Nov 9, 2009:
- 11:54 PM Changeset in webkit [50720] by
- 1 edit10 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Yaar Schnitman <yaar@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Up-streaming Chromium API src files: WebFileChooser...WebImageSkia
- src/WebFileChooserCompletionImpl.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebFileChooserCompletionImpl::WebFileChooserCompletionImpl): (WebKit::WebFileChooserCompletionImpl::~WebFileChooserCompletionImpl): (WebKit::WebFileChooserCompletionImpl::didChooseFile):
- src/WebFileChooserCompletionImpl.h: Added.
- src/WebFontCache.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebFontCache::fontDataCount): (WebKit::WebFontCache::inactiveFontDataCount): (WebKit::WebFontCache::clear):
- src/WebFormElement.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebFormElement::WebFormElement): (WebKit::WebFormElement::operator=): (WebKit::WebFormElement::operator WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::HTMLFormElement>): (WebKit::WebFormElement::autoComplete): (WebKit::WebFormElement::action): (WebKit::WebFormElement::submit): (WebKit::WebFormElement::getNamedElements):
- src/WebFrameImpl.cpp: Added. (WebKit::frameContentAsPlainText): (WebKit::ChromePrintContext::ChromePrintContext): (WebKit::ChromePrintContext::begin): (WebKit::ChromePrintContext::getPageShrink): (WebKit::ChromePrintContext::spoolPage): (WebKit::DataSourceForDocLoader): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::DeferredScopeStringMatches::DeferredScopeStringMatches): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::DeferredScopeStringMatches::doTimeout): (WebKit::WebFrame::frameForEnteredContext): (WebKit::WebFrame::frameForCurrentContext): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::name): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::url): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::favIconURL): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::openSearchDescriptionURL): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::scrollOffset): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::contentsSize): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::contentsPreferredWidth): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::hasVisibleContent): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::view): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::opener): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::parent): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::top): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::firstChild): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::lastChild): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::nextSibling): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::previousSibling): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::traverseNext): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::traversePrevious): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::findChildByName): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::findChildByExpression): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::forms): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::securityOrigin): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::grantUniversalAccess): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::windowObject): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::bindToWindowObject): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::executeScript): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::executeScriptInNewContext): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::executeScriptInIsolatedWorld): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::addMessageToConsole): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::collectGarbage): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::mainWorldScriptContext): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::insertStyleText): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::reload): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::loadRequest): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::loadHistoryItem): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::loadData): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::loadHTMLString): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::isLoading): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::stopLoading): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::provisionalDataSource): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::dataSource): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::previousHistoryItem): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::currentHistoryItem): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::enableViewSourceMode): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::isViewSourceModeEnabled): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::setReferrerForRequest): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::dispatchWillSendRequest): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::commitDocumentData): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::unloadListenerCount): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::isProcessingUserGesture): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::willSuppressOpenerInNewFrame): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::replaceSelection): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::insertText): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::setMarkedText): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::unmarkText): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::hasMarkedText): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::markedRange): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::executeCommand): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::isCommandEnabled): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::enableContinuousSpellChecking): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::hasSelection): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::selectionRange): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::selectionAsText): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::selectionAsMarkup): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::printBegin): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::getPrintPageShrink): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::printPage): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::printEnd): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::find): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::stopFinding): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::scopeStringMatches): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::cancelPendingScopingEffort): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::increaseMatchCount): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::reportFindInPageSelection): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::resetMatchCount): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::completeURL): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::contentAsText): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::contentAsMarkup): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::create): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::WebFrameImpl): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::~WebFrameImpl): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::initializeAsMainFrame): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::createChildFrame): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::layout): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::paint): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::createFrameView): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::fromFrame): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::viewImpl): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::dataSourceImpl): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::provisionalDataSourceImpl): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::setFindEndstateFocusAndSelection): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::didFail): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::setAllowsScrolling): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::registerPasswordListener): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::getPasswordListener): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::closing): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::invalidateArea): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::addMarker): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::setMarkerActive): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::ordinalOfFirstMatchForFrame): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::shouldScopeMatches): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::scopeStringMatchesSoon): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::callScopeStringMatches): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::invalidateIfNecessary): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::clearPasswordListeners): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::loadJavaScriptURL):
- src/WebFrameImpl.h: Added. (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::liveObjectCount): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::frame): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::frameView): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::activeMatchFrame): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::client): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::dropClient): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::ClientHandle::create): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::ClientHandle::client): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::ClientHandle::dropClient): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::ClientHandle::ClientHandle): (WebKit::WebFrameImpl::):
- src/WebHTTPBody.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebHTTPBody::initialize): (WebKit::WebHTTPBody::reset): (WebKit::WebHTTPBody::assign): (WebKit::WebHTTPBody::elementCount): (WebKit::WebHTTPBody::elementAt): (WebKit::WebHTTPBody::appendData): (WebKit::WebHTTPBody::appendFile): (WebKit::WebHTTPBody::identifier): (WebKit::WebHTTPBody::setIdentifier): (WebKit::WebHTTPBody::WebHTTPBody): (WebKit::WebHTTPBody::operator=): (WebKit::WebHTTPBody::operator PassRefPtr<FormData>): (WebKit::WebHTTPBody::ensureMutable):
- src/WebHistoryItem.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::initialize): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::reset): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::assign): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::urlString): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setURLString): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::originalURLString): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setOriginalURLString): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::referrer): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setReferrer): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::target): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setTarget): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::parent): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setParent): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::title): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setTitle): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::alternateTitle): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setAlternateTitle): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::lastVisitedTime): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setLastVisitedTime): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::scrollOffset): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setScrollOffset): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::isTargetItem): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setIsTargetItem): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::visitCount): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setVisitCount): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::documentState): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setDocumentState): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::httpContentType): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setHTTPContentType): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::httpBody): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setHTTPBody): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::children): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::setChildren): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::appendToChildren): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::WebHistoryItem): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::operator=): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::operator PassRefPtr<HistoryItem>): (WebKit::WebHistoryItem::ensureMutable):
- src/WebImageCG.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebImage::fromData): (WebKit::WebImage::reset): (WebKit::WebImage::assign): (WebKit::WebImage::isNull): (WebKit::WebImage::size): (WebKit::WebImage::WebImage): (WebKit::WebImage::operator=):
- src/WebImageSkia.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebImage::fromData): (WebKit::WebImage::reset): (WebKit::WebImage::assign): (WebKit::WebImage::isNull): (WebKit::WebImage::size): (WebKit::WebImage::WebImage): (WebKit::WebImage::operator=):
- 11:46 PM Changeset in webkit [50719] by
- 1 edit7 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Yaar Schnitman <yaar@chromium.src>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Up-streaming Chromium API src files: WebData...WebElement
- src/WebData.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebData::reset): (WebKit::WebData::assign): (WebKit::WebData::size): (WebKit::WebData::data): (WebKit::WebData::WebData): (WebKit::WebData::operator=): (WebKit::WebData::operator PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer>):
- src/WebDataSourceImpl.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::create): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::originalRequest): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::request): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::response): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::hasUnreachableURL): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::unreachableURL): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::redirectChain): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::pageTitle): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::navigationType): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::triggeringEventTime): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::extraData): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::setExtraData): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::toWebNavigationType): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::endOfRedirectChain): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::clearRedirectChain): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::appendRedirect): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::setNextPluginLoadObserver): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::WebDataSourceImpl): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::~WebDataSourceImpl):
- src/WebDataSourceImpl.h: Added. (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::fromDocumentLoader): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::hasRedirectChain): (WebKit::WebDataSourceImpl::releasePluginLoadObserver):
- src/WebDatabase.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebDatabase::reset): (WebKit::WebDatabase::assign): (WebKit::WebDatabase::name): (WebKit::WebDatabase::displayName): (WebKit::WebDatabase::estimatedSize): (WebKit::WebDatabase::securityOrigin): (WebKit::WebDatabase::setObserver): (WebKit::WebDatabase::observer): (WebKit::WebDatabase::updateDatabaseSize): (WebKit::WebDatabase::WebDatabase): (WebKit::WebDatabase::operator=): (WebKit::WebDatabase::operator WTF::PassRefPtr<Database>):
- src/WebDevToolsAgentPrivate.h: Added.
- src/WebDragData.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebDragData::initialize): (WebKit::WebDragData::reset): (WebKit::WebDragData::assign): (WebKit::WebDragData::url): (WebKit::WebDragData::setURL): (WebKit::WebDragData::urlTitle): (WebKit::WebDragData::setURLTitle): (WebKit::WebDragData::fileExtension): (WebKit::WebDragData::setFileExtension): (WebKit::WebDragData::hasFileNames): (WebKit::WebDragData::fileNames): (WebKit::WebDragData::setFileNames): (WebKit::WebDragData::appendToFileNames): (WebKit::WebDragData::plainText): (WebKit::WebDragData::setPlainText): (WebKit::WebDragData::htmlText): (WebKit::WebDragData::setHTMLText): (WebKit::WebDragData::htmlBaseURL): (WebKit::WebDragData::setHTMLBaseURL): (WebKit::WebDragData::fileContentFileName): (WebKit::WebDragData::setFileContentFileName): (WebKit::WebDragData::fileContent): (WebKit::WebDragData::setFileContent): (WebKit::WebDragData::WebDragData): (WebKit::WebDragData::operator=): (WebKit::WebDragData::operator WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::ChromiumDataObject>): (WebKit::WebDragData::ensureMutable):
- src/WebElement.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebElement::WebElement): (WebKit::WebElement::operator=): (WebKit::WebElement::operator WTF::PassRefPtr<Element>):
- 11:23 PM Changeset in webkit [50718] by
- 3 edits4 adds in trunk
2009-11-09 Dirk Schulze <krit@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
SVG feDisplacementMap is not implemented
This is the implementation of the SVG filter effect
Test: svg/filters/feDisplacementMap.svg
- svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEDisplacementMap.cpp: (WebCore::FEDisplacementMap::apply):
Test for SVG filter effect feDisplacementMap.
- platform/mac/svg/filters/feDisplacementMap-expected.checksum: Added.
- platform/mac/svg/filters/feDisplacementMap-expected.png: Added.
- platform/mac/svg/filters/feDisplacementMap-expected.txt: Added.
- svg/filters/feDisplacementMap.svg: Added.
- 9:05 PM Changeset in webkit [50717] by
- 1 edit4 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Nate Chapin <Nate Chapin>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
WebPo*.h and WebRunetimeFeatures.h Chromium API headers.
- public/WebPoint.h: Added. (WebKit::WebPoint::WebPoint): (WebKit::WebPoint::operator=): (WebKit::WebPoint::operator WebCore::IntPoint): (WebKit::WebPoint::operator gfx::Point): (WebKit::operator==): (WebKit::operator!=):
- public/WebPopupMenu.h: Added.
- public/WebPopupMenuInfo.h: Added. (WebKit::WebPopupMenuInfo::Item::):
- public/WebRuntimeFeatures.h: Added.
- 8:58 PM Changeset in webkit [50716] by
- 1 edit6 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Nate Chapin <Nate Chapin>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
WebPa*.h and WebPl*.h Chromium API headers.
- public/WebPasswordAutocompleteListener.h: Added. (WebKit::WebPasswordAutocompleteListener::~WebPasswordAutocompleteListener):
- public/WebPasswordFormData.h: Added. (WebKit::WebPasswordFormData::isValid):
- public/WebPlugin.h: Added. (WebKit::WebPlugin::~WebPlugin):
- public/WebPluginContainer.h: Added. (WebKit::WebPluginContainer::~WebPluginContainer):
- public/WebPluginListBuilder.h: Added.
- public/WebPluginParams.h: Added.
- 8:50 PM Changeset in webkit [50715] by
- 1 edit6 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Yaar Schnitman <yaar@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Up-streaming Chromium API src files: WebBindging ... WebCursorInfo
- src/WebBindings.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebBindings::construct): (WebKit::WebBindings::createObject): (WebKit::WebBindings::enumerate): (WebKit::WebBindings::evaluate): (WebKit::WebBindings::evaluateHelper): (WebKit::WebBindings::getIntIdentifier): (WebKit::WebBindings::getProperty): (WebKit::WebBindings::getStringIdentifier): (WebKit::WebBindings::getStringIdentifiers): (WebKit::WebBindings::hasMethod): (WebKit::WebBindings::hasProperty): (WebKit::WebBindings::identifierIsString): (WebKit::WebBindings::intFromIdentifier): (WebKit::WebBindings::initializeVariantWithStringCopy): (WebKit::WebBindings::invoke): (WebKit::WebBindings::invokeDefault): (WebKit::WebBindings::releaseObject): (WebKit::WebBindings::releaseVariantValue): (WebKit::WebBindings::removeProperty): (WebKit::WebBindings::retainObject): (WebKit::WebBindings::setException): (WebKit::WebBindings::setProperty): (WebKit::WebBindings::unregisterObject): (WebKit::WebBindings::utf8FromIdentifier): (WebKit::WebBindings::extractIdentifierData): (WebKit::getEvent): (WebKit::getDragDataImpl): (WebKit::getRangeImpl): (WebKit::WebBindings::getDragData): (WebKit::WebBindings::isDragEvent): (WebKit::WebBindings::getRange):
- src/WebCString.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebCString::reset): (WebKit::WebCString::assign): (WebKit::WebCString::length): (WebKit::WebCString::data): (WebKit::WebCString::utf16): (WebKit::WebCString::fromUTF16): (WebKit::WebCString::WebCString): (WebKit::WebCString::operator=): (WebKit::WebCString::operator WebCore::CString):
- src/WebCache.cpp: Added. (WebKit::ToResourceTypeStat): (WebKit::WebCache::setCapacities): (WebKit::WebCache::clear): (WebKit::WebCache::getUsageStats): (WebKit::WebCache::getResourceTypeStats):
- src/WebColor.cpp: Added. (WebKit::toCSSValueKeyword): (WebKit::setNamedColors):
- src/WebCrossOriginPreflightResultCache.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebCrossOriginPreflightResultCache::clear):
- src/WebCursorInfo.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebCursorInfo::WebCursorInfo):
- 8:43 PM Changeset in webkit [50714] by
- 1 edit5 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Yaar Schnitman <yaar@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Up-streaming Chromium API src files: WebAccessibilty
- src/WebAccessibilityCache.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCache::enableAccessibility):
- src/WebAccessibilityCacheImpl.cpp: Added. (WebKit::toAccessibilityObject): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCache::create): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCacheImpl::WeakHandle::create): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCacheImpl::WeakHandle::WeakHandle): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCacheImpl::WeakHandle::detach): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCacheImpl::WebAccessibilityCacheImpl): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCacheImpl::~WebAccessibilityCacheImpl): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCacheImpl::initialize): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCacheImpl::getObjectById): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCacheImpl::isValidId): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCacheImpl::remove): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCacheImpl::clear): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCacheImpl::addOrGetId):
- src/WebAccessibilityCacheImpl.h: Added. (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCacheImpl::isInitialized):
- src/WebAccessibilityObject.cpp: Added. (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::reset): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::assign): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::accessibilityDescription): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::actionVerb): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::canSetFocusAttribute): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::childCount): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::childAt): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::firstChild): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::focusedChild): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::lastChild): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::nextSibling): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::parentObject): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::previousSibling): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::isAnchor): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::isChecked): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::isFocused): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::isEnabled): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::isHovered): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::isIndeterminate): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::isMultiSelect): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::isOffScreen): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::isPasswordField): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::isPressed): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::isReadOnly): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::isVisited): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::boundingBoxRect): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::helpText): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::hitTest): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::keyboardShortcut): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::performDefaultAction): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::roleValue): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::stringValue): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::title): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::WebAccessibilityObject): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::operator=): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::operator WTF::PassRefPtr<WebCore::AccessibilityObject>):
- 8:25 PM Changeset in webkit [50713] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
Make do-webcore-rename work with git.
Reviewed by Geoff Garen.
- 8:25 PM Changeset in webkit [50712] by
- 1 edit17 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Yaar Schnitman <yaar@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstreaming Chromium API: Platform specific files
- public/gtk/WebFontInfo.h: Added.
- public/gtk/WebInputEventFactory.h: Added.
- public/gtk/WebScreenInfoFactory.h: Added.
- public/linux/WebFontRendering.h: Added.
- public/linux/WebSandboxSupport.h: Added.
- public/mac/WebInputEventFactory.h: Added.
- public/mac/WebScreenInfoFactory.h: Added.
- public/win/WebInputEventFactory.h: Added.
- public/win/WebSandboxSupport.h: Added.
- public/win/WebScreenInfoFactory.h: Added.
- public/win/WebThemeEngine.h: Added.
- public/x11/WebScreenInfoFactory.h: Added.
- 8:14 PM Changeset in webkit [50711] by
- 5 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
Imported the v8 DST cache.
Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
SunSpider says 1.5% faster.
- runtime/JSGlobalData.cpp:
(JSC::JSGlobalData::resetDateCache): Reset the DST cache when resetting
other date data.
- runtime/JSGlobalData.h:
(JSC::DSTOffsetCache::reset): Added a struct for the DST cache.
- wtf/DateMath.cpp:
- wtf/DateMath.h: The imported code for probing and updating the cache.
- 8:06 PM Changeset in webkit [50710] by
- 4 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
2009-11-03 Shinichiro Hamaji <hamaji@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
wrong expected images after Bug 8736
- platform/mac/fast/borders/border-radius-huge-assert-expected.png:
- platform/mac/fast/box-shadow/border-radius-big-expected.checksum:
- platform/mac/fast/box-shadow/border-radius-big-expected.png:
- 7:58 PM Changeset in webkit [50709] by
- 3 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
Fixed an edge case that could cause the engine not to notice a timezone
Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
No test because this case would require manual intervention to change
the timezone during the test.
SunSpider reports no change.
- runtime/DateInstanceCache.h:
(JSC::DateInstanceCache::reset): Added a helper function for resetting
this cache. Also, shrank the cache, since we'll be resetting it often.
- runtime/JSGlobalData.cpp:
(JSC::JSGlobalData::resetDateCache): Include resetting the DateInstanceCache
in resetting Date data. (Otherwise, a cache hit could bypass a necessary
timezone update check.)
- 7:39 PM Changeset in webkit [50708] by
- 7 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
Some manual inlining and constant propogation in Date code.
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
SunSpider reports a 0.4% speedup on date-*, no overall speedup. Shark
says some previously evident stalls are now gone.
- runtime/DateConstructor.cpp:
- runtime/DateConversion.cpp:
(JSC::formatTimeUTC): Split formatTime into UTC and non-UTC variants.
- runtime/DateConversion.h:
- runtime/DateInstance.cpp:
- runtime/DateInstance.h:
(JSC::DateInstance::gregorianDateTimeUTC): Split gregorianDateTime into
a UTC and non-UTC variant, and split each variant into a fast inline
case and a slow out-of-line case.
- runtime/DatePrototype.cpp:
(JSC::dateProtoFuncGetYear): Updated for the gregorianDateTime change above.
- 7:35 PM Changeset in webkit [50707] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
Can cache prototype lookups on uncacheable dictionaries.
Fixed wrong expectation file committed.
- fast/js/dictionary-prototype-caching-expected.txt:
- 7:31 PM Changeset in webkit [50706] by
- 3 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
Build fix: export a new symbol.
- JavaScriptCore.exp:
- JavaScriptCore.vcproj/JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.def:
- 7:14 PM Changeset in webkit [50705] by
- 7 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
Added a tiny cache for Date parsing.
Reviewed by Sam "Home Wrecker" Weinig.
SunSpider says 1.2% faster.
- runtime/DateConversion.cpp:
(JSC::parseDate): Try to reuse the last parsed Date, if present.
- runtime/JSGlobalData.cpp:
- runtime/JSGlobalData.h: Added storage for last parsed Date. Refactored
this code to make resetting the date cache easier.
- runtime/JSGlobalObject.h:
(JSC::DynamicGlobalObjectScope::DynamicGlobalObjectScope): Updated for
- wtf/DateMath.cpp:
- wtf/DateMath.h: Changed ExecState to be first parameter, as is the JSC custom.
- 6:50 PM WebKit Team edited by
- (diff)
- 6:19 PM Changeset in webkit [50704] by
- 9 edits3 adds in trunk
Can cache prototype lookups on uncacheable dictionaries.
Reviewed by Gavin Barraclough.
Replace fromDictionaryTransition with flattenDictionaryObject and
flattenDictionaryStructure. This change is necessary as we need to
guarantee that our attempt to convert away from a dictionary structure
will definitely succeed, and in some cases this requires mutating the
object storage itself.
- 5:51 PM Changeset in webkit [50703] by
- 2 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
2009-11-09 Laszlo Gombos <Laszlo Gombos>
Not reviewed, build fix.
Remove extra character from r50701.
- JavaScriptCore.pri:
- 5:46 PM Changeset in webkit [50702] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-09 Kent Tamura <tkent@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Add a comment about null strings and hash functions.
- platform/text/StringHash.h:
- 5:39 PM Changeset in webkit [50701] by
- 2 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
2009-11-09 Laszlo Gombos <Laszlo Gombos>
Not reviewed, build fix.
- JavaScriptCore.pri:
- 5:24 PM Changeset in webkit [50700] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-09 Martin Robinson <martin.james.robinson@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Compiler warnings in InspectorResource.h
Fix compilation warnings by removing addition operation on an enum type.
- inspector/InspectorResource.h: (WebCore::InspectorResource::): (WebCore::InspectorResource::Changes::hasChange): (WebCore::InspectorResource::Changes::set): (WebCore::InspectorResource::Changes::setAll):
- 5:12 PM Changeset in webkit [50699] by
- 2 edits in trunk
2009-11-09 Priit Laes <plaes@plaes.org>
Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
[Gtk] Build from tarball fails with --enable-introspection
We need to enable gobject-introspection during distcheck otherwise
some of the required files are missing in tarball.
- GNUmakefile.am:
- 4:46 PM Changeset in webkit [50698] by
- 3 edits2 adds in trunk
WebCore: <rdar://problem/7328395>
Reviewed by Darin Adler and Dan Bernstein.
When an object tag's style changes (for example when child nodes are added/removed),
reuse its Frame (if it has one) instead of creating multiple Frames.
Test: fast/dom/HTMLObjectElement/children-changed.html
- loader/FrameLoader.cpp:
LayoutTests: <rdar://problem/7328395>
Reviewed by Darin Adler and Dan Bernstein.
When an object tag's style changes (for example when child nodes are added/removed),
reuse its Frame (if it has one) instead of creating multiple Frames.
- fast/dom/HTMLObjectElement/children-changed-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/dom/HTMLObjectElement/children-changed.html: Added.
- 3:18 PM Changeset in webkit [50697] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKit/chromium
Change struct ResourceRequest to class ResourceRequest per
Reviewed by Dmitry Titov.
- public/WebURLRequest.h:
- 2:41 PM Changeset in webkit [50696] by
- 1 edit4 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Nate Chapin <Nate Chapin>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstream remaining Chromium API WebN*.h headers.
- 2:34 PM Changeset in webkit [50695] by
- 2 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
2009-11-09 Norbert Leser <norbert.leser@nokia.com>
Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
Prepended $$PWD to GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR to avoid potential ambiguities when included from WebCore.pro.
Some preprocessors consider this GENERATED_SOURCES_DIR relative to current invoking dir (e.g., ./WebCore),
and not the working dir of JavaCriptCore.pri (i.e., ../JavaScriptCore/).
- JavaScriptCore.pri:
- 2:34 PM Changeset in webkit [50694] by
- 1 edit5 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Nate Chapin <Nate Chapin>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstream Chromium API headers WebMessage through WebNavigation.
- 2:27 PM Changeset in webkit [50693] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-09 Norbert Leser <norbert.leser@nokia.com>
Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
Moved macro MMP_RULES (LINKEROPTION) into symbian instead of symbian-sbsv2,
since adjustment of RW-section base address will be needed for all new symbian
tool chains, specifically for arm and gcc compilation targets.
Also, change target address to 0xE00000 to be sufficient for all targets.
- WebCore.pro:
- 2:19 PM Changeset in webkit [50692] by
- 1 edit9 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Yaar Schnitman <yaar@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstreaming the Chromium WebKit API: WebScreenInfo to WebSharedWorkerRepo.
- public/WebScreenInfo.h: Added. (WebKit::WebScreenInfo::WebScreenInfo):
- public/WebScriptController.h: Added.
- public/WebScriptSource.h: Added. (WebKit::WebScriptSource::WebScriptSource):
- public/WebSearchableFormData.h: Added. (WebKit::WebSearchableFormData::isValid): (WebKit::WebSearchableFormData::url): (WebKit::WebSearchableFormData::encoding):
- public/WebSecurityOrigin.h: Added. (WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin::~WebSecurityOrigin): (WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin::WebSecurityOrigin): (WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin::operator=): (WebKit::WebSecurityOrigin::isNull):
- public/WebSecurityPolicy.h: Added.
- public/WebSettings.h: Added. (WebKit::WebSettings::~WebSettings):
- public/WebSharedWorker.h: Added. (WebKit::WebSharedWorker::~WebSharedWorker):
- public/WebSharedWorkerRepository.h: Added.
- 2:11 PM Changeset in webkit [50691] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-09 Pavel Feldman <pfeldman@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
Web Inspector: Crash when inspecting
- inspector/InspectorDOMAgent.cpp: (WebCore::InspectorDOMAgent::handleEvent):
- 2:08 PM Changeset in webkit [50690] by
- 1 edit6 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Nate Chapin <Nate Chapin>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstream Chromium API headers Webkit.h thru WebMediaPlayerClient.h.
- 2:00 PM Changeset in webkit [50689] by
- 1 edit5 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Nate Chapin <Nate Chapin>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstream rest of WebH*.h and WebI*.h Chromium API headers.
- 1:55 PM Changeset in webkit [50688] by
- 1 edit6 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Yaar Schnitman <yaar@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
Upstreaming the Chromium WebKit API: WebSockets and WebStorage.
- public/WebSocketStreamError.h: Added.
- public/WebSocketStreamHandle.h: Added. (WebKit::WebSocketStreamHandle::~WebSocketStreamHandle):
- public/WebSocketStreamHandleClient.h: Added.
- public/WebStorageArea.h: Added. (WebKit::WebStorageArea::~WebStorageArea):
- public/WebStorageEventDispatcher.h: Added. (WebKit::WebStorageEventDispatcher::~WebStorageEventDispatcher):
- public/WebStorageNamespace.h: Added. (WebKit::WebStorageNamespace::~WebStorageNamespace):
- 1:47 PM Changeset in webkit [50687] by
- 1 edit4 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Yaar Schnitman <yaar@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstreaming the Chromium WebKit API: WebString and other basic objects.
- public/WebRange.h: Added. (WebKit::WebRange::~WebRange): (WebKit::WebRange::WebRange): (WebKit::WebRange::operator=): (WebKit::WebRange::isNull):
- public/WebRect.h: Added. (WebKit::WebRect::isEmpty): (WebKit::WebRect::WebRect): (WebKit::WebRect::operator=): (WebKit::WebRect::operator WebCore::IntRect): (WebKit::WebRect::operator gfx::Rect): (WebKit::operator==): (WebKit::operator!=):
- public/WebSize.h: Added. (WebKit::WebSize::isEmpty): (WebKit::WebSize::WebSize): (WebKit::WebSize::operator=): (WebKit::WebSize::operator WebCore::IntSize): (WebKit::WebSize::operator gfx::Size): (WebKit::operator==): (WebKit::operator!=):
- public/WebString.h: Added. (WebKit::WebString::~WebString): (WebKit::WebString::WebString): (WebKit::WebString::operator=): (WebKit::WebString::isEmpty): (WebKit::WebString::isNull): (WebKit::WebString::operator string16): (WebKit::WebString::operator NullableString16): (WebKit::WebString::fromUTF8):
- 1:40 PM Changeset in webkit [50686] by
- 1 edit2 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Yaar Schnitman <yaar@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
Upstreaming the Chromium WebKit API: WebText*
- public/WebTextAffinity.h: Added. (WebKit::):
- public/WebTextDirection.h: Added. (WebKit::):
- 1:28 PM Changeset in webkit [50685] by
- 1 edit6 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Nate Chapin <Nate Chapin>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstream remainder of WebE*.h and WebF*.h Chromium API headers.
- 1:27 PM Changeset in webkit [50684] by
- 4 edits in trunk
2009-11-09 Laszlo Gombos <Laszlo Gombos>
Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
[Qt] Few classes have virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
No new tests as there is no functional change.
- platform/qt/QWebPageClient.h: (QWebPageClient::~QWebPageClient): Add virtual destructor.
2009-11-09 Laszlo Gombos <Laszlo Gombos>
Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
[Qt] Few classes have virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
- Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp: (QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::~QGraphicsWebViewPrivate): Add virtual destructor.
- 1:19 PM Changeset in webkit [50683] by
- 1 edit6 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Nate Chapin <Nate Chapin>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstream WebDevTools*.h and WebDrag*.h Chromium API headers.
- public/WebDevToolsAgent.h: Added. (WebKit::WebDevToolsAgent::~WebDevToolsAgent):
- public/WebDevToolsAgentClient.h: Added. (WebKit::WebDevToolsAgentClient::~WebDevToolsAgentClient):
- public/WebDevToolsFrontend.h: Added. (WebKit::WebDevToolsFrontend::~WebDevToolsFrontend):
- public/WebDevToolsFrontendClient.h: Added. (WebKit::WebDevToolsFrontendClient::WebDevToolsFrontendClient): (WebKit::WebDevToolsFrontendClient::~WebDevToolsFrontendClient):
- public/WebDragData.h: Added. (WebKit::WebDragData::~WebDragData): (WebKit::WebDragData::WebDragData): (WebKit::WebDragData::operator=): (WebKit::WebDragData::isNull):
- public/WebDragOperation.h: Added.
- 1:14 PM Changeset in webkit [50682] by
- 1 edit6 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Yaar Schnitman <yaar@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstreaming the Chromium WebKit API: WebURL and friends.
- public/WebURL.h: Added. (WebKit::WebURL::~WebURL): (WebKit::WebURL::WebURL): (WebKit::WebURL::operator=): (WebKit::WebURL::assign): (WebKit::WebURL::spec): (WebKit::WebURL::parsed): (WebKit::WebURL::isValid): (WebKit::WebURL::isEmpty): (WebKit::WebURL::isNull): (WebKit::WebURL::operator GURL):
- public/WebURLError.h: Added. (WebKit::WebURLError::WebURLError):
- public/WebURLLoader.h: Added. (WebKit::WebURLLoader::~WebURLLoader):
- public/WebURLLoaderClient.h: Added. (WebKit::WebURLLoaderClient::~WebURLLoaderClient):
- public/WebURLRequest.h: Added. (WebKit::WebURLRequest::): (WebKit::WebURLRequest::~WebURLRequest): (WebKit::WebURLRequest::WebURLRequest): (WebKit::WebURLRequest::operator=):
- public/WebURLResponse.h: Added. (WebKit::WebURLResponse::~WebURLResponse): (WebKit::WebURLResponse::WebURLResponse): (WebKit::WebURLResponse::operator=):
- 1:06 PM Changeset in webkit [50681] by
- 1 edit7 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Yaar Schnitman <yaar@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstreaming the Chromium WebKit API: WebVector to WebWorkerClient
- public/WebVector.h: Added. (WebKit::WebVector::~WebVector): (WebKit::WebVector::WebVector): (WebKit::WebVector::operator=): (WebKit::WebVector::assign): (WebKit::WebVector::size): (WebKit::WebVector::isEmpty): (WebKit::WebVector::operator[]): (WebKit::WebVector::data): (WebKit::WebVector::swap): (WebKit::WebVector::initialize): (WebKit::WebVector::initializeFrom): (WebKit::WebVector::destroy):
- public/WebView.h: Added. (WebKit::WebView::~WebView):
- public/WebViewClient.h: Added. (WebKit::WebViewClient::createView): (WebKit::WebViewClient::createPopupMenu): (WebKit::WebViewClient::didAddMessageToConsole): (WebKit::WebViewClient::printPage): (WebKit::WebViewClient::notificationPresenter): (WebKit::WebViewClient::didStartLoading): (WebKit::WebViewClient::didStopLoading): (WebKit::WebViewClient::shouldBeginEditing): (WebKit::WebViewClient::shouldEndEditing): (WebKit::WebViewClient::shouldInsertNode): (WebKit::WebViewClient::shouldInsertText): (WebKit::WebViewClient::shouldChangeSelectedRange): (WebKit::WebViewClient::shouldDeleteRange): (WebKit::WebViewClient::shouldApplyStyle): (WebKit::WebViewClient::isSmartInsertDeleteEnabled): (WebKit::WebViewClient::isSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled): (WebKit::WebViewClient::setInputMethodEnabled): (WebKit::WebViewClient::didBeginEditing): (WebKit::WebViewClient::didChangeSelection): (WebKit::WebViewClient::didChangeContents): (WebKit::WebViewClient::didExecuteCommand): (WebKit::WebViewClient::didEndEditing): (WebKit::WebViewClient::handleCurrentKeyboardEvent): (WebKit::WebViewClient::spellCheck): (WebKit::WebViewClient::autoCorrectWord): (WebKit::WebViewClient::showSpellingUI): (WebKit::WebViewClient::isShowingSpellingUI): (WebKit::WebViewClient::updateSpellingUIWithMisspelledWord): (WebKit::WebViewClient::runFileChooser): (WebKit::WebViewClient::runModalAlertDialog): (WebKit::WebViewClient::runModalConfirmDialog): (WebKit::WebViewClient::runModalPromptDialog): (WebKit::WebViewClient::runModalBeforeUnloadDialog): (WebKit::WebViewClient::setStatusText): (WebKit::WebViewClient::setMouseOverURL): (WebKit::WebViewClient::setKeyboardFocusURL): (WebKit::WebViewClient::setToolTipText): (WebKit::WebViewClient::showContextMenu): (WebKit::WebViewClient::startDragging): (WebKit::WebViewClient::acceptsLoadDrops): (WebKit::WebViewClient::focusNext): (WebKit::WebViewClient::focusPrevious): (WebKit::WebViewClient::navigateBackForwardSoon): (WebKit::WebViewClient::historyBackListCount): (WebKit::WebViewClient::historyForwardListCount): (WebKit::WebViewClient::didAddHistoryItem): (WebKit::WebViewClient::focusAccessibilityObject): (WebKit::WebViewClient::didUpdateInspectorSettings): (WebKit::WebViewClient::queryAutofillSuggestions): (WebKit::WebViewClient::removeAutofillSuggestions): (WebKit::WebViewClient::~WebViewClient):
- public/WebWidget.h: Added. (WebKit::WebWidget::~WebWidget):
- public/WebWidgetClient.h: Added. (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::didInvalidateRect): (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::didScrollRect): (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::didFocus): (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::didBlur): (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::didChangeCursor): (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::closeWidgetSoon): (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::show): (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::runModal): (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::windowRect): (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::setWindowRect): (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::windowResizerRect): (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::rootWindowRect): (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::screenInfo): (WebKit::WebWidgetClient::~WebWidgetClient):
- public/WebWorker.h: Added. (WebKit::WebWorker::~WebWorker):
- public/WebWorkerClient.h: Added. (WebKit::WebWorkerClient::~WebWorkerClient):
- 12:55 PM Changeset in webkit [50680] by
- 1 edit4 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Nate Chapin <Nate Chapin>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstream WebData*.h Chromium API files.
- 12:46 PM Changeset in webkit [50679] by
- 3 edits2 adds in trunk
2009-11-09 Yael Aharon <yael.aharon@nokia.com>
Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
[Qt] Allow setting HTTP headers with empty value in XMLHTTPRequest
Test that XHR request can set http headers with no value.
- http/tests/xmlhttprequest/xmlhttprequest-setrequestheader-no-value-expected.txt: Added.
- http/tests/xmlhttprequest/xmlhttprequest-setrequestheader-no-value.html: Added.
2009-11-09 Yael Aharon <yael.aharon@nokia.com>
Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
[Qt] Allow setting HTTP headers with empty value in XMLHTTPRequest
QtNetwork interprets null string as request to remove the header, not add it.
Replace null values with empty values before passing them to QtNetwork.
Test: http/tests/xmlhttprequest/xmlhttprequest-setrequestheader-no-value.html
- platform/network/qt/ResourceRequestQt.cpp: (WebCore::ResourceRequest::toNetworkRequest):
- 12:43 PM Changeset in webkit [50678] by
- 1 edit5 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Nate Chapin <Nate Chapin>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstream the last of the Chromium API WebC*.h files.
- 12:32 PM Changeset in webkit [50677] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Reviewed by Kevin Ollivier.
[wx] Fix handling of alpha channel when using wxWidgets 2.9: it was
simply ignored before resulting in transparent areas being black in PNG
images for example.
- 12:22 PM Changeset in webkit [50676] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
2009-11-09 Benjamin Poulain <benjamin.poulain@nokia.com>
Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
Add an API to get all the attributes from a QWebElement.
- Api/qwebelement.cpp: (QWebElement::attributesName):
- Api/qwebelement.h:
- tests/qwebelement/tst_qwebelement.cpp: (tst_QWebElement::listAttributes):
- 12:04 PM Changeset in webkit [50675] by
- 19 edits in trunk
2009-11-09 Laszlo Gombos <Laszlo Gombos>
Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
Use explicit parentheses to silence gcc 4.4 -Wparentheses warnings
- interpreter/Interpreter.cpp: (JSC::Interpreter::privateExecute):
2009-11-09 Laszlo Gombos <Laszlo Gombos>
Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
Use explicit parentheses to silence gcc 4.4 -Wparentheses warnings
No new tests as there is no functional change.
- dom/Document.cpp: (WebCore::Document::recalcStyleSelector):
- editing/TextIterator.cpp: (WebCore::pushFullyClippedState):
- editing/VisibleSelection.cpp: (WebCore::VisibleSelection::appendTrailingWhitespace):
- html/HTMLLinkElement.cpp: (WebCore::HTMLLinkElement::process):
- loader/RedirectScheduler.cpp: (WebCore::RedirectScheduler::mustLockBackForwardList):
- loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheGroup.cpp: (WebCore::ApplicationCacheGroup::didFinishLoadingManifest):
- platform/graphics/qt/FontCacheQt.cpp: (WebCore::FontPlatformDataCacheKey::computeHash):
- rendering/RenderBlock.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBlock::handleRunInChild):
- rendering/RenderBox.cpp: (WebCore::RenderBox::calcHeight):
- rendering/RenderTextControlMultiLine.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextControlMultiLine::nodeAtPoint):
- rendering/style/RenderStyle.cpp: (WebCore::RenderStyle::diff):
- svg/SVGAnimateElement.cpp: (WebCore::parseNumberValueAndUnit):
- svg/SVGAnimationElement.cpp: (WebCore::SVGAnimationElement::startedActiveInterval):
- svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatio.cpp: (WebCore::SVGPreserveAspectRatio::getCTM):
2009-11-09 Laszlo Gombos <Laszlo Gombos>
Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
Use explicit parentheses to silence gcc 4.4 -Wparentheses warnings
- Api/qwebpage.cpp: (QWebPagePrivate::handleScrolling):
- 11:50 AM Changeset in webkit [50674] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-09 Shinichiro Hamaji <hamaji@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Win chromium is slow to draw transparent texts
Clip graphics context to reduce calculation.
No new tests because this change only affects performance.
- platform/graphics/chromium/FontChromiumWin.cpp: (WebCore::TransparencyAwareFontPainter::TransparencyAwareFontPainter::initializeForGDI): (WebCore::TransparencyAwareFontPainter::TransparencyAwareFontPainter::~TransparencyAwareFontPainter):
- 11:43 AM Changeset in webkit [50673] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-09 Carol Szabo <carol.szabo@nokia.com>
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
showTree(CounterNode*) generates too little info and has too many spaces.
No new tests as the change has no functional effect it is just for
improved debugging.
- rendering/CounterNode.cpp: (WebCore::showTreeAndMark): Changed to also show addresses of parent, next and previous siblings.
- 11:34 AM Changeset in webkit [50672] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-09 Stuart Morgan <stuartmorgan@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Moves Mac implementation of setUseSecureKeyboardEntry to Frame.cpp and
enables it PLATFORM(CHROMIUM) in addition to PLATFORM(MAC).
No new tests; implementation is unchanged.
- page/Frame.cpp: (WebCore::Frame::setUseSecureKeyboardEntry):
- page/mac/FrameMac.mm:
- 11:32 AM Changeset in webkit [50671] by
- 1 edit5 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Nate Chapin <Nate Chapin>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
More WebC*.h upstreaming.
- 11:26 AM Changeset in webkit [50670] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-09 Laszlo Gombos <Laszlo Gombos>
Reviewed by Jan Alonzo.
Make XP_UNIX tests consistent
No new tests as there is no functional change.
- plugins/PluginView.cpp: (WebCore::PluginView::setFrameRect): Test if XP_UNIX is defined instead of the value of the macro
- plugins/gtk/PluginViewGtk.cpp: (WebCore::PluginView::setNPWindowIfNeeded): Test if the XP_UNIX is defined instead of using the PLATFORM macro to be consistent (WebCore::PluginView::getValue): Ditto.
- 11:18 AM Changeset in webkit [50669] by
- 1 edit4 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Yaar Schnitman <yaar@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Upstreaming the Chromium WebKit API: WebNode.h and friends are thin wrappers around WebCore::Nodes
- public/WebElement.h: Added. (WebKit::WebElement::WebElement): (WebKit::WebElement::operator=): (WebKit::WebElement::assign):
- public/WebFormElement.h: Added. (WebKit::WebFormElement::~WebFormElement): (WebKit::WebFormElement::WebFormElement): (WebKit::WebFormElement::operator=): (WebKit::WebFormElement::assign):
- public/WebInputElement.h: Added. (WebKit::WebInputElement::WebInputElement): (WebKit::WebInputElement::operator=): (WebKit::WebInputElement::assign):
- public/WebNode.h: Added. (WebKit::WebNode::~WebNode): (WebKit::WebNode::WebNode): (WebKit::WebNode::operator=): (WebKit::WebNode::isNull): (WebKit::WebNode::toElement): (WebKit::WebNode::unwrap): (WebKit::WebNode::constUnwrap):
- 11:08 AM Changeset in webkit [50668] by
- 1 edit5 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Nate Chapin <Nate Chapin>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
WebKit Chromium API upstreaming, WebBindings.h through WebColor.h.
- public/WebBindings.h: Added.
- public/WebCache.h: Added.
- public/WebCanvas.h: Added.
- public/WebClipboard.h: Added. (WebKit::WebClipboard::): (WebKit::WebClipboard::~WebClipboard):
- public/WebColor.h: Added.
- 10:48 AM Changeset in webkit [50667] by
- 7 adds in trunk/WebKit/chromium
2009-11-09 Nate Chapin <Nate Chapin>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Starting upstreaming the Chromium WebKit API. public/ contains header files only.
- ChangeLog: First!!
- public: Added.
- public/WebAccessibilityCache.h: Added. (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCache::WebAccessibilityCache): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityCache::~WebAccessibilityCache):
- public/WebAccessibilityObject.h: Added. (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::~WebAccessibilityObject): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::WebAccessibilityObject): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::operator=): (WebKit::WebAccessibilityObject::isNull):
- public/WebAccessibilityRole.h: Added. (WebKit::):
- public/WebApplicationCacheHost.h: Added. (WebKit::WebApplicationCacheHost::): (WebKit::WebApplicationCacheHost::~WebApplicationCacheHost):
- public/WebApplicationCacheHostClient.h: Added. (WebKit::WebApplicationCacheHostClient::~WebApplicationCacheHostClient):
- 10:23 AM Changeset in webkit [50666] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-09 Kevin Watters <kevinwatters@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Thunk to the main thread from ~Database to deref Database's m_document.
If the Database was the Document's last referrer, then ~Document occurs on the
Database thread, and ASSERT(!m_styleRecalcTimer.isActive()) hits a main thread
ASSERT in debug builds.
- storage/Database.cpp: (WebCore::derefDocument): (WebCore::Database::~Database):
- 9:54 AM Changeset in webkit [50665] by
- 10 edits2 adds in trunk
2009-11-09 Mark Mentovai <mark@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.
rdar://problem/7215132, https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29167
REGRESSION (r48064): mint.com loses scrollbars after coming out of
edit mode.
rdar://problem/7314421, https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30517
REGRESSION (r48064): Extra scroll bars in GarageBand Lesson Store.
- fast/overflow/scrollbar-restored-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/overflow/scrollbar-restored.html: Added.
2009-11-09 Mark Mentovai <mark@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.
Track "can have scrollbar" state within FrameView independently of the
individual scrollbar states in ScrollView.
rdar://problem/7215132, https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29167
REGRESSION (r48064): mint.com loses scrollbars after coming out of
edit mode.
rdar://problem/7314421, https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30517
REGRESSION (r48064): Extra scroll bars in GarageBand Lesson Store.
Test: fast/overflow/scrollbar-restored.html
- WebCore.base.exp:
- page/FrameView.cpp: (WebCore::FrameView::FrameView): (WebCore::FrameView::resetScrollbars): (WebCore::FrameView::setCanHaveScrollbars): (WebCore::FrameView::updateCanHaveScrollbars): (WebCore::FrameView::layout):
- page/FrameView.h:
- platform/ScrollView.h:
2009-11-09 Mark Mentovai <mark@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.
Track "can have scrollbar" state within FrameView independently of the
individual scrollbar states in ScrollView.
rdar://problem/7215132, https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29167
REGRESSION (r48064): mint.com loses scrollbars after coming out of
edit mode.
rdar://problem/7314421, https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30517
REGRESSION (r48064): Extra scroll bars in GarageBand Lesson Store.
Test: fast/overflow/scrollbar-restored.html
- WebView/WebFrameView.mm: (-[WebFrameView _install]):
2009-11-09 Mark Mentovai <mark@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.
Track "can have scrollbar" state within FrameView independently of the
individual scrollbar states in ScrollView.
rdar://problem/7215132, https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29167
REGRESSION (r48064): mint.com loses scrollbars after coming out of
edit mode.
rdar://problem/7314421, https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30517
REGRESSION (r48064): Extra scroll bars in GarageBand Lesson Store.
Test: fast/overflow/scrollbar-restored.html
- Api/qwebframe.cpp: (QWebFrame::setScrollBarPolicy):
- 9:44 AM Changeset in webkit [50664] by
- 5 edits in trunk
2009-11-09 Keishi Hattori <casey.hattori@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
Web Inspector: CSS syntax highlighter doesn't recognize negative numbers
- inspector/syntax-highlight-css-expected.txt:
- inspector/syntax-highlight-css.html:
2009-11-09 Keishi Hattori <casey.hattori@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
Web Inspector: CSS syntax highlighter doesn't recognize negative numbers
- inspector/front-end/SourceFrame.js:
- 9:37 AM Changeset in webkit [50663] by
- 3 edits1 add in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-09 Alexander Pavlov <apavlov@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
Web Inspector: Debugger shortcuts (F8, F10, F11) have no effect if the Console view is open
Route F1-F12 keypresses in the Console view to the current panel if there is one.
Test: manual-tests/inspector/debugger-shortcuts-with-console-opened.html
- inspector/front-end/ConsoleView.js: (WebInspector.ConsoleView.prototype._promptKeyDown):
- inspector/front-end/utilities.js: ():
- manual-tests/inspector/debugger-shortcuts-with-console-opened.html: Added.
- 9:26 AM Changeset in webkit [50662] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-09 Yael Aharon <yael.aharon@nokia.com>
Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
[Qt] Pass credentials provided by XMLHTTPRequest to the network request.
After r42483, the credentials are no longer passed to the network request
in the URL of the request.
Pass the credentials from XMLHTTPRequest to the network request, the same
way that other ports do.
After this patch LayoutTests/http/xmlhttprequest/basic-auth.html passes.
- platform/network/qt/ResourceHandleQt.cpp: (WebCore::ResourceHandle::start): (WebCore::ResourceHandle::loadResourceSynchronously):
- 9:22 AM Changeset in webkit [50661] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
2009-11-09 Benjamin Poulain <benjamin.poulain@nokia.com>
Reviewed by Kenneth Rohde Christiansen.
Add a non-const iterator to QWebElementCollection.
Move the two attributes of the iterator to private.
- Api/qwebelement.h: (const_iterator::begin): (const_iterator::end): (const_iterator::constBegin): (const_iterator::constEnd): (const_iterator::iterator::iterator): (const_iterator::iterator::operator*): (const_iterator::iterator::operator==): (const_iterator::iterator::operator!=): (const_iterator::iterator::operator<): (const_iterator::iterator::operator<=): (const_iterator::iterator::operator>): (const_iterator::iterator::operator>=): (const_iterator::iterator::operator++): (const_iterator::iterator::operator--): (const_iterator::iterator::operator+=): (const_iterator::iterator::operator-=): (const_iterator::iterator::operator+): (const_iterator::iterator::operator-):
- tests/qwebelement/tst_qwebelement.cpp: (tst_QWebElement::nonConstIterator): (tst_QWebElement::constIterator):
- 9:11 AM ImprovingLifeOnWindows edited by
- Added bug number for setting environment variables automatically (diff)
- 8:12 AM Changeset in webkit [50660] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
Adding Kenneth to the reviewers list.
- Scripts/modules/committers.py:
- 7:38 AM Changeset in webkit [50659] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
2009-11-09 Laszlo Gombos <Laszlo Gombos>
Reviewed by Kenneth Christiansen.
[Qt] Remove the sessionStorage setting (per Page)
This setting allows to run sessionStorage on/off on a per page
basis. Remove this prematurely exposed API.
- Api/qwebsettings.cpp: (QWebSettingsPrivate::apply): (QWebSettings::QWebSettings):
- tests/qwebpage/tst_qwebpage.cpp: (tst_QWebPage::database): (tst_QWebPage::testOptionalJSObjects):
- 7:34 AM Changeset in webkit [50658] by
- 10 edits in trunk/WebCore
Roll back r50657 because it breaks the MAC builds.
- loader/ImageLoader.cpp:
- loader/ProgressTracker.cpp:
- loader/RedirectScheduler.cpp:
- loader/Request.h:
- loader/ThreadableLoaderClient.h:
- loader/WorkerThreadableLoader.h:
- loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheHost.h:
- loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheStorage.h:
- loader/icon/IconDatabaseClient.h:
- 7:22 AM Changeset in webkit [50657] by
- 10 edits in trunk/WebCore
Allow custom memory allocation control for the part of loader directory in WebCore
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Inherits the following classes from Noncopyable because these are instantiated
by 'new' and these are no need to be copyable:
class Request - WebCore/loader/loader.cpp:100
struct ScheduledRedirection - WebCore/loader/RedirectScheduler.cpp:164
class IconDatabaseClient - WebCore/loader/icon/IconDatabase.cpp:89
class ApplicationCacheStorage - WebCore/loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheStorage.cpp:1121
class ApplicationCacheHost - WebCore/loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:151
class ImageEventSender - WebCore/loader/ImageLoader.cpp:54
struct ProgressItem - WebCore/loader/ProgressTracker.cpp:169
Inherits ThreadableLoaderClient class from Noncopyable because (its child class)
MainThreadBridge is instantiated by 'new' in
WebCore/loader/WorkerThreadableLoader.cpp:59 it is no need to be copyable.
ThreadableLoaderClient's inheriting has been changed to public.
- loader/ImageLoader.cpp:
- loader/ProgressTracker.cpp:
- loader/RedirectScheduler.cpp:
- loader/Request.h:
- loader/ThreadableLoaderClient.h:
- loader/WorkerThreadableLoader.h:
- loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheHost.h:
- loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheStorage.h:
- loader/icon/IconDatabaseClient.h:
- 6:59 AM Changeset in webkit [50656] by
- 5 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
[Qt] Remove the QWebPage:webInspectorTriggered signal.
User customization of the communication between QWebPage
and QWebInspector will be properly designed in the next version.
Patch by Jocelyn Turcotte <jocelyn.turcotte@nokia.com> on 2009-11-09
Reviewed by Simon Hausmann.
- Api/qwebinspector.cpp:
- Api/qwebpage.cpp:
- Api/qwebpage.h:
- QtLauncher/main.cpp:
- 6:27 AM Changeset in webkit [50655] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Allow custom memory allocation control for WebCore's DocLoader
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Inherits DocLoader class from Noncopyable because it is
instantiated by 'new' in WebCore/dom/Document.cpp:370 and
it is no need to be copyable.
- loader/DocLoader.h:
- 6:22 AM Changeset in webkit [50654] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Allow custom memory allocation control for WebCore's Tokenizer
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Inherits Tokenizer class from Noncopyable because (its child class)
ImageTokenizer instantiated by 'new' in WebCore/loader/ImageDocument.cpp:178
and it is no need to be copyable.
- dom/Tokenizer.h:
- 6:14 AM Changeset in webkit [50653] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Allow custom memory allocation control for WebCore's DeleteButtonController
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Inherits DeleteButtonController class from Noncopyable because it is
instantiated by 'new' in WebCore/editing/Editor.cpp:919 and
it is no need to be copyable.
- editing/DeleteButtonController.h:
- 5:10 AM Changeset in webkit [50652] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
Added a missing re-implementation of QGraphicsItem::inputMethodQuery().
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-05
Reviewed by Tor Arne Vestbø.
- Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp:
- Api/qgraphicswebview.h:
- 5:09 AM Changeset in webkit [50651] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
Provide a dummy re-implementation of QGraphicsLayoutItem::sizeHint(),
similar to QWebView.
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-04
Reviewed by Tor Arne Vestbø.
- Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp:
- Api/qgraphicswebview.h:
- 5:08 AM Changeset in webkit [50650] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
Removed zoomFactoryChanged() signal and added
linkClicked() to QGraphicsWebView, for consistency with
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-04
Reviewed by Tor Arne Vestbø.
- Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp:
- Api/qgraphicswebview.h:
- 5:07 AM Changeset in webkit [50649] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
Added QGraphicsWebView::findText() for convenience and consistency
with QWebView.
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-04
Reviewed by Tor Arne Vestbø.
- Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp:
- Api/qgraphicswebview.h:
- 5:06 AM Changeset in webkit [50648] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
Added QGraphicsWebView::pageAction() and triggerPageAction(), for
consistency with QWebView.
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-04
Reviewed by Tor Arne Vestbø.
- Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp:
- Api/qgraphicswebview.h:
- 4:35 AM Changeset in webkit [50647] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
Removed QGraphicsWebView::toHtml() after API review.
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-04
Reviewed by Tor Arne Vestbø.
That's consistent with QWebView and also based on the assumption that
toHtml() is called less frequently than setHtml().
- Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp:
- Api/qgraphicswebview.h:
- tests/qgraphicswebview/tst_qgraphicswebview.cpp:
- 4:31 AM Changeset in webkit [50646] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
Removed the interactive property of QGraphicsWebView.
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-04
Reviewed by Tor Arne Vestbø.
There are clearly use-cases for this feature, but it will require
more work to make this fully work with an enum to have fine-grained
control over the interactivity levels. For now it is easy to achieve
in user-code what the boolean property did.
- Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp:
- Api/qgraphicswebview.h:
- tests/qgraphicswebview/tst_qgraphicswebview.cpp:
- 4:29 AM Changeset in webkit [50645] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
Make the QGraphicsWebView constructor explicit.
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-04
Reviewed by Tor Arne Vestbø.
- Api/qgraphicswebview.h:
- 3:08 AM Changeset in webkit [50644] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Rubber-stamped by Holger Hans Peter Freyther.
Patch by Andras Becsi <becsi.andras@stud.u-szeged.hu> on 2009-11-09
[Qt] Skip new japanese ruby annotation tests because of missing japanese font support.
- platform/qt/Skipped:
- 2:12 AM Changeset in webkit [50643] by
- 3 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Unreviewed trivial fix.
Removed previously (r50589) deleted test case from skiplists.
- platform/gtk/Skipped: fast/events/drag-and-drop-none.html removed.
- platform/qt/Skipped: fast/events/drag-and-drop-none.html removed.
- 1:16 AM Changeset in webkit [50642] by
- 9 edits in trunk
2009-11-09 Martin Robinson <martin.james.robinson@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Jan Alonzo.
[GTK] Expose Page::tabKeyCyclesThroughElements in the API
Unskip fast/events/keypress-insert-tab.html as it now passes.
- platform/gtk/Skipped:
2009-11-09 Martin Robinson <martin.james.robinson@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Jan Alonzo.
[GTK] Expose Page::tabKeyCyclesThroughElements in the API
Expose Page::tabKeyCyclesThroughElements as a property of
No new tests; fast/events/keypress-insert-tab.html is no longer skipped.
- platform/gtk/KeyEventGtk.cpp: Correct m_text for tab key presses. (WebCore::singleCharacterString):
2009-11-09 Martin Robinson <martin.james.robinson@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Jan Alonzo.
[GTK] Expose Page::tabKeyCyclesThroughElements in the API
Expose Page::tabKeyCyclesThroughElements as a property of
- webkit/webkitwebsettings.cpp: (webkit_web_settings_class_init): (webkit_web_settings_set_property): (webkit_web_settings_get_property):
- webkit/webkitwebview.cpp: (webkit_web_view_update_settings): (webkit_web_view_settings_notify):
2009-11-09 Martin Robinson <martin.james.robinson@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Jan Alonzo.
[GTK] Expose Page::tabKeyCyclesThroughElements in the API
LayoutTestControllerGtk now uses the exposed
Page::tabKeyCyclesThroughElements API
- DumpRenderTree/gtk/LayoutTestControllerGtk.cpp: (LayoutTestController::setTabKeyCyclesThroughElements):
- 12:18 AM Changeset in webkit [50641] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-09 Joanmarie Diggs <joanmarie.diggs@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Xan Lopez.
[GTK][ATK] Please implement support for get_text_at_offset
Fix a crasher that occurred with text which included newline
chars in the markup.
- accessibility/gtk/AccessibilityObjectWrapperAtk.cpp: (convertUniCharToUTF8):
- 12:15 AM QtBackLog edited by
- Mention the ARM changes (diff)
Nov 8, 2009:
- 11:34 PM Changeset in webkit [50640] by
- 4 edits1 add in trunk
The XML tokenizer reports a parse error twice if it occurs before the document element is found.
XMLTokenizer::doEnd() uses an additional logic to report a parse failure in
documents that end prematurely but are not considered invalid by QXmlStream.
This is to stay compatible with the libxml2 implementation.
However, that code path would be also hit in situations when it should not,
i.e. the error would have already been caught and handled. As a result, the
same error would be reported twice.
No new tests, because the problem is already covered by
Add the Qt-specific result for that test and unskip it.
- 10:39 PM Changeset in webkit [50639] by
- 5 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-08 Keishi Hattori <casey.hattori@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Pavel Feldman.
Web Inspector: Inspector should support copy() in the command line
- inspector/InspectorBackend.cpp: (WebCore::InspectorBackend::copyText): Added.
- inspector/InspectorBackend.h: Added copyText
- inspector/InspectorBackend.idl: Added copyText
- inspector/front-end/InjectedScript.js: (InjectedScript._copy): Added. (InjectedScript._ensureCommandLineAPIInstalled):
- 10:00 PM Changeset in webkit [50638] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-08 Drew Wilson <atwilson@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
V8 WorkerContextExecutionProxy does not handle SharedWorkers
Now checks to see what type of context is active and creates the
Added support for converting to SharedWorkers and SharedWorkerContexts.
Test: Existing layout tests cover this case (start passing in Chrome).
- bindings/v8/WorkerContextExecutionProxy.cpp: (WebCore::WorkerContextExecutionProxy::initContextIfNeeded): Now generates the right type of DOMWrapper for SharedWorkerContexts. (WebCore::WorkerContextExecutionProxy::convertToV8Object): Added support for SHAREDWORKERCONTEXT. (WebCore::WorkerContextExecutionProxy::convertEventTargetToV8Object): Added support for SharedWorker and SharedWorkerContext.
- 9:52 PM Changeset in webkit [50637] by
- 3 edits4 adds in trunk
2009-11-08 Johnny Ding <johnnyding.webkit@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
[V8] Return StyleSheet object instead of HTMLStyleElement w/document.styleSheets named property getter.
- fast/dom/StyleSheet/get-stylesheet-byname-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/dom/StyleSheet/get-stylesheet-byname.html: Added.
- fast/dom/StyleSheet/script-tests: Added.
- fast/dom/StyleSheet/script-tests/get-stylesheet-byname.js: Added.
2009-11-08 Johnny Ding <johnnyding.webkit@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
[V8] Return StyleSheet object instead of HTMLStyleElement w/document.styleSheets named property getter.
Test: fast/dom/StyleSheet/get-stylesheet-byname.html
- bindings/v8/custom/V8StyleSheetListCustom.cpp: (WebCore::NAMED_PROPERTY_GETTER):
- 8:52 PM Changeset in webkit [50636] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebKit/mac
Made the full-screen video HUD appear when playback stops, such as when
the end of the video is reached.
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
- WebView/WebVideoFullscreenHUDWindowController.h: Cleaned up.
- WebView/WebVideoFullscreenHUDWindowController.mm:
(-[WebVideoFullscreenHUDWindowController scheduleTimeUpdate]): Updated
for the renaming of -updateRate to -updatePlayButton.
(-[WebVideoFullscreenHUDWindowController updatePlayButton]): Renamed
-updateRate to this.
(-[WebVideoFullscreenHUDWindowController updateRate]): This method now
responds to changes to the playback rate by updating the play button
and showing or hiding the HUD as necessary.
(-[WebVideoFullscreenHUDWindowController togglePlaying:]): Now only
toggles playing. UI updates are driven by -updateRate being called.
(-[WebVideoFullscreenHUDWindowController playing]): Cleaned up.
- 8:46 PM Changeset in webkit [50635] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-08 Pavel Feldman <pfeldman@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
Web Inspector: "Search again" on scripts panel switches
to the script this search started with.
- inspector/front-end/Panel.js: (WebInspector.Panel.prototype.jumpToNextSearchResult):
- 6:43 PM Changeset in webkit [50634] by
- 3 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
- wtf/DateMath.cpp:
- wtf/DateMath.h:
Reviewed by NOBODY (speculative snow leopard and windows build fixes).
- 6:33 PM Changeset in webkit [50633] by
- 9 edits in trunk
JavaScriptCore: Hopefully, the last build fix.
Reviewed by NOBODY (chromium build fix).
Create better separation in DateMath about the JSC
and non-JSC portions. Also, only expose the non-JSC
version in the exports.
- JavaScriptCore.exp:
- JavaScriptCore.vcproj/JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.def:
- wtf/DateMath.cpp:
- wtf/DateMath.h:
JavaScriptGlue: Added the use jsc define for files that use
this config file and DateMath.h. This should
be able to go away when DateMath is properly
split into wtf and jsc portions which is this bug:
Reviewed by NOBODY (chromium build fix).
- config.h:
WebCore: * platform/network/HTTPParsers.cpp:
(WebCore::parseDate): Changed this to not
use a date parser that needs ExecState passed.
Reviewed by NOBODY (chromium build fix).
- 5:28 PM Changeset in webkit [50632] by
- 14 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-08 Kent Tamura <tkent@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Simplify Icon interface.
- Remove Icon::createIconForFile(). createIconForFiles() covers createIconForFile()'s role.
- Remove FileChooser::chooseIcon()
- Change the parameter types of FileChooser constructor and the factory method, String -> const Vector<String>&, in order to support initialization with multiple files.
- Remove the icon loading code in IconChromiumWin.cpp, which doesn't work because of the sandbox.
No tests because it's just a refactoring.
- platform/FileChooser.cpp: (WebCore::FileChooser::FileChooser): (WebCore::FileChooser::create): (WebCore::FileChooser::chooseFile): (WebCore::FileChooser::chooseFiles):
- platform/FileChooser.h:
- platform/graphics/Icon.h:
- platform/graphics/chromium/IconChromiumLinux.cpp:
- platform/graphics/chromium/IconChromiumMac.cpp:
- platform/graphics/chromium/IconChromiumWin.cpp: (WebCore::Icon::createIconForFiles):
- platform/graphics/gtk/IconGtk.cpp: (WebCore::Icon::createIconForFiles):
- platform/graphics/haiku/IconHaiku.cpp:
- platform/graphics/mac/IconMac.mm: (WebCore::Icon::createIconForFiles):
- platform/graphics/qt/IconQt.cpp: (WebCore::Icon::createIconForFiles):
- platform/graphics/win/IconWin.cpp: (WebCore::Icon::createIconForFiles):
- platform/graphics/wx/IconWx.cpp:
- rendering/RenderFileUploadControl.cpp: (WebCore::RenderFileUploadControl::RenderFileUploadControl):
- 5:18 PM Changeset in webkit [50631] by
- 4 edits3 adds in trunk
2009-11-08 Daniel Bates <dbates@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Adam Barth.
Allows same-origin plugin-based content to load.
Test: http/tests/security/xssAuditor/object-src-inject.html
- page/XSSAuditor.cpp: (WebCore::XSSAuditor::canLoadExternalScriptFromSrc): Modified to call XSSAuditor::isSameOriginResource. (WebCore::XSSAuditor::canLoadObject): Ditto. (WebCore::XSSAuditor::canSetBaseElementURL): Ditto. (WebCore::XSSAuditor::isSameOriginResource): Added.
- page/XSSAuditor.h:
2009-11-08 Daniel Bates <dbates@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Adam Barth.
Tests that the XSSAuditor prevents loading plugin-based content that is not
from the same-origin as the enclosing page.
- http/tests/security/xssAuditor/object-src-inject-expected.txt: Added.
- http/tests/security/xssAuditor/object-src-inject.html: Added.
- http/tests/security/xssAuditor/resources/echo-object-src.pl: Added.
- 3:54 PM Changeset in webkit [50630] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Unreviewed build fix for chromium.
- platform/graphics/skia/GraphicsContextSkia.cpp:
- 3:42 PM Changeset in webkit [50629] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Unreviewed build fix for chromium.
Build fix for https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31219
Clean up GraphicsContext's current concept of ColorSpace
- platform/graphics/skia/GraphicsContextSkia.cpp:
- 1:02 PM Changeset in webkit [50628] by
- 3 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
For the change in DateMath.
Reviewed by NOBODY (chromium build fix).
- config.h:
- wtf/DateMath.cpp:
- 11:47 AM Changeset in webkit [50627] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-08 Pavel Feldman <pfeldman@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
Web Inspector: [REGRESSION] committing style edit
clears elements panel selection.
- inspector/front-end/ElementsTreeOutline.js: (WebInspector.ElementsTreeOutline.prototype.update):
- inspector/front-end/StylesSidebarPane.js: (WebInspector.StylePropertyTreeElement.prototype.): (WebInspector.StylePropertyTreeElement.prototype):
- 11:09 AM Changeset in webkit [50626] by
- 3 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
2009-11-08 Shu Chang <Chang.Shu@nokia.com>
Reviewed by Holger Freyther.
Update texts in test description after test case change in r50579.
- editing/selection/shrink-selection-after-shift-pagedown-expected.txt:
- editing/selection/shrink-selection-after-shift-pagedown.html:
- 11:01 AM Changeset in webkit [50625] by
- 27 edits in trunk
2009-11-08 Janne Koskinen <janne.p.koskinen@digia.com>
Reviewed by Holger Freyther.
ResourceRequest to be class instead of struct
Started as a compilation fix for Symbian where the compiler makes a distinction between
class and struct in function argument signatures.
Changed all forward declarations of ResourceRequest to have class in the forward
declaration instead of struct and changed the definition of ResourceRequest to be class
and added access qualifiers where missing. Additionally two references of friend
struct ResourceRequestBase changed to class instead.
- history/HistoryItem.h:
- inspector/InspectorController.h:
- inspector/InspectorResource.h:
- loader/DocumentThreadableLoader.h:
- loader/FrameLoaderClient.h:
- loader/MainResourceLoader.h:
- loader/ResourceLoadNotifier.h:
- loader/SubresourceLoader.h:
- loader/SubresourceLoaderClient.h:
- loader/ThreadableLoader.h:
- loader/WorkerThreadableLoader.h:
- loader/appcache/ApplicationCache.h:
- loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheHost.h:
- platform/CrossThreadCopier.h:
- platform/network/ResourceHandle.h:
- platform/network/ResourceHandleClient.h:
- platform/network/ResourceRequestBase.h:
- platform/network/cf/ResourceRequest.h:
- platform/network/cf/ResourceRequestCFNet.h:
- platform/network/chromium/ResourceRequest.h:
- platform/network/curl/ResourceRequest.h:
- platform/network/qt/ResourceRequest.h:
- platform/network/soup/ResourceRequest.h:
- xml/XMLHttpRequest.h:
2009-11-08 Janne Koskinen <janne.p.koskinen@digia.com>
Reviewed by Holger Freyther.
ResourceRequest to be class instead of struct
Started as a compilation fix for Symbian where the compiler makes a distinction between
class and struct in function argument signatures.
Changed forward declaration of ResourceRequest to have class in the forward
declaration instead of struct.
- WebDownload.h:
- 10:51 AM Changeset in webkit [50624] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
2009-11-08 Shu Chang <Chang.Shu@nokia.com>
Reviewed by Holger Freyther.
[Qt] Added support for key code 8 (backspace) in EventSenderQt.
This helps to pass the test case below. Also replaced hardcoded
code numbers with defined constants.
Test: editing/undo/undo-deleteWord.html
- DumpRenderTree/qt/EventSenderQt.cpp: (EventSender::keyDown):
- 9:32 AM Changeset in webkit [50623] by
- 6 edits4 adds in trunk
<rdar://problem/7363434> Crash inside RenderObject::localToAbsolute
below FrameView::layout
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
Test: fast/block/positioning/relative-positioned-inline-container.html
In <http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/19148>, setStaticY() was changed
to mark the object for layout, doing so without marking its ancestors.
However, RenderBlock::skipLeadingWhitespace and
RenderBlock::skipTrailingWhitespace() call setStaticY() on a relative-
positioned inline container, causing it to be marked for layout without
ever going back to give it layout, and thus layout could end with a
dirty object still in the tree, leading to all sorts of badness.
The fix is to revert setStaticY() to not marking the object dirty, and
instead do it in the call sites that require it, which are in
RenderBlock and RenderFlexibleBox.
- rendering/RenderBlock.cpp:
- rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.cpp:
- rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:
- rendering/RenderLayer.h:
- fast/block/positioning/relative-positioned-inline-container-expected.checksum: Added.
- fast/block/positioning/relative-positioned-inline-container-expected.png: Added.
- fast/block/positioning/relative-positioned-inline-container-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/block/positioning/relative-positioned-inline-container.html: Added.
- 9:26 AM Changeset in webkit [50622] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
[Qt] [DRT] Fix wrong logic in LayoutTestController processWork
Patch by Antonio Gomes <tonikitoo@webkit.org> on 2009-11-05
Reviewed by Holger Freyther.
Fixed wrong logic to assume WorkQueue is done in QT's DRT.
- DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.cpp:
- 9:25 AM Changeset in webkit [50621] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
[Qt][DRT] Replace queueScript by queueNonLoadingScript and queueLoadingScript method
Patch by Antonio Gomes <tonikitoo@webkit.org> on 2009-11-07
Reviewed by Holger Freyther.
By invoking a script queue'd by queueScript(), 'true' was beeing returned
always, which from WorkQueue prospective means that a load has been started
and the queue processing should stop and wait for the load to finish.
Spinning it off into a loading and a non-loading variants was the solution
adopted by Mac's DRT to work around this problem. The former keeps returning
'true' while the later executes the script synchronously and returns 'false'
making it possible to the WorkQueue to proceed right away.
- DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.cpp:
- DumpRenderTree/qt/LayoutTestControllerQt.h:
- DumpRenderTree/qt/WorkQueueItem.h:
Nov 7, 2009:
- 7:59 PM Changeset in webkit [50620] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
Invoke prepare-ChangeLog via an absolute path rather than assuming it can be found in PATH.
Rubber-stamped by Cameron Zwarich.
- Scripts/commit-log-editor:
- 7:59 PM Changeset in webkit [50619] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
Fix <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28168>.
commit-log-editor does not support all the email address configurations that prepare-Changelog supports
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Move logic for determining the name and email address to use in a ChangeLog entry from
prepare-ChangeLog to VCSUtils so that commit-log-editor can use it. It wants to check
whether the author of the patch matches committer, and therefore needs access to the
email address that would be used in a ChangeLog entry.
Based on a patch by Pierre d'Herbemont.
- Scripts/VCSUtils.pm:
- Scripts/commit-log-editor:
- Scripts/prepare-ChangeLog:
- Scripts/webkitdirs.pm:
- 6:31 PM Changeset in webkit [50618] by
- 2 edits1 add in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-07 Daniel Bates <dbates@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Fixes an issue where the onchange event handler is not fired when the
input field is autocompleted.
We cannot test this using DRT since DRT cannot emulate autocompletion.
So, a manual-test is included.
Tests: manual-tests/autocompletion-fire-onchange.html
- manual-tests/autocompletion-fire-onchange.html: Added.
- rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp: (WebCore::RenderTextControl::setInnerTextValue):
- 2:40 PM Changeset in webkit [50617] by
- 1 edit4 adds in trunk/LayoutTests
2009-11-07 Dirk Pranke <dpranke@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Add in missing expectations.
- platform/mac/fast/forms/input-list-button-size-expected.checksum: Added.
- platform/mac/fast/forms/input-list-button-size-expected.png: Added.
- platform/mac/fast/forms/select-dirty-parent-pref-widths-expected.png: Added.
- platform/mac/fast/text/text-letter-spacing-expected.png: Added.
- 12:06 PM Changeset in webkit [50616] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-07 Benjamin Otte <otte@gnome.org>
Reviewed by Holger Freyther.
Mark redrawn areas on image surfaces as dirty.
This is required to conform to the Cairo API, but is currently only
used by debugging tools like cairo-trace.
- platform/graphics/cairo/ImageBufferCairo.cpp: (WebCore::ImageBuffer::platformTransformColorSpace): (WebCore::putImageData):
- 1:03 AM Changeset in webkit [50615] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-07 Joanmarie Diggs <joanmarie.diggs@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Xan Lopez.
[Gtk] atk_text_get_text() fails in entries when the end_offset is -1
If the end_offset is -1, use the String length as the end_offset.
- accessibility/gtk/AccessibilityObjectWrapperAtk.cpp: (webkit_accessible_text_get_text):
- 12:00 AM Changeset in webkit [50614] by
- 8 edits in trunk/WebCore
Fix for https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31219 Clean up
GraphicsContext's current concept of ColorSpace
Reviewed by Adele Peterson.
ColorSpace is now called ColorType. The variables on the state we
appropriately re-named as well. I removed strokeColorSpace() and
fillColorSpace() from GraphicsContext since they were never called.
- platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.cpp:
- platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.h:
- platform/graphics/GraphicsContextPrivate.h:
- platform/graphics/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp:
- platform/graphics/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp:
- platform/graphics/qt/GraphicsContextQt.cpp:
- platform/graphics/wince/GraphicsContextWince.cpp:
Nov 6, 2009:
- 6:02 PM Changeset in webkit [50613] by
- 9 edits1 delete in trunk/WebCore
Fixes <http://webkit.org/b/31177>.
Web Inspector: Bind backspace to delete cookies and DOM Storage.
Reviewed by Tim Hatcher.
Refactor editing code from DOMStorageDataGrid to DataGrid, so other
places in the inspector can use editing in DataGrid (added a FIXME for
some stuff that needs to be generalized).
Also added deleting functionality to DataGrid, and implemented it for
Cookies and DOM Storage. The reason this patch is so big is because of
the refactoring of editing code, which won't be used yet in a cross-datagrid
way, but should be able to.
Additionally, moved the callbacks members from DOMStorageDataGrid to
DOMStorageItemsView, which allowed us to delete DOMStorageDataGrid, to
make the architecture of DOM Storage look a lot more like the Cookies view.
Lastly, added a preventDefault call in ElementsTreeOutline to prevent the
inspector from beeping at you when you delete an element.
- WebCore.gypi: Removed DOMStorageDataGrid.
- WebCore.vcproj/WebCore.vcproj: Removed DOMStorageDataGrid.
- inspector/front-end/CookieItemsView.js:
- inspector/front-end/DOMStorageDataGrid.js: Removed.
- inspector/front-end/DOMStorageItemsView.js:
- inspector/front-end/DataGrid.js:
(WebInspector.DataGrid.prototype._ondblclick): Moved from DOMStorageDataGrid to DataGrid + Refactoring.
(WebInspector.DataGrid.prototype._startEditingColumnOfDataGridNode): Ditto.
(WebInspector.DataGrid.prototype._startEditing): Ditto.
(WebInspector.DataGrid.prototype._editingCommitted.moveToNextIfNeeded): Ditto.
(WebInspector.DataGrid.prototype._editingCommitted): Ditto.
(WebInspector.DataGrid.prototype._editingCancelled): Ditto.
(WebInspector.DataGrid.prototype.handleKeyEvent): Added case for delete/backspace.
- inspector/front-end/ElementsTreeOutline.js:
(WebInspector.ElementsTreeOutline.prototype.handleKeyEvent): Added preventDefault call.
- inspector/front-end/WebKit.qrc: Removed DOMStorageDataGrid.
- inspector/front-end/inspector.html: Removed DOMStorageDataGrid.
- 4:05 PM Changeset in webkit [50612] by
- 2 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
Windows build fix: export some symbols.
Patch by Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> on 2009-11-06
- JavaScriptCore.vcproj/JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.def:
- 3:59 PM Changeset in webkit [50611] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
Qt build fix: added an ExecState parameter.
Patch by Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> on 2009-11-06
- bridge/qt/qt_runtime.cpp:
- 3:54 PM Changeset in webkit [50610] by
- 2 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
Build fix: updated export file.
Patch by Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> on 2009-11-06
- JavaScriptCore.vcproj/JavaScriptCore/JavaScriptCore.def:
- 3:48 PM Changeset in webkit [50609] by
- 3 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
Build fix: added some #includes.
Patch by Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> on 2009-11-06
- wtf/CurrentTime.h:
- wtf/DateMath.h:
- 3:33 PM Changeset in webkit [50608] by
- 27 edits1 add in trunk
Rolled back in r50590 with Windows build hopefully fixed.
- 3:00 PM Changeset in webkit [50607] by
- 9 edits4 adds in trunk
2009-11-06 Anantanarayanan G Iyengar <ananta@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Adam Barth.
Added layout tests to test document.open and window.open calls issued
by NPAPI plugins without a calling javascript context. The associated
webkit bug is https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31067, which
affects Chromium.
- plugins/document-open-expected.txt: Added.
- plugins/document-open.html: Added.
- plugins/window-open-expected.txt: Added.
- plugins/window-open.html: Added.
2009-11-06 Anantanarayanan G Iyengar <ananta@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Adam Barth.
The associated webkit bug is https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31067,
which affects Chromium only.
Changes to V8HTMLDocumentCustom.cpp are as below:-
- The HTMLDocumentOpen function would cause a crash in Chromium if there was no calling javascript context. We now check for this case and pass in NULL to the HTMLDocument::open function which can handle a NULL document parameter.
- The other functions like HTMLDocumentWrite, HTMLDocumentWriteln, etc had ASSERTS for a NULL caller frame, which was bogus as it would crash anyway. We now check for this case and return a failure.
Changes to V8DOMWindowCustom.cpp are as below:-
- Instead of failing the window.open call made by NPAPI for lack of a calling javascript context, we now use the entered context as the calling context.
Tests: plugins/document-open.html
- bindings/v8/custom/V8DOMWindowCustom.cpp: (WebCore::CALLBACK_FUNC_DECL):
- bindings/v8/custom/V8HTMLDocumentCustom.cpp: (WebCore::CALLBACK_FUNC_DECL):
2009-11-06 Anantanarayanan G Iyengar <ananta@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Adam Barth.
Added functionality to the layout test plugin to invoke document.open and
window.open with default arguments. The associated webkit bug is
https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31067, which affects Chromium. Basically
window.open and document.open calls issued by NPAPI plugins via NPN_Invoke don't
work in Chromium (V8) if there is no calling javascript context. To achieve this
effect we invoke these functions in the layout test plugin in the NPP_SetWindow
for the window.open test case and in NPP_DestroyStream for the document.open test case.
- DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn.subproj/PluginObject.cpp: (testDocumentOpen): (testWindowOpen): (pluginAllocate):
- DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn.subproj/PluginObject.h:
- DumpRenderTree/TestNetscapePlugIn.subproj/main.cpp: (NPP_New): (NPP_SetWindow): (NPP_DestroyStream):
- DumpRenderTree/win/TestNetscapePlugin/main.cpp: (NPP_New): (NPP_SetWindow): (NPP_NewStream): (NPP_DestroyStream):
- 2:58 PM Changeset in webkit [50606] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitSite
2009-11-06 Dirk Schulze <krit@webkit.org>
Rubber stamped by Eric Seidel.
Update SVG status page. We support feMorphology now.
Set lightning filters to unimplemented.
- projects/svg/status.xml:
- 1:36 PM Changeset in webkit [50605] by
- 22 edits in trunk
2009-11-06 Steve Block <steveblock@google.com>
Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
Geolocation error code UNKNOWN_ERROR is deprecated.
Update test case of the value of the PositionError.UNKNOWN_ERROR constant in error.html.
Also remove redundant test cases of the value of all PositionError constants.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/resources/error.js: Modified. Update test of value of PositionError.UNKNOWN_ERROR constant.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/error-expected.txt: Modified. Expected result for above test.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/resources/permission-denied-already-error.js: Modified. Remove tests of the value of PositionError constants.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/permission-denied-already-error-expected.txt: Modified. Expected result for above test.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/resources/permission-denied-already-success.js: Modified. Remove tests of the value of PositionError constants.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/permission-denied-already-success-expected.txt: Modified. Expected result for above test.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/resources/permission-denied.js: Modified. Remove tests of the value of PositionError constants.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/permission-denied-expected.txt: Modified. Expected result for above test.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/resources/permission-denied-stops-watches.js: Modified. Remove tests of the value of PositionError constants.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/permission-denied-stops-watches-expected.txt: Modified. Expected result for above test.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/resources/reentrant-error.js: Modified. Remove tests of the value of PositionError constants.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/reentrant-error-expected.txt: Modified. Expected result for above test.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/resources/timeout-zero.js: Modified. Remove tests of the value of PositionError constants.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/timeout-zero-expected.txt: Modified. Expected result for above test.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/resources/watch.js: Modified. Remove tests of the value of PositionError constants.
- fast/dom/Geolocation/watch-expected.txt: Modified. Expected result for above test.
2009-11-06 Steve Block <steveblock@google.com>
Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
Geolocation error code UNKNOWN_ERROR is deprecated.
Remove this error code from PositionError, both for use from C++ code and from the JS object.
Updated fast/dom/Geolocation/error.html to test this.
- page/PositionError.h: Modified. (WebCore::PositionError::): Remove ErrorCode::UNKNOWN_ERROR.
- page/PositionError.idl: Modified. Remove UNKNOWN_ERROR constant.
- page/Geolocation.cpp: Modified. (WebCore::Geolocation::startRequest): Replace UNKNOWN_ERROR with POSITION_UNAVAILABLE.
- platform/gtk/GeolocationServiceGtk.cpp: Modified. (WebCore::GeolocationServiceGtk::startUpdating): Replace UNKNOWN_ERROR with POSITION_UNAVAILABLE.
- 1:08 PM Changeset in webkit [50604] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-06 Dirk Schulze <krit@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Nikolas Zimmermann.
feMorphology filter is not implemented
The Implementation of feMorphology.
Test: We have allready a test for feMorphology
- svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEMorphology.cpp: (WebCore::FEMorphology::apply):
- 12:01 PM Changeset in webkit [50603] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-06 Steve Block <steveblock@google.com>
Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
V8DOMWindowCustom.cpp is missing WEB_SOCKETS guard on include.
Build fix only. No new tests possible.
- bindings/v8/custom/V8DOMWindowCustom.cpp: Modified. Added WEB_SOCKETS guard on inclue of WebSockets.h.
- 11:53 AM Changeset in webkit [50602] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
2009-11-06 Eric Seidel <eric@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Adam Barth.
bugzilla-tool crashed with exception
- Scripts/modules/bugzilla.py: Change a ',' to a '%' to fix the error.
- 10:32 AM Changeset in webkit [50601] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitSite
2009-11-06 Jeff Schiller <codedread@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
SVG Status page update
- projects/svg/status.xml:
- 8:18 AM Changeset in webkit [50600] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-06 Drew Wilson <atwilson@chromium.org>
Reviewed by David Levin.
V8 bindings do not support SharedWorkers as event targets
No new tests because existing layout tests suffice (they currently
crash on Chromium)
- bindings/v8/V8DOMWrapper.cpp: (WebCore::V8DOMWrapper::convertEventTargetToV8Object): Added clause to create a DOM wrapper for SharedWorkers.
- 7:19 AM Changeset in webkit [50599] by
- 3 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
Unreviewed trivial buildfix after r50595.
Patch by Gabor Loki <loki@inf.u-szeged.hu> on 2009-11-06
Rename the remaining rshiftPtr calls to rshift32
- jit/JITArithmetic.cpp:
- jit/JITInlineMethods.h:
- 5:49 AM Changeset in webkit [50598] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-06 Anton Muhin <antonm@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Adam Barth.
Do not unnecessarly synchronzie in weak reference callbacks.
- bindings/v8/DOMData.h: (WebCore::DOMData::handleWeakObject):
- 5:41 AM Changeset in webkit [50597] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-06 Alexander Pavlov <apavlov@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Pavel Feldman.
Fix resource content search.
- inspector/front-end/AbstractTimelinePanel.js: (WebInspector.AbstractTimelinePanel.prototype.refresh): (WebInspector.AbstractTimelinePanel.prototype.removeItem):
- inspector/front-end/TimelinePanel.js: (WebInspector.TimelineGraph.prototype.refresh):
- 5:33 AM WebKit Team edited by
- (diff)
- 5:28 AM WebKit Team edited by
- (diff)
- 5:27 AM WebKit Team edited by
- (diff)
- 5:25 AM WebKit Team edited by
- (diff)
- 1:35 AM Changeset in webkit [50596] by
- 3 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
2009-11-04 Shinichiro Hamaji <hamaji@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
css2.1/t040304-c64-uri-00-a-g.html is failing
This test isn't failing now because this test was fixed in
- platform/mac/css2.1/t040304-c64-uri-00-a-g-expected.checksum:
- platform/mac/css2.1/t040304-c64-uri-00-a-g-expected.png:
- 1:35 AM Changeset in webkit [50595] by
- 7 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
Tidy up the shift methods on the macro-assembler interface.
Patch by Gavin Barraclough <barraclough@apple.com> on 2009-11-06
Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
Currently behaviour of shifts of a magnitude > 0x1f is undefined.
Instead defined that all shifts are masked to this range. This makes a lot of
practical sense, both since having undefined behaviour is not particularly
desirable, and because this behaviour is commonly required (particularly since
it is required bt ECMA-262 for shifts).
Update the ARM assemblers to provide this behaviour. Remove (now) redundant
masks from JITArithmetic, and remove rshiftPtr (this was used in case that
could be rewritten in a simpler form using rshift32, only optimized JSVALUE32
on x86-64, which uses JSVALUE64!)
- assembler/MacroAssembler.h:
- assembler/MacroAssemblerARM.h:
- assembler/MacroAssemblerARMv7.h:
- assembler/MacroAssemblerX86_64.h:
- jit/JITArithmetic.cpp:
- 12:47 AM Changeset in webkit [50594] by
- 4 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
Rubber Stamped by Oliver Hunt.
Patch by Gavin Barraclough <barraclough@apple.com> on 2009-11-05
Remove a magic number (1) from the JIT, instead compute the value with OBJECT_OFFSET.
- jit/JITInlineMethods.h:
- jit/JITStubCall.h:
- jit/JITStubs.h:
Nov 5, 2009:
- 11:28 PM Changeset in webkit [50593] by
- 3 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
Fix branchDouble behaviour on ARM THUMB2 JIT.
Patch by Zoltan Herczeg <zherczeg@inf.u-szeged.hu> on 2009-11-05
Reviewed by Gavin Barraclough.
The x86 branchDouble behaviour is reworked, and all JIT
ports should follow the x86 port. See bug 31104 and 31151
This patch contains a fix for the traditional ARM port
- assembler/ARMAssembler.h:
- assembler/MacroAssemblerARM.h:
- 11:26 PM Changeset in webkit [50592] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-05 Yuta Kitamura <yutak@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
Fix ASSERT(currentStyle = renderStyle()).
- dom/Element.cpp: (WebCore::Element::pseudoStyleCacheIsInvalid): We should have used "==" instead of "=".
- 10:52 PM Maintenance and architecture list edited by
- Changeset 50583 removed the "this is part of the KDE project" code … (diff)
- 10:52 PM Changeset in webkit [50591] by
- 19 edits in trunk
Rolled out r50590 because it doesn't build on Windows.
- 10:26 PM Changeset in webkit [50590] by
- 19 edits in trunk
JavaScriptCore: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31197
Implemented a timezone cache not based on Mac OS X's notify_check API.
Patch by Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> on 2009-11-05
Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.
If the VM calculates the local timezone offset from UTC, it caches the
result until the end of the current VM invocation. (We don't want to cache
forever, because the user's timezone may change over time.)
This removes notify_* overhead on Mac, and, more significantly, removes
OS time and date call overhead on non-Mac platforms.
~8% speedup on Date microbenchmark on Mac. SunSpider reports maybe a tiny
speedup on Mac. (Speedup on non-Mac platforms should be even more noticeable.)
- JavaScriptCore.exp:
- interpreter/CachedCall.h:
- interpreter/Interpreter.cpp:
- runtime/JSGlobalObject.h:
(JSC::DynamicGlobalObjectScope::DynamicGlobalObjectScope): Made the
DynamicGlobalObjectScope constructor responsible for checking whether a
dynamicGlobalObject has already been set. This eliminated some duplicate
client code, and allowed me to avoid adding even more duplicate client
code. Made DynamicGlobalObjectScope responsible for resetting the
local timezone cache upon first entry to the VM.
- runtime/DateConstructor.cpp:
- runtime/DateConversion.cpp:
- runtime/DateConversion.h:
- runtime/DateInstance.cpp:
- runtime/DateInstance.h:
- runtime/DateInstanceCache.h:
- runtime/DatePrototype.cpp:
- runtime/InitializeThreading.cpp:
- runtime/JSGlobalData.cpp:
- runtime/JSGlobalData.h:
- wtf/DateMath.cpp:
(JSC::getUTCOffset): Use the new cache. Also, see below.
(JSC::parseDateFromNullTerminatedCharacters): Simplified the way this function
accounts for the local timezone offset, to accomodate our new caching API,
and a (possibly misguided) caller in WebCore. Also, see below.
- wtf/DateMath.h:
(JSC::GregorianDateTime::GregorianDateTime): Moved most of the code in
DateMath.* into the JSC namespace. The code needed to move so it could
naturally interact with ExecState and JSGlobalData to support caching.
Logically, it seemed right to move it, too, since this code is not really
as low-level as the WTF namespace might imply -- it implements a set of
date parsing and conversion quirks that are finely tuned to the JavaScript
language. Also removed the Mac OS X notify_* infrastructure.
WebCore: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31197
Implemented a timezone cache not based on Mac OS X's notify_check API.
Patch by Geoffrey Garen <ggaren@apple.com> on 2009-11-05
Updated for JavaScriptCore internal API change.
- platform/network/HTTPParsers.cpp:
(WebCore::parseDate): Pass 0 for ExecState, since we don't have one.
(This function probably shouldn't be using a JavaScript date parser
to begin with, but oh well.)
- 10:25 PM Changeset in webkit [50589] by
- 2 edits2 deletes in trunk/LayoutTests
2009-11-05 Daniel Bates <dbates@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
Removed obsolete test case which was included in the patch for bug #30107.
This test case is already covered by the test case fast/events/drag-and-drop.html,
which was included in the patch for bug #24731.
- fast/events/drag-and-drop-none-expected.txt: Removed.
- fast/events/drag-and-drop-none.html: Removed.
- platform/win/Skipped: Removed entry for drag-and-drop-none.html.
- 10:19 PM Changeset in webkit [50588] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebCore
Revert 50562 because it broke Chromium. Not reviewed since this is a build fix and revert.
Patch by Alpha Lam <hclam@chromium.org> on 2009-11-05
- bindings/v8/V8GCController.cpp:
- bindings/v8/V8GCController.h:
- bindings/v8/V8Proxy.cpp:
- 10:05 PM Changeset in webkit [50587] by
- 3 edits4 adds in trunk
2009-11-05 Adam Barth <abarth@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
Cross-domain access to stylesheet text should not be allowed
Test that a script cannot read cross-origin cssRules.
- http/tests/security/cannot-read-cssrules-expected.txt: Added.
- http/tests/security/cannot-read-cssrules-redirect-expected.txt: Added.
- http/tests/security/cannot-read-cssrules-redirect.html: Added.
- http/tests/security/cannot-read-cssrules.html: Added.
2009-11-05 Adam Barth <abarth@webkit.org>
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
Cross-domain access to stylesheet text should not be allowed
Check whether whether the current document can read the cssRules from
the style sheet. Firefox throws a security error here, but we return
null instead because that's what we usually do in these cases.
Test: http/tests/security/cannot-read-cssrules-redirect.html
- css/CSSStyleSheet.cpp: (WebCore::CSSStyleSheet::cssRules):
- 7:27 PM Changeset in webkit [50586] by
- 1 edit in trunk/WebCore/WebCore.gyp
Rubber stamped by Mark Rowe.
Adds some GYP generated files to svn:ignore
- 6:46 PM Changeset in webkit [50585] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-05 Steve Block <steveblock@google.com>
Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
If the Geolocation service fails to start, invoke the error callback asynchronously.
All Geolocation callbacks must be invoked asynchronously.
See http://www.w3.org/TR/geolocation-API/#geolocation_interface
No new tests possible with current LayoutTestController.
- page/Geolocation.cpp: (WebCore::Geolocation::getCurrentPosition): Modified. Asserts that startRequest returned a notifier. (WebCore::Geolocation::watchPosition): Modified. Asserts that startRequest returned a notifier. (WebCore::Geolocation::startRequest): Modified. If the Geolocation service fails to start, set a fatal error on the notifier.
- 4:05 PM Changeset in webkit [50584] by
- 1 edit1 add in trunk/LayoutTests
Adding a resource that seems to be missing. Without it, several tests in
fast/dom/beforeload aren't really testing if the default event handling is
prevented, but instead are only testing if the beforeload event fires.
Rubber-stamped by Gavin Barraclough.
- fast/dom/beforeload/resources/fail.js: Added.
- 3:53 PM Changeset in webkit [50583] by
- 253 edits in trunk
2009-11-05 Chris Jerdonek <chris.jerdonek@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
Removed the "this is part of the KDE project" comments from
all *.h, *.cpp, *.idl, and *.pm files.
The maintenance and architecture page in the project wiki lists
this as a task.
This change includes no changes or additions to test cases
since the change affects only comments.
- wtf/wince/FastMallocWince.h:
2009-11-05 Chris Jerdonek <chris.jerdonek@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Eric Seidel.
Removed the "this is part of the KDE project" comments from
all *.h, *.cpp, *.idl, and *.pm files.
The maintenance and architecture page in the project wiki lists
this as a task.
This change includes no changes or additions to test cases
since the change affects only comments.
- bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorV8.pm:
- bindings/scripts/IDLParser.pm:
- bindings/scripts/IDLStructure.pm:
- css/CSSInheritedValue.cpp:
- css/CSSInitialValue.cpp:
- css/CSSMediaRule.cpp:
- css/CSSNamespace.h:
- css/CSSProperty.cpp:
- css/CSSProperty.h:
- css/CSSRuleList.cpp:
- css/CSSRuleList.h:
- css/CSSSelector.h:
- css/CSSValueList.cpp:
- css/FontValue.cpp:
- css/MediaFeatureNames.cpp:
- css/MediaFeatureNames.h:
- css/Pair.h:
- css/SVGCSSStyleSelector.cpp:
- css/ShadowValue.cpp:
- css/StyleSheet.cpp:
- css/StyleSheetList.cpp:
- css/maketokenizer:
- dom/BeforeUnloadEvent.cpp:
- dom/BeforeUnloadEvent.h:
- dom/CSSMappedAttributeDeclaration.cpp:
- dom/EventNames.cpp:
- dom/EventTarget.cpp:
- dom/MappedAttributeEntry.h:
- dom/MouseRelatedEvent.h:
- dom/RangeException.h:
- dom/StyleElement.h:
- dom/Tokenizer.h:
- html/HTMLHeadElement.h:
- html/HTMLHeadingElement.cpp:
- html/HTMLHeadingElement.h:
- html/HTMLHtmlElement.h:
- html/HTMLImageLoader.h:
- html/HTMLMetaElement.h:
- html/HTMLModElement.cpp:
- html/HTMLModElement.h:
- html/HTMLOptionsCollection.cpp:
- html/HTMLPlugInElement.cpp:
- html/HTMLPreElement.cpp:
- html/HTMLPreElement.h:
- html/HTMLTableCellElement.cpp:
- html/HTMLTableCellElement.h:
- html/HTMLTableColElement.cpp:
- html/HTMLTableColElement.h:
- html/HTMLTablePartElement.cpp:
- html/HTMLTablePartElement.h:
- html/HTMLTitleElement.h:
- page/MouseEventWithHitTestResults.h:
- platform/StaticConstructors.h:
- platform/text/AtomicStringImpl.h:
- platform/text/qt/TextBreakIteratorQt.cpp:
- rendering/AutoTableLayout.h:
- rendering/CounterNode.cpp:
- rendering/EllipsisBox.cpp:
- rendering/EllipsisBox.h:
- rendering/FixedTableLayout.cpp:
- rendering/FixedTableLayout.h:
- rendering/HitTestRequest.h:
- rendering/HitTestResult.h:
- rendering/InlineRunBox.h:
- rendering/PointerEventsHitRules.cpp:
- rendering/PointerEventsHitRules.h:
- rendering/RenderBR.cpp:
- rendering/RenderBR.h:
- rendering/RenderButton.cpp:
- rendering/RenderButton.h:
- rendering/RenderFieldset.cpp:
- rendering/RenderFrameSet.cpp:
- rendering/RenderListItem.cpp:
- rendering/RenderTableRow.cpp:
- rendering/RenderView.h:
- rendering/RootInlineBox.h:
- rendering/SVGInlineTextBox.cpp:
- rendering/SVGInlineTextBox.h:
- rendering/TableLayout.h:
- rendering/break_lines.h:
- rendering/style/SVGRenderStyle.cpp:
- rendering/style/SVGRenderStyle.h:
- rendering/style/SVGRenderStyleDefs.cpp:
- rendering/style/SVGRenderStyleDefs.h:
- svg/GradientAttributes.h:
- svg/LinearGradientAttributes.h:
- svg/PatternAttributes.h:
- svg/RadialGradientAttributes.h:
- svg/SVGAElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGAngle.idl:
- svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGAnimateColorElement.h:
- svg/SVGAnimateElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGAnimateElement.h:
- svg/SVGAnimateTransformElement.h:
- svg/SVGAnimatedPathData.cpp:
- svg/SVGAnimatedPathData.h:
- svg/SVGAnimatedPoints.cpp:
- svg/SVGAnimatedPoints.h:
- svg/SVGAnimationElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGCircleElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGClipPathElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGColor.cpp:
- svg/SVGColor.idl:
- svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement.h:
- svg/SVGCursorElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGDefsElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGDescElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGDescElement.h:
- svg/SVGDocument.idl:
- svg/SVGElement.idl:
- svg/SVGElementInstanceList.cpp:
- svg/SVGElementInstanceList.h:
- svg/SVGEllipseElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGExternalResourcesRequired.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEBlendElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEBlendElement.h:
- svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEColorMatrixElement.h:
- svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEComponentTransferElement.h:
- svg/SVGFECompositeElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFECompositeElement.h:
- svg/SVGFEFloodElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEFloodElement.h:
- svg/SVGFEFuncAElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEFuncAElement.h:
- svg/SVGFEFuncBElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEFuncBElement.h:
- svg/SVGFEFuncGElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEFuncGElement.h:
- svg/SVGFEFuncRElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEFuncRElement.h:
- svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEGaussianBlurElement.h:
- svg/SVGFEImageElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEMergeElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEMergeElement.h:
- svg/SVGFEMergeNodeElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEOffsetElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFEOffsetElement.h:
- svg/SVGFETileElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFETileElement.h:
- svg/SVGFETurbulenceElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGFETurbulenceElement.h:
- svg/SVGFilterElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGGElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGGradientElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGHKernElement.idl:
- svg/SVGLangSpace.cpp:
- svg/SVGLangSpace.h:
- svg/SVGLength.cpp:
- svg/SVGLength.h:
- svg/SVGLength.idl:
- svg/SVGLengthList.cpp:
- svg/SVGLengthList.h:
- svg/SVGLineElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGLinearGradientElement.h:
- svg/SVGList.h:
- svg/SVGListTraits.h:
- svg/SVGLocatable.h:
- svg/SVGMaskElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGMatrix.idl:
- svg/SVGMetadataElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGMetadataElement.h:
- svg/SVGMetadataElement.idl:
- svg/SVGNumber.idl:
- svg/SVGNumberList.cpp:
- svg/SVGNumberList.h:
- svg/SVGPaint.cpp:
- svg/SVGPathElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGPathSeg.h:
- svg/SVGPathSegArc.cpp:
- svg/SVGPathSegArc.h:
- svg/SVGPathSegClosePath.cpp:
- svg/SVGPathSegClosePath.h:
- svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubic.cpp:
- svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubic.h:
- svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth.cpp:
- svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmooth.h:
- svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadratic.cpp:
- svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadratic.h:
- svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth.cpp:
- svg/SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmooth.h:
- svg/SVGPathSegLineto.cpp:
- svg/SVGPathSegLineto.h:
- svg/SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontal.cpp:
- svg/SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontal.h:
- svg/SVGPathSegLinetoVertical.cpp:
- svg/SVGPathSegLinetoVertical.h:
- svg/SVGPathSegMoveto.cpp:
- svg/SVGPathSegMoveto.h:
- svg/SVGPatternElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGPoint.idl:
- svg/SVGPointList.cpp:
- svg/SVGPointList.h:
- svg/SVGPolyElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGPolygonElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGPolygonElement.h:
- svg/SVGPolylineElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGPolylineElement.h:
- svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatio.cpp:
- svg/SVGPreserveAspectRatio.h:
- svg/SVGRadialGradientElement.h:
- svg/SVGRect.idl:
- svg/SVGRectElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGRenderingIntent.h:
- svg/SVGSVGElement.idl:
- svg/SVGScriptElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGSetElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGSetElement.h:
- svg/SVGStopElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGStringList.cpp:
- svg/SVGStringList.h:
- svg/SVGStylable.cpp:
- svg/SVGStylable.h:
- svg/SVGStyleElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGStyleElement.h:
- svg/SVGStyledElement.h:
- svg/SVGStyledLocatableElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGStyledLocatableElement.h:
- svg/SVGStyledTransformableElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGStyledTransformableElement.h:
- svg/SVGSwitchElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGSymbolElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGTRefElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGTSpanElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGTSpanElement.h:
- svg/SVGTests.h:
- svg/SVGTextElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGTextElement.h:
- svg/SVGTextPathElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGTextPositioningElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGTextPositioningElement.h:
- svg/SVGTitleElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGTitleElement.h:
- svg/SVGTransform.cpp:
- svg/SVGTransform.h:
- svg/SVGTransform.idl:
- svg/SVGTransformList.cpp:
- svg/SVGTransformList.h:
- svg/SVGTransformable.h:
- svg/SVGURIReference.h:
- svg/SVGUnitTypes.h:
- svg/SVGUseElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGViewElement.cpp:
- svg/SVGZoomAndPan.cpp:
- svg/SVGZoomAndPan.h:
- svg/SVGZoomEvent.cpp:
- 3:28 PM Changeset in webkit [50582] by
- 17 edits3 moves5 adds2 deletes in trunk/LayoutTests
2009-11-05 Pavel Feldman <pfeldman@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
Web Inspector: beautify layout tests.
- inspector/console-dir-expected.txt:
- inspector/console-dir.html:
- inspector/console-dirxml-expected.txt:
- inspector/console-dirxml.html:
- inspector/console-format-collections-expected.txt:
- inspector/console-format-collections.html:
- inspector/console-format-expected.txt:
- inspector/console-format.html:
- inspector/console-tests-expected.txt:
- inspector/console-tests.html:
- inspector/console-tests.js: Added. (dumpConsoleMessages.callback): (dumpConsoleMessages): (dumpConsoleMessagesWithClasses.callback): (dumpConsoleMessagesWithClasses): (frontendScript_dumpConsoleMessages):
- inspector/css-syntax-highlight.html: Removed.
- inspector/elements-panel-structure-expected.txt:
- inspector/elements-panel-structure.html:
- inspector/elements-tests.js: Added. (frontendScript_expandDOMSubtree.processChildren): (frontendScript_expandDOMSubtree):
- inspector/evaluate-in-frontend.html:
- inspector/evaluate-in-frontend.js: Removed.
- inspector/inspector-test.js: Added. (): (evaluateInWebInspector): (notifyDone): (output): (window.didEvaluateForTestInFrontend):
- inspector/javascript-syntax-highlight.html: Removed.
- inspector/styles-iframe.html:
- inspector/syntax-highlight-css-expected.txt: Renamed from LayoutTests/inspector/css-syntax-highlight-expected.txt.
- inspector/syntax-highlight-css.html: Added.
- inspector/syntax-highlight-javascript-expected.txt: Renamed from LayoutTests/inspector/javascript-syntax-highlight-expected.txt.
- inspector/syntax-highlight-javascript.html: Added.
- inspector/syntax-highlight.js: Added. (doit.callback): (doit): (frontendScript_dumpSyntaxHighlight):
- inspector/timeline-trivial.html:
- platform/qt/Skipped:
- 3:25 PM Changeset in webkit [50581] by
- 5 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-05 Jeremy Orlow <jorlow@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
REGRESSION Clean up security origin usage in DOM Storage.
Clean up security origin usage in DOM Storage. This fixes a bug in my
refactoring here: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31149
Instead of having StorageAreaSync's constructor (which is called in the
constructor for StorageAreaImpl) calling a method on StoargeAreaImpl to get the
database identifier, simply have StorageAreaImpl pass the identifier into
No test because there's no change in externally observable behavior.
- storage/StorageAreaImpl.cpp: (WebCore::StorageAreaImpl::StorageAreaImpl):
- storage/StorageAreaImpl.h:
- storage/StorageAreaSync.cpp: (WebCore::StorageAreaSync::create): (WebCore::StorageAreaSync::StorageAreaSync):
- storage/StorageAreaSync.h:
- 3:08 PM Changeset in webkit [50580] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-05 Scott Violet <sky@google.com>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
Need notification of scrolling frame
Adds FrameLoaderClient::didChangeScrollOffset that is called when
the frame scrolls. This will be used to know when history state
needs to be updated.
- loader/FrameLoaderClient.h: (WebCore::FrameLoaderClient::didChangeScrollOffset):
- page/FrameView.cpp: (WebCore::FrameView::valueChanged):
- 2:46 PM Changeset in webkit [50579] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
2009-11-05 Shu Chang <Chang.Shu@nokia.com>
Reviewed by Adele Peterson.
The number of selected lines in textarea after a shift-PageDown
may differ. The test case is modified so that it will not depend
on the exact number of lines selected. This should resolve regression
on platforms like Qt and GTK.
- editing/selection/shrink-selection-after-shift-pagedown.html:
- 2:17 PM Changeset in webkit [50578] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-05 Kenneth Russell <kbr@google.com>
Reviewed by Dimitri Glazkov.
[V8] Update bindings to use new API for external arrays
No new tests; covered by existing WebGL tests.
- bindings/v8/V8DOMWrapper.cpp: (WebCore::V8DOMWrapper::setIndexedPropertiesToExternalArray): (WebCore::V8DOMWrapper::getTemplate): (WebCore::V8DOMWrapper::convertToV8Object):
- bindings/v8/V8DOMWrapper.h:
- bindings/v8/custom/V8CanvasArrayCustom.h: (WebCore::constructCanvasArray):
- 1:59 PM Changeset in webkit [50577] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebCore
Not reviewed, Chromium build fix.
Patch by Alpha Lam <hclam@chromium.org> on 2009-11-05
50561 introduces a custom method for SVGMatrix, we need to implement
this in V8.
- bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomBinding.h:
Adding definition for V8SVGMatrixMultiply.
- bindings/v8/custom/V8SVGMatrixCustom.cpp:
Implement V8SVGMatrixMultiply according to the same method in JSC.
- 1:09 PM Changeset in webkit [50576] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
2009-11-05 Pavel Feldman <pfeldman@chromium.org>
Not reviewed: empty line in expectations build fix.
- fast/events/event-listener-map-rehash-crash-expected.txt:
- 12:42 PM Changeset in webkit [50575] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebCore
Revert 50569 since it broke QT. Build fix and just a revert, so no review.
Patch by Jeremy Orlow <jorlow@chromium.org> on 2009-11-05
- page/DOMWindow.cpp:
- page/Settings.cpp:
- page/Settings.h:
- 12:13 PM Changeset in webkit [50574] by
- 16 edits4 adds in trunk
2009-11-05 Pavel Feldman <pfeldman@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
REGRESSION: Web Inspector doesn't show CSS rules properly for iframes
Test: inspector/styles-iframe.html
- inspector/front-end/DOMAgent.js: (WebInspector.DOMNode):
- inspector/front-end/InjectedScript.js: (InjectedScript.getStyles): (InjectedScript.getComputedStyle): (InjectedScript.addStyleSelector):
- inspector/front-end/TestController.js: (WebInspector.TestController.prototype.notifyDone): (WebInspector.TestController.prototype.runAfterPendingDispatches): (WebInspector.evaluateForTestInFrontend.invokeMethod): (WebInspector.evaluateForTestInFrontend):
- 12:09 PM Changeset in webkit [50573] by
- 6 edits2 adds in trunk
2009-11-05 Vitaly Repeshko <vitalyr@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen and Dimitri Glazkov.
Rehashing of EventListenerMap leads to loss of EvenListenerList.
Tested by new fast/events/event-listener-map-rehash-crash.html.
EventListenerMap modified to store pointers to listener vectors:
- dom/EventTarget.cpp: (WebCore::EventTargetData::~EventTargetData): (WebCore::EventTarget::addEventListener): (WebCore::EventTarget::removeEventListener): (WebCore::EventTarget::fireEventListeners): (WebCore::EventTarget::getEventListeners): (WebCore::EventTarget::removeAllEventListeners):
- dom/EventTarget.h:
Usages updated after interface changes:
- inspector/InspectorDOMAgent.cpp: (WebCore::InspectorDOMAgent::getEventListenersForNode):
- svg/SVGUseElement.cpp: (WebCore::SVGUseElement::transferEventListenersToShadowTree):
2009-11-05 Dimitri Glazkov <Dimitri Glazkov>
Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.
Rehashing of EventListenerMap leads to loss of EvenListenerList.
- fast/events/event-listener-map-rehash-crash.html: Added.
- 12:05 PM Changeset in webkit [50572] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Rubber-stamped by Adam Roben.
Add ruby tests and failing accessibility test to Windows Skipped list,
we should be able to re-add ruby tests, but not sure the correct course
of action yet.
- platform/win/Skipped:
- 11:57 AM Changeset in webkit [50571] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-05 Dan Kegel <dank@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Dmitri Titov.
Add missing initialization for m_createdByParser.
Test: fast/dom/beforeload/pi-before-load.xhtml in Valgrind
- dom/ProcessingInstruction.cpp: (WebCore::ProcessingInstruction::ProcessingInstruction):
- 11:33 AM Changeset in webkit [50570] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
2009-11-04 Eric Seidel <eric@webkit.org>
No review, just add a line which got left out of the patch uploaded for commit.
commit-queue is crashing when trying to reject patches after unknown failures
- Scripts/bugzilla-tool: Set bug_log = None after closing to we don't re-close and crash.
- 11:27 AM Changeset in webkit [50569] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-04 Jeremy Orlow <jorlow@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Adam Barth.
DOM Storage runtime flag changes
Part 2/2.
Revert my changes to Settings and instead implement DOM Storage enabling via
the methods agreed upon in https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30240
This stuff was (intentionally) never exposed to web pages or DRT, so there's no
LayoutTest visible changes and thus no tests.
- bindings/v8/custom/V8CustomBinding.h:
- bindings/v8/custom/V8DOMWindowCustom.cpp: (WebCore::ACCESSOR_RUNTIME_ENABLER):
- page/DOMWindow.cpp: (WebCore::DOMWindow::sessionStorage):
- page/DOMWindow.idl:
- page/Settings.cpp: (WebCore::Settings::Settings):
- page/Settings.h:
- storage/Storage.cpp: (WebCore::Storage::setLocalStorageAvailable): (WebCore::Storage::localStorageAvailable): (WebCore::Storage::setSessionStorageAvailable): (WebCore::Storage::sessionStorageAvailable):
- storage/Storage.h:
- 10:33 AM Changeset in webkit [50568] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebCore
Bug 31108 - [V8] REGRESSION: Pause on exception is broken
Reviewed by Pavel Feldman.
- bindings/v8/V8AbstractEventListener.cpp:
- bindings/v8/V8Utilities.cpp:
- 10:14 AM Changeset in webkit [50567] by
- 10 edits in trunk/WebKit/win
Make CFDictionaryPropertyBag::createInstance return a COMPtr
I also cleaned up CFDictionaryPropertyBag's class declaration a little
while I was at it.
Part of <http://webkit.org/b/25294> <rdar://problem/6803127> All
WebKit/win classes should return COMPtrs from their static constructor
Reviewed by Steve Falkenburg.
- CFDictionaryPropertyBag.cpp:
(CFDictionaryPropertyBag::CFDictionaryPropertyBag): Changed to
initialize m_refCount to 0. m_refCount gets increased to 1 by
(CFDictionaryPropertyBag::createInstance): Changed to return a COMPtr.
- CFDictionaryPropertyBag.h:
- Updated copyright years
- Fixed header guard to match current style
- Replaced #include of CoreFoundation.h with forward-declaration of CFMutableDictionaryRef
- Added #include of COMPtr.h
- Fixed opening brace placement in class declaration
- Made createInstance return a COMPtr
- Made constructor/destructor private
- Made QueryInterface and IPropertyBag functions private
- Removed unnecessary parameter names and MIDL comments
- WebCache.cpp:
(WebCache::statistics): Updated for change to
CFDictionaryPropertyBag::createInstance. Now uses releaseRef to place
the IPropertyBag pointers into the s array.
- WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.cpp:
- WebDatabaseManager.cpp:
- WebFrame.cpp:
Updated for change to CFDictionaryPropertyBag::createInstance.
- WebHistory.cpp: Removed releaseUserInfo, which is no longer needed.
That function was also doing an unnecessary call to setDictionary(0).
Changed to return COMPtr.
(WebHistory::loadFromURL): Updated for change to
(WebHistory::removeAllItems): Updated for change to
CFDictionaryPropertyBag::createInstance, which fixed a leak! We had
forgotten to call releaseUserInfo here.
- WebIconDatabase.cpp:
Updated for change to CFDictionaryPropertyBag::createInstance.
- WebKitClassFactory.cpp:
(releaseRefFromCreateInstance): Added this overloaded function
template to abstract away the difference between createInstance
functions that return a ref'd pointer and createInstance functions
that return a COMPtr.
(WebKitClassFactory::CreateInstance): Changed to use
- 9:59 AM Changeset in webkit [50566] by
- 4 edits2 adds in trunk
WebCore: We should not bubble up events if we drag something to an iframe that
has an invalid source.
Reviewed by Dmitri Titov.
Test: http/tests/misc/bubble-drag-events.html
- page/EventHandler.cpp:
- page/EventHandler.h:
LayoutTests: Tests the drag event bubbling on different targets:
- iframe with invalid source
- iframe with valid source
- non-iframe droppable element
Reviewed by Dmitri Titov.
- http/tests/misc/bubble-drag-events-expected.txt: Added.
- http/tests/misc/bubble-drag-events.html: Added.
- 8:42 AM Changeset in webkit [50565] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKitTools
Remove bogus else clause in bugzilla-tool
Fixes <http://webkit.org/b/31125> REGRESSION (r47121): bugzilla-tool
create-bug raises exception after entering bug description
Reviewed by David Kilzer.
- Scripts/bugzilla-tool:
(CreateBug): else clauses are only hit if no exception is raised, so
it makes no sense to try to re-raise the exception in an else clause.
The exception will automatically be re-raised if it doesn't match any
of the except clauses, so we don't have to do anything special here at
all to get the desired behavior.
- 7:58 AM Changeset in webkit [50564] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-05 Pavel Feldman <pfeldman@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
Web Inspector: speed up Timelines Clear by a factor of thousands.
- inspector/front-end/utilities.js: (Element.prototype.removeChildren):
- 7:48 AM Changeset in webkit [50563] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
2009-11-05 Shu Chang <Chang.Shu@nokia.com>
Reviewed by Tor Arne Vestbø.
Add support for Shift-PageUp and Shift-PageDown key events.
Test: LayoutTests/editing/selection/shrink-selection-after-shift-pagedown.html
- WebCoreSupport/EditorClientQt.cpp: (WebCore::EditorClientQt::handleKeyboardEvent):
- 7:36 AM Changeset in webkit [50562] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-05 Anton Muhin <antonm@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Adam Barth.
If high memory usage is detected, hint to V8 that it might be due
to external objects retained by V8 objects.
- bindings/v8/V8GCController.cpp: (WebCore::GetMemoryUsageInMB): (WebCore::V8GCController::gcEpilogue): (WebCore::V8GCController::checkMemoryUsage):
- bindings/v8/V8GCController.h:
- bindings/v8/V8Proxy.cpp: (WebCore::V8Proxy::evaluate): (WebCore::V8Proxy::runScript): (WebCore::V8Proxy::callFunction):
- 7:28 AM Changeset in webkit [50561] by
- 4 edits2 adds in trunk
2009-11-05 Jeff Schiller <codedread@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
Added test to ensure proper order of matrix multiplication with SVGMatrix.
- svg/dom/SVGMatrix-interface-expected.txt: Added.
- svg/dom/SVGMatrix-interface.xhtml: Added.
2009-11-05 Jeff Schiller <codedread@gmail.com>
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
Correct order of matrix multiplication for SVGMatrix.
Test: svg/dom/SVGMatrix-interface.xhtml
- bindings/js/JSSVGMatrixCustom.cpp: (WebCore::JSSVGMatrix::multiply):
- svg/SVGMatrix.idl:
- 2:06 AM Changeset in webkit [50560] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-04 Pavel Feldman <pfeldman@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
Web Inspector: Make resource-related records in timeline
actually take some time.
- English.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
- inspector/front-end/TimelinePanel.js: (WebInspector.TimelinePanel): (WebInspector.TimelinePanel.prototype._formatRecord): (WebInspector.TimelinePanel.prototype._getRecordDetails): (WebInspector.TimelinePanel.prototype.reset):
- 1:51 AM Changeset in webkit [50559] by
- 2 edits in trunk
2009-11-05 Priit Laes <plaes@plaes.org>
Reviewed by Jan Alonzo.
[Gtk] Build failure with --enable-introspection
Add search and include paths for JSCore-1.0.gir required by
gobject-introspection tools.
- GNUmakefile.am:
- 1:31 AM Changeset in webkit [50558] by
- 6 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-04 Jeremy Orlow <jorlow@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Darin Fisher.
Simplify LocalStorageThread
This is a re-submit of 50519. LocalStorageTask should have never been ref
counted. I've removed that and switched a PassRefPtr over to a PassOwnPtr.
On LocalStoragethread: Remove reference counting. Get rid of locking. Make some
of the method names a bit more clear. Assert proper thread usage. Join rather
than detaching the thread and doing an ad-hoc form of join. Avoid touching
variables on the background thread when simple to do so. Also create a generic
scheduleTask function rather than one for each task.
No behavior should have changed.
- storage/LocalStorageTask.h:
- storage/LocalStorageThread.cpp: (WebCore::LocalStorageThread::create): (WebCore::LocalStorageThread::LocalStorageThread): (WebCore::LocalStorageThread::~LocalStorageThread): (WebCore::LocalStorageThread::start): (WebCore::LocalStorageThread::threadEntryPointCallback): (WebCore::LocalStorageThread::threadEntryPoint): (WebCore::LocalStorageThread::scheduleTask): (WebCore::LocalStorageThread::terminate): (WebCore::LocalStorageThread::performTerminate):
- storage/LocalStorageThread.h:
- storage/StorageSyncManager.cpp: (WebCore::StorageSyncManager::StorageSyncManager): (WebCore::StorageSyncManager::~StorageSyncManager): (WebCore::StorageSyncManager::scheduleImport): (WebCore::StorageSyncManager::scheduleSync):
- storage/StorageSyncManager.h:
- 12:58 AM Changeset in webkit [50557] by
- 5 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-04 Jeremy Orlow <jorlow@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Darin Fisher.
Calling databaseIdentifier on LocalStorage's background thread is not safe.
Calling SecurityOrigin::databaseIdentifier on LocalStorage's background thread
is not safe. databaseIdentifier does a bunch of string concatenation which
ref-counts StringImpls in some cases. This was caught by valgrind thread
sanitizer: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=25645
There's no way to test for such racyness, unfortunately.
- storage/StorageAreaSync.cpp: (WebCore::StorageAreaSync::StorageAreaSync): (WebCore::StorageAreaSync::performImport):
- storage/StorageAreaSync.h:
- storage/StorageSyncManager.cpp: (WebCore::StorageSyncManager::fullDatabaseFilename):
- storage/StorageSyncManager.h:
- 12:40 AM Changeset in webkit [50556] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
Last Qt 4.5 build fix (*sigh*)
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-05
- tests/qwebpage/tst_qwebpage.cpp:
(inputMethodHints): inputMethodHints() is only used for
Qt 4.6, so guard the whole function.
- 12:36 AM Changeset in webkit [50555] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebCore
2009-11-03 Jeremy Orlow <jorlow@chromium.org>
Reviewed by Darin Fisher.
Clean up StorageAreaSync
Major fixes: Break the ref count cycle for StorageArea on the main
thread, not the background thread since the latter is not safe.
Length() needs to block on the import completing.
Small fixes: setItem needs to handle the copy on write case even if it
has an exception. setItem and removeItem should just bail from the
the function if the value hasn't changed rather than wrapping the end
in an if block. Clear should only send an event if it wasn't already
cleared. StorageAreaSync should assert that the final sync was
- storage/StorageAreaImpl.cpp: (WebCore::StorageAreaImpl::length): Forgot to block on the import. (WebCore::StorageAreaImpl::key): (WebCore::StorageAreaImpl::setItem): Handle the copy on write case even when there's an exception. (WebCore::StorageAreaImpl::removeItem): (WebCore::StorageAreaImpl::clear):
- storage/StorageAreaSync.cpp: (WebCore::StorageAreaSync::~StorageAreaSync): (WebCore::StorageAreaSync::scheduleFinalSync): (WebCore::StorageAreaSync::performImport): (WebCore::StorageAreaSync::markImported): (WebCore::StorageAreaSync::blockUntilImportComplete):
- storage/StorageAreaSync.h:
- 12:34 AM Web Inspector edited by
- Adding latest blog post (diff)
- 12:30 AM Changeset in webkit [50554] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
Another prospective build fix against Qt 4.5 (build bot)
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-05
Don't compile & run the QGraphicsWebView portion of the
input methods auto test with Qt 4.5.
- tests/qwebpage/tst_qwebpage.cpp:
- 12:28 AM Changeset in webkit [50553] by
- 3 edits in trunk/JavaScriptCore
Use ARMv7 specific encoding for immediate constants on ARMv7 target
Patch by Gabor Loki <loki@inf.u-szeged.hu> on 2009-11-05
Reviewed by Gavin Barraclough.
- assembler/ARMAssembler.cpp:
(JSC::ARMAssembler::getOp2): Use INVALID_IMM
(JSC::ARMAssembler::getImm): Use encodeComplexImm for complex immediate
(JSC::ARMAssembler::moveImm): Ditto.
(JSC::ARMAssembler::encodeComplexImm): Encode a constant by one or two
instructions or a PC relative load.
- assembler/ARMAssembler.h: Use INVALID_IMM if a constant cannot be
encoded as an immediate constant.
(JSC::ARMAssembler::movw_r): 16-bit immediate load
(JSC::ARMAssembler::movt_r): High halfword 16-bit immediate load
(JSC::ARMAssembler::getImm16Op2): Encode immediate constant for
movw_r and mowt_r
- 12:23 AM Changeset in webkit [50552] by
- 2 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
Prospective build fix against Qt 4.5 (build bot)
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-05
- Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp:
(QGraphicsWebViewPrivate::setInputMethodEnabled): Guard the
use of Qt 4.6 specific API with #ifdefs.
- 12:12 AM Changeset in webkit [50551] by
- 3 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
[Qt] Fix enabling of input method support on QGraphicsWebView.
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-01
Reviewed by Kenneth Christiansen.
Instead of setting the unsupported widget attribute on the
QGraphicsWidget in setInputMethodEnabled() set the
ItemAcceptsInputMethod GraphicsItem flag directly.
Changed the existing input method auto test to run once
on a QWebView and once on a QGraphicsWebView.
- Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp:
- tests/qwebpage/tst_qwebpage.cpp:
- 12:11 AM Changeset in webkit [50550] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
Added QGraphicsWebView::modified property, for consistency
with QWebView.
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-04
Reviewed by Kenneth Christiansen.
- Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp:
- Api/qgraphicswebview.h:
- tests/qgraphicswebview/tst_qgraphicswebview.cpp:
- 12:11 AM Changeset in webkit [50549] by
- 4 edits in trunk/WebKit/qt
Removed status and progress properties of QGraphicsWebView.
Added loadProgress and statusBarMessage signals instead,
after API review.
Patch by Simon Hausmann <Simon Hausmann> on 2009-11-04
Reviewed by Kenneth Christiansen.
- Api/qgraphicswebview.cpp:
- Api/qgraphicswebview.h:
- tests/qgraphicswebview/tst_qgraphicswebview.cpp: