
Nov 4, 2006:

10:16 PM Changeset in webkit [17602] by bdash
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

2006-11-04 David Smith <catfish.man@gmail.com>

Reviewed by Tim H.

Fixes: http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11521
Bug 11521: [Drosera] Breakpoint editor UI behaves incorrectly when multiple editors are open

  • Drosera/debugger.js: Use . instead of so that it doesn't root the search at the document.
10:14 PM Changeset in webkit [17601] by bdash
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

2006-11-04 David Smith <catfish.man@gmail.com>

Reviewed by Tim H.

Fixes: http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11513
Bug 11513: [Drosera] Function popup fails to appear when clicking supposedly valid areas.

  • Drosera/debugger.css: Stick a min-width on the menu to keep it from becoming smaller than the control.
10:12 PM Changeset in webkit [17600] by bdash
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

2006-11-04 David Smith <catfish.man@gmail.com>

Reviewed by Tim H.

Fixes: http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11512
Bug 11512: [Drosera] Scrolling via keyboard breaks after clicking in function popup.

  • Drosera/debugger.js: blur() the function popup when we're done with it.
5:24 PM Changeset in webkit [22469] by darin
  • 5 edits in branches/WindowsMerge


Reviewed by Maciej.

  • bridge/win/FrameWin.h:
  • bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: (WebCore::FrameWin::urlSelected): Updated for change of const Event* to Event*. (WebCore::FrameWin::submitForm): Added Event* parameter.


  • WebView.cpp: (WebView::initWithFrame): Removed setMainFrame call and deref of Frame, now handled by Frame's constructor.
5:16 PM Changeset in webkit [17599] by darin
  • 1 edit in trunk/WebCore/ChangeLog


5:16 PM Changeset in webkit [17598] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Ander.

  • platform/network/mac/ResourceHandleMac.mm: (WebCore::ResourceHandle::~ResourceHandle): Removed call to cancel. Since the subresource owns the resource handle, there's no need to cancel. This arrangement is only temporary, anyway, since Maciej will soon change things so that the subresource loader uses the resource handle and the resource handle doesn't know anything about the subresource loader.
5:06 PM Changeset in webkit [17597] by darin
  • 84 edits
    1 delete in trunk


Reviewed by Maciej.

  • converted more of the loader machinery to work with cross-platform data structures instead of Macintosh-specific ones

converted most uses of NSURL to KURL and NSEvent to DOM Event in
loader classes

moved download function out of FrameLoader.h to avoid reference to

added DOM Event parameters to various functions so that the handlers
can use the DOM Event instead of the global "current NSEvent";
includes Frame::submitForm, HTMLFormElement::prepareSubmit,
HTMLFormElement::submit, FrameLoader::load

moved the setMainFrame call that hands ownership to the Page
into one of the Frame constructors, and removed it from all
the clients

removed const from Event parameter to the urlSelected function
(we rarely use const with DOM elements)

removed some redundant includes and declarations from various
header files

removed NSURL parameter from userAgent function -- if we need it we
can add it back, but converting from NSURL to KURL and back is
inefficient enough that it's best to have it out for now (since it's
been unused for years) -- if we add it back, we can choose an
appropriate parameter type that's always inexpensive to pass

did some basic cleanup in the IconLoader class, including removing
an unnecessary loop that added icon data a byte at a time

renamed safeLoad to load, since it's no different from the other
FrameLoader load functions, safety-wise

fixed some code that was trying to distinguish null frame name from
empty string frame name -- both should be handled the same, but callers
were doing it by checking for empty and turning it into null (in a way
that was causing extra round trips between NSString and WebCore::String)

corrected all uses of "get" and "post" to be uppercase "GET" and "POST"
and got rid of case-insensitive compares of methods

  • WebCore.exp:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • bindings/js/kjs_navigator.cpp: (KJS::Navigator::getValueProperty):
  • bridge/mac/FrameMac.h:
  • bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::submitForm): (WebCore::FrameMac::urlSelected): (WebCore::FrameMac::userAgent):
  • bridge/mac/FrameViewMac.mm:
  • bridge/mac/WebCoreAXObject.mm: (-[WebCoreAXObject rendererForView:]):
  • bridge/mac/WebCorePageBridge.h:
  • bridge/mac/WebCorePageBridge.mm:
  • bridge/mac/WebCoreSettings.mm:
  • bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: (WebCore::FrameWin::urlSelected): (WebCore::FrameWin::submitForm):
  • bridge/win/FrameWin.h:
  • dom/MouseRelatedEvent.cpp:
  • dom/MouseRelatedEvent.h:
  • dom/UIEvent.cpp: (WebCore::UIEvent::~UIEvent):
  • dom/UIEvent.h:
  • dom/UIEventWithKeyState.h:
  • dom/XMLTokenizer.cpp: (WebCore::openFunc):
  • html/HTMLAnchorElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLAnchorElement::defaultEventHandler):
  • html/HTMLButtonElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLButtonElement::defaultEventHandler):
  • html/HTMLFormElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLFormElement::submitClick): (WebCore::HTMLFormElement::prepareSubmit): (WebCore::HTMLFormElement::submit):
  • html/HTMLFormElement.h:
  • html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::defaultEventHandler):
  • html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::menuListDefaultEventHandler):
  • loader/DocumentLoader.h:
  • loader/FrameLoader.h:
  • loader/FrameLoaderClient.h:
  • loader/NavigationAction.h: (WebCore::NavigationAction::event):
  • loader/icon/IconLoader.cpp: (WebCore::IconLoader::create): (WebCore::IconLoader::startLoading): (WebCore::IconLoader::didReceiveData): (WebCore::IconLoader::didFinishLoading):
  • loader/icon/IconLoader.h:
  • loader/loader.cpp:
  • loader/mac/DocumentLoaderMac.mm: (WebCore::DocumentLoader::URL): (WebCore::DocumentLoader::unreachableURL): (WebCore::DocumentLoader::replaceRequestURLForAnchorScroll): (WebCore::DocumentLoader::URLForHistory):
  • loader/mac/FrameLoaderMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameLoader::load): (WebCore::FrameLoader::willSendRequest): (WebCore::FrameLoader::clientRedirected): (WebCore::FrameLoader::shouldReload): (WebCore::FrameLoader::notifyIconChanged): (WebCore::FrameLoader::URL): (WebCore::FrameLoader::reloadAllowingStaleData): (WebCore::FrameLoader::reload): (WebCore::FrameLoader::didChangeTitle): (WebCore::FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNavigationPolicy): (WebCore::FrameLoader::checkLoadCompleteForThisFrame): (WebCore::FrameLoader::post): (WebCore::FrameLoader::addExtraFieldsToRequest): (WebCore::FrameLoader::loadResourceSynchronously):
  • loader/mac/IconLoaderMac.mm: (WebCore::IconLoader::notifyIconChanged):
  • loader/mac/LoaderFunctionsMac.mm:
  • loader/mac/MainResourceLoaderMac.mm: (WebCore::shouldLoadAsEmptyDocument): (WebCore::MainResourceLoader::continueAfterContentPolicy):
  • loader/mac/NavigationActionMac.mm: (WebCore::navigationType): (WebCore::NavigationAction::NavigationAction):
  • loader/mac/ResourceLoaderMac.mm:
  • loader/mac/SubresourceLoaderMac.mm:
  • page/Frame.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::Frame): (WebCore::Frame::urlSelected): (WebCore::Frame::submitFormAgain): (WebCore::Frame::submitForm): (WebCore::Frame::endIfNotLoading): (WebCore::Frame::hitTestResultAtPoint):
  • page/Frame.h:
  • page/FramePrivate.h:
  • platform/gdk/FrameGdk.cpp: (WebCore::FrameGdk::FrameGdk): (WebCore::FrameGdk::submitForm): (WebCore::FrameGdk::urlSelected):
  • platform/gdk/FrameGdk.h:
  • platform/mac/TextFieldMac.mm:
  • platform/network/HTTPHeaderMap.h:
  • platform/network/ResourceHandle.h:
  • platform/network/ResourceHandleClient.h:
  • platform/network/ResourceHandleInternal.h:
  • platform/network/mac/ResourceHandleMac.mm:
  • platform/network/mac/ResourceResponseMac.h:
  • platform/network/mac/ResourceResponseMac.mm: (-[NSURLResponse WebCore]):
  • platform/network/win/ResourceHandleWin.cpp:
  • platform/qt/FrameQt.cpp: (WebCore::FrameQt::submitForm): (WebCore::FrameQt::urlSelected):
  • platform/qt/FrameQt.h:
  • rendering/RenderLineEdit.cpp: (WebCore::RenderLineEdit::returnPressed):
  • xml/XSLTProcessor.cpp: (WebCore::docLoaderFunc):
  • xml/xmlhttprequest.cpp:


Reviewed by Maciej.

  • converted more of the loader machinery to work with cross-platform data structures instead of Macintosh-specific ones

store the computed user agent string as a WebCore::String instead
of an NSString to avoid overhead converting it every time we get it

  • COM/WebFrame.cpp: (WebFrame::initWithName):
  • ChangeLog:
  • Misc/WebElementDictionary.m: (-[WebElementDictionary _image]): (-[WebElementDictionary _targetWebFrame]):
  • WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.h:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.mm: (WebFrameLoaderClient::dispatchWillPerformClientRedirect): (WebFrameLoaderClient::shouldTreatURLAsSameAsCurrent): (WebFrameLoaderClient::setTitle): (WebFrameLoaderClient::userAgent): (WebFrameLoaderClient::actionDictionary):
  • WebCoreSupport/WebPageBridge.mm: (WebCore::if):
  • WebView/WebDataSource.mm: (-[WebDataSource _URL]): (-[WebDataSource _URLForHistory]): (-[WebDataSource unreachableURL]):
  • WebView/WebHTMLView.m: (-[WebHTMLView elementAtPoint:allowShadowContent:]):
  • WebView/WebPDFView.mm: (-[WebPDFView PDFViewWillClickOnLink:withURL:]): (-[WebPDFView _path]):
  • WebView/WebView.mm: (-[WebViewPrivate init]): (-[WebViewPrivate dealloc]): (-[WebViewPrivate finalize]): (-[WebView _preferencesChangedNotification:]): (-[WebView _cachedResponseForURL:]): (-[WebView setApplicationNameForUserAgent:]): (-[WebView setCustomUserAgent:]): (-[WebView customUserAgent]): (-[WebView userAgentForURL:]): (-[WebView _computeUserAgent]): (-[WebView WebCore::]):
  • WebView/WebViewInternal.h:
5:02 PM Changeset in webkit [17596] by bdash
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

2006-11-04 Mark Rowe <bdash@webkit.org>

Reviewed by Darin.

Fix use of uninitialized value in pattern match.

  • Scripts/webkitdirs.pm:
4:23 PM Changeset in webkit [22468] by mjs
  • 6 edits in branches/WindowsMerge


Reviewed by Adele.

  • replaced receivedRedirect with new willSendRequest delegate
  • removed most mac-specific loader functions
  • use ResourceResponse more in loader code
  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj: Added new files
  • platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: Removed unneeded link stubs


Reviewed by Adele.

  • replaced receivedRedirect with new willSendRequest delegate
  • removed most mac-specific loader functions
  • use ResourceResponse more in loader code
  • WebFrame.cpp: (WebFrame::willSendRequest): Rearranged from former receivedRedirect.
  • WebFrame.h:
4:15 PM Changeset in webkit [17595] by mjs
  • 24 edits
    2 copies
    4 adds in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Adele.

  • replaced receivedRedirect with new willSendRequest delegate
  • removed most mac-specific loader functions
  • use ResourceResponse more in loader code
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Add new files.
  • bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: (-[WebCoreFrameBridge getData:andResponse:forURL:]): Adapted for CachedResource method renames. (-[WebCoreFrameBridge getAllResourceDatas:andResponses:]): Ditto.
  • loader/CachedCSSStyleSheet.cpp: (WebCore::CachedCSSStyleSheet::checkNotify): simplified based on ResourceResponse
  • loader/CachedImage.cpp: (WebCore::CachedImage::createImage): adapt for ResourceResponse
  • loader/CachedResource.cpp: (WebCore::CachedResource::CachedResource): store a ResourceResponse; platform response is now called platformResponse and expiration date is removed. (WebCore::CachedResource::~CachedResource): ditto (WebCore::CachedResource::isExpired): ditto
  • loader/CachedResource.h: (WebCore::CachedResource::platformResponse): ditto (WebCore::CachedResource::setResponse): ditto (WebCore::CachedResource::canDelete): ditto
  • loader/LoaderFunctions.h:
  • loader/loader.cpp: (WebCore::Loader::receivedResponse): Adjusted for renames. (WebCore::Loader::didReceiveResponse): Store whole ResourceResponse in the CachedResource.
  • loader/loader.h:
  • loader/mac/FormDataStream.h:
  • loader/mac/FormDataStream.m: (WebCore::getStreamFormDatas): Rearranged things so it's possible to get a FormData back out of a form data stream. (WebCore::formCreate): ditto (WebCore::formFinalize): ditto (WebCore::httpBodyFromStream): ditto
  • loader/mac/ImageDocumentMac.mm: (WebCore::finishImageLoad): s/response/platformResponse/
  • loader/mac/LoaderFunctionsMac.mm: (WebCore::CheckCacheObjectStatus): ditto (WebCore::CachedResource::setPlatformResponse): ditto
  • loader/mac/SubresourceLoaderMac.mm: (WebCore::SubresourceLoader::willSendRequest): send redirect to client appropriately
  • platform/network/ResourceHandle.h:
  • platform/network/ResourceHandleClient.h: (WebCore::ResourceHandleClient::willSendRequest): new entry point for SubresourceLoader, dispatch to client.
  • platform/network/ResourceRequest.h: (WebCore::ResourceRequest::allowHTTPCookies): implemented (WebCore::ResourceRequest::setAllowHTTPCookies): ditto
  • platform/network/ResourceResponse.h: (WebCore::ResourceResponse::ResourceResponse): initialize expiration date(!)
  • platform/network/cf/FormDataStreamCFNet.cpp: Added. (WebCore::getStreamFormDatas): Added this, ported from NSURL version. (WebCore::openNextStream): ditto (WebCore::formCreate): ditto (WebCore::formFinalize): ditto (WebCore::formCanRead): ditto (WebCore::formEventCallback): ditto (WebCore::setHTTPBody): ditto (WebCore::httpBodyFromStream): ditto
  • platform/network/cf/FormDataStreamCFNet.h: Added.
  • platform/network/cf/ResourceHandleCFNet.cpp: (WebCore::willSendRequest): implemented (WebCore::ResourceHandle::start): use new ResourceRequest stuff
  • platform/network/cf/ResourceResponseCFNet.cpp: (WebCore::getResourceResponse): do nothing for a null response
  • platform/network/mac/ResourceHandleMac.mm: (WebCore::ResourceHandle::willSendRequest): Implemented; dispatch to client.
  • platform/network/mac/ResourceRequestMac.h: Added.
  • platform/network/mac/ResourceRequestMac.mm: Added. (WebCore::getResourceRequest): Added way to convert an NSURLRequest to a ResourceRequest. (WebCore::nsURLRequest): Opposite of the above.
  • platform/network/cf/ResourceRequestCFNet.h: Added.
  • platform/network/cf/ResourceRequestCFNet.cpp: Added. (WebCore::getResourceRequest): Added way to convert an CFURLRequest to a ResourceRequest. (WebCore::cfURLRequest): Opposite of the above.
  • xml/xmlhttprequest.cpp: (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::willSendRequest): Renamed from receivedRedirect, adjusted.
  • xml/xmlhttprequest.h:
9:54 AM Changeset in webkit [17594] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Change suggested by Mitz.

  • bridge/mac/WebCorePageState.mm: (-[WebCorePageState dealloc]): Add null check. (-[WebCorePageState finalize]): Ditto.
9:53 AM Changeset in webkit [17593] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

Reviewed by Tim Hatcher.

  • Scripts/webkitdirs.pm: Don't try to use the Xcode build setting if it's project-relative.
7:51 AM Changeset in webkit [17592] by ap
  • 16 edits
    3 adds in trunk

2006-11-04 Bertrand Guiheneuf <guiheneuf@gmail.com>

Reviewed by Maciej, tweaked and landed by Alexey (using a patch by Don Gibson).

Fixes to get WebKit to run on Windows; implemented AffineTransformCairo.


  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj: Added platform/graphics platform/network and platform/network/win to headers search paths Created platform/graphics and platform/network filters in hierarchy Moved GraphicsContext and GraphicsTypes to their respective filters Added EditorClient.h Added FrameLoader* files in loader/ Added HitTest* files in rendering/ Added Editor.* files in editing/ Added DeleteButton.* and DeleteButtonController.* in editing/
  • bridge/win/ChromeClientWin.h: Added. (WebCore::ChromeClientWin::~ChromeClientWin):
  • bridge/win/EditorClientWin.h: Added. (WebCore::EditorClientWin::~EditorClientWin):
  • bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: (WebCore::FrameWin::FrameWin): (WebCore::FrameWin::urlSelected): (WebCore::FrameWin::submitForm): (WebCore::FrameWin::createNewWindow):
  • bridge/win/FrameWin.h: Added EditorClient parameter to constructor Replace usage of FrameLoadRequest::m_request with FrameLoadRequest::resourceRequest() Removed openURL() and openURLRequest from class definition
  • bridge/win/PageWin.cpp:
  • platform/AffineTransform.h:
  • platform/cairo/AffineTransformCairo.cpp: Added. (WebCore::AffineTransform::AffineTransform): (WebCore::AffineTransform::setMatrix): (WebCore::AffineTransform::map): (WebCore::AffineTransform::mapRect): (WebCore::AffineTransform::isIdentity): (WebCore::AffineTransform::m11): (WebCore::AffineTransform::m12): (WebCore::AffineTransform::m21): (WebCore::AffineTransform::m22): (WebCore::AffineTransform::dx): (WebCore::AffineTransform::dy): (WebCore::AffineTransform::reset): (WebCore::AffineTransform::scale): (WebCore::AffineTransform::rotate): (WebCore::AffineTransform::translate): (WebCore::AffineTransform::shear): (WebCore::AffineTransform::det): (WebCore::AffineTransform::invert): (WebCore::AffineTransform::operator cairo_matrix_t): (WebCore::AffineTransform::operator== ): (WebCore::AffineTransform::operator*= ): (WebCore::AffineTransform::operator* ):
  • platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForMisspellingOrBadGrammar):
  • platform/network/win/ResourceHandleWin.cpp: (WebCore::ResourceHandle::onHandleCreated): (WebCore::ResourceHandle::start): (WebCore::ResourceHandle::fileLoadTimer): (WebCore::ResourceHandle::cancel):
  • platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: (WebCore::FrameWin::goBackOrForward): (WebCore::FrameWin::getHistoryLength): (WebCore::FrameWin::historyURL): (WebCore::ServeSynchronousRequest): (WebCore::ChromeClientWin::canRunModal): (WebCore::ChromeClientWin::runModal): (WebCore::EditorClientWin::shouldDeleteRange): (WebCore::EditorClientWin::shouldShowDeleteInterface): (WebCore::EditorClientWin::isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled): (WebCore::EditorClientWin::isGrammarCheckingEnabled): (WebCore::EditorClientWin::spellCheckerDocumentTag): (WebCore::Path::transform): (WebCore::PopupMenu::updateFromElement): (WebCore::ResourceLoader::loadsBlocked): (WebCore::systemBeep):
  • rendering/RenderThemeWin.cpp: (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::paintButton): (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::paintTextField):


  • COM/WebFrame.cpp: (WebFrame::initWithName): (WebFrame::loadDataSource): (WebFrame::receivedRedirect): (WebFrame::receivedResponse): (WebFrame::didReceiveData): (WebFrame::receivedAllData): Use resource handles now. Do not start doc loader by hand anymore. Handle didReceiveData() callback instead of receivedData() which is deprecated in implementation of ResourceHandleClient
  • COM/WebFrame.h:
  • COM/WebView.cpp: Applied ResourceLoader --> ResourceHandle renaming
  • WebKit.vcproj/WebKit.rc: Got rid of MFC dependencies (build fix for VCExpress).
  • WebKit.vcproj/WebKit.vcproj: Added platform/graphics platform/network and platform/network/win to headers search paths

Nov 3, 2006:

11:53 PM Changeset in webkit [17591] by ap
  • 5 edits
    2 adds
    2 deletes in trunk

Reviewed by Maciej.

&lang; and &rang; entities are mapped to the incorrect Unicode codepoint


  • html/HTMLEntityNames.gperf: Use canonical Unicode equivalents for these characters.


  • fast/parser/entities-in-xhtml-expected.checksum: Removed.
  • fast/parser/entities-in-xhtml-expected.png: Removed. Converted to plain text, the large table in the test didn't nearly fit anyway.
  • fast/parser/entities-in-xhtml-expected.txt:
  • fast/parser/entities-in-xhtml.xhtml: Made the test self-consistent again by using actual numeric values for &lang; and &rang;.
  • fast/parser/entities-in-html-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/parser/entities-in-html.html: Added. An HTML copy of the same test.
10:14 PM Changeset in webkit [17590] by bdash
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

2006-11-03 David Smith <catfish.man@gmail.com>

Reviewed by Tim H.

Fixes: http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11510
Bug 11510: [Drosera] Doubleclicking the attach table should attach to the clicked item.

  • Drosera/DebuggerApplication.m: (-[DebuggerApplication showAttachPanel:]): Set the doubleAction for the table view
10:03 PM Changeset in webkit [22467] by sfalken
  • 3 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

2006-11-03 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com>

Fix build

  • config.h: Touched to cause re-build w/ SVG_SUPPORT enabled
  • platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: (WebCore::CachedResource::setResponse): Added
9:33 PM Changeset in webkit [17589] by bdash
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-11-03 Mark Rowe <bdash@webkit.org>

Reviewed by Oliver.

Update Windows and Qt project files for file removals in r17585.

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj:
9:10 PM Changeset in webkit [17588] by bdash
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-11-03 Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>

Reviewed by Maciej.

The patch fixes text field drawing on the Qt platform.

  • platform/qt/RenderThemeQt.cpp: (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::paintTextField): Use the style to correctly render the text field
8:56 PM Applications using WebKit edited by bdash@webkit.org
Cleanup of formatting (diff)
8:39 PM WikiStart edited by bdash@webkit.org
A more useful start page, copied from the wiki:WebKit page (diff)
8:38 PM WebKit plus SVG edited by bdash@webkit.org
Remove the majority of the page content as it is out of date (diff)
8:20 PM Changeset in webkit [17587] by sfalken
  • 2 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore

2006-11-03 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com>

Fix build

  • kjs/JSImmediate.h:
4:41 PM Changeset in webkit [17586] by oliver
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-11-03 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by Tim.

Correct incorrect call to SetCursor

  • rendering/RenderFrameSet.cpp: (WebCore::RenderFrameSet::userResize):
4:37 PM Changeset in webkit [22466] by adele
  • 3 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

Reviewed by Oliver.

Removed DeprecatedRenderSelect and ListBox classes.

  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj:
  • platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp:
4:35 PM Changeset in webkit [17585] by adele
  • 8 edits
    4 deletes in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Oliver.

Removed DeprecatedRenderSelect and ListBox classes.

  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • css/html4.css:
  • html/HTMLOptionElement.h:
  • html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::recalcStyle): (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::isKeyboardFocusable): (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::isMouseFocusable): (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::createRenderer): (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setRecalcListItems): (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::notifyOptionSelected): (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::defaultEventHandler): (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::listBoxDefaultEventHandler): (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::updateListBoxSelection):
  • html/HTMLSelectElement.h:
  • platform/ListBox.h: Removed.
  • platform/mac/FontCacheMac.mm:
  • platform/mac/ListBoxMac.mm: Removed.
  • platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp:
  • rendering/DeprecatedRenderSelect.cpp: Removed.
  • rendering/DeprecatedRenderSelect.h: Removed.
4:20 PM Changeset in webkit [17584] by mjs
  • 1 edit
    2 deletes in trunk/WebCore

Not reviewed, fix for accidental commit.

  • rolled back more of the accidentall commit that I forgot.
  • platform/network/mac/ResourceRequestMac.h: Removed.
  • platform/network/mac/ResourceRequestMac.mm: Removed.
4:09 PM Changeset in webkit [17583] by thatcher
  • 4 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

Reviewed by Tim H.

Fixes: http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9596
Bug 9596: [Drosera] add a function popup to the source pane

  • Drosera/debugger.css: Added styles for function popup
  • Drosera/debugger.html: Added function popup button and select
  • Drosera/debugger.js: Added function popup functionality
2:28 PM Changeset in webkit [17582] by mjs
  • 22 edits in trunk/WebCore

Not reviewed, fix for accidental commit.

  • roll back some network changes accidentally committed with a previous patch.
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: (-[WebCoreFrameBridge getData:andResponse:forURL:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge getAllResourceDatas:andResponses:]):
  • loader/CachedCSSStyleSheet.cpp: (WebCore::CachedCSSStyleSheet::checkNotify):
  • loader/CachedImage.cpp: (WebCore::CachedImage::createImage):
  • loader/CachedResource.cpp: (WebCore::CachedResource::CachedResource): (WebCore::CachedResource::~CachedResource): (WebCore::CachedResource::setExpireDate): (WebCore::CachedResource::isExpired):
  • loader/CachedResource.h: (WebCore::CachedResource::response):
  • loader/LoaderFunctions.h:
  • loader/loader.cpp: (WebCore::Loader::receivedResponse): (WebCore::Loader::didReceivedResponse):
  • loader/loader.h:
  • loader/mac/FormDataStream.h:
  • loader/mac/FormDataStream.m: (WebCore::formCreate): (WebCore::formFinalize):
  • loader/mac/ImageDocumentMac.mm: (WebCore::finishImageLoad):
  • loader/mac/LoaderFunctionsMac.mm: (WebCore::CheckCacheObjectStatus): (WebCore::CachedResource::setResponse):
  • loader/mac/SubresourceLoaderMac.mm: (WebCore::SubresourceLoader::willSendRequest):
  • platform/network/ResourceHandle.h:
  • platform/network/ResourceHandleClient.h: (WebCore::ResourceHandleClient::receivedRedirect):
  • platform/network/ResourceRequest.h:
  • platform/network/ResourceResponse.h: (WebCore::ResourceResponse::ResourceResponse):
  • platform/network/mac/ResourceHandleMac.mm: (WebCore::ResourceHandle::redirectedToURL):
  • xml/xmlhttprequest.cpp: (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::receivedRedirect):
  • xml/xmlhttprequest.h:
2:20 PM Changeset in webkit [22465] by andersca
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

2006-11-03 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com>

Remove SVGRenderAsText files from the project.

  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj:
2:15 PM Changeset in webkit [17581] by andersca
  • 1 edit
    2 deletes in trunk/WebCore

2006-11-03 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com>

Rubber-stamped by Oliver.

Remove these, they have been merged with SVGRenderTreeAsText.

  • rendering/SVGRenderAsText.cpp: Removed.
  • rendering/SVGRenderAsText.h: Removed.
2:12 PM Changeset in webkit [17580] by ap
  • 2 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore

Reviewed by Darin.

Fix warnings on non 32 bit platforms

  • kjs/JSImmediate.h: (KJS::JSImmediate::NanAsBits): (KJS::JSImmediate::oneAsBits): Rewrite in a way that moves runtime checks to compile-time.


1:55 PM Changeset in webkit [22464] by andersca
  • 4 edits in branches/WindowsMerge


2006-11-03 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com>

Build fix.

  • platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: (WebCore::CachedResource::setPlatformResponse):


2006-11-03 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com>

Build fix.

  • WebChromeClient.cpp:

1:53 PM Changeset in webkit [17579] by andersca
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-11-03 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com>

Build fix.

  • platform/network/cf/ResourceHandleCFNet.cpp: (WebCore::willSendRequest):
1:05 PM Changeset in webkit [17578] by ggaren
  • 1 edit
    2 adds in trunk/WebKit

Forgot to add these two files. Oops.

  • WebCoreSupport/WebChromeClient.h: Added.
  • WebCoreSupport/WebChromeClient.mm: Added.
12:59 PM Changeset in webkit [22463] by ggaren
  • 7 edits
    5 adds in branches/WindowsMerge


Reviewed by Darin, Beth.

Updated to use ChromeClient.

  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj:
  • bridge/win/PageWin.cpp:
  • loader/win/ResourceLoaderWin.cpp: Added. (WebCore::ResourceLoader::loadsBlocked):
  • platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp:


Reviewed by Darin, Beth.

Updated to use ChromeClient.

  • WebChromeClient.cpp: Added. (WebChromeClient::create): (WebChromeClient::WebChromeClient): (WebChromeClient::canRunModal): (WebChromeClient::runModal):
  • WebChromeClient.h: Added.
  • WebKit.vcproj/WebKit.vcproj:
  • WebView.cpp: (WebView::initWithFrame):
12:56 PM Changeset in webkit [17577] by ggaren
  • 15 edits
    3 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Darin, Beth.

First cut at factoring Page's UIDelegate-related functions into Chrome
and ChromeClient.

Layout tests pass.

  • bridge/mac/PageMac.mm: Removed platform-specific constructor, added setBridge method to replace it. (WebCore::Page::setBridge):
  • bridge/mac/WebCorePageBridge.h: Simplified some things based on the fact that WebCorePageBridge.h doesn't need to be included by ObjC-only files, and, now that it uses PassRefPtr, can't be.

  • page/Chrome.cpp: Added. Code copied and converted to c++ from WebCorePageBridge.mm.
  • page/Page.h: (WebCore::Page::dragCaretController): Made this function non-const so that m_dragCaretController doesn't have to be mutable.


Reviewed by Darin, Beth.

First cut at factoring Page's UIDelegate-related functions into Chrome
and ChromeClient.

Layout tests pass.

  • WebCoreSupport/WebEditorClient.h:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebPageBridge.mm:
  • WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
11:02 AM Changeset in webkit [17576] by spadma
  • 2 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit

2006-11-01 ligman <joseph.ligman@nokia.com>

Reviewed by Sachin.
DESC: Use the EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL to remove escaped characters in the path.

  • ResourceLoader/src/FileTransaction.cpp: (CFileTransaction::ParseFileNameLC):
10:58 AM Changeset in webkit [17575] by ap
  • 1 edit
    1 add in trunk/WebKitTools

2006-11-03 Michael Emmel <mike.emmel@gmail.com>

Reviewed by Maciej.


  • Scripts/wkstyle: Adds astyle sed script formats according to most of the style guidelines.
10:36 AM Changeset in webkit [17574] by ap
  • 19 edits
    5 adds in trunk

Reviewed by Adele.

REGRESSION (10.4.4): ondrag* events don't fire on page in a frame


  • bridge/mac/FrameMac.h: Moved drag source information to a static variable in FrameMac.mm. There can be only one drag active at any moment, and having this information here was making sharing this information between subframes hard.
  • bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::FrameMac): Initialize sharedDragInfo. (WebCore::FrameMac::freeClipboard): (WebCore::FrameMac::dragHysteresisExceeded): (WebCore::FrameMac::handleMouseMoveEvent): (WebCore::FrameMac::handleMouseReleaseEvent): (WebCore::FrameMac::mouseDown): (WebCore::FrameMac::dragSourceMovedTo): (WebCore::FrameMac::dragSourceEndedAt): (WebCore::FrameMac::dispatchDragSrcEvent): Access drag source info via sharedDragInfo - this fixes drag source even dispatching. Also removed some old code that was forwarding mouse events to subviews to make HTML editing work in subframes.
  • page/FrameView.cpp: (WebCore::FrameView::updateDragAndDrop): (WebCore::FrameView::cancelDragAndDrop): (WebCore::FrameView::performDragAndDrop): Forward events to subframes for dispatching - this fixes drag target events.


When dragging, do not send EventSendingController's events immediately. Dragging
is supposed to be modal, so we need to perform it from within the delegate, without
returning to JS to make the next mouse movement.

When the mouse is down, mouse events are now recorded, and executed when mouseUp is sent.

  • DumpRenderTree/EventSendingController.h:
  • DumpRenderTree/EventSendingController.m: (-[EventSendingController dealloc]): (-[EventSendingController leapForward:]): (-[EventSendingController mouseDown]): (-[EventSendingController mouseUp]): (-[EventSendingController mouseMoveToX:Y:]): (+[EventSendingController saveEvent:]): (+[EventSendingController replaySavedEvents]):
  • DumpRenderTree/UIDelegate.m: (-[UIDelegate webView:dragImage:at:offset:event:pasteboard:source:slideBack:forView:]):


  • fast/events/drag-in-frames-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/events/drag-in-frames.html: Added.
  • fast/events/resources/drag-in-frames-console.html: Added.
  • fast/events/resources/drag-in-frames-left.html: Added.
  • fast/events/resources/drag-in-frames-right.html: Added.
  • editing/selection/expanding-selections.html:
  • editing/selection/expanding-selections2.html:
  • fast/dynamic/layer-hit-test-crash.html:
  • fast/events/event-view-toString.html:
  • fast/events/resources/drag-outside-window-frame.html:
  • svg/custom/hover-default-fill.svg: Added missing calls to mouseUp().
  • svg/custom/stroke-width-click-expected.txt:
  • svg/custom/stroke-width-click.svg: Don't attempt to click outside the page, this was confusing DRT.
  • editing/selection/select-from-textfield-outwards-expected.txt:
  • editing/selection/select-from-textfield-outwards.html: Removed alerts between dragging steps - they are now useless, as the dragging events are stored and executed at once.
8:52 AM Changeset in webkit [17573] by staikos
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-11-03 Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>

Reviewed by Tim, landed by George.

Fixing compile.

  • platform/qt/LoaderFunctionsQt.cpp: (WebCore::CachedResource::setPlatformResponse): Renamed from setResponse
8:51 AM Changeset in webkit [17572] by ggaren
  • 12 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Missed a few tests in my last check-in, and checked in old results for
others. Oops.

  • editing/inserting/before-after-input-element-expected.txt:
  • editing/inserting/before-after-input-element.html:
  • editing/pasteboard/4641033-expected.txt:
  • editing/pasteboard/input-field-1-expected.txt:
  • editing/pasteboard/input-field-1.html:
  • editing/pasteboard/select-element-1-expected.txt:
  • editing/pasteboard/select-element-1.html:
  • editing/selection/select-element-paragraph-boundary-expected.txt:
  • editing/selection/select-element-paragraph-boundary.html:
  • fast/forms/textarea-no-scroll-on-blur-expected.txt:
  • fast/forms/textarea-scrollbar-expected.txt:
8:20 AM Changeset in webkit [17571] by staikos
  • 3 edits
    1 add in trunk/WebCore

2006-11-01 Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>

Reviewed by Maciej, landed by George.

Moving the word/sentence seperators into a file of their own
and implementing findWordBoundary.

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • platform/qt/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp:
  • platform/qt/TextBoundaries.cpp: Added. (WebCore::findNextSentenceFromIndex): (WebCore::findSentenceBoundary): (WebCore::findNextWordFromIndex): (WebCore::findWordBoundary):
7:34 AM Changeset in webkit [17570] by spadma
  • 2 edits in S60/branches/3.1m/WebKit

2006-11-02 spadma <Sachin.Padma@nokia.com>

Reviewed by Yongjun.
DESC: Gif image was not displayed on the page when it in body of multipart/mixed msg with wml file.

  • BrowserControl/src/WmlDispatcher.cpp: (CWmlDispatcher::ResponseL):

Merge from ccb r17569

7:29 AM Changeset in webkit [17569] by spadma
  • 2 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit

2006-11-02 spadma <Sachin.Padma@nokia.com>

Reviewed by Yongjun.
DESC: Gif image was not displayed on the page when it in body of multipart/mixed msg with wml file.

  • BrowserControl/src/WmlDispatcher.cpp: (CWmlDispatcher::ResponseL):
7:24 AM Changeset in webkit [17568] by spadma
  • 2 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit

2006-11-02 spadma <Sachin.Padma@nokia.com>

Reviewed by Yongjun.
DESC: TSW bug# VKRR-6PH9VQ : ResolveLink function is called with wrong parameters.
Set the current url on UrlRequest when user clicks on a link.

  • BrowserView/src/WebKitLoader.cpp: (CWebKitLoader::LoadPageL):
2:48 AM Changeset in webkit [17567] by staikos
  • 7 edits in trunk

2006-11-03 Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>

Reviewed by Maciej, landed by George.

Compile on both KDE and Qt platforms

  • CMakeLists.txt: add zlib explicitly
  • platform/network/qt/ResourceHandleManager.cpp: (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::self): (WebCore::QtJob::QtJob): (WebCore::QtJob::timerEvent): Integrate both implementations

so that moc can parse it


  • platform/network/qt/ResourceHandleManager.h:
2:01 AM Changeset in webkit [17566] by staikos
  • 2 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore

2006-11-02 George Staikos <staikos@kde.org>

Reviewed by Maciej.

  • collector.cpp: Remove a deprecated pthreads call.
1:40 AM Changeset in webkit [17565] by mjs
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

No review, suggested by Mitz.

  • fix a #if to be #ifdef
  • platform/graphics/svg/cg/SVGResourceImageCg.cpp:
1:33 AM Changeset in webkit [17564] by mjs
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed and landed by Maciej.

Compile on the Qt platform.

  • ksvg2/misc/KCanvasRenderingStyle.h:
  • platform/qt/RenderThemeQt.cpp: (WebCore::RenderThemeQt::getStylePainterAndWidgetFromPaintInfo):
1:28 AM Changeset in webkit [17563] by mjs
  • 27 edits
    2 adds in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Hyatt. Landed by Maciej.

Adding setPlatformPen/setPlatformFont/setPlatformFillColor
to graphics context to be able to set consistant state
on the platform specific painter without having to change
fill/stroke/font on every operation. This fixes color/stroke/fill
and font handling in the Qt port.

  • platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.cpp: (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setFont): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setPen): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setFillColor): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setPlatformPen): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setPlatformFillColor): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setPlatformFont):
  • platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.h:
  • platform/qt/GraphicsContextQt.cpp: (WebCore::toQtCompositionMode): (WebCore::toQtLineCap): (WebCore::toQtLineJoin): (WebCore::toQPenStyle): (WebCore::penToQPen): (WebCore::TransparencyLayer::TransparencyLayer): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::addRoundedRectClip): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setPlatformFont): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setPlatformPen): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setPlatformFillColor):
  • platform/qt/ScrollViewCanvasQt.cpp: (WebCore::ScrollViewCanvasQt::ScrollViewCanvasQt): (WebCore::ScrollViewCanvasQt::paintEvent): (WebCore::ScrollViewCanvasQt::handleKeyEvent):
  • platform/qt/ScrollViewCanvasQt.h:

Nov 2, 2006:

10:41 PM Changeset in webkit [17562] by ggaren
  • 418 edits in trunk


Reviewed by Justin Garcia.

Used a PERL script to add calls to opt into dumping of editing callbacks
in all editing tests that didn't do so already. This is required now that
dumping of editing callbacks is opt-in.

Updated editing.js so that any test that calls runEditingTest() opt into
dumping of editing callbacks.

Updated results in all non-editing tests to remove dumping of editing callbacks.

Updated results in all editing tests to reflect minor DOM changes due to new
<script> elements.

[ many tests and results modified ]


Reviewed by Justin Garcia.

Made dumping of editing callbacks opt-in, so that editing spew doesn't
cloud non-editing tests.

  • DumpRenderTree/DumpRenderTree.m: (+[LayoutTestController isSelectorExcludedFromWebScript:]): (-[LayoutTestController shouldDumpEditingCallbacks]): (runTest):
  • DumpRenderTree/EditingDelegate.m: (-[EditingDelegate webView:shouldBeginEditingInDOMRange:]): (-[EditingDelegate webView:shouldEndEditingInDOMRange:]): (-[EditingDelegate webView:shouldInsertNode:replacingDOMRange:givenAction:]): (-[EditingDelegate webView:shouldInsertText:replacingDOMRange:givenAction:]): (-[EditingDelegate webView:shouldDeleteDOMRange:]): (-[EditingDelegate webView:shouldChangeSelectedDOMRange:toDOMRange:affinity:stillSelecting:]): (-[EditingDelegate webView:shouldApplyStyle:toElementsInDOMRange:]): (-[EditingDelegate webView:shouldChangeTypingStyle:toStyle:]): (-[EditingDelegate webViewDidBeginEditing:]): (-[EditingDelegate webViewDidChange:]): (-[EditingDelegate webViewDidEndEditing:]): (-[EditingDelegate webViewDidChangeTypingStyle:]): (-[EditingDelegate webViewDidChangeSelection:]):
10:02 PM Changeset in webkit [17561] by ggaren
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Updated results because they were incorrect when checked in. (We never
passed this test.)

  • fast/js/regexp-unicode-handling-expected.txt:
9:07 PM Nice Bugzilla queries edited by anonymous
9:05 PM WebKit plus SVG edited by trac
9:03 PM WebKit plus SVG edited by trac
9:02 PM WebKit plus SVG edited by trac
8:54 PM WebKit Team edited by trac
8:54 PM WebKit plus SVG edited by trac
8:48 PM Nice Bugzilla queries edited by trac
8:42 PM WebKit plus SVG edited by trac
8:39 PM WebKit plus SVG edited by trac
8:39 PM WebKit Team edited by trac
8:39 PM Applications using WebKit edited by trac
8:39 PM Known incompatibilities between open-source WebKit and Safari edited by trac
8:35 PM WebKit plus SVG created by trac
8:35 PM WebKit Team created by trac
8:34 PM Known incompatibilities between open-source WebKit and Safari created by trac
8:34 PM Nice Bugzilla queries created by trac
8:34 PM Nightly Builds created by trac
8:34 PM Applications using WebKit created by trac
8:29 PM Changeset in webkit [17560] by adele
  • 3 edits
    2 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Anders.

Test for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9581
REGRESSION: The new NativeTextArea scrolls to the top when the control is unfocused.

  • fast/forms/textarea-no-scroll-on-blur-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/forms/textarea-no-scroll-on-blur.html: Added.


Reviewed by Anders.

Test: fast/forms/textarea-no-scroll-on-blur.html

  • rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextControl::forwardEvent): On blur, only scroll back to the start for text fields.
7:37 PM Changeset in webkit [17559] by andersca
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Another build fix.

  • rendering/RenderFileUploadControl.cpp: (WebCore::RenderFileUploadControl::paintObject):
7:33 PM Changeset in webkit [17558] by andersca
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Build fix.

  • page/FramePrivate.h: (WebCore::FramePrivate::FramePrivate):
7:27 PM Changeset in webkit [17557] by andersca
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Geoff, landed by Anders.

Fix dependency problems caused when running move-js-headers.sh

  • move-js-headers.sh: Use cp -p instead of just cp so that the modification time of the original files are used.
7:23 PM Changeset in webkit [17556] by andersca
  • 1 edit
    6 adds in trunk/LayoutTests

2006-11-02 W. Andy Carrel <wac@google.com>

Reviewed by Maciej, landed by Anders.

Adding tests for Unicode RegExp behavior to match IE and Firefox.

  • fast/js/regexp-unicode-handling-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/js/regexp-unicode-handling.html: Added.
  • fast/js/resources/regexp-unicode-handling.js: Added.

2006-11-02 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com>

Reviewed by Maciej, landed by Anders.

Test for bugs 7253 and 7445, based on reductions made by Parag Shah and W. Andy Carrel.

  • fast/js/gmail-re-re-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/js/gmail-re-re.html: Added.
  • fast/js/resources/gmail-re-re.js: Added.
7:17 PM Changeset in webkit [17555] by andersca
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Tim H, landed by Anders.

Fixes http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10840
REGRESSION: Shadow of file upload button is clipped

  • rendering/RenderFileUploadControl.cpp: (WebCore::RenderFileUploadControl::paintObject): Add 2px to the clip height to keep from clipping in the shadow
7:16 PM Changeset in webkit [17554] by andersca
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Maciej, landed by Anders.

  • platform/qt/ScrollViewQt.cpp: Fix translation of coordinates between content and window. ScrollViewQt already receives correct content coordinates from QScrollArea. (WebCore::ScrollView::contentsToWindow): (WebCore::ScrollView::windowToContents):
7:14 PM Changeset in webkit [17553] by andersca
  • 7 edits in trunk


Reviewed by Maciej, landed by Anders.

  • CMakeLists.txt: Make KDE support optional.


Reviewed by Maciej, landed by Anders.

  • QtLauncher/CMakeLists.txt: Make linkage against kde libraries optional
  • QtLauncher/main.cpp: Make it compile without KDE. (main):
7:11 PM Changeset in webkit [17552] by andersca
  • 6 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Maciej, landed by Anders

  • CMakeLists.txt: Make linkage against KDE libraries conditional
  • platform/network/qt/ResourceHandleManager.cpp: Added a simple Qt base resource handler that supports only requests to the local filesystem. Used when compiling without KDE support. ResourceHandleManager.cpp/h are to be split up into ResourceHandleManagerKDE and ResourceHandleManagerQt in the future, as well as QtJob.cpp/h. (WebCore::QtJob::QtJob): (WebCore::QtJob::timerEvent): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::ResourceHandleManager): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::~ResourceHandleManager): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::self): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::remove): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::add): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::cancel): (WebCore::ResourceHandleManager::deliverJobData):
  • platform/network/qt/ResourceHandleManager.h:
  • platform/qt/FrameQtClient.cpp: (WebCore::FrameQtClientDefault::runJavaScriptAlert): (WebCore::FrameQtClientDefault::runJavaScriptConfirm): (WebCore::FrameQtClientDefault::runJavaScriptPrompt):
  • platform/qt/LoaderFunctionsQt.cpp: Use the Qt messagebox and input dialog functions when compiling without KDE support (WebCore::ServeSynchronousRequest):
7:09 PM Changeset in webkit [17551] by andersca
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

2006-11-02 Alexey Proskuryakov <ap@nypop.com>

Reviewed by Maciej, landed by Anders.

  • Scripts/webkitdirs.pm: Make Windows build work with Visual C++ Express.
  • Scripts/install-win-extras: Make setx.exe actually run.
7:06 PM Changeset in webkit [17550] by andersca
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-11-02 David Carson <dacarson@gmail.com>

Reviewed by Geoff, landed by Anders.

Fix for: http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11471
Initializing variable in constructor.

  • page/FramePrivate.h: (WebCore::FramePrivate::FramePrivate):
5:30 PM Changeset in webkit [17549] by andersca
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-11-02 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com>

Reviewed by Geoff.

Use CFMutableURLRequestRef instead of CFHTTPMessageRef since not all URL requests are http requests.

  • platform/network/cf/ResourceHandleCFNet.cpp: (WebCore::addHeadersFromHashMap): Don't set all headers at once since that clears any previous headers set.


4:27 PM Changeset in webkit [17548] by thatcher
  • 1 edit in trunk/WebKit/WebView/WebViewPrivate.h

Build fix.

4:12 PM Changeset in webkit [17547] by thatcher
  • 4 edits in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by Brady.

Adding outdent to the WebView responder forwarding list.
Also add outdent to WebHTMLView.h and WebViewPrivate.h.

  • WebView/WebHTMLView.h:
  • WebView/WebViewPrivate.h:
  • WebView/WebView.mm:
3:00 PM Changeset in webkit [22462] by andersca
  • 4 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

2006-11-02 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com>

Reviewed by Oliver.

  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj: Use the forked CursorWin.cpp

  • platform/win/CursorWin.cpp: (WebCore::moveCursor): Implement this.

  • platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: Get rid of it here.
2:24 PM Changeset in webkit [22461] by lamadio
  • 1 add in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore/platform/network/win/CookieJarWin.cpp

mirroring CookieJar - porting to CF in next change.

2:12 PM Changeset in webkit [17546] by spadma
  • 3 edits in S60/branches/3.1m/WebKit

2006-11-02 sareen <shyam.sareen@nokia.com>

Reviewed by Sachin Padma.

  • ResourceLoader/src/HttpDownloadObserver.cpp: (CHttpDownloadObserver::InitDownloadMgrL):
  • ResourceLoader/src/HttpLoaderAcceptHeader.cpp: (CHttpLoaderAcceptHeader::ReadMimeTypesL):
2:08 PM Changeset in webkit [17545] by ggaren
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Updated results to fix failure seen when running layout tests. Justin
Garcia says the new results look more correct.

  • editing/selection/drag-to-contenteditable-iframe-expected.txt:
1:47 PM Changeset in webkit [17544] by spadma
  • 2 edits in S60/branches/3.1m/WebKit

2006-10-31 zhalu <zhaosong.lu@nokia.com>

Reviewed by Yongjun.
DESC: Browser defaults font family to "Nokia Sans S60" which is not supported under variant 7 build. The system has to default to another font family. If the phone language is English, the system defaults the font family to "Series 60 Hindi" which contains fonts for Greek. If the phone language is set to Greek, the system default the font to "Series 60 ZDigi" which does not contains fonts for Greek. That is why the same variant 7 build supports Greek under English and Automatic Language settings while it does not under Greek language setting. My fix is setting the font family to "Series 60 Hindi" if the phone language is set to Geek language.


  • BrowserCore/Renderers/src/TextRendererFactory.cpp: (CTextRendererFactory::DeviceDefaultFontFamilies):

Merge from ccb revision 17537

1:37 PM Changeset in webkit [17543] by adele
  • 5 edits
    4 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Mitz and Geoff.

Test for <rdar://problem/4650271> REGRESSION(NativeTextArea): Textareas don't get scrollbars when text gets too big for content area (10105)

  • fast/forms/textarea-scrollbar-expected.checksum: Added.
  • fast/forms/textarea-scrollbar-expected.png: Added.
  • fast/forms/textarea-scrollbar-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/forms/textarea-scrollbar.html: Added.


Reviewed by Mitz and Geoff.

  • Fix for: <rdar://problem/4650271> REGRESSION(NativeTextArea): Textareas don't get scrollbars when text gets too big for content area (10105) <rdar://problem/4650813> REGRESSION(tiger-leopard): typing in a textarea in Safari is extremely slow (sample shows focus ring drawing) <rdar://problem/4658779> REGRESSION: Text selection is weird in textareas in Trac wiki editing pages

Test: fast/forms/textarea-scrollbar.html

To avoid some of our flexbox bugs for textareas, we're moving the text controls back to RenderBlock. This should make them
a lot more stable. In the future, when we've worked out more of the flexbox kinks, we may want to consider moving them back.

  • rendering/RenderTextControl.h: Convert text controls back to RenderBlock instead of RenderFlexibleBox.
  • rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextControl::RenderTextControl): (WebCore::RenderTextControl::setStyle): (WebCore::RenderTextControl::createDivStyle): (WebCore::RenderTextControl::updateFromElement): (WebCore::RenderTextControl::calcHeight): (WebCore::RenderTextControl::baselinePosition): (WebCore::RenderTextControl::nodeAtPoint): (WebCore::RenderTextControl::layout): Set the inner div's height explicitly before doing a normal layout. (WebCore::RenderTextControl::scrollWidth): (WebCore::RenderTextControl::scrollHeight): (WebCore::RenderTextControl::scrollLeft): (WebCore::RenderTextControl::scrollTop):
  • rendering/RenderObject.cpp: (WebCore::RenderObject::markContainingBlocksForLayout): Make subtree layout optimization work for textareas.
1:36 PM Changeset in webkit [22460] by andersca
  • 1 edit
    1 add in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

2006-11-02 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com>

Reviewed by Oliver.

Add forked copy of CursorWin.cpp

  • platform/win/CursorWin.cpp: Added.
10:50 AM Changeset in webkit [17542] by thatcher
  • 2 edits in tags/WebKit-521.29.2/WebKit


10:48 AM Changeset in webkit [17541] by thatcher
  • 2 edits in tags/WebKit-521.29.2/WebKit

merging fix for <rdar://problem/4801351>

10:43 AM Changeset in webkit [17540] by thatcher
  • 1 copy in tags/WebKit-521.29.2

New tag.

10:12 AM Changeset in webkit [17539] by sullivan
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Geoff Garen

  • editing/Selection.cpp: (WebCore::Selection::showTreeForThis): this debugging method now displays start offset and end offset, at Darin's suggestion
9:44 AM Changeset in webkit [17538] by kmccullo
  • 3 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Reviewed by Maciej.

  • Changed the test to take into account the JavaScript standard's interesting take on DST. According to the standard DST should not reflect historically accurate information but should rather interpolate from a comparable year. This test used to show historically accurate information but now reflects the results of interpolating.
  • fast/js/date-big-setdate-expected.txt:
  • fast/js/resources/date-big-setdate.js:
8:38 AM Changeset in webkit [17537] by yongjzha
  • 2 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit

2006-10-31 zhalu <zhaosong.lu@nokia.com>

Reviewed by <yongjun.zhang@nokia.com>
DESC: Browser defaults font family changes for Greek build


  • BrowserCore/Renderers/src/TextRendererFactory.cpp: (CTextRendererFactory::DeviceDefaultFontFamilies):
8:13 AM Changeset in webkit [17536] by spadma
  • 3 edits in S60/branches/3.1m/WebCore

2006-11-01 w3liu <wei.liu@nokia.com>

Reviewed by <yongjun.zhang@nokia.com>
DESC: Thai text rendering fails when using HTTPS.

  • ChangeLog:
  • kwq/KWQTextCodec.cpp: (KWQTextDecoder::KWQTextDecoder): (KWQTextDecoder::~KWQTextDecoder): (QTextCodec::~QTextCodec): (QTextCodec::makeDecoder): (QTextCodec::toUnicode): (KWQTextDecoder::toUnicode): (QTextCodec::PrepareForExit):
  • kwq/KWQTextCodec.h:

Merge from r17535 from main branch

8:04 AM Changeset in webkit [17535] by yongjzha
  • 3 edits in S60/trunk/WebCore

2006-11-01 w3liu <wei.liu@nokia.com>

Reviewed by <yongjun.zhang@nokia.com>
DESC: handle truncated text fragments as input string
Thai text rendering fails when using HTTPS


  • kwq/KWQTextCodec.cpp: (KWQTextDecoder::KWQTextDecoder): (QTextCodec::~QTextCodec): (QTextCodec::makeDecoder): (QTextCodec::toUnicode): (KWQTextDecoder::toUnicode):
  • kwq/KWQTextCodec.h:

Nov 1, 2006:

7:59 PM Changeset in webkit [17534] by slewis
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

2006-11-01 Stephanie Lewis <Stephanie Lewis>

Reviewed by Kevin.

Fixed bug where additional arguments got fed to xcode and jsdriver.pl
Since testkjs is being built before the tests are run, we don't need
to build it with webkit.

Fixes bugs

  • Scripts/build-webkit:
  • Scripts/run-javascriptcore-tests:
7:56 PM Changeset in webkit [17533] by thatcher
  • 2 edits in tags/WebCore-521.29.4/WebCore


7:52 PM Changeset in webkit [17532] by justing
  • 10 edits
    16 adds in trunk


Reviewed by darin

Copy/paste of a select element fails to include the options

Updated to reflect fix:

  • editing/pasteboard/4641033-expected.checksum:
  • editing/pasteboard/4641033-expected.png:
  • editing/pasteboard/4641033-expected.txt:
  • editing/pasteboard/4641033.html:


  • editing/inserting/before-after-input-element-expected.checksum: Added.
  • editing/inserting/before-after-input-element-expected.png: Added.
  • editing/inserting/before-after-input-element-expected.txt: Added.
  • editing/inserting/before-after-input-element.html: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/input-field-1-expected.checksum: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/input-field-1-expected.png: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/input-field-1-expected.txt: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/input-field-1.html: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/select-element-1-expected.checksum: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/select-element-1-expected.png: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/select-element-1-expected.txt: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/select-element-1.html: Added.
  • editing/selection/select-element-paragraph-boundary-expected.checksum: Added.
  • editing/selection/select-element-paragraph-boundary-expected.png: Added.
  • editing/selection/select-element-paragraph-boundary-expected.txt: Added.
  • editing/selection/select-element-paragraph-boundary.html: Added.


Reviewed by darin

Copy/paste of a select element fails to include the options

  • editing/SelectionController.cpp: (WebCore::SelectionController::modify): Added paragraphBoundary.
  • editing/htmlediting.cpp: (WebCore::canHaveChildrenForEditing): Added checks for input elements and textareas. Insertion operations would fail when performed just before/after one of these elements b/c the content would be put inside the element. (WebCore::enclosingNodeWithTag): Fixed a problem when calling these in non editable content, and made the code to stop at an root faster (don't check isDescendantOf on every iteration). (WebCore::enclosingNodeOfType): Ditto. (WebCore::enclosingList): Ditto. (WebCore::enclosingListChild): Ditto. Added a FIXME, this function seems inappropriately named.
  • editing/markup.cpp: (WebCore::startMarkup): Use the text node's value instead of its rendered content for text nodes inside select elements. One might also turn off annotation when createMarkup enters a select element, but createMarkup is iterative, not recursive, so doing so would be complicated. (WebCore::createMarkup): Add markup for unrendered nodes if they are descendants of a select element.
  • editing/visible_units.cpp: (WebCore::startOfParagraph): Migrate to isBlock/enclosingBlock. Fixes bug where various replaced elements can't be copied when they are the only thing selected. (WebCore::endOfParagraph): Ditto.
7:36 PM Changeset in webkit [17531] by thatcher
  • 3 edits in tags/WebCore-521.29.4/WebCore

Merging change.

7:26 PM Changeset in webkit [17530] by thatcher
  • 1 copy in tags/WebCore-521.29.4

new tag.

6:07 PM Changeset in webkit [22459] by adachan
  • 6 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebKitWin
5:46 PM Changeset in webkit [22458] by oliver
  • 3 edits
    8 adds in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

2006-11-01 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by Adam.

Adding SVG_SUPPORT to Boomer.

  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj:
  • WebCore.vcproj/build-generated-files.sh:
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasFilterQuartz.cpp: Added. (WebCore::KCanvasFilterQuartz::KCanvasFilterQuartz): (WebCore::KCanvasFilterQuartz::~KCanvasFilterQuartz): (WebCore::KCanvasFilterQuartz::prepareFilter): (WebCore::KCanvasFilterQuartz::applyFilter): (WebCore::KCanvasFilterQuartz::imageForName): (WebCore::KCanvasFilterQuartz::setImageForName): (WebCore::KCanvasFilterQuartz::setOutputImage): (WebCore::KCanvasFilterQuartz::inputImage):
  • platform/graphics/svg/cg/SVGResourceMaskerCg.cpp: Added. (WebCore::SVGResourceMasker::applyMask):
5:41 PM Changeset in webkit [17529] by oliver
  • 19 edits
    2 moves in trunk/WebCore

2006-11-01 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by Adam.

Converting more or kcanvas/quartz from Obj-C to C++
Minor SVG updates
compatibility fixes

  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServer.h:
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingPaintServerGradientQuartz.cpp: Added. (WebCore::KRenderingPaintServerGradientQuartz::updateQuartzGradientCache):
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingPaintServerGradientQuartz.mm: Removed.
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingPaintServerQuartz.cpp: Added.
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingPaintServerQuartz.mm: Removed.
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/QuartzSupport.h:
  • ksvg2/css/SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp:
  • ksvg2/misc/KCanvasRenderingStyle.h:
  • ksvg2/scripts/cssmakeprops:
  • ksvg2/scripts/cssmakevalues:
  • ksvg2/scripts/make_names.pl:
  • ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.cpp:
  • ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.cpp:
  • ksvg2/svg/SVGAnimationElement.cpp:
  • ksvg2/svg/SVGMaskElement.cpp:
  • ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElement.cpp:
  • ksvg2/svg/svgpathparser.cpp:
  • platform/Path.cpp:
  • platform/graphics/svg/SVGResourceImage.h:
  • rendering/RenderPath.cpp:
  • rendering/SVGRenderAsText.cpp:
5:02 PM Changeset in webkit [17528] by kmccullo
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
  • temporarily passing a test so that it does not interfere with others testing.
  • fast/js/date-big-setdate-expected.txt:
4:56 PM Changeset in webkit [17527] by beidson
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

Reviewed by Tim Hatcher

Added accessor to get the source directory for use in client scripts

  • Scripts/webkitdirs.pm:
4:43 PM Changeset in webkit [17526] by adele
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Adele.

  • Fix a regression from r17521: painting of and crash caused by tables with collapsed borders
  • rendering/RenderTable.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTable::paint): Changed 'paintInfo' to 'info'. Prior to r17521, 'paintInfo' was the local variable. Now 'info' is the local variable and 'paintInfo' is the parameter, which we were accidently modifying.
3:34 PM Changeset in webkit [17525] by adele
  • 4 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Fixing typo. Changed repaintTest to runRepaintTest.

  • fast/repaint/overflow-outline-repaint-expected.checksum:
  • fast/repaint/overflow-outline-repaint-expected.png:
  • fast/repaint/overflow-outline-repaint.html:
3:28 PM Changeset in webkit [17524] by adele
  • 4 edits
    12 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Mitz.

Tests for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11277
REGRESSION: Incomplete repaint of overflow areas when deleting

  • fast/repaint/overflow-delete-line-expected.checksum: Added.
  • fast/repaint/overflow-delete-line-expected.png: Added.
  • fast/repaint/overflow-delete-line-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/repaint/overflow-delete-line.html: Added.
  • fast/repaint/overflow-scroll-delete-expected.checksum: Added.
  • fast/repaint/overflow-scroll-delete-expected.png: Added.
  • fast/repaint/overflow-scroll-delete-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/repaint/overflow-scroll-delete.html: Added.
  • fast/repaint/overflow-outline-repaint-expected.checksum: Added.
  • fast/repaint/overflow-outline-repaint-expected.png: Added.
  • fast/repaint/overflow-outline-repaint-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/repaint/overflow-outline-repaint.html: Added.


Reviewed by Mitz.

Restrict the repaint rect for overflow blocks after the height has been fully computed.
Also, adjust the repaint rect coordinates for the scroll offset.

  • rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutBlock):
  • rendering/bidi.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren):
3:26 PM Changeset in webkit [22457] by bdakin
  • 1 edit in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore/ChangeLog

Reviewed by Adam.

Build fix from Sam Weinig's check-in. i.p in the PaintInfo is now

  • rendering/RenderThemeWin.cpp: (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::paintButton): (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::paintTextField): (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::paintMenuList): (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::paintMenuListButton):
3:22 PM Changeset in webkit [17523] by sullivan
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by Adam Roben

  • fixed <rdar://problem/4801351> Crash reloading PDF file in new Safari (or closing a window containing a PDF file)
  • WebView/WebPDFView.mm: (-[WebPDFView initWithFrame:]): Retain the PDFSubview in the code path where we just obtain it by asking the PDFPreviewView for it. We were unconditionally releasing it in dealloc, but only retaining it in one of the two code paths.
2:42 PM Changeset in webkit [17522] by spadma
  • 2 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit

2006-11-01 sareen <shyam.sareen@nokia.com>

Reviewed by Sachin.
DESC: Cenrep UID define change in HttpDownloadObserver.cpp.

  • ResourceLoader/src/HttpDownloadObserver.cpp: (CHttpDownloadObserver::InitDownloadMgrL):
1:49 PM Changeset in webkit [17521] by weinig
  • 51 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Mitz.

Fix for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11474
Rename the "p" member variable of the PaintInfo struct to "context"

  • Renames the 'p' and 'r' member variables of the PaintInfo struct to 'context' and 'rect' respectively.
  • Assorted surrounding cleanups.
  • rendering/EllipsisBox.cpp: (WebCore::EllipsisBox::paint):
  • rendering/EllipsisBox.h:
  • rendering/InlineBox.cpp: (WebCore::InlineBox::paint):
  • rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp: (WebCore::InlineFlowBox::paint): (WebCore::InlineFlowBox::paintBackground): (WebCore::InlineFlowBox::paintBackgroundAndBorder): (WebCore::InlineFlowBox::paintDecorations):
  • rendering/InlineFlowBox.h:
  • rendering/InlineRunBox.h:
  • rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint):
  • rendering/InlineTextBox.h:
  • rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::paint): (WebCore::RenderBlock::paintChildren): (WebCore::RenderBlock::paintCaret): (WebCore::RenderBlock::paintObject): (WebCore::RenderBlock::paintFloats): (WebCore::RenderBlock::paintEllipsisBoxes): (WebCore::RenderBlock::paintSelection): (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillSelectionGaps): (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillInlineSelectionGaps): (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillBlockSelectionGaps): (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillHorizontalSelectionGap): (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillVerticalSelectionGap): (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillLeftSelectionGap): (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillRightSelectionGap):
  • rendering/RenderBox.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBox::paint): (WebCore::RenderBox::paintRootBoxDecorations): (WebCore::RenderBox::paintBoxDecorations):
  • rendering/RenderBox.h:
  • rendering/RenderButton.cpp: (WebCore::RenderButton::paintObject):
  • rendering/RenderFieldset.cpp: (WebCore::RenderFieldset::paintBoxDecorations):
  • rendering/RenderFileUploadControl.cpp: (WebCore::RenderFileUploadControl::paintObject):
  • rendering/RenderFlow.cpp: (WebCore::RenderFlow::continuationBefore): (WebCore::RenderFlow::addChildWithContinuation): (WebCore::RenderFlow::addChild): (WebCore::RenderFlow::attachLineBox): (WebCore::RenderFlow::destroy): (WebCore::RenderFlow::dirtyLinesFromChangedChild): (WebCore::RenderFlow::dirtyLineBoxes): (WebCore::RenderFlow::createInlineBox): (WebCore::RenderFlow::paintLines): (WebCore::RenderFlow::getAbsoluteRepaintRect): (WebCore::RenderFlow::lowestPosition): (WebCore::RenderFlow::rightmostPosition): (WebCore::RenderFlow::leftmostPosition): (WebCore::RenderFlow::caretRect): (WebCore::RenderFlow::addFocusRingRects): (WebCore::RenderFlow::paintOutline): (WebCore::RenderFlow::paintOutlineForLine):
  • rendering/RenderForeignObject.cpp: (WebCore::RenderForeignObject::paint):
  • rendering/RenderHTMLCanvas.cpp: (WebCore::RenderHTMLCanvas::paint):
  • rendering/RenderImage.cpp: (WebCore::RenderImage::paint):
  • rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: (WebCore::RenderLayer::paintLayer):
  • rendering/RenderListBox.cpp: (WebCore::RenderListBox::paintObject): (WebCore::RenderListBox::paintScrollbar): (WebCore::RenderListBox::paintItemForeground): (WebCore::RenderListBox::paintItemBackground):
  • rendering/RenderListMarker.cpp: (WebCore::RenderListMarker::paint):
  • rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp: (WebCore::RenderMenuList::paintObject):
  • rendering/RenderObject.cpp: (WebCore::RenderObject::paint):
  • rendering/RenderObject.h: (WebCore::RenderObject::PaintInfo::PaintInfo): (WebCore::RenderObject::paintBoxDecorations): (WebCore::RenderObject::paintingRootForChildren): (WebCore::RenderObject::shouldPaintWithinRoot): (WebCore::RenderObject::printBoxDecorations):
  • rendering/RenderPath.cpp: (WebCore::RenderPath::paint):
  • rendering/RenderReplaced.cpp: (WebCore::RenderReplaced::shouldPaint):
  • rendering/RenderSVGContainer.cpp: (WebCore::RenderSVGContainer::paint):
  • rendering/RenderSVGContainer.h:
  • rendering/RenderSVGImage.cpp: (WebCore::RenderSVGImage::paint):
  • rendering/RenderSVGText.cpp: (WebCore::RenderSVGText::paint):
  • rendering/RenderSVGText.h: (WebCore::RenderSVGText::renderName):
  • rendering/RenderTable.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTable::paint): (WebCore::RenderTable::paintBoxDecorations):
  • rendering/RenderTable.h:
  • rendering/RenderTableCell.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTableCell::paint): (WebCore::RenderTableCell::paintBackgroundsBehindCell): (WebCore::RenderTableCell::paintBoxDecorations):
  • rendering/RenderTableCell.h:
  • rendering/RenderTableRow.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTableRow::paint):
  • rendering/RenderTableRow.h:
  • rendering/RenderTableSection.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTableSection::paint):
  • rendering/RenderTableSection.h: (WebCore::RenderTableSection::getBaseline): (WebCore::RenderTableSection::setNeedCellRecalc):
  • rendering/RenderText.h: (WebCore::RenderText::renderName): (WebCore::RenderText::paint): (WebCore::RenderText::element):
  • rendering/RenderTheme.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTheme::paint): (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintBorderOnly): (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintDecorations):
  • rendering/RenderTheme.h: (WebCore::RenderTheme::RenderTheme): (WebCore::RenderTheme::~RenderTheme): (WebCore::RenderTheme::controlSupportsTints): (WebCore::RenderTheme::adjustRepaintRect): (WebCore::RenderTheme::themeChanged): (WebCore::RenderTheme::supportsHover): (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintCheckbox): (WebCore::RenderTheme::setCheckboxSize): (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintRadio): (WebCore::RenderTheme::setRadioSize): (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintButton): (WebCore::RenderTheme::setButtonSize): (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintTextField): (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintTextArea): (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintMenuList): (WebCore::RenderTheme::paintMenuListButton):
  • rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintCheckbox): (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintRadio): (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintButton): (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintTextField): (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintTextArea): (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintMenuList): (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintMenuListButtonGradients): (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintMenuListButton):
  • rendering/RenderView.cpp: (WebCore::RenderView::paint): (WebCore::RenderView::paintBoxDecorations):
  • rendering/RenderView.h:
  • rendering/RenderWidget.cpp: (WebCore::RenderWidget::paint):
  • rendering/RenderWidget.h: (WebCore::RenderWidget::isWidget):
  • rendering/RootInlineBox.cpp: (WebCore::RootInlineBox::paintEllipsisBox): (WebCore::RootInlineBox::paintCustomHighlight): (WebCore::RootInlineBox::paint): (WebCore::RootInlineBox::fillLineSelectionGap):
  • rendering/RootInlineBox.h:
  • rendering/SVGInlineFlowBox.cpp: (WebCore::paintSVGInlineFlow):
1:31 PM Changeset in webkit [22456] by andersca
  • 4 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

2006-11-01 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com>

Reviewed by Geoff.

  • bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: (WebCore::FrameWin::createJavaAppletWidget): Ask the plugin database to create a java applet plugin.
  • platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: Remove FrameWin::createJavaAppletWidget.

  • plugins/win/PluginDatabaseWin.cpp: (WebCore::PluginDatabaseWin::defaultPluginPaths): Don't look for the Sun Java plugin anymore.
12:34 PM Changeset in webkit [17520] by kmccullo
  • 2 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore

Reviewed by Brady.

  • Fixes many JavaScriptCore tests in other timezones. The root problem is that on mac localtime() returns historically accurate information for DST, but the JavaScript spec explicitly states to not take into account historical information but rather to interpolate from valid years.
  • kjs/DateMath.cpp: (KJS::equivalentYearForDST): (KJS::getDSTOffsetSimple): (KJS::getDSTOffset):
12:07 PM Changeset in webkit [22455] by andersca
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

2006-11-01 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com>

  • plugins/win/PluginStreamWin.cpp: (WebCore::PluginStreamWin::startStream): Build fix.
12:03 PM Changeset in webkit [22454] by andersca
  • 4 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

2006-11-01 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com>

Reviewed by Adam.

Convert plugin code over to using ResourceResponse.

  • plugins/win/PluginStreamWin.cpp: (WebCore::PluginStreamWin::startStream): (WebCore::PluginStreamWin::didReceiveResponse): (WebCore::PluginStreamWin::didFinishLoading):
  • plugins/win/PluginStreamWin.h:
  • plugins/win/PluginViewWin.cpp: (WebCore::PluginViewWin::performRequest):
11:43 AM Changeset in webkit [17519] by andersca
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-11-01 Anders Carlsson <acarlsson@apple.com>

Reviewed by Oliver, Brady.

  • platform/network/ResourceResponse.h: (WebCore::ResourceResponse::setLastModifiedDate): (WebCore::ResourceResponse::lastModifiedDate): Add getters and setters for last modified dadte.

  • platform/network/cf/ResourceResponseCFNet.cpp: (WebCore::getResourceResponse): Fetch the last modified date. Add correct offset to expired date.
11:25 AM Changeset in webkit [17518] by thatcher
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Build fix for 64-bit.

8:35 AM Changeset in webkit [17517] by yongjzha
  • 5 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit

2006-11-01 sareen <shyam.sareen@nokia.com>

Reviewed by yongjun.zhang@nokia.com.
DESC: add an UI option to disable flash content

  • BrowserControl/inc/BrCtlDefs.h: (TBrCtlDefs::):
  • BrowserView/inc/WebKitControl.h: (CWebKitControl::DisableFlashSetting):
  • BrowserView/src/WebKitControl.cpp: (CWebKitControl::CWebKitControl): (CWebKitControl::HandleDisableFlashSetting): (CWebKitControl::SetBrowserSettingL): (CWebKitControl::GetBrowserSettingL):
  • Plugin/src/PluginSkin.cpp: (CPluginSkin::NewL):
3:47 AM Changeset in webkit [17516] by ddkilzer
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-11-01 David Kilzer <ddkilzer@kilzer.net>

Reviewed by Mitz.

Added missing "break;" statement in switch statement from r17493.

Bug 11442: [CSS 3] support for cursor: all-scroll

  • css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue):

Oct 31, 2006:

11:53 PM Changeset in webkit [17515] by bdash
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-10-31 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>

Reviewed by Maciej.

  • fix image dragging

This is covered by editing/selection/drag-to-contenteditable-iframe.html

  • rendering/HitTestResult.cpp: (WebCore::HitTestResult::altDisplayString): Changed imageTag to imgTag, for HTML IMG elements. (WebCore::HitTestResult::absoluteImageURL): Ditto.
11:15 PM Changeset in webkit [17514] by bdash
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKit

2006-10-31 Mark Rowe <bdash@webkit.org>

Reviewed by Maciej.

Fix null pointer dereference while running editing/pasteboard/drag-drop-modifies-page.html

  • Misc/WebElementDictionary.m: (-[WebElementDictionary _image]): Add null check.
10:13 PM Changeset in webkit [17513] by bdash
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitSite

2006-10-31 Mark Rowe <bdash@webkit.org>

Reviewed by Mitz.

Update WebKit blog link to prevent pointless redirects.

  • nav.inc:
9:45 PM Changeset in webkit [17512] by bdash
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

2006-11-01 Mark Rowe <bdash@webkit.org>

Reviewed by Mitz.

Update references to webkit.opendarwin.org to webkit.org in Spinneret and WebKit.app.

  • Spinneret/Spinneret/Spinneret.cpp: (_tWinMain):
  • WebKitLauncher/WebKitNightlyEnabler.m: (cleanUpAfterOurselves):
7:22 PM Changeset in webkit [17511] by bdakin
  • 6 edits in trunk


Reviewed by Maciej.

This adds the back-end of the remaining WebElementDictionary
functions into HitTestResult.

  • WebCore.exp:
  • rendering/HitTestResult.cpp: (WebCore::HitTestResult::title): (WebCore::displayString): This is nearly identical to the displayString() defined in DOMInternal.mm except that it returns a String instead of an NSString. The old code path used the DOMInternal method, so I made a new one here for the new code path. (WebCore::HitTestResult::altDisplayString): (WebCore::HitTestResult::image): (WebCore::HitTestResult::absoluteImageURL): (WebCore::HitTestResult::absoluteLinkURL): (WebCore::HitTestResult::titleDisplayString): (WebCore::HitTestResult::textContent):
  • rendering/HitTestResult.h:


Reviewed by Maciej.

This creates local functions for the remaining WebElementDictionary
members that calls into HitTestResult instead of doing magical
things with the Objective-C DOM classes.

  • ChangeLog:
  • Misc/WebElementDictionary.m: (addLookupKey): The values of the dictionary are now just selectors. They used to be WebElementMethods which were WebElementTargetObjects associated with selectors, but none of that is needed any more. (+[WebElementDictionary initializeLookupTable]): All selectors are now local functions, no more WebElementTargetObjects. (-[WebElementDictionary objectForKey:]): No more target objects! (-[WebElementDictionary _domNode]): Call into HitTestResult member variable. (-[WebElementDictionary _altDisplayString]): Same. (-[WebElementDictionary _image]): Same. (-[WebElementDictionary _absoluteImageURL]): Same. (-[WebElementDictionary _title]): Same. (-[WebElementDictionary _absoluteLinkURL]): Same. (-[WebElementDictionary _targetWebFrame]): Same. (-[WebElementDictionary _titleDisplayString]): Same. (-[WebElementDictionary _textContent]): Same.
7:11 PM Changeset in webkit [17510] by bdash
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebKitTools

2006-10-31 Mark Rowe <bdash@webkit.org>

Reviewed by Stephanie.

Limit build slaves to a single build to prevent concurrent builds on a single slave from significantly increasing build time.

  • BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/webkit/builders.py: Adjust slave distribution, and make use of a SlaveLock.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/webkit/factories.py: Remove unused Qt build factory.
6:59 PM Changeset in webkit [17509] by sullivan
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
  • bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::markMisspellings): Tiger build fix: added an #ifndef BUILDING_ON_TIGER where one was needed.
6:49 PM Changeset in webkit [17508] by sullivan
  • 6 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Maciej

  • fixed <rdar://problem/4804627> ToolTips do not appear for grammar suggestions

The foundation of this was in my last checkin. This checkin is all about displaying
the correct string in the toolTip.

  • dom/DocumentMarker.h: New description field in this struct.
  • bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::advanceToNextMisspelling): When adding a grammar marker, supply the appropriate description. Also, added a comment about the remaining work to make grammar checking return sensible answers. (WebCore::FrameMac::markMisspellings): ditto (yes, still needs some refactoring to minimize duplicated code)

  • dom/Document.h:
  • dom/Document.cpp: (WebCore::Document::addMarker): Now takes an optional description string (WebCore::Document::markerContainingPoint): New function, returns a pointer to the (first) marker of the specified type whose rect contains the specified point, or 0 if none.

  • rendering/HitTestResult.cpp: (WebCore::HitTestResult::spellingToolTip): Replaced hardwired string placeholder implementation with code that uses markerContainingPoint and gets the description from the marker.
6:33 PM Changeset in webkit [22453] by mjs
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebKitWin

Reviewed by Maciej.

  • merged changes for:

Most of htis was already in this tree.

  • WebFrame.cpp: (WebFrame::stopLoading): Implement. Added FIXME.
6:14 PM Changeset in webkit [17507] by ggaren
  • 3 edits
    2 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Beth.

Fixed http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11477
REGRESSION: GMail crashes in KJS::FunctionImp::callerGetter

  • kjs/function.cpp: (KJS::FunctionImp::argumentsGetter): Removed unnecessary braces. (KJS::FunctionImp::callerGetter): More logical NULL checking.


Added test for accessing the 'caller' property from inside an event

  • fast/events/caller-access-from-event-listener-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/events/caller-access-from-event-listener.html: Added.
5:35 PM Changeset in webkit [17506] by ggaren
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Maciej.

Fixed crash resulting from Darin's last patch to remove BrowserExtension.

  • loader/mac/FrameLoaderMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameLoader::createWindow):
  • manual-tests/window-open-features-parsing.html: Updated for clarity.
4:56 PM Changeset in webkit [17505] by thatcher
  • 1 edit in trunk/WebKit/WebView/WebView.mm

Build fix for Leopard.

4:33 PM Changeset in webkit [22452] by sfalken
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

2006-10-31 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com>

Yet more B&I build fixes
Another missing .h file from the vcproj

  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj:
3:56 PM Changeset in webkit [17504] by ggaren
  • 20 edits
    2 adds in trunk


Added layout test for copying password field.

  • editing/pasteboard/copy-in-password-field-expected.txt: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/copy-in-password-field.html: Added.


Reviewed by Alice.

Moved some Editing code from WebKit, the bridge, and WebCore::Frame down
to WebCore::Editor.

Layout tests pass.

Renamed "may*" to "can*" because "can" is more accurate (these functions
aren't just about permission) and it matches WebKit.

(WebCore::FrameMac::handleMouseMoveEvent): Directly test for dragging in a
password field. Now that WebCore fully implements canCopy(), it doesn't just
mean "the selection is not in a password field" anymore.
(-[WebCoreFrameBridge _shouldAllowAccessFrom:]): Removed this #ifed-out code.
The fact that it's not called anymore may represent a security issue, but I
don't see how commented-out code will help reveal the issue, and the
bridge is going away, anyway.

  • editing/SelectionController.h: Changed selection() calls to references to m_sel, to match the rest of the file.


Reviewed by Alice.

Moved some Editing code from WebKit, the bridge, and WebCore::Frame down
to WebCore::Editor.

  • WebCoreSupport/WebFrameBridge.mm:
  • WebView/WebHTMLView.m: (-[WebHTMLView _shouldDeleteRange:]): (-[WebHTMLView _canCopy]): (-[WebHTMLView _canCut]): (-[WebHTMLView _canDelete]): (-[WebHTMLView _canPaste]): (-[WebHTMLView _canEdit]): (-[WebHTMLView _canEditRichly]): (-[WebHTMLView _isEditable]): (-[WebHTMLView _isSelectionInPasswordField]): (-[NSArray validateUserInterfaceItem:]): (-[NSArray _expandSelectionToGranularity:]):
3:37 PM Changeset in webkit [17503] by justing
  • 13 edits in trunk


Reviewed by harrison

Updated these tests to mention the bug that they demonstrate:

  • editing/pasteboard/nested-blocks-with-text-area-expected.checksum:
  • editing/pasteboard/nested-blocks-with-text-area-expected.png:
  • editing/pasteboard/nested-blocks-with-text-area-expected.txt:
  • editing/pasteboard/nested-blocks-with-text-area.html:
  • editing/pasteboard/nested-blocks-with-text-field-expected.checksum:
  • editing/pasteboard/nested-blocks-with-text-field-expected.png:
  • editing/pasteboard/nested-blocks-with-text-field-expected.txt:
  • editing/pasteboard/nested-blocks-with-text-field.html:


Reviewed by harrison

Pasting 10K lines into Mail/Blot takes ~7sec, in TextEdit it takes ~1.5sec

  • editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: (WebCore::ReplacementFragment::ReplacementFragment): Don't do the test insertion and plain text string creation unless we need the string for a BeforeTextInserted event handler or for a plain text only region. (WebCore::ReplacementFragment::removeInterchangeNodes): Added, moved code here from ReplacementFragment's constructor. (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::completeHTMLReplacement): Added a FIXME.
  • editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.h:
3:10 PM Changeset in webkit [17502] by adachan
  • 6 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-10-31 Ada Chan <adachan@apple.com>

Reviewed by Adam

Correct forward declarations of the HitTestRequest struct.

3:03 PM Changeset in webkit [17501] by sullivan
  • 11 edits in trunk


Reviewed by Beth and Adam

Support for displaying tooltips for bad grammar. Currently this always displays the same tooltip;
next I'll make it use a string that's relevant for a specific grammar error.

  • WebCore.exp: export symbol for spellingToolTip function

  • rendering/HitTestResult.h:
  • rendering/HitTestResult.cpp: (WebCore::HitTestResult::spellingToolTip): new function, returns the string to be used in a tool tip that describes the questionable grammar

  • rendering/InlineTextBox.h:
  • rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintSpellingOrGrammarMarker): now takes a style and font, needed to compute the rect representing the range containing questionable grammar. Computes the rect and associates it with the marker. (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintDocumentMarkers): Pass in the style and font now needed by paintSpellingOrGrammarMarker


Reviewed by Beth and Adam

Display a tooltip when hovering over marked bad grammar.

  • Misc/WebElementDictionary.m: (+[WebElementDictionary initializeLookupTable]): support spelling tool tip (-[WebElementDictionary _spellingToolTip]): new method, calls through to HitTestResult

  • WebView/WebHTMLView.m: (-[WebHTMLView _updateMouseoverWithEvent:]): Check for a spelling tool tip; if found, prefer it over the other possible tool tips. Check for empty strings instead of just nil strings being, since values from WebElementDictionary are empty strings.

  • WebView/WebViewPrivate.h: declare new string constant WebElementSpellingToolTipKey
  • WebView/WebView.mm: define new string constant WebElementSpellingToolTipKey
3:01 PM Changeset in webkit [17500] by adele
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Removed commented out variable from last checkin.

  • html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::listBoxDefaultEventHandler):
2:51 PM Changeset in webkit [17499] by beidson
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Build fix

2:15 PM Changeset in webkit [22451] by sfalken
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore
2:10 PM Changeset in webkit [17498] by adele
  • 10 edits
    4 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Adam.

Tests for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11127 NativeListBox: arrow and drag selection should pivot around one list item
and http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11173 REGRESSION (NativeListBox): Shift-clicking items in list box doesn't expand the current selection
and http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11417 REGRESSION: onchange does not fire for list-style select elements

  • fast/forms/listbox-onchange-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/forms/listbox-onchange.html: Added.
  • fast/forms/listbox-selection-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/forms/listbox-selection.html: Added.


Reviewed by Adam.


  • LayoutTests/fast/forms/listbox-selection.html
  • LayoutTests/fast/forms/listbox-onchange.html
  • html/HTMLSelectElement.h: Added m_selectedListIndexBase and m_selectedListIndexExtent to track indices for the active selection in progress. Added 2 vectors to cache selection state. One is kept so that the previous selection state can be restored as the active selection grows and shrinks. And one for onChange, that is updated after onChange is fired. Added m_activeSelectionState to keep track of whether the current drag selection is selecting or deselecting.

  • html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::HTMLSelectElement): Initialized new variables. (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setSelectedIndex): If needed, initialize m_selectedListIndexBase and m_selectedListIndexExtent. (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::dispatchBlurEvent): Only fire the onChange event here for menu lists. (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::listBoxDefaultEventHandler): Updates base and extent variables for mouse and key events. (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setBase): Added. Also caches the selection state. (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::setExtent): Added. (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::updateListBoxSelection): Added. (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::listBoxOnChange): Added.
  • rendering/RenderListBox.cpp: (WebCore::RenderListBox::updateFromElement): Only scroll to reveal the first index if both the first and last indices aren't visible. (WebCore::RenderListBox::listIndexAtOffset): Added. Replaces optionAtPoint, which is no longer used. (WebCore::RenderListBox::autoscroll): Now sets the selection using the select's base and extent. (WebCore::RenderListBox::stopAutoscroll): Added. Tells the select element to fire onChange. This is needed because the autoscroll can end from a mouseUp outside of the list box, and the select element won't get a mouseUp event directly. But the frame will stop the autoscroll at that point, and now we can notify the select element from here. (WebCore::RenderListBox::scrollToRevealElementAtListIndex): Checks new listIndexIsVisible method. (WebCore::RenderListBox::listIndexIsVisible): Added. (WebCore::RenderListBox::valueChanged): Removed unnecessary printf.
  • page/Frame.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::stopAutoscrollTimer): Added rendererIsBeingDestroyed argument, so when the renderer calls this during destruction, we don't try to use the pointer to that renderer to call stopAutoscroll. This is done so a renderer that's still alive has a chance to do some cleanup after autoscroll.
  • rendering/RenderListBox.h: (WebCore::RenderListBox::shouldAutoscroll): Always returns true now, since we're also updating selection from the autoscroll timer.
  • rendering/RenderObject.h: (WebCore::RenderObject::stopAutoscroll): Added.
  • rendering/RenderObject.cpp: (WebCore::RenderObject::destroy): Calls stopAutoscrollTimer with rendererIsBeingDestroyed argument.
2:04 PM Changeset in webkit [17497] by zbujtas
  • 2 edits in S60/trunk/WebCore

2006-10-31 sareen <shyam.sareen@nokia.com>

Reviewed by <zbujtas@gmail.com>.


  • kwq/KWQObjectWidget.cpp: (QObjectWidget::hasResized): (QObjectWidget::focusable):
1:55 PM Changeset in webkit [17496] by bdakin
  • 1 edit in trunk/WebCore/ChangeLog

Fixing typo in ChangeLog. This is the last one, I swear.

1:53 PM Changeset in webkit [17495] by bdakin
  • 1 edit
    1 add in trunk/WebCore

Forgot to check this in a minute ago. Oops!! Thanks Mitz!

  • rendering/HitTestRequest.h: Added. (WebCore::HitTestRequest::HitTestRequest):
1:48 PM Changeset in webkit [17494] by bdakin
  • 55 edits in trunk


Reviewed by Maciej.

Fix for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11461 HitTestResult
should be split into HitTestRequest and HitTestResult

This patch creates a new struct called HitTestRequest that holds
the three boolean values (readonly, active, and mouseMove) that
were formerly a part of HitTestRequest. all hitTest() and
nodeAtPoint() functions now take a HitTestRequest in addition to
the HitTestResult.


Reviewed by Maciej.

Small tweaks to WebKit because of http://bugs.webkit.org/
show_bug.cgi?id=11461 HitTestResult should be split into
HitTestRequest and HitTestResult

  • WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • WebView/WebHTMLView.m: (-[WebHTMLView elementAtPoint:allowShadowContent:]): The HitTestResult initializer now just takes a point.
1:32 PM Changeset in webkit [22450] by sfalken
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebCore

2006-10-31 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com>

Remove extra files I accidently added

  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj:
1:03 PM Changeset in webkit [17493] by thatcher
  • 6 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Maciej.

Bug 11442: [CSS 3] support for cursor: all-scroll

  • css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue):
  • css/CSSValueKeywords.in:
  • css/cssparser.cpp: (WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue):
  • page/FrameView.cpp: (WebCore::selectCursor):
  • rendering/RenderStyle.h:
12:56 PM Changeset in webkit [17492] by oliver
  • 8 edits
    5 moves in trunk/WebCore

2006-10-31 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by Geoff.

Converting Obj-C++ to C++ in kcanvas

  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasFilterQuartz.h:
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasFilterQuartz.mm:
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasItemQuartz.cpp: Added.
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasItemQuartz.mm: Removed.
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.cpp: Added.
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.h:
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.mm: Removed.
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingPaintServerGradientQuartz.mm:
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingPaintServerQuartz.h:
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/QuartzSupport.cpp: Added.
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/QuartzSupport.h:
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/QuartzSupport.mm: Removed.
  • platform/graphics/svg/cg/SVGResourceClipperCg.cpp: Added. (WebCore::SVGResourceClipper::applyClip):
  • platform/graphics/svg/cg/SVGResourceClipperCg.mm: Removed.
  • platform/graphics/svg/cg/SVGResourceImageCg.cpp: Added.
  • platform/graphics/svg/cg/SVGResourceImageCg.mm: Removed.
12:52 PM Changeset in webkit [17491] by oliver
  • 2 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore

2006-10-31 Oliver Hunt <oliver@apple.com>

Reviewed by Geoff.

Adding definition for PLATFORM(CI)

  • wtf/Platform.h:
12:34 PM Changeset in webkit [17490] by justing
  • 11 edits
    1 add
    1 delete in trunk


Reviewed by harrison

  • editing/execCommand/create-list-1.html: Removed.
  • editing/execCommand/create-list-with-hr-expected.checksum:
  • editing/execCommand/create-list-with-hr-expected.png:
  • editing/execCommand/create-list-with-hr-expected.txt:
  • editing/execCommand/remove-list-1-expected.checksum:
  • editing/execCommand/remove-list-1-expected.png:
  • editing/execCommand/remove-list-1-expected.txt:
  • fast/text/attributed-substring-from-range-001-expected.txt:


Reviewed by harrison

REGRESSION: TextIterator slowed down, affecting Find on Page & Copy (etc.) [11460}

Completely back out r17276 because of performance issues.

  • editing/TextIterator.cpp: (WebCore::TextIterator::TextIterator): (WebCore::TextIterator::advance): (WebCore::TextIterator::handleTextNode): (WebCore::TextIterator::handleTextBox): (WebCore::TextIterator::handleReplacedElement): (WebCore::TextIterator::handleNonTextNode): (WebCore::TextIterator::exitNode): (WebCore::TextIterator::emitCharacter): (WebCore::TextIterator::range): (WebCore::SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator): (WebCore::SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::advance): (WebCore::SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::handleTextNode): (WebCore::SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::handleReplacedElement): (WebCore::SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::emitCharacter): (WebCore::SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::emitNewline): (WebCore::SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::range): (WebCore::CharacterIterator::range): (WebCore::TextIterator::rangeFromLocationAndLength):
  • editing/TextIterator.h: (WebCore::TextIterator::atEnd): (WebCore::SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::atEnd):
12:01 PM Changeset in webkit [17489] by thatcher
  • 1 edit in trunk/WebCore/WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

Build fix. Generated headers need to be added to 'Copy Generated Headers' and not 'Copy Headers'.

11:34 AM Changeset in webkit [22449] by sfalken
  • 4 edits in branches/WindowsMerge

Fixes for Boomer submission, bumped version number.

11:31 AM Changeset in webkit [17488] by darin
  • 14 edits
    3 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Brady.

  • got "action dictionary" code out of FrameLoader, replacing with a class called NavigationAction
  • loader/DocumentLoader.h: Changed m_triggeringAction to a NavigationAction.
  • loader/mac/DocumentLoaderMac.mm: (WebCore::DocumentLoader::triggeringAction): Ditto. (WebCore::DocumentLoader::setTriggeringAction): Ditto.
  • loader/FrameLoader.h: Changed action parameters to NavigationAction.
  • loader/FrameLoaderClient.h: Changed action parameters to NavigationAction. Removed elementForEvent.
  • loader/mac/FrameLoaderMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameLoader::load): Ditto. (WebCore::FrameLoader::reload): Ditto. (WebCore::FrameLoader::checkNewWindowPolicy): Ditto. (WebCore::FrameLoader::checkNavigationPolicy): Ditto. (WebCore::FrameLoader::continueLoadAfterNewWindowPolicy): Ditto. (WebCore::FrameLoader::post): Ditto.
  • loader/NavigationAction.h: Added.
  • loader/NavigationAction.cpp: Added.
  • loader/mac/NavigationActionMac.mm: Added.
  • loader/mac/MainResourceLoaderMac.mm: Fixed copyright.
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Updated for new files.
  • WebCore.exp: Updated.


Reviewed by Brady.

  • got "action dictionary" code out of FrameLoader, replacing with a class called NavigationAction
  • WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.h: Changed parameter types to NavigationAction. Made elementForEvent non-virtual. Added actionDictionary function.
  • WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.mm: (WebFrameLoaderClient::dispatchDecidePolicyForNewWindowAction): Changed parameter type, and used actionDictionary to make the action dictionary. (WebFrameLoaderClient::dispatchDecidePolicyForNavigationAction): Ditto. (WebFrameLoaderClient::actionDictionary): Added. Code that was originally in WebCore that creates the action dictionary (from a NavigationAction).
  • WebView/WebFrame.mm: (-[WebFrame _loadItem:withLoadType:]): Use NavigationAction instead of a dictionary for the action parameters.
11:19 AM Changeset in webkit [17487] by sfalken
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-10-31 Steve Falkenburg <sfalken@apple.com>

Reviewed by Adam.

Build fix

  • platform/win/CookieJarWin.cpp: (WebCore::cookies):
11:03 AM Changeset in webkit [17486] by aroben
  • 9 edits
    2 moves
    2 adds
    1 delete in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Maciej. Landed by Adam.

Fixes: http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11463

Move KCanvasTreeDebug into rendering, named as SVGRenderTreeAsText.*,
as dicussed with Dave. Also kill the outdated DESIGN document.

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • kcanvas/DESIGN: Removed.
  • kcanvas/KCanvasFilters.cpp:
  • kcanvas/KCanvasTreeDebug.cpp: Moved to rendering/SVGRenderTreeAsText
  • kcanvas/KCanvasTreeDebug.h: Ditto.
  • kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerGradient.cpp:
  • kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerPattern.cpp:
  • kcanvas/device/KRenderingPaintServerSolid.cpp:
  • platform/graphics/svg/SVGResourceClipper.cpp:
  • rendering/RenderTreeAsText.cpp:
  • rendering/SVGRenderTreeAsText.cpp: Added.
  • rendering/SVGRenderTreeAsText.h: Added. (WebCore::operator<<):
10:43 AM Changeset in webkit [17485] by ap
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-10-31 MorganL <morganl.webkit@yahoo.com>

Reviewed by Maciej.

Fixes http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11286
Includes some CRLF -> LF fixups.

  • platform/win/CookieJarWin.cpp: (WebCore::cookies):
10:39 AM Changeset in webkit [22448] by kmccullo
  • 2 edits in branches/WindowsMerge/WebKitWin


Reviewed by Steve.

  • Added basic functionality for running javascript from the address bar. Currently no return results are evaluated so use alert messages to see the results.
  • WebView.cpp: (WebView::stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString):
10:23 AM Changeset in webkit [22447] by aroben
  • 11 edits in branches/WindowsMerge


Build fixes.

  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj: Add new platform/graphics directory to our include path, and copy headers from there for WebKit's benefit.
  • bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: Update accessors of FrameLoadRequest. (WebCore::FrameWin::urlSelected): (WebCore::FrameWin::submitForm):
  • plugins/win/PluginViewWin.cpp: Ditto. (WebCore::PluginViewWin::start): (WebCore::PluginViewWin::performRequest): (WebCore::PluginViewWin::load): (WebCore::PluginViewWin::getURLNotify): (WebCore::PluginViewWin::getURL): (WebCore::PluginViewWin::handlePost):
  • plugins/win/PluginViewWin.h: Correct forward declaration of FrameLoadRequest.


Build fixes.

  • WebEditorClient.cpp: Add stubs for new methods. (WebEditorClient::isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled): (WebEditorClient::isGrammarCheckingEnabled): (WebEditorClient::spellCheckerDocumentTag):
  • WebEditorClient.h: Add declarations for new methods.
  • WebFrame.cpp: Fix #includes to use new platform/graphics directory.
  • WebView.cpp: Ditto.
  • WebKit.vcproj/WebKit.vcproj: Add platform/graphics to include path.
10:19 AM Changeset in webkit [17484] by aroben
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Steve.

Fix some incorrect forward declarations.

  • loader/FrameLoader.h:
  • page/Frame.h:
10:16 AM Changeset in webkit [17483] by ap
  • 6 edits
    3 adds in trunk

2006-10-31 Vladimir Olexa <vladimir.olexa@gmail.com>

Reviewed by Geoff.

Function object does not support caller property

Test: fast/js/caller-property.html

  • kjs/function.cpp: (KJS::FunctionImp::callerGetter): added (KJS::FunctionImp::getOwnPropertySlot): added if statement to handle callerGetter()
  • kjs/function.h: added callerGetter() declaration
  • kjs/identifier.h: added caller property macro
  • tests/mozilla/expected.html:
9:45 AM Changeset in webkit [17482] by mjs
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by Maciej.

  • COM/WebFrame.cpp: (WebFrame::stopLoading): Implement.
  • COM/WebView.cpp: (WebView::stopLoading): ditto (WebView::reload): ditto
9:20 AM Changeset in webkit [17481] by ap
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitQt

2006-10-31 Simon Hausmann <hausmann@kde.org>

Reviewed by Maciej.

  • QtLauncher/main.cpp: (main): Declare our frame as main frame to the Page object. Fixes crashes on various web sites
8:49 AM Changeset in webkit [17480] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
  • DumpRenderTree/DumpRenderTree.m: Instead of allocating a single local pasteboard, allocate any number of local pasteboards. (main): Allocate the dictionary of pasteboards. (+[DumpRenderTreePasteboard _pasteboardWithName:]): Allocate a pasteboard, given a name. (+[LocalPasteboard alloc]): Added, so we don't have to call NSAllocateObject explicitly elsewhere. (-[LocalPasteboard addTypes:owner:]): Added a check that the owner responds to the selector rather than calling unconditionally.
8:40 AM Changeset in webkit [17479] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Change GraphicsTypes.h to a private header to try to fix the build on the buildbot.
8:16 AM Changeset in webkit [17478] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
  • bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::advanceToNextMisspelling): Build fix for release Tiger builds. (WebCore::FrameMac::markMisspellings): Ditto.
6:26 AM Changeset in webkit [17477] by sullivan
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
  • bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::advanceToNextMisspelling): build fix: needed #ifndef BUILDING_ON_TIGER in one more place
6:18 AM Changeset in webkit [17476] by sullivan
  • 6 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Adam Roben

  • fixes <rdar://problem/4804614> Bad grammar ranges are not visibly marked

This patch introduces much of the guts of grammar checking, though still not enough to actually
check grammar sensibly, due to:

<rdar://problem/4811175> Many false reports of bad grammar appear, caused by insufficient
context passed to grammar checker

  • platform/Logging.h:
  • platform/Logging.cpp: new log channel SpellingAndGrammar
  • bridge/mac/WebCorePageBridge.mm: (initializeLoggingChannelsIfNecessary): initialize new log channel
  • bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::advanceToNextMisspelling): Compute bad grammar range when computing misspelling range. Find first detailed grammar range from the set NSSpellChecker determines. Compare it with misspelling range to see which is earliest (or shortest in the event of a tie), and do further processing with that one (select range; create marker that causes range to be visibly marked with a funky underline; update spelling panel appropriately). (WebCore::FrameMac::markMisspellings): More or less the same types of changes as in advanceToNextMisspelling The loops are structured just differently enough to make sharing code between these two functions a little tricky, so I decided to save that for a later patch.

remove grammar markers when we remove spelling markers

4:36 AM Changeset in webkit [17475] by bdash
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-10-31 Nikolas Zimmermann <zimmermann@kde.org>

Reviewed by Mitz.

Fix Qt/Linux build with older gcc3.3.4.

  • bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: (KJS::WindowFunc::callAsFunction):
4:24 AM Changeset in webkit [17474] by bdash
  • 1 delete in trunk/WebCore/kcanvas/device/qt/KCanvasClipperQt.h

Remove obsolete KCanvasClipperQt.h which should have been removed in r17467.

3:47 AM Changeset in webkit [17473] by bdash
  • 11 edits in trunk

2006-10-31 Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>

Reviewed by Mitz.

Fix the Qt build after last nights changes.

  • platform/qt/FrameQt.cpp:
  • platform/qt/EditorClientQt.h:
  • platform/qt/EditorClientQt.cpp:
  • platform/graphics/svg/qt/SVGResourceImageQt.cpp:
  • platform/graphics/svg/qt/SVGResourceClipperQt.cpp:
  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • kcanvas/device/qt/KRenderingDeviceQt.cpp:

2006-10-31 Zack Rusin <zack@kde.org>

Reviewed by Mitz.

Fix the Qt build after last nights changes.

  • QtLauncher/CMakeLists.txt:
  • WebKitPart/CMakeLists.txt:
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.