-overflow.html


Reflected in existing test results.

Unified floats and overflow for the purposes of painting and hit-testing.
Overhanging and overflowing floats are now factored into a block's overflow
unless their painting has been propagated to an ancestor.

Changed table cells to no longer expand to enclose overflow, thus making
it purely "visual overflow", having no effect on layout in WebCore. It
still determines scrolling dimensions.

  • rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp: (WebCore::InlineFlowBox::placeBoxesHorizontally): Include inline blocks' horizontal overflow in the inline box's dimensions.
  • rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutBlock): Removed the expand to enclose overflows behavior. Added code to add this block's floats (and their overflow) to its overflow rect if it is not in a block formatting context. Otherwise, the inclusion of floats in the overflow is deferred until this block's parent examines its floats and possibly adopts overhanging floats. (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutBlockChildren): (WebCore::RenderBlock::paint): (WebCore::RenderBlock::floatRect): Made non-virtual and changed to return an empty rect if there are no floats or the floats are clipped, instead of returning the border box. (WebCore::RenderBlock::addOverhangingFloats): Any floats of the child that are not to be painted by the parent are added to the child's overflow rect. (WebCore::RenderBlock::addVisualOverflow): Added. Adjusts the overflow bounds to include the given rect. (WebCore::RenderBlock::nodeAtPoint):
  • rendering/RenderBlock.h:
  • rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.cpp: (WebCore::RenderFlexibleBox::layoutBlock): (WebCore::RenderFlexibleBox::layoutHorizontalBox): After placing a normal child, add its floats to its overflow, since painting of floats does not propagate to flexible boxes. (WebCore::RenderFlexibleBox::layoutVerticalBox): Ditto.
  • rendering/RenderForeignObject.cpp: (WebCore::RenderForeignObject::layout):
  • rendering/RenderHTMLCanvas.cpp: (WebCore::RenderHTMLCanvas::layout):
  • rendering/RenderImage.cpp: (WebCore::RenderImage::layout):
  • rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateLayerPositions): (WebCore::RenderLayer::absoluteBoundingBox):
  • rendering/RenderLayer.h:
  • rendering/RenderObject.cpp: (WebCore::RenderObject::repaintAfterLayoutIfNeeded):
  • rendering/RenderObject.h: (WebCore::RenderObject::expandsToEncloseOverhangingFloats):
  • rendering/RenderPath.cpp: (WebCore::RenderPath::layout):
  • rendering/RenderSVGContainer.cpp: (WebCore::RenderSVGContainer::layout):
  • rendering/RenderSVGText.cpp: (WebCore::RenderSVGText::layout):
  • rendering/RenderTable.h: Removed the override of overflowHeight() since now tables can have vertical overflow.
  • rendering/RenderTableCell.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTableCell::paint): Made sure that overflow is repainted.
  • rendering/RenderTableCell.h: (WebCore::RenderTableCell::expandsToEncloseOverhangingFloats): Removed.
  • rendering/RenderTableSection.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTableSection::RenderTableSection): (WebCore::RenderTableSection::layoutRows): Factor in vertical overflow from cells. (WebCore::RenderTableSection::paint):
  • rendering/RenderTableSection.h: (WebCore::RenderTableSection::overflowHeight): (WebCore::RenderTableSection::overflowTop):
6:23 AM Changeset in webkit [19695] by oliver
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2007-02-18 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by NOBODY (Buildfix).

Build fix for the build fix -- can't call something that isn't a function

  • platform/qt/CursorQt.cpp: (WebCore::notAllowedCursor):
5:48 AM Changeset in webkit [19694] by oliver
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

2007-02-18 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by NOBODY (Build fix).

Adding platform/DragImage.cpp and platform/qt/DragImageQt.cpp to the Qt
project files

Stubbed method for WebCore::notAllowedCursor -- not sure what it should return,
have returned blank cursor, possibly needs to return something else

  • WebCore.pro:
  • platform/qt/CursorQt.cpp: (WebCore::notAllowedCursor):
5:07 AM Changeset in webkit [19693] by oliver
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebKitQt

2007-02-18 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by NOBODY (Buildfix).

Build fix -- adding DragClientQt method stubs

  • WebCoreSupport/DragClientQt.cpp: (WebCore::DragClientQt::willPerformDragSourceAction): (WebCore::DragClientQt::startDrag): (WebCore::DragClientQt::createDragImageForLink):
  • WebCoreSupport/DragClientQt.h:
4:59 AM Changeset in webkit [19692] by oliver
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2007-02-18 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by NOBODY (Buildfix).

Sigh, obnoxious occasional auto conversion from float to int

  • platform/mac/ClipboardMac.mm: (WebCore::ClipboardMac::createDragImage):

4:48 AM Changeset in webkit [19691] by ap
  • 6 edits
    2 adds in trunk

Reviewed by Hyatt.

REGRESSION: Webpage doesn't load correctly (www.cincinnati.com
redirects to the wrong URL)

Test: http/tests/misc/refresh-meta-with-newline.html

  • platform/network/HTTPParsers.cpp: (WebCore::skipWhiteSpace): (WebCore::parseHTTPRefresh):
  • platform/network/HTTPParsers.h: In HTML, all characters with codes <= 0x20 are whitespace, while in HTTP, only space and tab are such.
  • dom/Document.cpp: (WebCore::Document::processHttpEquiv):
  • loader/FrameLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoader::receivedFirstData): Pass parseHTTPRefresh() a flag telling about the source of data.
4:44 AM Changeset in webkit [19690] by oliver
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2007-02-18 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by NOBODY (Build fix).

Buld fix -- surprisingly RetainPtr doesn't exist on Qt

  • platform/DragImage.h:

4:35 AM Changeset in webkit [22961] by oliver
  • 10 edits
    1 add in branches/WindowsMerge

2007-02-18 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by Adam.


Updated to include stubs for drag and drop methods
Added DragImage[Win].cpp to project file
Now uses platform independent EventHandler::handleDrag

  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj:
  • bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::dragImageForSelection): Just wrap the platform specific selectionImage method
  • page/win/DragControllerWin.cpp: Defining constants for drag images -- basically copied the Mac definitions
  • page/win/EventHandlerWin.cpp: (WebCore::EventHandler::createDraggingClipboard): Basic implementation -- needs to create an IDataObject to be useful but ClipboardWin is basically unimplemented anyway so not yet a problem
  • platform/win/ClipboardWin.cpp: (WebCore::ClipboardWin::createDragImage): (WebCore::ClipboardWin::declareAndWriteDragImage): (WebCore::ClipboardWin::writeURL): (WebCore::ClipboardWin::writeRange): (WebCore::ClipboardWin::hasData): Stubs
  • platform/win/ClipboardWin.h: Updated interface
  • platform/win/DragImageWin.cpp: Added. (WebCore::dragImageSize): (WebCore::deleteDragImage): (WebCore::scaleDragImage): (WebCore::dissolveDragImageToFraction): (WebCore::createDragImageFromImage): (WebCore::createDragImageIconForCachedImage): Stubs


Stubs to keep the build going

  • WebDragClient.cpp: (WebDragClient::willPerformDragSourceAction): (WebDragClient::startDrag): (WebDragClient::createDragImageForLink):
  • WebDragClient.h:
4:30 AM Changeset in webkit [19689] by oliver
  • 28 edits
    4 adds in trunk

2007-02-18 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by Adam.


More drag and drop migration, now the entirety of the
drag initiation logic has been rendered platform independent
This has required a number of new interfaces, and a reasonable
amount of logic migration.

As a side effect, this patch also fixes rdar://problem/4945341

There are some basic Qt stubs that should stop the build from failing,
however the absence of ClipboardQt means any attempt to initiate a drag
may cause a crash.

  • WebCore.exp:

Exporting new symbols

  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:

New files

  • dom/Clipboard.cpp: (WebCore::Clipboard::canSaveAsWebArchive): Migrated from WebKit
  • dom/Clipboard.h: Added more methods to allow Clipboard to be used as a platform independent container for drag and drop
  • page/DragClient.h: (WebCore::DragClient::declareAndWriteDragImage): This is a mac only helper function, so i've made it have an empty implementation, that way we won't need a PLATFORM(MAC) block in SVGImageEmptyClients
  • page/DragController.cpp: (WebCore::DragController::dragExited): (WebCore::DragController::performDrag): (WebCore::DragController::tryDocumentDrag): (WebCore::DragController::tryDHTMLDrag): Using RefPtrs now (WebCore::getCachedImage): (WebCore::getImage): Helper functions (WebCore::dragLocForDHTMLDrag): (WebCore::dragLocForSelectionDrag): (WebCore::DragController::startDrag): (WebCore::DragController::doImageDrag): (WebCore::DragController::doSystemDrag): Logic that generates drag images and clipboard content, and initiates the actual system drag operation
  • page/DragController.h: Method and variable declarations
  • page/EventHandler.cpp: (WebCore::EventHandler::handleDrag): handleDrag is now platform independent (WebCore::EventHandler::handleTextInputEvent):


  • page/EventHandler.h: (WebCore::EventHandler::eventLoopHandleMouseDragged): Forgot to define this stub function
  • page/Frame.h: Declaring dragImageForSelection to provide drag image for selected content
  • page/mac/DragControllerMac.mm: Defining drag images control vars
  • page/mac/EventHandlerMac.mm: (WebCore::EventHandler::createDraggingClipboard): Migrated old clipboard creation to here
  • page/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::Frame::dragImageForSelection): Wrap FrameMac::selectionImage
  • page/qt/DragControllerQt.cpp: Defining drag images control vars
  • page/qt/EventHandlerQt.cpp: (WebCore::EventHandler::createDraggingClipboard): stub
  • page/qt/FrameQt.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::dragImageForSelection): stub
  • platform/DragImage.cpp: Added. (WebCore::fitDragImageToMaxSize): (WebCore::createDragImageForSelection):

Platform independent processing for drag images

  • platform/DragImage.h: Added.

Declaring typedefs and wrapper functions to abstract the handling
of drag images

  • platform/Pasteboard.h: Declaring extracted writeURL and writeSelection methods
  • platform/graphics/svg/SVGImageEmptyClients.h: (WebCore::SVGEmptyDragClient::willPerformDragSourceAction): (WebCore::SVGEmptyDragClient::startDrag): (WebCore::SVGEmptyDragClient::createDragImageForLink): Stubs FTW!
  • platform/mac/ClipboardMac.h: (WebCore::ClipboardMac::pasteboard): Provide accessor for underlying NSPasteboard
  • platform/mac/ClipboardMac.mm: (WebCore::ClipboardMac::hasData): (WebCore::ClipboardMac::writeRange): (WebCore::ClipboardMac::writeURL): (WebCore::ClipboardMac::declareAndWriteDragImage): (WebCore::ClipboardMac::createDragImage):

Implemented new Clipboarid functionality.


Made this a const method

  • platform/mac/DragImageMac.mm: Added. (WebCore::dragImageSize): (WebCore::deleteDragImage): (WebCore::scaleDragImage): (WebCore::dissolveDragImageToFraction): (WebCore::createDragImageFromImage): (WebCore::createDragImageIconForCachedImage):

Implemented platform specific DragImage functions

  • platform/mac/PasteboardMac.mm: (WebCore::writeSelection): (WebCore::Pasteboard::writeSelection): (WebCore::writeURL): (WebCore::Pasteboard::writeURL):

Extracted member implementations of these functions, so that
Clipboard could also make use of this functionality.
Pasteboard methods now call the new non-member implementations.
Also fixed implementations to respect the list of requested types.

  • platform/qt/DragImageQt.cpp: Added. (WebCore::dragImageSize): (WebCore::deleteDragImage): (WebCore::scaleDragImage): (WebCore::dissolveDragImageToFraction): (WebCore::createDragImageFromImage): (WebCore::createDragImageIconForCachedImage): Stubs


Moving the drag initiation logic to WebCore.
The redundant code in webkit will be moved out in a later patch.

  • WebCoreSupport/WebDragClient.h:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebDragClient.mm: (getTopHTMLView): Helper function (WebDragClient::willPerformDragSourceAction): (WebDragClient::startDrag): (WebDragClient::createDragImageForLink): Implemented new DragClient methods (WebDragClient::declareAndWriteDragImage): Helper function for the Mac to allow new drag and drop code to match behaviour

  • WebView/WebHTMLView.mm: (-[WebHTMLView _dragImageForURL:withLabel:]): (-[WebHTMLView _dragImageForLinkElement:]): Refactoring old _dragImageForLinkElement function so that the link drag image can be created with just a URL and label, rather than requiring the original element (-[WebHTMLView dragImage:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:]): Removed logic that is no longer necessary (-[WebHTMLView _mouseDownEvent]): The WebDragClient may need the original mouseDownEvent of a drag when initiating a drag
  • WebView/WebHTMLViewInternal.h: Declaring _mouseDownEvent
  • WebView/WebHTMLViewPrivate.h: Declaring _dragImageForURL

12:48 AM Changeset in webkit [19688] by ap
  • 4 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore

2007-02-18 Kevin Ollivier <kevino@theolliviers.com>

Reviewed by Adam Roben.

Fix cases where MSVC-specific code was identified as Win32 platform
code. (as it should be compiled for e.g. wx port when using MSVC too)

  • wtf/Assertions.h:
  • wtf/MathExtras.h:
  • wtf/StringExtras.h: changed PLATFORM(WIN) sections to COMPILER(MSVC) as necessary

Feb 17, 2007:

10:28 PM Changeset in webkit [22960] by aroben
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore
  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj: Removed bogus single-file configuration for MimeTypeRegistryWin.cpp.
10:04 PM Changeset in webkit [22959] by sfalken
  • 4 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebKitWin

2007-02-17 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com>

Reviewed by Adam.

  • Interfaces/IWebViewPrivate.idl: Added scrollBy, visibleContentRect
  • WebView.cpp: (WebView::scrollOffset): Add null check (WebView::scrollBy): Added so we can scroll a webview easily (matches scroll position getter here) (WebView::visibleContentRect): Added so we can size find overlay appropriately (not including scroll bars)
  • WebView.h: Added scrollBy, visibleContentRect
5:59 PM Changeset in webkit [22958] by hyatt
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

Part of the OpenSource fix to make sure the fill color starts off as transparent. Make sure our CG context
has its state properly in sync with the CGContext.

Reviewed by aroben

  • platform/win/GraphicsContextWin.cpp: (WebCore::GraphicsContext::GraphicsContext):
5:58 PM Changeset in webkit [19687] by hyatt
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Fix textarea resizers to not fill with black by making sure the fill color starts off as
transparent instead of black.

Reviewed by aroben

  • platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.cpp: (WebCore::GraphicsContextState::GraphicsContextState):
5:52 PM Changeset in webkit [22957] by aroben
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore


Build fix.

  • platform/win/CursorWin.cpp: (WebCore::notAllowedCursor):
2:23 PM Changeset in webkit [19686] by aroben
  • 2 edits in trunk

Added missing Radar references to ChangeLogs.

2:21 PM Changeset in webkit [19685] by aroben
  • 3 edits
    4 adds in trunk

2007-02-17 Lars Knoll <lars@trolltech.com>


Reviewed by Adam.

test for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11476
<img> tags nested inside <map> where not showing up

  • fast/images/image-in-map-expected.checksum: Added.
  • fast/images/image-in-map-expected.png: Added.
  • fast/images/image-in-map-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/images/image-in-map.html: Added.


Reviewed by Adam.

fix http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11476
<img> tags nested inside <map> where not showing up

Test: fast/images/image-in-map.html

  • html/HTMLMapElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLMapElement::checkDTD):
2:09 PM Changeset in webkit [19684] by weinig
  • 7 edits
    2 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Maciej.

XPath namespace is attached to a wrong step

  • fast/xpath/namespace-vs-predicate-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/xpath/namespace-vs-predicate.xhtml: Added.


Reviewed by Maciej.

XPath namespace is attached to a wrong step

  • xml/XPathGrammar.y: NAMETEST is different from other NodeTests in that its resulting type is an expanded name, rather than a string. It is not really possible to store the namespace inside Parser, because it gets used in wrong steps then.
  • xml/XPathParser.cpp: (WebCore::XPath::Parser::expandQName):
  • xml/XPathParser.h: Moved code that expands a QName from XPathGrammar.y. Removed m_currentNamespaceURI.
  • xml/XPathStep.cpp: (WebCore::XPath::Step::Step):
  • xml/XPathStep.h: Added a constructor that takes a namespace.
11:03 AM Changeset in webkit [19683] by adele
  • 3 edits
    3 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Maciej.

  • fast/loader/resources/simultaneous-reloads-assert-frame.html: Added.
  • fast/loader/simultaneous-reloads-assert-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/loader/simultaneous-reloads-assert.html: Added.


Reviewed by Maciej.

Test: fast/loader/simultaneous-reloads-assert.html

  • loader/Cache.cpp: (WebCore::Cache::remove): Replaced the assertion with a check whether the resource is in the cache. The resource could have been removed from the cache as a result of a reload occurring simultaneously in a different document.
10:58 AM Changeset in webkit [19682] by adele
  • 6 edits
    2 adds in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Adam.

Fix for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12711
Prettier and more distinct cursors

  • Resources/crossHairCursor.png: Added.
  • Resources/northEastSouthWestResizeCursor.png:
  • Resources/northWestSouthEastResizeCursor.png:
  • Resources/notAllowedCursor.png: Added.
  • page/EventHandler.cpp: (WebCore::selectCursor):
  • platform/Cursor.h:
  • platform/mac/CursorMac.mm: (WebCore::crossCursor): (WebCore::notAllowedCursor):
10:35 AM Changeset in webkit [19681] by adele
  • 5 edits
    2 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Darin.

  • fast/events/shadow-boundary-crossing-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/events/shadow-boundary-crossing.html: Added.


Reviewed by Darin.

Test: fast/events/shadow-boundary-crossing.html

  • dom/EventTargetNode.cpp: (WebCore::EventTargetNode::dispatchGenericEvent): Changed to use the new eventParentNode() function for constructing the chain of ancestors for capture and bubbling.
  • dom/Node.h: (WebCore::Node::eventParentNode): Added. Returns the node's parent for the purpose of of event capture and bubbling. The base class implementation is to return the parent node.
  • ksvg2/svg/SVGElement.h: (WebCore::SVGElement::eventParentNode): Added. Since in SVG events bubble to and can be captured across the shadow DOM boundary, returns the shadow parent for shadow nodes.
1:58 AM Changeset in webkit [22956] by hyatt
  • 4 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

Fix how resizers invalidate so that there aren't glitches in the lower right corner of the window as you switch pages.

1:50 AM Changeset in webkit [19680] by hyatt
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Improve textarea resizer painting.

1:07 AM Changeset in webkit [19679] by kjk
  • 7 edits in trunk


Reviewed by Adam Roben.

Fix crashes on ARM due to different struct packing. Based on a patch
by Mike Emmel.

  • kjs/ustring.cpp: compile-time assert to make sure sizeof(UChar) == 2
  • kjs/ustring.h: pack UChar struct to ensure that sizeof(UChar) == 2
  • wtf/Assertions.h: add COMPILE_ASSERT macro for compile-time assertions


Reviewed by Adam Roben.

Fix crashes on ARM due to different struct packing. Based on a patch
from Mike Emmel.

  • platform/DeprecatedString.cpp: compile-time assert to make sure sizeof(DeprecatedChar) == 2
  • platform/DeprecatedString.h: pack DeprecatedChar struct to ensure that sizeof(DeprecatedChar) == 2. Move _internalBuffer in DeprecatedStringData to the end, to avoid crashes on ARM due to different struct packing.
12:27 AM Changeset in webkit [19678] by adele
  • 4 edits
    4 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Mitz.

Fix for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11534
<rdar://problem/4946947> REGRESSION: Readonly text fields don't scroll when selecting content

  • fast/forms/input-readonly-autoscroll-expected.checksum: Added.
  • fast/forms/input-readonly-autoscroll-expected.png: Added.
  • fast/forms/input-readonly-autoscroll-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/forms/input-readonly-autoscroll.html: Added.


Reviewed by Mitz.

Fix for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11534
<rdar://problem/4946947> REGRESSION: Readonly text fields don't scroll when selecting content

Test: fast/forms/input-readonly-autoscroll.html

Implemented autoscroll methods for RenderTextControl, so this works on non-editable text controls.

  • rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextControl::autoscroll):
  • rendering/RenderTextControl.h: (WebCore::RenderTextControl::shouldAutoscroll):
12:21 AM Changeset in webkit [22955] by adele
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebKitWin

Reviewed by Hyatt.

Fix for <rdar://problem/5006194> Caret is not revealed when a newline is entered into a textarea

  • WebView.cpp: (WebView::handleEditingKeyboardEvent): Use shared code in Editor class to insertParagraphSeparator (or insertLineBreak for plain text). This will also reveal the selection properly.
12:14 AM Changeset in webkit [19677] by kjk
  • 7 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Adam Roben.

Curl networking improvements inspired by Mike Emmel's patches in
Fix FrameLoaderClientGdk due to changed FrameLoaderClient API.

  • loader/gdk/FrameLoaderClientGdk.cpp: Massage for changed API. (WebCore::FrameLoaderClientGdk::saveViewStateToItem): (WebCore::FrameLoaderClientGdk::restoreViewState): (WebCore::FrameLoaderClientGdk::generatedMIMETypeForURLScheme): (WebCore::FrameLoaderClientGdk::willUseArchive):
  • loader/gdk/FrameLoaderClientGdk.h: Ditto.
  • platform/network/ResourceHandleInternal.h: Remember url and custom headers for the request lifetime and free them at the end. (WebCore::ResourceHandleInternal::ResourceHandleInternal):
  • platform/network/gdk/ResourceHandleCurl.cpp: Ditto. (WebCore::ResourceHandleInternal::~ResourceHandleInternal):
  • platform/network/gdk/ResourceHandleManager.cpp: url improvements:
  • remove m_useSimple code-path since it wasn't used anywhere
  • don't use hashmap for keeping track of outstanding jobs - curl does it anyway
  • set custom headers from request
  • enable gzip and deflate through Accept-Encoding
  • setup curl to share cookies and DNS cache between requests
  • enable persisting of cookies in a file (if client provides file name for cookies via ResourceHandleManager::setCookieJarFileName()) (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::ResourceHandleManager): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::setCookieJarFileName): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::downloadTimerCallback): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::removeFromCurl): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::setupPUT): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::setupPOST): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::add): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::cancel):
  • platform/network/gdk/ResourceHandleManager.h:
12:09 AM Changeset in webkit [19676] by kjk
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Adam Roben.

Gdk fixes.

  • page/gdk/EventHandlerGdk.cpp: Comment out chatty message. (WebCore::EventHandler::handleDrag):
  • platform/gdk/EditorClientGdk.cpp: Enable entering text into text field. (WebCore::EditorClientGdk::shouldInsertText):

Feb 16, 2007:

10:33 PM Changeset in webkit [19675] by kjk
  • 4 edits
    1 add in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Adam Roben.

Move Path implementation from TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp to
its own file.
Implement setLineCap, setLineJoin and setMiterLimit for
cairo's GraphicsContext.

  • WebCoreSources.bkl:
  • platform/gdk/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp:
  • platform/graphics/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setPlatformFillColor): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setPlatformStrokeColor): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setLineCap): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setLineJoin): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setMiterLimit):
  • platform/graphics/cairo/PathCairo.cpp: Added. (WebCore::Path::Path): (WebCore::Path::~Path): (WebCore::Path::contains): (WebCore::Path::translate): (WebCore::Path::boundingRect): (WebCore::Path::operator=): (WebCore::Path::clear): (WebCore::Path::moveTo): (WebCore::Path::addLineTo): (WebCore::Path::addQuadCurveTo): (WebCore::Path::addBezierCurveTo): (WebCore::Path::addArcTo): (WebCore::Path::closeSubpath): (WebCore::Path::addArc): (WebCore::Path::addRect): (WebCore::Path::addEllipse): (WebCore::Path::transform): (WebCore::Path::apply):
9:00 PM Changeset in webkit [19674] by staikos
  • 2 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore

Fix uninitialized variable

8:39 PM Changeset in webkit [19673] by adachan
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2007-02-16 Ada Chan <adachan@apple.com>

Reviewed by Adam and Maciej.

Use a RefPtr to store the old hover node.

  • rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateHoverActiveState):

5:15 PM Changeset in webkit [19672] by darin
  • 4 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Adele.

  • fix <rdar://problem/4990864> ASSERT in FormDelegate.m while dragging text between frames

This symptom is specific to Safari, so no layout test.

  • editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::doApply): Only call textWillBeDeletedInTextField if the text field is focused.
  • html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::aboutToUnload): Only call textFieldDidEndEditing if the text field is focused. (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::dispatchBlurEvent): Remove unneeded type cast. (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::defaultEventHandler): Only call doTextFieldCommandFromEvent if the text field is focused.
  • rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextControl::subtreeHasChanged): Only call textDidChangeInTextArea, textFieldDidBeginEditing, and textDidChangeInTextField if the element is focused.
5:04 PM Changeset in webkit [19671] by hyatt
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore/platform

API tweaks to widget and scrollview.

5:04 PM Changeset in webkit [22954] by hyatt
  • 4 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

Fix RSS scrollbar.

4:31 PM Changeset in webkit [19670] by sullivan
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by Tim Hatcher

  • fixed <rdar://problem/4811446> "Check Grammar" checkbox in Spelling+Grammar window doesn't live update with menu change in WebKit
  • WebView/WebView.mm: (-[WebView setGrammarCheckingEnabled:]): Use sekrit AppKit knowledge to tell NSSpellChecker about the change, since there's no API for this yet. Also restructured a little to avoid extra work when the value hasn't changed.
3:59 PM WikiStart edited by Adam Roben
Added login link (diff)
3:58 PM WikiStart edited by Adam Roben
Added registration link (diff)
3:48 PM Changeset in webkit [22953] by aroben
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

Rubberstamped by Anders.

3:21 PM Changeset in webkit [19669] by brmorris
  • 3 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit

wei, reviewed by zalan. reverted and re-merged by mbradley

DESC: Reverts r19963 and re-applies with and updated patch. PNIO-6YFCUT conversion problem w/ google search

3:05 PM Changeset in webkit [19668] by brmorris
  • 2 edits in S60/branches/3.1m/WebKit

sareen, Reviewed by yongjun

DESC: Browser crash when exited upon loading JKRL-6Y9HXC

2:29 PM Changeset in webkit [19667] by andersca
  • 4 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Adam.

REGRESSION: Dragging standalone images to Finder fails to download the image file

Set the data and response on the image resource. Also, since this is platform-independent we don't need to do it in

  • loader/ImageDocument.cpp: (WebCore::ImageTokenizer::finish):
  • loader/mac/ImageDocumentMac.h:
  • loader/mac/ImageDocumentMac.mm: (WebCore::finishImageLoad):
2:02 PM Changeset in webkit [22952] by hyatt
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

ScrollView fixes.

1:56 PM Changeset in webkit [19666] by darin
  • 3 edits in trunk/JavaScriptGlue

Reviewed by Anders.

  • fix <rdar://problem/5000216> JavaScriptGlue framework started turning all CFNumbers into signed 32bit values

Circumstantial evidence seems to indicate that JavaScriptGlue was depending on a bug
in CFNumber where CFNumberIsFloatType was returning true for 64-bit integer values.

  • JSUtils.cpp: (JSObjectKJSValue): Removed the call to CFNumberIsFloatType in the conversion of numeric values, and always use kCFNumberDoubleType, since double is the internal format of numbers in JavaScriptCore. There's no value to having a separate code path for integers. There's also no reason to check the return value from CFNumberGetValue -- if it returns false it still does the best it can to convert to a double, which is what we want.
  • UserObjectImp.cpp: (UserObjectImp::toString): Removed a similar code path that tried to handle integers separate from double. Instead, always use a double. For compatibility, use a format without a decimal point when CFNumberIsFloatType returns false. Also removed a bogus cast to float; the "%f" format string takes a double, not a float, so all the cast did was cut down on precision.
1:54 PM Changeset in webkit [19665] by harrison
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Adam.

<rdar://problem/5004746> Need mechanism to protect against WebKit calls from secondary threads (DOM APIs)

  • platform/mac/LoggingMac.mm: (WebCore::_WebCoreThreadViolationCheck): Change the default to log the violations.
12:52 PM Changeset in webkit [19664] by zbujtas
  • 3 edits in S60/branches/3.1m/WebKit

w3liu, reviewed by zalan

DESC: PNIO-6YFCUT: Strange conversion problem (in get " changed to %2522 instead of %22) with for example google search.

  • BrowserControl/src/BrCtl.cpp: (CBrCtl::LoadUrlL):
  • ResourceLoader/src/UrlRequestInfo.cpp: (CUrlRequestInfo::SetUrlL):
12:13 PM Changeset in webkit [19663] by brmorris
  • 5 edits in S60/trunk

w3liu, reviewed by zalan

DESC: PNIO-6YFCUT: Strange conversion problem (in get " changed to %2522 instead of %22) with for example google search.

12:07 PM Changeset in webkit [22951] by andersca
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

Reviewed by Adam.

Crash in plugin code watching yahoo news video

Zero out the plugin function struct.

  • plugins/win/PluginPackageWin.cpp: (WebCore::PluginPackageWin::load):
11:41 AM Changeset in webkit [22950] by andersca
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebKitWin

Build fixes.

  • WebDownload.cpp: (WebDownload::init): (WebDownload::initWithRequest):
11:40 AM Changeset in webkit [19662] by adele
  • 10 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Mitz.

Fixed: http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12768
<rdar://problem/4995250> REGRESSION: Crash occurs at WebCore::RenderLayer::scrollToOffset() when leaving page that has focus in field

No test case added. This crash doesn't occur in DumpRenderTree because the B/F cache is turned off.

  • dom/Node.cpp: (WebCore::Node::willRemove): Check that the document is not in the page cache before
  • dom/Element.cpp: (WebCore::Element::updateFocusAppearance): Added restorePreviousSelection argument, with appropriate default values.
  • dom/Element.h: ditto.
  • html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::updateFocusAppearance): ditto.
  • html/HTMLInputElement.h: ditto.
  • html/HTMLTextAreaElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::updateFocusAppearance): ditto.
  • html/HTMLTextAreaElement.h: ditto.
  • page/PageState.cpp: (WebCore::PageState::restore): Call updateFocusAppearance on the focused node for this page. Pass true for the restorePreviousSelection argument.
  • rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: Added ASSERTS and nil checks on the RenderView. It shouldn't be null, but if it is, we'll fail silently on release builds. (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateLayerPositions): (WebCore::RenderLayer::scrollToOffset): (WebCore::RenderLayer::windowClipRect): (WebCore::RenderLayer::calculateClipRects): (WebCore::RenderLayer::calculateRects): (WebCore::RenderLayer::intersectsDamageRect): (WebCore::RenderLayer::absoluteBoundingBox):
11:16 AM Changeset in webkit [19661] by andersca
  • 2 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore

Reviewed by Mitz.

REGRESSION: Going back one page in history has a noticeable delay

Um...if all elements in two vectors are equal, then I guess we could say that
the two vectors are equal too.

  • wtf/Vector.h: (WTF::):
11:03 AM Changeset in webkit [22949] by andersca
  • 3 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

Fix build.

Use adoptCF instead of adopt.

  • platform/network/cf/ResourceHandleCFNet.cpp: (WebCore::ResourceHandle::start):
  • platform/network/cf/ResourceRequestCFNet.cpp: (WebCore::ResourceRequest::doUpdatePlatformRequest):
11:00 AM Changeset in webkit [19660] by andersca
  • 6 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Darin.

<rdar://problem/4993055> auto_refcount_underflow_error: WebCore::FrameLoader::continueAfterNavigationPolicy () over-releases under GC

Add ::adoptNS and ::adoptCF methods to RetainPtr to indicate what type of reference to adopt.

  • platform/cf/RetainPtr.h: (WebCore::): (WebCore::adoptNSReference): (WebCore::RetainPtr::RetainPtr): (WebCore::::adoptCF): (WebCore::::adoptNS):
  • platform/mac/FileChooserMac.mm: (WebCore::FileChooser::FileChooser):
  • platform/network/mac/ResourceErrorMac.mm: (WebCore::ResourceError::operator NSError*):
  • platform/network/mac/ResourceRequestMac.mm: (WebCore::ResourceRequest::doUpdatePlatformRequest):
  • platform/network/mac/ResourceResponseMac.mm: (WebCore::ResourceResponse::nsURLResponse):
10:58 AM WebKit Team edited by sullivan@apple.com
8:56 AM Known incompatibilities between open-source WebKit and Safari edited by ddkilzer@webkit.org
8:56 AM Known incompatibilities between open-source WebKit and Safari edited by ddkilzer@webkit.org
8:52 AM Known incompatibilities between open-source WebKit and Safari edited by ddkilzer@webkit.org
8:31 AM Changeset in webkit [19659] by brmorris
  • 2 edits in S60/branches/3.1m/WebKit

hongzhao, Reviewed by Yongjun.

DESC: Merge of 19656 to 3.1m branch (Browser Security -Redirection of form submission to another site has a wrong softkey on conformation query. ISHG-6Q2ST8)
Fix: Change the confirmation query softkey buttons to Yes|No

8:27 AM Changeset in webkit [19658] by brmorris
  • 2 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit

sareen, Reviewed by <yongjun.zhang@nokia.com>.

DESC: Browser crash when exited upon loading. JKRL-6Y9HXC

8:24 AM Changeset in webkit [19657] by brmorris
  • 3 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit

raalexan, reviewed by Yongjun

DESC: 3.2:webkit "page not found" problem, which is before TelService be launched (TLUU-6YDPRT)

8:22 AM Changeset in webkit [19656] by brmorris
  • 2 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit

hongzhao, reviewed by Yongjun

DESC: [S60] Browser Security -Redirection of form submission to another site has a wrong softkey on conformation query.ISHG-6Q2ST8
Fix: Change the confirmation query softkey buttons to Yes|No

8:20 AM Changeset in webkit [19655] by brmorris
  • 2 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit

sareen Reviewed by <yongjun.zhang@nokia.com>.

DESC: Selection list not shown correctly in www.elisa.fi [ TSW ID: HMNN-6XQJMX]

8:18 AM Changeset in webkit [19654] by brmorris
  • 3 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit

raalexan, Reviewed by Yongjun

DESC: When application is launched via hyperlink, the cursor stays as wait cursor (TSW EAJA-6VDH84)

3:35 AM Changeset in webkit [22948] by aroben
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore


Reviewed by Oliver.

Implemented square button look.

Feb 15, 2007:

9:19 PM Changeset in webkit [19653] by beidson
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Lost Objective-C Hippyness (or hippiness)

Oh boy, did I ever botch this one up...

  • loader/FrameLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoader::saveScrollPositionAndViewStateToItem): Null check the FrameView
8:44 PM Changeset in webkit [19652] by beidson
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Adam's complaint

aroben wanted me to do an early return, instead.

  • loader/FrameLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoader::saveScrollPositionAndViewStateToItem):
8:40 PM Changeset in webkit [19651] by beidson
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Adele

Forgot to bring the null check with me when I backed this code out of
the FrameLoaderClient

  • loader/FrameLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoader::saveScrollPositionAndViewStateToItem): null check the HistoryItem
8:19 PM Changeset in webkit [22947] by sfalken
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebKitWin

2007-02-15 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com>

Reviewed by Adam.

<rdar://problem/5001181> Crash: autofilling empty page

Return an error from WebFrame::DOMDocument if there's no document

  • WebFrame.cpp: (WebFrame::DOMDocument): null document now maps to E_FAIL
8:13 PM Changeset in webkit [22946] by beidson
  • 3 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebKitWin

Reviewed by Adam

<rdar://4778394> - Save scroll position in the back/forward list

  • WebFrame.cpp: (WebFrame::restoreViewState): Renamed, as scroll position was pushed to WebCore (WebFrame::saveViewStateToItem): Ditto
  • WebFrame.h:
8:11 PM Changeset in webkit [19650] by beidson
  • 11 edits in trunk


Reviewed by Adam

Save scroll state for back/forward navigation in FrameLoader, not the client

  • loader/FrameLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoader::saveScrollPositionAndViewStateToItem): Actually save the scroll position here instead of asking the FrameLoaderClient (WebCore::FrameLoader::restoreScrollPositionAndViewState): Ditto
  • loader/FrameLoaderClient.h: Renamed/repurposed 2 methods
  • platform/graphics/svg/SVGImageEmptyClients.h: (WebCore::SVGEmptyFrameLoaderClient::restoreViewState): Ditto (WebCore::SVGEmptyFrameLoaderClient::saveViewStateToItem): Ditto


Reviewed by Adam

Save scroll state for back/forward navigation in FrameLoader, not the client

  • WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.h: Renamed the save/restore methods
  • WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.mm: (WebFrameLoaderClient::saveViewStateToItem): Save viewstate only (WebFrameLoaderClient::restoreViewState): Restore viewstate only


Reviewed by Adam

Moved scroll state down into the cross platform FrameLoader -
Blind attempt at keeping Qt building

  • WebCoreSupport/FrameLoaderClientQt.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoaderClientQt::restoreViewState): (WebCore::FrameLoaderClientQt::saveViewStateToItem):
  • WebCoreSupport/FrameLoaderClientQt.h:
8:00 PM Changeset in webkit [19649] by bdash
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

2007-02-16 Mark Rowe <mrowe@apple.com>

Not reviewed.

<rdar://problem/4982312> leaks bot should run in normal mode, rather than quiet mode

  • BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/webkit/steps.py: Switch back to default verbosity for output of leaks tests.
6:35 PM Changeset in webkit [19648] by justing
  • 10 edits
    4 adds in trunk


Reviewed by harrison

REGRESSION: Pasting a image into a plain text message can place image on a new line


  • editing/pasteboard/4989774-expected.checksum: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/4989774-expected.png: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/4989774-expected.txt: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/4989774.html: Added. Equivalent trees:
  • editing/deleting/delete-3857753-fix-expected.txt:
  • editing/pasteboard/paste-list-001-expected.txt:
  • editing/pasteboard/paste-table-001-expected.txt:
  • editing/pasteboard/paste-text-001-expected.txt:
  • editing/pasteboard/paste-text-at-tabspan-001-expected.txt:
  • editing/pasteboard/paste-text-at-tabspan-002-expected.txt:
  • editing/pasteboard/paste-text-at-tabspan-003-expected.txt:


Reviewed by harrison

REGRESSION: Pasting a image into a plain text message can place image on a new line

<span><img><span><img></span></span> will appear as two
images on different lines because of a layout/rendering
bug. This patch avoids the bug by producing cleaner
markup so that the paste code can safely remove the style

  • editing/markup.cpp: (WebCore::createMarkup): Get the default style from the editable root or body instead of the document element. This produces cleaner markup since we don't inline the root's styles.
5:47 PM Changeset in webkit [19647] by kjk
  • 3 edits
    2 copies in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Adam Roben.

Add gdk version of ContextMenuClient based on qt version.

  • WebCoreSources.bkl:
  • page/gdk/ContextMenuClientGdk.cpp: Added. (WebCore::ContextMenuClientGdk::contextMenuDestroyed): (WebCore::ContextMenuClientGdk::getCustomMenuFromDefaultItems): (WebCore::ContextMenuClientGdk::contextMenuItemSelected): (WebCore::ContextMenuClientGdk::downloadURL): (WebCore::ContextMenuClientGdk::copyImageToClipboard): (WebCore::ContextMenuClientGdk::searchWithGoogle): (WebCore::ContextMenuClientGdk::lookUpInDictionary): (WebCore::ContextMenuClientGdk::speak): (WebCore::ContextMenuClientGdk::stopSpeaking):
  • page/gdk/ContextMenuClientGdk.h: Added.
  • webcore-base.bkl: curl is needed when building webcore_base files.
5:07 PM Changeset in webkit [22945] by aroben
  • 4 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebKitWin


Reviewed by Anders.

Fix <rdar://problem/4968731> Printing scales frames to page width
instead of doing a layout at that width

  • Interfaces/IWebFramePrivate.idl: Added setInPrintingMode method.
  • WebFrame.cpp: (WebFrame::WebFrame): Initialize new member. (printerRect): New helper function. (WebFrame::setPrinting): Ported from WebHTMLView. (WebFrame::setInPrintingMode): Implemented. (WebFrame::computePageRects): Changed to store the page rects. (WebFrame::getPrintedPageCount): Added an ASSERT and updated for change to computePageRects. (WebFrame::spoolPages): Use the stored page rects, and set mediaBox's size using the print rect instead of the page rect so we will scale the pages to the full width of the print DC. (WebFrame::forceLayoutWithPageWidthRange): Ported from WebFrameBridge.
  • WebFrame.h: Updated declarations.
3:58 PM Changeset in webkit [22944] by sfalken
  • 1 edit in branches/WindowsMerge/WebKitWin/WebKit.vcproj/VERSION

Bump version for submit

3:57 PM Changeset in webkit [19646] by sfalken
  • 1 copy in tags/Safari-521.34.5b

New tag.

2:35 PM Changeset in webkit [22943] by andersca
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

Reviewed by Adam.

Add the default Flash plugin location to the list of plugin paths.

  • plugins/win/PluginDatabaseWin.cpp: (WebCore::addFlashPluginPath): (WebCore::PluginDatabaseWin::defaultPluginPaths):
2:13 PM Changeset in webkit [22942] by sfalken
  • 6 edits in branches/WindowsMerge

2007-02-15 Lou Amadio <lamadio@apple.com>

Reviewed by Steve.

<rdar://problem/4945799> CGText: should use correct mechanism to set font smoothing style

  • WebKit.vcproj/WebKit.vcproj:
  • WebPreferences.cpp: (WebPreferences::setFontSmoothing):
  • WebView.cpp: (WebViewWndProc):

2007-02-15 Lou Amadio <lamadio@apple.com>

Reviewed by Steve.

<rdar://problem/4945799> CGText: should use correct mechanism to set font smoothing style

  • platform/win/FontWin.cpp: (WebCore::Font::drawGlyphs):

2007-02-15 Lou Amadio <lamadio@apple.com>

Reviewed by Steve.

<rdar://problem/4945799> CGText: should use correct mechanism to set font smoothing style

2007-02-15 Lou Amadio <lamadio@apple.com>

Reviewed by Steve.

Added WebKitSystemInterfaceWin

2:10 PM Changeset in webkit [19645] by kdecker
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Darin.

Fixed: <rdar://problem/4983883> Background of a .mov window should not be white

  • loader/PluginDocument.cpp: (WebCore::PluginTokenizer::createDocumentStructure): Set a background color of gray for full frame plug-ins, which makes it easier on the eyes. It's also the same gray that PDFKit uses, too.
2:05 PM Changeset in webkit [19644] by weinig
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Darin.

The problem was that selectionRect() was being called on a render tree that
had pending style changes. The changes were committed as a side effect in
the middle of traversing the render tree, and the current object got
deleted as a result. The solution is to update the render tree before
starting to traverse it.

The inspector was affected because it makes style changes in response to
an AppKit notification that's sent right before the windowDidResignKey:
notification, under which WebKit calls selectionRect(). I couldn't recreate
the same conditions (having uncommitted style changes in the tree when the
window becomes inactive) using HTML/JS in Safari, hence the lack of
a regression test to go with this patch.

  • rendering/RenderView.cpp: (WebCore::RenderView::selectionRect): Added call to updateRendering().
1:03 PM Changeset in webkit [19643] by weinig
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Darin.

Document::removeMarkers() was using a Vector iterator (which is just a
pointer) and inserting into the Vector at the same time, which made the
iterator invalid as the Vector's data buffer was relocated.

Replaced all instances of Vector<DocumentMarker>::iterator with indices.

  • dom/Document.cpp: (WebCore::Document::addMarker): (WebCore::Document::copyMarkers): (WebCore::Document::removeMarkers): (WebCore::Document::repaintMarkers): (WebCore::Document::shiftMarkers):
12:51 PM Changeset in webkit [22941] by andersca
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

Reviewed by Adam.

Regression: first clicks don't work at flash-based Nokia.com

  • plugins/win/PluginViewWin.cpp: (WebCore::PluginViewWin::handleMouseEvent): Don't set buttons for mouse move. Also, ignore unknown mouse events.
11:00 AM Changeset in webkit [19642] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitSite
  • projects/performance/index.html: Fix i-Bench link.
10:46 AM Changeset in webkit [19641] by weinig
  • 7 edits in trunk


Reviewed by Darin.

  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug45486-expected.checksum:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug45486-expected.png:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug45486-expected.txt:
  • tables/mozilla_expected_failures/core/col_span2-expected.txt:


Reviewed by Darin.

Fixes existing layout tests: tables/mozilla/bugs/bug45486.html


  • rendering/AutoTableLayout.cpp: (WebCore::AutoTableLayout::calcEffectiveWidth): Fixed a mismatch between which columns count as percentage columns when adding up the total percent and which columns count as percentage columns when converting non-percentage columns to effectively-percentage.
10:21 AM Changeset in webkit [19640] by ggaren
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

Reviewed by Beth Dakin.

  • DumpRenderTree/DumpRenderTree.m: Don't ignore NSAttributedString WebCore::Node leaks anymore, either, since r19486 fixed them, too. (shouldIgnoreWebCoreNodeLeaks):
9:47 AM Changeset in webkit [19639] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
  • Scripts/run-webkit-tests: Don't ignore NSAttributedString leaks any more. Those were fixed by change 19486.
9:29 AM Changeset in webkit [19638] by ggaren
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

Reviewed by Beth Dakin.

Ignore another leak, seen recently on the buildbot.

  • Scripts/run-webkit-tests:

Feb 14, 2007:

9:51 PM Changeset in webkit [19637] by bdash
  • 2 edits
    1 add in trunk/WebCore

2007-02-14 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>

Reviewed by Sam Weinig!

  • manual-tests/background-image-change-in-page-cache.html: Added.
  • rendering/RenderBox.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBox::imageChanged): Bail out if the object is not in a view, which can happen if the document is in the page cache and the same cached image used for its background is also being used in another document that is currently in view.
7:17 PM Changeset in webkit [19636] by aroben
  • 10 edits
    1 copy
    1 add in trunk


Reviewed by Darin.

Test for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12517
<rdar://problem/4971227> REGRESSION: Tab order incorrect when input
inside frame/iframe gets initial focus (12517)

  • fast/events/frame-programmatic-focus-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/events/frame-programmatic-focus.html: Added.
  • fast/forms/focus2-expected.txt: Updated results to now-correct behavior.


Reviewed by Darin.

Fix http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12517
<rdar://problem/4971227> REGRESSION: Tab order incorrect when input
inside frame/iframe gets initial focus (12517)

Test: fast/events/frame-programmatic-focus.html

  • dom/Element.cpp: (WebCore::Element::focus): Call FocusController::setFocusedNode to set the focus for the whole page.
  • html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::focus): Ditto.
  • html/HTMLTextAreaElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::focus): Ditto.
  • page/EventHandler.cpp: (WebCore::EventHandler::handleTextInputEvent): Send the textInput event to the same target that was sent the keypress event before it.
  • page/FocusController.cpp: (WebCore::FocusController::advanceFocus): Added a FIXME. (WebCore::FocusController::setFocusedNode): Added. Sets the focused node for a whole page.
  • page/FocusController.h: Added declaration.
  • platform/cf/RetainPtr.h: Removed unused pointer_cast functions.
5:15 PM Changeset in webkit [19635] by justing
  • 3 edits
    2 adds in trunk


Reviewed by adele

Outdent combines 2 separate strings on 2 different lines

  • editing/execCommand/4976800-expected.txt: Added.
  • editing/execCommand/4976800.html: Added.


Reviewed by adele

Outdent combines 2 separate strings on 2 different lines

  • editing/IndentOutdentCommand.cpp: (WebCore::IndentOutdentCommand::outdentParagraph): Add line breaks if removing the indented node causes content before or after it to collapse into the same paragraph as its content.
5:11 PM Changeset in webkit [19634] by justing
  • 2 edits
    8 adds in trunk

Reviewed by adele

REGRESSION: First Enter key ignored on initial focus of textarea after page load (11967)

We'd insert a newline, but into an empty div. We need two newlines
in that case.

  • editing/InsertLineBreakCommand.cpp: (WebCore::lineBreakExistsAtPosition): Returns true if there is a br or a '\n' in text that preserves newlines at the incoming position. (WebCore::InsertLineBreakCommand::doApply): Fixed to handle the empty block case, the anonymous block case.
4:35 PM Changeset in webkit [19633] by darin
  • 3 edits
    2 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Hyatt.

  • fast/forms/select-enter-key-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/forms/select-enter-key.html: Added.


Reviewed by Hyatt.

Test: fast/forms/select-enter-key.html

  • html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::listBoxDefaultEventHandler): Add code to submit when someone hits the Enter key.
3:50 PM Changeset in webkit [19632] by andersca
  • 4 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Darin.

REGRESSION: "Are you sure you want to send a form again?" sheet is displayed twice (validator.w3.org)

The problem was that doing a reload would cause the "Cache-Control" HTTP header to be set on the request _after_ the first
navigation policy delegate callback was called. This would break the request equality check that's used to prevent multiple policy
delegate callbacks from getting called for the same request. The solution is to set the header as early as possible.

This patch also fixes some bugs in the ResourceRequest equality operator.

  • loader/FrameLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoader::reload): Set the "Cache-Control" header field on the request here.

  • platform/network/FormData.h: (WebCore::operator==): Short-circuit if the pointers are the same.

  • platform/network/ResourceRequest.cpp: (WebCore::operator==): Check the equality of the objects, not the pointers.
3:42 PM Changeset in webkit [19631] by andersca
  • 3 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore

Reviewed by Darin.

Add new canCompareWithMemcmp vector trait and use it to determine whether
operator== can use memcmp.

  • wtf/Vector.h: (WTF::): (WTF::VectorTypeOperations::compare): (WTF::operator==):
  • wtf/VectorTraits.h: (WTF::):
3:31 PM Changeset in webkit [19630] by hyatt
  • 3 edits
    1 delete in trunk/WebCore

Move setPlatformData out of FontFallbackListMac.mm and delete the file. The function was completely
cross-platform already.

Reviewed by Ada

  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • platform/FontFallbackList.cpp: (WebCore::FontFallbackList::setPlatformFont):
2:29 PM Changeset in webkit [19629] by hyatt
  • 4 edits in trunk/WebCore

Make the Font constructor that takes a FontPlatformData cross-platform, since the implementation was already
completely cross-platform.

Reviewed by Ada

  • platform/Font.cpp: (WebCore::Font::Font):
  • platform/Font.h:
  • platform/mac/FontMac.mm:
1:44 PM Changeset in webkit [19628] by antti
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reverting http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11974, it causes repainting problems in some cases.

  • rendering/RenderTextControl.h: (WebCore::RenderTextControl::avoidsFloats):
12:44 PM Changeset in webkit [19627] by ggaren
  • 5 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Reviewed by Darin Adler, tweaked and committed by Geoff Garen.

Reverting my fix for find-after-replace.html and committing this one because
its results don't rely on an editing bug and because stomping bugzilla patches
is just plain uncivilized.

  • editing/execCommand/find-after-replace.html: Use the frame's onload handler instead of relying on a timeout. Force a layout to get a correct render tree when dumping. (This requirement may be an editing bug.)
11:02 AM Changeset in webkit [19626] by antti
  • 3 edits
    4 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Maciej.

  • fast/forms/textfield-overflow-expected.checksum: Added.
  • fast/forms/textfield-overflow-expected.png: Added.
  • fast/forms/textfield-overflow-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/forms/textfield-overflow.html: Added.


Reviewed by Maciej.

Set controlClip for non-search text controls.

  • rendering/RenderTextControl.h: (WebCore::RenderTextControl::hasControlClip):
10:01 AM Changeset in webkit [19625] by ap
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by Darin.

NPN_Status is using latin-1 encoding for the message instead of UTF-8

  • Plugins/WebBaseNetscapePluginView.mm: (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView status:]): Check for possible conversion failure.
9:17 AM Changeset in webkit [19624] by ggaren
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

Reviewed by Beth Dakin.

Ignore another leak, seen recently on the buildbot.

  • Scripts/run-webkit-tests:
9:15 AM Changeset in webkit [19623] by brmorris
  • 2 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit

DESC: add widget registry client dll to rom image via webkit.iby

9:13 AM Changeset in webkit [19622] by ggaren
  • 5 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Reviewed by Beth Dakin.

Blind attempt to make this test more reliable. (It fails intermittently
on the buildbot.)

  • editing/execCommand/find-after-replace-expected.checksum:
  • editing/execCommand/find-after-replace-expected.png:
  • editing/execCommand/find-after-replace-expected.txt:
  • editing/execCommand/find-after-replace.html: Use a load event handler instead of a 100ms timer. There's no guarantee that everything will be done loading in under 100ms (and there's no reason to wait that long all the time, either!).
6:10 AM Changeset in webkit [19621] by weinig
  • 3 edits
    4 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Hyatt.

  • fast/text/break-word-expected.checksum: Added.
  • fast/text/break-word-expected.png: Added.
  • fast/text/break-word-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/text/break-word.html: Added.


Reviewed by Hyatt.

Test: fast/text/break-word.html

The wrapW variable used to keep track of the width of the characters scanned
so far by adding up the widths of individual characters. Because of the
rounding hack, the total ended up being bigger than the width of the same characters
when measured together as a single run.

The fix is to use wrapW only as an upper bound, and once it overflows the line's width,
fall back on measuring everything from the beginning of the line as one run.

  • rendering/bidi.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::findNextLineBreak): Implemented the above fix, including not measuring additional single characters once wrapW overflows the line. Also moved the assignment to breakNBSP out of the loop since it is constant for the entire text object, made breakWords and midWordBreak update only when they might change, and cleaned up a few things.
2:52 AM Changeset in webkit [19620] by antti
  • 3 edits
    4 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Hyatt.

  • fast/forms/password-placeholder-expected.checksum: Added.
  • fast/forms/password-placeholder-expected.png: Added.
  • fast/forms/password-placeholder-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/forms/password-placeholder.html: Added.


Reviewed by Hyatt.

Disable textSecurity when placeholder is visible.

  • rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextControl::updatePlaceholder):
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.