
Feb 21, 2003:

7:10 PM Changeset in webkit [3689] by mjs
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

Back out last change, mondo layout regressions.

  • khtml/html/html_documentimpl.cpp: (HTMLDocumentImpl::close):
6:30 PM Changeset in webkit [3688] by mjs
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Dave.

  • fixed 3167642 - crash in renderArena.
  • khtml/html/html_documentimpl.cpp: (HTMLDocumentImpl::close): Clear the tokenizer early to avoid re-entering the onload handler - this was causing a massive overload of frames which finally caused a crash.
4:04 PM Changeset in webkit [3687] by darin
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Dave.

  • fixed a problem that was causing layout tests to give inconsistent results
  • kwq/KWQPixmap.mm: (QPixmap::size): Handle case of nil image so we don't use the uninitialized result of dispatching a method to a structure-returning function. (QPixmap::rect): Ditto. (QPixmap::width): Ditto. (QPixmap::height): Ditto.
3:14 PM Changeset in webkit [3686] by darin
  • 5 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Maciej.

  • Made it possible to run the layout tests in a Deployment version
  • kwq/KWQRenderTreeDebug.cpp: (externalRepresentation): Remove #ifndef NDEBUG.
  • kwq/KWQRenderTreeDebug.h: Remove #ifndef NDEBUG.
  • kwq/WebCoreBridge.mm: (-[WebCoreBridge renderTreeAsExternalRepresentation]): Remove #ifndef NDEBUG.
3:14 PM Changeset in webkit [3685] by darin
  • 3 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore

Reviewed by Maciej.

  • fixed 3142355 -- nil-deref in CFTimeZoneCopyAbbreviation

The real problem wasn't with the current time zone, but with the UTC time zone.
The poor sod had a broken /usr/share/zoneinfo directory, with a 0-byte-long UTC file.

  • kjs/date_object.cpp: (UTCTimeZone): Use CFTimeZoneCreateWithTimeIntervalFromGMT(NULL, 0.0) to get the universal time zone instead of getting it by name.
8:35 AM Changeset in webkit [3684] by darin
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore
  • kwq/KWQRenderTreeDebug.cpp: (write): Add missing spaces in render tree dump format.

Feb 20, 2003:

4:28 PM Changeset in webkit [3683] by mjs
  • 4 edits in trunk/WebCore

Revert Dave's patch to these files, since it turned out to cause
layout regressions.

  • khtml/rendering/render_layer.cpp: (RenderLayer::updateLayerPosition):
  • khtml/rendering/render_object.cpp: (RenderObject::setLayouted): (RenderObject::container):
2:33 PM Changeset in webkit [3682] by mjs
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

  • fixed 3173276 - hang in kjs string at iteslj.org page
  • khtml/html/htmltokenizer.cpp: (HTMLTokenizer::addPending): Leave whitespace unmolested inside <script>, so that literal tabs in strings come through as tabs, not spaces.
2:19 PM Changeset in webkit [3681] by cblu
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebKit


Added _web_superviewOfClass:stoppingAtClass:. Climbs up hierarchy and returns nil when stoppingAtClass is hit.

Reviewed by darin.

  • Misc.subproj/WebNSViewExtras.h:
  • Misc.subproj/WebNSViewExtras.m: (-[NSView _web_superviewOfClass:stoppingAtClass:]): (-[NSView _web_superviewOfClass:]):


Fixed: 3177369 - titles of inactive tabs should appear in the title bar when you roll over the tab

Reviewed by darin.

  • BrowserDocument.h:
  • BrowserDocument.m: (-[BrowserDocument dealloc]): release _mouseOverWebController (-[BrowserDocument displayName]): use _mouseOverWebController if presnt (-[BrowserDocument setMouseOverWebController:]): new, sets _mouseOverWebController
  • BrowserWindowController.h:
  • BrowserWindowController.m: (-[BrowserWindowController tabBarView:mouseMovedOverButtonForTabViewItem:]): new, called when mouse is moved over/off a tab (-[BrowserWindowController synchronizeWindowTitleWithDocumentNameNow]): new, calls synchronizeWindowTitleWithDocumentName (-[BrowserWindowController synchronizeWindowTitleWithDocumentNameSoon]): new, calls synchronizeWindowTitleWithDocumentNameNow later
  • FavoriteButton.m: (-[FavoriteButton _setAttributes]): new, sets attributes (-[FavoriteButton initWithFrame:]): call _setAttributes (-[FavoriteButton awakeFromNib]): call _setAttributes
  • RolloverImageButton.m: (-[RolloverImageButton _setAttributes]): new, sets attributes (-[RolloverImageButton initWithFrame:]): call _setAttributes (-[RolloverImageButton awakeFromNib]): call _setAttributes
  • RolloverTrackingButton.h:
  • RolloverTrackingButton.m: (-[RolloverTrackingButton mouseEnteredOrExited:]): new, does nothing, overridden be subclasses (-[RolloverTrackingButton setRedrawOnMouseEnteredAndExited:]): new (-[RolloverTrackingButton redrawOnMouseEnteredAndExited]): new (-[RolloverTrackingButton updateMouseIsOver]): check the window and tracking rect (-[RolloverTrackingButton removeTrackingRect]): always call updateMouseIsOver (-[RolloverTrackingButton updateTrackingRect]): always call updateMouseIsOver
  • TabBarView.h:
  • TabBarView.m: (-[TabBarView _layOutButtons]): call updateMouseOverTabButton (-[TabBarView dealloc]): release _mouseOverTabButton (-[TabBarView _setMouseOverTabButton:]): set _mouseOverTabButton, call delegate (-[TabBarView updateMouseOverTabButton]): call updateMouseOverTabButton
  • TabButton.h:
  • TabButton.m: call updateMouseOverTabButton
2:05 PM Changeset in webkit [3680] by trey
  • 1 edit in trunk/WebKit/WebView.subproj/WebHTMLViewPrivate.m

Just a comment marking a bug I found. 3178518

2:04 PM Changeset in webkit [3679] by trey
  • 1 edit in trunk/WebCore/kwq/KWQTextField.mm

Just a comment marking a bug I found. 3178518.

9:11 AM Changeset in webkit [3678] by darin
  • 4 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Trey.

  • fixed 3177310 -- REGRESSION: "serif" mapped to "fixed"

Fixed a typo where the serif method was returning the fixed font name.
Also made this class use inlining for almost everything -- yields a miniscule
improvement in code size and speed, and increases brevity.

  • kwq/KWQKHTMLSettings.h: Moved almost everything here.
  • kwq/KWQKHTMLSettings.mm: Moved almost everything out of here.
8:40 AM Changeset in webkit [3677]
  • 1 copy
    64 deletes in branches/WebFoundation-SDK-branch

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branch

8:40 AM Changeset in webkit [3676]
  • 1 copy

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag

8:40 AM Changeset in webkit [3675] by kocienda
  • 66 edits in trunk/WebKit


Reviewed by David

Modified to use new WebFoundation API.

  • WebDiskCacheInspector/Controller.m: (-[Controller setCachePath:]): (-[Controller loadFileList:]): (-[Controller tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:]): (-[Controller setCacheObject:]):
  • WebDiskCacheInspector/WebDiskCacheInspector.pbproj/project.pbxproj:


Reviewed by David

Modified to use new WebFoundation API. Most of the changes were in
class names and method names only.

An exception is SnippetEditor/DataResourceRequest.m. This class
has been updated to use the new API for WebProtocol implementors.

  • CookieManager/wkcookiemanager-test.m: (main):
  • DumpBackForward/main.m: (dumpBackForward): (-[CheapWindowOpsDelegate createWindowWithRequest:]):
  • DumpRenderTree/main.m: (dumpRenderTree):
  • SnippetEditor/DataResourceRequest.h:
  • SnippetEditor/DataResourceRequest.m: (+[DataProtocolHandler load]): (+[DataProtocolHandler canonicalURLForURL:]): (-[DataProtocolHandler startLoadingWithCacheObject:]): (-[DataProtocolHandler stopLoading]):
  • SnippetEditor/SnippetController.m: (-[SnippetController updateFromURL:]):
  • WebFoundation-CacheLoader/NeverExpiresTest.m: (-[NeverExpiresTest testNeverExpires]):


Reviewed by David.

The big WebFoundation API change.

This check in delivers a nice new interface for WebProtocol developers,
simplifies the interaction between protocols and WebResource objects,
cleans up reponse creation and response callback delivery, and includes
numerous other small changes and improvements that helped to fix on the
final API.

There were also many name changes to files, the big changes can be
described as follows:

  • "ProtocolHandler" changes to "Protocol"
  • Usages of "Resource" removed from request and reponse classes.
  • "WebResourceHandle" and its variants now use just "WebResource".

These bugs gets fixed as aresult of this check in.

Radar 3081798 (MASTER: WebFoundation API/SPI complete)
Radar 3078996 (error codes should be named in a way that makes them unlikely to

be used in the wrong domain)

Radar 3151249 (<WebFoundation/WebResourceLoad.h> is missing)
Radar 3163688 (API on WebResourceLoad needs to be sanitized for public consumption)
Radar 3164090 (Fix on final SPI for WebFoundation protocol handler developers)
Radar 3164091 (Consider merging WebResourceLoad and WebResourceHandle classes)

Note that since I touched just about every file in the framework, I did not call
things out individually.


Reviewed by David

Modified to use new WebFoundation API. Though there seem to be
many changes, they are all "uninteresting" in that the changes
only moved code to use new method and class names.

  • Downloads.subproj/WebDownload.h:
  • Downloads.subproj/WebDownload.m: (-[WebDownload initWithRequest:delegate:]): (-[WebDownload _initWithLoadingHandle:request:response:delegate:]): (-[WebDownload createFileIfNecessary]):
  • Downloads.subproj/WebDownloadPrivate.h:
  • Misc.subproj/WebIconLoader.h:
  • Misc.subproj/WebIconLoader.m: (-[WebIconLoader startLoading]): (-[WebIconLoader resourceDidFinishLoading:]): (-[WebIconLoader resource:willSendRequest:]): (-[WebIconLoader resource:didReceiveResponse:]): (-[WebIconLoader resource:didReceiveData:]): (-[WebIconLoader resource:didFailLoadingWithError:]):
  • Misc.subproj/WebResourceResponseExtras.h:
  • Misc.subproj/WebResourceResponseExtras.m: (-[WebHTTPResponse suggestedFilenameForSaving]):
  • Plugins.subproj/WebBaseNetscapePluginStream.h:
  • Plugins.subproj/WebBaseNetscapePluginStream.m: (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginStream setResponse:]):
  • Plugins.subproj/WebBaseNetscapePluginView.m: (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView sendEvent:]): (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView requestWithURLCString:]): (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView loadPluginRequest:]): (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView loadRequest:inTarget:withNotifyData:]): (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView getURLNotify:target:notifyData:]): (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView getURL:target:]): (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView postURLNotify:target:len:buf:file:notifyData:]): (-[WebPluginRequest initWithRequest:frame:notifyData:]): (-[WebPluginRequest request]):
  • Plugins.subproj/WebBaseNetscapePluginViewPrivate.h:
  • Plugins.subproj/WebNetscapePluginDocumentView.m:
  • Plugins.subproj/WebNetscapePluginEmbeddedView.m: (-[WebNetscapePluginEmbeddedView viewDidMoveToWindow]):
  • Plugins.subproj/WebNetscapePluginRepresentation.m: (-[WebNetscapePluginRepresentation receivedError:withDataSource:]):
  • Plugins.subproj/WebNetscapePluginStream.h:
  • Plugins.subproj/WebNetscapePluginStream.m: (-[WebNetscapePluginStream initWithRequest:pluginPointer:notifyData:]): (-[WebNetscapePluginStream resource:didReceiveResponse:]): (-[WebNetscapePluginStream resource:didReceiveData:]): (-[WebNetscapePluginStream resourceDidFinishLoading:]): (-[WebNetscapePluginStream resource:didFailLoadingWithError:]):
  • Plugins.subproj/WebPluginController.m: (-[WebPluginController showURL:inFrame:]):
  • WebCoreSupport.subproj/WebBridge.m: (-[WebBridge createWindowWithURL:frameName:]): (-[WebBridge objectLoadedFromCacheWithURL:response:size:]): (-[WebBridge defersLoading]): (-[WebBridge setDefersLoading:]): (-[WebBridge loadEmptyDocumentSynchronously]):
  • WebCoreSupport.subproj/WebCookieAdapter.m: (-[WebCookieAdapter cookiesForURL:]): (-[WebCookieAdapter setCookies:forURL:policyBaseURL:]):
  • WebCoreSupport.subproj/WebSubresourceClient.h:
  • WebCoreSupport.subproj/WebSubresourceClient.m: (+[WebSubresourceClient startLoadingResource:withURL:referrer:forDataSource:]): (-[WebSubresourceClient resource:willSendRequest:]): (-[WebSubresourceClient resource:didReceiveResponse:]): (-[WebSubresourceClient resource:didReceiveData:]): (-[WebSubresourceClient resourceDidFinishLoading:]): (-[WebSubresourceClient resource:didFailLoadingWithError:]):
  • WebView.subproj/WebBaseResourceHandleDelegate.h:
  • WebView.subproj/WebBaseResourceHandleDelegate.m: (-[WebBaseResourceHandleDelegate startLoading:]): (-[WebBaseResourceHandleDelegate loadWithRequest:]): (-[WebBaseResourceHandleDelegate setDefersCallbacks:]): (-[WebBaseResourceHandleDelegate resource:willSendRequest:]): (-[WebBaseResourceHandleDelegate resource:didReceiveResponse:]): (-[WebBaseResourceHandleDelegate resource:didReceiveData:]): (-[WebBaseResourceHandleDelegate resourceDidFinishLoading:]): (-[WebBaseResourceHandleDelegate resource:didFailLoadingWithError:]): (-[WebBaseResourceHandleDelegate cancelledError]):
  • WebView.subproj/WebController.h:
  • WebView.subproj/WebController.m: (-[WebResourceLoadDelegate identifierForInitialRequest:fromDataSource:]): (-[WebResourceLoadDelegate resource:willSendRequest:fromDataSource:]): (-[WebResourceLoadDelegate resource:didReceiveResponse:fromDataSource:]):
  • WebView.subproj/WebControllerPolicyDelegate.h:
  • WebView.subproj/WebControllerPrivate.h:
  • WebView.subproj/WebControllerPrivate.m: (-[WebController _downloadURL:toDirectory:]): (-[WebController defersCallbacks]): (-[WebController setDefersCallbacks:]): (-[WebController _openNewWindowWithRequest:behind:]):
  • WebView.subproj/WebDataSource.h:
  • WebView.subproj/WebDataSource.m: (-[WebDataSource initWithURL:]): (-[WebDataSource initWithRequest:]): (-[WebDataSource initialRequest]): (-[WebDataSource request]): (-[WebDataSource response]):
  • WebView.subproj/WebDataSourcePrivate.h:
  • WebView.subproj/WebDataSourcePrivate.m: (-[WebDataSource _addSubresourceClient:]): (-[WebDataSource _stopLoading]): (-[WebDataSource _setURL:]): (-[WebDataSource _setRequest:]): (-[WebDataSource _setResponse:]): (-[WebDataSource _commitIfReady:]): (-[WebDataSource _defersCallbacksChanged]): (-[WebDataSource _originalRequest]): (-[WebDataSource _lastCheckedRequest]): (-[WebDataSource _setLastCheckedRequest:]): (-[WebDataSource _addResponse:]):
  • WebView.subproj/WebDefaultContextMenuDelegate.m: (-[WebDefaultContextMenuDelegate contextMenuItemsForElement:defaultMenuItems:]): (-[WebDefaultContextMenuDelegate openNewWindowWithURL:]):
  • WebView.subproj/WebDefaultPolicyDelegate.m: (-[WebDefaultPolicyDelegate savePathForResponse:andRequest:]): (-[WebDefaultPolicyDelegate decideNavigationPolicyForAction:andRequest:inFrame:decisionListener:]):
  • WebView.subproj/WebFrame.h:
  • WebView.subproj/WebFrame.m: (-[WebFrame loadRequest:]): (-[WebFrame reload]):
  • WebView.subproj/WebFramePrivate.h:
  • WebView.subproj/WebFramePrivate.m: (-[WebFrame _createItem]): (-[WebFrame _opened]): (-[WebFrame _loadItem:fromItem:withLoadType:]): (-[WebFrame _loadRequest:triggeringAction:loadType:formValues:]): (-[WebFrame _invalidatePendingPolicyDecisionCallingDefaultAction:]): (-[WebFrame _checkNavigationPolicyForRequest:dataSource:formValues:andCall:withSelector:]): (-[WebFrame _continueAfterNavigationPolicy:]): (-[WebFrame _continueFragmentScrollAfterNavigationPolicy:formValues:]): (-[WebFrame _addExtraFieldsToRequest:alwaysFromRequest:]): (-[WebFrame _loadURL:loadType:triggeringEvent:formValues:]): (-[WebFrame _postWithURL:data:contentType:triggeringEvent:formValues:]): (-[WebFrame _reloadAllowingStaleDataWithOverrideEncoding:]): (-[WebFrame _continueLoadRequestAfterNavigationPolicy:formValues:]): (-[WebFrame _downloadRequest:toDirectory:]):
  • WebView.subproj/WebHTMLRepresentation.m:
  • WebView.subproj/WebMainResourceClient.h:
  • WebView.subproj/WebMainResourceClient.m: (-[WebMainResourceClient continueAfterNavigationPolicy:formValues:]): (-[WebMainResourceClient resource:willSendRequest:]): (-[WebMainResourceClient continueAfterContentPolicy:response:]): (-[WebMainResourceClient checkContentPolicyForResponse:andCallSelector:]): (-[WebMainResourceClient resource:didReceiveResponse:]): (-[WebMainResourceClient resource:didReceiveData:]): (-[WebMainResourceClient resourceDidFinishLoading:]): (-[WebMainResourceClient resource:didFailLoadingWithError:]): (-[WebMainResourceClient startLoading:]):
  • WebView.subproj/WebResourceLoadDelegate.h:
  • WebView.subproj/WebTextRepresentation.m:
  • WebView.subproj/WebTextView.m:
  • WebView.subproj/WebView.m: (-[WebView concludeDragOperation:]):
  • WebView.subproj/WebViewPrivate.m:
  • WebView.subproj/WebWindowOperationsDelegate.h:


Reviewed by David

Modified to use new WebFoundation API. Though there seem to be
many changes, they are all "uninteresting" in that the changes
only moved code to use new method and class names.

  • BrowserDocument.h:
  • BrowserDocument.m: (-[BrowserDocument initWithContentsOfRequest:]): (-[BrowserDocument initWithContentsOfURL:ofType:]): (-[BrowserDocument goToRequest:]):
  • BrowserDocumentController.h:
  • BrowserDocumentController.m: (-[BrowserDocumentController openDocumentWithContentsOfRequest:behind:display:]): (-[BrowserDocumentController openDocumentWithContentsOfURL:display:]): (-[BrowserDocumentController _goToEachRequest:windowPolicy:]): (-[BrowserDocumentController openDocument:]): (-[BrowserDocumentController goToURL:windowPolicy:]): (-[BrowserDocumentController goToRequest:windowPolicy:]):
  • BrowserWebController.h:
  • BrowserWebController.m: (-[BrowserWebController initWithDocument:request:]): (-[BrowserWebController createWindowWithRequest:]): (-[BrowserWebController contentPolicyForMIMEType:andRequest:inFrame:]): (-[BrowserWebController savePathForResponse:andRequest:]): (-[BrowserWebController decideNavigationPolicyForAction:andRequest:inFrame:decisionListener:]): (-[BrowserWebController goToRequest:]): (-[BrowserWebController goToURL:withFallbackURLs:]):
  • BugReportController.h:
  • BugReportController.m: (-[BugReportController sendBugReportToAppleWithScreenShot:source:]): (-[BugReportController resource:willSendRequest:]): (-[BugReportController resource:didReceiveResponse:]): (-[BugReportController resource:didReceiveData:]): (-[BugReportController resourceDidFinishLoading:]): (-[BugReportController resource:didFailLoadingWithError:]):
  • ContextMenuHandler.m: (-[ContextMenuHandler contextMenuItemsForElement:defaultMenuItems:]):
  • Debug/DebugUtilities.m: (initProtocolHandlers): (-[BrowserDocument unregisterAllProtocolHandlers]): (-[BrowserDocument reregisterAllProtocolHandlers]): (-[BrowserDocument toggleAboutProtocolHandler:]): (-[BrowserDocument toggleFileProtocolHandler:]): (-[BrowserDocument toggleCFNetworkHTTPProtocolHandler:]): (-[BrowserDocument toggleSimpleHTTPProtocolHandler:]):
  • Debug/SnippetController.m: (-[SnippetController load]):
  • DownloadMonitor.m: (-[DownloadMonitor identifierForInitialRequest:fromDataSource:]): (-[DownloadMonitor resource:willSendRequest:fromDataSource:]): (-[DownloadMonitor resource:didReceiveResponse:fromDataSource:]):
  • DownloadProgressEntry.h:
  • DownloadProgressEntry.m: (-[DownloadProgressEntry _setRequest:]): (+[DownloadProgressEntry entryWithDictionary:]): (-[DownloadProgressEntry stop]):
  • FrameProgressEntry.m: (-[FrameProgressEntry stage]):
  • HTMLSourceDocument.m:
  • LoadProgressMonitor.h:
  • LoadProgressMonitor.m: (-[LoadProgressMonitor _createProgressEntryWithRequest:dataSource:]): (-[LoadProgressMonitor identifierForInitialRequest:fromDataSource:]): (-[LoadProgressMonitor resource:willSendRequest:fromDataSource:]): (-[LoadProgressMonitor resource:didReceiveResponse:fromDataSource:]):
  • LocationChangeError.m: (-[LocationChangeHandler specializedTitleForError:]): (-[LocationChangeHandler specializedMessageForError:]): (-[LocationChangeHandler displayLocationChangeError:]):
  • LocationChangeHandler.m: (-[LocationChangeHandler unknownRootSheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:]): (-[LocationChangeHandler locationChangeDone:forDataSource:]):
  • ResourceProgressEntry.m: (-[ResourceProgressEntry stage]): (-[ResourceProgressEntry statusString]):
  • Test/PageLoadTestRunner.m: (-[PageLoadTestRunner startTest]): (-[PageLoadTestRunner stop]):

Feb 19, 2003:

7:41 PM Changeset in webkit [3674] by hyatt
  • 4 edits in trunk/WebCore

Update layers to not fix their positions during setLayouted.
Inline container() within render_object.cpp so setLayouted can
use it inline.

Reviewed by mjs

  • khtml/rendering/render_layer.cpp: (RenderLayer::updateLayerPosition):
  • khtml/rendering/render_object.cpp: (RenderObject::setLayouted): (RenderObject::container):
5:27 PM Changeset in webkit [3673] by hyatt
  • 5 edits in trunk/WebCore

Just chain BidiRuns using an internal next ptr and dump the
use of QPtrList (which has to malloc internal nodes to wrap
each run).

Reviewed by darin (reverseRuns reviewed by mjs)

  • khtml/rendering/bidi.cpp:
  • khtml/rendering/bidi.h:
  • khtml/rendering/render_block.h:
3:22 PM Changeset in webkit [3672] by hyatt
  • 5 edits in trunk/WebCore

Make the BidiIterator midpoints use an array instead of a list.

Reviewed by kocienda

  • khtml/rendering/bidi.h
  • khtml/rendering/bidi.cpp:
  • khtml/rendering/render_block.h:

Feb 18, 2003:

7:02 PM Changeset in webkit [3671] by mjs
  • 8 edits in trunk


Reviewed by Chris.

Merged changes from Safari-58-1-branch.

2003-02-11 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com>

Reviewed by Trey.

  • WebCore.pbproj/project.pbxproj: Include /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks.


Reviewed by Chris.

Merged changes from Safari-58-1-branch.

2003-02-11 Richard Williamson <rjw@apple.com>

Add import of CGFontCache.h, which is no longer
included by CoreGraphicsPrivate.h.

Reviewed by Vicki.

  • WebCoreSupport.subproj/WebTextRendererFactory.m:

2003-02-11 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com>

Reviewed by Darin.

  • WebCoreSupport.subproj/WebTextRenderer.m: Change (void ) cast to (void *) for compatibility with the latest Panther.

2003-02-11 Maciej Stachowiak <mjs@apple.com>

Reviewed by Trey.

  • WebKit.pbproj/project.pbxproj: Add /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks
4:34 PM Changeset in webkit [3670] by trey
  • 5 edits in trunk/WebCore

3171982 - REGRESSION: onClick handlers run twice when button pressed (DSLReports.com forums)

My earlier changes added the codepath by which we let khtmlview fully process
a mouse up after a widget has done it's tracking, which leads to the second
onClick call. Presumably that path does not exist in the native KDE case.
The change below reduces the impact of my hack, whereby instead of fully posting
a fake mouseup, we just note that the mouse has done up at the end of mousedown
handling, and clear the mousePressed state (state I also added).

Reviewed by Darin.

  • khtml/khtmlview.cpp: (KHTMLView::viewportMousePressEvent): Look for a current mouseUp at the end of dispatching the mouse down.
  • kwq/KWQKHTMLPart.h:
  • kwq/KWQKHTMLPart.mm: (KWQKHTMLPart::passWidgetMouseDownEventToWidget): Don't post a phony mouse up from here. (KWQKHTMLPart::lastEventIsMouseUp): Utility routine to test for mouseUp.
3:25 PM Changeset in webkit [3669] by sheridan
  • 3 edits in trunk

opening tree for Safari-63

3:23 PM Changeset in webkit [3668]
  • 3 copies in tags/Safari-62

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'Safari-62'.

3:23 PM Changeset in webkit [3667] by sheridan
  • 3 edits in trunk

fixing typo

3:18 PM Changeset in webkit [3666] by sheridan
  • 8 edits in trunk

Safari-62 for the trunk

2:18 PM Changeset in webkit [3665]
  • 31 copies
    1 delete in tags/Safari-61

This commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create tag 'Safari-61'.

2:18 PM Changeset in webkit [3664] by sheridan
  • 9 edits in branches/Safari-0-8-2-branch

Safari-61 on the branch

2:06 PM Changeset in webkit [3663] by hyatt
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Fix for 3176102, bad table cell regression. I was adding in
random properties for cells. Eep.

Also patched table element to add in the inherit property using
CSS_VAL_INHERIT instead of the string "inherit" (faster).

Reviewed by gramps

  • khtml/css/cssstyleselector.cpp:
  • khtml/html/html_tableimpl.cpp
2:03 PM Changeset in webkit [3662] by hyatt
  • 4 edits in trunk/WebCore

Fix for 3176102, bad table cell regression. I was adding in
random properties for cells. Eep.

Reviewed by gramps

  • khtml/css/cssstyleselector.cpp:
12:13 PM Changeset in webkit [3661] by hyatt
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

Fix for 3171795, dotted borders drawn incorrectly. Picked this
gem up from the KHTML trunk.

Reviewed by darin

  • khtml/rendering/render_object.cpp: (RenderObject::drawBorder):
11:18 AM Changeset in webkit [3660] by darin
  • 3 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore

Reviewed by Trey and Ken.

  • fixed 3142355 -- nil-deref in CFTimeZoneCopyAbbreviation

Although I can't reproduce this bug, it seems that it's caused by CFTimeZoneCopyDefault returning NULL.
I'm almost certain that the UTC time zone will be created successfully in this case, so I'll just use that.

  • kjs/date_object.cpp: (UTCTimeZone): Added. Gets the UTC time zone (once in a global). (CopyLocalTimeZone): Added. Gets the local time zone, but falls back to UTC. (gmtimeUsingCF): Use UTCTimeZone. (localtimeUsingCF): Use CopyLocalTimeZone. (mktimeUsingCF): Use CopyLocalTimeZone. (timegmUsingCF): Use UTCTimeZone.

Feb 17, 2003:

4:13 PM Changeset in webkit [3659] by darin
  • 4 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Dave.

  • fixed 3174332 -- REGRESSION: bad initial layout due to empty QFontMetrics
  • khtml/rendering/render_html.cpp: (RenderHtml::setStyle): Don't set the style's to display:BLOCK if it's display:NONE. This prevents us from modifying the special FOUC style among other things.
  • unrelated code cleanup
  • khtml/html/html_baseimpl.cpp: Moved code around that was grouped badly.
2:19 PM Changeset in webkit [3658] by hyatt
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

Missed another "Almost Strict" spot.

Reviewed by kocienda

  • khtml/xml/dom_docimpl.cpp: (DocumentImpl::recalcStyle):
12:25 PM Changeset in webkit [3657] by hyatt
  • 7 edits in trunk/WebCore

Fix for 3% improvement on cached cvs-base. Make cells share the
declarations set up by the table (add these decls to the table
once instead of to every cell).

Reviewed by darin

  • khtml/css/cssstyleselector.cpp:
  • khtml/css/cssstyleselector.h:
  • khtml/html/html_tableimpl.cpp: (HTMLTableElementImpl::HTMLTableElementImpl): (HTMLTableElementImpl::~HTMLTableElementImpl): (HTMLTableElementImpl::createSharedCellDecls): (HTMLTableCellElementImpl::getAdditionalStyleDecls): (HTMLTableCellElementImpl::attach):
  • khtml/html/html_tableimpl.h:
  • khtml/xml/dom_elementimpl.h:
11:22 AM Changeset in webkit [3656] by trey
  • 1 edit in trunk/WebCore/khtml/khtmlview.cpp

Cleanup comment turd left in by mistake

11:00 AM Changeset in webkit [3655] by kocienda
  • 22 edits in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by Trey

Rolled in documentation changes from Peter Kelly, our tech writer.

  • History.subproj/WebBackForwardList.h
  • History.subproj/WebHistory.h
  • Misc.subproj/WebKitErrors.h
  • Misc.subproj/WebResourceResponseExtras.h
  • Panels.subproj/WebStandardPanels.h
  • Plugins.subproj/WebPluginError.h
  • WebView.subproj/WebContextMenuDelegate.h
  • WebView.subproj/WebController.h
  • WebView.subproj/WebControllerPolicyDelegate.h
  • WebView.subproj/WebDataSource.h
  • WebView.subproj/WebDefaultPolicyDelegate.h
  • WebView.subproj/WebDocument.h
  • WebView.subproj/WebFrame.h
  • WebView.subproj/WebPreferences.h
  • WebView.subproj/WebResourceLoadDelegate.h
  • WebView.subproj/WebView.h
  • WebView.subproj/WebWindowOperationsDelegate.h
10:54 AM Changeset in webkit [3654] by trey
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKit

2943514 hide the cursor when using the arrow keys to scroll

Reviewed by Darin

  • WebView.subproj/WebView.m: (-[WebView keyDown:]): Hide that cursor.
10:53 AM Changeset in webkit [3653] by trey
  • 4 edits in trunk/WebCore

2938062 Mouse cursor does not change to link cursor over non-button form submission controls

Reviewed by Darin

  • khtml/khtmlview.cpp: (isSubmitImage): Helper function to ID submit buttons with images. (KHTMLView::viewportMouseMoveEvent): Set cursor for submit buttons with images.
  • kwq/WebCoreBridge.mm: (inputElementFromDOMElement): Simplify previously written casting goop.
9:21 AM Changeset in webkit [3652] by cblu
  • 4 edits in trunk/WebKit


Added debug method that can be used inside of gdb to examine an image. Needed this many times.

Reviewed by darin.

  • Misc.subproj/WebNSImageExtras.h:
  • Misc.subproj/WebNSImageExtras.m: (-[NSImage _web_saveAndOpen]):


Implemented the tab bar with tabs and all.

Reviewed by darin.

  • BarBackground.m: moved private appkit declarations to BrowserNSViewExtras and BrowserNSWindowExtras so they can be used by other classes
  • BrowserNSStringExtras.m: (-[NSString drawDoubledInRect:withTopColor:bottomColor:font:centered:flipped:]): obey the x origin when centering text
  • BrowserNSViewExtras.h:
  • BrowserNSViewExtras.m: (-[NSView shouldDrawBackgroundTheSneakyPrivateNSWindowWay]): moved method from BarBackground so it can be used by other classes
  • BrowserNSWindowExtras.h: put private appkit declarations here
  • English.lproj/Browser.nib:
  • EtchedStringButtonCell.h: Added.
  • EtchedStringButtonCell.m: Added. Factored out from FavoriteButtonCell so TabButtonCell can use the same functionality (+[EtchedStringButtonCell font]): (+[EtchedStringButtonCell bottomColorForDarkText]): (+[EtchedStringButtonCell topColorForDarkText]): (+[EtchedStringButtonCell bottomColorForLightText]): (+[EtchedStringButtonCell topColorForLightText]): (-[EtchedStringButtonCell textRectForFrame:]): (-[EtchedStringButtonCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:]): (-[EtchedStringButtonCell setTextCenterTruncated:]): (-[EtchedStringButtonCell isTextCenterTruncated]): (-[EtchedStringButtonCell setTextCentered:]): (-[EtchedStringButtonCell isTextCentered]): (-[EtchedStringButtonCell setDrawsLightText:]): (-[EtchedStringButtonCell drawsLightText]):
  • FavoriteButton.m: (-[FavoriteButton setBookmark:]):
  • FavoriteButtonCell.h:
  • FavoriteButtonCell.m: made subclass of EtchedStringButtonCell (+[FavoriteButtonCell updateCellForButton:]): (-[FavoriteButtonCell textRectForFrame:]): (-[FavoriteButtonCell imageRectForFrame:]): (-[FavoriteButtonCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:]):
  • Resources/Images/TabBevel_Caps.tif: Added.
  • Resources/Images/TabBevel_Middle.tif: Added.
  • Resources/Images/TabClose_Back.tif: Added.
  • Resources/Images/TabClose_Back_Pressed.tif: Added.
  • Resources/Images/TabClose_Back_Rollover.tif: Added.
  • Resources/Images/TabClose_Front.tif: Added.
  • Resources/Images/TabClose_Front_Pressed.tif: Added.
  • Resources/Images/TabClose_Front_Rollover.tif: Added.
  • Resources/Images/TabMask_Caps.tif: Added.
  • Resources/Images/TabMask_Middle.tif: Added.
  • TabBarView.h:
  • TabBarView.m: (-[TabBarView scaledAndTexturedWindowBackgroundImage]): image of textured background used by tab buttons (-[TabBarView windowBackgroundImage]): ditto (-[TabBarView _addTabButtonWithTabViewItem:]): links tab button to tab item (-[TabBarView _removeTabButton:]): removes tab button (-[TabBarView _layOutButtons]): lays out tab buttons (-[TabBarView _bringSelectedTabToFront:]): brings tab button of tab item to front (-[TabBarView awakeFromNib]): set things up (-[TabBarView dealloc]): release things (-[TabBarView _drawSeparatorAtXOrigin:]): draws separator (-[TabBarView drawRect:]): draw separators (-[TabBarView setFrameSize:]): call _layOutButtons (-[TabBarView bringTabToFront:]): brings tab item of tab button to front (-[TabBarView closeTab:]): closes the clicked tab (-[TabBarView tabView:shouldSelectTabViewItem:]): forward to delegate, return YES otherwise (-[TabBarView tabView:willSelectTabViewItem:]): deselect current tab, forward to delegate (-[TabBarView tabView:didSelectTabViewItem:]): select current tab, forward to delegate (-[TabBarView tabViewDidChangeNumberOfTabViewItems:]): call _layOutButtons, forward to delegate
  • TabButton.h: Added.
  • TabButton.m: Added. (+[TabButton initialize]): set the cell (+[TabButton _loadImages]): load images (-[TabButton _setCloseButtonImages:]): set close images (-[TabButton initWithFrame:tabViewItem:]): set attributes (-[TabButton dealloc]): release things (-[TabButton drawRect:]): drag textured background obeying mask (-[TabButton mouseDownCanMoveWindow]): return NO (-[TabButton setState:]): set the close button images appropriately (-[TabButton setCloseAction:]): set the action of the close button (-[TabButton tabViewItem]): getter (-[TabButton height]): returns the height given the height of the mask image (-[TabButton closeTab:]): call the close action on the target of the button
  • TabButtonCell.h: Added.
  • TabButtonCell.m: Added. (+[TabButtonCell bottomColorForLightText]): override (+[TabButtonCell topColorForLightText]): override (-[TabButtonCell textRectForFrame:]): override (-[TabButtonCell setTextInsetX:]): sets the X inset
  • TabViewItemWithButton.h: Added.
  • TabViewItemWithButton.m: Added. (-[TabViewItemWithButton dealloc]): (-[TabViewItemWithButton setLabel:]): set the title on the button (-[TabViewItemWithButton setButton:]): set the button (-[TabViewItemWithButton button]): returns the button
  • WebBrowser.pbproj/project.pbxproj:
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.