
Apr 22, 2006:

9:23 PM Changeset in webkit [14022] by darin
  • 1 edit in trunk/LayoutTests/fast/dom/prototype-chain-expected.txt

Geoff seems to have checked in the change log, but not the updated result.

6:52 PM Changeset in webkit [14021] by mjs
  • 73 edits
    2 deletes in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by Eric.

  • remove WebKit copy of assertions code, use the assertions stuff from JavaScriptCore instead.
  • Carbon/HIViewAdapter.m:
  • DOM/WebDOMOperations.m:
  • DefaultDelegates/WebDefaultContextMenuDelegate.m:
  • DefaultDelegates/WebDefaultPolicyDelegate.m: (-[WebDefaultPolicyDelegate webView:unableToImplementPolicyWithError:frame:]):
  • History/WebBackForwardList.m:
  • History/WebHistory.m: (-[WebHistoryPrivate _loadHistoryGuts:URL:error:]): (-[WebHistoryPrivate _saveHistoryGuts:URL:error:]):
  • History/WebHistoryItem.m:
  • Misc/WebAssertions.h: Removed.
  • Misc/WebAssertions.m: Removed.
  • Misc/WebDatabase.m:
  • Misc/WebDownload.m:
  • Misc/WebFileDatabase.m: (SetThreadPriority):
  • Misc/WebIconDatabase.m: (-[NSMutableDictionary iconForURL:withSize:cache:]): (-[NSMutableDictionary releaseIconForURL:]): (-[NSMutableDictionary delayDatabaseCleanup]): (-[NSMutableDictionary allowDatabaseCleanup]): (-[WebIconDatabase _loadIconDictionaries]): (-[WebIconDatabase _updateFileDatabase]): (-[WebIconDatabase _iconsBySplittingRepresentationsOfIcon:]):
  • Misc/WebIconLoader.m:
  • Misc/WebKitLogging.h:
  • Misc/WebKitLogging.m:
  • Misc/WebKitSystemBits.m: (initCapabilities):
  • Misc/WebLRUFileList.m: (WebLRUFileListRemoveOldestFileFromList): (WebLRUFileListGetFileSize):
  • Misc/WebLocalizableStrings.m:
  • Misc/WebNSCalendarDateExtras.m:
  • Misc/WebNSDataExtras.m:
  • Misc/WebNSDictionaryExtras.m:
  • Misc/WebNSFileManagerExtras.m:
  • Misc/WebNSPasteboardExtras.m:
  • Misc/WebNSURLExtras.m: (hexDigit): (hexDigitValue): (allCharactersInIDNScriptWhiteList):
  • Misc/WebNSURLRequestExtras.m:
  • Misc/WebNSUserDefaultsExtras.m:
  • Misc/WebStringTruncator.m:
  • Panels/WebAuthenticationPanel.m: (-[WebAuthenticationPanel loadNib]):
  • Panels/WebPanelAuthenticationHandler.m:
  • Plugins/WebBaseNetscapePluginStream.m: (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginStream startStreamResponseURL:expectedContentLength:lastModifiedDate:MIMEType:]): (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginStream finishedLoadingWithData:]):
  • Plugins/WebBaseNetscapePluginView.m: (TSMEventHandler): (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView start]): (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView status:]): (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView _printedPluginBitmap]):
  • Plugins/WebBasePluginPackage.m:
  • Plugins/WebNetscapePluginDocumentView.m:
  • Plugins/WebNetscapePluginPackage.m: (-[WebNetscapePluginPackage load]):
  • Plugins/WebNetscapePluginRepresentation.m:
  • Plugins/WebPluginContainerCheck.m:
  • Plugins/WebPluginController.m: (-[WebPluginController addPlugin:]): (-[WebPluginController webPlugInContainerLoadRequest:inFrame:]): (-[WebPluginController webPlugInContainerShowStatus:]):
  • Plugins/WebPluginDatabase.m:
  • Plugins/WebPluginDocumentView.m:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebCookieAdapter.m:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebFileButton.m:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebFrameBridge.m: (-[WebFrameBridge runModal]):
  • WebCoreSupport/WebImageData.m: (-[WebImageData _checkSolidColor:]): (-[WebImageData tileInRect:fromPoint:context:]): (-[WebImageData scaleAndTileInRect:fromRect:withHorizontalTileRule:withVerticalTileRule:context:]):
  • WebCoreSupport/WebImageDecoder.m:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebImageRenderer.m: (-[WebImageRenderer TIFFRepresentation]):
  • WebCoreSupport/WebImageRendererFactory.m:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebJavaScriptTextInputPanel.m:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebKeyGenerator.m:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebPageBridge.m:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebSubresourceLoader.m:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebTextRenderer.m: (widthForGlyph): (-[WebTextRenderer initWithFont:]): (drawGlyphs): (initializeATSUStyle): (createATSULayoutParameters): (getTextBounds): (ATSU_draw):
  • WebCoreSupport/WebTextRendererFactory.m:
  • WebCoreSupport/WebViewFactory.m:
  • WebKit.exp:
  • WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • WebKitPrefix.h:
  • WebView/WebArchiver.m: (+[WebArchiver _archiveWithMarkupString:fromFrame:nodes:]):
  • WebView/WebClipView.m:
  • WebView/WebDataProtocol.m:
  • WebView/WebDataSource.m: (-[WebDataSource _startLoading]):
  • WebView/WebFormDataStream.m: (formEventCallback): (webSetHTTPBody):
  • WebView/WebFrame.m: (-[WebFrame _transitionToCommitted:]):
  • WebView/WebFrameView.m:
  • WebView/WebHTMLRepresentation.m:
  • WebView/WebHTMLView.m: (-[WebHTMLView _lookUpInDictionaryFromMenu:]): (-[NSArray drawSingleRect:]): (-[NSArray namesOfPromisedFilesDroppedAtDestination:]): (-[NSArray _scaleFactorForPrintOperation:]): (-[NSArray deleteBackwardByDecomposingPreviousCharacter:]): (-[NSArray checkSpelling:]): (-[NSArray showGuessPanel:]): (-[NSArray _changeSpellingToWord:]): (-[NSArray ignoreSpelling:]): (-[NSArray performFindPanelAction:]): (-[WebTextCompleteController doCompletion]):
  • WebView/WebImageView.m:
  • WebView/WebLoader.m: (-[NSURLProtocol connection:willCacheResponse:]):
  • WebView/WebPDFRepresentation.m: (+[WebPDFRepresentation PDFDocumentClass]):
  • WebView/WebPDFView.m: (+[WebPDFView PDFKitBundle]): (+[WebPDFView PDFViewClass]): (-[WebPDFView _menuItemsFromPDFKitForEvent:]):
  • WebView/WebTextRepresentation.m:
  • WebView/WebTextView.m:
  • WebView/WebUnarchivingState.m:
  • WebView/WebView.m:
4:48 PM Changeset in webkit [14020] by thatcher
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by Eric.

Bug 8514: Web Inspector hides when the app is in the background

Makes the inspector not hide in the background. Since the inspector is a floating panel
we need to call setFloatingPanel:NO when the app is switching into the background. Then
call setFloatingPanel:YES when the app is activated again. Without this the inspector
would float above all applications.

  • WebInspector/WebInspector.m: (-[NSWindow window]): setHidesOnDeactivate:NO (-[NSWindow windowWillClose:]): de-regiser appliction active notifications (-[NSWindow showWindow:]): register for appliction active notifications (-_applicationWillResignActive): setFloatingPanel:NO (-_applicationDidBecomeActive): setFloatingPanel:YES
3:48 PM Changeset in webkit [14019] by thatcher
  • 1 copy in releases/Apple/Tiger/Mac OS X Update 10.4.6/JavaScriptGlue

Copying the JavaScriptGlue tag to the release tag.

3:45 PM Changeset in webkit [14018] by thatcher
  • 1 copy in releases/Apple/Tiger/Mac OS X Update 10.4.6/JavaScriptCore

Copying the JavaScriptCore tag to the release tag.

3:44 PM Changeset in webkit [14017] by thatcher
  • 1 copy in releases/Apple/Tiger/Mac OS X Update 10.4.6/WebCore

Copying the WebCore tag to the release tag.

3:43 PM Changeset in webkit [14016] by thatcher
  • 1 copy in releases/Apple/Tiger/Mac OS X Update 10.4.6/WebKit

Copying the WebKit tag to the release tag.

3:40 PM Changeset in webkit [14015] by thatcher
  • 1 add in releases/Apple/Tiger/Mac OS X Update 10.4.6

New release tag folder.

3:11 PM Changeset in webkit [14014] by ggaren
  • 6 edits in trunk


Reviewed by Darin.

  • Updated prototype chain expectation since DOMElement no longer exists

  • fast/dom/prototype-chain-expected.txt:


Reviewed by Darin.

  • Finished autogeneration of Element
  • bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: Removed DOMElement class
  • bindings/js/kjs_dom.h: ditto
  • bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: added support for special attribute lookup that elements do
  • dom/Element.idl: added new attribute, "IncludeAttributesInPropertyLookup," which tells the code generator to include HTML element attributes in property lookup
3:01 PM Changeset in webkit [14013] by darin
  • 8 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Maciej.

  • rendering/RenderObject.h: Removed erroneous RenderObject:: prefix from a member function name.
  • rendering/RenderText.h: Removed erroneous RenderText:: prefix from a member function name.
  • platform/Arena.cpp: Added <assert.h> to list of includes.
  • platform/KURL.cpp: Ditto.
  • platform/StringImpl.cpp: Ditto.
  • platform/image-decoders/jpeg/JPEGImageDecoder.cpp: Ditto.
  • platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.cpp: Ditto.
2:57 PM Changeset in webkit [14012] by darin
  • 1 edit
    1 add in trunk/WebCore
  • doc: Added.
1:23 PM Changeset in webkit [14011] by ap
  • 11 edits
    5 adds in trunk/WebKitTools

Reviewed by Maciej.

Test case numbers are not compatible with iExploder 1.2.

  • Scripts/run-iexploder-tests: Print the numbers of the last five tests that were accessed.
  • iExploder/CHANGELOG.txt: Added.
  • iExploder/LICENSE.txt: Changed to a standard zlib/png license.
  • iExploder/README.txt: Added some performance hints.
  • iExploder/htdocs/config.rb: Added.
  • iExploder/htdocs/cssproperties.in:
  • iExploder/htdocs/cssvalues.in:
  • iExploder/htdocs/htmlattrs.in:
  • iExploder/htdocs/htmltags.in:
  • iExploder/htdocs/iexploder.cgi:
    • Updated to support the latest HTML & CSS tags, properties, and values from both the WebKit and Mozilla CVS tree
    • cssproperties.in cleanup
    • Modularized the code a little bit.
    • Fix subtest bug that was causing last 5 tags to be missed
    • new subtest algorithm to deal better with larger tag counts
    • default HTML_MAX_TAGS increased from 32 to 96
  • iExploder/htdocs/index.html: Updated version to 1.3.2.
  • iExploder/htdocs/webserver.rb: Added. New standalone webserver, can be used as an alternative to our run-iexploder-tests.
  • iExploder/tools/showtest.rb: Added. Similar to run-iexploder-tests --get.
  • iExploder/htdocs/iexploder.rb: Added. Used by webserver.rb.
  • iExploder/tools/osx_last_crash.rb: Find logs modified in the last two days.
1:07 PM Changeset in webkit [14010] by ap
  • 1 edit
    1 add in trunk/WebKitTools

Commit Scripts/run-mangleme-tests (missed it the previous time).

12:04 PM Changeset in webkit [14009] by mjs
  • 6 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Eric.

  • push down a bunch of WebCoreFrameBridge code to C++ (plus some reformatting)
  • bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: (-[WebCoreFrameBridge isDescendantOfFrame:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge traverseNextFrameStayWithin:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge nextFrameWithWrap:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge previousFrameWithWrap:]): (+[WebCoreFrameBridge bridgeForDOMDocument:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge parent]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge addData:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge didNotOpenURL:pageCache:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge restoreDocumentState]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge _stringWithDocumentTypeStringAndMarkupString:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge nodesFromList:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge markupStringFromNode:nodes:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge markupStringFromRange:nodes:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge rangeByExpandingSelectionWithGranularity:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge rangeByAlteringCurrentSelection:direction:granularity:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge alterCurrentSelection:direction:granularity:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge rangeByAlteringCurrentSelection:verticalDistance:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge alterCurrentSelection:verticalDistance:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge replaceMarkedTextWithText:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge replaceSelectionWithFragment:selectReplacement:smartReplace:matchStyle:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge increaseSelectionListLevel]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge decreaseSelectionListLevel]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge insertLineBreak]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge insertParagraphSeparator]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge insertParagraphSeparatorInQuotedContent]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge insertText:selectInsertedText:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge deleteSelectionWithSmartDelete:]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge ensureSelectionVisible]): (-[WebCoreFrameBridge RenderObject::nodeInfoAtPoint:allowShadowContent:]):
  • page/Frame.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::nodeInfoAtPoint): (WebCore::Frame::hasSelection): (WebCore::Frame::documentTypeString):
  • page/Frame.h:
  • page/FrameTree.cpp: (WebCore::FrameTree::traverseNextWithWrap): (WebCore::FrameTree::traversePreviousWithWrap): (WebCore::FrameTree::deepLastChild):
  • page/FrameTree.h:
1:01 AM Changeset in webkit [14008] by bdakin
  • 9 edits
    4 adds in trunk

Reviewed by Hyatt.

Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6141
DOMCSSPrimitiveValue is always returning values in pixels when
using getComputedStyle:

getFloatValue() took a unit type as a parameter, ignored it, and
returned m_value.num. This patch writes a second version of the
function that actually converts m_value.num to the specified unites
before returning it. Where a conversion is not required, I removed
the unit type from the caller so that it would go directly to the
inline version of the function.

  • css/css_valueimpl.cpp: (WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::computeLengthFloat): Remove type parameter since a conversion is not needed. (WebCore::scaleFactorForConversion): Helper function for conversion. (WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::getFloatValue): This version of getFloatValue() takes a unit type parameter and converts m_value.num.
  • css/css_valueimpl.h: (WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::getFloatValue): This version does not take a parameter and just returns m_value.num.
  • css/cssparser.cpp: (WebCore::BorderImageParseContext::commitBorderImage): Remove type parameter since a conversion is not needed.
  • css/cssstyleselector.cpp: (WebCore::convertToLength): Same. (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applyProperty): Same. (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::mapBackgroundSize): Same. (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::mapBackgroundXPosition): Same. (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::mapBackgroundYPosition): Same.
  • editing/ApplyStyleCommand.cpp: (WebCore::ApplyStyleCommand::applyRelativeFontStyleChange): Same.
  • ksvg2/css/SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp: (WebCore::CSSStyleSelector::applySVGProperty): Same.
  • ksvg2/misc/KCanvasRenderingStyle.cpp: (WebCore::KSVGPainterFactory::cssPrimitiveToLength): Same.
12:33 AM Changeset in webkit [14007] by ggaren
  • 8 edits
    6 adds in trunk


  • Layout test for whether the error event bubbles.
  • fast/events/onerror-bubbling-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/events/onerror-bubbling.html: Added.


Reviewed by John.

  • dom/Document.cpp: (WebCore::Document::importNode): Throw an error if the node is null. This happens when the object provided in the JavaScript call is not a node. (WebCore::Document::adoptNode): Set the DOM exception code in all error cases instead of just a few, because that's what the spec requires.

Apr 21, 2006:

11:08 PM Changeset in webkit [14006] by adele
  • 1 edit in trunk/WebCore/ChangeLog

Fixing bug number & title in last commit.

11:06 PM Changeset in webkit [14005] by adele
  • 3 edits
    1 add in trunk


Test for: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8213
REGRESSION: Can't tab out of text field if iframe comes after it

  • manual-tests/tabbing-input-google.html: Added.


Reviewed by Darin.

Test: manual-tests/tabbing-input-google.html

  • WebView/WebHTMLView.m: (-[NSArray resignFirstResponder]): When resigning first responder, reset willBecomeFirstResponderForNodeFocus, so when the WebHTMLView gets focus again it knows it can start moving through the tab cycle.
10:31 PM Changeset in webkit [14004] by darin
  • 12 edits in trunk


Reviewed by Darin.

  • kjs/operations.h:
  • kxmlcore/Assertions.cpp:
  • kxmlcore/FastMalloc.cpp: Added necessary headers to resolve compilation issues when not using precompiled headers.

  • kjs/value.h: Declare the JSCell class before friend declaration to resolve compilation issues with gcc 4.0.2.

  • kxmlcore/Platform.h: Set Unicode support to use ICU on platforms other than KDE (previously only defined for Win and Mac OS)


Reviewed by Darin.

  • platform/Cursor.h: Created a fallback case that typedefs PlatformCursor to void * if it isn't defined to anything else. (Useful to help get new ports initially compiling.)

  • bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp:
  • rendering/RenderTextField.cpp:
  • rendering/RenderBox.cpp: Add missing headers to resolve issues when compiling without precompiled headers.

  • rendering/RenderText.h: Declare the InlineTextBox class before friend declaration to resolve compilation issues with gcc 4.0.2.
6:29 PM Changeset in webkit [14003] by adele
  • 3 edits
    4 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Darin.

Test for: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8213
REGRESSION: Can't tab out of text field if iframe comes after it

  • fast/forms/tabbing-input-iframe-expected.checksum: Added.
  • fast/forms/tabbing-input-iframe-expected.png: Added.
  • fast/forms/tabbing-input-iframe-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/forms/tabbing-input-iframe.html: Added.


Reviewed by Darin.

Fix for: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8213
REGRESSION: Can't tab out of text field if iframe comes after it

Test: fast/forms/tabbing-input-iframe.html

  • bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::nextKeyViewInFrame): If the next focusable node is a RenderWidget without a view, then continue in the loop. We used to break out in this case. I also made some formatting changes and reorganized the function to make it easier to read.
4:59 PM Changeset in webkit [14002] by adele
  • 3 edits
    1 add in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Beth.

Fix for: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8496
REGRESSION: Dragging to select text around a text field causes the text field to scroll.

Test: manual-tests/text-field-autoscroll.html

  • bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::handleMouseMoveEvent): Start the frame's autoscroll timer even when we're calling over the bridge to handle the autoscroll.
  • page/Frame.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::stopAutoscrollTimer): Clear out pointer to layer.
1:32 PM Changeset in webkit [14001] by tomernic
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by John Sullivan.

<rdar://problem/4476875> Support printing for embedded Netscape plugins

NOTE: This only works with the Flash plugin right now. It appears that the other
major plugins either have awful printing support, or no printing support. If someone
can find an example of any other embedded Netscape plugin printing in any browser on
the Mac, I will be happy to eat my own words!

  • Plugins/WebBaseNetscapePluginView.m: (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView drawRect:]): When printing, get the printed bitmap via -_printedPluginBitmap, and draw it into the plugin view. (-[WebBaseNetscapePluginView _printedPluginBitmap]): Call NPP_Print on the plugin to render it into a GWorld. This GWorld has the same underlying buffer as an NSBitmapImageRep, which is returned to the caller.
11:18 AM Changeset in webkit [14000] by bdakin
  • 1 edit
    13 adds in trunk/LayoutTests

Adding a few more background-size tests that include background-

10:24 AM Changeset in webkit [13999] by ggaren
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
  • And again.
  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj:
10:09 AM Changeset in webkit [13998] by ggaren
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
  • Futile attempt to fix Windows build.

  • WebCore.vcproj/WebCore/WebCore.vcproj:
9:29 AM Changeset in webkit [13997] by ggaren
  • 23 edits
    7 adds in trunk


Tests for global constants related to CSSRule, CSSValue, Event, and
NodeFilter objects.

  • fast/dom/constants-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/dom/constants.html: Added.
  • fast/dom/prototype-chain-expected.txt:
  • fast/dom/resources/stylesheet.css: Added.
  • fast/dom/xmlhttprequest-get-expected.txt:


Reviewed by Maciej.

  • Added autogeneration of JS bindings for CSSRule, CSSValue, Event, and NodeFilter.
  • Made related prototype objects hold the relevant constants, to match Mozilla and the DOM 2 spec. (Previously, only the related constructor objects held those constants, in accordance with the DOM 3 spec.)
  • Fixed up remaining Windows build issues.
  • DerivedSources.make: Added new autogenerated files
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: ditto
  • bindings/js/kjs_css.cpp: (KJS::DOMCSSRule::classInfo): (KJS::DOMCSSRule::getOwnPropertySlot): scope call to classInfo() because it's virtual and DOMCSSRule has a derrived class now. (KJS::DOMCSSRule::put): ditto (KJS::DOMCSSRuleFunc::callAsFunction): (KJS::toJS):
  • bindings/js/kjs_css.h:
  • bindings/js/kjs_events.cpp: (KJS::toJS):
  • bindings/js/kjs_events.h:
  • bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: (KJS::OptionConstructorImp::OptionConstructorImp):
  • bindings/js/kjs_traversal.cpp: (KJS::toJS):
  • bindings/js/kjs_traversal.h:
  • bindings/js/kjs_window.cpp: (KJS::Window::getValueProperty): added CSSValue global object
  • bindings/js/kjs_window.h: (KJS::Window::):
  • bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: Changed generator to write constants to prototype objects (previously only wrote constants to constructor objects)
  • css/CSSPrimitiveValue.idl: Removed LegacyParent since CSSValue now exists in IDL
  • css/CSSRule.idl: Added.
  • css/CSSValue.idl: Added.
  • css/css_ruleimpl.h: (WebCore::CSSRule::):
  • css/css_valueimpl.h:
  • dom/Event.idl: Added.
  • dom/MutationEvent.idl: Removed LegacyParent since Event now exists in IDL
  • dom/NodeFilter.idl: Added.
  • dom/UIEvent.idl: Removed LegacyParent since event now exists in IDL
  • dom/dom2_eventsimpl.h: (WebCore::Event::):
12:57 AM Changeset in webkit [13996] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
  • one more attempt to fix Windows build
  • platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: (WebCore::GraphicsContext::fillRect): Update to use Color and match the similar function on GraphicsContextMac.
12:54 AM Changeset in webkit [13995] by bdakin
  • 4 edits
    74 adds
    65 deletes in trunk

Reviewed by Hyatt.

Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8495
REGRESSION: Sidebar on cnn.com is hosed

  • platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: (WebCore::Image::drawTiled): Use the size of the destination rect, not the oneTileRect in the no-pattern case.
  • rendering/RenderBox.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBox::paintBackgroundExtended): Initialize scaledWidth and scaledHeight to the appropriate value (was wrong in scroll case), adjust position at appropriate times, and take out no-repeat clause for now since we don't have enough test cases yet to be sure we won't cause massive regressions.
12:49 AM Changeset in webkit [13994] by darin
  • 7 edits in trunk/WebCore
  • attempt to fix Windows build after my last check-in
  • WebCore.vcproj/Image Viewer/ImageView.cpp: Changed calls to use the new IntRect-based API.
  • html/CanvasPattern.cpp: (WebCore::CanvasPattern::CanvasPattern): Put appropriate ifdefs around the m_platformImage initializer.
  • page/Frame.cpp: Make Frame::adjustPageHeight Mac-OS-X-only for now since it's used for printing and we don't have printing going on any other platforms yet.
  • platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: Take out constructor that takes only the "for printing" boolean for now.
  • platform/cairo/ImageCairo.cpp: Include the GraphicsContext.h header.
  • platform/win/TemporaryLinkStubs.cpp: (GraphicsContext::setShadow): Fix up this stub and remove the GraphicsContext empty constructor stub.
12:27 AM Changeset in webkit [13993] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
  • fix build
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Replaced absolute path on my system with a build-result-relative path; also removed some source files from the list of resources to install!

Apr 20, 2006:

11:52 PM Changeset in webkit [13992] by darin
  • 63 edits
    5 adds
    1 delete in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Hyatt.

  • make <canvas> element and related API behave more like the draft of the WhatWG Web Application specification, checking parameter validity and raising exceptions
  • changed HTMLCanvasElement bindings to be auto-generated, fixing all issues so we can generate bindings for classes drived from HTMLElement
  • change GraphicsContext API to use IntRect/Point/Size in more cases
  • change GraphicsContext so it is closer to truly wrapping a graphics context rather than representing the current NSGraphicsContext; there are still some things like text and rectangle fills that are tied to NSGraphicsContext, but we're most of the way there
  • removed Brush class since it just amounted to a color, using an RGBA32 instead where we used to use a Brush
  • DerivedSources.make: Added JSHTMLCanvasElement.h.
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Added new files.
  • bindings/js/JSCanvasRenderingContext2DBase.h: Added toJS.
  • bindings/js/JSCanvasRenderingContext2DBase.cpp: (WebCore::JSCanvasRenderingContext2DBaseProtoFunc::callAsFunction): Added exception code handling for strokeRect, drawImage, and createPattern. Added version of createPattern that takes a canvas. Use TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR instead of JavaScript TypeError when parameter is neither an image or canvas element. Adapt for new HTMLCanvasElement binding. (WebCore::toJS): Added. Converts context object to JS wrapper.
  • bindings/js/JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.h: Added.
  • bindings/js/JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory.cpp: Added. Creates a JavaScript wrapper for an arbitrary HTML element. Better than putting this all in the DOM node class toJS function.
  • bindings/js/JSXMLSerializer.cpp: Tweaked to make it build.
  • bindings/js/kjs_dom.cpp: (KJS::toJS): Changed to call the JSHTMLElementWrapperFactory function createJSWrapper, instead of always creating a JSHTMLElement.
  • bindings/js/kjs_html.h: Removed canvas-related stuff. Added HTMLElement prototype.
  • bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: (KJS::JSHTMLElement::classInfo): Removed canvas element. (KJS::JSHTMLElement::accessors): Ditto. (KJS::JSHTMLElementProtoFunc::callAsFunction): Added, to help the auto-binding machiner cope with HTMLElement. (KJS::HTMLElementFunction::callAsFunction): Removed canvas element.
  • bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: Added types needed for HTMLCanvasElement.
  • bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: (WebCore::FrameMac::setDisplaysWithFocusAttributes): Changed to create a GraphicsContext with the new constructor that takes a CGContextRef.
  • bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: (-[WebCoreFrameBridge drawRect:]): Changed to create a GraphicsContext with the new constructor that takes a NSGraphicsContext.
  • page/Frame.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::adjustPageHeight): Changed to create a GraphicsContext with the new constructor that takes a CGContextRef.
  • editing/SelectionController.cpp: (WebCore::SelectionController::paintCaret): Eliminated a use of obsolete class Brush.
  • html/CanvasPattern.h:
  • html/CanvasPattern.cpp: (WebCore::CanvasPattern::parseRepetitionType): Added. Parses a repetition type. Different from the old logic in that it is case-sensitive and rejects anything other than null, empty string, or the four repeat types. (WebCore::CanvasPattern::CanvasPattern): Added constructor that takes a CGImageRef. Changed constructor to take two booleans instead of the repetition type string. It's the caller's responsibility to parse the string. (WebCore::CanvasPattern::~CanvasPattern): Release the CGImage. (WebCore::patternCallback): Handle the CGImage case. Also changed the code to create a GraphicsContext as needed and call the image drawing code with that. (WebCore::CanvasPattern::createPattern): Handle both the image element case and the canvas element case.

  • html/CanvasRenderingContext2D.h:
  • html/CanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp: (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::State::State): Change line cap, line join, and global composite to store enum values instead of strings. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::setLineWidth): Do nothing if width is NaN or <= 0. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::lineCap): Return a string based on a stored enum, rather than returning a stored string. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::setLineCap): Do nothing if the string is not one of the standard line cap types. Also case sensitive and stores enum rather than the string. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::lineJoin): Return a string based on a stored enum, rather than returning a stored string. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::setLineJoin): Do nothing if the string is not one of the standard line join types. Also case sensitive and stores enum rather than the string. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::setMiterLimit): Do nothing if limit is NaN or <= 0. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::setGlobalAlpha): Do nothing if alpha is NaN or < 0 or > 1. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::globalCompositeOperation): Return a string based on a stored enum, rather than returning a stored string. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::setGlobalCompositeOperation): Do nothing if the string is not one of the standard compositing modes. Also case sensitive and stores enum rather than the string. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::arcTo): Generate INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception if radius is NaN or <= 0. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::arc): Ditto. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::rect): Generate INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception if width or height is NaN or <= 0. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::clearRect): Ditto. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::fillRect): Ditto. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::strokeRect): Ditto, same for line width. Changed the case where the line width is not specified to share code with the case where it is. (WebCore::size): Renamed from imageSize, since C++ overloads based on parameter types anyway. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::drawImage): Generate INDEX_SIZE_ERR exception if the source rect is not entirely inside the image rect, or if the width or height of either the source or destination rect is NaN or <= 0. Changed image drawing code to be platform-independent for the image element case, but not yet for the canvas case. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::drawImageFromRect): Change code to parse the composite operation to use the new code shared with Image. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::createPattern): Added code to parse the repetition type separately before creating the pattern. Added an overload for canvas elements. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::drawingContext): Changed to return a GraphicsContext*. (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::platformContext): Added. Now does what drawingContext used to do.
  • html/CanvasRenderingContext2D.idl: Added exception declarations as needed for changes above.
  • html/HTMLCanvasElement.h:
  • html/HTMLCanvasElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::HTMLCanvasElement): Changed m_drawingContext to be a GraphicsContext instead of a CGContextRef. (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::~HTMLCanvasElement): Ditto. (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::getContext): Removed special cases for null and empty string. Only give a 2D graphics context if the string is "2d". (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::reset): Updated for change to GraphicsContext from CGContextRef. (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::paint): Ditto. (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::createDrawingContext): Changed to create a GraphicsContext* instead of a CGContextRef. (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::drawingContext): Changed to return a GraphicsContext* instead of a CGContextRef. (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::createPlatformImage): Updated for changes above.
  • html/HTMLCanvasElement.idl: Added.
  • html/HTMLParser.h:
  • html/HTMLParser.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLParser::canvasCreateErrorCheck): Added. An attempt to implement the fallback behavior for canvas elements when JavaScript is off. (WebCore::HTMLParser::getNode): Sorted list of functions. Added case for canvas.
  • html/html_imageimpl.h:
  • html/html_imageimpl.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLImageElement::HTMLImageElement): Changed m_compositeOperator to be an enum instead of a string. (WebCore::HTMLImageElement::parseMappedAttribute): Parse the enum here.
  • kcanvas/KCanvasResources.h:
  • kcanvas/KCanvasResources.cpp: (WebCore::KCanvasMarker::draw): Changed to take a GraphicsContext parameter.
  • kcanvas/RenderPath.h: Added GraphicsContext parameter to drawMarkersIfNeeded.
  • kcanvas/RenderPath.cpp: (WebCore::RenderPath::paint):
  • kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.cpp: (WebCore::RenderSVGImage::paint):
  • kcanvas/RenderSVGText.cpp: (WebCore::RenderSVGText::paint): Changed to generate and use an appropriate GraphicsContext.
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasItemQuartz.h: Added GraphicsContext parameter to drawMarkersIfNeeded.
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KCanvasItemQuartz.mm: (WebCore::DrawMarkersData::DrawMarkersData): Added GraphicsContext*. (WebCore::drawMarkerWithData): Pass along a GraphicsContext*. (WebCore::drawStartAndMidMarkers): Ditto. (WebCore::KCanvasItemQuartz::drawMarkersIfNeeded): Pass a long a GraphicsContext*.
  • kcanvas/device/KRenderingDevice.h: Added a pure virtual createGraphicsContext to bridge back to a GraphicsContext. Long term that class will replace this one.
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.h:
  • kcanvas/device/quartz/KRenderingDeviceQuartz.mm: (WebCore::KRenderingDeviceContextQuartz::createGraphicsContext): Added.
  • ksvg2/svg/SVGMaskElement.cpp: (WebCore::SVGMaskElement::drawMaskerContent): Create and pass a GraphicsContext -- old code used the default constructor for GraphicsContext which meant "current context", and that no longer exists.
  • ksvg2/svg/SVGPatternElement.cpp: (WebCore::SVGPatternElement::drawPatternContentIntoTile): Ditto.
  • platform/Brush.h: Removed.
  • platform/CompositeOperator.h: Added.
  • platform/CompositeOperator.cpp: Added.
  • platform/Font.h: Changed calls to use IntPoint instead of pairs of ints. Also removed the const from all the uses of GraphicsContext*.
  • platform/GraphicsContext.h: Eliminated default constructor and constructor that takes only a boolean. Replaced with constructors that take platform graphics contexts only. Replaced brush-related calls with fill color calls. Replaced use of Brush with use of Color. Changed Image::CompositeOperator to just plain CompositeOperator. Changed tuples of ints into IntRect and IntPoint. Moved setFocusRingClip and clearFocusRingClip out of ifdefs. Removed unused getCompositeOperation and string-based setCompositeOperation. Moved currentCGContext and the other setCompositeOperation out of the GraphicsContext class and made them global functions. Fixed platformContext so it won't always return the CGContextRef of the current NSGraphicsContext. Instead, it will return the appropriate CGContextRef for the GraphicsContext. This eliminates the need to use void* for the image-drawing functions.
  • platform/GraphicsContext.cpp: (WebCore::GraphicsContextState::GraphicsContextState): Replaced Brush with an RGBA fill color. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setFillColor): Renamed from setBrush. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::fillColor): Renamed from brush. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawImage): Changed to use IntRect. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawTiledImage): Moved here from GraphicsContextMac.mm. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawText): Changed to use IntPoint. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawHighlightForText): Ditto. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForText): Ditto. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForMisspelling): Ditto.
  • platform/Image.h: Removed CompositeOperator and related functions. Removed void* context parameters from draw functions.
  • platform/Image.cpp: Removed compositeOperatorFromString.
  • platform/Widget.h: Added a GraphicsContext* return value from lockDrawingFocus that you pass back to unlockDrawingFocus (for deletion).
  • platform/mac/FontMac.mm: (WebCore::Font::selectionRectForText): Changed parameter to point and removed const on GraphicsContext* parameter. (WebCore::Font::drawText): Ditto. (WebCore::Font::drawHighlightForText): Ditto. (WebCore::Font::drawLineForText): Ditto. (WebCore::Font::drawLineForMisspelling): Ditto. (WebCore::Font::misspellingLineThickness): Removed const.
  • platform/mac/GraphicsContextMac.mm: (WebCore::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate): Added fields to store a CGContextRef and an NSGraphicsContext. (WebCore::GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate::~GraphicsContextPlatformPrivate): Release both the CGContextRef and the NSGraphicsContext. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::GraphicsContext): Implement to set up both the CGContextRef and the NSGraphicsContext in one case, and only the CGContextRef in the other. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::savePlatformState): Implement for the CGContext-only case. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::restorePlatformState): Ditto. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawRect): Assert that the NS context is present and (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setColorFromFillColor): Renamed from setColorFromBrush. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setColorFromPen): Added assertion. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLine): Added assertion. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawEllipse): Get CGContext from the platformContext function instead of currentCGContext, and changed to use fillColor. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawArc): Ditto. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawConvexPolygon): Ditto. (WebCore::setCompositeOperation): Changed to global function and also changed to do the work here -- no need to use WebCoreImageRendererFactory. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawImage): Move most of this into GraphicsContext.cpp. Remove the void* context parameter. Changed to take rects instead of separate coordinates. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::fillRect): Changed to take color instead of Brush. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::addClip): Added assertion. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::addRoundedRectClip): Get CGContextRef from the platformContext function instead of currentCGContext. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::createRenderingDeviceContext): Ditto. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::beginTransparencyLayer): Ditto. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::endTransparencyLayer): Ditto. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setShadow): Change to take size instead of x,y. Also get CGCOntextRef from the platformContext function instead of currentCGContext. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::clearShadow): Get CGContextRef from the platformContext function instead of currentCGContext. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::platformContext): Added. Returns m_data->m_cgContext.
  • platform/mac/ImageMac.mm: (WebCore::fillSolidColorInRect): Updated for change in CompositeOperator type. (WebCore::Image::checkForSolidColor): Ditto. (WebCore::Image::draw): Removed void* context parameter and replaced it with a GraphicsContext* parameter. Renamed from drawInRect. (WebCore::Image::drawTiled): Ditto. Renamed from tileInRect and scaleAndTileInRect.
  • platform/mac/PDFDocumentImage.h: Updated for change in CompositeOperator type.
  • platform/mac/PDFDocumentImage.mm: (WebCore::PDFDocumentImage::draw): Ditto.
  • platform/mac/WidgetMac.mm: (WebCore::Widget::lockDrawingFocus): Changed to return a GraphicsContext*. (WebCore::Widget::unlockDrawingFocus): Changed to take a GraphicsContext*.
  • rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp: (WebCore::InlineTextBox::selectionRect): Changed to pass IntPoint. (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint): Changed to pass IntSize. (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintSelection): More of the same. (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintMarkedTextBackground): Ditto. (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintDecoration): Ditto. (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintSpellingMarker): Ditto. (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintTextMatchMarker): Ditto. (WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintMarkedTextUnderline): Ditto. (WebCore::InlineTextBox::positionForOffset): Ditto.
  • rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillHorizontalSelectionGap): Ditto. (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillVerticalSelectionGap): Ditto. (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillLeftSelectionGap): Ditto. (WebCore::RenderBlock::fillRightSelectionGap): Ditto.
  • rendering/RenderBox.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBox::paintBackgroundExtended): Ditto. (WebCore::RenderBox::outlineBox): Ditto.
  • rendering/RenderImage.cpp: (WebCore::RenderImage::paint): Ditto.
  • rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: (WebCore::setClip): Take out ifdefs. We'll do that inside GraphicsContext instead. (WebCore::restoreClip): Ditto.
  • rendering/RenderObject.cpp: (WebCore::RenderObject::drawBorder): More of the same. (WebCore::RenderObject::paintBorderImage): Ditto.
  • rendering/render_line.cpp: (WebCore::InlineFlowBox::paintDecorations): Ditto. (WebCore::EllipsisBox::paint): Ditto.
  • rendering/render_list.cpp: (WebCore::RenderListMarker::paint): Ditto.
  • rendering/render_frames.cpp: (WebCore::RenderFrameSet::userResize): Set up a graphics context by calling lockDrawingFocus. Also changed a color here to be a constant.
  • platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawImage): Update for parameter type changes. (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawScaledAndTiledImage): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::setFocusRingClip): (WebCore::GraphicsContext::clearFocusRingClip):
  • platform/cairo/ImageCairo.cpp: (WebCore::setCompositingOperation): (WebCore::Image::tileInRect): (WebCore::Image::scaleAndTileInRect):
10:56 PM Changeset in webkit [13991] by adele
  • 5 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Updated test results for:

a file: URL being pasted instead of just the file name

  • editing/pasteboard/drop-text-without-selection-expected.txt:
  • fast/forms/input-paste-undo-expected.txt:
  • fast/forms/input-truncate-newline-expected.txt:
  • fast/forms/plaintext-mode-2-expected.txt:
9:51 PM Changeset in webkit [13990] by adele
  • 5 edits
    7 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Darin.

WebCore part of:

a file: URL being pasted instead of just the file name

  • bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.h:
  • bridge/mac/WebCoreFrameBridge.mm: (-[WebCoreFrameBridge isDragCaretRichlyEditable]): Added.
  • manual-tests/plain-text-paste.html: Added.
  • manual-tests/resources/plain-text-paste: Added.
  • manual-tests/resources/plain-text-paste/1.textClipping: Added.
  • manual-tests/resources/plain-text-paste/2.textClipping: Added.
  • manual-tests/resources/plain-text-paste/3.gif: Added.
  • manual-tests/resources/plain-text-paste/4.txt: Added.
  • manual-tests/resources/plain-text-paste/5.webloc: Added.


Reviewed by Darin.

WebKit part of:

a file: URL being pasted instead of just the file name

  • WebView/WebHTMLView.m: (-[WebHTMLView _plainTextFromPasteboard:]): Added method that tries to copy AppKit text fields' logic for extracting plain text from the pasteboard. (-[WebHTMLView _pasteAsPlainTextWithPasteboard:]): Added helper method. (-[WebHTMLView _shouldInsertText:replacingDOMRange:givenAction:]): (-[WebHTMLView _shouldReplaceSelectionWithText:givenAction:]): (-[WebHTMLView readSelectionFromPasteboard:]): Paste as plain text if rich text is not allowed. (-[WebHTMLView validateUserInterfaceItem:]): Changed to not allow pasteAsRichText: if the paste is not going to be handled by the DOM and the selection does not allow pasting rich text. (-[WebHTMLView concludeDragForDraggingInfo:actionMask:]): Paste as plain text if rich text is not allowed. (-[WebHTMLView paste:]): Ditto. (-[WebHTMLView pasteAsPlainText:]):
9:32 PM Changeset in webkit [13989] by darin
  • 13 edits
    4 adds
    4 deletes in trunk


Reviewed by Adele.

  • platform/mac/WebCoreGraphicsBridge.h: Removed.
  • platform/mac/WebCoreGraphicsBridge.m: Removed.
  • platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.h: Added.
  • platform/mac/WebCoreSystemInterface.mm: Added.
  • WebCore.exp: Add new SystemInterface globals, remove WebCoreGraphicsBridge.
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Updated for removed and added files. Sorted files.
  • bridge/mac/FrameMac.mm: Removed unneeded include of WebCoreGraphicsBridge.h.
  • platform/mac/ClipboardMac.mm: (WebCore::ClipboardMac::setDragImage): Moved code from WebGraphicsBridge here, using WebCoreSystemInterface so we can call wkSetDragImage.
  • platform/mac/GraphicsContextMac.mm: (WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawFocusRing): Moved code from WebGraphicsBridge here, using WebCoreSystemInterface so we can call wkDrawFocusRing.
  • rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintTextField): Call wkDrawBezeledTextFieldCell from WebCoreSystemInterface instead of using WebGraphicsBridge to do the same thing.


Reviewed by Adele.

  • WebCoreSupport/WebGraphicsBridge.h: Removed.
  • WebCoreSupport/WebGraphicsBridge.m: Removed.
  • WebCoreSupport/WebSystemInterface.h: Added.
  • WebCoreSupport/WebSystemInterface.m: Added.
  • WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Updated for removed and added files.
  • WebCoreSupport/WebImageData.m: Removed unneeded include of WebGraphicsBridge.h.
  • WebCoreSupport/WebImageRenderer.m: Ditto.
  • WebCoreSupport/WebTextRenderer.m: Ditto.
  • WebView/WebFrameView.m: (-[WebFrameView initWithFrame:]): Guarded all the one-time initialization inside a boolean, just in case some things take a little time. Added a call to InitWebCoreSystemInterface to the one-time initialization here. Later, we will need to add it in some other places if we call code that requires the use of WebCoreSystemInterface functions from anywhere that can be invoked before creations of the first WebFrameView, but for now there is no need.
3:22 PM Changeset in webkit [13988] by adele
  • 5 edits
    4 adds in trunk


Test for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8273
REGRESSION: Read only input text field renders at the wrong height when value attribute is not present

  • fast/forms/input-readonly-empty-expected.checksum: Added.
  • fast/forms/input-readonly-empty-expected.png: Added.
  • fast/forms/input-readonly-empty-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/forms/input-readonly-empty.html: Added.


Reviewed by Hyatt.

Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8273
REGRESSION: Read only input text field renders at the wrong height when value attribute is not present

Test: fast/forms/input-readonly-empty.html

  • rendering/RenderBlock.h: Added hasLineIfEmpty.
  • rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::hasLineIfEmpty): Added. Checks for rootEditableElement as well as a shadowNode who has an input element as a parent. (WebCore::RenderBlock::getBaselineOfLastLineBox): Calls hasLineIfEmpty instead of just checking for the rootEditableElement.
  • rendering/bidi.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren): ditto.
12:08 PM Changeset in webkit [13987] by thatcher
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Timothy.

Removed TO_NODE_OFFSET and TO_NODE_ADDRESS macros. These can just be done inline with pointer math.

  • platform/DeprecatedString.cpp: (allocateNode): (freeHandle):

Apr 19, 2006:

11:31 PM Changeset in webkit [13986] by adele
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Updated test to use webkit-block-placeholder instead of khtml-block-placeholder.

  • editing/inserting/insert-div-010.html:
11:05 PM Changeset in webkit [13985] by adele
  • 4 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Updating test results that were incorrectly checked in
when many of the table test results changed recently due to Color

  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug625-expected.checksum:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug625-expected.png:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug625-expected.txt:
10:22 PM Changeset in webkit [13984] by adele
  • 4 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Updated results after rolling out optimizations in setInnerText and setInnerHTML.

  • fast/events/updateLayoutForHitTest-expected.txt:
  • fast/forms/input-text-paste-maxlength-expected.txt:
  • fast/text/attributed-substring-from-range-expected.txt:
8:01 PM Changeset in webkit [13983] by adele
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Rubber-stamped by Darin.

Removed optimizations recently added in setInnerHTML and setInnerText. The setInnerHTML change broke a first-letter style test.
The setInnerText change caused an empty text node to get added when setting inner text to an empty string. The bug that this
change went in with remains fixed.

  • html/HTMLElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLElement::setInnerHTML): (WebCore::HTMLElement::setInnerText):
7:51 PM Changeset in webkit [13982] by thatcher
  • 3 edits
    1 add in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Haytt.

  • manual-tests/repaint-resized-overflow.html: Added.
  • rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: (WebCore::RenderLayer::RenderLayer): (WebCore::RenderLayer::computeRepaintRects): Set the m_repaintOverflowOnResize flag to true if our object itself needs layout or if we're an overflow and have a normal child that needs layout, in which case if we end up resizing it will be because of the child, and that child might have not repainted itself correctly during its own layout. (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateLayerPositions): Do a full repaint if m_repaintOverflowOnResize is set and we resized but didn't move.
  • rendering/RenderLayer.h:
7:33 PM Changeset in webkit [13981] by thatcher
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Hyatt.

  • manual-tests/dynamic-shadow.html: Added.
  • rendering/render_style.cpp: (WebCore::RenderStyle::diff): Changed to return Layout when text-shadow changes.
7:18 PM Changeset in webkit [13980] by thatcher
  • 6 edits in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by Timothy.

Bug 8442: improvements to Cocoa bindings support in WebView - code simplification

Removes the WebController class added earlier; changes NSTreeController and
WebView to together without it. Now you can just bind the contentObject binding
of the tree controller directly to the mainFrameDocument key of the WebView.

  • WebCoreSupport/WebFrameBridge.m: (-[WebFrameBridge windowObjectCleared]):
  • WebView/WebDataSource.m: (-[WebDataSource _setTitle:]):
  • WebView/WebFrame.m: (-[WebFrame _closeOldDataSources]):
  • WebView/WebView.m: (-[WebView _progressStarted:]): (-[WebView _finalProgressComplete]): (-[WebView _commonInitializationWithFrameName:groupName:]): (-[WebView setMainFrameDocumentReady:]): (-[WebView mainFrameDocument]):
  • WebView/WebViewPrivate.h:
7:07 PM Changeset in webkit [13979] by thatcher
  • 1 edit in trunk/WebKit/ChangeLog

Fix the change log for my last commit, change was done by James G. Speth <speth@end.com>.

7:06 PM Changeset in webkit [13978] by thatcher
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by Timothy.

Bug 6635: Crash selecting inspector nodes for tabs that aren't foremost

Stop observing window will close notifications before we tell the highlight window to close,
this prevents the crash. Also prevent drawing highlights for hidden tabs.

  • WebInspector/WebInspector.m: (-_highlightNode:):
  • WebInspector/WebNodeHighlight.m: (-[WebNodeHighlight expire]):
7:04 PM Changeset in webkit [13977] by adele
  • 5 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Darin.

Added readOnly methods for HTMLInputElement and HTMLTextAreaElement so the DOM bindings can call
a method with the same name. This will make it easier to autogenerate the DOM bindings in the future.

  • html/HTMLInputElement.h: (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::readOnly): Added. Calls isReadOnlyControl.
  • html/HTMLTextAreaElement.h: (WebCore::HTMLTextAreaElement::readOnly): ditto.
  • bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: (KJS::JSHTMLElement::inputGetter): Calls readOnly instead of isReadOnlyControl. (KJS::JSHTMLElement::textAreaGetter): ditto.
  • bindings/objc/DOMHTML.mm: (-[DOMHTMLInputElement readOnly]): ditto. (-[DOMHTMLTextAreaElement readOnly]): Calls readOnly instead of getting the attribute directly. (-[DOMHTMLTextAreaElement setReadOnly:]): Calls setReadOnly instead of setting the attribute directly.
6:44 PM Changeset in webkit [13976] by thatcher
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by Timothy.

Bug 6637: selecting node in Inspector after closing window crashes Safari

When the window the Web Inspector was inspecting is closed, the inspector goes into its
no-selection state. Choosing to inspect another element activates it again. The inspector
will also follow the WebView if the URL changes and select the root element on the new page.

6:03 PM Changeset in webkit [13975] by adele
  • 43 edits in trunk


Updated results for: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8297
REGRESSION: Input element extends outside of DIV element at http://www.macdock.com/

  • editing/selection/3690703-2-expected.checksum:
  • editing/selection/3690703-2-expected.png:
  • editing/selection/3690703-2-expected.txt:
  • editing/selection/3690703-expected.checksum:
  • editing/selection/3690703-expected.png:
  • editing/selection/3690703-expected.txt:
  • editing/selection/3690719-expected.checksum:
  • editing/selection/3690719-expected.png:
  • editing/selection/3690719-expected.txt:
  • fast/forms/input-appearance-minWidth-expected.checksum:
  • fast/forms/input-appearance-minWidth-expected.png:
  • fast/forms/input-appearance-minWidth-expected.txt:
  • fast/forms/input-appearance-width-expected.checksum:
  • fast/forms/input-appearance-width-expected.png:
  • fast/forms/input-appearance-width-expected.txt:
  • fast/forms/input-double-click-selection-gap-bug-expected.checksum:
  • fast/replaced/width100percent-expected.checksum:
  • fast/replaced/width100percent-expected.png:
  • fast/replaced/width100percent-expected.txt:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug1188-expected.checksum:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug1188-expected.png:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug1188-expected.txt:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug12384-expected.checksum:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug12384-expected.png:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug12384-expected.txt:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug18359-expected.checksum:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug18359-expected.png:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug18359-expected.txt:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug55545-expected.checksum:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug55545-expected.png:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug55545-expected.txt:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug7342-expected.checksum:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug7342-expected.png:
  • tables/mozilla/bugs/bug7342-expected.txt:
  • tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/bug2479-2-expected.checksum:
  • tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/bug2479-2-expected.png:
  • tables/mozilla_expected_failures/bugs/bug2479-2-expected.txt:


Reviewed by Hyatt.

Fix for: http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8297
REGRESSION: Input element extends outside of DIV element at http://www.macdock.com/

  • platform/Font.h: Added runRounding parameter to floatWidth.
  • platform/mac/FontMac.mm: (WebCore::Font::floatWidth): ditto.
  • platform/win/FontWin.cpp: (WebCore::Font::floatWidth): ditto.
  • rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextField::calcMinMaxWidth): Use new floatWidth parameter to turn off run rounding.
3:40 PM Changeset in webkit [13974] by adele
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Beth.

Fix for Windows build.

  • rendering/RenderThemeWin.cpp: (WebCore::RenderThemeWin::determineState): Use isReadOnlyControl instead of isReadOnly.
3:21 PM Changeset in webkit [13973] by adele
  • 27 edits
    4 adds in trunk


Tests for change to make readonly text fields have dimmed borders.

  • fast/forms/input-appearance-readonly-expected.checksum:
  • fast/forms/input-appearance-readonly-expected.png:
  • fast/forms/input-readonly-dimmed-expected.checksum: Added.
  • fast/forms/input-readonly-dimmed-expected.png: Added.
  • fast/forms/input-readonly-dimmed-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/forms/input-readonly-dimmed.html: Added.


2006-04-19 Adele Peterson <adele@apple.com>

Reviewed by Beth.

Fix to make readonly text fields have dimmed borders to match AppKit behavior.

Test: fast/forms/input-readonly-dimmed.html

  • dom/Node.h: (WebCore::Node::isReadOnlyControl): Changed from const version of isReadOnly.
  • dom/Node.cpp: (WebCore::Node::isReadOnlyNode): Changed from isReadOnly. (WebCore::Node::setNodeValue): Uses isReadOnlyNode instead of isReadOnly. (WebCore::Node::checkSetPrefix): ditto. (WebCore::Node::checkAddChild): ditto.
  • dom/Attr.cpp: (WebCore::Attr::setValue): ditto.
  • dom/CharacterData.cpp: (WebCore::CharacterData::setData): ditto. (WebCore::CharacterData::appendData): ditto. (WebCore::CharacterData::checkCharDataOperation): ditto.
  • dom/ContainerNode.cpp: (WebCore::ContainerNode::removeChild): ditto.
  • dom/Element.cpp: (WebCore::Element::setAttribute): ditto.
  • dom/NamedAttrMap.cpp: (WebCore::NamedAttrMap::setNamedItem): ditto. (WebCore::NamedAttrMap::removeNamedItem): ditto.
  • dom/NamedAttrMap.h: (WebCore::NamedAttrMap::isReadOnlyNode): ditto.
  • dom/NamedNodeMap.h: (WebCore::NamedNodeMap::isReadOnlyNode): ditto.
  • dom/Range.cpp: (WebCore::Range::checkDeleteExtract): ditto. (WebCore::Range::containedByReadOnly): ditto.
  • dom/Text.cpp: (WebCore::Text::splitText): ditto.
  • dom/dom_xmlimpl.cpp: (WebCore::ProcessingInstruction::setData): ditto.

  • bindings/js/kjs_html.cpp: (KJS::JSHTMLElement::inputGetter): Uses isReadOnlyControl instead of isReadOnly. (KJS::JSHTMLElement::textAreaGetter): ditto.
  • bindings/objc/DOMHTML.mm: (-[DOMHTMLInputElement readOnly]): ditto.
  • rendering/render_form.cpp: (WebCore::RenderLineEdit::updateFromElement): ditto. (WebCore::RenderTextArea::updateFromElement): ditto.
  • rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextField::createDivStyle): ditto. (WebCore::RenderTextField::updateFromElement): ditto.

  • html/HTMLGenericFormElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLGenericFormElement::parseMappedAttribute): When readonly attribute changes, update the theme so the control will repaint.
  • html/HTMLGenericFormElement.h: (WebCore::HTMLGenericFormElement::isReadOnlyControl): Renamed from readOnly.
  • html/HTMLInputElement.h: Removed isReadOnly, since isReadOnlyControl now exists on HTMLGenericFormElement.
  • rendering/RenderTheme.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTheme::isReadOnlyControl): Renamed from isReadOnly.
  • rendering/RenderTheme.h: (WebCore::): Added ReadOnlyState to ControlState enum.
  • rendering/RenderThemeMac.h: Removed NSTextFieldCell since it was only being used to store the enabled state. Removed setTextFieldState since it was updating the enabled state of the cell, which is only used in one place.
  • rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm: (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::RenderThemeMac): No longer initialized the NSTextFieldCell. (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::adjustRepaintRect): No longer calls setTextFieldState. (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::paintTextField): Uses the enabled state and the readonly state to determine whether to draw a dimmed version of the aqua border.
12:35 PM Changeset in webkit [13972] by bdakin
  • 2 edits
    2 adds in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Hyatt.

Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8467 Block
with percentage background-size doesn't repaint properly when it

  • manual-tests/backgroundSizeRepaint.html: Added.
  • manual-tests/resources/apple.jpg: Added.
  • rendering/RenderObject.cpp: (WebCore::RenderObject::mustRepaintBackgroundOrBorder): We must return true if we have a percentage background-size.
11:47 AM Changeset in webkit [13971] by hyatt
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Fix for a regression in the new text fields. Don't allow the repaint
rect created by dynamic line layout changes to spill out of an overflow
area's clip region.

(There is no test, since we have no way of testing cases where we repaint

too much rather than too little.)

Reviewed by darin

  • rendering/bidi.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren):
11:17 AM Changeset in webkit [13970] by hyatt
  • 3 edits
    1 add in trunk/WebCore

Fix for bug 8449, incomplete repaint of table cell that moved. This
fix also solves some of the textfield repainting problems (e.g., on
google.com and lxr.mozilla.org).

Reviewed by hyatt

  • manual-tests/table-cell-move.html: Added.
  • rendering/RenderCanvas.cpp: (WebCore::RenderCanvas::repaintViewRectangle):
  • rendering/RenderTableSection.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTableSection::layoutRows):
9:45 AM Changeset in webkit [13969] by ap
  • 3 edits
    2 adds in trunk

Fix by Mitz Pettel, reviewed by Eric.

Test: fast/css/dashboard-regions-attr-crash.html

  • css/cssparser.cpp: (WebCore::CSSParser::parseDashboardRegions): Added null check for args.
4:03 AM Changeset in webkit [13968] by eseidel
  • 7 edits in trunk/WebCore

2006-04-18 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org>

Reviewed by eseidel & darin. Landed by eseidel.

No automated tests possible (from javascript).

Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6664:
Inspector does not highlight SVG elements properly

Make sure RenderObject::absoluteBoundingBoxRect works for
svg specific render objects by overriding absoluteRects.
This fixes highlighting in the Inspector of svg shapes, paths,
images and text.

  • kcanvas/RenderPath.cpp: (WebCore::RenderPath::absoluteRects):
  • kcanvas/RenderPath.h:
  • kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.cpp: (WebCore::RenderSVGImage::getAbsoluteRepaintRect): (WebCore::RenderSVGImage::absoluteRects):
  • kcanvas/RenderSVGImage.h:
  • kcanvas/RenderSVGText.cpp: (WebCore::RenderSVGText::absoluteRects):
  • kcanvas/RenderSVGText.h:
3:57 AM Changeset in webkit [13967] by eseidel
  • 8 edits
    6 adds in trunk

2006-04-17 Rob Buis <buis@kde.org>

Reviewed by eseidel. Landed by eseidel.

Test: svg/custom/tref-update.svg

Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=6427:
<tref> element not implemented

Implementation of <tref> element.

  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • ksvg2/svg/SVGTRefElement.cpp: Added. (SVGTRefElement::SVGTRefElement): (SVGTRefElement::~SVGTRefElement): (SVGTRefElement::parseMappedAttribute): (SVGTRefElement::closeRenderer): (SVGTRefElement::childShouldCreateRenderer): (SVGTRefElement::createRenderer):
  • ksvg2/svg/SVGTRefElement.h: Added. (WebCore::SVGTRefElement::rendererIsNeeded):
  • ksvg2/svg/SVGTSpanElement.cpp: (SVGTSpanElement::childShouldCreateRenderer):
  • ksvg2/svg/SVGTextElement.cpp: (WebCore::SVGTextElement::childShouldCreateRenderer):
  • ksvg2/svg/svgtags.in:

Apr 18, 2006:

7:03 PM Changeset in webkit [13966] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
  • attempt to fix Windows buildbot
  • Scripts/install-win-extras: Temporarily changed URLs to fr.rpmfind.net. We need a better long-term solution for this.
5:56 PM Changeset in webkit [13965] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebKit

Reviewed by Beth.

  • WebInspector/webInspector/inspector.css: Add "-webkit-" prefixes to the border radius properties to make the corners rounded again.
5:51 PM Changeset in webkit [13964] by darin
  • 7 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Reviewed by Beth.

  • updated some results that were affected by recent changes

There are some other failures that might be reflecting actual
bugs; these seem fine though.

  • fast/events/updateLayoutForHitTest-expected.checksum:
  • fast/events/updateLayoutForHitTest-expected.png:
  • fast/events/updateLayoutForHitTest-expected.txt: Updated because the 4 clicks done in this test now seem to be behaving as a triple-click and selecting some text.
  • fast/forms/input-appearance-maxlength-expected.txt:
  • fast/forms/input-paste-undo-expected.txt:
  • fast/text/attributed-substring-from-range-expected.txt: Unimportant changes to the editing delegate calls.
5:16 PM Changeset in webkit [13963] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
  • rendering/render_form.cpp: (WebCore::RenderSelect::updateFromElement): Roll out accidentally-landed change for bug 8398.
4:47 PM Changeset in webkit [13962] by bdakin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Darin.

Fix for a leak exposed by background-size and detected by the
layout tests.

  • css/css_valueimpl.cpp: (WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::cleanup): We must deref pairs.
4:10 PM Changeset in webkit [13961] by bdakin
  • 3 edits in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Eric.

Build fix for Windows. Just a few typos from background-size patch.

3:17 PM Changeset in webkit [13960] by eseidel
  • 5 edits
    3 adds in trunk

2006-04-18 Eric Seidel <eseidel@apple.com>

Reviewed by ggaren.

Fix "new Function()" to correctly use lexical scoping.
Add ScopeChain::print() function for debugging.
<rdar://problem/4067864> REGRESSION (125-407): JavaScript failure on PeopleSoft REN Server

  • kjs/function_object.cpp: (FunctionObjectImp::construct):
  • kjs/scope_chain.cpp: (KJS::ScopeChain::print):
  • kjs/scope_chain.h:
3:06 PM Changeset in webkit [13959] by bdakin
  • 19 edits
    65 adds in trunk

Reviewed by Hyatt.

Implementation of CSS3 background-size property. See
http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8353 for details.

2:56 PM Changeset in webkit [13958] by jdevalk
  • 2 edits
    6 adds in trunk/WebKitSite

Added webkit detection scripts and info on how to use them.

11:14 AM Changeset in webkit [13957] by justing
  • 4 edits
    4 adds in trunk


Reviewed by harrison

  • editing/pasteboard/merge-end-3-expected.checksum: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/merge-end-3-expected.png: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/merge-end-3-expected.txt: Added.
  • editing/pasteboard/merge-end-3.html: Added.


Reviewed by harrison

  • editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp: (WebCore::CompositeEditCommand::moveParagraph): The placeholder that's inserted to keep content from collapsing due to pruning was inserted at the position after the moved paragraph. That's only appropriate when moving the paragraph backward into the previous paragraph.

  • editing/ReplaceSelectionCommand.cpp: (WebCore::ReplaceSelectionCommand::doApply): The last paragraph of the incoming fragment should be merged with the paragraph after the end of the selection being pasted into even if the incoming fragment has only one block. This fixes a bug and gets rid of a use of the info gathered during the test insertion.
9:43 AM Changeset in webkit [13956] by adele
  • 3 edits
    4 adds in trunk


Reviewed by Darin.

Fix for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8407
REGRESSION (NativeTextField): Leading and trailing spaces trimmed from text field value attribute

  • rendering/RenderTextField.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextField::createDivStyle): Use white-space:pre for the inner div to avoid collapsing spaces in the text field.


Test for http://bugzilla.opendarwin.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8407
REGRESSION (NativeTextField): Leading and trailing spaces trimmed from text field value attribute

  • fast/forms/input-spaces-expected.checksum: Added.
  • fast/forms/input-spaces-expected.png: Added.
  • fast/forms/input-spaces-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/forms/input-spaces.html: Added.
9:37 AM Changeset in webkit [13955] by darin
  • 3 edits
    1 add in trunk/WebCore

Reviewed by Darin.

  • manual-tests/applet-param-no-name.html: Added.
  • rendering/RenderApplet.cpp: (WebCore::RenderApplet::createWidgetIfNecessary): Skip param elements with empty name.
9:30 AM Changeset in webkit [13954] by darin
  • 1 edit in trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog

Fix bug number in log message.

9:28 AM Changeset in webkit [13953] by darin
  • 2 edits
    2 adds in trunk/LayoutTests

Reviewed by Geoff.

  • fast/block/float/014.html: Use local image
  • fast/block/float/resources: Added.
  • fast/block/float/resources/training_thumb.jpg: Added.
9:07 AM Changeset in webkit [13952] by darin
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
  • try to fix the Windows build
  • platform/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp: (WebCore::setColor): Update for changes to getRGBA.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.