Changes between Version 28 and Version 29 of QtWebKitReleases

Sep 26, 2011 7:22:39 AM (13 years ago)
Ademar Reis



  • QtWebKitReleases

    v28 v29  
    6363  * Clone the [ qtwebkit git/svn mirror] and keep it up to date;
    6464  * Downloand and setup [ qtwebkit/tools] (change PATH and PYTHONPATH as necessary);
    65   * Check [wiki:UsingGitWithWebKit] for valuable tips and tricks;
     65  * Check [wiki:UsingGitWithWebKit] and [ UsingMirrorWithGitSvn] for valuable tips and tricks;
    6666  * Set your username and password in git-config (see instructions in the link above);
    6767  * From the branch where you want to cherry-pick a change ({{{git new-workdir}}} is your friend), run {{{}}} (see {{{--help}}}). This script will parse bugzilla, ask for cherry-picks, add comments and remove bugs from their trackers;
    6868  * If there's a conflict, the script will abort. In that case:
    6969    * Solve the conflict ({{{git status, git rm, git add}}}, patch the files manually, etc -- your choice);
    70     * Commit the changes with a standard {{{git commit}}} command. It'll keep the changelog from the original git commit plus a list of conflicting files, but '''you'll have to add a line "Author: Foo Bar <>"''', otherwise you'll be listed as the commit author.
     70    * Commit the changes with a standard {{{git commit}}} command. It'll keep the changelog from the original git commit plus a list of conflicting files, but '''you'll have to add a line''' "Author: Foo Bar <>", otherwise you'll be listed as the commit author.
    7171    * Run the script again, it'll detect the new commit and continue as expected.
    7272  * '''Before letting the script add a comment to bugzilla, '''make sure the build is not broken and run some basic tests (run QtTestBrowser, the API tests -- your choice), so that if there's something broken, you can fix it and {{{git commit --amend}}} the changes before a reference is added to bugzilla.