May 5, 2019:
- 10:18 PM Changeset in webkit [244958] by
- 7 edits in tags/Safari-608.
- 10:16 PM Changeset in webkit [244957] by
- 1 copy in tags/Safari-608.
New tag.
- 3:45 AM Changeset in webkit [244956] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
fast/attachment/attachment-folder-icon.html is an Image Only failure on recent macOS builds
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
On recent versions of macOS, -[NSWorkspace iconForFileType:] returns the generic document icon for
"public.directory". Instead of using this UTI to generate attachment icons for "multipart/x-folder" and
"application/vnd.apple.folder", we should instead be using "public.folder", which has a folder icon. This fixes
the existing test fast/attachment/attachment-folder-icon.html, which currently results in an image diff on these
builds of macOS.
- rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm:
May 4, 2019:
- 9:31 PM Changeset in webkit [244955] by
- 101 edits2 adds in trunk
Revert r244953 and r244954 because they broke internal builds.
- platform/ios/PlatformPasteboardIOS.mm:
(WebCore::PlatformPasteboard::changeCount const):
- pal/spi/ios/UIKitSPI.h:
(currentUserInterfaceIdiomIsPad): Deleted.
- Platform/spi/ios/PDFKitSPI.h:
- Platform/spi/ios/UIKitSPI.h: Added.
- Shared/DocumentEditingContext.mm:
- Shared/RemoteLayerTree/RemoteLayerTreePropertyApplier.mm:
- Shared/ios/NativeWebKeyboardEventIOS.mm:
- Shared/ios/NativeWebTouchEventIOS.mm:
- Shared/ios/WebIconUtilities.mm:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/NSAttributedString.mm:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebView.mm:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebViewConfiguration.mm:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebViewInternal.h:
- UIProcess/ApplicationStateTracker.mm:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/VideoFullscreenManagerProxy.mm:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WKSafeBrowsingWarning.mm:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WKShareSheet.mm:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WebProcessPoolCocoa.mm:
- UIProcess/Gamepad/ios/UIGamepadProviderIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/ios/RemoteLayerTreeHostIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/ios/RemoteLayerTreeViews.h:
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/ios/RemoteLayerTreeViews.mm:
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/ios/ScrollingTreeScrollingNodeDelegateIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/WKImagePreviewViewController.mm:
- UIProcess/_WKTouchEventGenerator.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/DragDropInteractionState.h:
- UIProcess/ios/InputViewUpdateDeferrer.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/PageClientImplIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/SmartMagnificationController.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/TextCheckerIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/ViewGestureControllerIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKActionSheet.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKActionSheetAssistant.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKContentView.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKContentViewInteraction.h:
- UIProcess/ios/WKContentViewInteraction.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKGeolocationProviderIOSObjCSecurityOrigin.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKKeyboardScrollingAnimator.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKPDFPageNumberIndicator.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKPDFView.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKPasswordView.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKScrollView.h:
- UIProcess/ios/WKScrollView.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKSyntheticTapGestureRecognizer.h:
- UIProcess/ios/WKWebEvent.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WebDataListSuggestionsDropdownIOS.h:
- UIProcess/ios/WebPageProxyIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKAirPlayRoutePicker.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFileUploadPanel.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFocusedFormControlView.h:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormColorControl.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormColorPicker.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormInputControl.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormPopover.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormSelectControl.h:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormSelectControl.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormSelectPicker.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormSelectPopover.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKNumberPadViewController.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKQuickboardListViewController.h:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKSelectMenuListViewController.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/fullscreen/WKFullScreenViewController.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/fullscreen/WKFullScreenWindowControllerIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/fullscreen/WKFullscreenStackView.mm:
- WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/ios/WebChromeClientIOS.mm:
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/mac/WebDragClientMac.mm:
- WebProcess/WebPage/ios/WebPageIOS.mm:
- WebProcess/cocoa/WebProcessCocoa.mm:
- DumpRenderTree/ios/DumpRenderTreeBrowserView.h:
- DumpRenderTree/ios/PixelDumpSupportIOS.mm:
- DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm:
- DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTreeWindow.h:
- DumpRenderTree/mac/TestRunnerMac.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/CopyURL.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/DocumentEditingContext.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/EditorStateTests.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/SystemColors.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/WKWebViewEditActions.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/WKWebViewFindString.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/ActionSheetTests.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/DragAndDropTestsIOS.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/FocusPreservationTests.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/KeyboardInputTestsIOS.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/ScrollViewInsetTests.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/UIPasteboardTests.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/WKWebViewAutofillTests.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/cocoa/DragAndDropSimulator.h:
- TestWebKitAPI/cocoa/TestWKWebView.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/ios/DragAndDropSimulatorIOS.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/ios/UIKitSPI.h: Added.
- WebKitTestRunner/cocoa/TestRunnerWKWebView.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/GeneratedTouchesDebugWindow.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/HIDEventGenerator.h:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/HIDEventGenerator.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/PlatformWebViewIOS.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/TestControllerIOS.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/UIScriptControllerIOS.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/mainIOS.mm:
- 8:29 PM Changeset in webkit [244954] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore/PAL
Fix internal build.
- pal/spi/ios/UIKitSPI.h:
- 8:01 PM Changeset in webkit [244953] by
- 102 edits2 deletes in trunk
Merge the three UIKitSPI.h files into a single one in PAL
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
- platform/ios/PlatformPasteboardIOS.mm:
(WebCore::PlatformPasteboard::changeCount const):
- pal/spi/ios/UIKitSPI.h:
- Platform/spi/ios/PDFKitSPI.h:
- Platform/spi/ios/UIKitSPI.h: Removed.
- Shared/DocumentEditingContext.mm:
- Shared/RemoteLayerTree/RemoteLayerTreePropertyApplier.mm:
- Shared/ios/NativeWebKeyboardEventIOS.mm:
- Shared/ios/NativeWebTouchEventIOS.mm:
- Shared/ios/WebIconUtilities.mm:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/NSAttributedString.mm:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebView.mm:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebViewConfiguration.mm:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebViewInternal.h:
- UIProcess/ApplicationStateTracker.mm:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/VideoFullscreenManagerProxy.mm:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WKSafeBrowsingWarning.mm:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WKShareSheet.mm:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WebProcessPoolCocoa.mm:
- UIProcess/Gamepad/ios/UIGamepadProviderIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/ios/RemoteLayerTreeHostIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/ios/RemoteLayerTreeViews.h:
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/ios/RemoteLayerTreeViews.mm:
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/ios/ScrollingTreeScrollingNodeDelegateIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/WKImagePreviewViewController.mm:
- UIProcess/_WKTouchEventGenerator.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/DragDropInteractionState.h:
- UIProcess/ios/InputViewUpdateDeferrer.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/PageClientImplIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/SmartMagnificationController.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/TextCheckerIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/ViewGestureControllerIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKActionSheet.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKActionSheetAssistant.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKContentView.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKContentViewInteraction.h:
- UIProcess/ios/WKContentViewInteraction.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKGeolocationProviderIOSObjCSecurityOrigin.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKKeyboardScrollingAnimator.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKPDFPageNumberIndicator.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKPDFView.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKPasswordView.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKScrollView.h:
- UIProcess/ios/WKScrollView.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WKSyntheticTapGestureRecognizer.h:
- UIProcess/ios/WKWebEvent.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/WebDataListSuggestionsDropdownIOS.h:
- UIProcess/ios/WebPageProxyIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKAirPlayRoutePicker.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFileUploadPanel.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFocusedFormControlView.h:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormColorControl.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormColorPicker.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormInputControl.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormPopover.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormSelectControl.h:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormSelectControl.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormSelectPicker.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormSelectPopover.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKNumberPadViewController.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKQuickboardListViewController.h:
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKSelectMenuListViewController.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/fullscreen/WKFullScreenViewController.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/fullscreen/WKFullScreenWindowControllerIOS.mm:
- UIProcess/ios/fullscreen/WKFullscreenStackView.mm:
- WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/ios/WebChromeClientIOS.mm:
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/mac/WebDragClientMac.mm:
- WebProcess/WebPage/ios/WebPageIOS.mm:
- WebProcess/cocoa/WebProcessCocoa.mm:
- DumpRenderTree/ios/DumpRenderTreeBrowserView.h:
- DumpRenderTree/ios/PixelDumpSupportIOS.mm:
- DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm:
- DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTreeWindow.h:
- DumpRenderTree/mac/TestRunnerMac.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/CopyURL.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/DocumentEditingContext.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/EditorStateTests.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/SystemColors.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/WKWebViewEditActions.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/WKWebViewFindString.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/ActionSheetTests.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/DragAndDropTestsIOS.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/FocusPreservationTests.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/KeyboardInputTestsIOS.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/ScrollViewInsetTests.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/UIPasteboardTests.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/WKWebViewAutofillTests.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/cocoa/DragAndDropSimulator.h:
- TestWebKitAPI/cocoa/TestWKWebView.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/ios/DragAndDropSimulatorIOS.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/ios/UIKitSPI.h: Removed.
- WebKitTestRunner/cocoa/TestRunnerWKWebView.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/GeneratedTouchesDebugWindow.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/HIDEventGenerator.h:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/HIDEventGenerator.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/PlatformWebViewIOS.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/TestControllerIOS.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/UIScriptControllerIOS.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/mainIOS.mm:
- 6:31 PM Changeset in webkit [244952] by
- 20 edits in trunk
Web Inspector: Provide UIString descriptions to improve localizations
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
- Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
- UserInterface/Base/LoadLocalizedStrings.js:
- UserInterface/Models/LayoutTimelineRecord.js:
- UserInterface/Models/RenderingFrameTimelineRecord.js:
- UserInterface/Models/Resource.js:
- UserInterface/Views/AuditTestGroupContentView.js:
- UserInterface/Views/CPUTimelineView.js:
- UserInterface/Views/ContextMenuUtilities.js:
- UserInterface/Views/DOMBreakpointTreeElement.js:
- UserInterface/Views/DOMNodeTreeElement.js:
- UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeElement.js:
- UserInterface/Views/DebuggerSidebarPanel.js:
- UserInterface/Views/LayerTreeDetailsSidebarPanel.js:
- UserInterface/Views/NetworkTableContentView.js:
- UserInterface/Views/SourcesNavigationSidebarPanel.js:
- UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationSection.js:
- UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetRulesStyleDetailsPanel.js:
Allow WI.UIString to take:
- WI.UIString(string, key, comment)
- WI.UIString(string, comment)
- WI.UIString(string)
- Scripts/extract-localizable-js-strings:
- 6:01 PM Changeset in webkit [244951] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI
Web Inspector: Styles: use the same green color for modified properties as in Changes panel
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
- UserInterface/Views/ChangesDetailsSidebarPanel.css:
(.changes-panel .css-property-line.added):
(.changes-panel .css-property-line.removed):
(.changes-panel .css-property-line.added::before):
- UserInterface/Views/SpreadsheetCSSStyleDeclarationEditor.css:
(.spreadsheet-style-declaration-editor .property.modified):
(.spreadsheet-style-declaration-editor .property.modified:not(.selected)):
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)):
- UserInterface/Views/Variables.css:
(@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)):
- 12:12 PM Changeset in webkit [244950] by
- 15 edits1 add in trunk
TypedArrays should not store properties that are canonical numeric indices
Reviewed by Saam Barati.
- stress/array-species-config-array-constructor.js:
- stress/put-direct-index-broken-2.js:
- stress/typed-array-canonical-numeric-index-string.js: Added.
(const.testInvalidIndices.makeTest.set assert):
(const.makeTestValidIndex.configurable.set assert):
- stress/typedarray-access-monomorphic-neutered.js:
- stress/typedarray-access-neutered.js:
- stress/typedarray-getownproperty-not-configurable.js:
- test262/expectations.yaml:
According to the spec[1]:
- TypedArrays should not perform an ordinary GetOwnProperty/SetOwnProperty if the index is a
CanonicalNumericIndexString, but invalid according to IntegerIndexedElementGet and similar
functions. I.e., there are a few properties that should not be set in a TypedArray, like NaN,
Infinity and -0.
- On DefineOwnProperty, the out-of-bounds check should be performed before validating the property
- On GetOwnProperty, the returned descriptor for numeric properties should have writable set to true.
[1]: https://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/9.0/index.html#sec-integer-indexed-exotic-objects-defineownproperty-p-desc
- CMakeLists.txt:
- JavaScriptCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- runtime/JSGenericTypedArrayViewInlines.h:
- runtime/PropertyName.h:
- fast/canvas/canvas-ImageData-behaviour-expected.txt:
- fast/canvas/canvas-ImageData-behaviour.js:
- 10:51 AM Changeset in webkit [244949] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Convert some RealtimeOutgoingVideoSourceCocoa logging to ERROR_LOG
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
No change of behavior.
- platform/mediastream/mac/RealtimeOutgoingVideoSourceCocoa.mm:
- 8:11 AM Changeset in webkit [244948] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[Win10] Some tests are failing only on specific machines
Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/win/TestExpectations:
May 3, 2019:
- 11:58 PM Changeset in webkit [244947] by
- 3 edits4 adds in trunk
[macOS] Fix programmatic scrolling with async overflow scroll
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
ScrollingTreeOverflowScrollingNodeMac needs to handle RequestedScrollPosition.
Tests: scrollingcoordinator/mac/programmatic-frame-scroll.html
- page/scrolling/mac/ScrollingTreeOverflowScrollingNodeMac.mm:
Tests for programmatic scrolling of overflow and iframes.
- scrollingcoordinator/mac/programmatic-frame-scroll-expected.html: Added.
- scrollingcoordinator/mac/programmatic-frame-scroll.html: Added.
- scrollingcoordinator/mac/programmatic-overflow-scroll-expected.html: Added.
- scrollingcoordinator/mac/programmatic-overflow-scroll.html: Added.
- 7:45 PM Changeset in webkit [244946] by
- 6 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI
Web Inspector: DOM: dragging a node to the console should log the node
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
- UserInterface/Views/DOMTreeOutline.js:
- UserInterface/Views/LogContentView.js:
(WI.LogContentView.prototype._handleDragOver): Added.
(WI.LogContentView.prototype._handleDrop): Added.
- UserInterface/Views/QuickConsole.js:
(WI.QuickConsole.prototype._handleDragOver): Added.
(WI.QuickConsole.prototype._handleDrop): Added.
- UserInterface/Views/GeneralStyleDetailsSidebarPanel.js:
Drive-by: update the format to be more unique.
- Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
- 7:40 PM Changeset in webkit [244945] by
- 6 edits in trunk
REGRESSION (r244897): Caret may appear wider than normal after zooming to focus an editable element
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
Fixes a couple of flaky tests (CaretSelectionRectAfterRestoringFirstResponderWithRetainActiveFocusedState and
CaretSelectionRectAfterRestoringFirstResponder) that began failing after r244897. These tests both begin by
focusing an editable element, which causes the web view to zoom in. The tests subsequently check that the caret
rect is {{ 16, 13 }, { 2, 15 }}. While the specified caret rect (coming from EditorState) is {{ 16, 13 }, { 3,
15 }}, the narrower caret rect is used because we take measures to preserve the width of the caret relative to
the view (see the inverse scaling logic in -[WKContentView selectedTextRange] for more details).
See below for more details.
- UIProcess/ios/WKContentViewInteraction.h:
Remove _isZoomingToRevealFocusedElement, now that we don't need it anymore (see -observeValueForKeyPath:).
- UIProcess/ios/WKContentViewInteraction.mm:
(-[WKContentView cleanupInteraction]):
(-[WKContentView observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]):
Stop bailing from a selection update when changing scale, while zooming to reveal the focused element. This
check was added in r239441 to prevent UIWKTextInteractionAssistant's selection scrolling logic from interfering
with WKContentView-driven logic for zooming to the focused element. However, since r244141, this is no longer
necessary since selection scrolling is only driven by code in the web process.
This new update while zooming to reveal the focused element ensures that the WKTextRange returned by
-selectedTextRange after zooming will have a width that is inversely scaled using the content view's current
scale, such that it has a consistent width (relative to the web view) across different scales.
(-[WKContentView _zoomToRevealFocusedElement]):
- UIProcess/ios/WebPageProxyIOS.mm:
Remove any attempt here to notify PageClient about editor states after focus. This logic was actually incorrect,
since it didn't ensure that the layer tree commit that is being completed actually contained an editor state; as
such, the "editor state" received here could be stale.
Fixes a couple of flaky layout tests (ModifyInputAssistantItemBarButtonGroups and
OverrideInputAssistantItemBarButtonGroups) by programmatically blurring focused elements and waiting for the
input session to change, rather than relying on -resignFirstResponder and -waitForNextPresentationUpdate to
ensure that the the focused element has been blurred.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/KeyboardInputTestsIOS.mm:
- 7:25 PM Changeset in webkit [244944] by
- 7 edits in trunk/Source
[iOS] outlook.live.com: Compose email frame not fully visible and not scrollable
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
The outlook mail view's flex column setup produces a somewhat unfortunate layout at certain viewport widths.
This patch addresses the issue by ensuring that we never fall into that range.
- page/Quirks.cpp:
(WebCore::Quirks::shouldIgnoreShrinkToFitContent const):
(WebCore::Quirks::overriddenViewportLayoutWidth const):
- page/Quirks.h:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.h:
- WebProcess/WebPage/ios/WebPageIOS.mm:
- 6:33 PM Changeset in webkit [244943] by
- 1 edit1 add in trunk/Tools
Add a tool to block spammer accounts
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Usage: block-spammers email1 email2 ...
The tool finds and hides all bugs and comments from this account. Before any work
is done, these bugs and comments are displayed for confirmation.
- Scripts/block-spammers: Added.
- 6:03 PM Changeset in webkit [244942] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Tools
run-apit-tests: Add --iterations and --repeat-each
Reviewed by Aakash Jain.
- Scripts/webkitpy/api_tests/manager.py:
(Manager.run): Add --iterations and --repeat-each/
- Scripts/webkitpy/api_tests/run_api_tests.py:
(parse_args): Duplicate the test list based on --iterations and --repeat-each.
- 6:01 PM Changeset in webkit [244941] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Make imageForElementActionType a class method on _WKElementAction
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
Make this helper function a class method, so that it can
be more easily detected.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/_WKElementAction.h:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/_WKElementAction.mm:
(+[_WKElementAction imageForElementActionType:]):
(_WKUIImageForElementActionType): Deleted.
- 5:17 PM Changeset in webkit [244940] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
New EWS: Clicking on white bubble navigates to page with only bubbles
Reviewed by Lucas Forschler.
- BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews/templates/statusbubble.html: Disable clicking if bubble doesn't have any url.
- 4:57 PM Changeset in webkit [244939] by
- 4 edits1 add in trunk
[JSC] Need to emit SetLocal if we emit MovHint in DFGByteCodeParser
Reviewed by Saam Barati.
- stress/adhoc-setter-frame-should-emit-setlocal-again.js: Added.
In r244864, we emit MovHint for adhocly created GetterCall/SetterCall frame locals in the callee side to make OSR availability analysis's pruning correct.
However, we just emit MovHint, and we do not emit SetLocal since we ensured that these locals are already flushed in the same place before. However, MovHint
and SetLocal are needed to be a pair in DFGByteCodeParser because we rely on this assumption in SSA conversion phase. SSA conversion phase always emit KillStack
just before MovHint's target location even if the MovHint's target is the same to the previously emitted MovHint and SetLocal.
This patch emits SetLocal too when emitting MovHint for GetterCall/SetterCall frame locals.
The example is like this.
a: SomeValueNode
: MovHint(@a, loc10)
b: SetLocal(@a, loc10)
c: MovHint(@a, loc10)
Then, this will be converted to the style in SSA conversion.
a: SomeValueNode
: KillStack(loc10)
b: PutStack(@a, loc10)
c: KillStack(loc10)
Then, @b will be removed later since @c kills it.
- dfg/DFGByteCodeParser.cpp:
- heap/MarkedBlock.cpp:
- 4:41 PM Changeset in webkit [244938] by
- 7 edits1 copy1 add in trunk
[WebAuthN] A focused document should be required
Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.
This patch adds a check to see if the invoking document is focused before
calling into WebAuthN. This patch also removes some out-to-dated comments.
Test: http/wpt/webauthn/public-key-credential-unfocused-document.https.html
- Modules/credentialmanagement/CredentialsContainer.cpp:
- Modules/webauthn/AuthenticatorCoordinator.cpp:
(WebCore::AuthenticatorCoordinator::create const):
(WebCore::AuthenticatorCoordinator::discoverFromExternalSource const):
- http/wpt/webauthn/public-key-credential-same-origin-with-ancestors.https.html:
- http/wpt/webauthn/public-key-credential-unfocused-document.https-expected.txt: Added.
- http/wpt/webauthn/public-key-credential-unfocused-document.https.html: Copied from LayoutTests/http/wpt/webauthn/public-key-credential-same-origin-with-ancestors.https.html.
- http/wpt/webauthn/resources/last-layer-frame.https.html:
- http/wpt/webauthn/resources/second-layer-frame.https.html:
- 4:34 PM Changeset in webkit [244937] by
- 2 edits in trunk/JSTests
iOS JSC tests frequently exiting with execption after stress/json-stringify-string-builder-overflow.js.no-cjit-validate-phases
Reviewed by Keith Miller.
We should only run one config of this test and only when we think we'll have the memory.
- stress/json-stringify-string-builder-overflow.js:
- 4:23 PM Changeset in webkit [244936] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Unresponsive Service Worker processes should get killed
Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.
Enable the background responsiveness logic for service worker processes so that they get
killed if they becomes unresponsive. The logic was previously not enabling the timer for
service worker processes because it required having a page.
- UIProcess/BackgroundProcessResponsivenessTimer.cpp:
(WebKit::BackgroundProcessResponsivenessTimer::shouldBeActive const):
- UIProcess/WebProcessProxy.cpp:
- 4:13 PM Changeset in webkit [244935] by
- 4 edits in trunk
[iOS] set the default maximum camera count to 1 for enumerateDevices
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
The previous number for iOS was 2 as there is a front and a back camera.
Since we are by default setting deviceIds to "", it is better to just have one,
as it might confuse applications to have two devices with the same ID.
Covered by updated test.
- UIProcess/UserMediaPermissionRequestManagerProxy.cpp:
- fast/mediastream/get-user-media-device-id.html:
- 4:13 PM Changeset in webkit [244934] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
[lldb-webkit] Support adding pretty-printing for qualified types
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Remove all "::"s from the name of the specified type when computing the name for the Python classes
that will provide summary and synthetic details as LLDB is not happy about registering such classes
when they contain :: in their name.
- lldb/lldb_webkit.py:
- 4:08 PM Changeset in webkit [244933] by
- 20 edits1 add1 delete in trunk/Source
Web Inspector: DOM: rename "low power" to "display composited"
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
Removed specific ChangeLog entries since it is almost entirely mechanical changes.
- inspector/protocol/DOM.json:
- inspector/agents/InspectorDOMAgent.h:
- inspector/agents/InspectorDOMAgent.cpp:
- UserInterface/Protocol/DOMObserver.js:
- UserInterface/Controllers/DOMManager.js:
- UserInterface/Controllers/TimelineManager.js:
- UserInterface/Models/DOMNode.js:
- UserInterface/Models/MediaInstrument.js:
- UserInterface/Models/MediaTimelineRecord.js:
- UserInterface/Models/TimelineRecording.js:
- UserInterface/Views/DOMEventsBreakdownView.js:
- UserInterface/Views/DOMEventsBreakdownView.css:
- UserInterface/Views/NetworkTableContentView.js:
- UserInterface/Views/NetworkTableContentView.css:
- UserInterface/Views/TimelineIcons.css:
- UserInterface/Views/TimelineTabContentView.js:
- UserInterface/Images/PowerEfficientPlaybackStateChanged.svg: Added.
- UserInterface/Images/LowPower.svg: Removed.
- Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
- 4:04 PM Changeset in webkit [244932] by
- 23 edits in trunk/Source
Pass KeyboardEvent by reference in more places
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
- editing/Editor.cpp:
- loader/EmptyClients.cpp:
- page/EditorClient.h:
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/WebEditorClient.cpp:
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/WebEditorClient.h:
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/gtk/WebEditorClientGtk.cpp:
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/ios/WebEditorClientIOS.mm:
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/mac/WebEditorClientMac.mm:
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/wpe/WebEditorClientWPE.cpp:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.h:
- WebProcess/WebPage/ios/WebPageIOS.mm:
- WebProcess/WebPage/mac/WebPageMac.mm:
- WebProcess/WebPage/win/WebPageWin.cpp:
- WebCoreSupport/WebEditorClient.h:
- WebCoreSupport/WebEditorClient.mm:
- WebCoreSupport/WebEditorClient.cpp:
- WebCoreSupport/WebEditorClient.h:
- WebView.cpp:
- WebView.h:
- 3:43 PM Changeset in webkit [244931] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Enable Fetch Keep Alive by default
Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.
- Shared/WebPreferences.yaml:
- 3:06 PM Changeset in webkit [244930] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
New EWS: patches on recently added queues listed as #1 for older bugs
Reviewed by Lucas Forschler.
- BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews/views/statusbubble.py:
- 3:06 PM Changeset in webkit [244929] by
- 7 edits in tags/Safari-608.
Cherry-pick r244922. rdar://problem/50447841
AVFoundation framework isn't always installed
Reviewed by Jer Noble.
Use PAL::isAVFoundationFrameworkAvailable() to check to see if AVFoundation is
installed, not PAL::AVFoundationLibrary().
- platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/AVFoundationMIMETypeCache.mm: (WebCore::AVFoundationMIMETypeCache::isAvailable const): (WebCore::AVFoundationMIMETypeCache::loadMIMETypes):
- platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaPlayerPrivateAVFoundationObjC.mm: (WebCore::MediaPlayerPrivateAVFoundationObjC::isAvailable): (WebCore::MediaPlayerPrivateAVFoundationObjC::wirelessPlaybackTargetType const): (WebCore::exernalDeviceDisplayNameForPlayer):
- platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaSourceAVFObjC.mm: (WebCore::MediaPlayerPrivateMediaSourceAVFObjC::isAvailable):
- platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaStreamAVFObjC.mm: (WebCore::MediaPlayerPrivateMediaStreamAVFObjC::isAvailable):
- platform/graphics/cocoa/HEVCUtilitiesCocoa.mm: (WebCore::validateHEVCParameters):
- platform/mediastream/mac/AVCaptureDeviceManager.mm: (WebCore::AVCaptureDeviceManager::isAvailable):
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@244922 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 3:03 PM Changeset in webkit [244928] by
- 7 edits in tags/Safari-608.
- 3:03 PM Changeset in webkit [244927] by
- 8 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
[iOS Sim Debug] ASSERTION FAILED The atomic string comes from an other thread! Layout Test imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/workers/WorkerNavigator_appName.htm is a flaky crash
Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.
The issue is that NavigatorBase::platform() was not thread safe but was called by both Navigator on
the main thread and WorkerNavigator on worker threads.
No new tests, covered by existing tests.
- page/Navigator.cpp:
(WebCore::Navigator::platform const):
- page/Navigator.h:
- page/NavigatorBase.cpp:
(WebCore::NavigatorBase::platform const):
- page/NavigatorBase.h:
Make NavigatorBase::platform() thread safe.
- platform/ios/Device.cpp:
- platform/ios/Device.h:
Make WebCore::deviceName() thread safe.
- platform/ios/UserAgentIOS.mm:
Cache value returned by WebCore::deviceName() for performance.
- 3:01 PM Changeset in webkit [244926] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Use WeakPtr for JSLazyEventListener::m_originalNode for safety
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
- bindings/js/JSLazyEventListener.cpp:
- bindings/js/JSLazyEventListener.h:
- 3:00 PM Changeset in webkit [244925] by
- 1 copy in tags/Safari-608.
New tag.
- 2:59 PM Changeset in webkit [244924] by
- 8 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
REGRESSION(r230367): a "." is prepended before cookies set without an explicit domain
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
RFC 2965 states "If an explicitly specified value does not start with a dot, the user agent
supplies a leading dot.", so we should only be adding a leading "." if adomain
is provided.
In order to not regress r230367, also delete all cookies for the non-"."-prefixed domain.
- UIProcess/Automation/WebAutomationSession.cpp:
- UIProcess/WebCookieManagerProxy.h:
- UIProcess/WebCookieManagerProxy.cpp:
(WebKit::WebCookieManagerProxy::deleteCookiesForHostnames): Added.
(WebKit::WebCookieManagerProxy::deleteCookiesForHostname): Deleted.
- UIProcess/API/C/WKCookieManager.cpp:
- NetworkProcess/Cookies/WebCookieManager.messages.in:
- NetworkProcess/Cookies/WebCookieManager.h:
- NetworkProcess/Cookies/WebCookieManager.cpp:
(WebKit::WebCookieManager::deleteCookiesForHostnames): Added.
(WebKit::WebCookieManager::deleteCookiesForHostname): Deleted.
Since the underlyingNetworkStorageSession
accepts a list of domains, extend that support
to allow the IPC to send a list of domains as well, but still keep the C API the same.
- 2:58 PM Changeset in webkit [244923] by
- 10 edits3 adds in trunk/Tools
webkit-patch --no-review upload does not submit patch to New EWS
Reviewed by Lucas Forschler.
- Scripts/webkitpy/tool/steps/submittoews.py:
(SubmitToEWS.run): Submit to both old and new EWS.
- Scripts/webkitpy/common/config/urls.py: Added url for new EWS server.
- Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/ewsserver.py: Added.
(EWSServer._server_url): Method to return server url.
(EWSServer._post_patch_to_ews): Method to post patch to ews.
(EWSServer.submit_to_ews): Method to submit the patch to ews using NetworkTransaction.
- Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/ewsserver_mock.py: Added Mock EWS Server.
- Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/ewsserver_unittest.py: Added unit-test for EWS Server.
- Scripts/webkitpy/common/net/statusserver_mock.py:
(MockStatusServer.submit_to_ews): Updated the log text.
- Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/queues_unittest.py: Updated unit-tests.
- Scripts/webkitpy/tool/commands/upload_unittest.py: Ditto.
- Scripts/webkitpy/tool/main.py:
(WebKitPatch.init): Initialize ews_server.
- Scripts/webkitpy/tool/mocktool.py:
(MockTool.init): Ditto.
- 2:47 PM Changeset in webkit [244922] by
- 7 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
AVFoundation framework isn't always installed
Reviewed by Jer Noble.
Use PAL::isAVFoundationFrameworkAvailable() to check to see if AVFoundation is
installed, not PAL::AVFoundationLibrary().
- platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/AVFoundationMIMETypeCache.mm:
(WebCore::AVFoundationMIMETypeCache::isAvailable const):
- platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaPlayerPrivateAVFoundationObjC.mm:
(WebCore::MediaPlayerPrivateAVFoundationObjC::wirelessPlaybackTargetType const):
- platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaSourceAVFObjC.mm:
- platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaStreamAVFObjC.mm:
- platform/graphics/cocoa/HEVCUtilitiesCocoa.mm:
- platform/mediastream/mac/AVCaptureDeviceManager.mm:
- 2:24 PM Changeset in webkit [244921] by
- 12 edits1 delete in trunk/Source
Add assertion to check whether shm files have maximum FileProtection of CompleteUnlessOpen
Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.
We have seen crashes about accessing database files after device is locked. We are suspecting this is because
shm files have wrong data protection class, but shm files should not have Complete class protection when it
is created. It is likely the protection class is changed later. Add an assertion to verify our guess. If the
crash signature changes after this patch, we probably need to change database implementation. If it is not, we
have other problem than data protection.
- platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp:
Move data protection check to WebCore so it can be applied to database files.
- NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCacheBlobStorage.cpp:
- NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCacheFileSystem.cpp:
(WebKit::NetworkCache::makeSafeToUseMemoryMapForPath): Deleted.
- NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCacheFileSystem.h:
- NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCacheFileSystemCocoa.mm: Removed.
- SourcesCocoa.txt:
- UIProcess/API/APIContentRuleListStore.cpp:
- wtf/FileSystem.cpp:
- wtf/FileSystem.h:
- wtf/cocoa/FileSystemCocoa.mm:
- 2:22 PM Changeset in webkit [244920] by
- 4 edits in trunk
ASSERTION FAILED: [weakThis->m_view window] == weakThis->m_targetWindowForMovePreparation
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
Tweak the assertion so that it holds even if the WebView gets closed because the completion
handler has been called.
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WebViewImpl.mm:
Add API test coverage.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/PrepareForMoveToWindow.mm:
- 2:03 PM Changeset in webkit [244919] by
- 15 edits2 adds in trunk
[WinCairo] Implement and enable RemoteInspector Server.
Reviewed by Ross Kirsling.
Add new build flag USE_INSPECTOR_SOCKET_SERVER to indicate using Socket implementation for RemoteInspector
protocol. Currently PlayStation is the only platform which uses this. WinCairo is the second one.
- Source/cmake/OptionsPlayStation.cmake:
- Source/cmake/OptionsWin.cmake:
- Source/cmake/OptionsWinCairo.cmake:
Implement Windows implementation for Socket Backend of RemoteInspector and enable it on WinCairo
for experimental feature.
Also add listener interface for connection between RemoteInspector and RemoteInspectorServer
for flexible configuration.
- PlatformWin.cmake:
- inspector/remote/RemoteInspector.h:
- inspector/remote/socket/RemoteInspectorConnectionClient.h:
- inspector/remote/socket/RemoteInspectorServer.cpp:
(Inspector::RemoteInspectorServer::addServerConnection): Deleted.
- inspector/remote/socket/RemoteInspectorServer.h:
- inspector/remote/socket/RemoteInspectorSocket.cpp:
- inspector/remote/socket/RemoteInspectorSocket.h:
- inspector/remote/socket/RemoteInspectorSocketEndpoint.cpp:
(Inspector::RemoteInspectorSocketEndpoint::getPort const):
- inspector/remote/socket/RemoteInspectorSocketEndpoint.h:
- inspector/remote/socket/posix/RemoteInspectorSocketPOSIX.cpp:
(Inspector::Socket::init): Added.
(Inspector::Socket::listen): Signature changed.
(Inspector::Socket::getPort): Added.
- inspector/remote/socket/win/RemoteInspectorSocketWin.cpp: Added.
(Inspector::Socket::Socket::operator PlatformSocketType const):
(Inspector::Socket::Socket::operator bool const):
- 1:36 PM Changeset in webkit [244918] by
- 7 edits3 adds in trunk
Cache.add and Cache.addAll should compute a correct response body size
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
Compute the response body size as we do for regular Cache.put
Test: http/wpt/cache-storage/cache-quota-add.any.html
- Modules/cache/CacheStorageConnection.cpp:
- Modules/cache/CacheStorageConnection.h:
- Modules/cache/DOMCache.cpp:
Compute the response body size requires getting access to the connection.
'this' is added to the lambda which is fine since taskHandler keeps a
Ref to 'this' in its completion handler.
- Modules/fetch/FetchResponse.h:
- http/wpt/cache-storage/cache-quota-add.any-expected.txt: Added.
- http/wpt/cache-storage/cache-quota-add.any.html: Added.
- http/wpt/cache-storage/cache-quota-add.any.js: Added.
- 12:42 PM Changeset in webkit [244917] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Use more efficient path resolution logic
Reviewed by Maciej Stachowiak.
The code in SandboxExtensionsCocoa.mm 'resolveSymlinksInPath' is pretty inefficient, and tries to reproduce (badly)
logic that is already provided by the operating system.
To make matters worse, 'resolvePathForSandboxExtension' was effectively performing the work of fully resolving
symlinks twice, since NSString's 'stringByStandardizingPath' method does some of this already.
Instead, we should just use NSString's 'stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath', which does the symlink resolution
using more efficient logic than our 'resolveSymlinksInPath' code.
- Shared/Cocoa/SandboxExtensionCocoa.mm:
(WebKit::resolveSymlinksInPath): Removed.
(WebKit::resolvePathForSandboxExtension): Remove redundant call to 'resolveSymlinksInPath', and switches from
'stringByStandardizingPath' to 'stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath', which can take the place of both calls.
(WebKit::stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath): Switch to call 'stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath'.
- 12:35 PM Changeset in webkit [244916] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Need additional UIPreviewAction information in WKImagePreviewViewController
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
Include a WebKitAdditions file to provide a macro for
additional UIPreviewAction information.
While here, take the opportunity to move from the deprecated
UIViewControllerPreviewAction to the newer UIPreviewAction.
- UIProcess/WKImagePreviewViewController.mm:
(-[WKImagePreviewViewController previewActionItems]):
- 11:54 AM Changeset in webkit [244915] by
- 33 edits4 adds in trunk
[JSC] Generator CodeBlock generation should be idempotent
Reviewed by Keith Miller.
Add complex.yaml, which controls how to run JSC shell more.
We split test files into two to run macro task between them which allows debugger to be attached to VM.
- complex.yaml: Added.
- complex/generator-regeneration-after.js: Added.
- complex/generator-regeneration.js: Added.
ES6 Generator saves and resumes the current execution state. Since ES6 generator can save the execution state at expression
granularity (not statement granularity), the saved state involves locals. But if the underlying CodeBlock is jettisoned and
recompiled with different code generation option (like, debugger, type profiler etc.), the generated instructions can be largely
different and it does not have the same state previously used. If we resume the previously created generator with the newly
generator function, resuming is messed up.
function* gen () { ... }
var g = gen();
CodeBlock is destroyed & Debugger is enabled.
In this patch,
- In generatorification, we use index Identifier (localN => Identifier("N")) instead of private symbols to generate the same instructions every time we regenerate the CodeBlock.
- We decouple the options which can affect on the generated code (Debugger, TypeProfiler, ControlFlowProfiler) from the BytecodeGenerator, and pass them as a parameter, OptionSet<CodeGeneratorMode>.
- Generator ScriptExecutable remembers the previous CodeGeneratorMode and reuses this parameter to regenerate CodeBlock. It means that, even if the debugger is enabled, previously created generators are not debuggable. But newly created generators are debuggable.
- bytecode/BytecodeGeneratorification.cpp:
- bytecode/CodeBlock.cpp:
- bytecode/UnlinkedCodeBlock.cpp:
- bytecode/UnlinkedCodeBlock.h:
(JSC::UnlinkedCodeBlock::wasCompiledWithDebuggingOpcodes const):
(JSC::UnlinkedCodeBlock::wasCompiledWithTypeProfilerOpcodes const):
(JSC::UnlinkedCodeBlock::wasCompiledWithControlFlowProfilerOpcodes const):
(JSC::UnlinkedCodeBlock::codeGenerationMode const):
- bytecode/UnlinkedEvalCodeBlock.h:
- bytecode/UnlinkedFunctionCodeBlock.h:
- bytecode/UnlinkedFunctionExecutable.cpp:
- bytecode/UnlinkedFunctionExecutable.h:
- bytecode/UnlinkedGlobalCodeBlock.h:
- bytecode/UnlinkedModuleProgramCodeBlock.h:
- bytecode/UnlinkedProgramCodeBlock.h:
- bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.cpp:
- bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.h:
(JSC::BytecodeGenerator::shouldEmitDebugHooks const):
(JSC::BytecodeGenerator::shouldEmitTypeProfilerHooks const):
(JSC::BytecodeGenerator::shouldEmitControlFlowProfilerHooks const):
- bytecompiler/NodesCodegen.cpp:
- parser/ParserModes.h:
(): Deleted.
- parser/SourceCodeKey.h:
- runtime/CachedTypes.cpp:
(JSC::CachedCodeBlock::isClassContext const):
(JSC::CachedCodeBlock::codeGenerationMode const):
(JSC::CachedCodeBlock::wasCompiledWithDebuggingOpcodes const): Deleted.
- runtime/CodeCache.cpp:
- runtime/CodeCache.h:
- runtime/Completion.cpp:
- runtime/DirectEvalExecutable.cpp:
- runtime/IndirectEvalExecutable.cpp:
- runtime/JSGlobalObject.h:
(JSC::JSGlobalObject::defaultCodeGenerationMode const):
- runtime/ModuleProgramExecutable.cpp:
- runtime/ProgramExecutable.cpp:
- runtime/ScriptExecutable.cpp:
- runtime/ScriptExecutable.h:
- tools/JSDollarVM.cpp:
- Scripts/run-javascriptcore-tests:
- Scripts/run-jsc-stress-tests:
- 11:52 AM Changeset in webkit [244914] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Provide UIImages for element actions
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
Use an additions include to export a function that
relates a UIImage to a _WKElementAction.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/_WKElementAction.h:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/_WKElementAction.mm:
- 11:31 AM Changeset in webkit [244913] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
[Cairo] Improve ShadowBlur performance using tiling optimization
Patch by Tomoki Imai <Tomoki Imai> on 2019-05-03
Reviewed by Žan Doberšek.
Enable tiling tiling-based optimization for drawRectShadow() and drawInsetShadow().
Since r228776, cairo ports doesn't have tiling-based optimization.
For AppleWin, this patch refactors code and it shares almost same code as cairo port.
Only the difference is that AppleWin uses ScratchBuffer, but cairo ports doesn't.
This should avoid a performance regression for AppleWin.
No new tests, covered by existing tests.
- platform/graphics/ShadowBlur.cpp:
Fix stylecheck errors
Fix stylecheck errors
We don't use position of m_sourceRect, so change the type to FloatSize.
Use m_layerSize instead of m_shadowedResultSize to fillRect, as m_layerSize is always smaller than m_shadowedResultSize.
It's because in m_layerSize is equal to m_shadowedResultSize if it's not clipped.
Clipping doesn't increase size of m_layerSize, so m_layerSize is always smaller than or equal to m_shadowedResultSize.
(WebCore::ShadowBlur::templateSize const):
Fix stylecheck errors
Incorporate tile-based drawing.
To accomplish it, this patch abstracts GraphicsContext::drawImageBuffer to ShadowBlur::DrawImageCallback,
GraphicsContext::fillRect to ShadowBlur::FillRectCallback, drawing rect with hole to ShadowBlur::FillRectWithHoleCallback.
Variants which takes GraphicsContext as parameter now just calls another drawRectShadow.
Instead of graphicsContext.drawImageBuffer, call corresponding callback.
This function calls drawLayerPieces and fill center for outer shadow.
Drawing outer shadow requires another callback for graphicsContext.fillRect.
Use m_layerSize instead of m_shadowedResultSize to fillRect,
as m_layerSize is always smaller than m_shadowedResultSize.
- platform/graphics/ShadowBlur.h:
Rename m_sourceRect to m_shadowedResultSize, and change it to FloatSize from FloatRect.
Remove GraphicsContext usage as much as possible and replace them by corresponding callbacks.
- platform/graphics/cairo/CairoOperations.cpp:
This function corresponds to ShadowBlur::DrawImageCallback.
Erase sourceRect, as it's always bigger than layerSize.
Erase unused parameter.
For tile-based optimization, add extra arguments to drawRectShadow.
Erase unused parameter.
- 11:18 AM Changeset in webkit [244912] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Add a quirk to make youtube navigation bar scrollable without mouse hover on iOS
Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.
- css/StyleResolver.cpp:
Turn 'overflow:hidden' into 'overflow:auto' on element with id="guide-inner-content".
- page/Quirks.cpp:
(WebCore::Quirks::needsYouTubeOverflowScrollQuirk const):
- page/Quirks.h:
- 10:34 AM Changeset in webkit [244911] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Expose full screen controller SPI to check if full screen is open and close full screen
Patch by Jay Mulani <jmulani@apple.com> on 2019-05-03
Reviewed by Jer Noble.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebView.mm:
(-[WKWebView closeFullScreenWindowController]):
(-[WKWebView fullScreenWindowController]):
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebViewInternal.h:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebViewPrivate.h:
- 10:32 AM Changeset in webkit [244910] by
- 8 edits in trunk
LayoutTest imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/xhr/event-upload-progress-crossorigin.htm is a flaky failure
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
Modernize the test and add an assertion that the body is transmitted after a redirection.
- web-platform-tests/xhr/event-upload-progress-crossorigin.htm:
In case of restarting the load after a redirection, which now happens in case
of following cross origin redirections with same-origin credentials, make sure to
update the request as would do NetworkLoad.
This is in particular important to preserve the request body.
Covered by WPT updated test.
- NetworkProcess/NetworkLoad.cpp:
(WebKit::NetworkLoad::updateRequestAfterRedirection const):
- NetworkProcess/NetworkLoad.h:
- NetworkProcess/NetworkResourceLoader.cpp:
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 9:39 AM Changeset in webkit [244909] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/ThirdParty/libwebrtc
Do not require log_to_stderr for WebRTC logging through WebKit
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
- Source/webrtc/rtc_base/logging.cc:
- 9:36 AM Changeset in webkit [244908] by
- 26 edits4 adds in trunk
Web Inspector: Record actions performed on WebGL2RenderingContext
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
- inspector/protocol/Recording.json:
- inspector/scripts/codegen/generator.py:
as aType
Tests: inspector/canvas/recording-webgl2.html
- html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.idl:
- bindings/js/CallTracerTypes.h:
- inspector/RecordingSwizzleTypes.h:
- inspector/InspectorCanvas.h:
- inspector/InspectorCanvas.cpp:
(WebCore::InspectorCanvas::canvasChanged): Added.
(WebCore::shouldSnapshotWebGL2Action): Added.
- inspector/agents/InspectorCanvasAgent.h:
- inspector/agents/InspectorCanvasAgent.cpp:
(WebCore::InspectorCanvasAgent::canvasChanged): Added.
Provide an actual implementation ofCanvasObserver::canvasChanged
since it can be used to
determine whether or not an action needs a snapshot.
- page/PageConsoleClient.cpp:
- UserInterface/Models/Recording.js:
(WI.Recording.prototype.async swizzle):
- UserInterface/Models/RecordingAction.js:
(WI.RecordingAction.prototype.async swizzle):
Treat all actions with a snapshot as being a "visible" action.
- UserInterface/Views/CanvasTabContentView.css:
(.content-view.tab.canvas .navigation-bar > .item .canvas:matches(.webgl, .webgl2, .webgpu, .webmetal) .icon): Added.
(.content-view.tab.canvas .navigation-bar > .item .canvas.webgl): Deleted.
- UserInterface/Views/CanvasContentView.js:
- UserInterface/Views/CanvasSidebarPanel.js:
- UserInterface/Views/RecordingContentView.js:
(WI.RecordingContentView.prototype.get navigationItems):
- UserInterface/Views/RecordingActionTreeElement.js:
- inspector/canvas/recording-webgl2.html: Added.
- inspector/canvas/recording-webgl2-expected.txt: Added.
- inspector/canvas/recording-webgl2-snapshots.html: Added.
- inspector/canvas/recording-webgl2-snapshots-expected.txt: Added.
- TestExpectations:
- platform/gtk/TestExpectations:
- platform/mac/TestExpectations:
- platform/win/TestExpectations:
- platform/wincairo/TestExpectations:
- 7:32 AM Changeset in webkit [244907] by
- 18 edits in trunk
Unreviewed, rolling out r244881.
Breaks compilation of jsconly on linux, breaking compilation
for jsc-i386-ews, jsc-mips-ews and jsc-armv7-ews (Requested by
guijemont on #webkit).
Reverted changeset:
- 6:19 AM Changeset in webkit [244906] by
- 8 edits2 copies2 adds in trunk
Resolve the percentage values of inset properties against proper box.
Patch by Joonghun Park <jh718.park@samsung.com> on 2019-05-03
Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
Before this CL, sticky element's layout was executed relative to
a box's overflow container,
but the value returned by getComputedStyle was resolved against
its containing block.
So, the computed value and the actual value used in layout
was different before this change.
- web-platform-tests/css/cssom/getComputedStyle-insets-sticky-container-for-abspos-expected.txt: Copied from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/cssom/getComputedStyle-insets-sticky-expected.txt.
- web-platform-tests/css/cssom/getComputedStyle-insets-sticky-container-for-abspos.html: Copied from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/cssom/getComputedStyle-insets-sticky.html.
- web-platform-tests/css/cssom/getComputedStyle-insets-sticky-expected.txt:
- web-platform-tests/css/cssom/getComputedStyle-insets-sticky.html:
- web-platform-tests/css/cssom/getComputedStyle-sticky-pos-percent-expected.txt: Added.
- web-platform-tests/css/cssom/getComputedStyle-sticky-pos-percent.html: Added.
- web-platform-tests/css/cssom/support/getComputedStyle-insets.js:
Tests: imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/cssom/getComputedStyle-insets-sticky-container-for-abspos.html
- css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:
- rendering/RenderBox.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderBox::enclosingScrollportBox const):
- rendering/RenderBox.h:
- 1:42 AM Changeset in webkit [244905] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
Unreviewed WPE build fix after r244898.
- WebKitTestRunner/wpe/TestControllerWPE.cpp:
(WTR::TestController::abortModal): Add the missing (no-op) definition.
May 2, 2019:
- 11:48 PM Changeset in webkit [244904] by
- 5 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Add a quirk to make gmail navigation bar scrollable without mouse hover on iOS
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
- css/StyleResolver.cpp:
Turn 'overflow:hidden' to 'overflow:auto' on element with role="navigation".
This should be both reasonably targeted and robust.
- css/StyleResolver.h:
- page/Quirks.cpp:
(WebCore::Quirks::needsGMailOverflowScrollQuirk const):
- page/Quirks.h:
- 11:23 PM Changeset in webkit [244903] by
- 4 edits in trunk
Mark U+01C0 as a homograph of U+006C
Patch by Alex Christensen <achristensen@webkit.org> on 2019-05-02
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
- wtf/URLHelpers.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WTF/cocoa/URLExtras.mm:
- 11:17 PM Changeset in webkit [244902] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI
Web Inspector: Dark Mode: borders between section should be lighter than background
Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.
- UserInterface/Views/DetailsSection.css:
(.details-section .details-section):
- 10:02 PM Changeset in webkit [244901] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Make focusing-element-with-tabindex-by-tap-or-click.html more robust on iOS
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
There was a race between the time the editable element was focused and the keyboard was brought up
to when the next non-editable element was focused. Made the test explicitly wait for the keyboard
to come up and go down between test cases to make it more robust.
- fast/events/focusing-element-with-tabindex-by-tap-or-click.html:
- 10:01 PM Changeset in webkit [244900] by
- 6 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Add logging for RenderLayer clip rects
Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.
Add a ClipRects log channel, and stream output for ClipRect and ClipRects.
- platform/Logging.h:
- rendering/ClipRect.cpp:
- rendering/ClipRect.h:
- rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderLayer::calculateClipRects const):
- rendering/RenderLayer.h:
- 9:28 PM Changeset in webkit [244899] by
- 11 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Make AudioContext::scriptExecutionContext() private
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
Refactor code to make audio nodes not rely on AudioContext::scriptExecutionContext.
Instead, let AudioContext provide the necessary API for its nodes.
Covered by existing tests.
- Modules/webaudio/AudioBufferSourceNode.cpp:
- Modules/webaudio/AudioContext.cpp:
(WebCore::AudioContext::origin const):
- Modules/webaudio/AudioContext.h:
(WebCore::AudioContext::isStopped const):
- Modules/webaudio/AudioNode.cpp:
(WebCore::AudioNode::scriptExecutionContext const):
- Modules/webaudio/AudioNode.h:
- Modules/webaudio/AudioScheduledSourceNode.cpp:
- Modules/webaudio/DefaultAudioDestinationNode.cpp:
- Modules/webaudio/MediaElementAudioSourceNode.cpp:
- Modules/webaudio/MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode.cpp:
- Modules/webaudio/ScriptProcessorNode.cpp:
- 6:19 PM Changeset in webkit [244898] by
- 12 edits2 adds in trunk
Add test coverage for <rdar://problem/49731231>
Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.
Add support for testRunner.abortModal() in macOS's WebKitTestRunner in order
to match DumpRenderTree.
- WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/Bindings/TestRunner.idl:
- WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/TestRunner.cpp:
- WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/TestRunner.h:
- WebKitTestRunner/TestController.cpp:
- WebKitTestRunner/TestController.h:
- WebKitTestRunner/TestInvocation.cpp:
- WebKitTestRunner/gtk/TestControllerGtk.cpp:
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/TestControllerIOS.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/mac/TestControllerMac.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/win/TestControllerWin.cpp:
- http/tests/security/showModalDialog-sync-cross-origin-page-load-expected.txt: Added.
- http/tests/security/showModalDialog-sync-cross-origin-page-load.html: Added.
- 6:05 PM Changeset in webkit [244897] by
- 12 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
REGRESSION: Layout test editing/selection/ios/selection-after-changing-text-with-callout-menu.html is failing
Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.
Fixes layout tests that began failing after r244546. See below for details.
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/RemoteLayerTreeDrawingAreaProxy.mm:
Partially reverts a change in r244546, after which we commit the layer tree and scroll before updating the
page's editor state. The purpose of this change was to ensure that UI process-side element focus scrolling logic
would not conflict with web-process-driven scrolling logic.
Instead, we split the existing logic in WebPageProxy::editorStateChanged into two pieces: one that updates the
editor state (by setting m_editorState), and a second that dispatches updates to PageClient when the first
editor state is received after focusing an element. During a layer tree commit in the UI process, we first
update the editor state, then commit the layer tree and apply scroll position changes, and finally scroll to
reveal the focused element if necessary.
When an editor state is delivered to the UI process in an out-of-band update (i.e. not in a layer tree commit),
simply dispatch the initial editor state for a focused element immediately.
- UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp:
Add an IPC message to schedule an editor state update in the next remote layer tree commit. See below for more
- UIProcess/WebPageProxy.h:
- UIProcess/gtk/WebPageProxyGtk.cpp:
(WebKit::WebPageProxy::editorStateChanged): Deleted.
- UIProcess/ios/WKContentViewInteraction.mm:
(-[WKContentView willFinishIgnoringCalloutBarFadeAfterPerformingAction]):
Additionally ensure that an editor state update is scheduled. This addresses a potential source of flakiness in
the layout test editing/selection/ios/selection-after-changing-text-with-callout-menu.html, where an editor
state update may only be scheduled after the next layout timer fires (this is the case in custom callout menu
actions that change the DOM but do not otherwise trigger any editing commands).
In the problematic scenario, the client could make a change that triggers layout soon; but before the layout
timer fires, the timer for the next remote layer tree commit could fire, such that the next layer tree commit
would not contain the relevant editor state.
This extra step ensures that we always *schedule* an editor state update when performing a callout menu action
that does not automatically dismiss, so that we can prevent the callout bar from dismissing during the correct
- UIProcess/ios/WebPageProxyIOS.mm:
Rename editorStateChanged to updateEditorState, and make the editorStateChanged codepath only executed when an
out-of-band editor state update is delivered to the UI process.
Notify the UI process that the initial editor state has been received; this prompts us to scroll to reveal the
focused element, if needed.
(WebKit::WebPageProxy::editorStateChanged): Deleted.
- UIProcess/mac/WebPageProxyMac.mm:
(WebKit::WebPageProxy::editorStateChanged): Deleted.
- UIProcess/win/WebPageProxyWin.cpp:
(WebKit::WebPageProxy::editorStateChanged): Deleted.
- UIProcess/wpe/WebPageProxyWPE.cpp:
(WebKit::WebPageProxy::editorStateChanged): Deleted.
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.h:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.messages.in:
- 5:12 PM Changeset in webkit [244896] by
- 1 copy in tags/Safari-607.3.1
Tag Safari-607.3.1.
- 4:39 PM Changeset in webkit [244895] by
- 6 edits in trunk
[CMake] Add support for LTO builds
Reviewed by Don Olmstead.
Add LTO_MODE cmake variable to enable flto in clang builds.
Add support to use ld.lld to build with LTO.
- Source/cmake/OptionsCommon.cmake:
- Source/cmake/WebKitCompilerFlags.cmake:
Add support to configure --lto-mode with cmake builds.
- Scripts/build-webkit:
- Scripts/webkitdirs.pm:
- 4:31 PM Changeset in webkit [244894] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Disable software keyboard for a math field textarea on desmos.com
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
Treat a textarea inside a math field span as if it had inputmode content attribute set to none to suppress
the software keyboard on desmos.com as it interferes with website's own UI.
- html/HTMLElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLElement::canonicalInputMode const):
- page/Quirks.cpp:
(WebCore::Quirks::needsInputModeNoneImplicitly const):
- page/Quirks.h:
- 4:22 PM Changeset in webkit [244893] by
- 5 edits in trunk/Source
NSAttributedString conversion in a loop returns nil and WKUnknownError every other time.
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
- editing/cocoa/HTMLConverter.mm:
(HTMLConverter::convert): Don't return early if m_dataSource is nil. This is already null
checked later and only needed in specific cases, it shouldn't fail the whole conversion.
Caching the WKWebView was loading about:blank to unload the previous content.
This was causing subsequent rapid conversions to fail since the blank load
would be confused with the real content loading. Loading a blank page wasn't
really needed, it just helped keep the cached view in a cleaner state. Instead
of adding complexity to track the extra navigation, we can eliminate the blank load.
Ultimately a process swap will likely happen on the next navigation, and unused
cached views are closed quickly -- so stale content isn't held around too long.
This also avoids extra work and speeds up conversions a bit.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/NSAttributedString.mm:
(+[_WKAttributedStringWebViewCache cacheWebView:]): Don't load about:blank when caching.
- WebProcess/WebPage/Cocoa/WebPageCocoa.mm:
(WebKit::WebPage::getContentsAsAttributedString): Use rangeOfContents() for a fail
safe way to get the range needed.
- 3:24 PM Changeset in webkit [244892] by
- 31 edits2 adds in trunk
Setting a frame's src to a javascript URL should not run it synchronously
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
When an iframe's src attribute is set to a javascript URL, whether when parsing
or later on via JS, we now execute the URL's JavaScript asynchronously. We used
to execute it synchronously, which was a source of bugs and also did not match
other browsers.
I have verified that our new behavior is aligned with both Firefox and Chrome.
Note that for backward-compatibility and interoperability with Blink
(https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=923585), the
"javascript:" URL will still run synchronously. We should consider dropping
this quirk at some point.
Test: fast/dom/frame-src-javascript-url-async.html
- loader/NavigationScheduler.cpp:
- loader/NavigationScheduler.h:
- loader/SubframeLoader.cpp:
- fast/dom/frame-src-javascript-url-async-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/dom/frame-src-javascript-url-async.html: Added.
Add layout test coverage for the fact that the javascript URL is executed asynchronously
whether set during parsing or later via JS. Also makes sure that executing the javascript
URL asynchronously does not replace the frame's window. This test passes in both Chrome
and Firefox.
- imported/blink/fast/frames/navigation-in-pagehide.html:
Re-sync this test from the Blink repository.
- fast/dom/Element/id-in-frameset-expected.txt:
- fast/dom/Element/id-in-frameset.html:
- fast/dom/insertedIntoDocument-iframe-expected.txt:
- fast/dom/javascript-url-exception-isolation-expected.txt:
- fast/dom/javascript-url-exception-isolation.html:
- fast/dom/no-assert-for-malformed-js-url-attribute-expected.txt:
- fast/dom/resources/javascript-url-crash-function-iframe.html:
- fast/frames/adopt-from-created-document.html:
- fast/frames/out-of-document-iframe-has-child-frame.html:
- fast/loader/javascript-url-iframe-remove-on-navigate-async-delegate.html:
- fast/loader/javascript-url-iframe-remove-on-navigate.html:
- fast/loader/unload-mutation-crash.html:
- fast/parser/resources/set-parent-to-javascript-url.html:
- fast/parser/xml-error-adopted.xml:
- http/tests/navigation/lockedhistory-iframe-expected.txt:
- http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/block-all-mixed-content/insecure-image-in-javascript-url-iframe-in-iframe-expected.txt:
- http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/javascript-url-allowed-expected.txt:
- http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/javascript-url-blocked-by-default-src-star-expected.txt:
- http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/javascript-url-blocked-expected.txt:
- http/tests/security/javascriptURL/xss-ALLOWED-from-javascript-url-sub-frame-2-level.html:
- http/tests/security/javascriptURL/xss-ALLOWED-from-javascript-url-sub-frame.html:
- http/tests/security/javascriptURL/xss-ALLOWED-to-javascript-url-from-javscript-url.html:
- imported/blink/loader/iframe-sync-loads-expected.txt:
- js/dom/call-base-resolution.html:
- platform/wk2/http/tests/security/contentSecurityPolicy/block-all-mixed-content/insecure-image-in-javascript-url-iframe-in-iframe-expected.txt:
Update / Rebaseline existing tests to reflect behavior change. I ran those tests in Firefox and Chrome to confirm that our behavior
is indeed aligned.
- 2:43 PM Changeset in webkit [244891] by
- 6 edits1 delete in trunk
WebVTT: fix vertical cue alignment.
Patch by Gary Katsevman <git@gkatsev.com> on 2019-05-02
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
Updated existing test results.
- html/track/VTTCue.cpp:
WebVTT: vertical cue text alignment is the wrong way around
Patch by Gary Katsevman <git@gkatsev.com> on 2019-05-02
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
- platform/ios/media/track/track-cue-rendering-vertical-expected.txt:
- platform/mac/TestExpectations: Unskipped test.
- platform/mac/media/track/track-cue-rendering-vertical-expected.png: Removed.
- platform/mac/media/track/track-cue-rendering-vertical-expected.txt:
- 2:24 PM Changeset in webkit [244890] by
- 1 copy in tags/Safari-607.
Tag Safari-607.
- 2:22 PM Changeset in webkit [244889] by
- 7 edits in branches/safari-607.2.6.1-branch/Source
- 2:20 PM Changeset in webkit [244888] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[ Sierra Release WK2 ] Layout Test fast/workers/worker-cloneport.html is flaky
Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations: Remove expectation.
- 2:08 PM Changeset in webkit [244887] by
- 5 edits6 adds in tags/Safari-608.1.20.1
Cherry-pick r244851. rdar://problem/49784711
[iOS] Element::focus and Element::scrollIntoView do not clamp scroll positions
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
Fixed the bug that Element::focus and Element::scrollIntoView were not clamping scroll offsets,
which causes scrollTop etc... to return a bogus negative scrolling offset.
Unfortunately, we can't just use FrameView's ScrollableArea::constrainScrollPosition since
scrollRectToVisible relies on the visible rect being expanded by the content insets in order to scroll to
a position within the content insets of UIScrollView; e.g. revealing the top of the page as the center.
We manually expand minimumScrollPosition() and maximumScrollPosition() by the content insets instead.
Tests: fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-focus-should-clamp-top.html
- rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: (WebCore::RenderLayer::scrollRectToVisible):
Added tests for scrolling via Element.prototype.focus and Element.prototype.scrollIntoView.
- fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-focus-should-clamp-top-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-focus-should-clamp-top.html: Added.
- fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-scrollIntoView-inside-iframe-should-clamp-top-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-scrollIntoView-inside-iframe-should-clamp-top.html: Added.
- fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-scrollIntoView-should-clamp-top-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-scrollIntoView-should-clamp-top.html: Added.
- platform/ios-wk2/fast/dom/focus-contenteditable-expected.txt: Rebaselined the output now that the scroll position is properly clamped.
- platform/ios-wk2/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/cssom-view/elementFromPoint-expected.txt: Rebaselined as one more test case is passing.
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@244851 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 2:08 PM Changeset in webkit [244886] by
- 17 edits10 adds in tags/Safari-608.1.20.1
Cherry-pick r244849. rdar://problem/50063091
[iOS] Add a version of viewport shrink-to-fit heuristics that preserves page layout
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
Adds support for a new shrink-to-fit heuristic that attempts to lay out the contents of the page at a larger
width in order to shrink content to fit the viewport. See WebKit ChangeLog for more details.
Tests: fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-constant-width.html
- page/ViewportConfiguration.cpp: (WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::setMinimumEffectiveDeviceWidth): (WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::setIsKnownToLayOutWiderThanViewport): (WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::description const):
- page/ViewportConfiguration.h: (WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::canIgnoreScalingConstraints const): (WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::minimumEffectiveDeviceWidth const):
Add several new getters and setters in ViewportConfiguration.
(WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::isKnownToLayOutWiderThanViewport const):
(WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::shouldIgnoreMinimumEffectiveDeviceWidth const):
Importantly, only allow ignoring the minimum effective device width in webpages with responsive viewports, if
they also have *not* laid out wider than the viewport.
This patch introduces a new shrink-to-fit heuristic that attempts to lay out the contents of the page at a
larger width in order to shrink content to fit the viewport. This is similar to existing shrink-to-fit behaviors
used for viewport sizing in multitasking mode, except that it not only scales the view, but additionally expands
the layout size, such that the overall layout of the page is preserved. In fact, the reason we ended up
reverting the existing flavor of shrink-to-fit in all cases except for multitasking was that page layout was not
preserved, which caused elements that poke out of the viewport to make the rest of the page look out of
proportion — see <rdar://problem/23818102> and related radars.
Covered by 5 new layout tests, and by adjusting a couple of existing layout tests. See comments below for more
- Platform/Logging.h:
Add a new ViewportSizing logging channel. This will only log on pages that overflow the viewport and shrink to
fit as a result.
- Shared/WebPreferences.yaml:
Turn IgnoreViewportScalingConstraints off by default. This preference currently controls whether we allow
shrink-to-fit behaviors, and is only used by Safari when it is in multitasking mode. The value of this
preference is currenly *on* by default, and is turned off almost immediately during every page load after the
first visible content rect update, wherein visibleContentRectUpdateInfo.allowShrinkToFit() is false.
However, this sometimes causes a brief jitter during page load; to fix this, make the default value for
IgnoreViewportScalingConstraints false, and change the logic in WebPage::updateVisibleContentRects to
setCanIgnoreScalingConstraints to true if either the IgnoreViewportScalingConstraints preference (not only
affected by an internal debug switch) is true, or WKWebView SPI is used to enable the behavior.
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.cpp: (WebKit::WebFrameLoaderClient::dispatchDidFinishDocumentLoad): (WebKit::WebFrameLoaderClient::dispatchDidFinishLoad):
Add a new hook for WebFrameLoaderClient to call into WebPage when document load finishes. Also, tweak
dispatchDidFinishLoad to take a WebFrame& instead of a WebFrame* in a drive-by fix (the frame is assumed to be
non-null anyways).
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp: (WebKit::WebPage::didCommitLoad): (WebKit::WebPage::didFinishDocumentLoad): (WebKit::WebPage::didFinishLoad):
When finishing document load or finishing the overall load, kick off the shrink-to-fit timer; when committing a
load, cancel the timer.
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.h:
- WebProcess/WebPage/ios/WebPageIOS.mm: (WebKit::WebPage::setViewportConfigurationViewLayoutSize):
Don't allow the minimum effective device width from the client to stomp over any minimum effective device width
set as a result of the new shrink-to-fit heuristic; on some pages that load quickly, this can result in a race
where the minimum effective device width (i.e. a value that lower-bounds the minimum layout width) is first set
by the shrink-to-fit heuristic, and then set to an incorrect value by the client.
In the near future, web view SPI used to set the minimum effective device width should actually be removed
altogether, since the new shrink-to-fit heuristic supersedes any need for the client to fiddle with the minimum
effective device width.
When performing a dynamic viewport size update, additionally re-run the shrink-to-fit heuristic. This allows
the minimum layout size of the viewport to be updated, if necessary. An example of where this matters is when a
web page is *below* a tablet/desktop layout breakpoint in portrait device orientation, but then exceeds this
layout breakpoint in landscape orientation. In this scenario, rotating the device should swap between these two
page layouts.
Leverage the existing capability for a viewport to have a "minimum effective device width" to grant the viewport
a larger layout size than it would normally have, and then scale down to fit within the bounds of the view. One
challenge with this overall approach is that laying out at a larger width may cause the page to lay out even
wider in response, which may actually worsen horizontal scrolling. To mitigate this, we only attempt to lay out
at the current content width once; if laying out at this width reduced the amount of horizontal scrolling by any
amount, then proceed with this layout width; otherwise, revert to the previous layout width.
(WebKit::WebPage::shouldIgnoreMetaViewport const):
Pull some common logic out into a readonly getter.
See the comment below WebPreferences.yaml, above.
Introduces new layout tests, and adjusts some existing tests. See comments below.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-constant-width-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-constant-width.html: Added.
Add a new layout test to exercise the scenario where a constant width viewport narrower than the view is used.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-large-width-breakpoint-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-large-width-breakpoint.html: Added.
Add a new layout test to exercise the scenario where a responsive website that lays out larger than the view
width ends up with even more horizontal scrolling when laying out at the initial content width. In this
scenario, we shouldn't try to expand the viewport to try and encompass the content width, since that would only
induce even worse horizontal scrolling.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-no-viewport-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-no-viewport.html: Added.
Add a new layout test for the case where there is no viewport, but content lays out wider than the view.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-responsive-viewport-with-horizontal-overflow-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-responsive-viewport-with-horizontal-overflow.html: Added.
Add a new layout test for the case where the page has opted for a responsive viewport (device-width, initial
scale 1), but has laid out wider than the viewport anyways. In this case, we want to shrink the contents down to
fit inside the view.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-temporary-overflow-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-temporary-overflow.html: Added.
Add a new layout test to exercise the case where, during page load, content width temporarily increases, and
then decreases such that it once again fits within the viewport. In this case, we don't want to expand the
viewport to be as wide as the large temporary width of the page.
- fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-body-overflow-hidden-expected.txt:
- fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-body-overflow-hidden.html:
- fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-expected.txt:
- fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing.html:
Tweak these 2 existing layout tests to include "shrink-to-fit=no", to prevent the new heuristics from shrinking
the page to fit on device classes that use native viewports by default.
- platform/ipad/fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-body-overflow-hidden-expected.txt:
- platform/ipad/fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-expected.txt:
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@244849 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 2:08 PM Changeset in webkit [244885] by
- 15 edits2 adds in tags/Safari-608.1.20.1
Cherry-pick r244823. rdar://problem/46677392
XMLHttpRequest should propagate user gestures for media playback
Reviewed by Jer Noble.
A user gesture the would allow media state change in effect when XMLHttpRequest.send is
called should be active when the event handlers fire after the transaction completes successfully.
Test: http/tests/media/user-gesture-preserved-across-xmlhttprequest.html
- dom/UserGestureIndicator.cpp: (WebCore::UserGestureIndicator::UserGestureIndicator): Add a 'scope' parameter to potentially limit the scope of the gesture to just media. (WebCore::UserGestureIndicator::~UserGestureIndicator): Clear the scope.
- dom/UserGestureIndicator.h: (WebCore::UserGestureToken::processingUserGesture const): (WebCore::UserGestureToken::setScope): (WebCore::UserGestureToken::resetScope): (WebCore::UserGestureToken::hasExpired const):
- page/DOMTimer.cpp: (WebCore::DOMTimerFireState::DOMTimerFireState): Don't need to store the nested timer interval, UserGestureIndicator knows when it started. (WebCore::DOMTimer::DOMTimer): Ditto. (WebCore::DOMTimer::fired): Ditto. (WebCore::DOMTimerFireState::nestedTimerInterval const): Deleted. (WebCore::shouldForwardUserGesture): Deleted. (WebCore::userGestureTokenToForward): Deleted. (WebCore::currentNestedTimerInterval): Deleted.
- page/DOMTimer.h:
- testing/Internals.cpp: (WebCore::Internals::setXHRMaximumIntervalForUserGestureForwarding): Override the maximum user gesture interval for testing.
- testing/Internals.h:
- testing/Internals.idl:
- xml/XMLHttpRequest.cpp: (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::XMLHttpRequest): (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::send): Stash the user gesture token. (WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::dispatchEvent): Clear user gesture token if it has expired. If still valid, activate it.
- xml/XMLHttpRequest.h:
- fast/events/popup-blocking-timers5-expected.txt:
- fast/events/popup-blocking-timers5.html: Decrease the timer interval from 1000 to 900 because the user gesture is invalidated based on wall clock time.
- fast/events/popup-blocking-timers6-expected.txt:
- fast/events/popup-blocking-timers6.html: Increase the timer interval from 1001 to 1100 because the user gesture is invalidated based on wall clock time.
- http/tests/media/user-gesture-preserved-across-xmlhttprequest-expected.txt: Added.
- http/tests/media/user-gesture-preserved-across-xmlhttprequest.html: Added.
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@244823 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 1:55 PM Changeset in webkit [244884] by
- 4 edits in trunk
Make both filterForRegistrableDomains() in WebKit::NetworkProcess use WebCore::RegistrableDomain::uncheckedCreateFromHost()
Patch by John Wilander <wilander@apple.com> on 2019-05-02
Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.
- NetworkProcess/NetworkProcess.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebCore/RegistrableDomain.cpp:
Added a test for host strings with leading dots since they are
often used for the domain attribute in cookies.
- 1:50 PM Changeset in webkit [244883] by
- 8 edits in trunk
-[WKWebsiteDataStore removeDataOfTypes:forDataRecords:completionHandler:] doesn't delete _WKWebsiteDataTypeCredentials
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
When asked to delete persistent credentials for a set of origins, send a message to the network process with the
list of origins. The network process will then delete all persistent credentials from these origins from
- NetworkProcess/NetworkProcess.cpp:
- NetworkProcess/NetworkProcess.h:
- NetworkProcess/NetworkProcess.messages.in:
- NetworkProcess/cocoa/NetworkProcessCocoa.mm:
- UIProcess/WebsiteData/WebsiteDataStore.cpp:
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/WKWebsiteDatastore.mm:
- 1:46 PM Changeset in webkit [244882] by
- 7 edits in tags/Safari-608.1.20.1/Source
- 1:37 PM Changeset in webkit [244881] by
- 18 edits in trunk
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
purpose macro that copies files to a destination. WEBKIT_COPY_FILES removes the
requirement of a target being passed in so there is no longer any implicit dependency
between the target and the copying. Instead the dependencies need to be explicit.
This opens the macro up for use by third party libraries and for copying other files
to a destination.
- Source/cmake/WebKitMacros.cmake:
for framework headers explicit.
- CMakeLists.txt:
for framework headers explicit.
- CMakeLists.txt:
- pal/CMakeLists.txt:
for framework headers explicit.
- CMakeLists.txt:
- PlatformWin.cmake:
for framework headers explicit.
- PlatformWin.cmake:
- wtf/CMakeLists.txt:
Make TestJSC dependent on JavaScriptCorePrivateFrameworkHeaders.
- TestWebKitAPI/PlatformGTK.cmake:
- TestWebKitAPI/PlatformWPE.cmake:
- 1:29 PM Changeset in webkit [244880] by
- 1 copy in tags/Safari-608.1.20.1
New tag.
- 12:15 PM Changeset in webkit [244879] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
[WebAuthN] Add a quirk for google.com when processing AppID extension
Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.
Relaxing the same site restriction on AppID while in google.com and any
of its subdomains to allow two www.gstatic.com AppIDs to slip in.
Covered by manual tests on Google.com.
- Modules/webauthn/AuthenticatorCoordinator.cpp:
- 11:40 AM Changeset in webkit [244878] by
- 7 edits in branches/safari-607-branch/Source
- 11:09 AM Changeset in webkit [244877] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
[macOS] Fix syscall sandbox violation
Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.
A syscall needs to be added to the sandbox on macOS.
- WebProcess/com.apple.WebProcess.sb.in:
- 10:59 AM Changeset in webkit [244876] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Unreviewed fix for non-unified build after r244853.
- page/SecurityOrigin.cpp:
- 10:38 AM Changeset in webkit [244875] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Safe browsing warning should update colors when a user switches between light and dark appearance
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
We draw the WKSafeBrowsingExclamationPoint ourselves, so we need to call setNeedsDisplay when viewDidChangeEffectiveAppearance is called.
Instead of setting NSView.layer.backgroundColor we need to make an NSView subclass I call WKSafeBrowsingBox and we need to set its layer's
backgroundColor in updateLayer, otherwise the CGColor isn't updated from the NSColor.
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WKSafeBrowsingWarning.h:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WKSafeBrowsingWarning.mm:
(-[WKSafeBrowsingExclamationPoint viewDidChangeEffectiveAppearance]):
(-[WKSafeBrowsingBox setSafeBrowsingBackgroundColor:]):
(-[WKSafeBrowsingBox updateLayer]):
(-[WKSafeBrowsingWarning initWithFrame:safeBrowsingWarning:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKSafeBrowsingWarning addContent]):
(-[WKSafeBrowsingWarning showDetailsClicked]):
(setBackground): Deleted.
- 10:35 AM Changeset in webkit [244874] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
Build fix for internal branch.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/Challenge.mm:
RetainPtr.h was not explicitly included.
- 10:01 AM Changeset in webkit [244873] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
webkitpy: Ignore errors when shutting down an already shutdown simulator
Reviewed by Lucas Forschler.
- Scripts/webkitpy/xcode/simulated_device.py:
- 9:17 AM Changeset in webkit [244872] by
- 4 edits in trunk
Unreviewed rollout of r244862.
- 8:21 AM Changeset in webkit [244871] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Unreviewed GTK+ gardening after r244868.
- platform/gtk/TestExpectations:
- 7:57 AM Changeset in webkit [244870] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[Win10] Some tests are failing only on specific machines
Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/win/TestExpectations:
- 3:12 AM Changeset in webkit [244869] by
- 23 edits in trunk
[GTK][WPE] Disable "thin", "thick", "medium" values of mfrac@linethickness at runtime
This patch introduces some experimental runtime flag to let users
disable MathML features that are removed from MathML Core [1]. For now,
these features are only disabled on GTK and WPE ports. This patch also
adds a condition to disable "thin", "thick", "medium" values of
mfrac@linethickness at runtime as agreed in [2].
[1] https://mathml-refresh.github.io/mathml-core/
[2] https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/4
Patch by Frederic Wang <fwang@igalia.com> on 2019-05-02
Reviewed by Rob Buis.
- web-platform-tests/mathml/presentation-markup/fractions/frac-linethickness-001.html:
Explicitly enable deprecated features in this test. It should be moved
back to WebKit's test suite if/when it is updated in the upstream WPT
repository so also add a reminder for the next synchronization.
these features are only disabled on GTK and WPE ports. This patch also
adds a condition to disable "thin", "thick", "medium" values of
mfrac@linethickness at runtime as agreed in [2].
[1] https://mathml-refresh.github.io/mathml-core/
[2] https://github.com/mathml-refresh/mathml/issues/4
Patch by Frederic Wang <fwang@igalia.com> on 2019-05-02
Reviewed by Rob Buis.
No new tests, covered by frac-linethickness-0001.html
- mathml/MathMLFractionElement.cpp:
(WebCore::MathMLFractionElement::lineThickness): Just do standard
parsing for MathML lengths when non-core MathML features are disabled.
- page/Settings.yaml: Add WebCore setting.
these features are only disabled on GTK and WPE ports.
[1] https://mathml-refresh.github.io/mathml-core/
Patch by Frederic Wang <fwang@igalia.com> on 2019-05-02
Reviewed by Rob Buis.
- Shared/WebPreferences.yaml:
- Shared/WebPreferencesDefaultValues.h:
these features are only disabled on GTK and WPE ports.
[1] https://mathml-refresh.github.io/mathml-core/
Patch by Frederic Wang <fwang@igalia.com> on 2019-05-02
Reviewed by Rob Buis.
- WebView/WebPreferenceKeysPrivate.h:
- WebView/WebPreferences.mm:
(+[WebPreferences initialize]):
(-[WebPreferences coreMathMLEnabled]):
(-[WebPreferences setCoreMathMLEnabled:]):
- WebView/WebPreferencesPrivate.h:
- WebView/WebView.mm:
(-[WebView _preferencesChanged:]):
these features are only disabled on GTK and WPE ports.
[1] https://mathml-refresh.github.io/mathml-core/
Patch by Frederic Wang <fwang@igalia.com> on 2019-05-02
Reviewed by Rob Buis.
- Interfaces/IWebPreferencesPrivate.idl:
- WebPreferenceKeysPrivate.h:
- WebPreferences.cpp:
- WebPreferences.h:
- WebView.cpp:
these features are only disabled on GTK and WPE ports.
[1] https://mathml-refresh.github.io/mathml-core/
Patch by Frederic Wang <fwang@igalia.com> on 2019-05-02
Reviewed by Rob Buis.
- DumpRenderTree/TestOptions.cpp:
- DumpRenderTree/TestOptions.h:
- DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTree.mm:
May 1, 2019:
- 11:27 PM Changeset in webkit [244868] by
- 3 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Unreviewed, fix test failures after r242992.
- inspector/console/console-screenshot.html:
- inspector/console/console-screenshot-expected.txt:
Don't print the dataURL in the expectation file.
- 10:01 PM Changeset in webkit [244867] by
- 9 copies1 add in releases/Apple/Safari Technology Preview 81
Added a tag for Safari Technology Preview release 81.
- 9:20 PM Changeset in webkit [244866] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Add the ability to import WebKitAdditions snippets in WebKit.apinotes
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
- Shared/API/Cocoa/WebKit.apinotes: Import a new WebKitAdditions file.
- WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Check all files in Headers/ and PrivateHeaders/ that need replacement, not
simply anything ending with ".h".
- mac/replace-webkit-additions-includes.py:
(main): Teach the replacement script to handle files in Headers/ or PrivateHeaders/ that don't end in ".h".
- 8:10 PM Changeset in webkit [244865] by
- 3 edits1 add in trunk
Baseline JIT should do argument value profiling after checking for stack overflow
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.
- stress/check-stack-overflow-before-value-profiling-arguments.js: Added.
Otherwise, we may do value profiling without running a write barrier, which
is against the rules of how we do value profiling.
- jit/JIT.cpp:
- 7:40 PM Changeset in webkit [244864] by
- 4 edits1 add in trunk
[JSC] Inlining Getter/Setter should care availability of ad-hocly constructed frame
Reviewed by Saam Barati.
- stress/getter-setter-inlining-should-emit-movhint.js: Added.
(i.o.get f):
(i.o.set f):
When inlining getter and setter calls, we setup a stack frame which does not appear in the bytecode.
Because Inlining can switch on executable, we could have a graph like this.
30: GetSetter
31: MovHint(loc10)
32: SetLocal(loc10)
33: MovHint(loc9)
34: SetLocal(loc9)
37: GetExecutable(@30)
41: Switch(@37)
42: GetLocal(loc12, bc#7 of caller)
--> callee: loc9 and loc10 are arguments of callee.
<HERE, exit to callee, loc9 and loc10 are required in the bytecode>
When we prune OSR availability at the beginning of BB#2 (bc#7 in the caller), we prune loc9 and loc10's liveness because the caller does not actually have loc9 and loc10.
However, when we begin executing the callee, we need OSR exit to be aware of where it can recover the arguments to the setter, loc9 and loc10.
This patch inserts MovHint at the beginning of callee for a getter / setter stack frame to make arguments (loc9 and loc10 in the above example) recoverable from OSR exit.
We also move arity fixup DFG nodes from the caller to the callee, since moved arguments are not live in the caller too.
Interestingly, this fix also reveals the existing issue in LiveCatchVariablePreservationPhase. We emitted Flush for |this| of InlineCallFrame blindly if we saw InlineCallFrame
inside a block which is covered by catch handler. But this is wrong because inlined function can finish its execution within the block, and |this| is completely unrelated to
the catch handler if the catch handler is in the outer callee. We already collect all the live locals at the catch handler. And this locals must include arguments too if the
catch handler is in inlined function. So, we should not emit Flush for each |this| of seen InlineCallFrame. This emitted Flush may connect unrelated locals in the catch handler
to the locals that is only defined and used in the inlined function, and it leads to the results like DFG says the local is live while the bytecode says the local is dead.
This results in reading and using garbage in OSR entry because DFG OSR entry needs to fill live DFG values from the stack.
- dfg/DFGByteCodeParser.cpp:
- dfg/DFGLiveCatchVariablePreservationPhase.cpp:
- 7:20 PM Changeset in webkit [244863] by
- 5 edits3 adds in trunk
[WebAuthN] Adopt SecurityOrigin::isMatchingRegistrableDomainSuffix()
Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.
This patch implements Step 6-7 from:
Test: http/wpt/webauthn/public-key-credential-ip-address.html
- Modules/webauthn/AuthenticatorCoordinator.cpp:
(WebCore::AuthenticatorCoordinator::create const):
(WebCore::AuthenticatorCoordinator::discoverFromExternalSource const):
- http/wpt/webauthn/public-key-credential-create-failure.https.html:
- http/wpt/webauthn/public-key-credential-get-failure.https.html:
- http/wpt/webauthn/public-key-credential-ip-address-expected.txt: Added.
- http/wpt/webauthn/public-key-credential-ip-address.html: Added.
- http/wpt/webauthn/resources/public-key-credential-ip-address.https.html: Added.
- 7:04 PM Changeset in webkit [244862] by
- 3 edits1 add in trunk
ASSERTION FAILED: !m_needExceptionCheck with --validateExceptionChecks=1; ProxyObject.getOwnPropertySlotCommon/JSFunction.callerGetter
Reviewed by Saam Barati.
New test.
- stress/proxy-getOwnPropertySlots-exceptionChecks.js: Added.
Added an EXCEPTION_ASSERT after call to getOwnPropertySlot().
- runtime/JSObject.cpp:
- 5:25 PM Changeset in webkit [244861] by
- 6 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore
RemoteInspector::updateAutomaticInspectionCandidate should have a default implementation.
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
On non-Cocoa platforms, automatic inspection is not currently implemented,
so updateAutomaticInspectionCandidate falls back to the logic of updateTarget.
This logic already existed in three places, so refactor it into a common private method
and allow our websocket-based RWI implementation to make use of it too.
- inspector/remote/RemoteInspector.cpp:
- inspector/remote/RemoteInspector.h:
- inspector/remote/cocoa/RemoteInspectorCocoa.mm:
- inspector/remote/glib/RemoteInspectorGlib.cpp:
(Inspector::RemoteInspector::updateAutomaticInspectionCandidate): Deleted.
- inspector/remote/socket/RemoteInspectorSocket.cpp:
(Inspector::RemoteInspector::updateAutomaticInspectionCandidate): Deleted.
- 5:20 PM Changeset in webkit [244860] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Add back hasNullReferences() assert in Document::updateIsPlayingMedia
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
AudioContext had a special scriptExecutionContext() getter
that was returning nullptr when AudioContext is stopped.
Instead, make this getter behave as all other scriptExecutionContext() getters
and make sure existing call sites of the getter are fine with the change.
Covered by existing tests.
- Modules/webaudio/AudioContext.cpp:
No need to check whether offline since this constructor is for non offline AudioContext.
(WebCore::AudioContext::scriptExecutionContext const):
- dom/Document.cpp:
- 5:09 PM Changeset in webkit [244859] by
- 2 edits in trunk
[PlayStation] Update port for WEBKIT_EXECUTABLE changes
Reviewed by Don Olmstead.
- Source/cmake/OptionsPlayStation.cmake:
Update wrapping for configuring executables' playstation
specific data to new WEBKIT_EXECUTABLE macro.
- 5:00 PM Changeset in webkit [244858] by
- 3 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Unreviewed, fix test failures after r242809.
- inspector/canvas/recording-html-2d.html:
- inspector/canvas/recording-html-2d-expected.txt:
Don't print the dataURL in the expectation file.
- 4:47 PM Changeset in webkit [244857] by
- 16 edits in trunk/Tools
TestWebKitAPI config.h should be aware of what suite is being built
Reviewed by Konstantin Tokarev.
Migrate to WEBKIT_EXECUTABLE to define the Test* executables. As an added
benefit the macro defines BUILDING_* for the executable which allows the includes
of the config.h to be tailored to the test suite being built. Because of that the
dependencies of the Test* executable are specific to the test suite which may
speed up the build.
Some source files were including "PlatformUtilities.h" which includes WebKit headers
when "Utilities.h" is what was needed.
- TestWebKitAPI/CMakeLists.txt:
- TestWebKitAPI/PlatformGTK.cmake:
- TestWebKitAPI/PlatformJSCOnly.cmake:
- TestWebKitAPI/PlatformMac.cmake:
- TestWebKitAPI/PlatformPlayStation.cmake:
- TestWebKitAPI/PlatformUtilities.h:
- TestWebKitAPI/PlatformWPE.cmake:
- TestWebKitAPI/PlatformWin.cmake:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WTF/RefPtr.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebCore/ContentExtensions.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebCore/FileMonitor.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebCore/LineBreaking.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebCore/cocoa/SharedBuffer.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebCore/cocoa/WebCoreNSURLSession.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/config.h:
- 4:21 PM Changeset in webkit [244856] by
- 35 edits1 delete in trunk
Update WebGPU class names based on sketch.idl
Reviewed by Dean Jackson.
Update all exposed Web GPU interface names to GPU* prefix.
Existing Web GPU tests updated to expect new names.
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPU.idl:
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPUAdapter.idl:
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPUBindGroup.idl:
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPUBindGroupLayout.idl:
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPUBuffer.idl:
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPUDevice.idl:
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPUInputStepMode.h: Removed.
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPUPipelineLayout.idl:
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPUProgrammablePassEncoder.idl:
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPUQueue.idl:
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPURenderPassEncoder.idl:
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPURenderPipeline.idl:
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPUSampler.idl:
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPUTexture.idl:
- Modules/webgpu/WebGPUTextureView.idl:
- WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- bindings/js/WebCoreBuiltinNames.h:
- webgpu/adapter-options.html:
- webgpu/bind-groups-expected.txt:
- webgpu/bind-groups.html:
- webgpu/buffer-resource-triangles.html:
- webgpu/js/webgpu-functions.js:
- webgpu/map-read-buffers.html:
- webgpu/map-write-buffers.html:
- webgpu/pipeline-layouts-expected.txt:
- webgpu/pipeline-layouts.html:
- webgpu/queue-creation-expected.txt:
- webgpu/queue-creation.html:
- webgpu/render-command-encoding-expected.txt:
- webgpu/render-command-encoding.html:
- webgpu/render-pipelines-expected.txt:
- webgpu/render-pipelines.html:
- webgpu/textures-textureviews.html:
- webgpu/webgpu-enabled.html:
- 4:07 PM Changeset in webkit [244855] by
- 6 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[iOS] Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/ios-wk2/fast/block/margin-collapse/103-expected.txt:
- platform/ios/compositing/overflow/theme-affects-visual-overflow-expected.txt:
- platform/ios/fast/block/margin-collapse/103-expected.txt:
- platform/ios/fast/parser/bad-xml-slash-expected.txt:
- platform/ios/tables/mozilla/bugs/bug4527-expected.txt:
- 3:34 PM Changeset in webkit [244854] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
REGRESSION(r244494): editing/pasteboard/5761530-1.html is flaky due to a simple line layout bug
Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.
Work around the simple line layout bug in the flaky layout test by disabling simple line layout.
- editing/pasteboard/5761530-1.html:
- 3:08 PM Changeset in webkit [244853] by
- 7 edits in trunk
Move Document::domainIsRegisterable to SecurityOrigin::isMatchingRegistrableDomainSuffix
Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.
This patch moves Document::domainIsRegisterable to SecurityOrigin::isMatchingRegistrableDomainSuffix
to be more aligned with the HTML standard:
Besides that, it also removes redundant codes within the original method that is also done in
Covered by new API tests.
- dom/Document.cpp:
(WebCore::Document::domainIsRegisterable const): Deleted.
- dom/Document.h:
- page/SecurityOrigin.cpp:
(WebCore::SecurityOrigin::isMatchingRegistrableDomainSuffix const):
- page/SecurityOrigin.h:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebCore/SecurityOrigin.cpp:
- 2:40 PM Changeset in webkit [244852] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
Remove webkitpy and bindings EWS queues from dashboard
Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.
- BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/public_html/dashboard/Scripts/BubbleQueueServer.js:
- 2:38 PM Changeset in webkit [244851] by
- 5 edits6 adds in trunk
[iOS] Element::focus and Element::scrollIntoView do not clamp scroll positions
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
Fixed the bug that Element::focus and Element::scrollIntoView were not clamping scroll offsets,
which causes scrollTop etc... to return a bogus negative scrolling offset.
Unfortunately, we can't just use FrameView's ScrollableArea::constrainScrollPosition since
scrollRectToVisible relies on the visible rect being expanded by the content insets in order to scroll to
a position within the content insets of UIScrollView; e.g. revealing the top of the page as the center.
We manually expand minimumScrollPosition() and maximumScrollPosition() by the content insets instead.
Tests: fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-focus-should-clamp-top.html
- rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:
Added tests for scrolling via Element.prototype.focus and Element.prototype.scrollIntoView.
- fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-focus-should-clamp-top-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-focus-should-clamp-top.html: Added.
- fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-scrollIntoView-inside-iframe-should-clamp-top-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-scrollIntoView-inside-iframe-should-clamp-top.html: Added.
- fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-scrollIntoView-should-clamp-top-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/scrolling/ios/programmatic-scroll-via-scrollIntoView-should-clamp-top.html: Added.
- platform/ios-wk2/fast/dom/focus-contenteditable-expected.txt: Rebaselined the output now that the scroll position
is properly clamped.
- platform/ios-wk2/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/cssom-view/elementFromPoint-expected.txt: Rebaselined as one
more test case is passing.
- 2:19 PM Changeset in webkit [244850] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Protect against null crash in fetchDiskCacheEntries
Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
If the call to Entry::decodeStorageRecord returns nullptr in Storage::traverse, do not call the traverseHandler, which expects
that when it is called with nullptr that is the end of the traversal.
- NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCache.cpp:
- 2:08 PM Changeset in webkit [244849] by
- 17 edits10 adds in trunk
[iOS] Add a version of viewport shrink-to-fit heuristics that preserves page layout
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
Adds support for a new shrink-to-fit heuristic that attempts to lay out the contents of the page at a larger
width in order to shrink content to fit the viewport. See WebKit ChangeLog for more details.
Tests: fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-constant-width.html
- page/ViewportConfiguration.cpp:
(WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::description const):
- page/ViewportConfiguration.h:
(WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::canIgnoreScalingConstraints const):
(WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::minimumEffectiveDeviceWidth const):
Add several new getters and setters in ViewportConfiguration.
(WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::isKnownToLayOutWiderThanViewport const):
(WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::shouldIgnoreMinimumEffectiveDeviceWidth const):
Importantly, only allow ignoring the minimum effective device width in webpages with responsive viewports, if
they also have *not* laid out wider than the viewport.
This patch introduces a new shrink-to-fit heuristic that attempts to lay out the contents of the page at a
larger width in order to shrink content to fit the viewport. This is similar to existing shrink-to-fit behaviors
used for viewport sizing in multitasking mode, except that it not only scales the view, but additionally expands
the layout size, such that the overall layout of the page is preserved. In fact, the reason we ended up
reverting the existing flavor of shrink-to-fit in all cases except for multitasking was that page layout was not
preserved, which caused elements that poke out of the viewport to make the rest of the page look out of
proportion — see <rdar://problem/23818102> and related radars.
Covered by 5 new layout tests, and by adjusting a couple of existing layout tests. See comments below for more
- Platform/Logging.h:
Add a new ViewportSizing logging channel. This will only log on pages that overflow the viewport and shrink to
fit as a result.
- Shared/WebPreferences.yaml:
Turn IgnoreViewportScalingConstraints off by default. This preference currently controls whether we allow
shrink-to-fit behaviors, and is only used by Safari when it is in multitasking mode. The value of this
preference is currenly *on* by default, and is turned off almost immediately during every page load after the
first visible content rect update, wherein visibleContentRectUpdateInfo.allowShrinkToFit() is false.
However, this sometimes causes a brief jitter during page load; to fix this, make the default value for
IgnoreViewportScalingConstraints false, and change the logic in WebPage::updateVisibleContentRects to
setCanIgnoreScalingConstraints to true if either the IgnoreViewportScalingConstraints preference (not only
affected by an internal debug switch) is true, or WKWebView SPI is used to enable the behavior.
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.cpp:
Add a new hook for WebFrameLoaderClient to call into WebPage when document load finishes. Also, tweak
dispatchDidFinishLoad to take a WebFrame& instead of a WebFrame* in a drive-by fix (the frame is assumed to be
non-null anyways).
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp:
When finishing document load or finishing the overall load, kick off the shrink-to-fit timer; when committing a
load, cancel the timer.
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.h:
- WebProcess/WebPage/ios/WebPageIOS.mm:
Don't allow the minimum effective device width from the client to stomp over any minimum effective device width
set as a result of the new shrink-to-fit heuristic; on some pages that load quickly, this can result in a race
where the minimum effective device width (i.e. a value that lower-bounds the minimum layout width) is first set
by the shrink-to-fit heuristic, and then set to an incorrect value by the client.
In the near future, web view SPI used to set the minimum effective device width should actually be removed
altogether, since the new shrink-to-fit heuristic supersedes any need for the client to fiddle with the minimum
effective device width.
When performing a dynamic viewport size update, additionally re-run the shrink-to-fit heuristic. This allows
the minimum layout size of the viewport to be updated, if necessary. An example of where this matters is when a
web page is *below* a tablet/desktop layout breakpoint in portrait device orientation, but then exceeds this
layout breakpoint in landscape orientation. In this scenario, rotating the device should swap between these two
page layouts.
Leverage the existing capability for a viewport to have a "minimum effective device width" to grant the viewport
a larger layout size than it would normally have, and then scale down to fit within the bounds of the view. One
challenge with this overall approach is that laying out at a larger width may cause the page to lay out even
wider in response, which may actually worsen horizontal scrolling. To mitigate this, we only attempt to lay out
at the current content width once; if laying out at this width reduced the amount of horizontal scrolling by any
amount, then proceed with this layout width; otherwise, revert to the previous layout width.
(WebKit::WebPage::shouldIgnoreMetaViewport const):
Pull some common logic out into a readonly getter.
See the comment below WebPreferences.yaml, above.
Introduces new layout tests, and adjusts some existing tests. See comments below.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-constant-width-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-constant-width.html: Added.
Add a new layout test to exercise the scenario where a constant width viewport narrower than the view is used.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-large-width-breakpoint-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-large-width-breakpoint.html: Added.
Add a new layout test to exercise the scenario where a responsive website that lays out larger than the view
width ends up with even more horizontal scrolling when laying out at the initial content width. In this
scenario, we shouldn't try to expand the viewport to try and encompass the content width, since that would only
induce even worse horizontal scrolling.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-no-viewport-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-no-viewport.html: Added.
Add a new layout test for the case where there is no viewport, but content lays out wider than the view.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-responsive-viewport-with-horizontal-overflow-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-responsive-viewport-with-horizontal-overflow.html: Added.
Add a new layout test for the case where the page has opted for a responsive viewport (device-width, initial
scale 1), but has laid out wider than the viewport anyways. In this case, we want to shrink the contents down to
fit inside the view.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-temporary-overflow-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/viewport/ios/shrink-to-fit-content-temporary-overflow.html: Added.
Add a new layout test to exercise the case where, during page load, content width temporarily increases, and
then decreases such that it once again fits within the viewport. In this case, we don't want to expand the
viewport to be as wide as the large temporary width of the page.
- fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-body-overflow-hidden-expected.txt:
- fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-body-overflow-hidden.html:
- fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-expected.txt:
- fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing.html:
Tweak these 2 existing layout tests to include "shrink-to-fit=no", to prevent the new heuristics from shrinking
the page to fit on device classes that use native viewports by default.
- platform/ipad/fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-body-overflow-hidden-expected.txt:
- platform/ipad/fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-expected.txt:
- 1:46 PM Changeset in webkit [244848] by
- 4 edits2 adds in trunk
[iOS] Star rating is covered with a black circle when writing a review on Yelp
Reviewed by Dean Jackson.
This patch moves the background painting of the radio/checkbox form controls in checked state to RenderTheme.
It enables content authors to disable default appearance using -webkit-appearance: none (it is also inline with what we do on macOS).
Test: fast/forms/radio-and-checkbox-checked-with-no-appearance.html
- css/html.css:
(input:matches([type="checkbox"], [type="radio"]):checked):
- rendering/RenderThemeIOS.mm:
- fast/forms/radio-and-checkbox-checked-with-no-appearance-expected.html: Added.
- fast/forms/radio-and-checkbox-checked-with-no-appearance.html: Added.
- 1:44 PM Changeset in webkit [244847] by
- 7 edits in tags/Safari-608.1.19.101/Source
- 1:42 PM Changeset in webkit [244846] by
- 1 copy in tags/Safari-608.1.19.101
New tag.
- 1:36 PM Changeset in webkit [244845] by
- 7 edits in tags/Safari-608.1.19.100/Source
- 1:35 PM Changeset in webkit [244844] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
REGRESSION: Layout test imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/resource-timing/resource-timing-level1.sub.html is frequently failing on Mac-ews
Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/mac/TestExpectations:
- 1:34 PM Changeset in webkit [244843] by
- 7 edits in tags/Safari-608.1.19.200/Source
- 1:31 PM Changeset in webkit [244842] by
- 1 copy in tags/Safari-608.1.19.200
New tag.
- 1:30 PM Changeset in webkit [244841] by
- 1 copy in tags/Safari-608.1.19.100
New tag.
- 1:10 PM Changeset in webkit [244840] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
Remove webkitpy and bindings test queues from old EWS
Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.
- QueueStatusServer/config/queues.py:
- 12:40 PM Changeset in webkit [244839] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Win10 failing or flakey tests need to be given expectations to allow for new EWS
Unreviewed test Gardening
- platform/win/TestExpectations:
- 12:39 PM Changeset in webkit [244838] by
- 7 edits in tags/Safari-608.1.20/Source
- 12:31 PM Changeset in webkit [244837] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
REGRESSION (r244182): RenderingUpdate should not be scheduled for invisible pages
Patch by Said Abou-Hallawa <sabouhallawa@apple.com> on 2019-05-01
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
Before r244182, some web pages never need to schedule a RenderingUpdate.
Only pages with rAF callbacks, web animations, intersection and resize
observers needed to do so. After r244182, all pages have to schedule a
RenderingUpdate when a page rendering update is required.
When Safari opens, it create a 'blank' web page. The blank page will not
be visible unless the user selects to show the 'Empty page' in the new
tab. Although the blank page is not visible, the loader needs to resolveStyle()
which requires to scheduleLayerFlushNow().
We need to optimize this case: calling scheduleLayerFlushNow() for invisible
pages. We do that by checking if the page is visible before scheduling
the RenderingUpdate.
Also we need to change or get rid of scheduleLayerFlushNow() since its name
has become confusing. It suggests that it is going to schedule flushing
the layer 'now'. But after r244182, it does scheduleRenderingUpdate() first.
And when it fires, scheduleCompositingLayerFlush() will be called.
- page/RenderingUpdateScheduler.cpp:
- rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderLayerCompositor::scheduleLayerFlushNow): Deleted.
- rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.h:
- 12:17 PM Changeset in webkit [244836] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Link Previews that use WKImagePreviewViewController are not always scaled correctly
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
Tell the UIImageView that we create in WKImagePreviewViewController to use
a filling scaling method.
- UIProcess/WKImagePreviewViewController.mm:
(-[WKImagePreviewViewController initWithCGImage:defaultActions:elementInfo:]):
- 11:26 AM Changeset in webkit [244835] by
- 7 edits in trunk/Source
- 11:20 AM Changeset in webkit [244834] by
- 1 copy in tags/Safari-608.1.20
Tag Safari-608.1.20.
- 10:48 AM Changeset in webkit [244833] by
- 2 edits in trunk/JSTests
Unreviewed correction to Test262 expectations following r244828.
- test262/expectations.yaml:
- 10:42 AM Changeset in webkit [244832] by
- 4 edits in trunk/JSTests
Add memory-limited skipping to some tests generating very large strings
Reviewed by Ross Kirsling.
- stress/StringObject-define-length-getter-rope-string-oom.js:
- stress/create-error-out-of-memory-rope-string.js:
- stress/string-16bit-repeat-overflow.js:
- 10:36 AM Changeset in webkit [244831] by
- 2 edits in branches/safari-607-branch/Source/WebInspectorUI
Cherry-pick r244358. rdar://problem/50352725
REGRESSION(r238168) Web Inspector: <iframe src=...> request does not show up in Network Tab
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
- UserInterface/Views/NetworkTableContentView.js: (WI.NetworkTableContentView): (WI.NetworkTableContentView.prototype._handleFrameWasAdded): Handle new frames by adding the frame's main resource.
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@244358 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 10:36 AM Changeset in webkit [244830] by
- 2 edits in branches/safari-607-branch/Source/WebKit
Cherry-pick r244326. rdar://problem/50352719
Web Inspector: CRASH when reopening tab with docked inspector on crashed page
Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.
- UIProcess/mac/WebInspectorProxyMac.mm: (WebKit::WebInspectorProxy::inspectedViewFrameDidChange):
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@244326 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 10:36 AM Changeset in webkit [244829] by
- 2 edits in branches/safari-607-branch/Source/WebInspectorUI
Cherry-pick r242772. rdar://problem/50352729
Web Inspector: REGRESSION: Network Cookies Table does not load
Patch by Joseph Pecoraro <Joseph Pecoraro> on 2019-03-11
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
- UserInterface/Views/ResourceCookiesContentView.js: (WI.ResourceCookiesContentView.prototype.tableIndexForRepresentedObject): (WI.ResourceCookiesContentView.prototype.tableRepresentedObjectForIndex): Include needed delegate methods.
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@242772 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 10:33 AM Changeset in webkit [244828] by
- 30 edits1 add in trunk
WebKit has too much of its own UTF-8 code and should rely more on ICU's UTF-8 support
Patch by Darin Adler <Darin Adler> on 2019-05-01
Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.
- web-platform-tests/encoding/textdecoder-utf16-surrogates-expected.txt:
Updated expected results to have the Unicode replacement character in cases where the
text contains unpaired surrogates. The tests are still doing the same operations, and
still getting the same results, but the text output no longer includes illegal UTF-8.
- API/JSClassRef.cpp: Removed uneeded include of UTF8Conversion.h.
- API/JSStringRef.cpp:
(JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString): Updated for changes to convertUTF8ToUTF16.
(JSStringGetUTF8CString): Updated for changes to convertLatin1ToUTF8.
Removed unneeded "true" to get the strict version of convertUTF16ToUTF8,
since that is the default. Also updated for changes to CompletionResult.
- runtime/JSGlobalObjectFunctions.cpp:
(JSC::decode): Stop using UTF8SequenceLength, and instead use U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES
and U8_MAX_LENGTH. Instead of decodeUTF8Sequence, use U8_NEXT. Also use U_IS_BMP,
U_IS_SUPPLEMENTARY, U16_LEAD, U16_TRAIL, and U_IS_SURROGATE instead of our own
equivalents, since these macros from ICU are correct and efficient.
- wasm/WasmParser.h:
(JSC::Wasm::Parser<SuccessType>::consumeUTF8String): Updated for changes to
- platform/SharedBuffer.cpp:
(WebCore::utf8Buffer): Removed unnecessary "strict" argument to convertUTF16ToUTF8 since
that is the default behavior. Also updated for changes to return values.
- xml/XSLTProcessorLibxslt.cpp:
(WebCore::writeToStringBuilder): Removed unnecessary use of StringBuffer for a temporary
buffer for characters. Rewrote to use U8_NEXT and U16_APPEND directly.
- xml/parser/XMLDocumentParserLibxml2.cpp:
(WebCore::convertUTF16EntityToUTF8): Updated for changes to CompletionResult.
- Shared/API/APIString.h: Removed uneeded includes and also switched to #pragma once.
- Shared/API/c/WKString.cpp: Moved include of UTF8Conversion.h here.
(WKStringGetUTF8CStringImpl): Updated for changes to return values.
- wtf/text/AtomicString.cpp:
(WTF::AtomicString::fromUTF8Internal): Added code to compute string length when the
end is nullptr; this behavior used to be implemented inside the
calculateStringHashAndLengthFromUTF8MaskingTop8Bits function.
- wtf/text/AtomicStringImpl.cpp:
(WTF::HashAndUTF8CharactersTranslator::translate): Updated for change to
- wtf/text/AtomicStringImpl.h: Took the WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE off of the
AtomicStringImpl::addUTF8 function. This is used only inside a non-inlined function in
the AtomicString class and its behavior changed subtly in this patch; it's helpful
to document that it's not exported.
- wtf/text/StringImpl.cpp:
(WTF::StringImpl::utf8Impl): Don't pass "true" for strictness to convertUTF16ToUTF8
since strict is the default. Also updated for changes to ConversionResult.
(WTF::StringImpl::utf8ForCharacters): Updated for change to convertLatin1ToUTF8.
(WTF::StringImpl::tryGetUtf8ForRange const): Ditto.
- wtf/text/StringView.cpp: Removed uneeded include of UTF8Conversion.h.
- wtf/text/WTFString.cpp:
(WTF::String::fromUTF8): Updated for change to convertUTF8ToUTF16.
- wtf/unicode/UTF8Conversion.cpp:
(WTF::Unicode::inlineUTF8SequenceLengthNonASCII): Deleted.
(WTF::Unicode::inlineUTF8SequenceLength): Deleted.
(WTF::Unicode::UTF8SequenceLength): Deleted.
(WTF::Unicode::decodeUTF8Sequence): Deleted.
(WTF::Unicode::convertLatin1ToUTF8): Use U8_APPEND, enabling us to remove
almost everything in the function. Also changed resturn value to be a boolean
to indicate success since there is only one possible failure (target exhausted).
There is room for further simplification, since most callers have lengths rather
than end pointers for the source buffer, and all but one caller supplies a buffer
size known to be sufficient, so those don't need a return value, nor do they need
to pass an end of buffer pointer.
(WTF::Unicode::convertUTF16ToUTF8): Use U_IS_LEAD, U_IS_TRAIL,
U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY, U_IS_SURROGATE, and U8_APPEND. Also changed behavior
for non-strict mode so that unpaired surrogates will be turned into the
replacement character instead of invalid UTF-8 sequences, because U8_APPEND
won't create an invalid UTF-8 sequence, and because we don't need to do that
for any good reason at any call site.
(WTF::Unicode::isLegalUTF8): Deleted.
(WTF::Unicode::readUTF8Sequence): Deleted.
(WTF::Unicode::convertUTF8ToUTF16): Use U8_NEXT instead of
inlineUTF8SequenceLength, isLegalUTF8, and readUTF8Sequence. Use
U16_APPEND instead of lots of code that does the same thing. There is
room for further simplification since most callers don't need the "all ASCII"
feature and could probably pass the arguments in a more natural way.
Use U8_NEXT instead of isLegalUTF8, readUTF8Sequence, and various
error handling checks for things that are handled by U8_NEXT. Also removed
support for passing nullptr for end to specify a null-terminated string.
(WTF::Unicode::equalUTF16WithUTF8): Ditto.
- wtf/unicode/UTF8Conversion.h: Removed UTF8SequenceLength and
decodeUTF8Sequence. Changed the ConversionResult to match WebKit coding
style, with an eye toward perhaps removing it in the future. Changed
the convertUTF8ToUTF16 return value to a boolean and removed the "strict"
argument since no caller was passing false. Changed the convertLatin1ToUTF8
return value to a boolean. Tweaked comments.
- css3/escape-dom-api-expected.txt:
- fast/text/dangling-surrogates-expected.txt:
- js/dom/webidl-type-mapping-expected.txt:
- js/invalid-utf8-in-syntax-error-expected.txt:
Updated expected results to have the Unicode replacement character in cases where the
text contains unpaired surrogates. The tests are still doing the same operations, and
still getting the same results, but the text output no longer includes illegal UTF-8.
- js/invalid-utf8-in-syntax-error.html: Added. Before adding this, the test was
run, but unlike the rest of the tests in this directory, was only run as part of
run-javascriptcore-tests. There are two reasons for adding this. One is to be
consistent with the rest of the tests here and run a second time as part of the
broader WebKit tests. The second is that we can now use "--reset-results" to generate
new expected results, something that run-webkit-tests has but run-javascriptcore-tests
does not have.
- 10:13 AM Changeset in webkit [244827] by
- 28 edits1 delete in trunk
Unreviewed, rolling out r244821.
Reverted changeset:
"WebKit has too much of its own UTF-8 code and should rely
more on ICU's UTF-8 support"
Reverted changeset:
"WebKit has too much of its own UTF-8 code and should rely
more on ICU's UTF-8 support"
Reverted changeset:
"WebKit has too much of its own UTF-8 code and should rely
more on ICU's UTF-8 support"
Reverted changeset:
"WebKit has too much of its own UTF-8 code and should rely
more on ICU's UTF-8 support"
Reverted changeset:
"WebKit has too much of its own UTF-8 code and should rely
more on ICU's UTF-8 support"
Causing 4 Test262 failures on JSC Release and Debug
Reverted changeset:
"WebKit has too much of its own UTF-8 code and should rely
more on ICU's UTF-8 support"
- 10:12 AM Changeset in webkit [244826] by
- 5 edits in trunk/Source
Unreviewed, rolling out r244822.
Reverted changeset:
Causing 4 Test262 failures on JSC Release and Debug
Reverted changeset:
https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/244822 https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/244821
- 10:09 AM Changeset in webkit [244825] by
- 6 edits5 adds in trunk
Reject/throw when calling AudioContext methods on a stopped AudioContext
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
Return InvalidStateError in that case.
ASSERT that we do not call lazyInitialize after being stopped
since this would mean we are doing unneeded processing.
Test: http/wpt/webaudio/audiocontext-stopped.html
- Modules/webaudio/AudioContext.cpp:
- Modules/webaudio/AudioContext.h:
- Modules/webaudio/AudioContext.idl:
- http/wpt/webaudio/audiocontext-stopped-expected.txt: Added.
- http/wpt/webaudio/audiocontext-stopped.html: Added.
- http/wpt/webaudio/resources/audiocontext-stopped-iframe.html: Added.
- platform/win/TestExpectations: Skip test for win.
- 9:34 AM Changeset in webkit [244824] by
- 5 edits1 copy1 add in trunk
Kept alive loaders should use the redirected request in case of redirections
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
- web-platform-tests/fetch/api/basic/keepalive-expected.txt:
Kept alive loaders should use the redirected request in case of redirections
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
Instead of using the request, the redirected request should be used in case of redirection.
- NetworkProcess/NetworkResourceLoader.cpp:
Enable Fetch Keep Alive by default
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
- platform/mac-wk1/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/fetch/api/basic/keepalive-expected.txt: Added.
- 8:56 AM Changeset in webkit [244823] by
- 15 edits2 adds in trunk
XMLHttpRequest should propagate user gestures for media playback
Reviewed by Jer Noble.
A user gesture the would allow media state change in effect when XMLHttpRequest.send is
called should be active when the event handlers fire after the transaction completes successfully.
Test: http/tests/media/user-gesture-preserved-across-xmlhttprequest.html
- dom/UserGestureIndicator.cpp:
(WebCore::UserGestureIndicator::UserGestureIndicator): Add a 'scope' parameter to potentially
limit the scope of the gesture to just media.
(WebCore::UserGestureIndicator::~UserGestureIndicator): Clear the scope.
- dom/UserGestureIndicator.h:
(WebCore::UserGestureToken::processingUserGesture const):
(WebCore::UserGestureToken::hasExpired const):
- page/DOMTimer.cpp:
(WebCore::DOMTimerFireState::DOMTimerFireState): Don't need to store the nested timer interval,
UserGestureIndicator knows when it started.
(WebCore::DOMTimer::DOMTimer): Ditto.
(WebCore::DOMTimer::fired): Ditto.
(WebCore::DOMTimerFireState::nestedTimerInterval const): Deleted.
(WebCore::shouldForwardUserGesture): Deleted.
(WebCore::userGestureTokenToForward): Deleted.
(WebCore::currentNestedTimerInterval): Deleted.
- page/DOMTimer.h:
- testing/Internals.cpp:
(WebCore::Internals::setXHRMaximumIntervalForUserGestureForwarding): Override the maximum
user gesture interval for testing.
- testing/Internals.h:
- testing/Internals.idl:
- xml/XMLHttpRequest.cpp:
(WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::send): Stash the user gesture token.
(WebCore::XMLHttpRequest::dispatchEvent): Clear user gesture token if it has expired. If still
valid, activate it.
- xml/XMLHttpRequest.h:
- fast/events/popup-blocking-timers5-expected.txt:
- fast/events/popup-blocking-timers5.html: Decrease the timer interval from 1000 to 900
because the user gesture is invalidated based on wall clock time.
- fast/events/popup-blocking-timers6-expected.txt:
- fast/events/popup-blocking-timers6.html: Increase the timer interval from 1001 to 1100
because the user gesture is invalidated based on wall clock time.
- http/tests/media/user-gesture-preserved-across-xmlhttprequest-expected.txt: Added.
- http/tests/media/user-gesture-preserved-across-xmlhttprequest.html: Added.
- 8:55 AM Changeset in webkit [244822] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source
Fix typos: "convering" to "converting".
- 8:52 AM Changeset in webkit [244821] by
- 28 edits1 add in trunk
WebKit has too much of its own UTF-8 code and should rely more on ICU's UTF-8 support
Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.
- web-platform-tests/encoding/textdecoder-utf16-surrogates-expected.txt:
Updated expected results to have the Unicode replacement character in cases where the
text contains unpaired surrogates. The tests are still doing the same operations, and
still getting the same results, but the text output no longer includes illegal UTF-8.
- API/JSClassRef.cpp: Removed uneeded include of UTF8Conversion.h.
- API/JSStringRef.cpp:
(JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString): Updated for changes to convertUTF8ToUTF16.
(JSStringGetUTF8CString): Updated for changes to convertLatin1ToUTF8.
Removed unneeded "true" to get the strict version of convertUTF16ToUTF8,
since that is the default. Also updated for changes to CompletionResult.
- runtime/JSGlobalObjectFunctions.cpp:
(JSC::decode): Stop using UTF8SequenceLength, and instead use U8_COUNT_TRAIL_BYTES
and U8_MAX_LENGTH. Instead of decodeUTF8Sequence, use U8_NEXT. Also use U_IS_BMP,
U_IS_SUPPLEMENTARY, U16_LEAD, U16_TRAIL, and U_IS_SURROGATE instead of our own
equivalents, since these macros from ICU are correct and efficient.
- wasm/WasmParser.h:
(JSC::Wasm::Parser<SuccessType>::consumeUTF8String): Updated for changes to
- platform/SharedBuffer.cpp:
(WebCore::utf8Buffer): Removed unnecessary "strict" argument to convertUTF16ToUTF8 since
that is the default behavior. Also updated for changes to return values.
- xml/XSLTProcessorLibxslt.cpp:
(WebCore::writeToStringBuilder): Removed unnecessary use of StringBuffer for a temporary
buffer for characters. Rewrote to use U8_NEXT and U16_APPEND directly.
- xml/parser/XMLDocumentParserLibxml2.cpp:
(WebCore::convertUTF16EntityToUTF8): Updated for changes to CompletionResult.
- Shared/API/APIString.h: Removed uneeded includes and also switched to #pragma once.
- Shared/API/c/WKString.cpp: Moved include of UTF8Conversion.h here.
(WKStringGetUTF8CStringImpl): Updated for changes to return values.
- wtf/text/AtomicString.cpp:
(WTF::AtomicString::fromUTF8Internal): Added code to compute string length when the
end is nullptr; this behavior used to be implemented inside the
calculateStringHashAndLengthFromUTF8MaskingTop8Bits function.
- wtf/text/AtomicStringImpl.cpp:
(WTF::HashAndUTF8CharactersTranslator::translate): Updated for change to
- wtf/text/AtomicStringImpl.h: Took the WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE off of the
AtomicStringImpl::addUTF8 function. This is used only inside a non-inlined function in
the AtomicString class and its behavior changed subtly in this patch; it's helpful
to document that it's not exported.
- wtf/text/StringImpl.cpp:
(WTF::StringImpl::utf8Impl): Don't pass "true" for strictness to convertUTF16ToUTF8
since strict is the default. Also updated for changes to ConversionResult.
(WTF::StringImpl::utf8ForCharacters): Updated for change to convertLatin1ToUTF8.
(WTF::StringImpl::tryGetUtf8ForRange const): Ditto.
- wtf/text/StringView.cpp: Removed uneeded include of UTF8Conversion.h.
- wtf/text/WTFString.cpp:
(WTF::String::fromUTF8): Updated for change to convertUTF8ToUTF16.
- wtf/unicode/UTF8Conversion.cpp:
(WTF::Unicode::inlineUTF8SequenceLengthNonASCII): Deleted.
(WTF::Unicode::inlineUTF8SequenceLength): Deleted.
(WTF::Unicode::UTF8SequenceLength): Deleted.
(WTF::Unicode::decodeUTF8Sequence): Deleted.
(WTF::Unicode::convertLatin1ToUTF8): Use U8_APPEND, enabling us to remove
almost everything in the function. Also changed resturn value to be a boolean
to indicate success since there is only one possible failure (target exhausted).
There is room for further simplification, since most callers have lengths rather
than end pointers for the source buffer, and all but one caller supplies a buffer
size known to be sufficient, so those don't need a return value, nor do they need
to pass an end of buffer pointer.
(WTF::Unicode::convertUTF16ToUTF8): Use U_IS_LEAD, U_IS_TRAIL,
U16_GET_SUPPLEMENTARY, U_IS_SURROGATE, and U8_APPEND. Also changed behavior
for non-strict mode so that unpaired surrogates will be turned into the
replacement character instead of invalid UTF-8 sequences, because U8_APPEND
won't create an invalid UTF-8 sequence, and because we don't need to do that
for any good reason at any call site.
(WTF::Unicode::isLegalUTF8): Deleted.
(WTF::Unicode::readUTF8Sequence): Deleted.
(WTF::Unicode::convertUTF8ToUTF16): Use U8_NEXT instead of
inlineUTF8SequenceLength, isLegalUTF8, and readUTF8Sequence. Use
U16_APPEND instead of lots of code that does the same thing. There is
room for further simplification since most callers don't need the "all ASCII"
feature and could probably pass the arguments in a more natural way.
Use U8_NEXT instead of isLegalUTF8, readUTF8Sequence, and various
error handling checks for things that are handled by U8_NEXT. Also removed
support for passing nullptr for end to specify a null-terminated string.
(WTF::Unicode::equalUTF16WithUTF8): Ditto.
- wtf/unicode/UTF8Conversion.h: Removed UTF8SequenceLength and
decodeUTF8Sequence. Changed the ConversionResult to match WebKit coding
style, with an eye toward perhaps removing it in the future. Changed
the convertUTF8ToUTF16 return value to a boolean and removed the "strict"
argument since no caller was passing false. Changed the convertLatin1ToUTF8
return value to a boolean. Tweaked comments.
- css3/escape-dom-api-expected.txt:
- fast/text/dangling-surrogates-expected.txt:
- js/dom/webidl-type-mapping-expected.txt:
- js/invalid-utf8-in-syntax-error-expected.txt:
Updated expected results to have the Unicode replacement character in cases where the
text contains unpaired surrogates. The tests are still doing the same operations, and
still getting the same results, but the text output no longer includes illegal UTF-8
because the WTF changes affect the code path that DumpRenderTree and WebKitTestRunner
use to produce the text output.
- js/invalid-utf8-in-syntax-error.html: Added. Before adding this, the test was
run, but unlike the rest of the tests in this directory, was only run as part of
run-javascriptcore-tests. There are two reasons for adding this. One is to be
consistent with the rest of the tests here and run a second time as part of the
broader WebKit tests. The second is that we can now use "--reset-results" to generate
new expected results, something that run-webkit-tests has but run-javascriptcore-tests
does not have.
- 7:20 AM WebKitGTK/2.24.x edited by
- (diff)