Jul 9, 2007:
- 6:43 PM Changeset in webkit [24131] by
- 6 edits1 add in trunk/WebCore
Patch from Qing Zhao to add context menu support for Qt.
- 4:38 PM Changeset in webkit [24130] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
- Scripts/run-webkit-tests: Moved leaks from Tiger that are marked as fixed in Leopard to a Tiger-only section.
- 4:23 PM Changeset in webkit [24129] by
- 10 edits in trunk
- win/Skipped: removed one test from skipped list to see whether it will pass with the new DOM Paste API change that is being added simultaneously.
Reviewed by Adam Roben.
setting DOM Paste Allowed Pref
- DumpRenderTree/DumpRenderTree.vcproj/DumpRenderTree/DumpRenderTree.cpp: (initializePreferences):
Reviewed by Adam Roben.
Adding DOM Paste Allowed preference, setters and getters
for the purpose of layout tests.
- Interfaces/IWebPreferences.idl:
- WebPreferenceKeysPrivate.h:
- WebPreferences.cpp: (WebPreferences::isDOMPasteAllowed): (WebPreferences::setDOMPasteAllowed):
- WebPreferences.h:
- WebView.cpp: (WebView::updateWebCoreSettingsFromPreferences):
- 4:19 PM Changeset in webkit [24128] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKit/win
Build fix.
- WebView.cpp: (WebView::stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString):
- 4:18 PM Changeset in webkit [24127] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Build fix.
- plugins/win/PluginViewWin.cpp: (WebCore::PluginViewWin::performRequest):
- 3:10 PM Changeset in webkit [24126] by
- 10 edits in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Geoff.
Get rid of the node argument in our various script execution functions.
- bindings/js/kjs_proxy.cpp: (WebCore::KJSProxy::evaluate):
- bindings/js/kjs_proxy.h:
- bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: (KJS::ScheduledAction::execute):
- dom/XMLTokenizer.cpp: (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::endElementNs): (WebCore::XMLTokenizer::notifyFinished):
- html/HTMLScriptElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLScriptElement::evaluateScript):
- html/HTMLTokenizer.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLTokenizer::scriptExecution):
- loader/FrameLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoader::changeLocation): (WebCore::FrameLoader::urlSelected): (WebCore::FrameLoader::submitForm): (WebCore::FrameLoader::replaceContentsWithScriptResult): (WebCore::FrameLoader::executeScript):
- loader/FrameLoader.h:
- page/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: (-[WebCoreFrameBridge stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:forceUserGesture:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge aeDescByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:]):
- 3:06 PM Changeset in webkit [24125] by
- 1 edit20 adds in trunk/WebKitTools
Reviewed by Adam, Sam, and Ada.
- Inital checkin of Drosera for Win. This isn't pretty and doesn't connect to Safari but debug builds and runs.
- Drosera/Images/Drosera.ico: Added.
- Drosera/Images/small.ico: Added.
- Drosera/win: Added.
- Drosera/win/BaseDelegate.h: Added. (BaseDelegate::QueryInterface): (BaseDelegate::didFinishLoadForFrame): (BaseDelegate::windowScriptObjectAvailable): (BaseDelegate::didStartProvisionalLoadForFrame): (BaseDelegate::didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame): (BaseDelegate::didFailProvisionalLoadWithError): (BaseDelegate::didCommitLoadForFrame): (BaseDelegate::didReceiveTitle): (BaseDelegate::didReceiveIcon): (BaseDelegate::didFailLoadWithError): (BaseDelegate::didChangeLocationWithinPageForFrame): (BaseDelegate::willPerformClientRedirectToURL): (BaseDelegate::didCancelClientRedirectForFrame): (BaseDelegate::willCloseFrame): (BaseDelegate::createWebViewWithRequest): (BaseDelegate::webViewShow): (BaseDelegate::webViewClose): (BaseDelegate::webViewFocus): (BaseDelegate::webViewUnfocus): (BaseDelegate::webViewFirstResponder): (BaseDelegate::makeFirstResponder): (BaseDelegate::setStatusText): (BaseDelegate::webViewStatusText): (BaseDelegate::webViewAreToolbarsVisible): (BaseDelegate::setToolbarsVisible): (BaseDelegate::webViewIsStatusBarVisible): (BaseDelegate::setStatusBarVisible): (BaseDelegate::webViewIsResizable): (BaseDelegate::setResizable): (BaseDelegate::setFrame): (BaseDelegate::webViewFrame): (BaseDelegate::setContentRect): (BaseDelegate::webViewContentRect): (BaseDelegate::runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage): (BaseDelegate::runJavaScriptConfirmPanelWithMessage): (BaseDelegate::runJavaScriptTextInputPanelWithPrompt): (BaseDelegate::runBeforeUnloadConfirmPanelWithMessage): (BaseDelegate::runOpenPanelForFileButtonWithResultListener): (BaseDelegate::mouseDidMoveOverElement): (BaseDelegate::contextMenuItemsForElement): (BaseDelegate::validateUserInterfaceItem): (BaseDelegate::shouldPerformAction): (BaseDelegate::dragDestinationActionMaskForDraggingInfo): (BaseDelegate::willPerformDragDestinationAction): (BaseDelegate::dragSourceActionMaskForPoint): (BaseDelegate::willPerformDragSourceAction): (BaseDelegate::contextMenuItemSelected): (BaseDelegate::hasCustomMenuImplementation): (BaseDelegate::trackCustomPopupMenu): (BaseDelegate::measureCustomMenuItem): (BaseDelegate::drawCustomMenuItem): (BaseDelegate::addCustomMenuDrawingData): (BaseDelegate::cleanUpCustomMenuDrawingData): (BaseDelegate::canTakeFocus): (BaseDelegate::takeFocus): (BaseDelegate::registerUndoWithTarget): (BaseDelegate::removeAllActionsWithTarget): (BaseDelegate::setActionTitle): (BaseDelegate::undo): (BaseDelegate::redo): (BaseDelegate::canUndo): (BaseDelegate::canRedo):
- Drosera/win/DebuggerApplication.cpp: Added. (DebuggerApplication::serverLoaded): (DebuggerApplication::serverUnloaded): (DebuggerApplication::attach): (DebuggerApplication::numberOfRowsInTableView): (DebuggerApplication::tableView):
- Drosera/win/DebuggerApplication.h: Added. (DebuggerApplication::DebuggerApplication): (DebuggerApplication::knownServers):
- Drosera/win/DebuggerObjectCallbacks.cpp: Added. (breakpointEditorHTMLCallback): (currentFunctionStackCallback): (doubleClickMillisecondsCallback): (evaluateScript_inCallFrame_Callback): (isPausedCallback): (localScopeVariableNamesForCallFrame_Callback): (pauseCallback): (resumeCallback): (stepIntoCallback): (valueForScopeVariableNamed_inCallFrame_Callback): (staticFunctions):
- Drosera/win/DebuggerObjectCallbacks.h: Added.
- Drosera/win/Drosera.cpp: Added. (_tWinMain): (RegisterDroseraClass): (DroseraWndProc): (About): (Attach): (Drosera::Drosera): (Drosera::initUI): (Drosera::QueryInterface): (Drosera::AddRef): (Drosera::Release): (Drosera::didFinishLoadForFrame): (getDroseraJSClass): (Drosera::windowScriptObjectAvailable): (Drosera::webViewClose): (Drosera::validateUserInterfaceItem): (Drosera::runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage): (Drosera::onSize):
- Drosera/win/Drosera.h: Added. (Drosera::webViewLoaded):
- Drosera/win/Drosera.vcproj: Added.
- Drosera/win/Drosera.vcproj/Drosera.rc: Added.
- Drosera/win/Drosera.vcproj/Drosera.vcproj: Added.
- Drosera/win/Drosera.vcproj/debug.vsprops: Added.
- Drosera/win/Drosera.vcproj/release.vsprops: Added.
- Drosera/win/HelperFunctions.h: Added. (CFStringToBSTR):
- Drosera/win/Info.plist: Added.
- Drosera/win/resource.h: Added.
- Drosera/win/stdafx.cpp: Added.
- Drosera/win/stdafx.h: Added.
- 2:25 PM Changeset in webkit [24124] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitQt
Patch from Eli Fidler to properly decode data: urls.
- 2:23 PM Changeset in webkit [24123] by
- 7 edits1 add1 delete in trunk
Rolling the fix for 5310404 back in now that 5310404 has been fixed in Mail.
- editing/deleting/4845371-expected.checksum:
- editing/deleting/4845371-expected.txt:
- editing/deleting/4845371.html:
- editing/deleting/5126166-expected.txt:
- editing/deleting/5290534.html: Added.
- editing/deleting/5290534.html-disabled: Removed.
Rolling the fix for 5290534 back in now that 5310404 has been fixed in Mail.
- editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::handleGeneralDelete):
- 2:08 PM Changeset in webkit [24122] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Anders Carlsson.
A little more FrameLoader cleanup while working on <rdar://problem/5126396>.
Rename: "checkEmitLoadEvent" => "checkCallImplicitClose" because the function
doesn't emit the load event; it just calls implicitClose.
Rename: "m_wasLoadEventEmitted" => "m_didCallImplicitClose" because the variable
tracks whether implicitClose was called.
- dom/Document.cpp: (WebCore::Document::implicitClose): Turned 12 lines of code into 6, adding ASSERT.
- loader/FrameLoader.h: Removed bogus declaration of non-existent emitLoadEvent().
- 2:06 PM Changeset in webkit [24121] by
- 2 edits in S60/trunk/WebKit
brmorris, rs'd by sachin
DESC: remove a compile warning by generating version info earlier
in the build process.
- 1:27 PM Changeset in webkit [24120] by
- 3 edits4 adds in trunk
Reviewed by John.
<rdar://problem/5156801> REGRESSION: Crash when deleting table content in Leopard Mail
- editing/deleting/5156801-expected.checksum: Added.
- editing/deleting/5156801-expected.png: Added.
- editing/deleting/5156801-expected.txt: Added.
- editing/deleting/5156801.html: Added.
Reviewed by John.
REGRESSION: Crash when deleting table content in Leopard Mail
- editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp: (WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::handleGeneralDelete): Use a RefPtr for the next node to delete, in case it is destroyed when the current node is deleted. In the crash reported in the radar, we crash because the next node is the div that holds the delete button and it's destroyed when the node that contains the selection is removed.
- 12:41 PM Changeset in webkit [24119] by
- 18 edits in trunk
Patch from Adam Treat to convert QWebFrame from QFrame to QObject. Fixes many
regressions from the previous patch.
- 11:28 AM Changeset in webkit [24118] by
- 11 edits2 adds in trunk
Reviewed by Oliver.
Acrobat 7 / Safari crash: CrashTracer: 99 crashes in Safari at
com.apple.WebCore: WebCore::NetscapePlugInStreamLoader::isDone const + 0
Add tests.
- plugins/return-error-from-new-stream-callback-in-full-frame-plugin-expected.txt: Added.
- plugins/return-error-from-new-stream-callback-in-full-frame-plugin.html: Added.
Reviewed by Oliver.
Add DocumentLoader::isLoadingMainResource.
- WebCore.exp:
Reviewed by Oliver.
Acrobat 7 / Safari crash: CrashTracer: 99 crashes in Safari at
com.apple.WebCore: WebCore::NetscapePlugInStreamLoader::isDone const + 0
Add a new initWithFrameLoader: method to WebNetscapePluginStream which is to be used when
the stream is a "fake" stream for full frame plug-ins.
- Plugins/WebBaseNetscapePluginView.mm: (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView pluginView:receivedResponse:]):
- Plugins/WebNetscapePluginStream.h:
- Plugins/WebNetscapePluginStream.mm: (-[WebNetscapePluginStream initWithFrameLoader:]): (-[WebNetscapePluginStream initWithRequest:plugin:notifyData:sendNotification:]): (-[WebNetscapePluginStream start]): (-[WebNetscapePluginStream cancelLoadWithError:]): (-[WebNetscapePluginStream stop]):
- WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.mm: (WebFrameLoaderClient::createFrame):
Reviewed by Oliver.
Acrobat 7 / Safari crash: CrashTracer: 99 crashes in Safari at
com.apple.WebCore: WebCore::NetscapePlugInStreamLoader::isDone const + 0
If the src url is "data:application/x-webkit-test-netscape,returnerrorfromnewstream",
return an error from NPP_NewStream.
- DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn.subproj/PluginObject.c: (pluginAllocate):
- DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn.subproj/PluginObject.h:
- DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn.subproj/main.c: (NPP_New): (NPP_NewStream):
- 10:45 AM Changeset in webkit [24117] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKit
Reviewed by Darin
- fixed <rdar://problem/5320208> WebKit should prevent Time Machine from backing up WebKit clients' icon databases
- Misc/WebIconDatabase.mm: (-[WebIconDatabase init]): Re-added the code to exclude the icon database from backups. We now do this at the same time we (try to) import the old icon database format, which happens only once per icon database's lifetime. (-[WebIconDatabase _importToWebCoreFormat]): Assert that we haven't imported yet rather than bailing out. It's now the caller's responsibility to check whether we've imported yet.
- 10:44 AM Changeset in webkit [24116] by
- 1 edit in trunk/WebCore/ChangeLog
added missing Reviewer to previous checkin
- 10:43 AM Changeset in webkit [24115] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
- WebCore.exp:
- WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: exported String::createCFString, needed for <rdar://problem/5320208>
- 10:21 AM Changeset in webkit [24114] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitQt
Fix a minor memory leak in the loader
- 9:52 AM Changeset in webkit [24113] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitQt
Fix a massive memory leak in the loader.
- 8:04 AM Changeset in webkit [24112] by
- 2 edits in S60/branches/3.1m/JavaScriptCore
ligman, reviewed by Yongjun Zhang
DESC: Character class array is defined to 32. If we don't limit characters to 255 an overflow occurs.
- pcre/pcre.c: (compile_branch): (match):
- 8:01 AM Changeset in webkit [24111] by
- 2 edits in S60/trunk/JavaScriptCore
ligman, reviewed by Yongjun Zhang
DESC: Character class array is defined to 32. If we don't limit characters to 255 an overflow occurs.
- pcre/pcre.c: (compile_branch): (match):
- 7:54 AM Changeset in webkit [24110] by
- 4 edits in S60/branches/3.1m/WebCore
2007-06-29 bujtas <zbujtas@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Yongjun
DESC: ref images right before switching to the final document,
so they dont get deleted.
- khtml/khtml_part.cpp: (KHTMLPart::switchToFinalDoc):
- khtml/misc/loader.h: (khtml::):
- khtml/misc/loader_client.h: (khtml::DummyCachedObjectClient::~DummyCachedObjectClient): (khtml::DummyCachedObjectClient::setPixmap): (khtml::DummyCachedObjectClient::setStyleSheet): (khtml::DummyCachedObjectClient::setXBLDocument): (khtml::DummyCachedObjectClient::notifyFinished):
- 7:53 AM Changeset in webkit [24109] by
- 4 edits in S60/trunk/WebCore
2007-06-29 bujtas <zbujtas@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Yongjun
DESC: ref images right before switching to the final document,
so they dont get deleted.
- khtml/khtml_part.cpp: (KHTMLPart::switchToFinalDoc):
- khtml/misc/loader.h: (khtml::):
- khtml/misc/loader_client.h: (khtml::DummyCachedObjectClient::~DummyCachedObjectClient): (khtml::DummyCachedObjectClient::setPixmap): (khtml::DummyCachedObjectClient::setStyleSheet): (khtml::DummyCachedObjectClient::setXBLDocument): (khtml::DummyCachedObjectClient::notifyFinished):
- 7:50 AM Changeset in webkit [24108] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebKitQt
Rework much of WebCoreHttp to make it more stable and support Proxy and SSL.
- 12:57 AM Changeset in webkit [24107] by
- 1 edit1 add in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Maciej.
Test case for the bug below, which is http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14207
- manual-tests/flash-unload-tab.html: Added.
- 12:39 AM Changeset in webkit [24106] by
- 4 edits in trunk
Reviewed by Oliver.
- JavaScriptCore part of fix for: <rdar://problem/5295734> Repro crash closing tab/window @ maps.google.com in WTF::HashSet<KJS::RuntimeObjectImp*, WTF::PtrHash<KJS::RuntimeObjectImp*>, WTF::HashTraits<KJS::RuntimeObjectImp*> >::add + 11
- JavaScriptCore.exp: Added needed export.
Reviewed by Oliver.
<rdar://problem/5295734> Repro crash closing tab/window @ maps.google.com in WTF::HashSet<KJS::RuntimeObjectImp*, WTF::PtrHash<KJS::RuntimeObjectImp*>, WTF::HashTraits<KJS::RuntimeObjectImp*> >::add + 11
Automated test case is not possible. Did not bother with manual test this time.
- bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: (WebCore::getRuntimeObject): Check that runtime root isn't null, as well as instance; this should cover the case where the plugin is already shut down and onunload time.
Jul 8, 2007:
- 11:29 PM Changeset in webkit [24105] by
- 5 edits1 add in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Sam.
- fixed <rdar://problem/5220706> REGRESSION (TOT): repro crash in -[WebView(WebViewInternal) _addObject:forIdentifier:] [14425] http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14425
- bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: (KJS::createWindow): No longer take an immediate argument - always do immediate loads on a newly created Window. Also, do a load of "" to make sure that the right info makes it to the app. (KJS::showModalDialog): Updated for above. (KJS::WindowFunc::callAsFunction): Updated for above.
- dom/Document.cpp: (WebCore::Document::shouldBeAllowedToLoadLocalResources): If our URL is about:blank, we're allowed if our opener is (since the opener must have written the contents).
- loader/FrameLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoader::changeLocation): Add a variant which takes a KURL, which it expects to be pre-completed. This is to avoid completing "" to the opener URL. (WebCore::FrameLoader::urlSelected): Allow loading empty URLs.
- loader/FrameLoader.h:
Test case is manual only, since it takes particular app behavior to reproduce:
- manual-tests/new-window-subresource-crash.html: Added.
- 3:43 PM Changeset in webkit [24104] by
- 2 edits in branches/wx-port-alpha/trunk/WebKit/wx/bindings/python
Expose WebView events to the Python bindings.
- 2:02 PM Changeset in webkit [24103] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2007-07-08 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Maciej.
- fix leaks introduced in r24099
- dom/Element.cpp: (WebCore::Element::~Element): Do not delete the cached computed style here. (WebCore::Element::detach): Delete the computed style here instead. (WebCore::Element::computedStyle): Removed a redundant ref() which was causing the leak. Changed to return 0 if the element is not attached, because in that case there is currently no way to tell when to delete the computed style.
- 12:36 PM Changeset in webkit [24102] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
2007-07-08 Mark Rowe <mrowe@apple.com>
Change name from WebKit/Qt to WebKit.
- CodeCoverage/regenerate-coverage-display:
- 11:55 AM Changeset in webkit [24101] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKit
- Misc/WebIconDatabase.mm: (-[WebIconDatabase init]): Removed the code to exclude the icon database from backups. We still want to do this, but in a way that only runs once ever, instead of once per launch, due to performance concerns.
- 11:47 AM Changeset in webkit [24100] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
Mark code coverage scripts as executable.
- 10:51 AM Changeset in webkit [24099] by
- 7 edits2 adds in trunk
Reviewed by Darin.
- test for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12384 getComputedStyle with td.style.display='none' reports for all properties except display
- fast/css/computed-style-without-renderer-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/css/computed-style-without-renderer.html: Added.
Reviewed by Darin.
- fix http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12384 getComputedStyle with td.style.display='none' reports for all properties except display
Test: fast/css/computed-style-without-renderer.html
Implement rich computed style for elements that do not have a renderer.
- css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: (WebCore::getPositionOffsetValue): Changed to take a RenderStyle instead of a RenderObject. (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::getPropertyCSSValue): Changed to use the computed style returned by the node instead of going through the renderer. Changed properties that compute by measuring the renderer to fall back on returning the length from the RenderStyle if a renderer does not exist. (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::length): Changed to return the number of properties we can compute even if the element has no renderer. (WebCore::CSSComputedStyleDeclaration::copyInheritableProperties): Changed to use the computed style returned by the node instead of going through the renderer.
- dom/Element.cpp: (WebCore::ElementRareData::ElementRareData): Added a computed style member, used to cache computed style for elements that do not have a renderer. (WebCore::ElementRareData::resetComputedStyle): Added. (WebCore::Element::~Element): Delete the cached computed style. (WebCore::Element::recalcStyle): Added code to delete the cached computed style when necessary. (WebCore::Element::computedStyle): Added. Returns the style used in rendering the element, if available. Otherwise uses the style selector to compute style for the element.
- dom/Element.h:
- dom/Node.cpp: (WebCore::Node::computedStyle): Added. This method returns either the style used in rendering the node, or the style that would be used if the node had a renderer.
- dom/Node.h:
- 10:40 AM Changeset in webkit [24098] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2007-07-08 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Darin.
- fix http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14544 Scroll wheel events are ignored when the cursor is over an iframe's border
- page/mac/EventHandlerMac.mm: (WebCore::EventHandler::passWheelEventToWidget): Changed to return false if the event coordinates are not inside the widget's NSView hierarchy.
- 8:37 AM Changeset in webkit [24097] by
- 10 edits4 adds in trunk
Reviewed by Mitz.
The inspector should not respond to Make Text Smaller/Bigger commands
Use the -webkit-text-size-adjust property to ignore text sizing
and do not take the zoom factor into account for line height when
-webkit-text-size-adjust is set to none.
- 4:49 AM Changeset in webkit [24096] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Maciej.
- fix <rdar://problem/5318994> Integer overflow in WebCore's Base64.cpp:base64Encode
- platform/Base64.cpp: (WebCore::base64Encode): Check against a maximum size. (WebCore::base64Decode): Ditto.
- 4:47 AM Changeset in webkit [24095] by
- 8 edits in trunk
Reviewed by Maciej.
- fix <rdar://problem/5124665> WebCore secondary-thread assertion should use linked-on-or-after check instead of building on Tiger check
- platform/ThreadCheck.h: Renamed _WebCoreThreadViolationCheck to reportThreadViolation since it's in the WebCore namespace and also we shouldn't use leading underscores since those are reserved for the compiler and standard library. Added a new function named setDefaultThreadViolationBehavior and an enum for the parameter. Removed the threadViolationIsException parameter from WebCoreReportThreadViolation since we use a global variable for it now. Got rid of the unnecessary use of do while (0) in the WebCoreThreadViolationCheck macro -- since it's only a single function call it's already a statement and doesn't need to be turned into one with the do while (0) trick.
- platform/mac/ThreadCheck.mm: (WebCore::readThreadViolationBehaviorFromUserDefaults): Moved the code to read from NSUserDefaults into this helper function. Changed it to use stringForKey instead of objectForKey so we don't get a "method not found" if someone puts something other than a string in there. Updated to use the new globals. (WebCore::setDefaultThreadViolationBehavior): Added. (WebCore::reportThreadViolation): Simplified, now that most of the work is in the readThreadViolationBehaviorFromUserDefaults function. (WebCoreReportThreadViolation): Changed to use a global variable instead of parameter to determine how to report a violation. Added LogOnFirstThreadViolation, which will log only once for each function that violates.
- WebCore.exp: Updated for above changes.
Reviewed by Maciej.
- fix <rdar://problem/5124665> WebCore secondary-thread assertion should use linked-on-or-after check instead of building on Tiger check
- WebView/WebFrameView.mm: (-[WebFrameView initWithFrame:]): In first-time initialization block, check for binaries linked against older versions of WebKit, and set the default thread violation behavior to LogOnFirstThreadViolation.
- WebView/WebView.mm: (+[WebView initialize]): Improved comments.
- 2:54 AM Changeset in webkit [24094] by
- 3 edits4 adds in trunk
2007-07-08 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Darin.
- fix http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14221 Repro crash (ASSERTION FAILED: oldText in RenderBlock::updateFirstLetter() during relayout of :before content with first-letter style)
Test: fast/css-generated-content/before-with-first-letter.html
- rendering/RenderContainer.cpp: (WebCore::RenderContainer::updateBeforeAfterContentForContainer): If a child of the existing 'before' container is not text, do not assume that it is an image, since it can also be an inline wrapping a first-letter. In that case, do not update its style (so in particular, keep it a FIRST_LETTER type style) and leave it to updateFirstLetter() to take care of.
2007-07-08 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Darin.
- test for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14221 Repro crash (ASSERTION FAILED: oldText in RenderBlock::updateFirstLetter() during relayout of :before content with first-letter style)
- fast/css-generated-content/before-with-first-letter-expected.checksum: Added.
- fast/css-generated-content/before-with-first-letter-expected.png: Added.
- fast/css-generated-content/before-with-first-letter-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/css-generated-content/before-with-first-letter.html: Added.
Jul 7, 2007:
- 6:40 PM Changeset in webkit [24093] by
- 4 edits in trunk
Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
- update results after removing extraneous calls to isSafeScript for readonly attributes.
- http/tests/security/cross-frame-access-expected.txt:
Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
Bailout early in Window::put() if attribute is readonly to avoid
extra calls to isSafeScript().
- bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: (KJS::Window::put):
- 2:35 PM Changeset in webkit [24092] by
- 4 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
- updated results (I changed the test at the last minute, but didn't regenerate results)
- fast/canvas/fill-stroke-clip-reset-path-expected.checksum: Updated.
- fast/canvas/fill-stroke-clip-reset-path-expected.png: Updated.
- fast/canvas/fill-stroke-clip-reset-path-expected.txt: Updated.
- 1:42 PM Changeset in webkit [24091] by
- 4 edits4 adds in trunk
- test for <rdar://problem/5292364> REGRESSION: ZX Spectrum 3.0 widget - graphic anomalies in widget window frame
- fast/canvas/fill-stroke-clip-reset-path-expected.checksum: Added.
- fast/canvas/fill-stroke-clip-reset-path-expected.png: Added.
- fast/canvas/fill-stroke-clip-reset-path-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/canvas/fill-stroke-clip-reset-path.html: Added.
Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
- fix <rdar://problem/5292364> REGRESSION: ZX Spectrum 3.0 widget - graphic anomalies in widget window frame
Updated Dashboard quirk so it affects fill, stroke, and clip, rather than just stroke.
Test: fast/canvas/fill-stroke-clip-reset-path.html
- html/CanvasRenderingContext2D.h: Added clearPathForDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode.
- html/CanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp: (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::clearPathForDashboardBackwardCompatibilityMode): Added. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::fill): Call the new function. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::stroke): Replaced in-line code with a call to the new function. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::clip): Call the new function.
- 1:14 PM Changeset in webkit [24090] by
- 4 edits4 adds in trunk
Reviewed by Darin.
Testcase for:
Canvas doesn't reset on resize
- fast/canvas/canvas-resize-reset-expected.checksum: Added.
- fast/canvas/canvas-resize-reset-expected.png: Added.
- fast/canvas/canvas-resize-reset-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/canvas/canvas-resize-reset.html: Added.
Reviewed and tweaked by Darin.
Canvas doesn't reset on resize
Also reset the rendering context when resetting the canvas.
- html/HTMLCanvasElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::reset): (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::drawingContext):
- 3:11 AM Changeset in webkit [24089] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Fixed a mismatch between test output and expected results (a typo that was only fixed in the former).
- fast/loader/early-load-cancel-expected.txt:
- 3:00 AM Changeset in webkit [24088] by
- 7 edits5 adds in trunk
Reviewed by Maciej.
Support exslt:node-set()
Test: fast/xsl/exslt-node-set.xml
- xml/XSLTExtensions.cpp: Added. (WebCore::exsltNodeSetFunction): A copy of exslt:node-set() implementation from libexslt 1.1.11 (shipped with Tiger). (WebCore::registerXSLTExtensions): This function registers any WebCore-provided extensions on a context. Currently, the only extension is exslt:node-set().
- xml/XSLTExtensions.h: Added.
- xml/XSLTProcessor.cpp: (WebCore::XSLTProcessor::transformToString): Register extensions when creating a context.
- WebCore.pro:
- WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj:
- WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- WebCoreSources.bkl: Add XSLTExtensions.{h,cpp} to projects.
Jul 6, 2007:
- 11:29 PM Changeset in webkit [24087] by
- 3 edits3 adds in trunk
Reviewed by Oliver.
- test case for <rdar://problem/5133420> ASSERT in WebDocumentLoaderMac::decreaseLoadCount() un-discarding Gmail message
- fast/loader/early-load-cancel-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/loader/early-load-cancel.html: Added.
- fast/loader/resources/early-load-cancel-inner.html: Added.
Reviewed by Oliver.
- fixed <rdar://problem/5133420> ASSERT in WebDocumentLoaderMac::decreaseLoadCount() un-discarding Gmail message
test case: fast/loader/early-load-cancel.html
- loader/ResourceLoader.cpp: (WebCore::ResourceLoader::didCancel): Don't send cancel-related client callbacks if we never even sent willSendRequest because we were deferred.
- 9:28 PM Changeset in webkit [24086] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
2007-07-07 Mark Rowe <mrowe@apple.com>
Reviewed by Oliver.
- DumpRenderTree/DumpRenderTree.m: (convertWebResourceResponseToDictionary): Fix leak of two NSMutableString's introduced in r24076.
- 9:01 PM Changeset in webkit [24085] by
- 13 edits in trunk
Reviewed by Maciej.
Pulled a number of methods from WebKit and WebCoreFrameBridge into
C++ objects.
- WebCore.exp:
- WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- editing/Editor.cpp: (WebCore::Editor::replaceMarkedText):
From -[WebCoreFrameBridge replaceMarkedTextWithText:]
- editing/Editor.h:
- page/Frame.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::setMarkedTextRange):
Pulled platform independent logic from Mac specific implementation
Converted from -[WebHTMLView _selectRangeInMarkedText:]
- page/Frame.h:
- page/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::Frame::setMarkedTextRange):
Now only does Mac specific logic when manipulating initial
- page/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h:
- page/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm:
Removed -[WebCoreFrameBridge replaceMarkedTextWithText:]
Reviewed by Maciej.
<rdar://problem/5318756> Need to refactor IM/Marked text code to share logic with windows.
Moved a number of methods from WebHTMLView into WebCore.
Replaced bridge methods with calls directly into WebCore objects.
- WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- WebView/WebHTMLView.mm: (-[WebHTMLView setMarkedText:selectedRange:]): Now calls WebCore object methods directly, rather than calling via the bridge.
- 7:37 PM Changeset in webkit [24084] by
- 7 edits4 adds in trunk
2007-07-06 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Darin.
- fix http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14545 REGRESSION (r21854-r21869): Repro crash in RenderBlock::updateFirstLetter @ nola.com/rose/
Test: fast/css/first-letter-capitalized.html
- rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::updateFirstLetter): Moved the call to setFirstLetter further down so that the first letter is not destroyed if a text transform is applied to the remaining text fragment when it is add to the render tree.
- rendering/RenderText.cpp: (WebCore::RenderText::previousCharacter): Factored out of setTextInternal. (WebCore::RenderText::setTextInternal): Changed to call previousCharacter().
- rendering/RenderText.h:
- rendering/RenderTextFragment.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextFragment::previousCharacter): Override to return the character in the original string before the start of the fragment.
- rendering/RenderTextFragment.h:
2007-07-06 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Darin.
- test for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14545 REGRESSION (r21854-r21869): Repro crash in RenderBlock::updateFirstLetter @ nola.com/rose/
- fast/css/first-letter-capitalized-expected.checksum: Added.
- fast/css/first-letter-capitalized-expected.png: Added.
- fast/css/first-letter-capitalized-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/css/first-letter-capitalized.html: Added.
- 7:35 PM Changeset in webkit [24083] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2007-07-06 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Beth.
- fix http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14536 Unnecessary layout done when mousing down in text field
No test possible because there is no change in functionality.
- rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextControl::setStyle): Reset the height and the width in the old style to avoid getting a layout hint as a result of having mutated the old style during layout. (WebCore::RenderTextControl::layout): Update children's layout if an inner block's dimensions should change. This need for layout was previously masked by the bug.
- 6:02 PM Changeset in webkit [24082] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
- mac/leopard/Skipped: Updated bug numbers for some bugs that were duplicates.
- 5:27 PM Changeset in webkit [24081] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Fix builds that use IconDatabaseNone.cpp - better, this time
- loader/icon/IconDatabaseNone.cpp: (WebCore::IconDatabase::isOpen):
- 5:20 PM Changeset in webkit [24080] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Fix builds that use IconDatabaseNone.cpp
- loader/icon/IconDatabaseNone.cpp: (WebCore::IconDatabase::databasePath):
- 4:48 PM Changeset in webkit [24079] by
- 3 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Reviewed by Adam.
<rdar://problem/5313506> Some attributed string layout tests have an extra space character on Leopard
Leopard serializes empty attribute dictionaries as "{ }", turn these into "{}" to match Tiger.
- fast/text/attributed-substring-from-range-001.html:
- mac/leopard/Skipped: Don't skip this test anymore.
- 4:44 PM Changeset in webkit [24078] by
- 1 edit in trunk/WebKitTools/ChangeLog
Fix typo.
- 4:43 PM Changeset in webkit [24077] by
- 8 edits in trunk
Reviewed by Brady
- WebCore part of fix for: <rdar://problem/5310739> Time Machine shouldn't back up WebKit's icon database files
- loader/icon/IconDatabase.h:
- loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp: (WebCore::IconDatabase::isOpen): made this method const (necessary to make IconDatabase::databasePath const) (WebCore::IconDatabase::databasePath): new method, returns SQLDatabase's path if open, otherwise empty string
- loader/icon/SQLDatabase.cpp: (WebCore::SQLDatabase::open): don't append a null character to the m_path ivar. The appended null character was making the path() method return a String with a trailing null, which is bad. However, there were no callers to the path() method until now. Instead of appending a null character to the ivar, use charactersWithNullTermination() instead of characters() when opening the database.
- loader/icon/SQLDatabase.h: (WebCore::SQLDatabase::isOpen): made this method const (necessary to make IconDatabase::databasePath const) (WebCore::SQLDatabase::path): made this method const (not required for these changes, but seemed worth doing at the same time)
- WebCore.exp: added symbol for IconDatabase::databasePath
Reviewed by Brady
- WebKit part of fix for: <rdar://problem/5310739> Time Machine shouldn't back up WebKit's icon database files
- Misc/WebIconDatabase.mm: (-[WebIconDatabase init]): Use CSBackupSetItemExcluded to tell Time Machine not to back up the icon database file
- 4:40 PM Changeset in webkit [24076] by
- 15 edits in trunk
Reviewed by David Kilzer.
Many webarchive tests fail due to different NSURLResponse serialization on Leopard
- mac/leopard/Skipped:
- webarchive/archive-with-unencoded-url-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-body-background-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-duplicate-resources-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-frameset-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-img-src-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-input-src-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-link-href-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-object-data-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-script-src-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-table-background-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-td-background-expected.txt:
Reviewed by David Kilzer.
Many webarchive tests fail due to different NSURLResponse serialization on Leopard
Don't dump the serialized form of NSURLResponse. Instead, create a dictionary with the
response's attributes. Also change the JavaScript MIME type to be "text/javascript".
- DumpRenderTree/DumpRenderTree.m: (convertMIMEType): (convertWebResourceDataToString): (convertWebResourceResponseToDictionary): (serializeWebArchiveToXML):
- 4:22 PM Changeset in webkit [24075] by
- 5 edits in trunk
Reviewed by Oliver.
<rdar://problem/5313506> Some attributed string layout tests have an extra space character on Leopard
Don't dump the attributed string's description, this isn't helpfull for the test. Just log
the attribute names at index 0, which we expect to be nothing, to make sure the string
has no attributes.
- fast/forms/attributed-strings-expected.txt:
- fast/forms/attributed-strings.html:
Reviewed by Oliver.
Initlize the NSMutableAttributedString directly instead of creating
a NSAttributedString first.
- DumpRenderTree/TextInputController.m: (-[TextInputController attributedStringWithString:]):
- 3:44 PM Changeset in webkit [24074] by
- 1 edit in trunk/WebCore/WebCore.pro
missed in previous checkin
- 3:36 PM Changeset in webkit [24073] by
- 2 edits1 add in trunk/WebCore
Move locatizations into another file.
- 2:54 PM Changeset in webkit [24072] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Anders Carlsson.
A little more FrameLoader cleanup while working on <rdar://problem/5126396>.
Moved url() and URL() methods next to each other to highlight their subtlety.
- loader/FrameLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoader::url):
- loader/FrameLoader.h:
- 2:37 PM Changeset in webkit [24071] by
- 16 edits in trunk
Reviewed by David Kilzer.
Update tests.
- webarchive/archive-empty-frame-dom-expected.txt:
- webarchive/archive-empty-frame-source-expected.txt:
- webarchive/archive-with-unencoded-url-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-body-background-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-duplicate-resources-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-frameset-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-img-src-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-input-src-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-link-href-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-object-data-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-script-src-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-table-background-expected.txt:
- webarchive/test-td-background-expected.txt:
Reviewed by David Kilzer.
Replace "Apple Computer" with "Apple" in the DTD declaration.
- DumpRenderTree/DumpRenderTree.m: (serializeWebArchiveToXML):
- 2:30 PM Changeset in webkit [24070] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Anders Carlsson.
A little FrameLoader cleanup while working on <rdar://problem/5126396>.
Renamed endIfNotLoading() to endIfNotLoadingMainResource() because "loading"
and "loadingMainResource" have distinct meanings and this function
honors the latter.
(WebCore::FrameLoader::endIfNotLoadingMainResource): Protect after the
early return to avoid ref count churn.
- loader/FrameLoader.h: (WebCore::FrameLoader::isLoadingMainResource): Inlined this function.
- 2:06 PM Changeset in webkit [24069] by
- 15 edits in trunk
Patch from Adam Treat to convert QWebFrame to a QFrame from a QAbstractScrollArea.
- 1:52 PM Changeset in webkit [24068] by
- 3 edits2 adds in trunk
Reviewed by Mitz.
REGRESSION: Can't access nested embed by document.name if object is not immediate parent
- plugins/embed-inside-object-expected.txt: Added.
- plugins/embed-inside-object.html: Added.
Reviewed by Mitz.
REGRESSION: Can't access nested embed by document.name if object is not immediate parent
Traverse up the tree looking for an object element.
- html/HTMLEmbedElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLEmbedElement::getInstance):
- 1:29 PM Changeset in webkit [24067] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Add another Leopard failure
- mac/leopard/Skipped:
- 11:11 AM Changeset in webkit [24066] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Add another crasher to the Skipped file
Also moved a test that had a bug filed about it out of the section of
unfiled failures.
- win/Skipped:
- 11:00 AM Changeset in webkit [24065] by
- 4 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Reviewed by Alexey.
<rdar://problem/5313518> fast/events/iframe-object-onload.html shows events out of order on Leopard
Fix test so that it doesn't matter in what order the frames/objects are loaded. This is done by keeping
the load logs in an array and sort it before dumping it.
- fast/events/iframe-object-onload-expected.txt:
- fast/events/iframe-object-onload.html:
- mac/leopard/Skipped:
- 10:28 AM Changeset in webkit [24064] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Don't clobber variables that are already set, resulting in a broken build.
- 10:08 AM Changeset in webkit [24063] by
- 6 edits4 deletes in trunk/LayoutTests
Reviewed by Alexey.
<rdar://problem/5313512> fast/frames/frame-set-same-{location,src}.html sometimes hang on Leopard
Make these tests more robust against frames loading in a different order. Also, turn the tests
into text tests and remove them from the Leopard skipped list.
- fast/frames/frame-set-same-location-expected.checksum: Removed.
- fast/frames/frame-set-same-location-expected.png: Removed.
- fast/frames/frame-set-same-location-expected.txt:
- fast/frames/frame-set-same-location.html:
- fast/frames/frame-set-same-src-expected.checksum: Removed.
- fast/frames/frame-set-same-src-expected.png: Removed.
- fast/frames/frame-set-same-src-expected.txt:
- fast/frames/frame-set-same-src.html:
- mac/leopard/Skipped:
- 9:54 AM Changeset in webkit [24062] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
Add --qmakearg=foo to make it possible to configure the build without editing
the .pro files each time.
- 7:56 AM Changeset in webkit [24061] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKit
2007-07-07 Mark Rowe <mrowe@apple.com>
Build fix. Update WebDynamicScrollBarsView.h to include methods added and used in r24060.
- WebView/WebDynamicScrollBarsView.h:
- 7:40 AM Changeset in webkit [24060] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebKit
Reviewed by John.
<rdar://problem/5236277> REGRESSION-9A458: SPI for setting scroll bar behavior doesn't work
Calling setHorizontalScrollingMode: calls updateScrollers before returning, this will cause
WebCore to reset the scrolling mode based on the CSS overflow rules. So the setAlwaysShowHorizontalScroller:
and setAlwaysShowVerticalScroller: methods needed a way to lock the scrolling mode before
calling updateScrollers.
- WebView/WebDynamicScrollBarsView.m: (-[WebDynamicScrollBarsView updateScrollers]): (-[WebDynamicScrollBarsView setHorizontalScrollingMode:]): (-[WebDynamicScrollBarsView setHorizontalScrollingMode:andLock:]): (-[WebDynamicScrollBarsView setVerticalScrollingMode:]): (-[WebDynamicScrollBarsView setVerticalScrollingMode:andLock:]): (-[WebDynamicScrollBarsView setScrollingMode:]): (-[WebDynamicScrollBarsView setScrollingMode:andLock:]):
- WebView/WebView.mm: (-[WebView setAlwaysShowVerticalScroller:]): (-[WebView setAlwaysShowHorizontalScroller:]):
- 5:09 AM Changeset in webkit [24059] by
- 12 edits in trunk
Reviewed by Antti.
- <rdar://problem/5311093> JavaScriptCore fails to build with strict-aliasing warnings
- Configurations/Base.xcconfig: Re-enable -Wstrict-aliasing
- bindings/jni/jni_utility.cpp: (KJS::Bindings::getJNIEnv): Type-pun via a union instead of a pointer cast.
- wtf/HashMap.h: (WTF::): Instead of doing type-punned assignments via pointer cast, do one of three things: (1) assign directly w/o cast if storage type matches real type; (2) assign using cast via union if type does not need reffing; (3) copy with memcpy and ref/deref manually if type needs reffing. This is ok peref-wise because memcpy of a constant length gets optomized. HashTraits are now expected to make ref()/deref() take the storage type, not the true type.
- wtf/HashSet.h: (WTF::): Same basic idea.
- wtf/HashTable.h: (WTF::): Added Assigner template for use by HashMap/HashSet. Change RefCounter to call ref() and deref() via storage type, avoiding the need to type-pun. (WTF::RefCounter::ref): ditto (WTF::RefCounter::deref): ditto
- wtf/HashTraits.h: (WTF::): Change ref() and deref() for RefPtr HashTraits to take the storage type; cast via union to pointer type.
- wtf/FastMalloc.cpp: (WTF::TCMalloc_PageHeap::init): Changed from constructor to init function so this can go in a union. (WTF::): redefine pageheap macro in terms of getPageHeap(). (WTF::getPageHeap): new inline function, helper for pageheap macro. This hides the cast in a union. (WTF::TCMalloc_ThreadCache::InitModule): Call init() instead of using placement new to initialize page heap.
- wtf/TCPageMap.h: (TCMalloc_PageMap1::init): Changed from constructor to init function. (TCMalloc_PageMap2::init): ditto (TCMalloc_PageMap3::init): ditto
Reviewed by Antti.
- <rdar://problem/5311093> JavaScriptCore fails to build with strict-aliasing warnings
- platform/StringHash.h: (WTF::): Adapt to newer way to do storage types.
- 4:42 AM Changeset in webkit [24058] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2007-07-06 Bernhard Rosenkraenzer <bero@arklinux.org>
Reviewed by Sam.
Fix for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13985
Bug 13985: WebCore/rendering/RenderTable.cpp fails to compile with gcc 4.2.x
- rendering/RenderTable.cpp: (WebKit::RenderTable::calcBorderLeft) (WebKit::RenderTable::calcBorderRight)
- 3:31 AM Changeset in webkit [24057] by
- 2 edits3 adds in trunk/WebCore
2007-07-06 Maxime Britto <mbritto@pleyo.com>
Reviewed by Maciej.
Fix http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13038
Bug 13038: ASSERTION FAILED: item->target().isEmpty() m_mainFrame->tree()->find(item->target()) == m_mainFrame Modify an ASSERT in goToItem related to going back/forward in history. We don't need to check the frameset if the target is _blank.
The attached test case is a manual one since it relies on having pages opened in tabs in Safari.
- manual-tests/goBack-blank-tab-page.html: Added.
- manual-tests/resources/before-go-back.html: Added.
- manual-tests/resources/will-go-back.html: Added.
- page/Page.cpp: (WebCore::Page::goToItem):
- 3:21 AM Changeset in webkit [24056] by
- 5 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
2007-07-06 Mark Rowe <mrowe@apple.com>
Unreviewed. Update test results.
- fast/encoding/utf-32-big-endian-bom-expected.txt:
- fast/encoding/utf-32-big-endian-nobom-expected.txt:
- fast/encoding/utf-32-little-endian-bom-expected.txt:
- fast/encoding/utf-32-little-endian-nobom-expected.txt:
- 3:06 AM Changeset in webkit [24055] by
- 4 edits2 adds in trunk
2007-07-06 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Maciej.
- fix http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14400 Assertion failure (SHOULD NEVER BE REACHED) going back on YouTube
Test: fast/forms/button-state-restore.html
- dom/Document.h: (WebCore::Document::isFormElementRegistered): Added.
- html/HTMLGenericFormElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLGenericFormElement::closeRenderer): Restore saved form element state only if the element is registered with the document to have its state saved.
2007-07-06 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Maciej.
- test for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14400 Assertion failure (SHOULD NEVER BE REACHED) going back on YouTube
- fast/forms/button-state-restore-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/forms/button-state-restore.html: Added.
- 3:05 AM Changeset in webkit [24054] by
- 3 edits4 adds in trunk
2007-07-06 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Maciej.
- fix http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14487 Incomplete repaint of background and border of boxes with -webkit-border-fit:lines
Test: fast/repaint/border-fit-lines.html
- rendering/RenderObject.cpp: (WebCore::RenderObject::repaintAfterLayoutIfNeeded): Do a full repaint if -webkit-border-fit:lines was specified.
2007-07-06 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Maciej.
- repaint test for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14487 Incomplete repaint of background and border of boxes with -webkit-border-fit:lines
- fast/repaint/border-fit-lines-expected.checksum: Added.
- fast/repaint/border-fit-lines-expected.png: Added.
- fast/repaint/border-fit-lines-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/repaint/border-fit-lines.html: Added.
- 3:03 AM Changeset in webkit [24053] by
- 3 edits3 adds in trunk
2007-07-06 Tony Chang <idealisms@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Maciej.
Bug 14516: crash loading multipart/x-mixed-replace data on windows safari
NULL check m_resourceData to prevent a crash in Safari on Windows.
- loader/ResourceLoader.cpp: (WebCore::ResourceLoader::clearResourceData):
2007-07-06 Tony Chang <idealisms@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Maciej.
Bug 14516: crash loading multipart/x-mixed-replace data on windows safari
- http/tests/multipart/resources/multipart-nodashes.php: Added.
- http/tests/multipart/win-boundary-crash-expected.txt: Added.
- http/tests/multipart/win-boundary-crash.html: Added.
- 3:00 AM Changeset in webkit [24052] by
- 7 edits8 adds in trunk
2007-07-06 Jungshik Shin <jungshik.shin@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Alexey.
- Add UTF-32 encoding support http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13415
- fast/encoding/utf-32-big-endian-bom.html
- fast/encoding/utf-32-big-endian-nobom.xml
- fast/encoding/utf-32-little-endian-bom.html
- fast/encoding/utf-32-little-endian-nobom.xml
- loader/TextResourceDecoder.cpp: (WebCore::TextResourceDecoder::checkForBOM): (WebCore::TextResourceDecoder::checkForHeadCharset):
- platform/TextDecoder.cpp: (WebCore::TextDecoder::checkForBOM):
- platform/TextDecoder.h:
- platform/TextEncoding.cpp: (WebCore::UTF32BigEndianEncoding): (WebCore::UTF32LittleEndianEncoding):
- platform/TextEncoding.h:
2007-07-06 Jungshik Shin <jungshik.shin@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Alexey.
- fast/encoding/utf-32-big-endian-bom-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/encoding/utf-32-big-endian-bom.html: Added.
- fast/encoding/utf-32-big-endian-nobom-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/encoding/utf-32-big-endian-nobom.xml: Added.
- fast/encoding/utf-32-little-endian-bom-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/encoding/utf-32-little-endian-bom.html: Added.
- fast/encoding/utf-32-little-endian-nobom-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/encoding/utf-32-little-endian-nobom.xml: Added.
- 2:56 AM Changeset in webkit [24051] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebCore
2007-07-06 Holger Hans Peter Freyther <zecke@selfish.org>
Reviewed by Maciej.
Start implementening RenderThemeGdk/Gtk using GtkStyle. The approach is
to allocate one native control for each widget type. And use margins, spacing,
style properties from the Widget. And for drawing use GtkStyle on the rect supplied.
This should allow nice integration and be relative resource friendly. Mozilla is using
a similiar approach. They seem to share the GdkPixmap among several operations and this
will be an obvious candidate for improvements. Create a normally big enough GdkPixmap and
use that for drawing and then set clip regions for cairo to make sure to not go beyond the
width and height.
The next steps will be to introduce states for the widgets, add more widgets, handle focus,
and various other style attributes, honor the size and margin and use that to propagate this
back to RenderStyle*.
- platform/gdk/RenderThemeGdk.cpp: (WebCore::RenderThemeGdk::RenderThemeGdk): (WebCore::RenderThemeGdk::setCheckboxSize): (WebCore::RenderThemeGdk::paintCheckbox): (WebCore::RenderThemeGdk::setRadioSize): (WebCore::RenderThemeGdk::paintRadio): (WebCore::RenderThemeGdk::paintButton): (WebCore::RenderThemeGdk::copyToContext): (WebCore::RenderThemeGdk::gtkButton): (WebCore::RenderThemeGdk::gtkCheckbox): (WebCore::RenderThemeGdk::gtkRadioButton): (WebCore::RenderThemeGdk::gtkWindowContainer):
- platform/gdk/RenderThemeGdk.h:
- 2:52 AM Changeset in webkit [24050] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKit
2007-07-06 Mitz Pettel <mitz@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Maciej.
- fix http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10267 Can't scroll page downwards with scroll wheel, when pointer is on top of non-scrolling iframe
- WebView/WebDynamicScrollBarsView.m: (-[WebDynamicScrollBarsView scrollWheel:]): Override the superclass implementation to forward the wheel event to the next responder if this view does not allow scrolling in the event's direction.
- 2:11 AM Changeset in webkit [24049] by
- 1 edit in trunk/WebCore/html/CanvasGradient.cpp
Fix build.
- 2:00 AM Changeset in webkit [24048] by
- 3 edits4 adds in trunk
Reviewed by Adam.
Adding a stop with value 1.0 to a gradient that has already been used has no effect
Implement start and end stop handling differently so they are not
in the color stop array.
- 1:44 AM Changeset in webkit [24047] by
- 7 edits in trunk
Fix <rdar://problem/5301994> Garbled text still showing on some sites
Fix <rdar://problem/5301994> Garbled text still showing on some sites
Replace calls to GetGlyphIndices with wkGetGlyphs.
Reviewed by Alice.
- platform/win/GlyphPageTreeNodeWin.cpp: (WebCore::GlyphPage::fill): Use wkGetGlyphs.
- platform/win/FontDataWin.cpp: (WebCore::FontData::containsCharacters):
Update WebKitSystemInterface.{h,lib} for <rdar://problem/5301994>
Reviewed by Alice.
- win/include/WebKitSystemInterface/WebKitSystemInterface.h:
- win/lib/WebKitSystemInterface.lib:
- win/lib/WebKitSystemInterface_debug.lib:
- 12:41 AM Changeset in webkit [24046] by
- 1 edit in trunk/WebKitSite/ChangeLog
Forgot ChangeLog description
- 12:37 AM Changeset in webkit [24045] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitSite
Reviewed by Adam Roben.
- building/build.html:
- 12:01 AM Changeset in webkit [24044] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Not reviewed - Windows build fix.
- bridge/win/FrameWin.cpp: (WebCore::imageFromSelection):
Jul 5, 2007:
- 11:14 PM Changeset in webkit [24043] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
Add optional --qmake= and --qt arguments to force Qt builds and force with a
specific qmake binary
- 10:12 PM Changeset in webkit [24042] by
- 5 edits in trunk
- 8:49 PM Changeset in webkit [24041] by
- 18 edits in trunk
Reviewed by Adam
- WebCore part of fix for <rdar://problem/5315033>
- rendering/RenderObject.h: replaced PaintRestrictionSelectionOnlyWhiteText with PaintRestrictionSelectionOnlyBlackText (WebCore::RenderObject::PaintInfo::PaintInfo): replaced forceWhiteText with forceBlackText
- rendering/RenderObject.cpp: (WebCore::RenderObject::addLineBoxRects): added a useSelectionHeight parameter, which defaults to false; this method is unimplemented at this level so this has no effect.
- rendering/RenderText.h:
- rendering/RenderText.cpp: (WebCore::RenderText::addLineBoxRects): added a useSelectionHeight parameter, which defaults to false. If true, use the vertical position and height returned by selectionRect rather than replacing it with the more tight-fitting position and height of the line box.
- dom/Range.h:
- dom/Range.cpp: (WebCore::Range::addLineBoxRects): added a useSelectionHeight parameter, which defaults to false. Passes this along to RenderObject.
- page/Frame.h: renamed parameter to selectionImage
- page/Frame.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::selectionTextRects): pass true for addLineBoxRects new useSelectionHeight parameter, so the rects returned by this new method will match the height that the selection would be painted here (WebCore::Frame::paint): updated for white->black name changes
- page/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::Frame::selectionImage): updated for white->black name changes
- rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp: (WebCore::InlineFlowBox::paintTextDecorations): updated for white->black name changes
- rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: (WebCore::RenderLayer::paintLayer): updated for white->black name changes
- rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint): updated for white->black name changes, and actually use black instead of white. This was the goal of all the name changes.
Reviewed by Adam
- WebKit part of fix for <rdar://problem/5315033>
- WebView/WebDocumentPrivate.h: new selectionImageForcingBlackText: method. selectionImageForcingWhiteText: is no longer used and was never in an official release of WebKit, so it could be removed, except that doing so would cause trouble for people using nightly WebKit with Safari 3.0 beta. So I left it in, but made it just force black text instead of white text, which will look different for those nightly WebKit/Safari 3.0 beta people but not break anything.
- Misc/WebSearchableTextView.m: (-[WebSearchableTextView selectionImageForcingBlackText:]): new unimplemented protocol method for this obsolete class
- WebView/WebHTMLView.mm: (-[WebHTMLView selectionImageForcingBlackText:]): calls through to WebCore the way selectionImageForcingWhiteText: used to (-[WebHTMLView selectionImageForcingWhiteText:]): now just calls selectionImageForcingBlackText:, thus not working as you would expect from the name
- WebView/WebPDFView.mm: (-[WebPDFView selectionImageForcingBlackText:]): guts of old selectionImageForcingWhiteText:, but with black substituted for white (-[WebPDFView selectionImageForcingWhiteText:]): now just calls selectionImageForcingBlackText:, thus not working as you would expect from the name
- 8:33 PM Changeset in webkit [24040] by
- 1 edit in trunk/LayoutTests/win/Skipped
Forgot the file extension
- 8:31 PM Changeset in webkit [24039] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Updated the Windows Skipped file
- win/Skipped:
- 7:28 PM Changeset in webkit [24038] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Oliver.
Fix layout test failures.
- loader/FrameLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoader::commitProvisionalLoad): Don't make a representation if we're creating the initial document.
- 6:58 PM Changeset in webkit [24037] by
- 4 edits4 adds4 deletes in trunk
Fix Bug 14388: Input in text fields limited to 1024 characters
2007-07-05 Alp Toker <alp.toker@collabora.co.uk>
Fix Bug 14388: Input in text fields limited to 1024 characters
Slightly modified by Adam Roben.
Reviewed by Adele.
Test: fast/forms/input-length.html
- html/HTMLInputElement.cpp: Bump limit to 524288. (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::init): (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::parseMappedAttribute):
- html/HTMLInputElement.h:
Added two tests for Bug 14388: Input in text fields limited to 1024 characters
fast/forms/input-maxlength-2.html is obsoleted by
Reviewed by Adele.
- fast/forms/input-implicit-length-limit-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/forms/input-implicit-length-limit.html: Added.
- fast/forms/input-maxlength-2-expected.checksum: Removed.
- fast/forms/input-maxlength-2-expected.png: Removed.
- fast/forms/input-maxlength-2-expected.txt: Removed.
- fast/forms/input-maxlength-2.html: Removed.
- fast/forms/input-maxlength-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/forms/input-maxlength.html: Added.
- 6:58 PM Changeset in webkit [24036] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Add another hanging test to the Leopard Skipped file
Rubberstamped by Adele.
- mac/leopard/Skipped:
- 6:14 PM Changeset in webkit [24035] by
- 1 edit in branches/wx-port-alpha/trunk/WebCore/platform/wx/RenderThemeWx.cpp
Selected text under MSW should be white too.
- 6:02 PM Changeset in webkit [24034] by
- 1 edit in trunk/LayoutTests/fast/frames/iframe-double-attach-expected.txt
Updating expected results for r24027.
- 5:56 PM Changeset in webkit [24033] by
- 3 edits in branches/wx-port-alpha/trunk/WebKit/wx
Get RunScript working and add a way to test it in the demo.
- 5:40 PM Changeset in webkit [24032] by
- 1 edit in branches/wx-port-alpha/trunk/WebKit/wx/bindings/python/webview.i
Add checks to ensure that you won't get a crash when trying to create a wxWebView or wxWebFrame without a running wx app instance.
- 5:34 PM Changeset in webkit [24031] by
- 1 edit in branches/wx-port-alpha/trunk/WebCore/platform/graphics/wx/ColorWx.cpp
Fix wxColor->Color conversion.
- 4:12 PM Changeset in webkit [24030] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Build fix.
- loader/FrameLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoader::init):
- 4:04 PM Changeset in webkit [24029] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Forgot to add this file for the test for <rdar://problem/5303566> REGRESSION:
XMLHttpRequest.responseXML. Darin added a dummy file before -- here's the
real one.
- fast/loader/resources/plist.app:
- 3:56 PM Changeset in webkit [24028] by
- 8 edits in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Geoff.
Add focus, blur and close functions to DOMWindow implementation class
and move bindings from Window to JSDOMWindow.
- bindings/js/JSDOMWindowCustom.cpp: (WebCore::JSDOMWindow::customGetOwnPropertySlot):
- bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: (KJS::Window::getOwnPropertySlot): (KJS::WindowFunc::callAsFunction):
- bindings/js/kjs_window.h: (KJS::Window::):
- bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: Move prototype function declaration from the implementation to the header.
- page/DOMWindow.cpp: (WebCore::DOMWindow::focus): (WebCore::DOMWindow::blur): (WebCore::DOMWindow::close):
- page/DOMWindow.h:
- page/DOMWindow.idl:
- 3:52 PM Changeset in webkit [24027] by
- 5 edits4 adds in trunk
Reviewed by Harrison.
<rdar://problem/5279521> REGRESSION: In Mail, a crash occurs at WebCore::Range::startPosition() when attempting to apply alignment to selected image/text in message body
Demonstrates bug:
- editing/style/5279521-expected.checksum: Added.
- editing/style/5279521-expected.png: Added.
- editing/style/5279521-expected.txt: Added.
- editing/style/5279521.html: Added.
- fast/forms/radio-check-click-and-drag-expected.txt:
- fast/forms/textarea-type-spaces-expected.txt:
Reviewed by Harrison.
<rdar://problem/5279521> REGRESSION: In Mail, a crash occurs at WebCore::Range::startPosition() when attempting to apply alignment to selected image/text in message body
- editing/TextIterator.cpp: (WebCore::TextIterator::exitNode): Previously emitted content shouldn't have to come from a text node in order to emit a '\n' as we exit block containers.
- 3:50 PM Changeset in webkit [24026] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Geoff.
<rdar://problem/5315284> REGRESSION: Leopard Launch Time - plugins are being accessed at startup.
Set a response that has a MIME type of "text/html" on the document loader so WebKit won't refresh the
plugin database looking for a plug-in that can handle the document's MIME type (which will be null anyway).
- loader/FrameLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FrameLoader::init):
- 3:34 PM Changeset in webkit [24025] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Oliver.
WebKit loads user style sheets too late as seen in Mail (breaks DataDetectors; Mail flashes wrong font)
Let the document know when the user style sheet is loading so that it try not to display anything
until the user style sheet has finished loading.
- page/Frame.cpp: (WebCore::UserStyleSheetLoader::UserStyleSheetLoader): (WebCore::UserStyleSheetLoader::~UserStyleSheetLoader): (WebCore::UserStyleSheetLoader::setCSSStyleSheet): (WebCore::Frame::setUserStyleSheetLocation):
- 2:02 PM Changeset in webkit [24024] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKit/win
Fix a leak in WebView::setToolTip
Reviewed by Beth.
- WebView.cpp:
- 1:43 PM Changeset in webkit [24023] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKit
Reviewed by John.
<rdar://problem/5314993> Shiira 2.1 throws an exception open a new window: -window: unrecognized selector
Add an empty implementation of this method to prevent Shiira from throwing an exception.
Also log that this method is obsolete and the class will be removed.
- WebInspector/WebInspector.mm: (-window):
- 1:16 PM Changeset in webkit [24022] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebKit/win
Fix Bug 14143: Tooltips not displayed on Windows
Reviewed by Oliver.
- WebChromeClient.cpp:
(WebChromeClient::setToolTip): Call up to WebView.
- WebView.cpp:
(WebView::WebView): Initialize m_toolTipHwnd member.
(WebView::initWithFrame): Set up the tool tip window.
(initCommonControls): Added.
(WebView::initializeToolTipWindow): Added.
(WebView::setToolTip): Set the tool tip text and enable/disable the
tool tip.
- WebView.h: Added/updated declarations.
- 1:11 PM Applications using WebKit edited by
- Update MarsEdit info with info and link pertinent to Red Sweater … (diff)
- 11:09 AM Changeset in webkit [24021] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Darin.
Move JSDOMWindow overriding getOwnPropertySlot logic from KJS::Window
up into JSDOMWindow. No change in functionality so no testcase required.
- bindings/js/JSDOMWindowCustom.cpp: (WebCore::JSDOMWindow::customGetOwnPropertySlot):
- bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: (KJS::Window::getOwnPropertySlot):
- bindings/js/kjs_window.h:
- 10:51 AM Changeset in webkit [24020] by
- 3 edits1 copy2 adds in trunk/LayoutTests
- tweaked IDN test and checked in both Tiger results and Leopard
- fast/encoding/idn-security.html: Changed test to only test lowercase "a" since the behavior for uppercase letters has changed in the new ICU. Also added code to detect the older ICU and expect different results.
- fast/encoding/idn-security-expected.txt: Regenerated results.
- mac/leopard/fast/encoding/idn-security-expected.txt: Copied from fast/encoding/idn-security-expected.txt. The modified.
- 10:02 AM Changeset in webkit [24019] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed and Landed by Sam.
- fix bug 14465 for window.showModalDialog
- bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: (KJS::parseModalDialogFeatures): (KJS::showModalDialog):
- 9:14 AM Changeset in webkit [24018] by
- 2 edits1 add in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Mitz.
Patch for http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14465
window.open() uses the literal "undefined" as the URL
- bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: (KJS::WindowFunc::callAsFunction): add checks for undefined and null values when setting the url.
- manual-tests/open-url-undefined.html: Added.
- 6:51 AM Changeset in webkit [24017] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebCore
2007-07-05 Holger Hans Peter Freyther <zecke@selfish.org>
Reviewed by Rob Buis.
Rework FontData and FontPlatformData for the Gdk work to make valgrind
Move destroying of FontConfig and Cairo objects held in FontPlatformData
to FontData::platformDestroy. The ownership of these objects is held by
FontData. This is following the Mac and Qt port at least.
Currently it is possible that FontPlatformData will not create cairo resources
in this case at least make sure the variables are initialized to 0.
Initialize x,y of the cairo_glyph_t with zero to avoid extents.x_advance depending
on subtracing with not defined values.
FontPlatformData::hash. Using FontDescription is a bad idea as we don't have a clue
about how it is packed, if holes are present, etc. The FcPattern and the m_fontMatrix
should be good enough to describe the Font. All other objects are created using these
Replace C-style casts with C++ casts, in this case reinterpret_cast.
- platform/gdk/FontDataGdk.cpp: (WebCore::FontData::platformInit): Don't assert (WebCore::FontData::platformDestroy): Take over ownership (WebCore::FontData::platformWidthForGlyph): initialize (WebCore::FontData::setFont): be paranoid and assert
- platform/gdk/FontPlatformData.h: (WebCore::FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData): Initialize everything (WebCore::FontPlatformData::hash): make valgrind happy and don't use m_fontDescription
- platform/gdk/FontPlatformDataGdk.cpp: (WebCore::FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData): (WebCore::FontPlatformData::~FontPlatformData): FontData::platformDestroy will do this (WebCore::FontPlatformData::list): Don't use C-style casts. (WebCore::FontPlatformData::setFont): m_fontFace, m_fontMatrix, m_options might not be initialized (WebCore::FontPlatformData::operator==): Don't use C-style casts.
- 6:47 AM Changeset in webkit [24016] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebCore
2007-07-05 Alp Toker <alp.toker@collabora.co.uk>
Reviewed by Mark Rowe.
GraphicsContextCairo code style cleanup
Follow the cr naming convention for cairo_t*.
Remove trailing whitespace.
Replace C casts with C++ casts.
Avoid needless casts.
- platform/graphics/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: (WebCore::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate): (WebCore::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate::~GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::GraphicsContext): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::platformContext): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::savePlatformState): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::restorePlatformState): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawRect): (WebCore::adjustLineToPixelBoundaries): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLine): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawEllipse): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::strokeArc): Save/restore the graphics state. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawConvexPolygon): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::fillRect): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::clip): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawFocusRing): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::roundToDevicePixels): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::translate): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::origin): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setPlatformStrokeThickness): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setPlatformStrokeStyle): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setPlatformFont): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::concatCTM): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::addInnerRoundedRectClip): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::beginTransparencyLayer): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::endTransparencyLayer): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::clearRect): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setLineCap): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setLineJoin): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setMiterLimit): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setCompositeOperation): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::beginPath): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::addPath): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::rotate): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::scale):
- platform/graphics/cairo/ImageBufferCairo.cpp: (WebCore::ImageBuffer::ImageBuffer):
- platform/graphics/cairo/ImageCairo.cpp: Avoid the confusing ctxt/context naming scheme. (WebCore::BitmapImage::draw): (WebCore::Image::drawPattern):
- 6:45 AM Changeset in webkit [24015] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2007-07-05 Alp Toker <alp.toker@collabora.co.uk>
Reviewed by Mark Rowe.
Cairo SVGImage::nativeImageForCurrentFrame() has no return
Return the Cairo surface from the frame cache.
Also add a fall-through else macro with notImplemented() so that future
ports do not make the same mistake.
- platform/graphics/svg/SVGImage.cpp: (WebCore::SVGImage::nativeImageForCurrentFrame):
- 6:43 AM Changeset in webkit [24014] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2007-07-05 Alp Toker <alp.toker@collabora.co.uk>
Reviewed by Mark Rowe.
Cairo animated GIF support is broken
Implement ImageSource::frameIsCompleteAtIndex() to enable animated GIFs.
- platform/graphics/cairo/ImageSourceCairo.cpp: (WebCore::ImageSource::frameIsCompleteAtIndex):
- 2:15 AM Changeset in webkit [24013] by
- 1 edit3 adds in trunk/LayoutTests
Add a Skipped file for Leopard.
Reviewed by Mark.
- mac/leopard/Skipped: Added.
- 1:21 AM Changeset in webkit [24012] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
Warn about tests in the Skipped file that succeeded
- Scripts/run-webkit-tests:
- 1:10 AM Changeset in webkit [24011] by
- 1 edit1 delete in trunk/WebKitTools
Removed unused install-win-extras script
Rubberstamped by Mark.
- Scripts/install-win-extras: Removed.
- 12:51 AM Changeset in webkit [24010] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
Show the test's extension in the results page
- Scripts/run-webkit-tests:
- 12:49 AM Changeset in webkit [24009] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
Add more options for controlling the interpretation of the Skipped file
Reviewed by Mark.
- Scripts/run-webkit-tests: