
Dec 15, 2015:

11:38 PM WebKitGTK/Gardening/Calendar edited by tpopela@redhat.com
11:15 PM Changeset in webkit [194133] by rniwa@webkit.org
  • 3 edits in trunk/Websites/perf.webkit.org

Perf dashboard's cycler page should use v3 UI

Reviewed by Chris Dumez.

Use the v3 UI in cycler.html after r194130.

  • public/cycler.html:
  • public/v3/index.html: Removed the reference to a non-existent platform-selector.js.
10:28 PM Changeset in webkit [194132] by Alan Bujtas
  • 6 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

FontCascade cleanup: Remove ::drawSimpleText and ::drawComplexText.

Reviewed by Myles C. Maxfield.

Platform code for ::drawComplexText() is redundant and has
no platform dependent logic. Move it all to ::drawText()

No change in functionality.

  • platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp:

(WebCore::FontCascade::drawSimpleText): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/FontCascade.h:
  • platform/graphics/cairo/FontCairoHarfbuzzNG.cpp:

(WebCore::FontCascade::drawComplexText): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCascadeCocoa.mm:

(WebCore::FontCascade::drawComplexText): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/win/FontWin.cpp:

(WebCore::FontCascade::drawComplexText): Deleted.

9:54 PM Changeset in webkit [194131] by mark.lam@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Gardening: fix broken 32-bit JSC tests. Just need to assign a scratch register.

Not reviewed.

  • jit/JITArithmetic.cpp:


9:19 PM Changeset in webkit [194130] by rniwa@webkit.org
  • 3 edits
    48 adds in trunk/Websites/perf.webkit.org

Add v3 UI to perf dashboard

Reviewed by Chris Dumez.

Add the third iteration of the perf dashboard UI. UI for viewing and modifying analysis tasks is coming soon.
The v3 UI is focused on speed, and removes all third-party script dependencies including jQuery, d3, and Ember.
Both the DOM-based UI and graphing are implemented manually.

The entire app is structured using new component library implemented in components/base.js. Each component is
an instance of a subclass of ComponentBase which owns a single DOM element. Each subclass may supply static
methods named htmlTemplate and cssTemplate as the template for a component instance. ComponentBase automatically
clones the templates inside the associated element (or its shadow root on the supported browsers). Each subclass
must supply a method called "render()" which constructs and updates the DOM as needed.

There is a special component called Page, which represents an entire page. Each Page is opened by PageRouter's
"route()" function. Each subclass of Page supplies "open()" for initialization and "updateFromSerializedState()"
for a hash URL transition.

The key feature of the v3 UI is the split of time series into chunks called clusters (see r194120). On an internal
instance of the dashboard, the v2 UI downloads 27MB of data whereas the same page loads only 3MB of data in the v3.
The key logic for fetching time series in chunks is implemented by MeasurementSet in /v3/models/measurement-set.js.
We first fetch the cached primary cluster (the cluster that contains the newest data) at:

If that's outdated according to lastModified in manifest.json, then we immediately re-fetch the primary cluster at:

Once the up-to-date primary cluster is fetched, we fetch all "secondary" clusters. For each cluster being fetched,
including the primary, we invoke registered callbacks.

In addition, the v3 UI reduces the initial page load time by loading a single bundled JS file generated by
tools/bundle-v3-scripts.py. index.html has a fallback to load all 44 JS files individually during development.

  • public/api/analysis-tasks.php:

(fetch_and_push_bugs_to_tasks): Added the code to fetch start and end run times. This is necessary in V3 UI
because no longer fetch the entire time series. See r194120 for the new measurement set JSON API.
(format_task): Compute the category of an analysis task based on "result" value. This will be re-vamped once
I add the UI for the analysis task page in v3.

  • public/include/json-header.php:

(require_format): CamelCase the name.
(require_match_one_of_values): Ditto.
(validate_arguments): Renamed from require_existence_of and used in measurement-set.php landed in r194120.

  • public/v3: Added.
  • public/v3/components: Added.
  • public/v3/components/base.js: Added.

(ComponentBase): The base component class.
(ComponentBase.prototype.element): Returns the DOM element associated with the DOM element.
(ComponentBase.prototype.content): Returns the shadow root if one exists and the associated element otherwise.
(ComponentBase.prototype.render): To be implemented by a subclass.
(ComponentBase.prototype.renderReplace): A helper function to "render" DOM contents.
(ComponentBase.prototype._constructShadowTree): Called inside the constructor to instantiate the templates.
(ComponentBase.prototype._recursivelyReplaceUnknownElementsByComponents): Instantiates components referred by
its element name inside the instantiated content.
(ComponentBase.isElementInViewport): A helper function. Returns true if the element is in the viewport and it has
non-zero width and height.
(ComponentBase.defineElement): Defines a custom element that can be automatically instantiated from htmlTemplate.
(ComponentBase.createElement): A helper function to create DOM tree to be used in "render()" method.
(ComponentBase._addContentToElement): A helper for "createElement".
(ComponentBase.createLink): A helper function to create a hyperlink or another clickable element (via callback).
(ComponentBase.createActionHandler): A helper function to create an event listener that prevents the default action
and stops the event propagation.

  • public/v3/components/button-base.js: Added.
  • public/v3/components/chart-status-view.js: Added.

(ChartStatusView): A component that reports the current status of time-series-chart. It's subclasses by
ChartPaneStatusView to provide additional information in the charts page's panes.

  • public/v3/components/close-button.js: Added.


  • public/v3/components/commit-log-viewer.js: Added.

(CommitLogViewer): A component that lists commit revisions along with commit messages for a range of data points.

  • public/v3/components/interactive-time-series-chart.js: Added.

(InteractiveTimeSeriesChart): A subclass of InteractiveTimeSeriesChart with interactivity (selection & indicator).
Selection and indicator are mutually exclusive.

  • public/v3/components/pane-selector.js: Added.

(PaneSelector): A component for selecting (platform, metric) pair to add in the charts page.

  • public/v3/components/spinner-icon.js: Added.
  • public/v3/components/time-series-chart.js: Added.

(TimeSeriesChart): A canvas-based chart component without interactivity. It takes a source list and options as
the constructor arguments. A source list is a list of measurement sets (measurement-set.js) with drawing options.
This component fetches data via MeasurementSet.fetchBetween inside TimeSeriesChart.prototype.setDomain and
progressively updates the charts as more data arrives. The canvas is updated on animation frame via rAF and all
layout and rendering metrics are lazily computed in _layout. In addition, this component samples data before
rendering the chart when there are more data points per pixel in _ensureSampledTimeSeries.

  • public/v3/index.html: Added. Loads bundled-scripts.js if it exists, or individual script files otherwise.
  • public/v3/instrumentation.js: Added. This class is used to gather runtime statistics of v3 UI. (It measures

the performance of the perf dashboard UI).

  • public/v3/main.js: Added. Bootstraps the app.


  • public/v3/models: Added.
  • public/v3/models/analysis-task.js: Added.
  • public/v3/models/bug-tracker.js: Added.
  • public/v3/models/bug.js: Added.
  • public/v3/models/builder.js: Added.
  • public/v3/models/commit-log.js: Added.
  • public/v3/models/data-model.js: Added.

(DataModelObject): The base class for various data objects that correspond to database tables. It supplies static
hash map to find entries by id as well as other keys.
(LabeledObject): A subclass of DataModelObject with the capability to find an object via its name.

  • public/v3/models/measurement-cluster.js: Added.

(MeasurementCluster): Represents a single cluster or a chunk of data in a measurement set.

  • public/v3/models/measurement-set.js: Added.

(MeasurementSet): Represents a measurement set.
(MeasurementSet.findSet): Returns the singleton set given (metric, platform). We use singleton to avoid issuing
multiple HTTP requests for the same JSON when there are multiple TimeSeriesChart that show the same graph (e.g. on
charts page with overview and main charts).
(MeasurementSet.prototype.findClusters): Finds the list of clusters to fetch in a given time range.
(MeasurementSet.prototype.fetchBetween): Fetch clusters for a given time range and calls callback whenever new data
arrives. The number of callbacks depends on the how many clusters need to be newly fetched.
(MeasurementSet.prototype._fetchSecondaryClusters): Fetches non-primary (non-latest) clusters.
(MeasurementSet.prototype._fetch): Issues a HTTP request to fetch a cluster.
(MeasurementSet.prototype._didFetchJSON): Called when a cluster is fetched.
(MeasurementSet.prototype._failedToFetchJSON): Called when the fetching of a cluster has failed.
(MeasurementSet.prototype._invokeCallbacks): Invokes callbacks upon an approval of a new cluster.
(MeasurementSet.prototype._addFetchedCluster): Adds the newly fetched cluster in the order.
(MeasurementSet.prototype.fetchedTimeSeries): Returns a time series that contains data from all clusters that have
been fetched.
(TimeSeries.prototype.findById): Additions to TimeSeries defined in /v2/data.js.
(TimeSeries.prototype.dataBetweenPoints): Ditto.
(TimeSeries.prototype.firstPoint): Ditto.

  • public/v3/models/metric.js: Added.
  • public/v3/models/platform.js: Added.
  • public/v3/models/repository.js: Added.
  • public/v3/models/test.js: Added.
  • public/v3/pages: Added.
  • public/v3/pages/analysis-category-page.js: Added. The "Analysis" page that lists the analysis tasks.
  • public/v3/pages/analysis-category-toolbar.js: Added. The toolbar to filter analysis tasks based on its category

(unconfirmed, bisecting, identified, closed) and a keyword.

  • public/v3/pages/analysis-task-page.js: Added. Not implemented yet. It just has the hyperlink to the v2 UI.
  • public/v3/pages/chart-pane-status-view.js: Added.

(ChartPaneStatusView): A subclass of ChartStatusView used in the charts page. In addition to the current value,
comparison to baseline/target, it shows the list of repository revisions (e.g. WebKit revision, OS version).

  • public/v3/pages/chart-pane.js: Added.

(ChartPane): A component a pane in the charts page. Each pane has the overview chart and the main chart. The zooming
is synced across all panes in the charts page.

  • public/v3/pages/charts-page.js: Added. Charts page.
  • public/v3/pages/charts-toolbar.js: Added. The toolbar to set the number of days to show. This affects the overview

chart's domain in each pane.

  • public/v3/pages/create-analysis-task-page.js: Added.

(CreateAnalysisTaskPage): A page that gets shown momentarily while creating a new analysis task.

  • public/v3/pages/dashboard-page.js: Added. A dashboard page.
  • public/v3/pages/dashboard-toolbar.js: Added. Its toolbar with buttons to select the number of days to show.
  • public/v3/pages/domain-control-toolbar.js: Added. An abstract superclass of charts and dashboard toolbars.
  • public/v3/pages/heading.js: Added. A component for displaying the header and toolbar, if exists, on each page.
  • public/v3/pages/page-router.js: Added. This class is responsible for updating the URL hashes as well as opening

and updating each page when the hash changes (via back/forward navigation).

  • public/v3/pages/page-with-charts.js: Added. An abstract subclass of page used by dashboards and charts page.

Supplies helper functions for creating TimeSeriesChart options.

  • public/v3/pages/page-with-heading.js: Added. An abstract subclass of page that uses the heading component.
  • public/v3/pages/page.js: Added. The Page component.
  • public/v3/pages/toolbar.js: Added. An abstract toolbar component.
  • public/v3/remote.js: Added.

(getJSON): Fetches JSON from the remote server.
(getJSONWithStatus): Ditto. Rejects the response if the status is not "OK".
(PrivilegedAPI.sendRequest): Posts a HTTP request to a privileged API in /privileged-api/.
(PrivilegedAPI.requestCSRFToken): Creates a new CSRF token to request a privileged API post.

  • tools/bundle-v3-scripts.py: Added.

(main): Bundles js files together and minifies them by jsmin.py for the v3 UI. Without this script, we're forced to
download 44 JS files or making each JS file contain multiple classes.

7:09 PM Changeset in webkit [194129] by Ryan Haddad
  • 7 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Rebaseline fast/viewport/ios tests for ios-simulator, remove failure expectation and re-enable test directory.

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

  • platform/ios-simulator-wk2/TestExpectations:
  • platform/ios-simulator/TestExpectations:
  • platform/ios-simulator/fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-body-overflow-hidden-expected.txt:
  • platform/ios-simulator/fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-body-overflow-hidden-tall-expected.txt:
  • platform/ios-simulator/fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-expected.txt:
  • platform/ios-simulator/fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing-no-shrink-to-fit-expected.txt:
5:11 PM Changeset in webkit [194128] by jiewen_tan@apple.com
  • 1 edit
    2 moves
    16 adds
    1 delete in trunk/LayoutTests

Verify that Referer Policy within Content-Disposition:attachment sandbox is always ReferrerPolicyNever

Reviewed by Andy Estes.

  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-expected.txt: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-always-expected.txt: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-always.html: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-default-expected.txt: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-default.html: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-never-expected.txt: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-never.html: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-no-referrer-expected.txt: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-no-referrer-when-downgrade-expected.txt: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-no-referrer-when-downgrade.html: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-no-referrer.html: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-origin-expected.txt: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-origin.html: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-unsafe-url-expected.txt: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped-with-meta-referer-unsafe-url.html: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/referer-header-stripped.html: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/resources/referer-header-stripped-frame.php: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/resources/referer-header-stripped.js: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/resources/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header-frame.php: Removed.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header-expected.txt: Removed.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header.html: Removed.
5:05 PM Changeset in webkit [194127] by timothy_horton@apple.com
  • 4 edits
    1 add in trunk/LayoutTests

Rebaseline some page overlay tests for WK1

  • platform/mac-wk1/pageoverlay/overlay-installation-expected.txt:
  • platform/mac-wk1/pageoverlay/overlay-large-document-expected.txt:
  • platform/mac-wk1/pageoverlay/overlay-large-document-scrolled-expected.txt:
  • platform/mac-wk1/pageoverlay/overlay-small-frame-mouse-events-expected.txt: Added.
5:05 PM Changeset in webkit [194126] by mark.lam@apple.com
  • 9 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Introducing ScratchRegisterAllocator::PreservedState.

Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

restoreReusedRegistersByPopping() should always be called with 2 values that
matches the expectation of preserveReusedRegistersByPushing(). Those 2 values
are the number of bytes preserved and the ExtraStackSpace requirement. By
encapsulating them in a ScratchRegisterAllocator::PreservedState, we can make
it less error prone when calling restoreReusedRegistersByPopping(). Now, we only
need to pass it the appropriate PreservedState that its matching
preserveReusedRegistersByPushing() returned.

  • bytecode/PolymorphicAccess.cpp:


  • bytecode/PolymorphicAccess.h:


  • ftl/FTLCompileBinaryOp.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLLazySlowPath.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLLowerDFGToLLVM.cpp:


  • jit/ScratchRegisterAllocator.cpp:


  • jit/ScratchRegisterAllocator.h:


4:55 PM Changeset in webkit [194125] by timothy_horton@apple.com
  • 10 edits in trunk/Source

[Mac] Gesture Events should not have negative scale

Reviewed by Anders Carlsson.

  • Shared/NativeWebGestureEvent.h:
  • Shared/mac/NativeWebGestureEventMac.mm:

Compute the distance between the two oldest touches, and use that as
the scale (really the gesture diameter) on the event, instead of
passing through AppKit's magnification (which is computed differently).
This matches the documented behavior of the existing gesture events on iOS.

  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebView.mm:

(-[WKWebView touchesBeganWithEvent:]):
(-[WKWebView touchesMovedWithEvent:]):
(-[WKWebView touchesEndedWithEvent:]):
(-[WKWebView touchesCancelledWithEvent:]):

  • UIProcess/API/mac/WKView.mm:

(-[WKView touchesBeganWithEvent:]):
(-[WKView touchesMovedWithEvent:]):
(-[WKView touchesEndedWithEvent:]):
(-[WKView touchesCancelledWithEvent:]):
Plumb touch events through to WebViewImpl.

  • UIProcess/Cocoa/WebViewImpl.h:
  • UIProcess/Cocoa/WebViewImpl.mm:

Keep track of the most recent incoming touches, by identifier, in age order.
Pass them through to NativeWebGestureEvent so it can determine the gesture diameter.

  • page/EventHandler.cpp:


  • page/EventHandler.h:

Make it possible to use m_gestureInitialDiameter for Mac gesture events too.

4:52 PM Changeset in webkit [194124] by andersca@apple.com
  • 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit2

Call DatabaseManager directly from WKBundle.cpp

Reviewed by Tim Horton.

This is in preparation for getting rid of some old database manager code.

  • WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/c/WKBundle.cpp:


  • WebProcess/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundle.cpp:

(WebKit::InjectedBundle::clearAllDatabases): Deleted.
(WebKit::InjectedBundle::setDatabaseQuota): Deleted.

  • WebProcess/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundle.h:
4:23 PM Changeset in webkit [194123] by Joseph Pecoraro
  • 6 edits
    2 adds in trunk

Web Inspector: Localize "global code" and "eval code" strings

Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.


  • Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
  • UserInterface/Models/CallFrame.js:

Localize the strings given to use from the backend.


  • inspector/debugger/js-stacktrace-expected.txt:
  • inspector/debugger/js-stacktrace.html:
  • inspector/model/stack-trace-expected.txt: Added.
  • inspector/model/stack-trace.html: Added.
4:06 PM Changeset in webkit [194122] by timothy_horton@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Try to fix the CMake build

  • CMakeLists.txt:
4:00 PM Changeset in webkit [194121] by rniwa@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Websites/perf.webkit.org

Fix v2 UI after r194093.

  • public/v2/data.js:
3:57 PM Changeset in webkit [194120] by rniwa@webkit.org
  • 2 edits
    2 adds in trunk/Websites/perf.webkit.org

Add /api/measurement-set for v3 UI

Rubber-stamped by Chris Dumez.

The new API JSON allows the front end to fetch measured data in chunks called a "cluster" as specified
in config.json for each measurement set specified by the pair of a platform and a metric.

When the front end needs measured data in a given time range (t_0, t_1) for a measurement set, it first
fetches the primary cluster by /api/measurement-set/?platform=<platform-id>&metric=<metric-id>.
The primary cluster is the last cluster in the set (returning the first cluster here is not useful
since we don't typically show very old data), and provides the information needed to fetch other clusters.

Fetching the primary cluster also creates JSON files at:
to allow latency free access for secondary clusters. The front end code can also fetch the cache of
the primary cluster at: /data/measurement-set-<platform-id>-<metric-id>.json.

Because the front end code has to behave as if all data is fetched, each cluster contains one data point
immediately before the first data point and one immediately after the last data point. This avoids having
to fetch multiple empty clusters for manually specified baseline data. To support this behavior, we generate
all clusters for a given measurement set at once when the primary cluster is requested.

Furthermore, all measurement sets are divided at the same time into clusters so that the boundary of clusters
won't shift as more data are reported to the server.

  • config.json: Added clusterStart and clusterSize as options.
  • public/api/measurement-set.php: Added.

(MeasurementSetFetcher::fetch_config_list): Finds configurations that belongs to this (platform, metric) pair.
(MeasurementSetFetcher::at_end): Returns true if we've reached the end of all clusters for this set.
(MeasurementSetFetcher::fetch_next_cluster): Generates the JSON data for the next cluster. We generate clusters
in increasing chronological order (the oldest first and the newest last).
(MeasurementSetFetcher::execute_query): Executes the main query.
(MeasurementSetFetcher::format_map): Returns the mapping of a measurement field to an array index. This removes
the need to have key names for each measurement and reduces the JSON size by ~10%.
(MeasurementSetFetcher::format_run): Creates an array that contains data for a single measurement. The order
matches that of keys in format_map.
(MeasurementSetFetcher::parse_revisions_array): Added. Copied from runs.php.

  • tests/api-measurement-set.js: Added. Added tests for /api/measurement-set.
3:07 PM Changeset in webkit [194119] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 1 edit
    4 adds in branches/safari-601.1.46-branch/LayoutTests

Merge r192959. rdar://problem/23903291

2:50 PM Changeset in webkit [194118] by timothy_horton@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Try to fix the CMake build

  • CMakeLists.txt:
2:46 PM Changeset in webkit [194117] by timothy_horton@apple.com
  • 14 edits
    7 adds in trunk

REGRESSION (r191849): There's no yellow bouncy highlight when using Find on Page on iOS

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

Tests: pageoverlay/overlay-small-frame-mouse-events.html


  • page/PageOverlay.cpp:

Revert r191849's change that made bounds() actually return the frame()
if we frame is manually overriden.

Convert the mouse event the rest of the way into overlay coordinates (by
applying the overlay's frame origin) before deciding whether to handle
the event.

  • page/PageOverlay.h:
  • DerivedSources.make:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • testing/Internals.cpp:


  • testing/Internals.h:
  • testing/Internals.idl:
  • testing/MockPageOverlay.cpp: Added.


  • testing/MockPageOverlay.h: Added.


  • testing/MockPageOverlay.idl: Added.
  • testing/MockPageOverlayClient.cpp:


  • testing/MockPageOverlayClient.h:

Make internals.installMockPageOverlay return a MockPageOverlay object so
tests can manipulate their overlay. For now, expose setFrame.
Also, log when MockPageOverlayClient gets asked to paint or receives a mouse event,
which will show up in test output. Slightly unconventional, but very convenient.

  • pageoverlay/overlay-small-frame-mouse-events-expected.txt: Added.
  • pageoverlay/overlay-small-frame-mouse-events.html: Added.

Add a test ensuring that small-frame overlays get mouse events.

  • pageoverlay/overlay-small-frame-paints-expected.txt: Added.
  • pageoverlay/overlay-small-frame-paints.html: Added.

Add a test ensuring that small-frame overlays get paint callbacks.

2:33 PM Changeset in webkit [194116] by Matt Baker
  • 14 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI

Web Inspector: Convert Sidebar classes to use View

Reviewed by Brian Burg.

Updated Sidebar and SidebarPanel to inherit from View. Mostly mechanical changes.
Once the DetailsSection class family inherits from View (https://webkit.org/b/152269),
directly modifying a sidebar's 'contentView' element will rarely be necessary.

  • UserInterface/Views/ApplicationCacheDetailsSidebarPanel.js:


  • UserInterface/Views/CSSStyleDetailsSidebarPanel.js:

Add/remove panels as subviews of the sidebar.

  • UserInterface/Views/DOMNodeDetailsSidebarPanel.js:


  • UserInterface/Views/DebuggerSidebarPanel.js:


  • UserInterface/Views/LayerTreeDetailsSidebarPanel.js:


  • UserInterface/Views/NavigationSidebarPanel.js:


  • UserInterface/Views/ProbeDetailsSidebarPanel.js:

(WebInspector.ProbeDetailsSidebarPanel.prototype.set inspectedProbeSets):

  • UserInterface/Views/ResourceDetailsSidebarPanel.js:


  • UserInterface/Views/ScopeChainDetailsSidebarPanel.js:


  • UserInterface/Views/SidebarPanel.js:

Inherit from View.
Replace the content element (the portion of the view excluding navigation
bars, filter bars, etc.) with a View object. A sidebar's content can be a mixture
of unwrapped DOM elements and View objects. For now, the content view's element
will be mutated directly, but once the DetailsSection class family inherits from
the View class the handling of details sections will be simplified.
(WebInspector.SidebarPanel.prototype.get contentView):
(WebInspector.SidebarPanel.prototype.get contentElement): Deleted.
Replaced by WebInspector.SidebarPanel.prototype.get contentView.

  • UserInterface/Views/StyleDetailsPanel.js:

Inherit from View.
(WebInspector.StyleDetailsPanel.prototype.get element): Deleted.
Defer to View.element getter.

  • UserInterface/Views/TimelineSidebarPanel.js:


  • UserInterface/Views/VisualStyleDetailsPanel.js:


2:10 PM Changeset in webkit [194115] by ddkilzer@apple.com
  • 5 edits
    1 copy in trunk/Tools

REGRESSION (r192375): DumpRenderTree.app exits immediately with no error

Reviewed by Daniel Bates.

The change to DumpRenderTreeMain.mm in r192375 caused the iOS
code path to exit immediately when calling main().
Unfortunately, DumpRenderTreeMain.mm was used for both
DumpRenderTree command-line binary and DumpRenderTree.app, which
meant that the app would exit immediately with no error code
when run!

The workaround is to introduce a separate source file called
DumpRenderTreeAppMain.mm, similar to what WebKitTestRunner
already does.

  • DumpRenderTree/DumpRenderTree.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Add

DumpRenderTreeAppMain.mm to the project. Make it the only
compiled source for the DumpRenderTree.app target.

  • DumpRenderTree/ios/DumpRenderTreeAppMain.mm: Copied from Tools/DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTreeMain.mm.

(main): Call DumpRenderTreeMain() on iOS. Assert on OS X in
case someone tries mistakenly to use the app.

  • DumpRenderTree/mac/Configurations/DumpRenderTree.xcconfig:

Link to JavaScriptCore.framework on iOS for the assert.

  • DumpRenderTree/mac/Configurations/DumpRenderTreeApp.xcconfig:

Link to JavaScriptCore.framework on OS X for the assert. Remove

  • DumpRenderTree/mac/DumpRenderTreeMain.mm:

(main): Add assert for iOS so that a crash occurs if someone
tries to run the wrong command.

1:55 PM Changeset in webkit [194114] by mmaxfield@apple.com
  • 11 edits in trunk

[Font Features] TrueType fonts trigger real features even when synthesis is applied

Reviewed by Darin Adler.


When using a font feature that is synthesizable, and synthesis is triggered,
we should make sure to turn off the original font feature. Otherwise, the
feature will be applied twice on top of itself.

This worked for OpenType fonts, but not for TrueType fonts.

Tests: css3/font-variant-petite-caps-synthesis.html


  • platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCocoa.mm:



Adding tests.

  • css3/font-variant-petite-caps-synthesis-expected.html:
  • css3/font-variant-petite-caps-synthesis.html:
  • css3/font-variant-small-caps-synthesis-expected.html:
  • css3/font-variant-small-caps-synthesis.html:
  • css3/font-variant-petite-caps-synthesis-coverage-expected.html:
  • css3/font-variant-petite-caps-synthesis-coverage.html:
  • css3/font-variant-small-caps-synthesis-coverage-expected.html:
  • css3/font-variant-small-caps-synthesis-coverage.html:
1:19 PM Changeset in webkit [194113] by mark.lam@apple.com
  • 20 edits
    18 adds in trunk

Polymorphic operand types for DFG and FTL bit operators.

Reviewed by Saam Barati.


  • bytecode/SpeculatedType.h:


  • dfg/DFGAbstractInterpreterInlines.h:


  • dfg/DFGNode.h:


  • Added check for types not supported by ValueToInt32, and therefore should be treated as untyped for bitops.
  • dfg/DFGClobberize.h:


  • dfg/DFGFixupPhase.cpp:


  • Handled untyped operands.
  • dfg/DFGOperations.cpp:
  • dfg/DFGOperations.h:
  • Added DFG slow path functions for bitops.
  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.h:
  • Added DFG backend support untyped operands for bitops.
  • dfg/DFGStrengthReductionPhase.cpp:


  • Limit bitops strength reduction only to when we don't have untyped operands. This is because values that are not int32s need to be converted to int32. Without untyped operands, the ValueToInt32 node takes care of this. With untyped operands, we cannot use ValueToInt32, and need to do the conversion in the code emitted for the bitop node itself. For example:

5.5 | 0; yields 5 because ValueToInt32 converts the 5.5 to a 5.
"abc" | 0;
would yield "abc" instead of the expected 0 if we let

strength reduction do its thing.

  • ftl/FTLCompileBinaryOp.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLInlineCacheDescriptor.h:


  • Added support for bitop ICs.
  • ftl/FTLInlineCacheSize.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLInlineCacheSize.h:
  • Added new bitop IC sizes. These are just estimates for now that work adequately, and are shown to not impact performance on benchmarks. We will re-tune these sizes values later in another patch once all snippet ICs have been added.
  • ftl/FTLLowerDFGToLLVM.cpp:


  • Added support for bitop ICs.
  • jit/JITLeftShiftGenerator.cpp:


  • jit/JITLeftShiftGenerator.h:


  • jit/JITRightShiftGenerator.cpp:


  • The shift MASM operatons need to ensure that the shiftAmount is not in the same register as the destination register. With the baselineJIT and DFG, this is ensured in how we allocate these registers, and hence, the bug does not manifest. With the FTL, these registers are not guaranteed to be unique. Hence, we need to fix the shift op snippet code to compensate for this.


  • js/regress/ftl-polymorphic-bitand-expected.txt: Added.
  • js/regress/ftl-polymorphic-bitand.html: Added.
  • js/regress/ftl-polymorphic-bitor-expected.txt: Added.
  • js/regress/ftl-polymorphic-bitor.html: Added.
  • js/regress/ftl-polymorphic-bitxor-expected.txt: Added.
  • js/regress/ftl-polymorphic-bitxor.html: Added.
  • js/regress/ftl-polymorphic-lshift-expected.txt: Added.
  • js/regress/ftl-polymorphic-lshift.html: Added.
  • js/regress/ftl-polymorphic-rshift-expected.txt: Added.
  • js/regress/ftl-polymorphic-rshift.html: Added.
  • js/regress/ftl-polymorphic-urshift-expected.txt: Added.
  • js/regress/ftl-polymorphic-urshift.html: Added.
  • js/regress/script-tests/ftl-polymorphic-bitand.js: Added.


  • js/regress/script-tests/ftl-polymorphic-bitor.js: Added.


  • js/regress/script-tests/ftl-polymorphic-bitxor.js: Added.


  • js/regress/script-tests/ftl-polymorphic-lshift.js: Added.


  • js/regress/script-tests/ftl-polymorphic-rshift.js: Added.


  • js/regress/script-tests/ftl-polymorphic-urshift.js: Added.


12:36 PM Changeset in webkit [194112] by adam.bergkvist@ericsson.com
  • 1 edit
    2 adds
    2 deletes in trunk/LayoutTests

WebRTC: Test that RTCPeerConnection promise functions reject on closed state

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

Add test that verifies RTCPeerConnection's behavior in the closed state
(signalingState). Promise functions should reject, and (some) others
should throw. Remove old test that tests incorrect behavior.

  • fast/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection-closed-state-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection-closed-state.html: Added.
  • fast/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection-state-expected.txt: Removed.
  • fast/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection-state.html: Removed.
11:11 AM Changeset in webkit [194111] by peavo@outlook.com
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[WinCairo][MediaFoundation] Full screen mode is not supported.

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

We need to let WebCore know MediaFoundation supports full screen mode.

  • platform/graphics/win/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaFoundation.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/win/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaFoundation.h:
11:08 AM Changeset in webkit [194110] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 5 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source


11:05 AM Changeset in webkit [194109] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 5 edits in branches/safari-601.1.46-branch/Source


10:40 AM Changeset in webkit [194108] by dbates@webkit.org
  • 7 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit2

Guard code that uses class LayerTreeHost with USE(COORDINATED_GRAPHICS) or USE(TEXTURE_MAPPER)

Reviewed by Tim Horton.

We neither make use of LayerTreeHost on Mac nor on iOS. We should guard code that makes
use of this class as applicable. This also fixes the iOS Simulator build when using
Apple Internal software.

  • WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/WebChromeClient.cpp: Guard code that used LayerTreeHost.
WebProcess/WebPage/LayerTreeHost.cpp: Guard contents of file with USE(COORDINATED_GRAPHICS)
  • WebProcess/WebPage/LayerTreeHost.h: Ditto.
  • WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp:

(WebKit::WebPage::scalePage): Ditto.
(WebKit::WebPage::setDeviceScaleFactor): Ditto.

  • WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.h: Substitute header LayerTreeContext.h for LayerTreeHost.h since we make use

of the enum class LayerHostingMode.

  • WebProcess/WebPage/ios/WebPageIOS.mm:

(WebKit::WebPage::updateVisibleContentRects): Remove unnecessary code; DrawingArea::layerTreeHost() always
returns nullptr on iOS.

9:58 AM Changeset in webkit [194107] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

[JSC] SyntaxError if AssignmentElement is eval or arguments in strict code

Patch by Caitlin Potter <caitp@igalia.com> on 2015-12-15
Reviewed by Mark Lam.

eval and arguments must not be assigned to in strict code. This
change fixes language/expressions/assignment/destructuring/obj-id-simple-strict.js
in Test262, as well as a variety of other similar tests.

  • parser/Parser.cpp:


  • tests/stress/destructuring-assignment-syntax.js:
9:40 AM Changeset in webkit [194106] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 2 edits
    3 adds in trunk/LayoutTests

[GTK] Gardening: Rebaseline tests

Unreviewed GTK gardening

Patch by Tomas Popela <tpopela@redhat.com> on 2015-12-15

  • platform/gtk/fast/dom/Window/window-lookup-precedence-expected.txt:

Correct the expectations after r189202 when RangeException was

  • platform/gtk/fast/dom/adopt-attribute-crash-expected.txt: Added.

Add a new test expectations after r187148.

  • platform/gtk/http/tests/plugins/plugin-javascript-access-expected.txt: Added.

Add a new test expectations after r193363.

9:00 AM WebKitGTK/Gardening/Calendar edited by tpopela@redhat.com
8:36 AM Changeset in webkit [194105] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Changing expectation for storage/indexeddb/deleted-objects.html to [ Failure Crash ]

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
4:11 AM Changeset in webkit [194104] by jfernandez@igalia.com
  • 29 edits in trunk

[css-align][css-grid] Overflow alignment value 'true' renamed to 'unsafe'


Reviewed by Darin Adler.

The 'True' Overflow Alignment keyword is now defined in the Box Alignment
specification as 'Unsafe'.

This patch applies the required changes in the CSS parsing logic, as well
Grid Layout specific codebase, so it complies with the last version of the

No new tests, no change in functionality.

  • css/CSSParser.cpp:


  • css/CSSPrimitiveValueMappings.h:

(WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::operator OverflowAlignment):

  • css/CSSValueKeywords.in:
  • rendering/RenderGrid.cpp:


  • rendering/style/RenderStyleConstants.h:


The 'True' Overflow Alignment keyword is known now as 'Unsafe', so adapting
layout tests using such keyword.

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

  • css3/overwrite-content-alignment-expected.txt:
  • css3/overwrite-content-alignment.html:
  • css3/overwrite-self-alignment-expected.txt:
  • css3/overwrite-self-alignment.html:
  • css3/parse-align-content-expected.txt:
  • css3/parse-align-content.html:
  • css3/parse-align-items-expected.txt:
  • css3/parse-align-items.html:
  • css3/parse-align-self-expected.txt:
  • css3/parse-align-self.html:
  • css3/parse-justify-content-expected.txt:
  • css3/parse-justify-content.html:
  • fast/css-grid-layout/grid-align-justify-overflow.html:
  • fast/css-grid-layout/grid-content-alignment-overflow.html:
  • fast/css/parse-justify-items-expected.txt:
  • fast/css/parse-justify-items.html:
  • fast/css/parse-justify-self-expected.txt:
  • fast/css/parse-justify-self.html:
3:54 AM Changeset in webkit [194103] by zandobersek@gmail.com
  • 36 edits in trunk/Source

[TexMap] Operate with a reference to the TextureMapper wherever possible

Reviewed by Martin Robinson.


In most cases where used, the pointer to the TextureMapper is non-null, so it
should really be a reference. The pointer is still used for the
TextureMapperLayer member variable which is null until the TextureMapper object
is created and set on the root layer.

  • platform/graphics/GraphicsContext3DPrivate.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/GraphicsContext3DPrivate.h:
  • platform/graphics/cairo/ImageBufferCairo.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/cairo/ImageBufferDataCairo.h:
  • platform/graphics/efl/GraphicsContext3DPrivate.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/efl/GraphicsContext3DPrivate.h:
  • platform/graphics/gstreamer/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerBase.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/gstreamer/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerBase.h:
  • platform/graphics/surfaces/GraphicsSurface.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/surfaces/GraphicsSurface.h:
  • platform/graphics/surfaces/efl/GraphicsSurfaceCommon.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/texmap/BitmapTexture.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/texmap/BitmapTexture.h:


  • platform/graphics/texmap/BitmapTextureGL.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/texmap/BitmapTextureGL.h:
  • platform/graphics/texmap/GraphicsLayerTextureMapper.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperBackingStore.h:


  • platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperFPSCounter.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperFPSCounter.h:
  • platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperLayer.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperPlatformLayer.h:


  • platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperPlatformLayerBuffer.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperPlatformLayerBuffer.h:
  • platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperSurfaceBackingStore.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperSurfaceBackingStore.h:
  • platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperTile.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperTile.h:
  • platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperTiledBackingStore.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperTiledBackingStore.h:


  • WebCoreSupport/AcceleratedCompositingContext.cpp:

(AcceleratedCompositingContext::compositeLayersToContext): TextureMapper object
is now operated with through a reference.


Replace pointers to the TextureMapper object with references.

  • Shared/CoordinatedGraphics/CoordinatedBackingStore.cpp:


  • Shared/CoordinatedGraphics/CoordinatedBackingStore.h:
  • Shared/CoordinatedGraphics/CoordinatedGraphicsScene.cpp:


2:33 AM Changeset in webkit [194102] by Sukolsak Sakshuwong
  • 1 edit in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore/runtime/IntlCollatorPrototype.cpp

Unreviewed, rename ExecState* exec to ExecState* state in Intl code
as reviewed in https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=151491

  • runtime/IntlCollatorPrototype.cpp:
1:07 AM Changeset in webkit [194101] by Csaba Osztrogonác
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

URTBF after 194062.

  • assembler/MacroAssemblerARM.h:

(JSC::MacroAssemblerARM::supportsFloatingPointCeil): Added.
(JSC::MacroAssemblerARM::ceilDouble): Added.

12:55 AM Changeset in webkit [194100] by youenn.fablet@crf.canon.fr
  • 3 edits
    1 copy
    8 adds in trunk/Source/WebCore

WebIDL generator should support the possibility for C++ classes to have a JS Builtin constructor

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

Reintroducing JSBuiltinConstructor keyword as a way to run automatically a JS builtin initialization function
to process the arguments passed to the DOM C++ constructor.

Specialized createJSObject for those classes.

Fixing typo in TestCustomConstructor.idl.

Covered by binding tests.

  • bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm:


  • bindings/scripts/test/GObject/WebKitDOMTestClassWithJSBuiltinConstructor.cpp: Added.
  • bindings/scripts/test/GObject/WebKitDOMTestClassWithJSBuiltinConstructor.h: Added.
  • bindings/scripts/test/GObject/WebKitDOMTestClassWithJSBuiltinConstructorPrivate.h: Added.
  • bindings/scripts/test/JS/JSTestClassWithJSBuiltinConstructor.cpp: Added.
  • bindings/scripts/test/JS/JSTestClassWithJSBuiltinConstructor.h: Added.
  • bindings/scripts/test/ObjC/DOMTestClassWithJSBuiltinConstructor.h: Added.
  • bindings/scripts/test/ObjC/DOMTestClassWithJSBuiltinConstructor.mm: Added.
  • bindings/scripts/test/ObjC/DOMTestClassWithJSBuiltinConstructorInternal.h: Added.
  • bindings/scripts/test/TestClassWithJSBuiltinConstructor.idl: Copied from Source/WebCore/bindings/scripts/test/TestCustomConstructor.idl.
  • bindings/scripts/test/TestCustomConstructor.idl:
12:11 AM Changeset in webkit [194099] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 1 edit in branches/safari-601-branch/Tools/WebKitTestRunner/TestController.cpp

Build fix after r194078.

Dec 14, 2015:

11:03 PM Changeset in webkit [194098] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 3 edits
    4 adds in branches/safari-601.1.46-branch

Merge r194001. rdar://problem/23814327

11:03 PM Changeset in webkit [194097] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 3 edits
    3 adds in branches/safari-601.1.46-branch

Merge r193997. rdar://problem/23814333

11:03 PM Changeset in webkit [194096] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 6 edits
    3 adds in branches/safari-601.1.46-branch

Merge r193885. rdar://problem/23860425

10:49 PM Changeset in webkit [194095] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit2

[Coordinated Graphics] CSS transition effect is not shown when transformed with "%" unit.

Patch by YongGeol Jung <yg48.jung@samsung.com> on 2015-12-14
Reviewed by Darin Adler.

boxSize is encoded as FloatSize type but decoded as IntSize type.
So boxSize gets invalid value after decoding.
Due to this layer goes to out of screen during animation.

  • Shared/CoordinatedGraphics/CoordinatedGraphicsArgumentCoders.cpp:


10:08 PM Changeset in webkit [194094] by mitz@apple.com
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit2

<rdar://problem/23886216> REGRESSION (r194022): Production builds of PluginProcess crash on launch when not installed in /System

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

  • Configurations/PluginProcess.xcconfig: Added a FIXME.
  • UIProcess/Launcher/mac/ProcessLauncherMac.mm:

(WebKit::addDYLDEnvironmentAdditions): Set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to where the shims
are. This is needed because starting in El Capitan, the processes’ main executables link
directly against the shims, so the dynamic linker needs to be able to find them in the
non-/System location. Also added a FIXME about not having to set DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES when
the main executables link the them directly.

9:15 PM Changeset in webkit [194093] by rniwa@webkit.org
  • 4 edits in trunk/Websites/perf.webkit.org

Using fake timestamp in OS version make some results invisible

Reviewed by Stephanie Lewis.

Fix various bugs after r194088.

  • public/api/commits.php:

(format_commit): Include the commit order.

  • public/v2/data.js:

(CommitLogs._cacheConsecutiveCommits): Sort by commit order when commit time is missing.

  • tools/pull-os-versions.py:

(OSBuildFetcher._assign_order): Use integer instead of fake time for commit order.
(available_builds_from_command): Exit early when an exception is thrown.

8:52 PM Changeset in webkit [194092] by fpizlo@apple.com
  • 6 edits
    1 add in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

FTL B3 should account for localsOffset

Reviewed by Saam Barati.

The DFG will build up some data structures that expect to know about offsets from FP. Those data
structures may slide by some offset when the low-level compiler (either LLVM or B3) does stack
allocation. So, the LLVM FTL modifies those data structures based on the real offset that it gets
from LLVM's stackmaps. The B3 code needs to do the same.

I had previously vowed to never put more stuff into FTLB3Compile.cpp, because I didn't want it to
look like FTLCompile.cpp. Up until now, I was successful because I used lambdas installed by
FTLLower. But in this case, I actually think that having code that just does this explicitly in
FTLB3Compile.cpp is least confusing. There is no particular place in FTLLower that would want to
care about this, and we need to ensure that we do this fixup before we run any of the stackmap
generators. In other words, it needs to happen before we call B3::generate(). The ordering
constraints seem like a good reason to have this done explicitly rather than through lambdas.

I wrote a test. The test was failing in trunk because the B3 meaning of anchor().value() is
different from the LLVM meaning. This caused breakage when we used this idiom:

ValueFromBlock foo = m_out.anchor(things);
...(foo.value()) we were expecting that foo.value() == things

I never liked this idiom to begin with, so instead of trying to change B3's anchor(), I changed
the idiom to:

LValue fooValue = things;
ValueFromBlock foo = m_out.anchor(fooValue);

This is probably a good idea, since eventually we want B3's anchor() to just return the
UpsilonValue*. To get there, we want to eliminate any situations where code assumes that
ValueFromBlock is an actual object and not just a typedef for a pointer.

  • ftl/FTLB3Compile.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLB3Output.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLB3Output.h:


  • ftl/FTLLowerDFGToLLVM.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLState.h:


  • tests/stress/ftl-function-dot-arguments-with-callee-saves.js: Added.
8:43 PM Changeset in webkit [194091] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Re-enabling passing test fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width.html, which was accidentally skipped with r194058.

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator-wk2/TestExpectations:
8:32 PM Changeset in webkit [194090] by rniwa@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Websites/perf.webkit.org

Fix a typo in the previous commit.

  • public/include/report-processor.php:
8:31 PM Changeset in webkit [194089] by rniwa@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Websites/perf.webkit.org

Build fix after r192965. Suppress a warning about log being referred to as a closure variable.

  • public/include/report-processor.php:
8:06 PM Changeset in webkit [194088] by rniwa@webkit.org
  • 5 edits in trunk/Websites/perf.webkit.org

Using fake timestamp in OS version make some results invisible

Reviewed by Stephanie Lewis.

Added commit_order column to explicitly order OS versions. This fixes the bug whereby which
baseline results reported with only OS versions are shown with x coordinate set to 10 years ago.

To migrate the existing database, run:

ALTER TABLE commits ADD COLUMN commit_order integer;
CREATE INDEX commit_order_index ON commits(commit_order);

Then for each repository $1,

UPDATE commits SET (commit_time, commit_order) = (NULL, CAST(EXTRACT(epoch from commit_time) as integer))
WHERE commit_repository = $1;

  • init-database.sql: Added the column.
  • public/api/commits.php:

(fetch_commits_between): Use commit_order to order commits when commit_time is missing.

  • public/api/report-commits.php:

(main): Set commit_order.

  • tools/pull-os-versions.py:

(OSBuildFetcher._assign_order): Renamed from _assign_fake_timestamps. Set the order instead of a fake timestmap.

7:51 PM Changeset in webkit [194087] by Yusuke Suzuki
  • 29 edits
    5 adds in trunk

Math.random should have an intrinsic thunk and it should be later handled as a DFG Node

Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.


In this patch, we implement new RandomIntrinsic. It emits a machine code to generate random numbers efficiently.
And later it will be recognized by DFG and converted to ArithRandom node.
It provides type information SpecDoubleReal since Math.random only generates a number within [0, 1.0).

Currently, only 64bit version is supported. On 32bit environment, ArithRandom will be converted to callOperation.
While it emits a function call, ArithRandom node on 32bit still represents SpecDoubleReal as a result type.

  • dfg/DFGAbstractHeap.h:
  • dfg/DFGAbstractInterpreterInlines.h:


  • dfg/DFGByteCodeParser.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGClobberize.h:


  • dfg/DFGDoesGC.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGFixupPhase.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGNodeType.h:
  • dfg/DFGOperations.cpp:
  • dfg/DFGOperations.h:
  • dfg/DFGPredictionPropagationPhase.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGSafeToExecute.h:


  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.h:


  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT32_64.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT64.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLCapabilities.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLLowerDFGToLLVM.cpp:


  • jit/AssemblyHelpers.cpp:


  • jit/AssemblyHelpers.h:
  • jit/JITOperations.h:
  • jit/ThunkGenerators.cpp:


  • jit/ThunkGenerators.h:
  • runtime/Intrinsic.h:
  • runtime/JSGlobalObject.h:


  • runtime/MathObject.cpp:


  • runtime/VM.cpp:


  • tests/stress/random-53bit.js: Added.


  • tests/stress/random-in-range.js: Added.



Change 64bit random to double logic to convert efficiently.

  • wtf/WeakRandom.h:



Add new regression test.

  • js/regress/math-random-expected.txt: Added.
  • js/regress/math-random.html: Added.
  • js/regress/script-tests/math-random.js: Added.


7:06 PM Changeset in webkit [194086] by Simon Fraser
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit2

Dump some more data in the RemoteLayerTreeTransaction

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

Dump some scale factors, viewport meta tag width and render tree size.

  • Shared/mac/RemoteLayerTreeTransaction.mm:


6:59 PM Changeset in webkit [194085] by rniwa@webkit.org
  • 3 edits in trunk/Websites/perf.webkit.org

Perf dashboard can't merge when the destination platform is missing baseline/target

Reviewed by Stephanie Lewis.

The bug was caused by the query to migrate test configurations to new platform checking
configuration type and metric separately; that is, it assumes the configuration exists
only if either the same type or the same metric exists in the destination.

Fixed the bug by checking both conditions simultaneously for each configuration.

  • public/admin/platforms.php:
  • tests/admin-platforms.js: Added a test.
6:15 PM Changeset in webkit [194084] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 2 edits in tags/Safari-602.1.13.3

Merged r193935. rdar://problem/23839868

5:14 PM Changeset in webkit [194083] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 7 edits
    2 adds in trunk

Web Inspector: Stack traces in console incorrectly show "(anonymous function)" for global code

Patch by Joseph Pecoraro <Joseph Pecoraro> on 2015-12-14
Reviewed by Brian Burg.


  • UserInterface/Images/Program.svg: Added.
  • UserInterface/Images/gtk/Program.svg: Added.

Copied from TimelineRecordScriptEvaluated.svg.

  • UserInterface/Models/CallFrame.js:

(WebInspector.CallFrame.prototype.get programCode):
Add a new property to check if this call frame is in program code.

Detect different sources of program code (global, eval, module).

  • UserInterface/Views/CallFrameIcons.css:

(.program-icon .icon):

  • UserInterface/Views/CallFrameView.js:

Give program code the [S] global script icon like in profiles.


  • inspector/debugger/js-stacktrace-expected.txt:
  • inspector/debugger/js-stacktrace.html:
5:11 PM Changeset in webkit [194082] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Marking storage/indexeddb/deleted-objects.html as a flaky crash on mac-wk1

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
5:03 PM Changeset in webkit [194081] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Marking platform/ios-simulator/ios/scrolling tests as failing on ios-simulator

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator/TestExpectations:
4:40 PM WebKitGTK/Gardening/Calendar edited by ChangSeok Oh
Add changseok to the schedule (diff)
4:35 PM Changeset in webkit [194080] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 4 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source

Merge r193380. rdar://problem/23816165

4:35 PM Changeset in webkit [194079] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 2 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source/WebKit2

Merge r193367. rdar://problem/23816165

4:35 PM Changeset in webkit [194078] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 7 edits in branches/safari-601-branch

Merge r192911. rdar://problem/23816165

4:35 PM Changeset in webkit [194077] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 18 edits
    25 adds in branches/safari-601-branch

Merge r192270. rdar://problem/23435543

4:35 PM Changeset in webkit [194076] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 11 edits
    4 copies in branches/safari-601-branch/Source/WebKit2

Merge r188553. rdar://problem/23816165

4:35 PM Changeset in webkit [194075] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 14 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source

Merge r188386. rdar://problem/23816165

4:35 PM Changeset in webkit [194074] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 26 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source/WebKit2

Merge r188228. rdar://problem/23816165

4:34 PM Changeset in webkit [194073] by benjamin@webkit.org
  • 4 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Rename FTL::Output's ceil64() to doubleCeil()

Rubber-stamped by Filip Pizlo.

ceil64() was a bad name, that's the name convention we use for integers.

  • ftl/FTLB3Output.h:

(JSC::FTL::Output::ceil64): Deleted.

  • ftl/FTLLowerDFGToLLVM.cpp:


4:30 PM Changeset in webkit [194072] by fpizlo@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

FTL B3 should be able to run n-body.js

Reviewed by Benjamin Poulain.

Fix a bug where m_captured was pointing to the start of the captured vars slot rather than the
end, like the rest of the FTL expected.

  • ftl/FTLLowerDFGToLLVM.cpp:


4:11 PM Changeset in webkit [194071] by benjamin@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Fix bad copy-paste in r194062

Patch by Benjamin Poulain <bpoulain@apple.com> on 2015-12-14

  • ftl/FTLB3Output.h:


3:48 PM Changeset in webkit [194070] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Updating ios-simulator expectation for crashing tests http/tests/misc/large-js-program.php and js/dom/line-column-numbers.html

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator/TestExpectations:
3:42 PM Changeset in webkit [194069] by Ryan Haddad
  • 4 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Removing ios-simulator TestExpectations for deleted tests: streams/reference-implementation/readable-stream-cancel.html (r192186)
and http/tests/inspector/console/access-inspected-object.html (r192186).

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator-wk1/TestExpectations:
  • platform/ios-simulator-wk2/TestExpectations:
  • platform/ios-simulator/TestExpectations:
3:27 PM Changeset in webkit [194068] by fpizlo@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Unreviewed, fix cloop build.

  • jit/GPRInfo.cpp:
3:18 PM Changeset in webkit [194067] by fpizlo@apple.com
  • 7 edits
    1 add in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

FTL B3 should do PutById

Reviewed by Saam Barati.

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • JavaScriptCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • b3/B3LowerToAir.cpp:

(JSC::B3::Air::LowerToAir::createGenericCompare): I realized that we were missing some useful matching rules.

  • b3/testb3.cpp: Added a bunch of tests.
  • ftl/FTLLowerDFGToLLVM.cpp:

(JSC::FTL::DFG::LowerDFGToLLVM::compilePutById): Do the things.

  • jit/GPRInfo.cpp: Added. I had to do this yucky thing because clang was having issues compiling references to this from deeply nested lambdas.
  • jit/GPRInfo.h: Added a comment about how patchpointScratchRegister is bizarre and should probably die.
3:10 PM Changeset in webkit [194066] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI

Web Inspector: Copy message from console with a stack trace does not include source code locations

Patch by Joseph Pecoraro <Joseph Pecoraro> on 2015-12-14
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

  • UserInterface/Views/ConsoleMessageView.js:

When the the StackTrace was upgraded to a real collection of CallFrame
object's the CallFrame's got real SourceCodeLocation properties.

3:07 PM Changeset in webkit [194065] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 3 edits
    4 adds in branches/safari-601-branch

Merge r194001. rdar://problem/23581577

3:07 PM Changeset in webkit [194064] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 2 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source/WebCore

Merge r189942. rdar://problem/23886455

3:01 PM Changeset in webkit [194063] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Adding a second newline to the iOS simulator expected result for compositing/iframes/page-cache-layer-tree.html

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator-wk2/compositing/iframes/page-cache-layer-tree-expected.txt:
2:44 PM Changeset in webkit [194062] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 25 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

[JSC] Add ceil() support for x86 and expose it to B3

Patch by Benjamin Poulain <bpoulain@apple.com> on 2015-12-14
Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

Most x86 CPUs we care about support ceil() natively
with the round instruction.

This patch expose that behind a runtime flag, use it
in the Math.ceil() thunk and expose it to B3.

  • assembler/MacroAssemblerARM64.h:


  • assembler/MacroAssemblerARMv7.h:


  • assembler/MacroAssemblerMIPS.h:


  • assembler/MacroAssemblerSH4.h:


  • assembler/MacroAssemblerX86Common.cpp:
  • assembler/MacroAssemblerX86Common.h:


  • assembler/X86Assembler.h:


  • b3/B3ConstDoubleValue.cpp:


  • b3/B3ConstDoubleValue.h:
  • b3/B3ConstFloatValue.cpp:


  • b3/B3ConstFloatValue.h:
  • b3/B3LowerMacrosAfterOptimizations.cpp:
  • b3/B3LowerToAir.cpp:


  • b3/B3Opcode.cpp:


  • b3/B3Opcode.h:
  • b3/B3ReduceDoubleToFloat.cpp:
  • b3/B3ReduceStrength.cpp:
  • b3/B3Validate.cpp:
  • b3/B3Value.cpp:


  • b3/B3Value.h:
  • b3/air/AirOpcode.opcodes:
  • b3/testb3.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLB3Output.h:


  • jit/ThunkGenerators.cpp:


2:26 PM Changeset in webkit [194061] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Marking js/regress/generator-with-several-types.html as a flaky timeout on mac-wk1 debug.

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
2:12 PM Changeset in webkit [194060] by timothy_horton@apple.com
  • 4 edits
    1 add in trunk

Frequent crash under -[WKPDFView web_setMinimumSize:]_block_invoke

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.


  • UIProcess/ios/WKPDFView.mm:

(-[WKPDFView web_setMinimumSize:]):
We weren't retaining the UIScrollView, but depending on it surviving
into this block's invocation.

We don't need to do this asynchronously anymore because the referenced
bug is fixed, so make it happen synchronously. This also fixes the crash
because there's no opportunity for the scroll view to be released.


  • TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit2Cocoa/WKPDFViewResizeCrash.mm: Added.

Add a test that crashed before this change, and doesn't crash after.

2:10 PM Changeset in webkit [194059] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Take 2 of updating expectations for fast/events/ios tests by removing the directory's [ Pass ] expectation.

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator-wk2/TestExpectations:
2:08 PM Changeset in webkit [194058] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Take 2 of updating expectations for fast/viewport/ios tests by removing the directory's [ Pass ] expectation.

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator-wk2/TestExpectations:
1:36 PM Changeset in webkit [194057] by akling@apple.com
  • 6 edits in trunk/Source

ResourceUsageOverlay should show GC timers.

Reviewed by Darin Adler.


Expose the next fire time (in WTF timestamp style) of a GCActivityCallback.

  • heap/GCActivityCallback.cpp:


  • heap/GCActivityCallback.h:


Add countdowns until next Eden and Full GC to the overlay. It also shows if there
is no garbage collection scheduled. This will be helpful in understanding why GC
sometimes takes a very long time to happen.

  • page/ResourceUsageOverlay.h:
  • page/cocoa/ResourceUsageOverlayCocoa.mm:

(WebCore::formatByteNumber): Drive-by silly math fix. :|

1:30 PM Changeset in webkit [194056] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Rebaseline compositing/iframes/page-cache-layer-tree.html for iOS Simulator

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator-wk2/compositing/iframes/page-cache-layer-tree-expected.txt:
1:30 PM Changeset in webkit [194055] by Ryan Haddad
  • 1 edit in trunk/LayoutTests/ChangeLog

Marking fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing* tests as failing on iOS simulator

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator/TestExpectations:
1:12 PM Changeset in webkit [194054] by Chris Fleizach
  • 11 edits
    2 adds in trunk

AX: iOS: Text field variations do not have the correct traits

Reviewed by Mario Sanchez Prada.


Make search fields and text areas use the appropriate iOS traits to
distinguish them.

Test: accessibility/ios-simulator/textentry-traits.html

  • accessibility/ios/WebAccessibilityObjectWrapperIOS.mm:

(-[WebAccessibilityObjectWrapper _accessibilityTraitsFromAncestors]):
(-[WebAccessibilityObjectWrapper _accessibilityTextEntryTraits]):
(-[WebAccessibilityObjectWrapper accessibilityTraits]):


Add iOS calls for determing if an object is a search field or a text area.

  • DumpRenderTree/AccessibilityUIElement.cpp:


  • DumpRenderTree/AccessibilityUIElement.h:
  • DumpRenderTree/ios/AccessibilityUIElementIOS.mm:


  • WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/AccessibilityUIElement.cpp:


  • WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/AccessibilityUIElement.h:
  • WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/Bindings/AccessibilityUIElement.idl:
  • WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/ios/AccessibilityUIElementIOS.mm:



  • accessibility/ios-simulator/textentry-traits-expected.txt: Added.
  • accessibility/ios-simulator/textentry-traits.html: Added.
1:03 PM Changeset in webkit [194053] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Marking fast/viewport/ios/width-is-device-width-overflowing* tests as failing on iOS simulator

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator/TestExpectations:
1:00 PM Changeset in webkit [194052] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Marking fast/picture/image-picture-* as failing on iOS simulator

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator/TestExpectations:
12:43 PM Changeset in webkit [194051] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Removing failure expectation for css3/blending tests that are now passing on iOS simulator

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator/TestExpectations:
12:28 PM Changeset in webkit [194050] by fpizlo@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Unreviewed, fix merge issue in a test.

  • b3/testb3.cpp:


12:27 PM Changeset in webkit [194049] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 2 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source/WebCore

Merged r193999. rdar://problem/23886468

12:25 PM Changeset in webkit [194048] by fpizlo@apple.com
  • 7 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

B3 should not give ValueReps for the non-stackmap children of a CheckValue to the generator callback

Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

Previously, a stackmap generator for a Check had to know how many children the B3 value for the
Check had at the time of code generation. That meant that B3 could not change the kind of Check
that it was - for example it cannot turn a Check into a Patchpoint and it cannot turn a CheckAdd
into a Check. But just changing the contract so that the stackmap generation params only get the
stackmap children of the check means that B3 can transform Checks as it likes.

This is meant to aid sinking values into checks.

Also, I found that the effects of a Check did not include HeapRange::top(). I think it's best if
exitsSideways does not imply reading top, the way that it does in DFG. In the DFG, that makes
sense because the exit analysis is orthogonal, so the clobber analysis tells you about the reads
not counting OSR exit - if you need to you can conditionally merge that with World based on a
separate exit analysis. But in B3, the Effects object tells you about both exiting and reading,
and it's computed by one analysis. Prior to this change, Check was not setting reads to top() so
we were effectively saying that Effects::reads is meaningless when exitsSideways is true. It
seems more sensible to instead force the analysis to set reads to top() when setting
exitsSideways to true, not least because we only have one such analysis and many users. But it
also makes sense for another reason: it allows us to bound the set of things that the program
will read after it exits. That might not be useful to us now, but it's a nice feature to get for
free. I've seen language features that have behave like exitsSideways that don't also read top,
like an array bounds check that causes sudden termination without making any promises about how
pretty the crash dump will look.

  • b3/B3CheckSpecial.cpp:


  • b3/B3Opcode.h:
  • b3/B3Value.cpp:


  • b3/testb3.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLLowerDFGToLLVM.cpp:


11:58 AM Changeset in webkit [194047] by timothy_horton@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Remove some Mavericks guards in ServicesOverlayController

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

  • page/mac/ServicesOverlayController.mm:

(WebCore::ServicesOverlayController::selectionRectsDidChange): Deleted.
(WebCore::ServicesOverlayController::selectedTelephoneNumberRangesChanged): Deleted.
The whole file is already PLATFORM(MAC) guarded, and the 10.9 guards
are no longer necessary.

11:55 AM Changeset in webkit [194046] by timothy_horton@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit2

TiledCoreAnimationDrawingAreaProxy::createFenceForGeometryUpdate() sets fence port on context twice

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

  • UIProcess/mac/TiledCoreAnimationDrawingAreaProxy.mm:

No need to setFencePort; createFencePort also installs it on the creating context.

11:54 AM Changeset in webkit [194045] by fpizlo@apple.com
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Air: Support Architecture-specific forms and Opcodes

Reviewed by Benjamin Poulain.

This adds really awesome architecture selection to the AirOpcode.opcodes file. If an opcode or
opcode form is unavailable on some architecture, you can still mention its name in C++ code (it'll
still be a member of the enum) but isValidForm() and all other reflective queries will tell you
that it doesn't exist. This will make the instruction selector steer clear of it, and it will
also ensure that the spiller doesn't try to use any unavailable architecture-specific address

The new capability is documented extensively in a comment in AirOpcode.opcodes.

  • b3/air/AirOpcode.opcodes:
  • b3/air/opcode_generator.rb:
11:53 AM Changeset in webkit [194044] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Rebaselining fast/text/emoji.html for iOS simulator

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator/fast/text/emoji-expected.txt:
11:45 AM Changeset in webkit [194043] by achristensen@apple.com
  • 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit2

Use existing code for redirects when using NETWORK_SESSION

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

This fixes http/tests/cookies/set-cookie-on-redirect.html when using NETWORK_SESSION.

  • NetworkProcess/NetworkLoad.cpp:


  • NetworkProcess/NetworkLoad.h:
  • NetworkProcess/NetworkSession.h:
11:44 AM Changeset in webkit [194042] by mark.lam@apple.com
  • 6 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Misc. small fixes in snippet related code.

Reviewed by Saam Barati.

  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.cpp:


  • When loading a constant JSValue for a node, use the one that the node already provides instead of reconstructing it. This is not a bug, but the fix makes the code cleaner.
  • jit/JITBitAndGenerator.cpp:


  • No need to do a bitand with a constant int 0xffffffff operand.
  • jit/JITBitOrGenerator.cpp:


  • Fix comments: bitor is '|', not '&'.
  • No need to do a bitor with a constant int 0 operand.
  • jit/JITBitXorGenerator.cpp:


  • Fix comments: bitxor is '', not '&'.
  • jit/JITRightShiftGenerator.cpp:


  • Renamed a jump target name to be clearer about its purpose.
11:41 AM Changeset in webkit [194041] by Sukolsak Sakshuwong
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WTF

Make UCharIterator createIterator(StringView) visible to other classes

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

Make UCharIterator createIterator(StringView) in CollatorICU.cpp visible
to other classes so that future patches that will ucol_strcollIter
(including Bug 147604) can use it.

  • wtf/unicode/Collator.h:
  • wtf/unicode/icu/CollatorICU.cpp:


11:39 AM Changeset in webkit [194040] by mark.lam@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

We should not employ the snippet code in the DFG if no OSR exit was previously encountered.

Reviewed by Saam Barati.

  • dfg/DFGFixupPhase.cpp:


11:13 AM Changeset in webkit [194039] by fpizlo@apple.com
  • 7 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

B3->Air compare-branch fusion should fuse even if the result of the comparison is used more than once

Reviewed by Benjamin Poulain.

If we have a comparison operation that is branched on from multiple places, then we were
previously executing the comparison to get a boolean result in a register and then we were
testing/branching on that register in multiple places. This is actually less efficient than
just fusing the compare/branch multiple times, even though this means that the comparison
executes multiple times. This would only be bad if the comparison fused loads multiple times,
since duplicating loads is both wrong and inefficient. So, this adds the notion of sharing to
compare/branch fusion. If a compare is shared by multiple branches, then we refuse to fuse
the load.

To write the test, I needed to zero-extend 8 to 32. In the process of thinking about how to
do this, I realized that we needed lowerings for SExt8/SExt16. And I realized that the
lowerings for the other extension operations were not fully fleshed out; for example they
were incapable of load fusion. This patch fixes this and also adds some smart strength
reductions for BitAnd(@x, 0xff/0xffff/0xffffffff) - all of which should be lowered to a zero

This is a big win on asm.js code. It's not enough to bridge the gap to LLVM, but it's a huge
step in that direction.

  • assembler/MacroAssemblerX86Common.h:


  • assembler/X86Assembler.h:


  • b3/B3LowerToAir.cpp:


  • b3/B3ReduceStrength.cpp:
  • b3/air/AirOpcode.opcodes:
  • b3/testb3.cpp:


10:07 AM Changeset in webkit [194038] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 3 edits
    12 adds in trunk

[iOS] DOM click event may not be dispatched when page has :active style and <input type="search">

Patch by Daniel Bates <dabates@apple.com> on 2015-12-14
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.


Fixes an issue where a DOM click event is not dispatched to an element in a subframe on a page
that has a <input type="search"> and defines a CSS :active pseudo-class for the HTML body element.

On iOS we only dispatch a DOM click event if the content of the page does not change as part of
dispatching a DOM mousemove event at the tapped element as a means of providing a good user
experience on web pages that reveal or hide content based on mouse hover. Currently we consider
the content of the page to have changed if the visibility of any element on the page changes.
In particular we consider the content of the page to have changed if the visibility of a user
agent shadow DOM element changes (e.g. the search field cancel button). Instead we should only
consider visibility changes to the actual web page content and ignore visibility changes to
user agent shadow DOM elements.

Tests: fast/events/can-click-element-on-page-with-active-pseudo-class-and-search-field.html


  • style/StyleResolveTree.cpp:

Ignore visibility changes to user agent shadow DOM elements.


Add a test to ensure that a DOM click event is dispatched to an element in a subframe on a page
with a search field and that specifies a CSS :active pseudo-class that changes the tap highlight

Additionally, add tests to ensure we update the cancel button visibility whenever the visibility
of the search field changes.

  • fast/events/can-click-element-on-page-with-active-pseudo-class-and-search-field-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/events/can-click-element-on-page-with-active-pseudo-class-and-search-field.html: Added.
  • fast/forms/search/search-cancel-button-visible-when-input-becomes-disabled-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/forms/search/search-cancel-button-visible-when-input-becomes-disabled.html: Added.
  • fast/forms/search/search-cancel-button-visible-when-input-becomes-readonly-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/forms/search/search-cancel-button-visible-when-input-becomes-readonly.html: Added.
  • fast/forms/search/search-cancel-in-formerly-invisible-element-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/forms/search/search-cancel-in-formerly-invisible-element.html: Added.
  • fast/forms/search/search-cancel-toggle-visibility-initially-hidden-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/forms/search/search-cancel-toggle-visibility-initially-hidden.html: Added.
  • fast/forms/search/search-cancel-toggle-visibility-initially-visible-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/forms/search/search-cancel-toggle-visibility-initially-visible.html: Added.
9:44 AM Changeset in webkit [194037] by ddkilzer@apple.com
  • 4 edits in trunk/Source/WTF

REGRESSION (r162777): Remove Boost Software License from WTF

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

The source code that the Boost Software License was referring to
was removed in r162777 by switching to std::atomic.

  • wtf/Atomics.cpp:
  • wtf/Atomics.h:
  • wtf/ThreadSafeRefCounted.h:
  • Remove Boost Software License.
  • Update Apple Inc. copyright as needed.
  • Refresh Apple Inc. license text.
9:37 AM Changeset in webkit [194036] by Chris Dumez
  • 66 edits
    5 deletes in trunk

Roll out r193974 and follow-up fixes as it caused JSC crashes


Unreviewed, Roll out r193974 and follow-up fixes as it caused JSC crashes.

  • API/JSCallbackObject.h:
  • builtins/FunctionPrototype.js:
  • bytecode/BytecodeBasicBlock.cpp:


  • bytecode/BytecodeList.json:
  • bytecode/BytecodeUseDef.h:


  • bytecode/CodeBlock.cpp:


  • bytecode/ExitKind.cpp:

(JSC::exitKindToString): Deleted.

  • bytecode/ExitKind.h:
  • bytecode/PreciseJumpTargets.cpp:


  • bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.cpp:

(JSC::BytecodeGenerator::emitGetById): Deleted.

  • bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.h:

(JSC::BytecodeGenerator::emitTypeOf): Deleted.

  • bytecompiler/NodesCodegen.cpp:

(JSC::LogicalOpNode::emitBytecode): Deleted.
(JSC::LogicalOpNode::emitBytecodeInConditionContext): Deleted.

  • dfg/DFGAbstractInterpreterInlines.h:


  • dfg/DFGByteCodeParser.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGCapabilities.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGClobberize.h:


  • dfg/DFGDoesGC.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGFixupPhase.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGHeapLocation.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGHeapLocation.h:
  • dfg/DFGNode.h:

(JSC::DFG::Node::hasCellOperand): Deleted.
(JSC::DFG::Node::hasTransition): Deleted.

  • dfg/DFGNodeType.h:
  • dfg/DFGPredictionPropagationPhase.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGSafeToExecute.h:


  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.cpp:

(JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::compileInstanceOf): Deleted.
(JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::compileArithAdd): Deleted.

  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.h:

(JSC::DFG::SpeculativeJIT::callOperation): Deleted.

  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT32_64.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT64.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLCapabilities.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLIntrinsicRepository.h:
  • ftl/FTLLowerDFGToLLVM.cpp:

(JSC::FTL::DFG::LowerDFGToLLVM::compileInstanceOf): Deleted.
(JSC::FTL::DFG::LowerDFGToLLVM::compileHasIndexedProperty): Deleted.

  • jit/CCallHelpers.h:

(JSC::CCallHelpers::setupArguments): Deleted.
(JSC::CCallHelpers::setupArgumentsWithExecState): Deleted.

  • jit/JIT.cpp:


  • jit/JIT.h:
  • jit/JITInlines.h:

(JSC::JIT::callOperationNoExceptionCheck): Deleted.
(JSC::JIT::callOperation): Deleted.

  • jit/JITOpcodes.cpp:

(JSC::JIT::emit_op_is_undefined): Deleted.
(JSC::JIT::emitSlow_op_to_number): Deleted.
(JSC::JIT::emitSlow_op_to_string): Deleted.

  • jit/JITOpcodes32_64.cpp:

(JSC::JIT::emit_op_is_undefined): Deleted.

  • jit/JITOperations.cpp:
  • jit/JITOperations.h:
  • llint/LLIntData.cpp:

(JSC::LLInt::Data::performAssertions): Deleted.

  • llint/LLIntSlowPaths.cpp:


  • llint/LLIntSlowPaths.h:
  • llint/LowLevelInterpreter32_64.asm:
  • llint/LowLevelInterpreter64.asm:
  • runtime/CommonIdentifiers.h:
  • runtime/ExceptionHelpers.cpp:

(JSC::createError): Deleted.
(JSC::createNotAFunctionError): Deleted.
(JSC::createNotAnObjectError): Deleted.

  • runtime/ExceptionHelpers.h:
  • runtime/FunctionPrototype.cpp:


  • runtime/FunctionPrototype.h:
  • runtime/JSBoundFunction.cpp:

(JSC::JSBoundFunction::create): Deleted.
(JSC::JSBoundFunction::customHasInstance): Deleted.

  • runtime/JSBoundFunction.h:
  • runtime/JSGlobalObject.cpp:

(JSC::JSGlobalObject::visitChildren): Deleted.

  • runtime/JSGlobalObject.h:

(JSC::JSGlobalObject::throwTypeErrorGetterSetter): Deleted.

  • runtime/JSObject.cpp:

(JSC::JSObject::defaultHasInstance): Deleted.
(JSC::JSObject::getPropertyNames): Deleted.
(JSC::JSObject::getOwnPropertyNames): Deleted.

  • runtime/JSObject.h:

(JSC::JSFinalObject::create): Deleted.

  • runtime/JSTypeInfo.h:


  • runtime/WriteBarrier.h:


  • tests/es6.yaml:
  • tests/stress/instanceof-custom-hasinstancesymbol.js: Removed.
  • tests/stress/symbol-hasInstance.js: Removed.


Unreviewed, roll out r193974 and follow-up fixes as it caused JSC crashes.

  • inspector/model/remote-object-get-properties-expected.txt:
  • js/Object-getOwnPropertyNames-expected.txt:
  • js/exception-for-nonobject-expected.txt:
  • js/exception-instanceof-expected.txt:
  • js/instance-of-immediates-expected.txt:
  • js/regress/instanceof-bound-expected.txt: Removed.
  • js/regress/instanceof-bound.html: Removed.
  • js/regress/script-tests/instanceof-bound.js: Removed.
  • js/script-tests/Object-getOwnPropertyNames.js:
9:27 AM Changeset in webkit [194035] by youenn.fablet@crf.canon.fr
  • 6 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[Streams API] Directly use @then as much as possible

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

Moved from @Promise.prototype.@then.@call(promise,...) to promise.@then.(...)
for promise objects that are not exposed to user scripts.

Updated promiseInvokeXX stream utility functions to ensure that returned promise always has a @then.
This allows improving the readability of code calling promiseInvokeXX functions.
Changed invokeOrNoop to promiseInvokeOrNoopNoCatch as invokeOrNoop
result is always wrapped as a promise using Promise.resolve.

No change in behavior.

  • Modules/streams/ReadableStream.js:


  • Modules/streams/ReadableStreamInternals.js:


  • Modules/streams/StreamInternals.js:

(shieldingPromiseResolve): introduced this routine to ensure the returned promise has a @then property.

  • Modules/streams/WritableStream.js:


  • Modules/streams/WritableStreamInternals.js:


8:27 AM Changeset in webkit [194034] by clopez@igalia.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Tools

[GTK] [JHBuild] package libtool-bin is now required on Debian systems.

Reviewed by Sergio Villar Senin.

  • gtk/install-dependencies: Add libtool-bin to the list of packages required

for building the JHBuild on Debian systems.

7:57 AM Changeset in webkit [194033] by youenn.fablet@crf.canon.fr
  • 32 edits
    1 add in trunk

[Streams API] Expose ReadableStream and relatives to Worker


Reviewed by Darin Adler.

Rebasing all worker tests from FAIL to PASS.

  • web-platform-tests/streams-api/byte-length-queuing-strategy-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/streams-api/count-queuing-strategy-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/streams-api/readable-streams/bad-strategies-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/streams-api/readable-streams/bad-underlying-sources-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/streams-api/readable-streams/brand-checks-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/streams-api/readable-streams/cancel-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/streams-api/readable-streams/count-queuing-strategy-integration-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/streams-api/readable-streams/garbage-collection-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/streams-api/readable-streams/general-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/streams-api/readable-streams/pipe-through-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/streams-api/readable-streams/readable-stream-reader-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/streams-api/readable-streams/tee-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/streams-api/readable-streams/templated-expected.txt:


Reviewed by Darin Adler.

Moving the code that links internal functions to the GlobalObject in WebCoreJSBuiltinInternals.cpp.
This file should be generated by the builtin generator once refactoring is done.
This code is located in JSBuiltinFunctions::initialize.

Moving ReadableStream private constructors and constants code from JSDOMWindowBase to JSDOMGlobalObject.
Calling JSBuiltinInternalFunctions::initialize in JSDOMGlobalObject so that internals are also available in Worker.

Made ReadableStream and relatives exposed in Worker.

Rebased and fixed style by Xabier Rodriguez Calvar.

Covered by rebased tests.

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • Modules/streams/ByteLengthQueuingStrategy.idl:
  • Modules/streams/CountQueuingStrategy.idl:
  • Modules/streams/ReadableStream.idl:
  • Modules/streams/ReadableStreamController.idl:
  • Modules/streams/ReadableStreamReader.idl:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • bindings/js/JSDOMGlobalObject.cpp:


  • bindings/js/JSDOMGlobalObject.h:
  • bindings/js/JSDOMWindowBase.cpp:

(WebCore::JSDOMWindowBase::finishCreation): Deleted.
(WebCore::JSDOMWindowBase::visitChildren): Deleted.

  • bindings/js/JSDOMWindowBase.h:
  • bindings/js/WebCoreJSBuiltinInternals.cpp: Added.


  • bindings/js/WebCoreJSBuiltinInternals.h:
  • bindings/js/WebCoreJSBuiltins.h:


Reviewed by Darin Adler.

Adding ByteLengthQueuingStrategy, CountQueuingStrategy and ReadableStream as worker constructors.

  • js/dom/global-constructors-attributes-dedicated-worker-expected.txt:
  • platform/efl/js/dom/global-constructors-attributes-dedicated-worker-expected.txt:
5:06 AM WebKitGTK/Gardening/Calendar edited by clopez@igalia.com
5:00 AM Changeset in webkit [194032] by clopez@igalia.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

[GTK] Unreviewed gardening.

  • platform/gtk/TestExpectations: Update TestExpectations with the following changes:
    • Remove expectations for tests removed after r193411 r193426 and r19366.
    • Merge repeated expectations from some tests.
    • Mark tests failing after r188159.
    • Update list of imported/blink tests failing.
3:48 AM Changeset in webkit [194031] by fred.wang@free.fr
  • 7 edits
    1 copy
    1 add in trunk/Source/WebCore

Move MathMLOperatorDictionary features into a separate module.

Reviewed by Martin Robinson.

The definitions, properties and search of the MathML operator dictionary are really independent of the renderer object for math operators.
This patch moves them in a separate module/file to make them more manageable and readable.
No new tests. We already have sufficient test coverage.

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • WebCore.vcxproj/WebCore.vcxproj:
  • WebCore.vcxproj/WebCore.vcxproj.filters:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • rendering/mathml/MathMLOperatorDictionary.cpp:


  • rendering/mathml/MathMLOperatorDictionary.h: Added.
  • rendering/mathml/RenderMathMLOperator.cpp:

(WebCore::MathMLOperatorDictionary::ExtractKey): Deleted.
(WebCore::MathMLOperatorDictionary::ExtractChar): Deleted.
(WebCore::MathMLOperatorDictionary::ExtractKeyHorizontal): Deleted.

  • rendering/mathml/RenderMathMLOperator.h:
2:06 AM Changeset in webkit [194030] by svillar@igalia.com
  • 3 edits
    2 adds in trunk

[css-grid] Fix height computation of grid items with borders

Reviewed by Darin Adler.


When computing the logical height of grid items for the
default "min-height: auto;" case we were constraning the
min-content size using constrainLogicalHeightByMinMax()
instead of constrainContentLogicalHeightByMinMax(). The
problem of using the former is that we were adding the borders

Test: fast/css-grid-layout/grid-item-with-border-in-intrinsic.html

  • rendering/RenderBox.cpp:



  • fast/css-grid-layout/grid-item-with-border-in-intrinsic-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/css-grid-layout/grid-item-with-border-in-intrinsic.html: Added.

Dec 13, 2015:

11:24 PM Changeset in webkit [194029] by Matt Baker
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI

Web Inspector: Make TimelineOverview's graph container a subview

Reviewed by Brian Burg.

  • UserInterface/Views/TimelineOverview.js:

Create graph container subview.
Add overview to the graph container view.
Remove overview from the graph container view.
No longer necessary to manually lay out overview graphs.
(WebInspector.TimelineOverview.prototype._needsLayout): Deleted.
Removed dead code.

10:37 PM Changeset in webkit [194028] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 3 edits in tags/Safari-602.1.13.3/Source/WebKit2

Merged r194023. rdar://problem/23863828

10:37 PM Changeset in webkit [194027] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 2 edits in tags/Safari-602.1.13.3/Source/WebKit2

Merged r194019. rdar://problem/23863828

10:36 PM Changeset in webkit [194026] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 8 edits in tags/Safari-602.1.13.3/Source/WebKit2

Merged r194018. rdar://problem/23863828

9:27 PM Changeset in webkit [194025] by timothy_horton@apple.com
  • 22 edits in trunk/Source

Adopt CGIOSurfaceContextCreateImageReference to avoid unnecessary readback

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

  • platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.h:
  • platform/graphics/ImageBuffer.h:
  • platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferCG.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/cocoa/IOSurface.h:
  • platform/graphics/cocoa/IOSurface.mm:

Add sinkIntoImage, sinkIntoNativeImage, and drawConsuming to ImageBuffer,
which all consume the ImageBuffer and allow us to tell the system to
make a CGImage that references the IOSurface, which is in many cases
more efficient than making an image with a "copy" of the IOSurface.
(The copy is done lazily, but we often hit a corner case that causes
it to happen unnecessarily.)

  • html/shadow/MediaControlElements.cpp:


  • page/TextIndicator.cpp:


  • platform/DragImage.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/filters/FETile.cpp:


  • platform/mac/ThemeMac.mm:


  • platform/mediastream/mac/AVVideoCaptureSource.mm:


  • rendering/RenderBoxModelObject.cpp:


  • rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm:


  • rendering/svg/RenderSVGResourcePattern.cpp:


  • svg/graphics/SVGImage.cpp:

Adopt sinkIntoImage and drawConsumingImageBuffer in a few places.

  • WebCoreSupport/WebContextMenuClient.mm:

Adopt sinkIntoImage and drawConsumingImageBuffer in a few places.

  • WebProcess/WebPage/WebFrame.cpp:

Adopt sinkIntoImage and drawConsumingImageBuffer in a few places.

8:30 PM Changeset in webkit [194024] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

[JSC] Remove FTL::Output's doubleEqualOrUnordered()

Patch by Benjamin Poulain <bpoulain@apple.com> on 2015-12-13
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.

It is unused, one less thing to worry about.

  • ftl/FTLB3Output.h:

(JSC::FTL::Output::doubleEqualOrUnordered): Deleted.

  • ftl/FTLOutput.h:

(JSC::FTL::Output::doubleEqualOrUnordered): Deleted.

7:31 PM Changeset in webkit [194023] by mitz@apple.com
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit2

Another fix after r194018.

  • Configurations/BaseTarget.xcconfig:
  • Configurations/BaseXPCService.xcconfig:
7:19 PM Changeset in webkit [194022] by mitz@apple.com
  • 15 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit2

[Mac] Shims used by XPC services are installed inside legacy process bundles

Reviewed by Sam Weinig.

Have the shim dylibs installed in the framework’s Frameworks directory instead.

  • Configurations/BaseLegacyProcess.xcconfig: Simplified now that EXCLUDED_SHIM_FILE_NAME is no longer defined, because shims aren’t copied into legacy processes.
  • Configurations/NetworkProcess.xcconfig: Removed definition of EXCLUDED_SHIM_FILE_NAME.
  • Configurations/PluginProcess.xcconfig: Ditto.
  • Configurations/WebContentProcess.xcconfig: Ditto.
  • Configurations/Shim.xcconfig: Install the shims when building for OS X. Added definitions of INSTALL_PATH and DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE which are now common to all shims.
  • Configurations/PluginProcessShim.xcconfig: Removed definitions of INSTALL_PATH and DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE from here, now that they are defined for all shims in Shim.xcconfig.
  • Configurations/SecItemShim.xcconfig: Ditto.
  • Configurations/WebProcessShim.xcconfig:
  • Configurations/WebKit.xcconfig: Added the shims to EXCLUDED_SOURCE_FILE_NAMES for iOS.
  • NetworkProcess/EntryPoint/mac/XPCService/NetworkService/Info-OSX-10.9-10.10.plist: Changed the value of DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES to point to the shim’s new location.
  • PluginProcess/EntryPoint/mac/XPCService/PluginService.32-64-10.9-10.10.Info.plist: Ditto.
  • WebProcess/EntryPoint/mac/XPCService/WebContentService/Info-OSX-10.9-10.10.plist: Ditto.
  • UIProcess/Launcher/mac/ProcessLauncherMac.mm:

(WebKit::computeProcessShimPath): Changed to return the new paths, which are all inside the

framework’s Frameworks directory.

  • WebKit2.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • Removed references to WRAPPER_NAME from the “Copy XPC services for engineering builds” build phase in the All target, becase WRAPPER_NAME is empty in an aggregate target.
  • Removed the PlugInProcess target’s dependency on the PluginProcessShim target and its Copy Plug-in Process Shim build phase.
  • Removed the NetworkProcess target’s dependency on the SecItemShim target and its Copy Sec Item Shim build phase.
  • Removed the WebProcess target’s dependency on the WebProcessShim target and its Copy WebProcessShim build phase.
  • Made the WebKit target depend on the shim targets, and added to it a Copy Shims build phase that copies the shims into the framework’s Frameworks directory.
6:52 PM Changeset in webkit [194021] by Yusuke Suzuki
  • 3 edits
    1 add in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

[JSC] Should not emit get_by_id for indexed property access

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

Before this patch, a["1"] is converted to a.1 get_by_id operation in the bytecode compiler.
get_by_id emits IC. IC rely on the fact that Structure transition occur when adding / removing object's properties.
However, it's not true for indexed element properties. They are stored in the element storage and Structure transition does not occur.

For example, in the following case,

function getOne(a) { return a1; }

for (var i = 0; i < 36; ++i)

getOne({2: true});

if (!getOne({1: true}))

throw new Error("OUT");

In this case, a['1'] creates get_by_id. getOne({2: true}) calls makes getOne's get_by_id to create IC says that,
"when comming this structure chain, there is no property in "1", so we should return undefined".

After that, we call getOne({1: true}). But in this case, {2: true} and {1: true} have the same structure chain,
because indexed property addition does not occur structure transition.
So previous IC fast path is used and return undefined. But the correct answer is returning true.

This patch fixes the above issue. When there is string bracket access, we only emits get_by_id if the given string is not an index.
There are bugs in get_by_id, put_by_id, put_by_id (direct). But only get_by_id poses user observable issue.
Because in the put_by_id case, the generic path just says "this put is uncacheable".

  • bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.cpp:


  • bytecompiler/NodesCodegen.cpp:


  • tests/stress/element-property-get-should-not-handled-with-get-by-id.js: Added.


5:30 PM Changeset in webkit [194020] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 1 copy in tags/Safari-601.5.6

New tag.

4:05 PM Changeset in webkit [194019] by mitz@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit2

Build fix.

  • Configurations/PluginProcess.xcconfig:
3:21 PM Changeset in webkit [194018] by mitz@apple.com
  • 8 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit2

[Mac] Shims aren’t inserted properly on Yosemite when building with the El Capitan SDK

Reviewed by Darin Adler.

  • Configurations/BaseTarget.xcconfig: Defined WK_LINK_SHIM on OS X to YES or NO based on the target version.
  • Configurations/BaseXPCService.xcconfig: Define WK_XPC_SERVICE_INFOPLIST_SUFFIX to "-10.9-10.10" when targeting those OS X versions.
  • Configurations/NetworkService.xcconfig: Use WK_XPC_SERVICE_INFOPLIST_SUFFIX in the definition of INFOPLIST_FILE. Use WK_LINK_SHIM in the definition of OTHER_LDFLAGS.
  • Configurations/PluginProcess.xcconfig: Use WK_LINK_SHIM in the definition of LDFLAGS_SHIM_Production for OS X.
  • Configurations/PluginService.32.xcconfig: Use WK_XPC_SERVICE_INFOPLIST_SUFFIX in the definition of INFOPLIST_FILE. Use WK_LINK_SHIM in the definition of OTHER_LDFLAGS.
  • Configurations/PluginService.64.xcconfig: Ditto.
  • Configurations/WebContentService.xcconfig: Ditto.
12:03 PM Changeset in webkit [194017] by akling@apple.com
  • 31 edits in trunk/Source

CachedScript could have a copy-free path for all-ASCII scripts.


Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

Make SourceProvider vend a StringView instead of a String.
This relaxes the promises that providers have to make about string lifetimes.

This means that on the WebCore side, CachedScript is free to cache a String
internally, while only ever exposing it as a temporary StringView.

A few extra copies (CPU, not memory) are introduced, none of them on hot paths.

  • API/JSScriptRef.cpp:
  • bytecode/CodeBlock.cpp:


  • inspector/ScriptDebugServer.cpp:


  • interpreter/Interpreter.cpp:


  • jsc.cpp:


  • parser/Lexer.cpp:


  • parser/Lexer.h:


  • parser/Parser.h:


  • parser/SourceCode.cpp:


  • parser/SourceCode.h:

(JSC::SourceCode::toString): Deleted.

  • parser/SourceCodeKey.h:


  • parser/SourceProvider.h:


  • runtime/Completion.cpp:


  • runtime/ErrorInstance.cpp:


  • runtime/FunctionPrototype.cpp:


  • tools/FunctionOverrides.cpp:



Reviewed by ANtti Koivisto.

Many (if not most) of script resources on the web contain nothing but ASCII characters.
Such resources, when streamed through a text decoder, will yield the exact same byte
sequence, except in anonymous heap memory instead of delicious file-backed pages.

Care is taken to ensure that the wrapper StringImpl is updated to target newly cached
resource data if an asynchronous caching notification comes in.

  • loader/cache/CachedResource.cpp:


  • loader/cache/CachedResource.h:


  • loader/cache/CachedScript.cpp:


  • loader/cache/CachedScript.h:
  • platform/SharedBuffer.h:
  • platform/cf/SharedBufferCF.cpp:


8:18 AM Changeset in webkit [194016] by Alan Bujtas
  • 4 edits
    2 adds in trunk

Clean up absolute positioned map properly.

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

We insert positioned renderers into a static map (RenderBlock::gPositionedDescendantsMap) to keep track of them.
Since this static map is at block level, (positioned)inline renderers use their containing block to store
their positioned descendants.
This patch ensures that when an inline element can no longer hold positioned children, we remove them from
the inline's containing block's map. -unless the container itself can hold positioned renderers(see RenderElement::canContainAbsolutelyPositionedObjects).


Test: fast/block/positioning/crash-when-positioned-inline-has-positioned-child.html

  • rendering/RenderInline.cpp:


  • rendering/RenderInline.h:


  • fast/block/positioning/crash-when-positioned-inline-has-positioned-child-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/block/positioning/crash-when-positioned-inline-has-positioned-child.html: Added.
6:07 AM Changeset in webkit [194015] by jdiggs@igalia.com
  • 7 edits
    1 add in trunk

AX: [EFL] Anonymous render block flow elements should be exposed as ATK_ROLE_SECTION; not ATK_ROLE_PANEL

Reviewed by Chris Fleizach.


Map the element to WebCore AccessibilityRole DivRole for EFL. As with GTK, this
is being done in the shared layer rather than in the platform layer because we
want all subsequent logic to treat anonymous render block flow elements as divs.

No new tests. We already have sufficient test coverage. The expectations
been updated accordingly.

  • accessibility/AccessibilityRenderObject.cpp:



  • platform/efl/accessibility/deleting-iframe-destroys-axcache-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/efl/accessibility/image-link-expected.txt: Updated.
  • platform/efl/accessibility/image-with-alt-and-map-expected.txt: Updated.
  • platform/efl/accessibility/lists-expected.txt: Updated.
  • platform/efl/accessibility/media-element-expected.txt: Updated
12:25 AM Changeset in webkit [194014] by beidson@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Modern IDB: TextExpectations gardening to run more tests.

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.

  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations: 5 crash/timeout tests now either pass or merely have text failures.

Dec 12, 2015:

9:09 PM Changeset in webkit [194013] by Matt Baker
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI

Web Inspector: CodeMirrorTokenTrackingController handles symbols in class definitions incorrectly

Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

  • UserInterface/Controllers/CodeMirrorTokenTrackingController.js:

Stop checking for object literal shorthand property if an open parenthesis is found.
This check became necessary with the introduction of ES6 class syntax.

  • UserInterface/Views/CodeMirrorAdditions.js:

Use localState when available, to prevent passing a state that doesn't define a tokenize property.

8:43 PM WebInspectorCodingStyleGuide edited by Nikita Vasilyev
Add CSS z-index (diff)
3:49 PM Changeset in webkit [194012] by beidson@apple.com
  • 4 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Modern IDB: Update a couple of tests that fail only because of error message differences.

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.

  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
  • storage/indexeddb/objectstore-autoincrement-expected.txt:
  • storage/indexeddb/open-cursor-expected.txt:
3:04 PM Changeset in webkit [194011] by benjamin@webkit.org
  • 4 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

[JSC] Add lowering for B3's Store8 opcode

Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

B3 has an opcode to store 8bit values but it had
no lowering.

  • b3/B3LowerToAir.cpp:


  • b3/air/AirOpcode.opcodes:
  • b3/testb3.cpp:


2:03 PM Changeset in webkit [194010] by beidson@apple.com
  • 9 edits in trunk

Modern IDB: storage/indexeddb/index-duplicate-keypaths.html fails.

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.


No new tests (At least one failing test now passes).

The spec states that if an object store uses a key generator, and then a record is stored whose
key was an explicitly set number, then the key generator value should be bumped to the next
integer higher than the explicit number.

We didn't do that.

Now we do.

  • Modules/indexeddb/IndexedDB.h: Add an "OverwriteForCursor" option for overwrite mode.
  • Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBObjectStoreImpl.cpp:

(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBObjectStore::putForCursorUpdate): Use the "OverwriteForCursor" mode.

  • Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBBackingStore.h: Add maybeUpdateKeyGeneratorNumber
  • Modules/indexeddb/server/MemoryIDBBackingStore.cpp:

(WebCore::IDBServer::MemoryIDBBackingStore::maybeUpdateKeyGeneratorNumber): If the number value

from the provided key should bump the key generator value, do so now.

  • Modules/indexeddb/server/MemoryIDBBackingStore.h:
  • Modules/indexeddb/server/UniqueIDBDatabase.cpp:

(WebCore::IDBServer::UniqueIDBDatabase::performPutOrAdd): After successfully adding the new record,

possibly bump the key generator value.


  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
9:37 AM Changeset in webkit [194009] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI

REGRESSION (r191613): Web Inspector: Can't type spaces when editing DOM nodes

Patch by Joseph Pecoraro <Joseph Pecoraro> on 2015-12-12
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

  • UserInterface/Views/TimelineSidebarPanel.js:

Disable the keyboard shortcuts when they are created. They will be
enabled when the panel is shown / hidden. It doesn't really make sense
that these are on the sidebar panel instead of the tab, but things
will be changing in Timelines soon anyways so just fix this now.

9:32 AM Changeset in webkit [194008] by Nikita Vasilyev
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI

Web Inspector: "Selected Element" should use sans-serif font, not monospace

Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

  • UserInterface/Views/ConsoleMessageView.css:

(.console-user-command.special-user-log > .console-message-text):

3:21 AM Changeset in webkit [194007] by Csaba Osztrogonác
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

[ARM] Add the missing setupArgumentsWithExecState functions after r193974

Reviewed by Mark Lam.

  • jit/CCallHelpers.h:


1:26 AM Changeset in webkit [194006] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 13 edits in trunk/Source

Safari background tabs should be fully suspended where possible.

Patch by Katlyn Graff <kgraff@apple.com> on 2015-12-12
Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.


Support for tab suspension for Mac, enabled by defaults writing to WebKitTabSuspension.
Page-down suspension consolidated with PageCache suspension code in Document::
suspend and Document::resume. Pages canTabSuspend if cacheable, nonvisible, nonprerender,
and nonactive.

  • dom/Document.cpp: moved scrollbar handling from setInPageCache to suspend/resume

(WebCore::Document::suspend): moved scrollbar, dom, animation, timer, and visual update suspending into here
(WebCore::Document::resume): moved scrollbar, dom, animation, timer, and visual update resuming into here

  • dom/Document.h: added m_isSuspended to prevent repeat calls from PageCache/Tab Suspension contention
  • history/CachedFrame.cpp: moved dom, animation, and timer suspension into Document::suspend


  • history/PageCache.cpp: Added a few nullchecks to prevent crashes if canCacheFrame is called but document is null


  • page/Page.cpp:

(WebCore::Page::Page): Added timer to fire delayed suspension
(WebCore::Page::setPageActivityState): Added a call to schedule tab suspension
(WebCore::Page::setIsVisibleInternal): Added a call to schedule tab suspension
(WebCore::Page::canTabSuspend): Added support for suspending if cacheable, nonvisible, nonprerender, and nonactive
(WebCore::Page::setIsTabSuspended): Added a function to suspend or resume tabs
(WebCore::Page::setTabSuspensionEnabled): Added support for a defaults write enable
(WebCore::Page::scheduleTabSuspension): Added ability to schedule the suspension timer to fire or resume
(WebCore::Page::timerFired): Added a suspension timer

  • page/Page.h:
  • page/PageThrottler.h:

(WebCore::PageThrottler::activityState): Added access to m_activityState for canTabSuspend


Added a runtime flag enabling tab suspension, default off.

  • Shared/WebProcessCreationParameters.cpp:


  • Shared/WebProcessCreationParameters.h:
  • UIProcess/Cocoa/WebProcessPoolCocoa.mm:


  • WebProcess/cocoa/WebProcessCocoa.mm:


Dec 11, 2015:

11:44 PM Changeset in webkit [194005] by Joseph Pecoraro
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Web Inspector: Too many derefs when RemoteInspectorXPCConnection fails to validate connection

Rubber-stamped by Ryosuke Niwa.

  • inspector/remote/RemoteInspectorXPCConnection.mm:

We should just close the XPC connection triggering XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID
which will then graceful teardown the connection as expected.

10:58 PM Changeset in webkit [194004] by Simon Fraser
  • 3 edits
    2 adds in trunk

Mousewheel events don't work in iframes in RTL documents

Reviewed by Beth Dakin.


When dispatching wheel events, the testing of the event point against the
non-fast scrollable region was broken in an RTL document. Fix by taking
the scrollOrigin into account in ScrollingTreeFrameScrollingNode::viewToContentsOffset().

Test: fast/scrolling/rtl-point-in-iframe.html

  • page/scrolling/ScrollingTreeFrameScrollingNode.cpp:



Try dispatching wheel events to an iframe in an RTL document.

  • fast/scrolling/rtl-point-in-iframe-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/scrolling/rtl-point-in-iframe.html: Added.
10:10 PM Changeset in webkit [194003] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 21 edits
    2 adds in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

[JSC] Add Floating Point Abs() to B3

Patch by Benjamin Poulain <bpoulain@apple.com> on 2015-12-11
Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

This patch adds an Abs() operation for floating point.

On x86, Abs() is implemented by masking the top bit
of the floating point value. On ARM64, there is a builtin
abs opcode.

To account for those differences, B3 use "Abs" as
the cannonical operation. When we are about to lower
to Air, Abs is extended on x86 to get a clean handling
of the mask constants.

This patch has one cool thing related to FTL.
If you do:

@1 = unboxDouble(@0)
@2 = abs(@1)
@3 = boxDouble(@2)

B3ReduceStrength completely eliminate the Double-Integer

The strength reduction of Abs is aware that it can do a bit
mask over the bitcast used by unboxing.
If even works if you use floats by forcing fround: reduceDoubleToFloat()
elminiates the useless conversions, followed by ReduceStrength
that removes the switch from GP to FP.

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • JavaScriptCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • assembler/MacroAssemblerX86Common.h:


  • assembler/X86Assembler.h:


  • b3/B3ConstDoubleValue.cpp:


  • b3/B3ConstDoubleValue.h:
  • b3/B3ConstFloatValue.cpp:


  • b3/B3ConstFloatValue.h:
  • b3/B3Generate.cpp:


  • b3/B3LowerMacrosAfterOptimizations.cpp: Added.


  • b3/B3LowerMacrosAfterOptimizations.h: Added.
  • b3/B3LowerToAir.cpp:


  • b3/B3Opcode.cpp:


  • b3/B3Opcode.h:
  • b3/B3ReduceDoubleToFloat.cpp:
  • b3/B3ReduceStrength.cpp:
  • b3/B3Validate.cpp:
  • b3/B3Value.cpp:


  • b3/B3Value.h:
  • b3/air/AirOpcode.opcodes:
  • b3/testb3.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLB3Output.h:


7:26 PM Changeset in webkit [194002] by Alan Bujtas
  • 3 edits
    2 adds in trunk

ASSERTION FAILED: !rect.isEmpty() in WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawRect

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

Drawing empty rect is a waste.


Test: fast/borders/empty-drawrect-assert-after-pixelsnap.html

  • rendering/RenderElement.cpp:



  • fast/borders/empty-drawrect-assert-after-pixelsnap-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/borders/empty-drawrect-assert-after-pixelsnap.html: Added.
6:26 PM Changeset in webkit [194001] by jiewen_tan@apple.com
  • 3 edits
    4 adds in trunk

Strip out Referer header when requesting subresources or following links for documents with "Content-Disposition: attachment"

Reviewed by Andy Estes.


Keep the ReferrerPolicy for a document as ReferrerPolicyNever if the document is loaded with
"Content-Disposition: attachment".

Test: http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header.html

  • dom/Document.cpp:



  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/resources/echo-http-referer.php: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/resources/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header-frame.php: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header-expected.txt: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header.html: Added.
5:52 PM Changeset in webkit [194000] by eric.carlson@apple.com
  • 22 edits
    2 adds in trunk

[MediaStream] Add a setting to allow the mock media capture devices to be enabled and disabled

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.


Test: fast/mediastream/mock-media-source.html

  • page/Settings.cpp:


  • page/Settings.h:
  • platform/mediastream/RealtimeMediaSourceCenter.cpp:

(WebCore::RealtimeMediaSourceCenter::setSharedStreamCenterOverride): Renamed.
(WebCore::RealtimeMediaSourceCenter::setSharedStreamCenter): Deleted.

  • platform/mediastream/RealtimeMediaSourceCenter.h:
  • platform/mock/MockRealtimeMediaSourceCenter.cpp:

(WebCore::MockRealtimeMediaSourceCenter::setMockRealtimeMediaSourceCenterEnabled): Renamed. Allow

it to be enabled and disabled.

(WebCore::MockRealtimeMediaSourceCenter::registerMockRealtimeMediaSourceCenter): Deleted.

  • platform/mock/MockRealtimeMediaSourceCenter.h:
  • testing/Internals.cpp:


  • testing/Internals.h:
  • testing/Internals.idl:


  • WebView/WebPreferenceKeysPrivate.h:
  • WebView/WebPreferences.mm:

(+[WebPreferences initialize]):
(-[WebPreferences mockCaptureDevicesEnabled]):
(-[WebPreferences setMockCaptureDevicesEnabled:]):

  • WebView/WebPreferencesPrivate.h:
  • WebView/WebView.mm:

(-[WebView _preferencesChanged:]):


  • Shared/WebPreferencesDefinitions.h:
  • UIProcess/API/C/WKPreferences.cpp:


  • UIProcess/API/C/WKPreferencesRefPrivate.h:
  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKPreferences.mm:

(-[WKPreferences _mockCaptureDevicesEnabled]):
(-[WKPreferences _setMockCaptureDevicesEnabled:]):

  • WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp:



  • fast/mediastream/mock-media-source-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/mediastream/mock-media-source.html: Added.
5:46 PM Changeset in webkit [193999] by jer.noble@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[EME] Do not pass in the initialization data to AVContentKeyRequest as the contentIdentifier.

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

The AVContentKeyRequest API has been updated to no longer require a contentId parameter if the
ID can be derived from the initialization data.

  • platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/CDMSessionAVContentKeySession.mm:


5:32 PM Changeset in webkit [193998] by mark.lam@apple.com
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Removed some dead code, and simplified some code in the baseline JIT.

Reviewed by Benjamin Poulain.

  • jit/JIT.h:
  • jit/JITArithmetic.cpp:


5:21 PM Changeset in webkit [193997] by Beth Dakin
  • 3 edits
    2 adds in trunk

_touchEventRegions should return regions in the view's coordinates
-and corresponding-

Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.


The comment here was actually out of date. It claimed that touch rectangles
are in the coordinate system of the document, but we had actually changed
them to be in the view’s coordinate system in order to fix issues with
handling touch events in UIWebView. But now we are going back to having the
touch rectangles be in the document’s coordinate system, so we should fix the
rtl bugs here by converting to view coordinates before handing the rects off
to iOS WK1 clients.

  • WebView/WebView.mm:

(-[WebView _touchEventRegions]):


  • fast/events/touch/ios/touch-event-rtl-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/events/touch/ios/touch-event-rtl.html: Added.
4:46 PM Changeset in webkit [193996] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 1 copy in tags/Safari-601.1.46.86

Submission Notes.

4:45 PM Changeset in webkit [193995] by ap@apple.com
  • 3 edits
    4 deletes in trunk

Roll out http://trac.webkit.org/r193984, because the new test is timing out.

Was: Strip out Referer header when requesting subresources or following links for documents with "Content-Disposition: attachment"


  • dom/Document.cpp:



  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/resources/echo-http-referer.php: Removed.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/resources/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header-frame.php: Removed.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header-expected.txt: Removed.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header.html: Removed.
4:18 PM Changeset in webkit [193994] by beidson@apple.com
  • 7 edits in trunk

tmp for 152194

4:17 PM Changeset in webkit [193993] by fpizlo@apple.com
  • 4 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

B3::reduceStrength should remove redundant Phi's

Reviewed by Benjamin Poulain.

This adds redundant Phi removal using Aycock and Horspools SSA simplification algorithm. This
is needed because even in simple asm.js code, we see a lot of CFG simplification that leaves
behind totally useless Phi's.

  • b3/B3PhiChildren.cpp:


  • b3/B3PhiChildren.h:


  • b3/B3ReduceStrength.cpp:
4:11 PM Changeset in webkit [193992] by rniwa@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Websites/perf.webkit.org

Perf dashboard's buildbot sync config JSON duplicates too much information

Reviewed by Stephanie Lewis.

Added shared, per-builder, and per-test (called type) configurations.

  • tools/sync-with-buildbot.py:


3:54 PM Changeset in webkit [193991] by beidson@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Followup to:
Modern IDB: storage/indexeddb/index-count.html fails.

Noticed by Darin Adler.

  • Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBIndexImpl.cpp:

(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBIndex::count): Replace a curly brace to its proper place.

3:52 PM Changeset in webkit [193990] by beidson@apple.com
  • 6 edits in trunk

Modern IDB: storage/indexeddb/cursor-continue.html fails.

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.


No new tests (At least one failing test now passes).

  • Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBCursorImpl.cpp:

(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBCursor::continueFunction): Check against the current key, not the current primary key.
(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBCursor::setGetResult): Also save off the current IDBKeyData.

  • Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBCursorImpl.h:


  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
  • storage/indexeddb/cursor-continue-expected.txt:
3:45 PM Changeset in webkit [193989] by benjamin@webkit.org
  • 8 edits
    2 adds in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

[JSC] Add an implementation of pow() taking an integer exponent to B3

Reviewed by Mark Lam.

LLVM has this really neat optimized opcode for
raising the power of something by an integer exponent.

There is no such native instruction so we need to extend
the existing FTLOutput API to something efficient.

DFG has a pretty competitive implementation. In this patch,
I added a version of it to B3.
I created powDoubleInt32() instead of putting the code directly
in FTL for easier testing and optimization.

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • JavaScriptCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • b3/B3MathExtras.cpp: Added.


  • b3/B3MathExtras.h: Added.
  • b3/B3MemoryValue.h:
  • b3/testb3.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLB3Output.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLB3Output.h:

(JSC::FTL::Output::doublePowi): Deleted.

3:30 PM Changeset in webkit [193988] by beidson@apple.com
  • 4 edits in trunk

Modern IDB: storage/indexeddb/index-basics.html fails.

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.


No new tests (At least one failing test now passes).

  • bindings/js/JSIDBObjectStoreCustom.cpp:

(WebCore::JSIDBObjectStore::createIndex): Custom error message for the TypeError


  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
3:20 PM Changeset in webkit [193987] by fpizlo@apple.com
  • 4 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

B3 should have CSE

Reviewed by Benjamin Poulain.

This implements a very simple CSE for pure values. I need this as a prerequisite for other
optimizations that I'm implementing. For now, this is neutral on imaging-gaussian-blur but a
slow-down on asm.js code. I suspect that the asm.js slow-down is because of other things that are
still going wrong, and anyway, I need CSE to be able to do even the most basic asm.js strength

  • b3/B3ReduceStrength.cpp:
  • b3/B3ReduceStrength.h:
  • b3/B3Value.cpp:


3:09 PM Changeset in webkit [193986] by keith_miller@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Rebaseline a failing inspector test for a new property on Function.prototype.

  • inspector/model/remote-object-get-properties-expected.txt:
3:01 PM Changeset in webkit [193985] by mark.lam@apple.com
  • 10 edits
    1 delete in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Refactoring to reduce potential cut-paste errors with the FTL ICs.

Reviewed by Saam Barati.

  • ftl/FTLCompile.cpp:
  • ICs now have their own names. GetById and PutByID fast path ICs no longer just say "inline cache fast path".
  • ftl/FTLCompileBinaryOp.cpp:


  • Fixed an indentation.
  • ftl/FTLInlineCacheDescriptor.h:

(JSC::FTL::BinaryOpDescriptor::name): Deleted.
(JSC::FTL::BinaryOpDescriptor::fastPathICName): Deleted.

  • ftl/FTLInlineCacheDescriptorInlines.h: Removed.
  • Consolidate the number of places where we have to fill in a data about new snippet ICs. It is all done in FTLInlineCacheDescriptor.h now.
  • ftl/FTLJITFinalizer.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLLowerDFGToLLVM.cpp:


  • Introduced a compileUntypedBinaryOp() template and use that at all the FTL places that need to use a snippet. This reduces the amount of cut and paste code.
  • ftl/FTLState.h:
  • Removed a bad #include.
2:43 PM Changeset in webkit [193984] by jiewen_tan@apple.com
  • 3 edits
    4 adds in trunk

Strip out Referer header when requesting subresources or following links for documents with "Content-Disposition: attachment"

Reviewed by Andy Estes.


Keep the ReferrerPolicy for a document as ReferrerPolicyNever if the document is loaded with
"Content-Disposition: attachment".

Test: http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header.html

  • dom/Document.cpp:



  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/resources/echo-http-referer.php: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/resources/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header-frame.php: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header-expected.txt: Added.
  • http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header.html: Added.
2:39 PM Changeset in webkit [193983] by keith_miller@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Overrides has instance should not move ValueFalse to a register then immediately to the stack in the LLInt.

Reviewed by Mark Lam.

This fixes a minor issue with the code for the overrides_has_instance in the LLInt. Old code had an extra move,
which is both slow and breaks the build on cloop.

  • llint/LowLevelInterpreter64.asm:
2:33 PM Changeset in webkit [193982] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Marking fast/events/ios tests as flaky on ios-simulator due to timeouts

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/ios-simulator/TestExpectations:
2:14 PM Changeset in webkit [193981] by beidson@apple.com
  • 5 edits in trunk

Modern IDB: storage/indexeddb/key-type-array.html fails.

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.


No new tests (At least one failing test now passes).

  • Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBObjectStoreImpl.cpp:

(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBObjectStore::putOrAdd): Perform the correct validity check on array keys.


  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
  • storage/indexeddb/key-type-array-expected.txt:
2:12 PM Changeset in webkit [193980] by beidson@apple.com
  • 7 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Modern IDB: Updates to 3 intversion tests, and/or their results.

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.

  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
  • platform/wk2/storage/indexeddb/intversion-close-in-oncomplete-expected.txt:
  • storage/indexeddb/intversion-close-in-oncomplete-expected.txt:
  • storage/indexeddb/intversion-close-in-upgradeneeded-expected.txt:
  • storage/indexeddb/intversion-upgrades-expected.txt:
  • storage/indexeddb/resources/intversion-close-in-oncomplete.js:
1:56 PM Changeset in webkit [193979] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 2 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source/WebCore

Merge r190911. rdar://problem/23732405

1:56 PM Changeset in webkit [193978] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 4 edits
    6 adds in branches/safari-601-branch

Merge r191590. rdar://problem/23732405

1:55 PM Changeset in webkit [193977] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 3 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source/WebCore

Merge r190914. rdar://problem/23732405

1:55 PM Changeset in webkit [193976] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 22 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source/WebCore

Merge r190910. rdar://problem/23732405

1:47 PM Changeset in webkit [193975] by jonlee@apple.com
  • 3 edits in trunk/PerformanceTests

Improve Animometer on iOS

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

Improve experience on phones. Make the canvas take
up the whole screen.

  • Animometer/runner/animometer.html: Add meta viewport.

Remove the container div.

  • Animometer/runner/resources/animometer.css: Have buttons lay

out vertically. Update detail arrow glyph. Make the suites and
options section lay out vertically. Remove the top spacers since
we want the canvas to take over the whole screen. Minimal display
is recommended for use.

1:43 PM Changeset in webkit [193974] by keith_miller@apple.com
  • 64 edits
    5 adds in trunk

[ES6] Add support for Symbol.hasInstance

Reviewed by Saam Barati.


This patch adds support for Symbol.hasInstance, unfortunately in order to prevent
regressions several new bytecodes and DFG IR nodes were necessary. Before, Symbol.hasInstance
when executing an instanceof expression we would emit three bytecodes: overrides_has_instance, get_by_id,
then instanceof. As the spec has changed, we emit a more complicated set of bytecodes in addition to some
new ones. First the role of overrides_has_instance and its corresponding DFG node have changed. Now it returns
a js-boolean indicating whether the RHS of the instanceof expression (from here on called the constructor for simplicity)
needs non-default behavior for resolving the expression. i.e. The constructor has a Symbol.hasInstance that differs from the one on
Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] or is a bound/C-API function. Once we get to the DFG this node is generally eliminated as
we can prove the value of Symbol.hasInstance is a constant. The second new bytecode is instanceof_custom. insntanceof_custom, just
emits a call to slow path code that computes the result.

In the DFG, there is also a new node, CheckTypeInfoFlags, which checks the type info flags are consistent with the ones provided and
OSR exits if the flags are not. Additionally, we attempt to prove that the result of CheckHasValue will be a constant and transform
it into a CheckTypeInfoFlags followed by a JSConstant.

  • API/JSCallbackObject.h:
  • builtins/FunctionPrototype.js:


  • bytecode/BytecodeBasicBlock.cpp:

(JSC::isBranch): Deleted.

  • bytecode/BytecodeList.json:
  • bytecode/BytecodeUseDef.h:


  • bytecode/CodeBlock.cpp:


  • bytecode/ExitKind.cpp:


  • bytecode/ExitKind.h:
  • bytecode/PreciseJumpTargets.cpp:

(JSC::getJumpTargetsForBytecodeOffset): Deleted.

  • bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.cpp:

(JSC::BytecodeGenerator::emitCheckHasInstance): Deleted.

  • bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.h:
  • bytecompiler/NodesCodegen.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGAbstractInterpreterInlines.h:


  • dfg/DFGByteCodeParser.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGCapabilities.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGClobberize.h:


  • dfg/DFGDoesGC.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGFixupPhase.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGHeapLocation.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGHeapLocation.h:
  • dfg/DFGNode.h:


  • dfg/DFGNodeType.h:
  • dfg/DFGPredictionPropagationPhase.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGSafeToExecute.h:


  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT.h:


  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT32_64.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGSpeculativeJIT64.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLCapabilities.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLIntrinsicRepository.h:
  • ftl/FTLLowerDFGToLLVM.cpp:

(JSC::FTL::DFG::LowerDFGToLLVM::compileCheckHasInstance): Deleted.

  • jit/JIT.cpp:


  • jit/JIT.h:
  • jit/JITInlines.h:


  • jit/JITOpcodes.cpp:

(JSC::JIT::emit_op_check_has_instance): Deleted.
(JSC::JIT::emitSlow_op_check_has_instance): Deleted.

  • jit/JITOpcodes32_64.cpp:

(JSC::JIT::emit_op_check_has_instance): Deleted.
(JSC::JIT::emitSlow_op_check_has_instance): Deleted.

  • jit/JITOperations.cpp:
  • jit/JITOperations.h:
  • llint/LLIntData.cpp:


  • llint/LLIntSlowPaths.cpp:


  • llint/LLIntSlowPaths.h:
  • llint/LowLevelInterpreter32_64.asm:
  • llint/LowLevelInterpreter64.asm:
  • runtime/CommonIdentifiers.h:
  • runtime/ExceptionHelpers.cpp:

(JSC::createInvalidInstanceofParameterError): Deleted.

  • runtime/ExceptionHelpers.h:
  • runtime/FunctionPrototype.cpp:


  • runtime/FunctionPrototype.h:
  • runtime/JSBoundFunction.cpp:


  • runtime/JSBoundFunction.h:
  • runtime/JSGlobalObject.cpp:


  • runtime/JSGlobalObject.h:


  • runtime/JSObject.cpp:


  • runtime/JSObject.h:
  • runtime/JSTypeInfo.h:


  • runtime/WriteBarrier.h:


  • tests/es6.yaml:
  • tests/stress/instanceof-custom-hasinstancesymbol.js: Added.


  • tests/stress/symbol-hasInstance.js: Added.



Fix tests to reflect the changes to instanceof in ES6.

Added a new regression test for bound functions in instanceof
as the perfomance on bound functions should, to some degree,
reflect the performance on C-API users.

  • js/Object-getOwnPropertyNames-expected.txt:
  • js/exception-for-nonobject-expected.txt:
  • js/exception-instanceof-expected.txt:
  • js/instance-of-immediates-expected.txt:
  • js/regress/instanceof-bound-expected.txt: Added.
  • js/regress/instanceof-bound.html: Added.
  • js/regress/script-tests/instanceof-bound.js: Added.


  • js/script-tests/Object-getOwnPropertyNames.js:
1:01 PM Changeset in webkit [193973] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Updating mac-wk1 TestExpectations for fast/replaced/replaced-breaking.html to Yosemite+ to fix EWS bot results.

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
12:56 PM Changeset in webkit [193972] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 13 edits in trunk

check-for-inappropriate-objc-class-names should check all class names, not just externally visible ones

Patch by Joseph Pecoraro <Joseph Pecoraro> on 2015-12-11
Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.


  • llvm/InitializeLLVMMac.cpp:

Remove stale comment. The ObjC class this comment referenced
has already been removed.


  • platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/CDMSessionAVContentKeySession.h:
  • platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/CDMSessionAVContentKeySession.mm:


  • platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/CDMSessionAVStreamSession.h:
  • platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/CDMSessionAVStreamSession.mm:

Rename classes with a "Web" prefix.


  • UIProcess/ios/WebVideoFullscreenManagerProxy.mm:


  • UIProcess/mac/RemoteLayerTreeDrawingAreaProxy.h:
  • UIProcess/mac/RemoteLayerTreeDrawingAreaProxy.mm:

Rename internal classes with "_WK" prefix.


Our frameworks should appropriately prefix all ObjC classes,
not just external symbols.

  • Scripts/check-for-inappropriate-objc-class-names:

Remove the -g switch to check all ObjC class names.

12:52 PM Changeset in webkit [193971] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 2 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source/WebCore

Speculative build fix.

11:56 AM Changeset in webkit [193970] by beidson@apple.com
  • 10 edits
    1 copy in trunk

Modern IDB: storage/indexeddb/intversion-abort-in-initial-upgradeneeded.html fails.

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.


No new tests (At least one failing test now passes).

  • Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBOpenDBRequestImpl.cpp:

(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBOpenDBRequest::versionChangeTransactionDidFinish): Renamed from below.
(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBOpenDBRequest::versionChangeTransactionWillFinish): Deleted.

  • Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBOpenDBRequestImpl.h:
  • Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBRequestImpl.cpp:

(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBRequest::setVersionChangeTransaction): OpenDBRequests usually don't have transactions,

unless they end up being upgrade requests.

  • Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBRequestImpl.h:
  • Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBTransactionImpl.cpp:

(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBTransaction::IDBTransaction): Call setVersionChangeTransaction on the request if appropriate.
(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBTransaction::dispatchEvent): Call versionChangeTransactionDidFinish after the

abort/complete events fire.

(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBTransaction::abort): Deleted.
(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBTransaction::commit): Deleted.


  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
  • platform/wk2/storage/indexeddb/intversion-abort-in-initial-upgradeneeded-expected.txt: Copied from LayoutTests/storage/indexeddb/intversion-abort-in-initial-upgradeneeded-expected.txt.
  • storage/indexeddb/intversion-abort-in-initial-upgradeneeded-expected.txt:
  • storage/indexeddb/resources/intversion-abort-in-initial-upgradeneeded.js:
11:49 AM Changeset in webkit [193969] by jiewen_tan@apple.com
  • 1 edit
    2 adds in trunk/LayoutTests

Do not fire load events from frames with scripting disabled

Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

Since the crash is not reproducible, only test case from Blink r153029 is merged:

  • fast/images/image-load-event-crash-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/images/image-load-event-crash.html: Added.
11:13 AM Changeset in webkit [193968] by beidson@apple.com
  • 6 edits in trunk

Modern IDB: storage/indexeddb/index-count.html fails.

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.


No new tests (At least one failing test now passes).

  • Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBIndexImpl.cpp:

(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBIndex::count): If the passed in IDBKeyRange* is nullptr, use IDBKeyRangeData::allKeys.
(WebCore::IDBClient::IDBIndex::doCount): Change an isNull check to a more correct !isValid() check.


  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
  • storage/indexeddb/index-count-expected.txt:
  • storage/indexeddb/modern/index-get-count-failures-expected.txt:
10:26 AM Changeset in webkit [193967] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 5 edits in branches/safari-601-branch

Merge r193922. rdar://problem/23727472

10:26 AM Changeset in webkit [193966] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 12 edits
    3 adds in branches/safari-601-branch

Merge r193859. rdar://problem/23814477

10:26 AM Changeset in webkit [193965] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 1 edit
    1 add in branches/safari-601-branch/Source/JavaScriptCore

Merge r193480. rdar://problem/23849785

10:26 AM Changeset in webkit [193964] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 6 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source/JavaScriptCore

Merge r193470. rdar://problem/23849785

10:26 AM Changeset in webkit [193963] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 5 edits
    3 adds in branches/safari-601-branch

Merge r192772. rdar://problem/23797220

10:26 AM Changeset in webkit [193962] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 2 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source/WebCore

Merge r192066. rdar://problem/23715623

10:26 AM Changeset in webkit [193961] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 13 edits in branches/safari-601-branch/Source

Merge r191628. rdar://problem/23715623

10:26 AM Changeset in webkit [193960] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 25 edits
    2 adds in branches/safari-601-branch/Source

Merge r191084. rdar://problem/23715623

9:45 AM Changeset in webkit [193959] by peavo@outlook.com
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[WinCairo][MediaFoundation] Setting playback rate does not work.

Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

Implement method to set playback rate.

  • platform/graphics/win/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaFoundation.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/win/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaFoundation.h:
9:44 AM Changeset in webkit [193958] by dbates@webkit.org
  • 1 edit
    1 move
    12 adds in trunk/LayoutTests

[iOS][WK2] Update expected results for tests imported/w3c/web-platform-tests

  • platform/ios-simulator-wk2/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/interfaces-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/ios-simulator-wk2/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/constraints/form-validation-validity-valueMissing-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/ios-simulator-wk2/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/constraints/form-validation-willValidate-expected.txt: Renamed from LayoutTests/platform/ios-simulator/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/constraints/form-validation-willValidate-expected.txt.
  • platform/ios-simulator-wk2/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/type-change-state-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/ios-simulator-wk2/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/interfaces-expected.txt: Added.
9:35 AM Changeset in webkit [193957] by Darin Adler
  • 19 edits
    4 deletes in trunk

Reduce the number of events that can be created by Document.createEvent

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.


  • web-platform-tests/dom/events/ProgressEvent-expected.txt: Updated for progression.
  • web-platform-tests/html/semantics/embedded-content/media-elements/interfaces/TrackEvent/createEvent-expected.txt:



Document.createEvent is intended for use only with a certain set of legacy events.
Ideally it should only be the ones mentioned in the DOM specification.

For now, at least remove all the events that can't usefully be created and initialized
this way. Later, we should cut it down even smaller. And stop automatically generating
this, which was causing everyone who made an event IDL file to get supported here!

The modern alternative is to use event class constructors instead.

  • CMakeLists.txt: Don't compile EventFactory.cpp. For now, we still generate

EventFactory.cpp but we do not use it.

  • DerivedSources.make: Ditto.
  • WebCore.vcxproj/WebCore.vcxproj: Ditto.
  • WebCore.vcxproj/WebCore.vcxproj.filters: Ditto.
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Ditto. Also don't include EventFactory.h in the

project file.

  • dom/DOMImplementation.cpp:

(WebCore::DOMImplementation::hasFeature): Added a comment about the SVGZoomEvents feature.

  • dom/Document.cpp: Re-sorted includes and added the new ones needed for createEvent.

(WebCore::Document::createEvent): Moved all the logic here from EventFactory, and
took a crack at comments that explain what this should and should not be used for.

  • dom/EventFactory.h: Removed.


on createEvent("IDBVersionChangeEvent").

  • animations/animation-events-create.html: Updated to use

"new WebKitAnimationEvent" instead of document.createEvent.

  • fast/events/event-creation-expected.txt: Removed expected results for

various events that can no longer be created with createEvent.

  • fast/events/event-creation.html: Removed tests for various events

that can no longer be created with createEvent.

  • imported/blink/plugins/plugin-synthetic-event-crash.html: Updated to use

"new PopStateEvent" instead of document.createEvent.

  • indieui/create-uirequestevent-expected.txt: Removed.
  • indieui/create-uirequestevent.html: Removed.
  • platform/mac-wk2/TestExpecations: Removed expectations for some deleted tests.
  • platform/wk2/storage/indexeddb/removed-expected.txt: Removed, since this is

no different from the platform-independent expected result.

  • transitions/transition-end-event-create.html: Updated to use

"new WebKitTransitionEvent" instead of document.createEvent.

9:34 AM Changeset in webkit [193956] by Nikita Vasilyev
  • 5 edits
    2 adds in trunk

Web Inspector: When logging strings, detect stack traces and show them as StackTraceView

Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.


  • UserInterface/Models/StackTrace.js:

(WebInspector.StackTrace.isLikelyStackTrace): Added.

  • UserInterface/Views/ConsoleMessageView.css:

(.console-message-extra-parameter .stack-trace):
Display stack trace view on the same line as a list bullet point from
console message extra parameter.

  • UserInterface/Views/ConsoleMessageView.js:

Don't format with string substitutions for stack traces. E.g. there is
no need to replace %s with the next argument.

(WebInspector.ConsoleMessageView.prototype._isStackTrace): Added.
Detect stack traces and format them appropriately.


  • inspector/console/js-isLikelyStackTrace.html: Added.
9:15 AM Changeset in webkit [193955] by benjamin@webkit.org
  • 4 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

[JSC] Little cleanup of FTLOutput type casts and conversions

Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

Clean up:
-Change fpCast() to explicit conversion doubleToFloat() and floatToDouble()

to match B3's opcodes.

-Remove unused conversion functions.
-Use the most specific cast function when possible.
-Functions that are only used inside FTLOutput are made private.

In FTLB3Output, those functions were removed.

  • ftl/FTLB3Output.h:

(JSC::FTL::Output::fpToInt): Deleted.
(JSC::FTL::Output::fpToUInt): Deleted.
(JSC::FTL::Output::intToFP): Deleted.
(JSC::FTL::Output::unsignedToFP): Deleted.
(JSC::FTL::Output::intCast): Deleted.
(JSC::FTL::Output::fpCast): Deleted.
(JSC::FTL::Output::intToPtr): Deleted.
(JSC::FTL::Output::ptrToInt): Deleted.

  • ftl/FTLLowerDFGToLLVM.cpp:


  • ftl/FTLOutput.h:


8:23 AM EnvironmentVariables edited by clopez@igalia.com
7:03 AM Changeset in webkit [193954] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 3 edits in branches/safari-601.1.46-branch/Source/WebCore

Merge r193876. rdar://problem/23305376

4:34 AM Changeset in webkit [193953] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 16 edits in branches/safari-601.1.46-branch/Source

Merge r192712. rdar://problem/23814340

2:01 AM Changeset in webkit [193952] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 12 edits
    3 adds in branches/safari-601.1.46-branch

Merge r193859. rdar://problem/23814345

2:01 AM Changeset in webkit [193951] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 5 edits in branches/safari-601.1.46-branch

Merge r193922. rdar://problem/23716993

1:34 AM Changeset in webkit [193950] by matthew_hanson@apple.com
  • 2 edits in branches/safari-601.1.46-branch/Source/WebCore

Merge r193760. rdar://problem/23727535

Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.