
Nov 6, 2018:

11:43 PM Changeset in webkit [237918] by youenn@apple.com
  • 4 edits
    1 delete in trunk/LayoutTests

Reenable imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-ontrack.https.html



  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-ontrack.https-expected.txt:


  • TestExpectations: Unskipping test.
  • platform/ios-wk2/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-ontrack.https-expected.txt: Removed.
11:32 PM Changeset in webkit [237917] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

ServiceWorker Inspector: Uncaught Exception: null is not an object (evaluating 'resource.target.addResource')

Patch by Joseph Pecoraro <Joseph Pecoraro> on 2018-11-06
Reviewed by Matt Baker.

  • workers/service/ServiceWorkerJob.cpp:

Use the Service Worker's identifier, not this static but otherwise unknown identifier.

10:05 PM Changeset in webkit [237916] by youenn@apple.com
  • 7 edits in trunk

sender.replaceTrack() fails with InvalidStateError if the transceiver.direction is "inactive"

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.


Changes made upstreamed.

  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-setRemoteDescription-replaceTrack.https-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-setRemoteDescription-replaceTrack.https.html:


Covered by updated test.

  • Modules/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection.cpp:

Update as per spec, in particular make sure to not stop the sender when removing the track.


It is already timing out but is also flaky.

9:58 PM Changeset in webkit [237915] by Dewei Zhu
  • 3 edits
    1 add in trunk/Websites/perf.webkit.org

Customizable test group form should not reset manually edited commit value sometimes.

Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.

After changing the radio button and manually editing the commit value, commit value should not be reset
while changing the name of the test group.
Add the logic to prompt warning when manually typed commit does not exist.

  • browser-tests/customizable-test-group-form-tests.js: Added a unit test for this bug.
  • browser-tests/index.html:
  • public/v3/components/customizable-test-group-form.js: Should always update commit set as long as

the repository of that row does not have a owner repository.

9:06 PM Changeset in webkit [237914] by Jonathan Bedard
  • 3 edits in trunk/Tools

webkitpy: Boot a single worker for custom devices

Rubber-stamped by Aakash Jain.

  • Scripts/webkitpy/layout_tests/controllers/manager.py:

(Manager.run): Custom devices only run a hand-full of tests. Booting multiple
simulators is expensive and unneeded for these tests.

  • Scripts/webkitpy/port/ios.py:

(IOSPort. child_processes): No reason to memoize this call, and it prevents
overriding the number of child processes when booting custom devices.

9:01 PM Changeset in webkit [237913] by Jonathan Bedard
  • 3 edits in trunk/Tools

webkitpy: Generalize trailing SDK specifier (Part 2)

Reviewed by Aakash Jain.

  • Scripts/webkitpy/port/ios_device.py:

(IOSDevicePort): Use normalized SDK.

  • Scripts/webkitpy/port/ios_simulator.py:

(IOSSimulatorPort): Use normalized SDK.
(IOSSimulatorPort._build_driver_flags): Use platform SDK in build driver flags.

8:37 PM Changeset in webkit [237912] by Justin Fan
  • 36 edits
    17 copies
    5 adds in trunk

[WebGPU] Experimental prototype for WebGPURenderPipeline and WebGPUSwapChain

Reviewed by Myles Maxfield.


Properly disable WEBGPU on all non-Metal platforms for now.

  • Configurations/FeatureDefines.xcconfig:


Test: webgpu/render-pipelines.html
Also update test webgpu/webgpu-basics.html to create a WebGPURenderPipeline.

Begin implementation of WebGPURenderPipeline and WebGPUSwapChain. A WebGPURenderPipeline is backed by a
GPURenderPipeline, created lazily using the properties of the passed-in WebGPURenderPipelineDescriptor.
On Metal-supported systems, GPURenderPipeline is an interface to a MTLRenderPipelineState.
The MTLRenderPipelineState is created with the WebGPUDevice currently configured on the WebGPURenderingContext.

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • Configurations/FeatureDefines.xcconfig:
  • DerivedSources.make:
  • Modules/webgpu/GPUDevice.cpp:

(WebCore::GPUDevice::createRenderPipeline const):

  • Modules/webgpu/GPUDevice.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/GPUPipelineDescriptorBase.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/GPUPipelineStageDescriptor.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/GPURenderPipelineDescriptor.h:


  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUDevice.cpp:

(WebCore::WebGPUDevice::createRenderPipeline const):

  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUDevice.h:

(WebCore::WebGPUDevice::adapter const):
(WebCore::WebGPUDevice::device const):

  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUDevice.idl:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUPipelineDescriptorBase.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUPipelineDescriptorBase.idl:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUPipelineStageDescriptor.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUPipelineStageDescriptor.idl:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPURenderPipeline.cpp:


  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPURenderPipeline.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPURenderPipeline.idl:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPURenderPipelineDescriptor.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPURenderPipelineDescriptor.idl:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPURenderingContext.cpp:


  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPURenderingContext.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUShaderModule.h:

(WebCore::WebGPUShaderModule::module const):

  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUShaderStage.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUShaderStage.idl:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUSwapChain.cpp:


  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUSwapChain.h:


  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUSwapChain.idl:
  • Modules/webgpu/cocoa/GPURenderPipeline.h:

(WebCore::GPURenderPipeline::platformRenderPipeline const):

  • Modules/webgpu/cocoa/GPURenderPipelineMetal.mm: Added.


  • Modules/webgpu/cocoa/GPUSwapChain.h:

(WebCore::GPUSwapChain::platformLayer const):

  • Modules/webgpu/cocoa/GPUSwapChainMetal.mm:


  • Sources.txt:
  • SourcesCocoa.txt:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • bindings/js/WebCoreBuiltinNames.h:


Properly disable WEBGPU on all non-Metal platforms for now.

  • Configurations/FeatureDefines.xcconfig:


Properly disable WEBGPU on all non-Metal platforms for now.

  • Configurations/FeatureDefines.xcconfig:


Properly disable WEBGPU on all non-Metal platforms for now.

  • Configurations/FeatureDefines.xcconfig:


Properly disable WEBGPU on all non-Metal platforms for now.

  • wtf/Platform.h:


Properly disable WEBGPU on all non-Metal platforms for now.

  • TestWebKitAPI/Configurations/FeatureDefines.xcconfig:


  • webgpu/js/set-up-webgpu-contexts.js: Added helper script for running different webgpu tests.


  • webgpu/render-pipelines-expected.txt: Added.
  • webgpu/render-pipelines.html: Added.
  • webgpu/shader-modules-expected.txt:
  • webgpu/shader-modules.html: Updated to use functions in set-up-webgpu-contexts.js.
  • webgpu/webgpu-basics-expected.txt:
  • webgpu/webgpu-basics.html: Updated through creating a WebGPURenderPipeline.
8:01 PM Changeset in webkit [237911] by youenn@apple.com
  • 20 edits
    2 adds in trunk

Add support for sender/receiver getCapabilities

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.


  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCRtpCapabilities-helper.js:

(string_appeared_here.validateRtpCapabilities): Change already made upstream.

  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCRtpReceiver-getCapabilities-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCRtpSender-getCapabilities-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCRtpTransceiver-setCodecPreferences-expected.txt:


Expose sender/receiver RTCRtpCapabilities to JS.
Add corresponding IDL and plumbing down to libwebrtc peer connection factory.
Covered by rebased tests.

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • DerivedSources.make:
  • Modules/mediastream/PeerConnectionBackend.cpp:


  • Modules/mediastream/PeerConnectionBackend.h:
  • Modules/mediastream/RTCRtpCapabilities.idl: Added.
  • Modules/mediastream/RTCRtpReceiver.cpp:


  • Modules/mediastream/RTCRtpReceiver.h:
  • Modules/mediastream/RTCRtpReceiver.idl:
  • Modules/mediastream/RTCRtpSender.cpp:


  • Modules/mediastream/RTCRtpSender.h:
  • Modules/mediastream/RTCRtpSender.idl:
  • Modules/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCPeerConnectionBackend.cpp:


  • Sources.txt:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • platform/mediastream/RTCPMuxPolicy.h:
  • platform/mediastream/RTCRtpCapabilities.h: Added.
  • platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCProvider.cpp:


  • platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCProvider.h:
7:23 PM Changeset in webkit [237910] by youenn@apple.com
  • 10 edits in trunk

Calling sender.replaceTrack() twice produces a new transceiver and its corresponding m= section

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.


Handle the case of replacing a track in a sender that has no track.
In particular, do not create a new m-section as was implied by plan B implementation.
Instead, set the track directly on the rtc sender.
Covered by webrtc/video-addTransceiver.html.

  • Modules/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCMediaEndpoint.cpp:


  • Modules/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCMediaEndpoint.h:
  • Modules/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCPeerConnectionBackend.cpp:


  • Modules/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCPeerConnectionBackend.h:
  • Modules/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCRtpSenderBackend.cpp:



  • webrtc/video-addTransceiver-expected.txt:
  • webrtc/video-addTransceiver.html:
7:12 PM Changeset in webkit [237909] by Chris Dumez
  • 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Post too much text to iFrame could crash webkit

Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

Optimize SuffixTree (Which is used by XSSAuditor) to stop storing each Node's
children as a static array of 128 pointers and use a dynamic array (vector)
instead. This uses way less memory. Also make SuffixTree and SuffixTree::Node
as fast allocated for performance. This part of the change is based on the
following Blink change:

Also update the XSSAuditor to construct the SuffixTree lazily since there are
many cases (including the one in this bug) where we were spending a significant
amount of time building the SuffixTree and then never querying it.

  • html/parser/XSSAuditor.cpp:


  • html/parser/XSSAuditor.h:
  • platform/text/SuffixTree.h:

(WebCore::SuffixTree::Node::at): Deleted.

6:31 PM Changeset in webkit [237908] by youenn@apple.com
  • 5 edits in trunk

Support onremovetrack for RTCPeerConnection removed tracks

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.


  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-setRemoteDescription-tracks.https-expected.txt:


When applying SDP, LibWebRTCMediaEndpoint gets notified of a removed track.
In that case, make sure to remove it from its remote stream(s) so as
to notify the application of the changes.
Work around the receiver missing the list of streams by storing in a map
the list of the remote streams for a given remote track.

Covered by rebased test.

  • Modules/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCMediaEndpoint.cpp:


  • Modules/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCMediaEndpoint.h:
6:08 PM Changeset in webkit [237907] by aakash_jain@apple.com
  • 2 edits
    1 add in trunk/Tools

[ews-app] Add URL configuration for OpenSource EWS Django app

Rubber-stamped by Lucas Forschler.

  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews-app/urls.py: Added entry for ews.urls.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews/urls.py: Added.
5:59 PM Changeset in webkit [237906] by timothy@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

REGRESSION (r237878): css-dark-mode/supported-color-schemes.html is failing on Mojave

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

  • page/Page.cpp:

(WebCore::Page::appearanceDidChange): Add back call to didChangeStyleSheetEnvironment().
It was dropped by mistake when I moved code to appearanceDidChange(). This is needed to
update styles for semantic colors and from controls when the media prefers-color-scheme
media query is not used on the page.

5:57 PM Changeset in webkit [237905] by youenn@apple.com
  • 13 edits in trunk

Make mDNS ICE Candidate an experimental flag again

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.


Rename mdnsICECandidatesEnabled to webRTCICECandidatesEnabled.
This allows grouping the WebRTC runtime flags.
No change of behavior.

  • Modules/mediastream/PeerConnectionBackend.cpp:


  • page/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h:

(WebCore::RuntimeEnabledFeatures::webRTCMDNSICECandidatesEnabled const):
(WebCore::RuntimeEnabledFeatures::mdnsICECandidatesEnabled const): Deleted.
(WebCore::RuntimeEnabledFeatures::setMDNSICECandidatesEnabled): Deleted.


  • Shared/WebPreferences.yaml:
  • UIProcess/API/C/WKPreferences.cpp:


  • WebProcess/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundle.cpp:



  • WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/Bindings/TestRunner.idl:
  • WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/TestRunner.cpp:

(WTR::TestRunner::setMDNSICECandidatesEnabled): Deleted.

  • WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/TestRunner.h:


  • webrtc/datachannel/mdns-ice-candidates.html:
5:44 PM Changeset in webkit [237904] by aakash_jain@apple.com
  • 2 edits
    3 adds in trunk/Tools

[ews-app] Add views for OpenSource EWS Django app

Rubber-stamped by Lucas Forschler.

  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews/views/index.py: Added.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews/views/patch.py:
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews/views/results.py: Added.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews/views/statusbubble.py: Added.
5:22 PM Changeset in webkit [237903] by mmaxfield@apple.com
  • 12 edits
    28 adds in trunk

Implement text-underline-offset and text-decoration-thickness

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.


Because of our existing infrastructure for text decorations, adding support for these
is fairly simple. This patch updates our existing functions to handle thick & placed
underlines, as well as updating our repaint code to correcly handle repainting them.
It also handles animations.

Tests: animations/text-decoration-thickness.html


  • page/animation/CSSPropertyAnimation.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/FontMetrics.h:

(WebCore::FontMetrics::underlinePosition const):
(WebCore::FontMetrics::underlineThickness const):

  • platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCocoa.mm:


  • rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp:


  • rendering/SimpleLineLayout.cpp:


  • rendering/TextDecorationPainter.cpp:


  • rendering/style/RenderStyle.cpp:

(WebCore::RenderStyle::changeAffectsVisualOverflow const):

  • rendering/style/TextDecorationThickness.h:

(WebCore::TextDecorationThickness::resolve const):

  • style/InlineTextBoxStyle.cpp:


  • style/InlineTextBoxStyle.h:

(WebCore::textDecorationStrokeThickness): Deleted.


  • animations/text-decoration-thickness-expected.txt: Added.
  • animations/text-decoration-thickness.html: Added.
  • animations/text-underline-offset-expected.txt: Added.
  • animations/text-underline-offset.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-2-expected-mismatch.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-2.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-3-expected-mismatch.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-3.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-auto-length-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-auto-length.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-baseline-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-baseline.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-expected-mismatch.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-from-font-auto-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-from-font-auto.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-from-font-length-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-from-font-length.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-repaint-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-repaint.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-under-auto-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-under-auto.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-under-length-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset-under-length.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-offset.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-thickness-length-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-thickness-length.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-thickness-repaint-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-thickness-repaint.html: Added.
4:46 PM Changeset in webkit [237902] by dino@apple.com
  • 2 edits
    6 adds in trunk/LayoutTests

Add some basic pointer events tests

Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.

Generate some fake touches for pointer events testing.

  • fast/events/pointer/ios/drag-gives-pointerdown-pointermove-pointerup-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/events/pointer/ios/drag-gives-pointerdown-pointermove-pointerup.html: Added.
  • fast/events/pointer/ios/tap-gives-pointerdown-pointerup-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/events/pointer/ios/tap-gives-pointerdown-pointerup.html: Added.
  • platform/ios/TestExpectations:
4:19 PM Changeset in webkit [237901] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit

Don’t use the main queue to create an XPC connection.

Patch by Suresh Koppisetty <skoppisetty@apple.com> on 2018-11-06
Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

Don't use the main queue to create an XPC connection. xpc_connection_set_bootstrap does
dispatch_mach_send_barrier_f on this queue which delays the sending of the subsequent
bootstrap message (sent to launchd for launching a new target process) when the main queue is busy.

Now that the XPC connection runs on the default concurrent queue, errorHandler could be invoked
by any thread. The job of errorHandler is to dispatch errorHandlerImpl to the main thread,
where errorHandlerImpl is responsible for the actual handling of errors if any.

  • UIProcess/Launcher/mac/ProcessLauncherMac.mm:


4:07 PM Changeset in webkit [237900] by aakash_jain@apple.com
  • 3 edits
    3 adds in trunk/Tools

[ews-app] Add models for OpenSource EWS Django app

Reviewed by Lucas Forschler.

  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews/models/init.py:
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews/models/buildermappings.py: Added.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews/models/builds.py: Added.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews/models/patch.py:
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews/models/steps.py: Added.
3:57 PM Changeset in webkit [237899] by timothy@apple.com
  • 2 edits
    4 deletes in trunk/LayoutTests

Skip css-dark-mode tests on older macOS platforms

Reviewed by Brian Burg.

  • platform/mac-highsierra/css-dark-mode/prefers-color-scheme-expected.txt: Removed.
  • platform/mac-highsierra/css-dark-mode/supported-color-schemes-expected.txt: Removed.
  • platform/mac-sierra/css-dark-mode/prefers-color-scheme-expected.txt: Removed.
  • platform/mac-sierra/css-dark-mode/supported-color-schemes-expected.txt: Removed.
  • platform/mac/TestExpectations: Skip css-dark-mode for Sierra and HighSierra.
3:54 PM Changeset in webkit [237898] by BJ Burg
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit

Add missing iOS availability macro to _WKAutomationSessionConfiguration

Reviewed by Tim Horton.

  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/_WKAutomationSessionConfiguration.h:
3:24 PM Changeset in webkit [237897] by aakash_jain@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Tools

[ews-app] Fix Invalid HTTP_HOST header

Reviewed by Lucas Forschler.

Changing ALLOWED_HOSTS to * as the landing page should be publicly accessible.

  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews-app/settings.py:
3:16 PM Changeset in webkit [237896] by aakash_jain@apple.com
  • 5 edits
    1 move in trunk/Tools

[ews-app] Rename EWS_app to ews-app - part 2

Reviewed by Lucas Forschler.

  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/EWS_app: Removed.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews-app: Moved from BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/EWS_app.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews-app/settings.py:
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews-app/urls.py:
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/ews-app/wsgi.py:
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app/manage.py:
3:10 PM Changeset in webkit [237895] by wilander@apple.com
  • 16 edits in trunk

Resource Load Statistics: Remove cap on partitioned cache max age if it matches a network reload (redirect-only)

Reviewed by Youenn Fablet and Antti Koivisto.


No new tests. Existing test fleshed out.

  • platform/network/ResourceResponseBase.cpp:

(WebCore::ResourceResponseBase::isRedirection const):

  • platform/network/ResourceResponseBase.h:

(WebCore::ResourceResponseBase::isRedirection const): Deleted.

Moved to the implementation file so that I can export it without warning.


When a redirect cache entry for a prevalent resource reaches its max
age cap, it is loaded again from the network and the network response
is compared with what's in the cache. If it's a match, the cache entry
is fully accepted. If not, a new capped cache entry is created.

This feature is still off by default.

  • NetworkProcess/NetworkResourceLoader.cpp:

(WebKit::NetworkResourceLoader::canUseCachedRedirect const):

Now checks the new member m_cacheEntryForMaxAgeCapValidation.


New case handled for entry->hasReachedPrevalentResourceAgeCap().


This is where the new logic compares the incoming redirect with the
cached one. If they match, an uncapped entry is allowed to be stored.
If they don't match, a new capped entry will be stored.


Now calls the new

  • NetworkProcess/NetworkResourceLoader.h:

Added the m_cacheEntryForMaxAgeCapValidation member.

  • NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCache.cpp:


Restored to previous behavior which means
UseDecision::NoDueToPrevalentResourceAgeCap was removed.


Restored to previous behavior.


Now takes the optional maxAgeCap and caps the entry's max age if it's set.

(WebKit::NetworkCache::hasReachedPrevalentResourceAgeCap): Deleted.

  • NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCache.h:
  • NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCacheEntry.cpp:

(WebKit::NetworkCache::Entry::encodeAsStorageRecord const):

Now encodes m_maxAgeCap.


Now decodes m_maxAgeCap.

(WebKit::NetworkCache::Entry::hasReachedPrevalentResourceAgeCap const):




  • NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCacheEntry.h:

Added the optional m_maxAgeCap.

  • NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCacheSpeculativeLoad.cpp:


Now gets the optional max age cap from the NetworkStorageSession and sends it
to Cache::storeRedirect().

  • NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCacheStatistics.cpp:


Removed handling of UseDecision::NoDueToPrevalentResourceAgeCap.


  • http/tests/resourceLoadStatistics/cap-cache-max-age-for-prevalent-resource-expected.txt:
  • http/tests/resourceLoadStatistics/cap-cache-max-age-for-prevalent-resource.html:

The test now performs:

  • an initial Fetch request with a permanent redirect to ID 1234. Capped max age.
  • a second Fetch request with a permanent redirect to ID 4321. Capped max age.
  • a third Fetch request with a permanent redirect to and empty ID. Capped max age.
  • a fourth Fetch request with a permanent redirect to and empty ID. Max age cap removed.
  • a fifth Fetch request with a permanent redirect to and empty ID. Regular cache hit.
  • http/tests/resourceLoadStatistics/resources/cached-permanent-redirect.php:

Now returns an HTTP 500 if the request contains validation headers.

3:08 PM Changeset in webkit [237894] by aakash_jain@apple.com
  • 1 edit
    1 move in trunk/Tools

[ews-app] Rename EWS_app to ews-app - part 1

Reviewed by Lucas Forschler.

  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app: Removed.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/ews-app: Moved from BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app.
3:06 PM Changeset in webkit [237893] by mmaxfield@apple.com
  • 21 edits
    9 adds in trunk

Spelling dots are drawn in the wrong place

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.


  • Dots should not be clipped.
  • Dots should be horizontally centered.
  • Dots should be drawn behind the text.
  • Distance from the baseline to the top of the dot should be 11.035% of font size.
  • Dot diameter should be 13.247% of the font size.
  • Distance between the dots (right side of the left dot to left side of the right dot) should be 9.457% of the font size.
  • The "font size" used in these calculations should be clamped so it's 10px <= font size <= 40px.

Tests: editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position-2.html


  • platform/graphics/cocoa/GraphicsContextCocoa.mm:

(WebCore::colorForMarkerLineStyle): Align iOS and macOS implementations.
(WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawDotsForDocumentMarker): Place the dots correctly.

  • rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp:

(WebCore::InlineFlowBox::addToLine): The KnownToHaveNoOverflow flag should be cleared if the element has spelling dots,

because there is no guarantee the spelling dots will lie inside the layout rect of the element.

(WebCore::InlineFlowBox::addTextBoxVisualOverflow): Update the repaint rects to include splling dot positions.

  • rendering/InlineFlowBox.h: Comments should explain why, not say what.
  • rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp:

(WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint): Draw the dots behind the text.
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::hasMarkers const): Convenience.
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintPlatformDocumentMarkers): Refactor bounds information into a helper function.
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::calculateUnionOfAllDocumentMarkerBounds const): Use for repaint rect calculation.
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::calculateDocumentMarkerBounds const): Place the dots correctly.
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintPlatformDocumentMarker): Call the helper method.
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::collectMarkedTextsForDocumentMarkers const):
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::collectMarkedTextsForDocumentMarkers): Deleted.

  • rendering/InlineTextBox.h: Declare the helper methods.
  • rendering/SimpleLineLayout.cpp: Simple line layout doesn't know how to paint spelling dots, so make the presence of

spelling dots opt us out of SLL.


  • rendering/SimpleLineLayoutCoverage.cpp:


  • rendering/SimpleLineLayoutCoverage.h: Add a new opt-out reason.


Previously, it was impossible for WebKitTestRunner to draw spelling dots. This patch adds support for a header
at the top of test files, of the form <!-- webkit-test-runner [ spellCheckingDots=true ] --> which will cause
dots to be drawn.

  • WebKitTestRunner/TestController.cpp:


  • WebKitTestRunner/TestController.h:
  • WebKitTestRunner/TestOptions.h:

(WTR::TestOptions::hasSameInitializationOptions const):

  • WebKitTestRunner/cocoa/TestControllerCocoa.mm:


  • WebKitTestRunner/cocoa/TestRunnerWKWebView.h:
  • WebKitTestRunner/ios/TestControllerIOS.mm:


  • WebKitTestRunner/mac/TestControllerMac.mm:



  • editing/spelling/resources/VerySmallDescentAhem.ttf: Added. In order to test repaint rects,

this is a version of Ahem with a very small descent, so that the dots don't intersect
with the text itself.

  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position-2-expected-mismatch.html: Added.
  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position-2.html: Added. Make sure dots are painted in the

correct vertical place.

  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position-3-expected-mismatch.html: Added.
  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position-3.html: Added. Make sure dots are painted in the

correct vertical place.

  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position-expected.html: Added.
  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position.html: Added. Make sure dots are not painted in

the wrong place.

  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-repaint-expected.html: Added.
  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-repaint.html: Added. Test repaint by drawing an element

with spelling dots, and then deleting the element from the document. The spelling
dots should be removed too.

  • fast/writing-mode/english-bt-text-with-spelling-marker-expected.html:
  • fast/writing-mode/english-bt-text-with-spelling-marker.html: Update the test to compensate

for new spelling dot positions.

2:51 PM Changeset in webkit [237892] by Kocsen Chung
  • 1 copy in tags/Safari-606.

Tag Safari-606.

2:49 PM Changeset in webkit [237891] by Ross Kirsling
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

[WinCairo] Unreviewed layout test gardening.

  • platform/wincairo/TestExpectations:
2:48 PM Changeset in webkit [237890] by Kocsen Chung
  • 7 edits in branches/safari-606.3.4.1-branch/Source


2:11 PM Changeset in webkit [237889] by Adrian Perez de Castro
  • 1 copy in releases/WPE WebKit/webkit-2.22.1

WPE WebKit 2.22.1

2:10 PM Changeset in webkit [237888] by Adrian Perez de Castro
  • 4 edits in releases/WebKitGTK/webkit-2.22

Unreviewed. Update OptionsWPE.cmake and NEWS for 2.22.1 release.


  • Source/cmake/OptionsWPE.cmake: Bump version numbers.


  • wpe/NEWS: Add release notes for 2.22.1.
2:10 PM Changeset in webkit [237887] by don.olmstead@sony.com
  • 4 edits in trunk/Tools

Feature flags not present for Visual Studio when using build-webkit

Reviewed by Fujii Hironori.

Passes feature flags to Visual studio builds within build-webkit.
Removes cmakeBasedPortArguments as it is no longer in use.

  • Scripts/build-jsc:
  • Scripts/build-webkit:
  • Scripts/webkitdirs.pm:

(cmakeBasedPortArguments): Deleted.

1:58 PM Changeset in webkit [237886] by pvollan@apple.com
  • 25 edits
    3 adds in trunk

REGRESSION (r230523): Caps lock indicator not shown in password field

Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.


When WindowServer access is blocked, GetCurrentModifiers() always returns 0. Instead of calling
GetCurrentModifiers(), store the current modifiers from the key event argument in the method
WebKit::WebPage::keyEvent, and use the stored value to detect if Caps lock is on. Additionally,
the modifiers needs to be updated when the window becomes active.

Test: fast/events/detect-caps-lock.html

  • Sources.txt:
  • platform/PlatformKeyboardEvent.h:
  • platform/graphics/FontTaggedSettings.cpp:
  • platform/mac/KeyEventMac.mm:


  • testing/Internals.cpp:


  • testing/Internals.h:
  • testing/Internals.idl:


Update cached modifier state in the WebProcess when WebKit::WebPage::keyEvent is called, and
when the window becomes active.

  • UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp:


  • UIProcess/WebPageProxy.h:
  • WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp:


  • WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.h:
  • WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.messages.in:


  • WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/Bindings/TestRunner.idl:
  • WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/TestRunner.cpp:


  • WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/TestRunner.h:
  • WebKitTestRunner/TestController.h:
  • WebKitTestRunner/TestInvocation.cpp:


  • WebKitTestRunner/cocoa/TestControllerCocoa.mm:



  • TestExpectations:
  • fast/events/detect-caps-lock-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/events/detect-caps-lock.html: Added.
  • platform/mac/TestExpectations:
1:53 PM Changeset in webkit [237885] by achristensen@apple.com
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit

Add ObjC SPI equivalent of WKContextHandlesSafeBrowsing

Reviewed by Tim Horton.

Like WKContextHandlesSafeBrowsing, this is so I can make one change in WebKit and enable safe browsing
in WKWebView and disable it in Safari at the same time without broken revisions between landing two changes
in two repositories.

  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebView.mm:

(+[WKWebView handlesSafeBrowsing]):

  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebViewPrivate.h:
1:45 PM Changeset in webkit [237884] by jfernandez@igalia.com
  • 7 edits
    8 adds in trunk

CSS grid elements with justify-content: space-around have extra whitespace, sometimes a lot

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.


Imported WPT to cover the behavior changes added in this patch.

  • resources/import-expectations.json:
  • web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/layout-algorithm/grid-content-distribution-must-account-for-track-sizing-001-expected.txt: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/layout-algorithm/grid-content-distribution-must-account-for-track-sizing-001.html: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/layout-algorithm/grid-content-distribution-must-account-for-track-sizing-002-expected.txt: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/layout-algorithm/grid-content-distribution-must-account-for-track-sizing-002.html: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/layout-algorithm/grid-content-distribution-must-account-for-track-sizing-003-expected.txt: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/layout-algorithm/grid-content-distribution-must-account-for-track-sizing-003.html: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/layout-algorithm/grid-content-distribution-must-account-for-track-sizing-004-expected.txt: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/layout-algorithm/grid-content-distribution-must-account-for-track-sizing-004.html: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/layout-algorithm/w3c-import.log:


The CSS WG resolved [1] that Content Alignment should account to the
track sizing algorithm.

The sizing algorithm has been modified so that two new steps (1.5
and 2.5) were added to compute the Content Alignment offsets after
resolving the columns' and rows' sizes respectively.

This change decouples the Content Alignment logic from the tracks
position, so that we can use it as part of the track sizing algorithm.

I also had to store the whole ContentAlignmentData structure in two
class attributes. We need both, position and distribution offsets, to
be used in different parts of the layout logic.

[1] https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2557

Tests: imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-grid/layout-algorithm/grid-content-distribution-must-account-for-track-sizing-001.html


  • rendering/GridTrackSizingAlgorithm.cpp:

(WebCore::GridTrackSizingAlgorithm::gridAreaBreadthForChild const):

  • rendering/RenderGrid.cpp:

(WebCore::RenderGrid::gridItemOffset const):
(WebCore::RenderGrid::trackSizesForComputedStyle const):
(WebCore::RenderGrid::nonCollapsedTracks const):

  • rendering/RenderGrid.h:


1:34 PM Changeset in webkit [237883] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI

REGRESSION: Web Inspector: Popovers drawing incorrectly in Network Tab (clicking between a few items)

Patch by Joseph Pecoraro <Joseph Pecoraro> on 2018-11-06
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.

  • UserInterface/Views/Popover.js:

Save and restore the context state between updates. Something
was affecting the clearRect, making it so that it didn't actually
clear the entire rect each time.

12:56 PM Changeset in webkit [237882] by sihui_liu@apple.com
  • 4 edits
    3 adds in trunk

IndexedDB: WAL file keeps growing

Reviewed by Chris Dumez.


When we quit apps, the database connection may not be shut down properly, and WAL file will be retained on disk.
On the next open of database connection, new logs will be appended to the original WAL file, which keeps
increasing size of the WAL file. We should do a manual checkpoint when we open a IndexedDB to make sure previous
log is written to database and truncate WAL file.

Test: IndexedDB.IndexedDBTempFileSize

  • platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp:



  • TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/IndexedDBTempFileSize-1.html: Added.
  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/IndexedDBTempFileSize-2.html: Added.
  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/IndexedDBTempFileSize.mm: Added.

(-[IndexedDBFileSizeMessageHandler userContentController:didReceiveScriptMessage:]):

12:54 PM Changeset in webkit [237881] by Keith Rollin
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Adjust handling of Include paths that need quoting

Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.

There are several places in the JavaScriptCore Xcode project where the
paths defined in HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS are quoted. That is, the
definitions look like:




The idea here is presumably to have the resulting $(CPP) command have
-I options where the associated paths are themselves quoted,
protecting against space characters in the paths.

This approach to quote management can break under Xcode 9. If
.xcfilelist files are added to the project, the 'objectVersion' value
in the Xcode project file is changed from 46 to 51. If a project with
objectVersion=51 is presented to Xcode 9 (as can happen when we build
for older OS's), it produces build lines where the quotes are escaped,
thereby becoming part of the path. The build then fails because a
search for a file normally found in a directory called "Foo" will be
looked for in "\"Foo\"", which doesn't exist.

Simply removing the escaped quotes from the HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
definition doesn't work, leading to paths that need quoting due to
space characters but that don't get this quoting (the part of the path
after the space appears to simply go missing).

Removing the escaped quotes from the HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS and moving
the definitions to the .xcconfig fixes this problem.

  • Configurations/ToolExecutable.xcconfig:
  • JavaScriptCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
12:52 PM Changeset in webkit [237880] by ajuma@chromium.org
  • 10 edits
    1 copy
    6 adds in trunk

IntersectionObserver doesn't keep target's JS wrapper alive

Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.


Retain JS wrappers of targets in queued entries using a vector of GCReachableRef owned by
IntersectionObserver, which gets cleared after the entries have been delivered.

Make IntersectionObserver::takeRecords return a struct which has both the vector of GCReachableRefs
for targets and the vector of intersection observer entries, so that the GCReachableRefs survive
until the creation of JS wrappers for the entries.

Modify IntersectionObserver::hasPendingActivity to keep the observer alive while it has
entries to deliver.

Tests: intersection-observer/intersection-observer-entry-keeps-js-wrapper-of-target-alive.html


  • Sources.txt:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • bindings/js/JSIntersectionObserverEntryCustom.cpp:

(WebCore::JSIntersectionObserverEntry::visitAdditionalChildren): Keep the target element's wrapper alive while the
IntersectionObserverEntry's wrapper is alive.

  • page/IntersectionObserver.cpp:

(WebCore::IntersectionObserver::takeRecords): Change return type to include GCReachableRefs for each record's target, so that
each target can be kept until a JS wrapper is constructed for its IntersectionObserverEntry.
(WebCore::IntersectionObserver::notify): Erase GCReachableRefs for targets after delivering the corresponding records.
(WebCore::IntersectionObserver::hasPendingActivity const): Keep the IntersectionObserver alive until queued entries are delivered.

  • page/IntersectionObserver.h:
  • page/IntersectionObserver.idl:
  • page/IntersectionObserverEntry.h:

(WebCore::IntersectionObserverEntry::target const): Make this return a raw pointer instead of a RefPtr so that it
can be called in JSIntersectionObserverEntry::visitAdditionalChildren, which runs on the GC thread (it's illegal to ref a Node
on a non-main thread).

  • page/IntersectionObserverEntry.idl:


Add test coverage.

Update test that depends on a target getting GC'd to call takeRecords() since
targets with pending entries are no logner GC'd.

  • intersection-observer/intersection-observer-entry-keeps-js-wrapper-of-target-alive-expected.txt: Added.
  • intersection-observer/intersection-observer-entry-keeps-js-wrapper-of-target-alive.html: Added.
  • intersection-observer/intersection-observer-keeps-js-wrapper-of-target-alive-expected.txt: Added.
  • intersection-observer/intersection-observer-keeps-js-wrapper-of-target-alive.html: Added.
  • intersection-observer/root-element-deleted.html:
  • intersection-observer/target-deleted-expected.txt: Added.
  • intersection-observer/target-deleted.html: Added.
12:12 PM Changeset in webkit [237879] by eric.carlson@apple.com
  • 5 edits in trunk

[MediaStream] User should not be prompted again after denying getDisplayMedia request

Reviewed by Youenn Fablet.


  • UIProcess/UserMediaPermissionRequestManagerProxy.cpp:


  • UIProcess/UserMediaPermissionRequestManagerProxy.h:


  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/GetDisplayMedia.mm:

(-[GetDisplayMediaUIDelegate _webView:requestUserMediaAuthorizationForDevices:url:mainFrameURL:decisionHandler:]):

11:53 AM Changeset in webkit [237878] by timothy@apple.com
  • 15 edits
    4 adds in trunk

<picture> container doesn't update when prefers-color-scheme media query changes

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.


Test: css-dark-mode/prefers-color-scheme-picture-element.html

  • css/MediaQueryEvaluator.cpp:

(WebCore::isAppearanceDependent): Added.
(WebCore::MediaQueryEvaluator::evaluate const): Keep track of appearanceDependentResults.

  • css/MediaQueryEvaluator.h:
  • css/StyleResolver.cpp:

(WebCore::StyleResolver::addAppearanceDependentMediaQueryResult): Added.
(WebCore::StyleResolver::hasMediaQueriesAffectedByAppearanceChange const): Added.

  • css/StyleResolver.h:

(WebCore::StyleResolver::hasAppearanceDependentMediaQueries const): Added.

  • dom/Document.cpp:

(WebCore::Document::evaluateMediaQueryList): Call checkAppearanceDependentPictures.
(WebCore::Document::checkAppearanceDependentPictures): Added.
(WebCore::Document::addAppearanceDependentPicture): Added.
(WebCore::Document::removeAppearanceDependentPicture): Added.

  • dom/Document.h:
  • html/HTMLImageElement.cpp:

(WebCore::HTMLImageElement::bestFitSourceFromPictureElement): Call addAppearanceDependentPicture.

  • html/HTMLPictureElement.cpp:

(WebCore::HTMLPictureElement::~HTMLPictureElement): Call removeAppearanceDependentPicture.
(WebCore::HTMLPictureElement::didMoveToNewDocument): Ditto.
(WebCore::HTMLPictureElement::appearanceChangeAffectedPicture const): Added.

  • html/HTMLPictureElement.h:
  • page/Page.cpp:

(WebCore::Page::appearanceDidChange): Added.
(WebCore::Page::setUseSystemAppearance): Call appearanceDidChange.
(WebCore::Page::setUseDarkAppearance): Call appearanceDidChange.

  • page/Page.h:
  • style/StyleScope.cpp:

(WebCore::Style::Scope::evaluateMediaQueriesForAppearanceChange): Added.

  • style/StyleScope.h:


  • css-dark-mode/prefers-color-scheme-picture-element-expected.txt: Added.
  • css-dark-mode/prefers-color-scheme-picture-element.html: Added.
  • platform/mac-highsierra/css-dark-mode/prefers-color-scheme-picture-element-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/mac-sierra/css-dark-mode/prefers-color-scheme-picture-element-expected.txt: Added.
11:19 AM Changeset in webkit [237877] by msaboff@apple.com
  • 6 edits in trunk

Multiple stress/regexp-compile-oom.js tests are failing on High Sierra Debug and Release JSC testers.

Reviewed by Saam Barati.


Added more test cases and made all test cases run with the same deeply recursive stack
instead of finding that same point for each test case.

  • stress/regexp-compile-oom.js:



Fixed use of ThrowScope my adding release() calls. Found a few places where we needed
RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(). After some code inspections determined that we need to cover the
exception bubbling for String.match() with a global RegExp as well as String.replace()
and String.search().

  • runtime/RegExpObjectInlines.h:


  • runtime/RegExpPrototype.cpp:


  • runtime/StringPrototype.cpp:


11:03 AM Changeset in webkit [237876] by achristensen@apple.com
  • 3 edits
    1 copy
    1 add in trunk

Fix tests after r237863

Reviewed by Chris Dumez.


  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/ProcessSwapOnNavigation.mm:

With the timing change of r237863, the WKWebView progressed further than before when loading main.html so it completed before main2.html.
This test was meant to test that main2.html does eventually load, and it doesn't matter if main.html loads before it. I updated the test
to verify that main2.html eventually loads, making this test less timing dependent.


  • platform/mac-wk2/http/tests/navigation: Added.
  • platform/mac-wk2/http/tests/navigation/keyboard-events-during-provisional-navigation-expected.txt: Copied from LayoutTests/http/tests/navigation/keyboard-events-during-provisional-navigation-expected.txt.

This test is timing related, and I need to update its WK2 expectations every time I enable or disable safe browsing checks during navigation.
See r237149.

11:01 AM Changeset in webkit [237875] by Alan Coon
  • 1 copy in tags/Safari-606.

Tag Safari-606.

10:52 AM Changeset in webkit [237874] by Alan Coon
  • 1 delete in tags/Safari-606.

Delete tag

10:48 AM Changeset in webkit [237873] by Alan Coon
  • 1 copy in tags/Safari-606.

New tag.

10:33 AM Changeset in webkit [237872] by Alan Coon
  • 4 edits in branches/safari-606.3.4.1-branch/Source

Revert r237528. rdar://problem/45847130

10:33 AM Changeset in webkit [237871] by Alan Coon
  • 1 edit in branches/safari-606.3.4.1-branch/Source/WebKit/NetworkProcess/cocoa/NetworkSessionCocoa.mm

Revert r237840. rdar://problem/45837753

10:23 AM Changeset in webkit [237870] by Ryan Haddad
  • 20 edits
    9 deletes in trunk

Unreviewed, rolling out r237834.

Tests for this change crash on iOS Simulator

Reverted changeset:

"Spelling dots are drawn in the wrong place"

10:14 AM Changeset in webkit [237869] by Alan Coon
  • 7 edits in branches/safari-606.3.4.1-branch/Source


9:44 AM Changeset in webkit [237868] by graouts@webkit.org
  • 5 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[Web Animations] transitions/remove-transition-style.html crashes with GuardMalloc on

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

Ensure we remove animations from the m_allAnimations ListHashSet upon destruction.

  • animation/AnimationTimeline.cpp:


  • animation/AnimationTimeline.h:
  • animation/DocumentTimeline.cpp:

(WebCore::DocumentTimeline::getAnimations const):

  • animation/WebAnimation.cpp:


8:14 AM Changeset in webkit [237867] by youenn@apple.com
  • 6 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

RealtimeOutgoingAudioSourceCocoa should unobserve its source at destruction time

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

Make RealtimeOutgoingAudioSource subclasses unobserve their source
inside their destructor instead of RealtimeOutgoingAudioSource.
This is consistent with how starting to observe works.
Covered by existing tests.

  • platform/mediastream/RealtimeOutgoingAudioSource.cpp:


  • platform/mediastream/RealtimeOutgoingAudioSource.h:
  • platform/mediastream/gstreamer/RealtimeOutgoingAudioSourceLibWebRTC.cpp:


  • platform/mediastream/mac/RealtimeOutgoingAudioSourceCocoa.cpp:


  • platform/mediastream/mac/RealtimeOutgoingAudioSourceCocoa.h:
7:56 AM Changeset in webkit [237866] by youenn@apple.com
  • 3 edits
    2 adds in trunk

Make sure RTCIceCandidateStats address is undefined for host and peer reflexive case

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.


Test: webrtc/datachannel/getStats-no-prflx-remote-candidate.html

  • Modules/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCStatsCollector.cpp:



  • webrtc/datachannel/getStats-no-prflx-remote-candidate-expected.txt: Added.
  • webrtc/datachannel/getStats-no-prflx-remote-candidate.html: Added.
7:54 AM Changeset in webkit [237865] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[GStreamer][WebRTC] Handle setting max number of frame between keyframes

Patch by Thibault Saunier <tsaunier@igalia.com> on 2018-11-06
Reviewed by Philippe Normand.

That has been manually checked.

  • platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/GStreamerVideoEncoder.cpp:


  • platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/GStreamerVideoEncoderFactory.cpp:


7:46 AM Changeset in webkit [237864] by youenn@apple.com
  • 5 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Layout Test imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-setRemoteDescription-tracks.https.html is flaky

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.


Updating test according upstreamed WPT.
Rebased test accordingly.

  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-setRemoteDescription-tracks.https-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-setRemoteDescription-tracks.https.html:


7:26 AM Changeset in webkit [237863] by achristensen@apple.com
  • 23 edits
    10 adds in trunk

[Mac] Implement safe browsing in WebKit

Reviewed by Tim Horton.


  • en.lproj/Localizable.strings:


  • Platform/spi/Cocoa/SafeBrowsingSPI.h:
  • Resources/SafeBrowsing.xcassets: Added.
  • Resources/SafeBrowsing.xcassets/Contents.json: Added.
  • Resources/SafeBrowsing.xcassets/WKSafeBrowsingWarningBackground.colorset: Added.
  • Resources/SafeBrowsing.xcassets/WKSafeBrowsingWarningBackground.colorset/Contents.json: Added.
  • Resources/SafeBrowsing.xcassets/WKSafeBrowsingWarningText.colorset: Added.
  • Resources/SafeBrowsing.xcassets/WKSafeBrowsingWarningText.colorset/Contents.json: Added.
  • Resources/SafeBrowsing.xcassets/WKSafeBrowsingWarningTitle.colorset: Added.
  • Resources/SafeBrowsing.xcassets/WKSafeBrowsingWarningTitle.colorset/Contents.json: Added.
  • Shared/WebPreferences.yaml:
  • Shared/WebPreferencesDefaultValues.h:
  • UIProcess/API/C/mac/WKContextPrivateMac.mm:


  • UIProcess/Cocoa/SafeBrowsingResultCocoa.mm:


  • UIProcess/Cocoa/WKSafeBrowsingWarning.h: Added.
  • UIProcess/Cocoa/WKSafeBrowsingWarning.mm: Added.

(-[WKSafeBrowsingExclamationPoint drawRect:]):
(-[WKSafeBrowsingExclamationPoint intrinsicContentSize]):
(-[WKSafeBrowsingWarning initWithFrame:safeBrowsingResult:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKSafeBrowsingWarning dealloc]):
(-[WKSafeBrowsingWarning goBackClicked]):
(-[WKSafeBrowsingWarning clickedOnLink:]):
(-[WKSafeBrowsingWarning showDetailsClicked]):
(+[WKSafeBrowsingTextView viewWithAttributedString:linkTarget:]):
(+[WKSafeBrowsingTextView viewWithString:]):
(-[WKSafeBrowsingTextView intrinsicContentSize]):
(-[WKSafeBrowsingTextView clickedOnLink:atIndex:]):

  • UIProcess/Cocoa/WebViewImpl.h:
  • UIProcess/Cocoa/WebViewImpl.mm:


  • UIProcess/PageClient.h:


  • UIProcess/SafeBrowsingResult.h:

(WebKit::SafeBrowsingResult::url const):
(WebKit::SafeBrowsingResult::provider const):
(WebKit::SafeBrowsingResult::localizedProviderName const):
(WebKit::SafeBrowsingResult::malwareDetailsURLBase const):
(WebKit::SafeBrowsingResult::reportAnErrorURLBase const):
(WebKit::SafeBrowsingResult::learnMoreURL const):
(WebKit::SafeBrowsingResult::needsSafeBrowsingWarning const):
(WebKit::SafeBrowsingResult::isKnownToBeUnsafe const): Deleted.

  • UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp:


  • UIProcess/ios/PageClientImplIOS.h:
  • UIProcess/ios/PageClientImplIOS.mm:


  • UIProcess/mac/PageClientImplMac.h:
  • UIProcess/mac/PageClientImplMac.mm:


  • WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:


  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/SafeBrowsing.mm:

(-[SafeBrowsingNavigationDelegate webView:didCommitNavigation:]):
(+[TestServiceLookupResult resultWithProvider:phishing:malware:unwantedSoftware:]):
(-[TestLookupContext lookUpURL:completionHandler:]):
(-[SafeBrowsingNavigationDelegate webView:didFinishNavigation:]): Deleted.
(+[TestServiceLookupResult resultWithProvider:phishing:malware:unwantedSoftware:knownToBeUnsafe:]): Deleted.
(-[TestServiceLookupResult isKnownToBeUnsafe]): Deleted.

  • TestWebKitAPI/Utilities.h:
6:59 AM Changeset in webkit [237862] by ajuma@chromium.org
  • 4 edits in trunk

[IntersectionObserver] Account for CSS zoom when computing client rects

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.


Update expectation for test case that now passes.

  • web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/bounding-box-expected.txt:


When computing rects for an IntersectionObserverEntry, account for the effective zoom when
converting from absolute to client coordinates.

Test: web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/bounding-box.html

  • dom/Document.cpp:


6:47 AM Changeset in webkit [237861] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 6 edits in trunk

[GStreamer][WebRTC] Implement black frame generation

Patch by Thibault Saunier <tsaunier@igalia.com> on 2018-11-06
Reviewed by Xabier Rodriguez-Calvar.

Avoiding webrtc/video-mute-vp8.html to crash but it still fails because
we are missing the canvas bridging code.


  • platform/mediastream/gstreamer/RealtimeOutgoingVideoSourceLibWebRTC.cpp:


  • platform/mediastream/gstreamer/RealtimeOutgoingVideoSourceLibWebRTC.h:


  • platform/gtk/TestExpectations:
  • platform/wpe/TestExpectations:
6:23 AM Changeset in webkit [237860] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[GStreamer][WebRTC] Do not try to handle framerate modulation in the encoder

Patch by Thibault Saunier <tsaunier@igalia.com> on 2018-11-06
Reviewed by Philippe Normand.

This has to already be handled in capturing pipeline or in libwebrtc itself.

No other encoder implementation do that, and libwebrtc is not happy with encoder that do not output the exact number of frames that have been passed in.

No regressions detected and libwebrtc is happier this way, less warning output and no more frame corruption in H264 streams found.

  • platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/GStreamerVideoEncoderFactory.cpp:


3:37 AM Changeset in webkit [237859] by fred.wang@free.fr
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Unreviewed, follow-up of previous commit.

Actually move OptionSet in the header since it's used there too.

Patch by Frederic Wang <fwang@igalia.com> on 2018-11-06

  • page/WindowFeatures.cpp:
  • page/WindowFeatures.h:
3:30 AM Changeset in webkit [237858] by fred.wang@free.fr
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Unreviewed build fix.

Patch by Frederic Wang <fwang@igalia.com> on 2018-11-06

  • page/WindowFeatures.cpp: Add missing header for OptionSet.
  • platform/graphics/FontTaggedSettings.cpp: Add missing header for IntegerHash.
3:16 AM Changeset in webkit [237857] by graouts@webkit.org
  • 74 edits
    10 moves
    23 adds
    30 deletes in trunk/LayoutTests

[Web Animations] Update all tests to match the latest API changes

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.


  • css-animations/test_animation-computed-timing.html:
  • css-animations/test_effect-target.html:
  • css-animations/test_keyframeeffect-getkeyframes-expected.txt:
  • css-animations/test_keyframeeffect-getkeyframes.html:
  • css-animations/test_pseudoElement-get-animations.html:
  • css-transitions/test_effect-target.html:
  • css-transitions/test_keyframeeffect-getkeyframes-expected.txt:
  • css-transitions/test_keyframeeffect-getkeyframes.html:


  • web-platform-tests/css-timing-1/cubic-bezier-timing-functions-output.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/META.yml: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/README.md: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/accumulation-per-property-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/accumulation-per-property.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/addition-per-property-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/addition-per-property.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/interpolation-per-property-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/interpolation-per-property.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/property-list.js:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/property-types.js:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/combining-effects/applying-the-composited-result-expected.txt: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/combining-effects/applying-the-composited-result.html: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/keyframe-effects/effect-value-interval-distance-expected.txt: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/keyframe-effects/effect-value-interval-distance.html: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/keyframe-effects/effect-value-iteration-composite-operation.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animatable/animate-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animatable/animate.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animatable/getAnimations.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/cancel.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/constructor.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/effect.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/finish-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/finish.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/finished.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/idlharness-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/idlharness.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/idlharness.window.js: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/onfinish.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/playbackRate-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/playbackRate.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Animation/ready.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect/getComputedTiming-expected.txt: Renamed from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/getComputedTiming-expected.txt.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect/getComputedTiming.html: Renamed from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/getComputedTiming.html.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect/updateTiming-expected.txt: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffect/updateTiming.html: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/delay-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/delay.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/direction-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/direction.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/duration-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/duration.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/easing-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/easing.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/endDelay-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/endDelay.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/fill-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/fill.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/idlharness-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/idlharness.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/iterationStart-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/iterationStart.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/iterations-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationEffectTiming/iterations.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationPlaybackEvent/idlharness-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationPlaybackEvent/idlharness.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/AnimationPlaybackEvent/idlharness.window.js: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Document/getAnimations-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/Document/getAnimations.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/DocumentTimeline/idlharness-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/DocumentTimeline/idlharness.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/DocumentTimeline/idlharness.window.js: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/composite.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/constructor-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/constructor.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/copy-constructor-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/copy-constructor.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/idlharness-expected.txt: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/idlharness.html: Removed.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/idlharness.window.js: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/iterationComposite.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/processing-a-keyframes-argument-001-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/processing-a-keyframes-argument-001.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/setKeyframes-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/interfaces/KeyframeEffect/setKeyframes.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/resources/keyframe-tests.js:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/resources/timing-tests.js: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/resources/timing-utils.js: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/testcommon.js:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animation-effects/phases-and-states.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/canceling-an-animation-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/canceling-an-animation.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/finishing-an-animation-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/finishing-an-animation.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/pausing-an-animation-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/pausing-an-animation.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/play-states-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/play-states.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/playing-an-animation-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/playing-an-animation.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/reversing-an-animation-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/reversing-an-animation.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/seamlessly-updating-the-playback-rate-of-an-animation-expected.txt: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/seamlessly-updating-the-playback-rate-of-an-animation.html: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/setting-the-current-time-of-an-animation-expected.txt: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/setting-the-current-time-of-an-animation.html: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/setting-the-playback-rate-of-an-animation-expected.txt: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/setting-the-playback-rate-of-an-animation.html: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/setting-the-start-time-of-an-animation-expected.txt: Renamed from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/set-the-animation-start-time-expected.txt.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/setting-the-start-time-of-an-animation.html: Renamed from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/set-the-animation-start-time.html.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/setting-the-target-effect-of-an-animation-expected.txt: Renamed from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/set-the-target-effect-of-an-animation-expected.txt.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/setting-the-target-effect-of-an-animation.html: Renamed from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/set-the-target-effect-of-an-animation.html.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/setting-the-timeline-of-an-animation-expected.txt: Renamed from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/set-the-timeline-of-an-animation-expected.txt.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/setting-the-timeline-of-an-animation.html: Renamed from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/set-the-timeline-of-an-animation.html.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/the-current-time-of-an-animation-expected.txt: Renamed from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/current-time-expected.txt.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/the-current-time-of-an-animation.html: Renamed from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/current-time.html.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/updating-the-finished-state-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/animations/updating-the-finished-state.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/timelines/document-timelines.html:
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/timelines/update-and-send-events-expected.txt: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/web-animations/timing-model/timelines/update-and-send-events.html: Added.


  • TestExpectations:
  • platform/ios/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/accumulation-per-property-expected.txt:
  • platform/ios/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/addition-per-property-expected.txt:
  • platform/ios/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/interpolation-per-property-expected.txt:
  • platform/mac-sierra/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/accumulation-per-property-expected.txt:
  • platform/mac-sierra/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/addition-per-property-expected.txt:
  • platform/mac-sierra/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/interpolation-per-property-expected.txt:
  • platform/mac/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/accumulation-per-property-expected.txt:
  • platform/mac/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/addition-per-property-expected.txt:
  • platform/mac/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/web-animations/animation-model/animation-types/interpolation-per-property-expected.txt:
  • webanimations/css-animations.html:
  • webanimations/left-and-opacity-animation-yields-no-compositing.html:
  • webanimations/opacity-animation-no-longer-composited-upon-completion.html:
  • webanimations/width-and-opacity-separate-animation-yields-no-compositing.html:
3:15 AM Changeset in webkit [237856] by graouts@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[Web Animations] Don't reset pending tasks when setting a null effect

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

The issue https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/2077 has changed the Web Animations API such that
we no longer reset pending tasks when setting a null effect on an animation.

  • animation/WebAnimation.cpp:


3:15 AM Changeset in webkit [237855] by graouts@webkit.org
  • 8 edits
    2 copies in trunk/Source/WebCore

[Web Animations] Update the API to allow the "auto" composite value

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

The Web Animations API has been changed such that the various "composite" properties are no longer optional and instead
allow an "auto" value in their enumeration.

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • DerivedSources.make:
  • Sources.txt:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • animation/CompositeOperationOrAuto.h: Copied from Source/WebCore/animation/KeyframeEffect.idl.
  • animation/CompositeOperationOrAuto.idl: Copied from Source/WebCore/animation/KeyframeEffect.idl.
  • animation/KeyframeEffect.cpp:


  • animation/KeyframeEffect.h:
  • animation/KeyframeEffect.idl:
3:15 AM Changeset in webkit [237854] by graouts@webkit.org
  • 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[Web Animations] Update the API to implement Animation.updatePlaybackRate()

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

The Web Animations API has been changed to allow for changes to an animation's playback rate both synchronously,
with the existing "playbackRate" property, and asynchronously, with the new updatePlaybackRate() method. In this
patch we update the various procedures to account for pending playback rate changes and the notion of an "effective
playback rate".

  • animation/WebAnimation.cpp:

(WebCore::WebAnimation::effectivePlaybackRate const):
(WebCore::WebAnimation::playState const):

  • animation/WebAnimation.h:

(WebCore::WebAnimation::playbackRate const):

  • animation/WebAnimation.idl:
3:15 AM Changeset in webkit [237853] by graouts@webkit.org
  • 18 edits
    2 moves
    5 deletes in trunk/Source/WebCore

[Web Animations] Implement getTiming() and updateTiming()

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

The Web Animations API has been further simplified by removing the AnimationEffectTiming and AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly
interfaces, removing the "timing" property on AnimationEffect replacing it with getTiming() and updateTiming() methods. This
does not change the features of the API but simply how they are exposed.

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • DerivedSources.make:
  • Sources.txt:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • animation/AnimationEffect.cpp:

(WebCore::AnimationEffect::phase const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::activeTime const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::overallProgress const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::simpleIterationProgress const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::currentIteration const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::currentDirection const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::transformedProgress const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::endTime const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::activeDuration const):

  • animation/AnimationEffect.h:

(WebCore::AnimationEffect::delay const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::endDelay const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::fill const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::iterationStart const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::iterations const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::iterationDuration const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::direction const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::timingFunction const):

  • animation/AnimationEffect.idl:
  • animation/AnimationEffectTiming.idl: Removed.
  • animation/AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly.cpp: Removed.
  • animation/AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly.h: Removed.
  • animation/AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly.idl: Removed.
  • animation/CSSAnimation.cpp:


  • animation/CSSTransition.cpp:


  • animation/DeclarativeAnimation.cpp:


  • animation/DocumentTimeline.cpp:
  • animation/EffectTiming.idl:
  • animation/KeyframeEffect.cpp:

(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::backingAnimationForCompositedRenderer const):

  • animation/KeyframeEffect.h:
  • animation/OptionalEffectTiming.h: Renamed from Source/WebCore/animation/AnimationEffectTiming.h.
  • animation/OptionalEffectTiming.idl: Renamed from Source/WebCore/animation/AnimationEffectTiming.cpp.
  • animation/WebAnimation.cpp:


  • animation/WebAnimation.h:

(WebCore::WebAnimation::isRelevant const):

  • bindings/js/JSAnimationEffectTimingReadOnlyCustom.cpp: Removed.
  • bindings/js/WebCoreBuiltinNames.h:
3:15 AM Changeset in webkit [237852] by graouts@webkit.org
  • 23 edits
    8 moves
    3 deletes in trunk/Source/WebCore

[Web Animations] Update the Web Animations API to remove all the ReadOnly interfaces

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

The Web Animations API has been simplified by removing its various ReadOnly interfaces. In this patch,
we make the following changes, not adding code but merely merging and renaming files:

  • AnimationEffectReadOnly and AnimationEffect are now a single AnimationEffect interface
  • KeyframeEffectReadOnly and KeyframeEffect are now a single KeyframeEffect interface
  • ComputedTimingProperties is now named ComputedEffectTiming
  • AnimationEffectTimingProperties is now named EffectTiming
  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • DerivedSources.make:
  • Sources.txt:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • animation/AnimationEffect.cpp: Renamed from Source/WebCore/animation/AnimationEffectReadOnly.cpp.

(WebCore::AnimationEffect::localTime const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::phase const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::activeTime const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::overallProgress const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::simpleIterationProgress const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::currentIteration const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::currentDirection const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::directedProgress const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::transformedProgress const):
(WebCore::AnimationEffect::iterationProgress const):

  • animation/AnimationEffect.h: Renamed from Source/WebCore/animation/AnimationEffectReadOnly.h.

(WebCore::AnimationEffect::isKeyframeEffect const):

  • animation/AnimationEffect.idl: Renamed from Source/WebCore/animation/AnimationEffectReadOnly.idl.
  • animation/AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly.cpp:
  • animation/AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly.h:


  • animation/AnimationTimeline.cpp:


  • animation/CSSTransition.cpp:
  • animation/ComputedEffectTiming.h: Renamed from Source/WebCore/animation/ComputedTimingProperties.h.
  • animation/ComputedEffectTiming.idl: Renamed from Source/WebCore/animation/ComputedTimingProperties.idl.
  • animation/DeclarativeAnimation.cpp:

(WebCore::DeclarativeAnimation::flushPendingStyleChanges const):
(WebCore::DeclarativeAnimation::phaseWithoutEffect const):

  • animation/DeclarativeAnimation.h:
  • animation/DocumentTimeline.cpp:

(WebCore::DocumentTimeline::getAnimations const):
(WebCore::DocumentTimeline::computeExtentOfAnimation const):
(WebCore::DocumentTimeline::isRunningAnimationOnRenderer const):
(WebCore::DocumentTimeline::isRunningAcceleratedAnimationOnRenderer const):

  • animation/EffectTiming.h: Renamed from Source/WebCore/animation/AnimationEffectTimingProperties.h.
  • animation/EffectTiming.idl: Renamed from Source/WebCore/animation/AnimationEffectTimingProperties.idl.
  • animation/KeyframeEffect.cpp:

(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::checkForMatchingFilterFunctionLists const):
(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::backingAnimationForCompositedRenderer const):
(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::renderer const):
(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::currentStyle const):
(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::computeExtentOfTransformAnimation const):
(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::computeTransformedExtentViaTransformList const):
(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::computeTransformedExtentViaMatrix const):

  • animation/KeyframeEffect.h:

(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::target const):
(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::iterationComposite const):
(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::composite const):
(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::isRunningAccelerated const):
(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::hasPendingAcceleratedAction const):
(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::hasBlendingKeyframes const):
(WebCore::KeyframeEffect::animatedProperties const):

  • animation/KeyframeEffect.idl:
  • animation/KeyframeEffectOptions.h:
  • animation/KeyframeEffectOptions.idl:
  • animation/KeyframeEffectReadOnly.cpp: Removed.
  • animation/KeyframeEffectReadOnly.h: Removed.
  • animation/KeyframeEffectReadOnly.idl: Removed.
  • animation/WebAnimation.cpp:


  • animation/WebAnimation.h:

(WebCore::WebAnimation::effect const):

  • animation/WebAnimation.idl:
  • bindings/js/JSAnimationEffectCustom.cpp: Renamed from Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSAnimationEffectReadOnlyCustom.cpp.


  • bindings/js/JSWebAnimationCustom.cpp:


  • bindings/js/WebCoreBuiltinNames.h:
  • dom/Document.cpp:
2:26 AM Changeset in webkit [237851] by zandobersek@gmail.com
  • 7 edits
    28 adds in trunk/LayoutTests

Unreviewed WPE gardening. Handle a bunch of test failures under the
directories containing imported W3C wpt tests. A few test expectations
are added, but mostly the corresponding baselines are provided.

  • platform/wpe/TestExpectations:
  • platform/wpe/http/tests/dom: Added.
  • platform/wpe/http/tests/dom/same-origin-detached-window-properties-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/http/wpt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/http/wpt/mediarecorder: Added.
  • platform/wpe/http/wpt/mediarecorder/MediaRecorder-dataavailable-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/http/wpt/mediarecorder/MediaRecorder-mock-dataavailable-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encrypted-media/clearkey-generate-request-disallowed-input.https-expected.txt:
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-playback-temporary-encrypted-clear.https-expected.txt:
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encrypted-media/clearkey-mp4-reset-src-after-setmediakeys.https-expected.txt:
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/encrypted-media/idlharness.https-expected.txt:
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/the-input-element: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/hidden-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/the-input-element/text-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/mimesniff: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/mimesniff/mime-types: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/mimesniff/mime-types/charset-parameter.window-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/pointerevents: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/pointerevents/extension: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/pointerevents/extension/pointerevent_touch-action-verification-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/pointerevents/pointerevent_touch-action-illegal-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/pointerevents/pointerevent_touch-action-verification-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/fetch-event-within-sw-manual.https-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/service-workers/service-worker/fetch-frame-resource.https-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/shadow-dom: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/shadow-dom/input-element-list-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/xhr/formdata-blob-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/xhr/formdata-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/xhr/getallresponseheaders-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/xhr/getresponseheader.any-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/xhr/getresponseheader.any.worker-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/xhr/setrequestheader-content-type-expected.txt:
2:01 AM WebKitGTK/2.22.x edited by Adrian Perez de Castro
1:44 AM Changeset in webkit [237850] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 5 edits in trunk

Some minor X-Content-Type-Options parsing issues

Patch by Rob Buis <rbuis@igalia.com> on 2018-11-06
Reviewed by Darin Adler.


Update improved result.

  • web-platform-tests/fetch/nosniff/parsing-nosniff-expected.txt:


Implement new parsing rules for X-Content-Type-Options [1]:

[1] https://fetch.spec.whatwg.org/#x-content-type-options-header

Test: web-platform-tests/fetch/nosniff/parsing-nosniff.html

  • platform/network/HTTPParsers.cpp:


12:19 AM Changeset in webkit [237849] by fred.wang@free.fr
  • 3 edits
    2 adds in trunk

Overlay with -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch doesn't become scrollable after added text makes it taller

Patch by Frederic Wang <fwang@igalia.com> on 2018-11-06
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.


Resizing the content of a -webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch overflow node on iOS may make it
scrollable. However, the RenderLayerBacking's scrolling layer is not properly created
when RenderLayerCompositor::updateScrollCoordinatedLayer is called and hence the UIProcess
receives a null UIScrollView pointer when ScrollingTreeScrollingNodeDelegateIOS performs the
associated update. In debug mode this hits an ASSERT and in release mode the overflow node
remains unscrollable from the user's point of view. This patch fixes this issue by ensuring
the RenderLayerBacking's scrolling layer is created during updateScrollCoordinatedStatus.

Test: fast/scrolling/ios/update-scroll-coordinated-status.html

  • rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.cpp:

(WebCore::RenderLayerCompositor::updateScrollCoordinatedStatus): Call updateConfiguration()
to ensure the scrolling layer is present and indicate whether a rebuild is necessary.


Add a test to ensure the change of scrolling status is reflected in the layer and scrolling
trees. This test should also ASSERT in debug mode without the associated code change.

  • fast/scrolling/ios/update-scroll-coordinated-status-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/scrolling/ios/update-scroll-coordinated-status.html: Added.

Nov 5, 2018:

11:11 PM Changeset in webkit [237848] by zandobersek@gmail.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit

[WPE] Remove BackingStore, BackingStoreCairo implementation files from build

Reviewed by Michael Catanzaro.

  • SourcesWPE.txt: Drop the BackingStore.cpp and BackingStoreCairo.cpp

files from the WPE build. These are not used at all in WPE configuration
as they are only used by the GTK+ port for non-AC functionality.

11:09 PM Changeset in webkit [237847] by zandobersek@gmail.com
  • 6 edits
    2 adds in trunk/Source/WebCore

Place Fontconfig-specific RefPtr specializations in RefPtrFontconfig.h

Reviewed by Michael Catanzaro.

Move the Fontconfig-specific RefPtr specialization declarations from
RefPtrCairo.h to RefPtrFontconfig.h, with definitions moved to the new
RefPtrFontconfig.cpp implementation file. These specializations are
not tied to Cairo in any way.

  • platform/FreeType.cmake:
  • platform/graphics/FontPlatformData.h:
  • platform/graphics/cairo/RefPtrCairo.cpp:
  • platform/graphics/cairo/RefPtrCairo.h:
  • platform/graphics/freetype/FontCacheFreeType.cpp:
  • platform/graphics/freetype/RefPtrFontconfig.cpp: Added.


  • platform/graphics/freetype/RefPtrFontconfig.h: Copied from Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/cairo/RefPtrCairo.h.
11:01 PM Changeset in webkit [237846] by don.olmstead@sony.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[CMake] Fix WebCore/Modules includes

Reviewed by Fujii Hironori.

No new tests. No change in behavior.

Add in applicationmanifest to the list of includes and sort the
modules directory.

  • CMakeLists.txt:
8:35 PM Changeset in webkit [237845] by mmaxfield@apple.com
  • 17 edits in trunk

Cache glyph paths and share underline skipping code between all the ports

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.


Measures the performance of drawing a whole lot of underlines

  • Layout/underline.html: Added.


I was hoping that caching the glyph paths was going to be a performance progression,
but it turns out that the additional overhead of WebCore::Path compensated for it.
In total, the performance is the same (my testing says that this patch is a 1%
progression, but that's within the noise).

Because the ink skipping logic is now shared among all ports, Windows now gets it for

Test: PerformanceTests/Layout/underline.html

  • platform/graphics/Font.cpp:

(WebCore::Font::pathForGlyph const):

  • platform/graphics/Font.h:
  • platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp:

(WebCore::FontCascade::dashesForIntersectionsWithRect const):

  • platform/graphics/FontCascade.h:
  • platform/graphics/GlyphMetricsMap.h:

(WebCore::GlyphMetricsMap::GlyphMetricsPage::existingMetricsForGlyph const):

  • platform/graphics/TextRun.h:
  • platform/graphics/cairo/FontCairo.cpp:

(WebCore::Font::platformPathForGlyph const):
(WebCore::GlyphIterationState::GlyphIterationState): Deleted.
(WebCore::findIntersectionPoint): Deleted.
(WebCore::updateX): Deleted.
(WebCore::findPathIntersections): Deleted.
(): Deleted.
(WebCore::CairoGlyphToPathTranslator::path): Deleted.
(WebCore::CairoGlyphToPathTranslator::extents): Deleted.
(WebCore::CairoGlyphToPathTranslator::underlineType): Deleted.
(WebCore::CairoGlyphToPathTranslator::advance): Deleted.
(WebCore::FontCascade::dashesForIntersectionsWithRect const): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCascadeCocoa.mm:

(WebCore::GlyphIterationState::GlyphIterationState): Deleted.
(WebCore::findIntersectionPoint): Deleted.
(WebCore::updateX): Deleted.
(WebCore::findPathIntersections): Deleted.
(): Deleted.
(WebCore::MacGlyphToPathTranslator::path): Deleted.
(WebCore::MacGlyphToPathTranslator::extents): Deleted.
(WebCore::MacGlyphToPathTranslator::underlineType): Deleted.
(WebCore::MacGlyphToPathTranslator::advance): Deleted.
(WebCore::FontCascade::dashesForIntersectionsWithRect const): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCocoa.mm:

(WebCore::Font::platformPathForGlyph const):

  • rendering/TextDecorationPainter.cpp:



Remove CSS3_TEXT_DECORATION_SKIP_INK. It's now interoperable and part of the Web Platform.

  • wtf/Platform.h:
8:32 PM Changeset in webkit [237844] by mmaxfield@apple.com
  • 23 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Clean up text decoration drawing code

Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.

This is some general clean up of the text decorations code. There is no behavior change.

This patch modifies GraphicsContext::drawLineForText() & friends to accept a FloatRect instead of a FloatPoint + float width.
This is helpful because it allows for easier bounding box calculations.
This patch also removes some redundant computations that the skip:ink codepath was performing.
This patch also refactors the wavy decoration parameters to not use out params.

No new tests because there is no behavior change.

  • platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.h:
  • platform/graphics/GraphicsContextImpl.h:
  • platform/graphics/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListItems.cpp:

(WebCore::DisplayList::DrawLinesForText::apply const):
(WebCore::DisplayList::DrawLinesForText::localBounds const):

  • platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListItems.h:

(WebCore::DisplayList::DrawLinesForText::thickness const):

  • platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListRecorder.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListRecorder.h:
  • rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp:

(WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintCompositionUnderline const):

  • rendering/SimpleLineLayoutFunctions.cpp:


  • rendering/TextDecorationPainter.cpp:

(WebCore::drawSkipInkUnderline): Deleted.

  • rendering/TextDecorationPainter.h:

(WebCore::TextDecorationPainter::setFont): Deleted.
(WebCore::TextDecorationPainter::setBaseline): Deleted.

  • style/InlineTextBoxStyle.cpp:


  • style/InlineTextBoxStyle.h:
8:30 PM Changeset in webkit [237843] by mmaxfield@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Fix the Windows build after r237835

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

  • rendering/style/TextDecorationThickness.h:

(WebCore::TextDecorationThickness::operator== const):

8:07 PM Changeset in webkit [237842] by Wenson Hsieh
  • 10 edits
    2 adds in trunk

[iOS] Swatch appears squished and off-center in inputs of type color

Reviewed by Tim Horton.


This patch makes some small adjustments to color inputs on iOS to bring them closer to the intended design.
See comments below for more details.

Tests: fast/forms/color/color-input-uses-color-well-appearance.html


  • css/html.css:

Adjust the UA stylesheet for color inputs on iOS.

  • rendering/RenderTheme.cpp:


When painting decorations for ColorWellPart, treat it as a standard button instead of the square button

(WebCore::RenderTheme::colorInputStyleSheet const):

Add -webkit-appearance: color-well; to the stylesheet for color inputs. Previously, this was special-cased on
iOS, where color input elements had appearances of textfield; however, this patch makes some adjustments to
RenderThemeIOS, allowing us to use color-well on iOS.

  • rendering/RenderTheme.h:

(WebCore::RenderTheme::platformUsesColorWellAppearance const): Deleted.

Remove this from RenderTheme. This is no longer necessary, since all platforms now use
-webkit-appearance: color-well;.

  • rendering/RenderThemeIOS.h:
  • rendering/RenderThemeIOS.mm:

(WebCore::RenderThemeIOS::adjustButtonStyle const):

When painting buttons for color inputs, don't add rounded corners that are present by default for regular


  • fast/forms/color/color-input-uses-color-well-appearance-expected-mismatch.html: Added.
  • fast/forms/color/color-input-uses-color-well-appearance.html: Added.

Add a test to verify that setting -webkit-appearance: textfield; on a color input causes the color input to
render differently from a color input with a default appearance.

  • platform/ios-wk1/TestExpectations:
  • platform/ios/TestExpectations:

In the WebKit2 port of iOS, enable a handful of color input tests that are currently disabled.

  • platform/ios/fast/forms/color/input-appearance-color-expected.txt:

Rebaseline an existing test on iOS.

6:30 PM Changeset in webkit [237841] by Alan Coon
  • 1 copy in tags/Safari-606.

Tag Safari-606.

5:59 PM Changeset in webkit [237840] by Alan Coon
  • 1 edit in branches/safari-606.3.4.1-branch/Source/WebKit/NetworkProcess/cocoa/NetworkSessionCocoa.mm

Apply patch. rdar://problem/45523764.

5:03 PM Changeset in webkit [237839] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 8 edits
    2 adds in branches/safari-606.3.4.0-branch

Cherry-pick r237837. rdar://problem/45811371

[MediaStream] An audio track should be muted when capture is interrupted by the OS.

https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id= 191283


Patch by Eric Carlson <eric.carlson@apple.com> on 2018-11-05
Reviewed by Jon Lee.

Test: fast/mediastream/media-stream-track-interrupted.html

  • platform/mediastream/RealtimeMediaSource.cpp: (WebCore::RealtimeMediaSource::setInterruptedForTesting):
  • platform/mediastream/RealtimeMediaSource.h:
  • platform/mediastream/mac/CoreAudioCaptureSource.cpp: (WebCore::CoreAudioCaptureSource::beginInterruption): (WebCore::CoreAudioCaptureSource::endInterruption):
  • testing/Internals.cpp: (WebCore::Internals::setMediaStreamSourceInterrupted):
  • testing/Internals.h:
  • testing/Internals.idl:




Patch by Eric Carlson <eric.carlson@apple.com> on 2018-11-05
Reviewed by Jon Lee.

  • fast/mediastream/media-stream-track-interrupted-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/mediastream/media-stream-track-interrupted.html: Added.

git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@237837 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

4:49 PM Changeset in webkit [237838] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 7 edits in branches/safari-606.3.4.0-branch/Source


4:45 PM Changeset in webkit [237837] by jer.noble@apple.com
  • 8 edits
    2 adds in trunk

[MediaStream] An audio track should be muted when capture is interrupted by the OS.

https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id= 191283


Patch by Eric Carlson <eric.carlson@apple.com> on 2018-11-05
Reviewed by Jon Lee.

Test: fast/mediastream/media-stream-track-interrupted.html

  • platform/mediastream/RealtimeMediaSource.cpp:


  • platform/mediastream/RealtimeMediaSource.h:
  • platform/mediastream/mac/CoreAudioCaptureSource.cpp:


  • testing/Internals.cpp:


  • testing/Internals.h:
  • testing/Internals.idl:




Patch by Eric Carlson <eric.carlson@apple.com> on 2018-11-05
Reviewed by Jon Lee.

  • fast/mediastream/media-stream-track-interrupted-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/mediastream/media-stream-track-interrupted.html: Added.
4:21 PM Changeset in webkit [237836] by Jonathan Bedard
  • 3 edits in trunk/Tools

webkitpy: Generalize trailing SDK specifier (Part 1)

Reviewed by Lucas Forschler.

  • Scripts/webkitpy/common/system/platforminfo.py:

(PlatformInfo.available_sdks): List all installed SDKs with version numbers stripped out.

  • Scripts/webkitpy/common/system/platforminfo_unittest.py:


4:11 PM Changeset in webkit [237835] by mmaxfield@apple.com
  • 18 edits
    6 adds in trunk

Parsing support for text-underline-offset and text-decoration-thickness

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.


Before we can implement the properties properly, we have to parse them.

https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/3118#issuecomment-432297480 describes the grammar:

text-underline-position: auto | [ [ under | from-font]
[ left | right ] ]

text-underline-offset: auto | <length>
text-decoration-thickness: auto | from-font | <length>

This patch also takes the opportunity to update the grammar of text-underline-position to match the spec,
and to add an alias to the unprefixed version.

We still don't support the left and right values on text-underline-position. We should add those eventually.

Tests: fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-thickness-parse.html


  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:


  • css/CSSPrimitiveValueMappings.h:

(WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::operator TextUnderlinePosition const):
(WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::operator OptionSet<TextUnderlinePosition> const): Deleted.

  • css/CSSProperties.json:
  • css/CSSValueKeywords.in:
  • css/StyleBuilderConverter.h:


  • css/StyleResolver.cpp:


  • css/parser/CSSPropertyParser.cpp:


  • rendering/style/RenderStyle.h:

(WebCore::RenderStyle::textUnderlinePosition const):
(WebCore::RenderStyle::textUnderlineOffset const):
(WebCore::RenderStyle::textDecorationThickness const):

  • rendering/style/RenderStyleConstants.h:
  • rendering/style/StyleRareInheritedData.cpp:

(WebCore::StyleRareInheritedData::operator== const):

  • rendering/style/StyleRareInheritedData.h:
  • rendering/style/TextDecorationThickness.h: Added.

(WebCore::TextDecorationThickness::isAuto const):
(WebCore::TextDecorationThickness::isFromFont const):
(WebCore::TextDecorationThickness::isLength const):
(WebCore::TextDecorationThickness::lengthValue const):
(WebCore::TextDecorationThickness::operator== const):
(WebCore::TextDecorationThickness::operator!= const):

  • rendering/style/TextUnderlineOffset.h: Added.

(WebCore::TextUnderlineOffset::isAuto const):
(WebCore::TextUnderlineOffset::isLength const):
(WebCore::TextUnderlineOffset::lengthValue const):
(WebCore::TextUnderlineOffset::lengthOr const):
(WebCore::TextUnderlineOffset::operator== const):
(WebCore::TextUnderlineOffset::operator!= const):

  • style/InlineTextBoxStyle.cpp:


  • style/InlineTextBoxStyle.h:


  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/getComputedStyle/getComputedStyle-text-underline-position-expected.txt:
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/getComputedStyle/getComputedStyle-text-underline-position.html: Update the

test for the new grammar of text-underline-position

  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-thickness-parse-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-decoration-thickness-parse.html: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-underline-offset-parse-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/css3-text/css3-text-decoration/text-underline-offset-parse.html: Added.
4:09 PM Changeset in webkit [237834] by mmaxfield@apple.com
  • 20 edits
    9 adds in trunk

Spelling dots are drawn in the wrong place

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.


  • Dots should not be clipped.
  • Dots should be horizontally centered.
  • Dots should be drawn behind the text.
  • Distance from the baseline to the top of the dot should be 11.035% of font size.
  • Dot diameter should be 13.247% of the font size.
  • Distance between the dots (right side of the left dot to left side of the right dot) should be 9.457% of the font size.
  • The "font size" used in these calculations should be clamped so it's 10px <= font size <= 40px.

Tests: editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position-2.html


  • platform/graphics/cocoa/GraphicsContextCocoa.mm:

(WebCore::colorForMarkerLineStyle): Align iOS and macOS implementations.
(WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawDotsForDocumentMarker): Place the dots correctly.

  • rendering/InlineFlowBox.cpp:

(WebCore::InlineFlowBox::addToLine): The KnownToHaveNoOverflow flag should be cleared if the element has spelling dots,

because there is no guarantee the spelling dots will lie inside the layout rect of the element.

(WebCore::InlineFlowBox::addTextBoxVisualOverflow): Update the repaint rects to include splling dot positions.

  • rendering/InlineFlowBox.h: Comments should explain why, not say what.
  • rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp:

(WebCore::InlineTextBox::paint): Draw the dots behind the text.
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::hasMarkers const): Convenience.
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintPlatformDocumentMarkers): Refactor bounds information into a helper function.
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::calculateUnionOfAllDocumentMarkerBounds const): Use for repaint rect calculation.
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::calculateDocumentMarkerBounds const): Place the dots correctly.
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::paintPlatformDocumentMarker): Call the helper method.
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::collectMarkedTextsForDocumentMarkers const):
(WebCore::InlineTextBox::collectMarkedTextsForDocumentMarkers): Deleted.

  • rendering/InlineTextBox.h: Declare the helper methods.
  • rendering/SimpleLineLayout.cpp: Simple line layout doesn't know how to paint spelling dots, so make the presence of

spelling dots opt us out of SLL.


  • rendering/SimpleLineLayoutCoverage.cpp:


  • rendering/SimpleLineLayoutCoverage.h: Add a new opt-out reason.


Previously, it was impossible for WebKitTestRunner to draw spelling dots. This patch adds support for a header
at the top of test files, of the form <!-- webkit-test-runner [ spellCheckingDots=true ] --> which will cause
dots to be drawn.

  • WebKitTestRunner/TestController.cpp:


  • WebKitTestRunner/TestController.h:
  • WebKitTestRunner/TestOptions.h:

(WTR::TestOptions::hasSameInitializationOptions const):

  • WebKitTestRunner/cocoa/TestControllerCocoa.mm:


  • WebKitTestRunner/cocoa/TestRunnerWKWebView.h:
  • WebKitTestRunner/ios/TestControllerIOS.mm:


  • WebKitTestRunner/mac/TestControllerMac.mm:



  • editing/spelling/resources/VerySmallDescentAhem.ttf: Added. In order to test repaint rects,

this is a version of Ahem with a very small descent, so that the dots don't intersect
with the text itself.

  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position-2-expected-mismatch.html: Added.
  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position-2.html: Added. Make sure dots are painted in the

correct vertical place.

  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position-3-expected-mismatch.html: Added.
  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position-3.html: Added. Make sure dots are painted in the

correct vertical place.

  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position-expected.html: Added.
  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-position.html: Added. Make sure dots are not painted in

the wrong place.

  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-repaint-expected.html: Added.
  • editing/spelling/spelling-dots-repaint.html: Added. Test repaint by drawing an element

with spelling dots, and then deleting the element from the document. The spelling
dots should be removed too.

  • fast/writing-mode/english-bt-text-with-spelling-marker-expected.html:
  • fast/writing-mode/english-bt-text-with-spelling-marker.html: Update the test to compensate

for new spelling dot positions.

3:59 PM Changeset in webkit [237833] by Adrian Perez de Castro
  • 2 edits in releases/WebKitGTK/webkit-2.22

[WPE][GTK] Expose ENABLE_MEDIA_SOURCE as public option

Reviewed by Xabier Rodriguez-Calvar.

This option should be public because it needs to be disabled to build with GStreamer older
than 1.14.4.

  • Source/cmake/GStreamerDefinitions.cmake:
3:11 PM Changeset in webkit [237832] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

Layout Test imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-setRemoteDescription-tracks.https.html is flaky

Unreviewed test gardening.

2:03 PM Changeset in webkit [237831] by Devin Rousso
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI

Web Inspector: Audit: turn off Start button when all tests are removed

Reviewed by Matt Baker.

  • UserInterface/Views/AuditNavigationSidebarPanel.js:


1:38 PM Changeset in webkit [237830] by Chris Dumez
  • 7 edits in trunk

Use same limit for page cache and suspended pages

Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.


Use same limit for page cache and suspended pages as they serve the same purpose.

  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKProcessPool.mm:

(-[WKProcessPool _maximumSuspendedPageCount]):

  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKProcessPoolPrivate.h:
  • UIProcess/WebProcessPool.cpp:


  • UIProcess/WebProcessPool.h:


Update API tests accordingly.

  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/ProcessSwapOnNavigation.mm:
12:43 PM Changeset in webkit [237829] by ajuma@chromium.org
  • 4 edits
    2 adds in trunk/LayoutTests/imported/w3c

[IntersectionObserver] Update WPTs to the latest upstream version

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

  • web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/bounding-box-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/bounding-box.html:
  • web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/target-in-different-window-expected.txt: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/target-in-different-window.html: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/w3c-import.log:
12:36 PM Changeset in webkit [237828] by dino@apple.com
  • 1 edit in trunk/Source/WebCore/dom/messageports/MessagePortChannelRegistry.cpp

Another attempted build fix.

  • dom/messageports/MessagePortChannelRegistry.cpp:
12:26 PM Changeset in webkit [237827] by dino@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Attempted build fix.

  • dom/messageports/MessagePortChannelRegistry.cpp:
12:03 PM Changeset in webkit [237826] by Basuke Suzuki
  • 2 edits in trunk/Tools

[style] Exclude style check for auto generated files.

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

Some files checked in to the repository are generated by other tools. In this patch,
"MiniBrowserLibResource.h" is the file generated and managed by resource editor of

There's no need to check these files because it's not practical to fix the style errors
or it's hard to maintain those fixes.

  • Scripts/webkitpy/style/checkers/cpp.py:


11:58 AM Changeset in webkit [237825] by Chris Dumez
  • 3 edits
    2 adds in trunk

Crash under DOMWindow::postMessageTimerFired()

Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.


Protect the frame in DOMWindow::postMessageTimerFired() before calling dispatchEvent() as dispatching the
event may cause JS to run and this JS may cause the frame to be destroyed, in which case we will crash
when trying to use the frame on the next line.

Test: fast/dom/Window/remove-frame-in-message-event-handler.html

  • page/DOMWindow.cpp:



Add layout test coverage.

  • fast/dom/Window/remove-frame-in-message-event-handler-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/dom/Window/remove-frame-in-message-event-handler.html: Added.
11:38 AM Changeset in webkit [237824] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Tools

[Flatpak] Build libx264 as it is the h264 encoder we support in WebRTC

Patch by Thibault Saunier <tsaunier@igalia.com> on 2018-11-05
Reviewed by Philippe Normand.

  • flatpak/org.webkit.WebKit.yaml:
11:35 AM Changeset in webkit [237823] by don.olmstead@sony.com
  • 6 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Fix typos in closing ENABLE guards

Reviewed by Keith Miller.

  • ftl/FTLForOSREntryJITCode.h:
  • ftl/FTLJITCode.h:
  • jsc.cpp:
  • wasm/WasmMemoryInformation.h:
  • wasm/WasmPageCount.h:
11:35 AM Changeset in webkit [237822] by dbates@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Tools

[lldb-webkit] Fix formatting nits in Document and Frame summary strings

Reviewed by Andy Estes.

Format boolean as 1/0 when printing Frame summary to be consistent with the formatting of
booleans in other summary strings, substitute "inMainFrame" for "isMainFrame" in the printed
Document summary and add closing brace '}' to both Frame and Document summary strings to make
them look pretty.

  • lldb/lldb_webkit.py:


11:21 AM Changeset in webkit [237821] by keith_miller@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Make static_asserts in APICast into bitwise_cast

Reviewed by Filip Pizlo.

  • API/APICast.h:


11:18 AM Changeset in webkit [237820] by Wenson Hsieh
  • 6 edits in trunk

[iOS] Allow WKWebView clients to customize bar button item groups in the accessory view when editing

Reviewed by Tim Horton.


Allow WKWebView clients to override WKContentView's default input assistant item by plumbing the call to
-inputAssistantItem through -[WKWebView inputAssistantItem], such that if a client asks WKWebView for its
input assistant item and changes its leading or trailing bar button groups, the changes will be reflected by
WKContentView; additionally, this allows clients to achieve the same effect by overriding -inputAssistantItem
on WKWebView.

Test: KeyboardInputTests.ModifyInputAssistantItemBarButtonGroups


  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebView.mm:

(-[WKWebView inputAssistantItem]):

  • UIProcess/ios/WKContentViewInteraction.h:
  • UIProcess/ios/WKContentViewInteraction.mm:

(-[WKContentView inputAssistantItem]):

Route the call to [super inputAssistantItem] through -[WKWebView inputAssistantItem], so that the input
assistant item may be overridden via WKWebView.

(-[WKContentView inputAssistantItemForWebView]):


Add new API tests to verify that setting leading and trailing bar button groups on WKWebView sets the first
responder's (i.e. WKContentView's) leading and trailing bar button groups, and that this can also be achieved by
overriding -[WKWebView inputAssistantItem].

  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/ios/KeyboardInputTestsIOS.mm:

(-[InputAssistantItemTestingWebView fakeLeadingBarButtonItemAction]):
(-[InputAssistantItemTestingWebView fakeTrailingBarButtonItemAction]):
(+[InputAssistantItemTestingWebView barButtonIcon]):
(+[InputAssistantItemTestingWebView leadingItemsForWebView:]):
(+[InputAssistantItemTestingWebView trailingItemsForWebView:]):
(-[InputAssistantItemTestingWebView inputAssistantItem]):

11:15 AM Changeset in webkit [237819] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 6 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[GStreamer] Fix EncodedImage timestamps to match what libWebRTC expects

Patch by Thibault Saunier <tsaunier@igalia.com> on 2018-11-05
Reviewed by Philippe Normand.

We can't rely on GStreamer timestamps to pass to EncodedImages after encoding
because libWebRTC doesn't use the timestamp we fed it but does
some computation on the input timestamp in the images we pass in before it passes
them back to the encoder. Then internally LibWebRTC relies on those exact timestamps
passed into the encoder to do checks and compute RTP timestamps so we need to carefully
pass the exact timestamps to LibWebRTC (in practice we still use GStreamer timestamps in
all the GStreamer processing pipelines as the WebRTC object basically wraps the "same"
GstSample all around, but we are not synced on the clock anyway).

  • platform/mediastream/gstreamer/GStreamerMediaStreamSource.cpp:
  • platform/mediastream/gstreamer/GStreamerVideoFrameLibWebRTC.cpp:


  • platform/mediastream/gstreamer/GStreamerVideoFrameLibWebRTC.h:
  • platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/GStreamerVideoDecoderFactory.cpp:


  • platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/GStreamerVideoEncoderFactory.cpp:


11:12 AM Changeset in webkit [237818] by Wenson Hsieh
  • 6 edits
    2 adds in trunk

[iOS] Changing view scale sometimes does not zoom the page to the new initial scale when the page is zoomed in when ignoring meta viewport

Reviewed by Tim Horton.


When _setViewScale: SPI is used to adjust the layout scale factor of the page, we multiply minimum, initial
and maximum scales by the given layout scale factor to adjust for a larger or smaller minimum layout size.
However, in the case where the layout size scale factor is greater than 1 and we're also forcing the viewport to
be scalable, we override the default minimum scale with 1 (i.e. forceAlwaysUserScalableMinimumScale). This
means that the might be off by a small margin due to rounding error when computing the content width and view
width (see: r237743).

This means that in the case where (1) the viewport is forced to be user-scalable, and (2) we're ignoring meta
viewport parameters, and (3) _viewScale exceeds 1, we may end up computing a slightly different minimum scale
than the default minimum scale multiplied by the layout size scale factor; subsequently, the page scale factor
will be slightly different from initial scale, such that we'll no longer zoom to the new initial scale when
changing view scale.

This patch adjusts forceAlwaysUserScalableMinimumScale and forceAlwaysUserScalableMaximumScale to take the
current layout scale factor into account when computing min and max scales when the viewport is forced to be
always scalable.

Test: fast/viewport/ios/minimum-scale-after-changing-view-scale.html

  • page/ViewportConfiguration.cpp:

(WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::minimumScale const):

  • page/ViewportConfiguration.h:

(WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::maximumScale const):
(WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::forceAlwaysUserScalableMaximumScale const):
(WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::forceAlwaysUserScalableMinimumScale const):

Turn these from constant values to const functions on ViewportConfiguration, which factor in the current
viewport layout size scale factor.


Add a missing check for shouldIgnoreMetaViewport when comparing TestOptions, to ensure that "ignore meta
viewport" state doesn't unexpectedly persist after running a layout test that ignores meta viewport.

  • WebKitTestRunner/TestOptions.h:

(WTR::TestOptions::hasSameInitializationOptions const):


Add a new layout test that sets the view scale to several values greater than or equal to 1 and verifies that
the minimum scale and resulting scroll view scale are exactly the same as the view scale, when (1) the "ignores
meta viewport" preference is enabled, and (2) the viewport is forced to be always scalable.

  • fast/viewport/ios/minimum-scale-after-changing-view-scale-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/viewport/ios/minimum-scale-after-changing-view-scale.html: Added.
11:01 AM Changeset in webkit [237817] by Matt Baker
  • 5 edits in trunk

Web Inspector: Table selection should not require that rows be in the cache

Reviewed by Devin Rousso.


Deselecting a table row shouldn't depend on it being in the cache. This
allows us to implement select all, and other kinds of bulk selection
actions that affect rows that haven't been revealed.

  • UserInterface/Views/Table.js:



Add a test that a table row that is not in the cache can be selected/deselected.

  • inspector/table/table-selection-expected.txt:
  • inspector/table/table-selection.html:
10:37 AM Changeset in webkit [237816] by dino@apple.com
  • 6 edits
    1 add in trunk/Source/WebCore

Expose a constructor for PointerEvent from PlatformTouchEvent

Reviewed by Antoine Quint.

Implement a constructor that takes a PlatformTouchEvent to
create a PointerEvent. At the moment the code to call this
constructor will live in WebKitAdditions, so no new tests

  • SourcesCocoa.txt: Add PointerEventIOS.cpp.
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Ditto.
  • dom/EventNames.h: Add macros for pointerdown, pointermove,

pointerup, pointercancel.

  • dom/PointerEvent.cpp: Remove JSC namespace.
  • dom/PointerEvent.h: Add create and constructor that takes

a PlatformTouchEvent.

  • dom/ios/PointerEventIOS.cpp: Added.
10:09 AM Changeset in webkit [237815] by Alan Coon
  • 9 edits
    2 adds in tags/Safari-607.1.12.2

Cherry-pick r237774. rdar://problem/45377609

Mac production builds should sign the network process xpc service with entitlements

Reviewed by Geoff Garen.


  • Configurations/Network-OSX.entitlements: Copied from Configurations/Network-OSX-sandbox.entitlements.
  • Configurations/NetworkService.xcconfig: Set CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS_COCOA_TOUCH_NO like we do for the web process, except with the corresponoding network process entitlements file.
  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKProcessPool.mm: (-[WKProcessPool _networkProcessHasEntitlementForTesting:]):
  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKProcessPoolPrivate.h:
  • UIProcess/Cocoa/WebProcessPoolCocoa.mm: (WebKit::WebProcessPool::networkProcessHasEntitlementForTesting):
  • UIProcess/WebProcessPool.h:
  • WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Add infrastructure to test that the network process actually has an entitlement.


  • TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/NetworkProcess.mm: Added. (TEST):

git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@237774 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

10:09 AM Changeset in webkit [237814] by Alan Coon
  • 4 edits
    1 add in tags/Safari-607.1.12.2

Cherry-pick r237711. rdar://problem/44176965

In WebCore::ResourceLoadObserver, use document.sessionID().isEphemeral() when possible and check for page existence when not

Reviewed by Chris Dumez.


New API test added.

  • loader/ResourceLoadObserver.cpp: (WebCore::ResourceLoadObserver::logSubresourceLoading): (WebCore::ResourceLoadObserver::logUserInteractionWithReducedTimeResolution):


This is an API test for a WebKitLegacy WebView that is first closed and then
JavaScript is handed a keyboard event.

  • TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitLegacy/mac/ClosingWebView.mm: Added. (-[ClosingWebViewThenSendingItAKeyDownEventLoadDelegate webView:didFinishLoadForFrame:]): (-[KeyboardEventListener handleEvent:]): (TestWebKitAPI::TEST):

git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@237711 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

10:07 AM Changeset in webkit [237813] by Ryan Haddad
  • 17 edits in trunk/Source

Unreviewed, rolling out r237785.

Introduced layout test and API test failures on macOS and iOS.

Reverted changeset:

"[iOS] Issue initial paint soon after the visuallyNonEmpty
milestone is fired."

10:03 AM Changeset in webkit [237812] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 5 edits in trunk

Unreviewed, rolling out r237784 and r237788.

Caused mediastream layout test failures (Requested by
ryanhaddad on #webkit).

Reverted changesets:

"[MediaStream] User should not be prompted again after denying
getDisplayMedia request"

"[MediaStream] User should not be prompted again after denying
getDisplayMedia request"

9:54 AM Changeset in webkit [237811] by Chris Dumez
  • 10 edits
    4 adds in trunk/LayoutTests

Resync html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name WPT tests

Reviewed by Geoff Garen.

Resync html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name WPT tests from
upstream c583bcd7eb.

  • web-platform-tests/html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/creating_browsing_context_test_01-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/creating_browsing_context_test_01.html:
  • web-platform-tests/html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/no_window_open_when_term_nesting_level_nonzero.window-expected.txt: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/no_window_open_when_term_nesting_level_nonzero.window.html: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/no_window_open_when_term_nesting_level_nonzero.window.js: Added.


  • web-platform-tests/html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/non_automated/w3c-import.log:
  • web-platform-tests/html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/open-features-tokenization-noopener-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/open-features-tokenization-noopener.html:
  • web-platform-tests/html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/resources/message-opener.html:
  • web-platform-tests/html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/resources/w3c-import.log:
  • web-platform-tests/html/browsers/the-window-object/apis-for-creating-and-navigating-browsing-contexts-by-name/w3c-import.log:
9:47 AM Changeset in webkit [237810] by Lucas Forschler
  • 2 edits in trunk/Tools

Remove unused bots.

rubber-stamped by Alexey Proskuryakov.

  • BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/config.json:
  • BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/public_html/dashboard/Scripts/WebKitBuildbot.js:


9:43 AM Changeset in webkit [237809] by msaboff@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/JSTests

Unreviewed build fix for linux.

  • stress/regexp-compile-oom.js: Disabled for non-darwin OSes.
9:34 AM Changeset in webkit [237808] by Devin Rousso
  • 12 edits
    1 add in trunk

Web Inspector: show save/restore stack for recorded 2D Canvases

Reviewed by Matt Baker.


Instead of using plain objects for holding the WI.Recording's state, use a model object
so that more data can be passed around. When visualizing the state, show any previously
saved states in a WI.DetailsSection underneath the current state. If there are no saved
states (meaning there is only the current state), don't use a WI.DetailsSection.

  • UserInterface/Models/RecordingState.js: Added.

(WI.RecordingState.async swizzleInitialState):
(WI.RecordingState.prototype.get source):
(WI.RecordingState.prototype.get return):

  • UserInterface/Models/Recording.js:

(WI.Recording.prototype.async _process):
(WI.Recording.prototype.async _swizzleState): Deleted.

  • UserInterface/Models/RecordingAction.js:

(WI.RecordingAction.deriveCurrentState): Deleted.

  • UserInterface/Views/RecordingContentView.js:


  • UserInterface/Views/RecordingStateDetailsSidebarPanel.js:

(WI.RecordingStateDetailsSidebarPanel.prototype.get scrollElement):
(WI.RecordingStateDetailsSidebarPanel.prototype.sizeDidChange): Added.
(WI.RecordingStateDetailsSidebarPanel.prototype._generateDetailsCanvas2D.isColorProperty): Deleted.
(WI.RecordingStateDetailsSidebarPanel.prototype._generateDetailsCanvas2D.createInlineSwatch): Deleted.

  • UserInterface/Views/RecordingStateDetailsSidebarPanel.css:

(.sidebar > .panel.details.recording-state > .content .details-section > .header .source): Added.
(.sidebar > .panel.details.recording-state > .content .data-grid tr.modified): Added.
(.sidebar > .panel.details.recording-state > .content .data-grid tr:not(.selected).non-standard .name-column): Added.
(.sidebar > .panel.details.recording-state > .content .data-grid tr:not(.selected) .unavailable): Added.
(.sidebar > .panel.details.recording-state > .content .data-grid .inline-swatch): Added.
(.sidebar > .panel.details.recording-state > .content > .data-grid tr.modified): Deleted.
(.sidebar > .panel.details.recording-state > .content > .data-grid tr:not(.selected).non-standard): Deleted.
(.sidebar > .panel.details.recording-state > .content > .data-grid tr:not(.selected) .unavailable): Deleted.
(.sidebar > .panel.details.recording-state > .content > .data-grid .inline-swatch): Deleted.

  • UserInterface/Main.html:
  • UserInterface/Test.html:
  • Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:


  • inspector/canvas/recording-2d.html:
  • inspector/canvas/resources/recording-utilities.js:

(TestPage.registerInitializer.async logRecording):

9:33 AM Changeset in webkit [237807] by Alan Coon
  • 7 edits in tags/Safari-607.1.12.2/Source


9:27 AM Changeset in webkit [237806] by Alan Coon
  • 1 copy in tags/Safari-607.1.12.2

New tag.

8:45 AM Changeset in webkit [237805] by Michael Catanzaro
  • 2 edits in trunk/Tools

[WPE][GTK] API test runner fails to respect default build type

Reviewed by Carlos Garcia Campos.

Problem is it's looking for a release build, even though I've run set-webkit-configuration
--debug. It should look for a debug build unless I explicitly pass --release.

  • glib/api_test_runner.py:


8:16 AM WebKitGTK/2.22.x edited by Michael Catanzaro
8:08 AM Changeset in webkit [237804] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 4 edits in trunk

[GStreamer][WebRTC] Error out when simulcast is activated

Patch by Thibault Saunier <tsaunier@igalia.com> on 2018-11-05
Reviewed by Philippe Normand.

Implementing it is not for now yet.

Tests for simulcast have been disabled as they now fail (instead of crashing).

  • platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/GStreamerVideoEncoderFactory.cpp:



Tests for simulcast have been disabled as they now fail (instead of crashing).

  • platform/gtk/TestExpectations:
  • platform/wpe/TestExpectations:
8:07 AM Changeset in webkit [237803] by dinfuehr@igalia.com
  • 12 edits in trunk

Enable LLInt on ARMv7/Linux

Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.

After enabling the new bytecode format in r237547, C_LOOP was
forced on all 32-bit platforms. Now enable LLInt again on

ARMv7-Thumb2/Linux by default.

  • Source/cmake/WebKitFeatures.cmake:



This adds a callee-saved register in ARMv7/Linux for the metadataTable and
stores/restores it on LLInt function calls. It also introduces the globaladdr-
instruction for the ARM-offlineasm to access the opcode-table.

  • jit/GPRInfo.h:
  • jit/RegisterSet.cpp:


  • llint/LowLevelInterpreter.asm:
  • llint/LowLevelInterpreter32_64.asm:
  • offlineasm/arm.rb:
  • offlineasm/asm.rb:
  • offlineasm/instructions.rb:


ARMv7-Thumb2/Linux by default.

  • wtf/Platform.h:
7:32 AM Changeset in webkit [237802] by youenn@apple.com
  • 5 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

RealtimeOutgoingAudioSource subclasses should observe its source when fully constructed

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

Moving the logic to observe the audio source to the point where the
RealtimeOutgoingAudioSource subclass is fully initialized.
Covered by existing tests.

  • platform/mediastream/RealtimeOutgoingAudioSource.cpp:


  • platform/mediastream/RealtimeOutgoingAudioSource.h:
  • platform/mediastream/gstreamer/RealtimeOutgoingAudioSourceLibWebRTC.cpp:


  • platform/mediastream/mac/RealtimeOutgoingAudioSourceCocoa.cpp:


7:09 AM Changeset in webkit [237801] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 5 edits
    2 adds in trunk

[GStreamer][WebRTC] Add webrtcencoder bin to cleanup and refactor the way we set encoders

Patch by Thibault Saunier <tsaunier@igalia.com> on 2018-11-05
Reviewed by Philippe Normand.

webrtcencoder is a simple GstBin with a set of well known GStreamer encoders which
it can use to implement encoding for different formats exposing a trimmed down unified API.

It also adds proper handling of H264 profiles.

The added files follow GStreamer coding style as we aim at upstreaming the element
in the future.


This is a refactoring so current tests already cover it.

  • platform/GStreamer.cmake:
  • platform/graphics/gstreamer/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerBase.cpp:


  • platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/GStreamerVideoEncoder.cpp: Added.


  • platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/GStreamerVideoEncoder.h: Added.
  • platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/GStreamerVideoEncoderFactory.cpp:

(WebCore::GStreamerVideoEncoder::ImplementationName const):


Reviewed by Philippe Normand.

  • Scripts/webkitpy/style/checker.py:
7:05 AM Changeset in webkit [237800] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[GStreamer][WebRTC] properly mark H.264 stream type in the "decoder"

Patch by Thibault Saunier <tsaunier@igalia.com> on 2018-11-05
Reviewed by Philippe Normand.

Avoiding to have h264parse make assumption (which might be wrong at some

  • platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/GStreamerVideoDecoderFactory.cpp:


6:50 AM Changeset in webkit [237799] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[GStreamer] Do not sync libwerbtc stream on the clock

The approach here is basically to let libwebrtc do all the
synchronisation for us, and the same way as it is done in apple ports,
we basically try to display what libwebrtc outputs as fast as possible.

Patch by Thibault Saunier <tsaunier@igalia.com> on 2018-11-05
Reviewed by Philippe Normand.

Manually tested

  • platform/graphics/gstreamer/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/gstreamer/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer.h:
6:47 AM Changeset in webkit [237798] by ajuma@chromium.org
  • 4 edits in trunk

[IntersectionObserver] Fix isIntersecting computation when 0 is not a threshold

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.


Update expectation for test that now passes.

  • web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/initial-observation-with-threshold-expected.txt:


isIntersecting should be false if the intersection ratio is smaller than the
smallest threshold value. Update the computation of isIntersecting to depend on
the current thresholdIndex.

Test: imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/initial-observation-with-threshold-expected.html

  • dom/Document.cpp:


5:55 AM Changeset in webkit [237797] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Remove some virtual methods in CachedRawResource

Patch by Rob Buis <rbuis@igalia.com> on 2018-11-05
Reviewed by Frédéric Wang.

Since CachedRawResource is final no need to introduce new virtual
methods in CachedRawResource. This patch also removes an outdated
comment and forward declaration.

No new tests since no change in functionality.

  • loader/cache/CachedRawResource.h:
4:19 AM Changeset in webkit [237796] by Michael Catanzaro
  • 2 edits in trunk/Tools

[WPE][GTK] API test /webkit/WebKitSettings/webkit-settings is failing

Reviewed by Carlos Garcia Campos.

This test ensures that MSE is disabled by default, but we now enable it by default, so
reverse the semantics of the test.

  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitGLib/TestWebKitSettings.cpp:


2:46 AM Changeset in webkit [237795] by Michael Catanzaro
  • 2 edits in trunk/Tools

REGRESSION(r237031): [GTK] Test /webkit/WebKitWebView/settings is failing

Reviewed by Alejandro G. Castro.

Fix a memory leak causing this test to fail.

  • TestWebKitAPI/glib/WebKitGLib/WebViewTest.cpp:


2:00 AM Changeset in webkit [237794] by Philippe Normand
  • 7 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[GStreamer] Move elements registration to GStreamerCommon

Reviewed by Xabier Rodriguez-Calvar.

It was a bit odd to have this in the base player class and to have
sub-classes calling a static function of the super-class.

Covered by existing tests.

  • platform/graphics/gstreamer/GStreamerCommon.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/gstreamer/GStreamerCommon.h:
  • platform/graphics/gstreamer/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/gstreamer/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerBase.cpp:
  • platform/graphics/gstreamer/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerBase.h:
  • platform/graphics/gstreamer/mse/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamerMSE.cpp:


1:34 AM Changeset in webkit [237793] by Fujii Hironori
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

[Win][Clang][JSC] JIT::is64BitType reports "warning: explicit specialization cannot have a storage class"

Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.

  • jit/JIT.h: Changed is64BitType from a template class method to a

template inner class.

1:08 AM Changeset in webkit [237792] by zandobersek@gmail.com
  • 10 edits
    14 adds in trunk/LayoutTests

Unreviewed WPE gardening. Updating or adding various baselines. Also
adding new failure expectations for tests that need a closer look.

  • platform/wpe/TestExpectations:
  • platform/wpe/fast/block/basic/child-block-level-box-with-height-percent-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/fast/block/basic/height-percentage-simple-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/fast/block/basic/inline-content-with-floating-image-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/fast/block/basic/inline-content-with-floating-images2-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/fast/block/basic/quirk-mode-percent-height-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/fast/history: Added.
  • platform/wpe/fast/history/page-cache-webdatabase-pending-transaction-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/fast/inline-block/14498-positionForCoordinates-expected.txt:
  • platform/wpe/fast/inline/simple-inline-block-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/fast/inline/simple-intruding-float1-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/fast/inline/simple-intruding-floats2-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/fast/inline/simple-intruding-floats3-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/fast/inline/simple-shrink-to-fit-inline-block-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/webgl/2.0.0/conformance/canvas/drawingbuffer-test-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/webgl/2.0.0/conformance/context/context-attributes-alpha-depth-stencil-antialias-expected.txt:
  • platform/wpe/webgl/2.0.0/conformance/context/context-hidden-alpha-expected.txt:
  • platform/wpe/webgl/2.0.0/conformance/extensions/get-extension-expected.txt:
  • platform/wpe/webgl/2.0.0/conformance/extensions/oes-texture-half-float-with-image-data-expected.txt: Added.
  • platform/wpe/webgl/2.0.0/conformance/glsl/misc/shaders-with-invariance-expected.txt:
  • platform/wpe/webgl/2.0.0/conformance/rendering/multisample-corruption-expected.txt:
  • platform/wpe/webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/buffers/bound-buffer-size-change-test-expected.txt:
  • platform/wpe/webgl/2.0.0/conformance2/extensions/promoted-extensions-in-shaders-expected.txt:
12:03 AM Changeset in webkit [237791] by Michael Catanzaro
  • 2 edits in trunk

[WPE][GTK] Expose ENABLE_MEDIA_SOURCE as public option

Reviewed by Xabier Rodriguez-Calvar.

This option should be public because it needs to be disabled to build with GStreamer older
than 1.14.4.

  • Source/cmake/GStreamerDefinitions.cmake:

Nov 4, 2018:

10:50 PM Changeset in webkit [237790] by zandobersek@gmail.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Tools

[webkitpy] Support WPE in the run-web-platform-tests script

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.

  • Scripts/webkitpy/w3c/wpt_runner.py:

(parse_args): Support --wpe as an argument that specifies WPE as the
target port. Additionally, the --display-server flag now accepts
headless as a valid value, enabling the WPE WebDriver to run in
headless mode.

8:38 PM Changeset in webkit [237789] by Fujii Hironori
  • 6 edits in trunk

[Win] Use C++14, not C++17

Reviewed by Alex Christensen.


Based on the webkit-dev discussion, this change switches Windows
port from C++17 to C++14.

  • Source/cmake/OptionsMSVC.cmake: Replaced /std:c++17 with /std:c++14 switch.


  • wtf/StdLibExtras.h: Use _MSVC_LANG to check C++ language version

instead of _MSC_FULL_VER.


std::basic_string::data() returns a read-only const buffer in

  • MiniBrowser/win/WebKitBrowserWindow.cpp:

(createString): Use std::vector instead of std::wstring.
(createUTF8String): Use std::vector instead of std::string.

8:29 PM Changeset in webkit [237788] by Fujii Hironori
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit

[MediaStream] User should not be prompted again after denying getDisplayMedia request

Unreviewed build fix of ports not ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM).

  • UIProcess/UserMediaPermissionRequestManagerProxy.cpp: Define getRequestAction only if ENABLE(MEDIA_STREAM).
  • UIProcess/UserMediaPermissionRequestManagerProxy.h: Ditto.
6:15 PM Changeset in webkit [237787] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Remove ENABLE_OPENCL fully

Patch by Rob Buis <rbuis@igalia.com> on 2018-11-04
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.

Forgot to simplify this, no need for applyAll anymore
since it just calls apply.

No new tests since no change in functionality.

  • platform/graphics/filters/FilterEffect.h:

(WebCore::FilterEffect::applyAll): Deleted.

  • rendering/svg/RenderSVGResourceFilter.cpp:


1:19 PM Changeset in webkit [237786] by Wenson Hsieh
  • 6 edits in trunk/Tools

[Cocoa] Fold common UIScriptController functionality on macOS and iOS into UIScriptControllerCocoa.mm

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

Moves some UIScriptController method implementations specific to iOS and macOS into UIScriptControllerCocoa, so
it can be shared between iOS-family and macOS platforms. See below for more details.

No change in behavior.

  • DumpRenderTree/ios/UIScriptControllerIOS.mm:


Add a method stub for DumpRenderTree.

  • TestRunnerShared/UIScriptContext/UIScriptController.cpp:
  • WebKitTestRunner/UIScriptControllerCocoa.mm:


Unify these method implementations.


Move the macOS implementation to UIScriptControllerCocoa. On iOS, this method currently only adds the web view
to the window, and does not attempt to invoke the given completion block; additionally, invoking the completion
block after a presentation update (as done on macOS) causes pageoverlay/overlay-remove-reinsert-view.html to
begin failing consistently. This patch does not attempt to change behavior, but adds a FIXME describing this.

(WTR::UIScriptController::contentsOfUserInterfaceItem const):

Move these from UIScriptControllerMac to UIScriptControllerCocoa, so that it is now implemented on iOS as well.

  • WebKitTestRunner/ios/UIScriptControllerIOS.mm:

(WTR::UIScriptController::doAsyncTask): Deleted.
(WTR::UIScriptController::setShareSheetCompletesImmediatelyWithResolution): Deleted.
(WTR::UIScriptController::contentsOfUserInterfaceItem const): Deleted.
(WTR::UIScriptController::findString): Deleted.
(WTR::UIScriptController::removeViewFromWindow): Deleted.
(WTR::UIScriptController::addViewToWindow): Deleted.

  • WebKitTestRunner/mac/UIScriptControllerMac.mm:

(WTR::UIScriptController::doAsyncTask): Deleted.
(WTR::UIScriptController::contentsOfUserInterfaceItem const): Deleted.
(WTR::UIScriptController::overridePreference): Deleted.
(WTR::UIScriptController::findString): Deleted.
(WTR::UIScriptController::removeViewFromWindow): Deleted.
(WTR::UIScriptController::addViewToWindow): Deleted.
(WTR::UIScriptController::setShareSheetCompletesImmediatelyWithResolution): Deleted.

8:38 AM Changeset in webkit [237785] by Alan Bujtas
  • 17 edits in trunk/Source

[iOS] Issue initial paint soon after the visuallyNonEmpty milestone is fired.

Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.


  1. Improve visuallyNonEmpty milestone confidence level.

Ignore whitespace and non visible text content.
Parsing the main document should not necessarily fire the milestone. Check if there's any pending scripts/css/font loading.
Check if the html/body is actually visible.

  1. Issue initial paint soon after the milestone fires.

Use a 0ms timer to flush the initial paint.
Throttle additional flushes for 500ms (remove the non-initial 1.5 throttling)

  1. Suspend optional style recalcs and layouts while painting is being throttled. When parsing yields we initiate a 0ms style recalc/layout timer. These optional layouts produce content that we have no intention to paint.
  • dom/Document.cpp:


  • page/ChromeClient.h:
  • page/FrameView.cpp:

(WebCore::FrameView::qualifiesAsVisuallyNonEmpty const):

  • page/FrameView.h:

(WebCore::FrameView::incrementVisuallyNonEmptyCharacterCount): Ignore whitespace characters. Some pages start with plenty of whitespace only content.

  • platform/graphics/FontCascade.h:
  • rendering/RenderText.cpp: Check whether the text is actually visible at this point.



  • WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/WebChromeClient.cpp:

(WebKit::WebChromeClient::layerFlushThrottlingIsActive const):

  • WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/WebChromeClient.h:
  • WebProcess/WebPage/AcceleratedDrawingArea.cpp:


  • WebProcess/WebPage/AcceleratedDrawingArea.h:
  • WebProcess/WebPage/DrawingArea.h:

(WebKit::DrawingArea::layerFlushThrottlingIsActive const):

  • WebProcess/WebPage/RemoteLayerTree/RemoteLayerTreeDrawingArea.h:
  • WebProcess/WebPage/RemoteLayerTree/RemoteLayerTreeDrawingArea.mm:


  • WebProcess/WebPage/mac/TiledCoreAnimationDrawingArea.h:
  • WebProcess/WebPage/mac/TiledCoreAnimationDrawingArea.mm:


8:04 AM Changeset in webkit [237784] by eric.carlson@apple.com
  • 5 edits in trunk

[MediaStream] User should not be prompted again after denying getDisplayMedia request

Reviewed by Youenn Fablet.


  • UIProcess/UserMediaPermissionRequestManagerProxy.cpp:


  • UIProcess/UserMediaPermissionRequestManagerProxy.h:


  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/GetDisplayMedia.mm:

(-[GetDisplayMediaUIDelegate _webView:requestUserMediaAuthorizationForDevices:url:mainFrameURL:decisionHandler:]):

7:46 AM Changeset in webkit [237783] by Alan Bujtas
  • 6 edits
    2 adds in trunk

[LFC][BFC] Add support for percentage height in quirks mode.

Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.


In quirks mode, we go and travers the containing block chain to find a block level
box with fixed height value to resolve the percentage value.

Test: fast/block/basic/quirk-mode-percent-height.html

  • layout/FormattingContextGeometry.cpp:


  • layout/Verification.cpp:

(WebCore::Layout::LayoutState::verifyAndOutputMismatchingLayoutTree const):


  • LayoutReloaded/misc/LFC-passing-tests.txt:


  • fast/block/basic/quirk-mode-percent-height-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/block/basic/quirk-mode-percent-height.html: Added.
  • platform/ios/TestExpectations:
7:44 AM Changeset in webkit [237782] by Alan Bujtas
  • 8 edits
    2 adds in trunk

[LFC][BCF] Add support for block level non-replaced inflow height percentage

Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.


Test: fast/block/basic/child-block-level-box-with-height-percent.html

  • layout/FormattingContext.h:
  • layout/FormattingContextGeometry.cpp:

(WebCore::Layout::computedHeightValue): Deleted.

  • layout/blockformatting/BlockFormattingContextGeometry.cpp:



  • LayoutReloaded/misc/LFC-passing-tests.txt:


  • fast/block/basic/child-block-level-box-with-height-percent-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/block/basic/child-block-level-box-with-height-percent.html: Added.
  • platform/ios/TestExpectations:
7:30 AM Changeset in webkit [237781] by youenn@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

RealtimeOutgoingAudioSource should use DestructionThread::Main

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

Covered by imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCPeerConnection-setRemoteDescription-replaceTrack.https.html
that should no longer crash in debug.

  • platform/mediastream/RealtimeOutgoingAudioSource.h:
7:05 AM Changeset in webkit [237780] by Adrian Perez de Castro
  • 2 edits in releases/WebKitGTK/webkit-2.22/Source/JavaScriptCore

[GTK] Cannot make debug builds of JSC using release 2.22.3

Unreviewed build fix.

  • bytecompiler/BytecodeGenerator.cpp:

Use context.asStructureForInContext() instead of explicit cast and
remove the unneeded assertion, which is already done in the helper

2:28 AM Changeset in webkit [237779] by youenn@apple.com
  • 10 edits
    3 adds in trunk

IDB should allow storing RTCCertificate

Reviewed by Chris Dumez.


  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCCertificate-postMessage.html: Added.
  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/resources/RTCCertificate-postMessage-iframe.html: Added.


Add support for serialization/deserialization of RTCCertificate.
Store the origin in RTCCertificate and make sure that a certificate
with a different origin cannot be used to create a RTCPeerConnection.

Test: imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCCertificate-postMessage.html

  • Modules/mediastream/PeerConnectionBackend.cpp:


  • Modules/mediastream/RTCCertificate.cpp:


  • Modules/mediastream/RTCCertificate.h:

(WebCore::RTCCertificate::origin const):

  • Modules/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection.cpp:


  • Modules/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection.h:
  • Modules/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCCertificateGenerator.cpp:


  • Modules/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCCertificateGenerator.h:
  • bindings/js/SerializedScriptValue.cpp:


Nov 4, 2018:

12:55 AM Changeset in webkit [237778] by youenn@apple.com
  • 11 edits
    1 add in trunk

Add support for RTCMuxPolicy

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.


  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/RTCConfiguration-rtcpMuxPolicy-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/rtcpeerconnection/rtcpeerconnection-constructor-expected.txt:


Add support for RTCMuxPolicy dictionary option for both constructor and setConfiguration.
Make sure setConfiguration throws if trying to change this policy.
Pipe this parameter up to libwebrtc.
Covered by rebased test.

  • Modules/mediastream/RTCConfiguration.h:
  • Modules/mediastream/RTCConfiguration.idl:
  • Modules/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection.cpp:


  • Modules/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCPeerConnectionBackend.cpp:


  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • platform/mediastream/MediaEndpointConfiguration.cpp:


  • platform/mediastream/MediaEndpointConfiguration.h:
  • platform/mediastream/RTCPMuxPolicy.h: Added.

Nov 3, 2018:

4:24 PM Changeset in webkit [237777] by Devin Rousso
  • 19 edits in trunk

Web Inspector: Canvas: capture changes to <canvas> that would affect the recorded context

Reviewed by Matt Baker.


Updated existing tests: inspector/canvas/recording-2d.html


  • html/HTMLCanvasElement.idl:

Apply CallTracingCallback=recordCanvasAction to the width and height attributes so
that they are recorded through the same path as CanvasRenderingContext.

  • html/CanvasBase.h:
  • html/CanvasBase.cpp:

(WebCore::CanvasBase::callTracingActive const): Added.

  • bindings/js/CallTracer.h:
  • bindings/js/CallTracer.cpp:



  • UserInterface/Models/RecordingAction.js:

(WI.RecordingAction.prototype.get contextReplacer): Added.
Create a constant list of actions for each recording type that need to replace the context
with a different value before being applied (e.g. width should be applied to the
context's canvas instead of directly to the context).

  • UserInterface/Views/RecordingContentView.js:

(WI.RecordingContentView.prototype._generateContentCanvas2D.actionModifiesPath): Added.
(WI.RecordingContentView._actionModifiesPath): Deleted.
Generate the path context after the actions are applied to the preview context so that the
final width/height are known and can be used. This is needed because changing the
width/height causes the content to be erased.

  • UserInterface/Views/RecordingActionTreeElement.js:


  • UserInterface/Views/RecordingActionTreeElement.css:

(.tree-outline:focus .item.action.selected:not(.invalid, .initial-state, .has-context-replacer) > .icon): Added.
(.item.action > .titles .context-replacer::after): Added.
(.item.action.has-context-replacer > .icon): Added.
(@media (prefers-dark-interface) .item.action:not(.invalid, .initial-state, .has-context-replacer) > .icon): Added.
(.tree-outline:focus .item.action.selected:not(.initial-state, .invalid) > .icon): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-dark-interface) .item.action:not(.initial-state) > .icon): Deleted.
(@media (prefers-dark-interface) .tree-outline:not(.hide-disclosure-buttons) .item.action:not(.initial-state, .parent) > .icon): Deleted.
Add the context replacer text to the beginning of the action's name if it exists.

  • UserInterface/Views/CanvasContentView.js:

(WI.CanvasContentView.prototype._updatePixelSize): Deleted.
Update preview image when the canvas' size changes.


  • inspector/canvas/recording-2d-expected.txt:
  • inspector/canvas/recording-2d.html:
  • inspector/canvas/recording-bitmaprenderer-expected.txt:
  • inspector/canvas/recording-bitmaprenderer.html:
  • inspector/canvas/recording-webgl-expected.txt:
  • inspector/canvas/recording-webgl.html:
11:45 AM Changeset in webkit [237776] by aestes@apple.com
  • 5 edits in trunk

[Payment Request] PaymentResponse.retry()'s errorFields should be optional

Reviewed by Youenn Fablet.


Per WebIDL, the errorFields argument to PaymentResponse.retry() should be optional. See
<https://github.com/w3c/payment-request/issues/804> for details.

Added test case to http/tests/paymentrequest/payment-response-retry-method.https.html.

  • Modules/paymentrequest/PaymentResponse.idl:


  • http/tests/paymentrequest/payment-response-retry-method.https-expected.txt:
  • http/tests/paymentrequest/payment-response-retry-method.https.html:
10:57 AM Changeset in webkit [237775] by Alan Bujtas
  • 6 edits
    2 adds in trunk

[LFC][BFC] Resolve percentage height values.

Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.


10.5 Content height: the 'height' property
The percentage is calculated with respect to the height of the generated box's containing block.
If the height of the containing block is not specified explicitly (i.e., it depends on content height),
and this element is not absolutely positioned, the used height is calculated as if 'auto' was specified.


Test: fast/block/basic/height-percentage-simple.html

  • layout/FormattingContextGeometry.cpp:



  • LayoutReloaded/misc/LFC-passing-tests.txt:


  • fast/block/basic/height-percentage-simple-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/block/basic/height-percentage-simple.html: Added.
  • platform/ios/TestExpectations:
8:22 AM Changeset in webkit [237774] by achristensen@apple.com
  • 9 edits
    2 adds in trunk

Mac production builds should sign the network process xpc service with entitlements

Reviewed by Geoff Garen.


  • Configurations/Network-OSX.entitlements: Copied from Configurations/Network-OSX-sandbox.entitlements.
  • Configurations/NetworkService.xcconfig:

Set CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS_COCOA_TOUCH_NO like we do for the web process,
except with the corresponoding network process entitlements file.

  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKProcessPool.mm:

(-[WKProcessPool _networkProcessHasEntitlementForTesting:]):

  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKProcessPoolPrivate.h:
  • UIProcess/Cocoa/WebProcessPoolCocoa.mm:


  • UIProcess/WebProcessPool.h:
  • WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:

Add infrastructure to test that the network process actually has an entitlement.


  • TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/NetworkProcess.mm: Added.


7:57 AM Changeset in webkit [237773] by youenn@apple.com
  • 88 edits
    2 copies
    4 moves
    43 adds
    3 deletes in trunk/LayoutTests

Refresh WPT webrtc tests

Reviewed by Eric Carlson.


  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/: Refreshed.
  • web-platform-tests/webrtc/w3c-import.log:


7:29 AM Changeset in webkit [237772] by Philippe Normand
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit

[WPE] Add the WebKitVersion.h header

Reviewed by Michael Catanzaro.

  • PlatformWPE.cmake: Install the generated header as well.
7:04 AM Changeset in webkit [237771] by Michael Catanzaro
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebDriverTests

Unreviewed, fix WebDriver expectations syntax after previous commit

6:30 AM Changeset in webkit [237770] by eric.carlson@apple.com
  • 9 edits
    3 adds in trunk

[MediaStream] enumerateDevices should not expose devices that are not available to getUserMedia

Reviewed by Jer Noble.


Test: http/tests/media/media-stream/enumerate-devices-iframe-allow-attribute.html

  • Modules/mediastream/MediaDevicesRequest.cpp:

(WebCore::MediaDevicesRequest::start): Only expose devices that are available to gUM.

  • Modules/mediastream/UserMediaController.cpp:

(WebCore::isSecure): Moved from UserMediaRequest.cpp.
(WebCore::isAllowedToUse): Ditto.
(WebCore::UserMediaController::canCallGetUserMedia): Modified from UserMediaRequest.cpp.
(WebCore::UserMediaController::logGetUserMediaDenial): Log reason for denial.

  • Modules/mediastream/UserMediaController.h:
  • Modules/mediastream/UserMediaRequest.cpp:

(WebCore::UserMediaRequest::start): Use UserMediaController::canCallGetUserMedia.
(WebCore::isSecure): Deleted.
(WebCore::isAllowedToUse): Deleted.
(WebCore::canCallGetUserMedia): Deleted.


  • http/tests/media/media-stream/enumerate-devices-iframe-allow-attribute-expected.txt: Added.
  • http/tests/media/media-stream/enumerate-devices-iframe-allow-attribute.html: Added.
  • http/tests/media/media-stream/resources/enumerate-devices-iframe.html: Added.
  • http/tests/ssl/media-stream/get-user-media-different-host-expected.txt: Rebased for updated logging.
  • http/tests/ssl/media-stream/get-user-media-nested-expected.txt: Ditto.

Nov 2, 2018:

11:25 PM Changeset in webkit [237769] by achristensen@apple.com
  • 8 edits
    1 delete in trunk

Unreviewed, rolling out r237761.

Makes most API tests timeout and WK2 tests crash

Reverted changeset:

"Mac production builds should sign the network process xpc
service with entitlements"

10:53 PM Changeset in webkit [237768] by Michael Catanzaro
  • 2 edits in trunk/WebDriverTests

Unreviewed WebDriver expectations gardening

There are still a few more flaky tests, but this should improve things significantly.

10:27 PM Changeset in webkit [237767] by Michael Catanzaro
  • 2 edits in trunk/Tools

Unreviewed API test gardening

  • TestWebKitAPI/glib/TestExpectations.json:
9:01 PM Changeset in webkit [237766] by Justin Michaud
  • 30 edits
    5 copies
    3 moves
    15 adds
    2 deletes in trunk

Add new global object and preliminary Worklets support for CSS painting api

Reviewed by Chris Dumez.


Test: fast/css-custom-paint/worklet.html

Add a new ScriptExecutionContext and global object to run worklets in. This is mostly copy+paste
from Workers, but without any of the threading. Worklet.addModule does not yet support loading scripts
or doing cross origin checking. There are quite a few parts of the ScriptExecutionContext api that are

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • DerivedSources.make:
  • Sources.txt:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • bindings/js/JSDOMGlobalObject.cpp:

(WebCore::JSDOMGlobalObject::scriptExecutionContext const):

  • bindings/js/JSPaintWorkletGlobalScopeCustom.cpp: Renamed from Source/WebCore/bindings/js/JSCSSPaintWorkletGlobalScopeCustom.cpp.


  • bindings/js/JSWorkletGlobalScopeBase.cpp: Added.

(WebCore::JSWorkletGlobalScopeBase::scriptExecutionContext const):

  • bindings/js/JSWorkletGlobalScopeBase.h: Added.

(WebCore::JSWorkletGlobalScopeBase::wrapped const):
(WebCore::JSWorkletGlobalScopeBase::proxy const):

  • bindings/js/ScriptState.cpp:


  • bindings/js/ScriptState.h:
  • bindings/js/WebCoreBuiltinNames.h:
  • bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm:


  • bindings/scripts/preprocess-idls.pl:
  • css/CSSPaintImageValue.cpp:


  • css/DOMCSSPaintWorklet.cpp:

(WebCore::DOMCSSPaintWorklet::ensurePaintWorkletGlobalScope): Deleted.

  • css/DOMCSSPaintWorklet.h:
  • css/DOMCSSPaintWorklet.idl:
  • dom/Document.cpp:

(WebCore::Document::ensureCSSPaintWorkletGlobalScope): Deleted.

  • dom/Document.h:


  • dom/EventTargetFactory.in:
  • dom/ScriptExecutionContext.cpp:


  • dom/ScriptExecutionContext.h:

(WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext::isWorkletGlobalScope const):

  • inspector/agents/worker/WorkerDebuggerAgent.cpp:


  • inspector/agents/worker/WorkerRuntimeAgent.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/CustomPaintImage.cpp:


  • platform/graphics/CustomPaintImage.h:
  • worklets/PaintWorkletGlobalScope.cpp: Copied from Source/WebCore/css/CSSPaintWorkletGlobalScope.cpp.


  • worklets/PaintWorkletGlobalScope.h: Renamed from Source/WebCore/css/CSSPaintWorkletGlobalScope.h.
  • worklets/PaintWorkletGlobalScope.idl: Copied from Source/WebCore/css/CSSPaintWorkletGlobalScope.idl.
  • worklets/Worklet.cpp: Copied from Source/WebCore/css/CSSPaintWorkletGlobalScope.cpp.


  • worklets/Worklet.h: Renamed from Source/WebCore/css/CSSPaintWorkletGlobalScope.cpp.
  • worklets/Worklet.idl: Copied from Source/WebCore/css/CSSPaintWorkletGlobalScope.idl.
  • worklets/WorkletConsoleClient.cpp: Copied from Source/WebCore/inspector/agents/worker/WorkerDebuggerAgent.cpp.


  • worklets/WorkletConsoleClient.h: Added.
  • worklets/WorkletGlobalScope.cpp: Added.

(WebCore::WorkletGlobalScope::isJSExecutionForbidden const):
(WebCore::WorkletGlobalScope::completeURL const):

  • worklets/WorkletGlobalScope.h: Added.

(WebCore::WorkletGlobalScope::isPaintWorkletGlobalScope const):
(WebCore::WorkletGlobalScope::identifier const):
(WebCore::WorkletGlobalScope::jsRuntimeFlags const):

  • worklets/WorkletGlobalScope.idl: Renamed from Source/WebCore/css/CSSPaintWorkletGlobalScope.idl.
  • worklets/WorkletScriptController.cpp: Added.

(WebCore::WorkletScriptController::isExecutionForbidden const):

  • worklets/WorkletScriptController.h: Added.



  • Scripts/webkitpy/bindings/main.py:



Add a new test harness for worklet tests, since they do not have access to the dom.

  • fast/css-custom-paint/basic-expected.txt:
  • fast/css-custom-paint/basic.html:
  • fast/css-custom-paint/registerPaintBindings-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/css-custom-paint/registerPaintBindings-expected.txt: Removed.
  • fast/css-custom-paint/registerPaintBindings.html:
  • fast/css-custom-paint/resources/testharness-worklet.js: Added.


  • fast/css-custom-paint/resources/testharness.js: Added.


  • fast/css-custom-paint/worklet-expected.html: Added.
  • fast/css-custom-paint/worklet.html: Added.
7:36 PM Changeset in webkit [237765] by mmaxfield@apple.com
  • 27 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Clean up drawLineForDocumentMarker()

Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.

In preparation for https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=190764, I need to do a little bit of refactoring.
This patch has no behavior change; it just does the following:

  1. Renames drawLineForDocumentMarker() to drawDotsForDocumentMarker(), because 2 of the 3 implementations draw dots
  2. Moves our implementation back into GraphicsContext, because it's simpler and GraphicsContext is already platform-


  1. The signature used to accept a location and a width, but without a height, it's difficult to know what the bounding

box is. In particular, knowing the bounding box must be possible without a GraphicsContext. So, I've modified
the signature to accept a rectangle instead. The GraphicsContext draws only within this rectangle.

No new tests because there is no behavior change.

  • platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.h:
  • platform/graphics/GraphicsContextImpl.h:
  • platform/graphics/cairo/CairoOperations.cpp:

(WebCore::Cairo::drawLineForDocumentMarker): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/cairo/CairoOperations.h:
  • platform/graphics/cairo/GraphicsContextCairo.cpp:

(WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForDocumentMarker): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/cairo/GraphicsContextImplCairo.cpp:

(WebCore::GraphicsContextImplCairo::drawLineForDocumentMarker): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/cairo/GraphicsContextImplCairo.h:
  • platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCascadeCocoa.mm:
  • platform/graphics/cocoa/GraphicsContextCocoa.mm:

(WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForDocumentMarker): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListItems.cpp:

(WebCore::DisplayList::DrawDotsForDocumentMarker::apply const):
(WebCore::DisplayList::DrawDotsForDocumentMarker::localBounds const):
(WebCore::DisplayList::DrawLineForDocumentMarker::apply const): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::DrawLineForDocumentMarker::localBounds const): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListItems.h:

(WebCore::DisplayList::DrawDotsForDocumentMarker::rect const):
(WebCore::DisplayList::DrawLineForDocumentMarker::create): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::DrawLineForDocumentMarker::point const): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::DrawLineForDocumentMarker::width const): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::DrawLineForDocumentMarker::DrawLineForDocumentMarker): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListRecorder.cpp:

(WebCore::DisplayList::Recorder::drawLineForDocumentMarker): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListRecorder.h:
  • platform/graphics/nicosia/cairo/NicosiaCairoOperationRecorder.cpp:

(Nicosia::CairoOperationRecorder::drawLineForDocumentMarker): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/nicosia/cairo/NicosiaCairoOperationRecorder.h:
  • platform/graphics/win/GraphicsContextCGWin.cpp:

(WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForDocumentMarker): Deleted.

  • platform/graphics/win/GraphicsContextDirect2D.cpp:

(WebCore::GraphicsContext::drawLineForDocumentMarker): Deleted.

  • rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp:


  • rendering/RenderTheme.cpp:

(WebCore::RenderTheme::drawLineForDocumentMarker): Deleted.

  • rendering/RenderTheme.h:
  • rendering/RenderThemeCocoa.h:
  • rendering/RenderThemeCocoa.mm:

(WebCore::RenderThemeCocoa::drawLineForDocumentMarker): Deleted.

  • rendering/RenderThemeIOS.h:
  • rendering/RenderThemeIOS.mm:

(WebCore::RenderThemeIOS::colorForMarkerLineStyle): Deleted.

  • rendering/RenderThemeMac.h:
  • rendering/RenderThemeMac.mm:

(WebCore::RenderThemeMac::colorForMarkerLineStyle): Deleted.

6:52 PM Changeset in webkit [237764] by keith_miller@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Assert JSValues can fit into a pointer when API casting

Reviewed by Michael Saboff.

  • API/APICast.h:


6:27 PM Changeset in webkit [237763] by msaboff@apple.com
  • 7 edits
    1 add in trunk

Rolling in r237753 with unreviewed build fix.

Fixed issues with DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE placement.

5:49 PM Changeset in webkit [237762] by Ryan Haddad
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit

Unreviewed, attempt to fix the build with recent SDKs.

  • Shared/EntryPointUtilities/mac/XPCService/XPCServiceEntryPoint.mm:


5:33 PM Changeset in webkit [237761] by achristensen@apple.com
  • 8 edits
    1 add in trunk

Mac production builds should sign the network process xpc service with entitlements

Reviewed by Geoff Garen.


  • Configurations/NetworkService.xcconfig:

Set CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS_COCOA_TOUCH_NO like we do for the web process,
except with the corresponoding network process entitlements file.

  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKProcessPool.mm:

(-[WKProcessPool _networkProcessHasEntitlementForTesting:]):

  • UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKProcessPoolPrivate.h:
  • UIProcess/Cocoa/WebProcessPoolCocoa.mm:


  • UIProcess/WebProcessPool.h:

Add infrastructure to test that the network process actually has an entitlement.


  • TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/NetworkProcess.mm: Added.


5:06 PM Changeset in webkit [237760] by Chris Dumez
  • 3 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

REGRESSION (r237699): Layout Test http/tests/security/anchor-download-block-crossorigin.html is a flaky failure

Reviewed by Dewei Zhu.

Navigate the subframe instead of the main frame, to make sure that the console message is consistently logged.

  • http/tests/security/anchor-download-block-crossorigin-expected.txt:
  • http/tests/security/anchor-download-block-crossorigin.html:
4:33 PM Changeset in webkit [237759] by Kocsen Chung
  • 24 edits in tags/Safari-607.1.12.1

Apply patch. rdar://problem/45749094

4:20 PM Changeset in webkit [237758] by Jon Davis
  • 2 edits in trunk/Websites/webkit.org

Follow-up fix for the webkit.org blog index page

Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

  • wp-content/themes/webkit/index.php:
3:47 PM Changeset in webkit [237757] by Ryan Haddad
  • 7 edits
    1 delete in trunk

Unreviewed, rolling out r237753.

Introduced JSC test failures

Reverted changeset:

"Running out of stack space not properly handled in
RegExp::compile() and its callers"

3:46 PM Changeset in webkit [237756] by pvollan@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

[Win] Layout Test fast/block/basic/inline-content-with-floating-image.html is failing

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/win/TestExpectations:
3:35 PM Changeset in webkit [237755] by Lucas Forschler
  • 2 edits in trunk/Tools

Add Windows 10 archive bots

This Change updates the Apple Windows Buildbot configuration.

  • Add Windows 10 specific builders and testers for release and debug.
  • Refactor Windows -> Windows 7.
  • Remove Windows 7 Debug.

Reviewed by Aakash Jain.

  • BuildSlaveSupport/build.webkit.org-config/config.json:
3:07 PM Changeset in webkit [237754] by ajuma@chromium.org
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

requestAnimationFrame causes bad location of position:fixed inside overflow:auto and iframe

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

When a new layer tree is committed to the UIProcess, the positions of layers for fixed
or sticky nodes in the newly-committed tree can be stale, because of scrolling that has
happened in the UIProcess since the tree was updated in the WebProcess. To handle this,
RemoteLayerTreeDrawingAreaProxy::commitLayerTree updates the positions of these layers
by calling RemoteScrollingCoordinatorProxy::viewportChangedViaDelegatedScrolling, which
leads to a recursive traversal of the ScrollingTree to update each such layer. However,
since ScrollingTreeFrameScrollingNodeIOS didn't implement updateLayersAfterAncestorChange,
this traversal never descended into scrolling nodes within an iframe, so the layers for
these nodes were left with stale positions.

Implement ScrollingTreeFrameScrollingNodeIOS::updateLayersAfterAncestorChange so that
fixed and sticky layers within an iframe do get their positions updated when a new layer
tree is committed.

  • page/scrolling/ios/ScrollingTreeFrameScrollingNodeIOS.h:
  • page/scrolling/ios/ScrollingTreeFrameScrollingNodeIOS.mm:


3:05 PM Changeset in webkit [237753] by msaboff@apple.com
  • 7 edits
    1 add in trunk

Running out of stack space not properly handled in RegExp::compile() and its callers

Reviewed by Filip Pizlo.


New regression test.

  • stress/regexp-compile-oom.js: Added.



Eliminated two RELEASE_ASSERT_NOT_REACHED() for errors returned by Yarr parsing code. Bubbled those errors
up to where they are turned into the appropriate exceptions in matchInline(). If the errors are not due
to syntax, we reset the RegExp state in case the parsing is tried with a smaller stack.

  • runtime/RegExp.cpp:


  • runtime/RegExp.h:
  • runtime/RegExpInlines.h:


  • runtime/RegExpObjectInlines.h:


  • yarr/YarrErrorCode.h:


2:43 PM Changeset in webkit [237752] by Jon Davis
  • 9 edits in trunk/Websites/webkit.org

Improved the SVG icons to use SVG symbols

Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

This change makes it far easier to add new SVG icons to the
icons.svg sprite and provides better positioning control
over the icons within the blog post tile frame.

  • wp-content/themes/webkit/front-page.php:
  • wp-content/themes/webkit/functions.php:
  • wp-content/themes/webkit/header.php:
  • wp-content/themes/webkit/images/icons.svg:
  • wp-content/themes/webkit/index.php:
  • wp-content/themes/webkit/loop.php:
  • wp-content/themes/webkit/style.css:

(@supports ( -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px) )):
(.tile .background-image):
(.tile .background-image svg):
(.tile.category-web-inspector svg):
(.tile.category-performance svg):
(.tile.category-javascript svg):
(.tile.category-css svg):
(.tile.category-standards svg):
(.tile.category-contributing svg):
(.tile.category-storage svg):
(.tile.category-layout svg):
(.tile.category-safari-technology-preview svg):
(.tile.category-accessibility svg):
(.tile.category-security svg):
(.tile.category-privacy svg):
(header .menu-item-has-children .label-toggle::after):
(@media only screen and (max-width: 920px)):
(header .menu):
(@media only screen and (max-width: 690px)):
(@media only screen and (max-width: 415px)):
(@media only screen and (max-height: 415px)):
(.tile.category-web-inspector .background-image): Deleted.
(.tile.category-performance .background-image): Deleted.
(.tile.category-javascript .background-image): Deleted.
(.tile.category-css .background-image): Deleted.
(.tile.category-standards .background-image): Deleted.
(.tile.category-contributing .background-image): Deleted.
(.tile.category-storage .background-image): Deleted.
(.tile.category-layout .background-image): Deleted.
(.tile.category-safari-technology-preview .background-image): Deleted.
(.tile.category-accessibility .background-image): Deleted.
(.tile.tag-console .background-image,): Deleted.
(.tile.tag-console .background-image): Deleted.
(.tile.tag-debugger .background-image): Deleted.
(.tile.tag-shortcuts .background-image): Deleted.
(.tile.tag-timeline .background-image): Deleted.

  • wp-content/themes/webkit/widgets/post.php:
1:38 PM Changeset in webkit [237751] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 2 edits in tags/Safari-607.1.12.1/Source/JavaScriptCore

Cherry-pick r237745. rdar://problem/45765887

API should use wrapper object if address is 32-bit

Reviewed by Filip Pizlo.

  • API/APICast.h: (toJS): (toJSForGC): (toRef):

git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@237745 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

1:33 PM Changeset in webkit [237750] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 125 edits
    4 adds
    29 deletes in tags/Safari-607.1.12.1

Revert r237547. rdar://problem/45767917

1:33 PM Changeset in webkit [237749] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 3 edits
    1 delete in tags/Safari-607.1.12.1

Revert r237553. rdar://problem/45768563

1:33 PM Changeset in webkit [237748] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 2 edits in tags/Safari-607.1.12.1/Source/JavaScriptCore

Revert r237576. rdar://problem/45767917

1:33 PM Changeset in webkit [237747] by bshafiei@apple.com
  • 6 edits in tags/Safari-607.1.12.1/Source/JavaScriptCore

Revert r237627. rdar://problem/45771226

12:39 PM Changeset in webkit [237746] by Matt Baker
  • 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI

Web Inspector: support multiple selection/deletion of cookie records

Reviewed by Devin Rousso.

  • Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
  • UserInterface/Views/CookieStorageContentView.js:

(WI.CookieStorageContentView.prototype.get scrollableElements):
(WI.CookieStorageContentView.prototype.update): Deleted.
(WI.CookieStorageContentView.prototype._rebuildTable): Deleted.
(WI.CookieStorageContentView.prototype._sortDataGrid.localeCompare): Deleted.
(WI.CookieStorageContentView.prototype._sortDataGrid.numberCompare): Deleted.
(WI.CookieStorageContentView.prototype._sortDataGrid.expiresCompare): Deleted.
(WI.CookieStorageContentView.prototype._sortDataGrid): Deleted.
(WI.CookieStorageContentView.prototype._deleteCallback): Deleted.
Replace DataGrid with Table. The content view serves as the table
delegate and data source, and handles delete and backspace key events
to allow deleting the selected cookies. Cookies may also be deleted from
the table context menu and a new button in the navigation bar.

  • UserInterface/Views/Table.js:

(WI.Table.prototype._isRowSelected): Deleted.
Make isSelectedRow public. It is more convenient and efficient than
calling Table.prototype.selectedRows.includes(rowIndex).

12:03 PM Changeset in webkit [237745] by keith_miller@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

API should use wrapper object if address is 32-bit

Reviewed by Filip Pizlo.

  • API/APICast.h:


11:31 AM Changeset in webkit [237744] by Alan Coon
  • 11 edits
    1 delete in tags/Safari-607.1.12.1/Source

Cherry-pick r237721. rdar://problem/45722391

Replace CommonRandom SPI with API

Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.


  • bmalloc/CryptoRandom.cpp: (bmalloc::ARC4RandomNumberGenerator::stir):


The API is available since macOS 10.10 and iOS 10, and therefore it is safe to replace
all SPI usages with API.

No change of behaviors.

  • crypto/CommonCryptoUtilities.h:
  • crypto/mac/CryptoKeyMac.cpp: (WebCore::CryptoKey::randomData):
  • crypto/mac/SerializedCryptoKeyWrapMac.mm: (WebCore::createAndStoreMasterKey): (WebCore::wrapSerializedCryptoKey):
  • page/Crypto.cpp: (WebCore::Crypto::getRandomValues):


  • WTF.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • wtf/CMakeLists.txt:
  • wtf/RandomDevice.cpp: (WTF::RandomDevice::cryptographicallyRandomValues):
  • wtf/spi/darwin/CommonCryptoSPI.h: Removed.

git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@237721 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

11:10 AM Changeset in webkit [237743] by Wenson Hsieh
  • 7 edits
    2 adds in trunk

[iOS] Changing view scale sometimes does not zoom the page to the new initial scale, when the page is at initial scale

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.


When computing the minimum scale in ViewportConfiguration::minimumScale, if our content width or height is
shorter than the view width or height, then we recompute the minimum scale such that the content dimensions will
fill the bounds of the view by setting the minimum scale to the view width or height divided by the content
width or height.

Suppose the minimum scale is equal to some value s; additionally, let w_c denote the content width and w_v
denote the view width (as integers). If w_v / s is not an integral value, the computed content width w_c may
be rounded, such that w_v / w_c is not precisely equal to s. In the case that w_v / w_c is ever so
slightly larger than s, we will end up overriding the minimum scale s with w_v / w_c.

As a result, specifying a viewport with a decimal minimum-scale will sometimes cause the computed minimum
scale of the viewport (and platform view) to be very slightly different from the minimum scale. The new layout
test below exercises this scenario, specifying a viewport with minimum and initial scales of 0.94 that results
in ViewportConfiguration::minimumScale returning 0.94158.

With the WebPage::setViewportConfigurationViewLayoutSize check added in r237127, this means setting
_viewScale: when the page is at initial scale sometimes doesn't zoom the page to the new initial scale when it
should, since the page scale factor and the initial scale are different enough such that
areEssentiallyEqualAsFloat returns false.

This patch addresses these issues by snapping to the minimum scale if the computed scale that fits content
dimensions to view dimensions results in a minimum scale that is close enough to the configuration's minimum
scale, such that the difference can be attributed to rounding error when computing content or view dimensions.

Test: fast/viewport/ios/viewport-minimum-and-initial-scale.html

  • page/ViewportConfiguration.cpp:

(WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::minimumScale const):


Add a layout test, and make some adjustments to UIHelper.

  • fast/viewport/ios/constant-width-viewport-after-changing-view-scale.html:
  • fast/viewport/ios/device-width-viewport-after-changing-view-scale.html:
  • fast/viewport/ios/viewport-minimum-and-initial-scale-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/viewport/ios/viewport-minimum-and-initial-scale.html: Added.

Add a new layout test that contains a viewport meta tag with minimum and initial scales set to 0.94, and checks
that the resulting minimum and initial scales are 0.94 instead of 0.94158.

  • fast/viewport/watchos/viewport-disable-extra-zoom-adaptations.html:
  • resources/ui-helper.js:

Make UIHelper.zoomScale return a number rather than a string, and adjust a few call sites.


10:45 AM Changeset in webkit [237742] by Philippe Normand
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[GTK][WPE] Unreviewed, another --no-video --no-web-audio build fix following r237677

  • inspector/agents/InspectorDOMAgent.cpp:


10:42 AM Changeset in webkit [237741] by Philippe Normand
  • 3 edits in trunk/Tools

[GTK][WPE] Enable GST_DEBUG_NO_COLOR environment variable pass-through

Rubber-stamped by Michael Catanzaro.

This variable is useful to get rid of shell color escapes in tests stderr files.

  • Scripts/webkitpy/port/gtk.py:


  • Scripts/webkitpy/port/wpe.py:


10:35 AM Changeset in webkit [237740] by aakash_jain@apple.com
  • 1 edit
    20 adds in trunk/Tools

Add Basic Django web app for OpenSource EWS

Reviewed by Lucas Forschler.

  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/manage.py: Added, auto-generated by Django.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/EWS_app/init.py: Added, auto-generated by Django.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/EWS_app/settings.py: Added, auto-generated by Django.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/EWS_app/urls.py: Added, auto-generated by Django.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/EWS_app/wsgi.py: Added, auto-generated by Django.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/ews/init.py: Added.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/ews/admin.py: Added, auto-generated by Django.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/ews/apps.py: Added, auto-generated by Django.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/ews/migrations/init.py: Added.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/ews/tests.py: Added, auto-generated by Django.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/ews/models/init.py: Added.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/ews/models/patch.py: Added.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/ews/views/init.py: Added.
  • BuildSlaveSupport/EWS_app/ews/views/patch.py: Added.
10:20 AM Changeset in webkit [237739] by dbates@webkit.org
  • 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[iOS] Normalize character string based on key code

Reviewed by Tim Horton.


Following r236417 (https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=189604) we always have a valid key code
for a special key (e.g. page up) and can simplify the character string normalization code.

No functionality changed. So, no new tests.

  • platform/ios/WebEvent.mm:

(normalizedStringWithAppKitCompatibilityMapping): Modified to take a key code and wrote algorithm
in terms of it.

(-[WebEvent initWithKeyEventType:timeStamp:characters:charactersIgnoringModifiers:modifiers:isRepeating:withFlags:keyCode:isTabKey:characterSet:]):
(-[WebEvent initWithKeyEventType:timeStamp:characters:charactersIgnoringModifiers:modifiers:isRepeating:withFlags:withInputManagerHint:keyCode:isTabKey:]):
Pass the key code for the event to normalizedStringWithAppKitCompatibilityMapping().


Remove forward declarations that are no longer needed now that we check key code.

  • pal/spi/ios/UIKitSPI.h:
10:17 AM Changeset in webkit [237738] by dbates@webkit.org
  • 16 edits in trunk

[iOS] WebKit should dispatch DOM events when a modifier key is pressed

Reviewed by Tim Horton.


Add support for modifier flags change events.

  • platform/ios/PlatformEventFactoryIOS.mm:

(WebCore::modifiersForEvent): Modifier keys do not have an associated character and do not
participate in key repeat.
(WebCore::keyIdentifierForKeyEvent): Identify modifier keys, returning "Unidentified" if
the modifier key is unidentified. This matches the behavior on Mac.
(WebCore::keyForKeyEvent): Identify modifier keys, returning the empty string if the modifier
key is unidentified. This matches the behavior on Mac.

  • platform/ios/WebEvent.h:
  • platform/ios/WebEvent.mm:

(-[WebEvent initWithKeyEventType:timeStamp:characters:charactersIgnoringModifiers:modifiers:isRepeating:withFlags:keyCode:isTabKey:characterSet:]):
(-[WebEvent initWithKeyEventType:timeStamp:characters:charactersIgnoringModifiers:modifiers:isRepeating:withFlags:withInputManagerHint:keyCode:isTabKey:]):
Modifier keys do not have an associated character and do not participate in key repeat.

(-[WebEvent _eventDescription]): Modified to print a description for a keydown or keyup event
that represents a modifier flags change.
(-[WebEvent characters]): Modifier keys do not have an associated character. Assert this
invariant as it is a programming error. On Mac, the same operation would result in a
NSInternalInconsistencyException exception being raised.
(-[WebEvent charactersIgnoringModifiers]): Ditto.


Add support for modifier flags change events dispatched by UIKit.

  • Shared/ios/WebIOSEventFactory.mm:

(modifiersForEvent): Update for renamed enumerations.
(WebIOSEventFactory::createWebKeyboardEvent): Modifier keys do not have an associated
character and do not participate in key repeat.

  • UIProcess/Automation/ios/WebAutomationSessionIOS.mm:

(WebKit::WebAutomationSession::platformSimulateKeyboardInteraction): Update for renamed enumerations.

  • UIProcess/ios/WKContentViewInteraction.mm:

(-[WKContentView _interpretKeyEvent:isCharEvent:]): Return NO if the event represents a
modifier flags change to allow the default handling.

  • UIProcess/ios/WKKeyboardScrollingAnimator.mm:

(-[WKKeyboardScrollingAnimator keyboardScrollForEvent:]): Update for renamed enumerations.


Having Legacy WebKit return NO if the editing event represents a modifier flags change to
allow the default handling.

  • WebView/WebHTMLView.mm:

(-[WebHTMLView _handleEditingKeyEvent:]):


Update the code for renamed enumerations. For WebKitTestRunner, removed comment that does not
match my observations when using the simulator to simulate iOS 12 and add support for testing
right-hand side modifiers.

  • DumpRenderTree/mac/EventSendingController.mm:

(-[EventSendingController keyDown:withModifiers:withLocation:]):
(-[EventSendingController setTouchModifier:value:]):

  • WebKitTestRunner/ios/HIDEventGenerator.mm:



Update expected results of an existing test now that we identify modifier keys.

  • fast/events/ios/keydown-keyup-special-keys-in-non-editable-element-expected.txt:
9:55 AM Changeset in webkit [237737] by ajuma@chromium.org
  • 17 edits
    2 copies
    7 adds in trunk

Allow cross-document intersection observing

Reviewed by Simon Fraser.


Update expectations for tests that now pass.

  • web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/client-rect-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/cross-origin-iframe-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/iframe-no-root-expected.txt:
  • web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/timestamp-expected.txt:


Add logic to compute the intersection between the viewport and an element in a

Add a FloatRect version of ScrollView::rootViewToContents, and FloatRect versions
of the methods it calls.

Test: http/tests/intersection-observer/intermediate-frame-changes.html
Also covered by rebased tests in imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/intersection-observer.

  • dom/Document.cpp:


  • page/FrameView.cpp:

(WebCore::FrameView::convertFromContainingViewToRenderer const):
(WebCore::FrameView::convertFromContainingView const):

  • page/FrameView.h:
  • platform/ScrollView.cpp:

(WebCore::ScrollView::viewToContents const):
(WebCore::ScrollView::contentsToView const):
(WebCore::ScrollView::rootViewToContents const):

  • platform/ScrollView.h:
  • platform/Widget.cpp:

(WebCore::Widget::convertFromRootView const):
(WebCore::Widget::convertFromContainingView const):

  • platform/Widget.h:


Add a test that cross-document intersection observations are triggered when an intermediate frame
scrolls. Skip the test on WK1 platforms where IntersectionObserver is not supported.

Add platform-specific baselines for tests involving iframe scrolling, which isn't supported on iOS.

  • http/tests/intersection-observer/intermediate-frame-changes-expected.txt: Added.
  • http/tests/intersection-observer/intermediate-frame-changes.html: Added.
  • http/tests/intersection-observer/resources/intermediate-frame.html: Added.
  • http/tests/intersection-observer/resources/nested-frame.html: Added.
  • platform/ios/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/cross-origin-iframe-expected.txt: Copied from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/cross-origin-iframe-expected.txt.
  • platform/ios/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/iframe-no-root-expected.txt: Copied from LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/intersection-observer/iframe-no-root-expected.txt.
  • platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
  • platform/win/TestExpectations:
  • platform/wincairo/TestExpectations:
9:49 AM Changeset in webkit [237736] by Kocsen Chung
  • 2 edits in tags/Safari-607.1.12.1/Source/JavaScriptCore

Cherry-pick r237707. rdar://problem/45749094

Unreviewed, JavaScriptCore should only guarantee to produce a
modulemap if we are building for iOSMac.

  • Configurations/JavaScriptCore.xcconfig:

git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@237707 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc

8:59 AM Changeset in webkit [237735] by Chris Dumez
  • 6 edits in trunk

[PSON] Reuse SuspendedPages' process when possible, for performance

Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.


When process-swapping check if there is an existing SuspendedPage for the domain we're going to.
If there is, use this SuspendedPage's process for the navigation instead of a fresh new process.
This change should be beneficial for performance as it:

  • Avoids spinning up a new process (CPU & memory cost)
  • Likely better leverages caches since this process already loaded this domain in the past

Due to current limitations, using a SuspendedPage's proxy may consume the SuspendedPage, which
means that it can no longer be used for PageCache on history navigations. We need to do this when
the SuspendedPageProxy in question was created for the current WebPageProxy because:

  • This SuspendedPageProxy's process already has a suspended WebPage with this WebPageProxy's pageID


  • We do not currently support having more than one WebPage with a given pageID within a single WebProcess.
  • UIProcess/SuspendedPageProxy.cpp:


  • UIProcess/SuspendedPageProxy.h:
  • UIProcess/WebProcessPool.cpp:



Add API test coverage.

  • TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/ProcessSwapOnNavigation.mm:
8:46 AM Changeset in webkit [237734] by Tadeu Zagallo
  • 4 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

Metadata should not be copyable

Reviewed by Keith Miller.

We should only ever hold references to the entry in the metadata table.

  • bytecode/CodeBlock.cpp:


  • dfg/DFGByteCodeParser.cpp:


  • generator/Metadata.rb:
8:41 AM Changeset in webkit [237733] by pvollan@apple.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests

[Win] Layout Test fast/block/basic/inline-content-with-floating-image.html is failing

Unreviewed test gardening.

  • platform/win/TestExpectations:
8:39 AM Changeset in webkit [237732] by commit-queue@webkit.org
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

Remove ENABLE_OPENCL fully

Patch by Rob Buis <rbuis@igalia.com> on 2018-11-02
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.

No new tests since no change in functionality.

  • platform/graphics/filters/FilterEffect.h:

(WebCore::FilterEffect::hasResult const):
(WebCore::FilterEffect::openCLImage): Deleted.
(WebCore::FilterEffect::setOpenCLImage): Deleted.

7:23 AM Changeset in webkit [237731] by Alan Bujtas
  • 7 edits
    2 adds in trunk

[LFC][IFC] Add support for intrinsic width calculation

Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.


This is the inline formatting version of the shrink-to-fit computation. It generates inline runs
and uses InlineLineBreaker to compute min/max width. This is very similar to ::layout.

Test: fast/inline/simple-shrink-to-fit-inline-block.html

  • layout/inlineformatting/InlineFormattingContext.cpp:

(WebCore::Layout::InlineFormattingContext::layout const):
(WebCore::Layout::InlineFormattingContext::computeWidthAndMargin const):
(WebCore::Layout::InlineFormattingContext::computeHeightAndMargin const):
(WebCore::Layout::InlineFormattingContext::layoutFormattingContextRoot const):
(WebCore::Layout::InlineFormattingContext::computeWidthAndHeightForReplacedInlineBox const):
(WebCore::Layout::InlineFormattingContext::collectInlineContent const):
(WebCore::Layout::InlineFormattingContext::instrinsicWidthConstraints const):
(WebCore::Layout::InlineFormattingContext::computeWidthAndHeightForInlineBox const): Deleted.

  • layout/inlineformatting/InlineFormattingContext.h:


  • LayoutReloaded/misc/LFC-passing-tests.txt:


  • fast/inline/simple-shrink-to-fit-inline-block-expected.txt: Added.
  • fast/inline/simple-shrink-to-fit-inline-block.html: Added.
  • platform/ios/TestExpectations:
7:21 AM Changeset in webkit [237730] by Alan Bujtas
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[LFC][BFC] BlockFormattingContext::instrinsicWidthConstraints logic should look similar to ::layout

Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

  • layout/blockformatting/BlockFormattingContext.cpp:

(WebCore::Layout::BlockFormattingContext::instrinsicWidthConstraints const):

6:41 AM Changeset in webkit [237729] by Alan Bujtas
  • 9 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

[LFC] Align shrink-to-fit width computation with the layout implementation.

Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

There are many similarities between layout and shrink-to-fit.
They both operate on formatting roots only (shrink-to-fit -> float, out-of-flow, inline-block) and in both cases
the algoritm depends on what type of formatting context the element establishes.

This patch is in preparation for transforming the "shrink-to-fit" width computation to make it behave more like layout.
With this change the instrinsicWidthConstraints() computation happens in the formatting context that the element establishes (similar to layout).

  • layout/FormattingContext.cpp:

(WebCore::Layout::FormattingContext::computeOutOfFlowHorizontalGeometry const):

  • layout/FormattingContext.h:


  • layout/FormattingContextGeometry.cpp:


  • layout/blockformatting/BlockFormattingContext.cpp:

(WebCore::Layout::BlockFormattingContext::computeWidthAndMargin const):
(WebCore::Layout::BlockFormattingContext::instrinsicWidthConstraints const):

  • layout/blockformatting/BlockFormattingContext.h:
  • layout/inlineformatting/InlineFormattingContext.cpp:

(WebCore::Layout::InlineFormattingContext::layoutFormattingContextRoot const):
(WebCore::Layout::InlineFormattingContext::instrinsicWidthConstraints const):

  • layout/inlineformatting/InlineFormattingContext.h:
  • layout/inlineformatting/InlineFormattingContextGeometry.cpp:


3:46 AM Changeset in webkit [237728] by Tadeu Zagallo
  • 3 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore

REGRESSION(r237547): Exception handlers should be aware of wide opcodes when JIT is disabled

Reviewed by Keith Miller.

https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=191108 did not handle the case where JIT is not enabled

  • jit/JITExceptions.cpp:


  • llint/LLIntData.h:


3:04 AM Changeset in webkit [237727] by Philippe Normand
  • 5 edits in trunk

[Apache] Self-signed SSL certificate RSA key is considered too weak

Reviewed by Michael Catanzaro.


  • Scripts/webkitpy/common/system/pemfile.py:


Regenerate the self-signed SSL certificate with a 2048 bits RSA key.

  • http/conf/webkit-httpd.pem:
12:54 AM Changeset in webkit [237726] by graouts@webkit.org
  • 17 edits in trunk

[Web Animations] Make document.getAnimations() return declarative animations in the correct order

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.


Mark progressions for the document.getAnimations() tests covering CSS Animations and CSS Transitions.
These tests are now in WPT and will be updated as part of a general WPT update for all of Web Animations
shortly. We will upstream the minor changes made at that point. Those changes were necessary because we
don't support the PseudoElement interface and instead we check which animation names and CSS properties
are applied to pseudo-elements rather than the pseudo-element's type.

  • css-animations/test_document-get-animations-expected.txt:
  • css-animations/test_document-get-animations.html:
  • css-animations/test_event-dispatch.html: Remove a comment that was added by mistake in a previous patch.
  • css-transitions/test_document-get-animations-expected.txt:
  • css-transitions/test_document-get-animations.html:


The Web Animations spec has the notion of "composite order" which determines the order in which animations should
be returned when document.getAnimations() is called. The CSS Transitions and CSS Animations specifications also
determine the composite order of their respective animation classes, as well as the notion of "owning element",
the element that was the animation target when specified through style, prior to any manipulation via the Web
Animations API. We implement these two notions so that we can pass the document.getAnimations() tests for
declarative animations.

It is important that we have the notion of an "owning element" since when a CSS Transition or CSS Animation is
modified via the Web Animations API in a way that an animation created through CSS we must consider no longer
as a declarative animation but as a regular Web Animation. In this patch, we remove the DeclarativeAnimation's
target(), which returned a reference, to owningElement(), which returns a pointer and return nullptr once the
declarative animation has been modified.

In order to also keep a correct count of declarative animations applied to elements, we correctly add transitions
that have completed to a list of completed transitions, as specified by the CSS Transitions spec. We have had this
list declared in AnimationTimeline.h for a while but never actually did the work to add items to it. Thanks to that,
AnimationTimeline::updateCSSTransitionsForElement() now correctly accounts for completed transitions so that they
may be canceled if overridden with a new animation, correctly removing their "owning element".

Finally, now that we have saner lists of animations per classes, we can apply the right sorting routines to match
the composite order for CSS Transitions, CSS Animations and Web Animations, keeping a list of all animations created
in order as the final criterion for sorting.

  • animation/AnimationTimeline.cpp:

(WebCore::AnimationTimeline::animationTimingDidChange): Make sure this animation is tracked on the list of all animations
created for this timeline in the order in which they were created, which is needed to sort animations correctly when
document.getAnimations() is called.
(WebCore::AnimationTimeline::animationWasAddedToElement): We've removed the relevantMapForAnimation() method which we used
to determine which map we should add an animation to based on its class and instead have code that accounts for not just
the animation's class, but also whether it has an owning element since a valid owning element is required to qualify as
a CSS Transition or CSS Animation, regardless of the animation's original class.
(WebCore::removeAnimationFromMapForElement): Adding this helper to remove an animation from the provided animation map so
that animationWasRemovedFromElement() can call this with all of the various animation maps.
(WebCore::AnimationTimeline::animationWasRemovedFromElement): Check all of the various animation maps to see which may
contain the animation we're trying to remove as the owning element might have been cleared by the time this function is
called and looking at the animation's class would not be sufficient to determine which animation map the animation was in.
(WebCore::AnimationTimeline::removeDeclarativeAnimationFromListsForOwningElement): New function in which the logic from
animationWasRemovedFromElement() that dealt with removing animations from the list of running CSS Animations/Transitions as
well as completed CSS Transitions was factored out. This allowed us to also call this function from
(WebCore::AnimationTimeline::elementWasRemoved): We no longer need to remove an animation as canceling it will remove it
correctly when DocumentTimeline::updateAnimationsAndSendEvents() is called.
(WebCore::AnimationTimeline::updateCSSAnimationsForElement): Call cancelDeclarativeAnimation() instead of the removed
cancelOrRemoveDeclarativeAnimation() when a CSS Animation should be canceled.
(WebCore::AnimationTimeline::ensureRunningTransitionsByProperty): Now that we correctly remove transitions from the list
of running transitions once they've completed or have been canceled, we need a helper to always get a valid map of running
transitions for a given element as that map can be cleared while updateCSSTransitionsForElement() is running.
(WebCore::AnimationTimeline::updateCSSTransitionsForElement): Call cancelDeclarativeAnimation() instead of the removed
cancelOrRemoveDeclarativeAnimation() when a CSS Transition should be canceled. Additionally we always get the list of running
transitions for a given element as it can be cleared by a prior cancelation.
(WebCore::AnimationTimeline::cancelDeclarativeAnimation): New function replacing cancelOrRemoveDeclarativeAnimation() in which
we call the new DeclarativeAnimation::cancelFromStyle() function on the provided animation and then remove the animation from
all known lists, including the new list of all animations. We do this final part so that the animation gets re-added as if it
were a new animation since canceling a declarative animation via a style change removes its declarative-ness. This guarantees
that a declarative animation that is canceled through style but then resumed through the Web Animations API sorts after any
declarative animation with an owning element.
(WebCore::AnimationTimeline::relevantMapForAnimation): Deleted.
(WebCore::AnimationTimeline::cancelOrRemoveDeclarativeAnimation): Deleted.

  • animation/AnimationTimeline.h:

(WebCore::AnimationTimeline::timingModelDidChange): Deleted. This was left over in the patch where we implemented the "update
animations and send events" procedure.
(WebCore::AnimationTimeline::animations const): Deleted.

  • animation/CSSAnimation.cpp:

(WebCore::CSSAnimation::create): Some refactoring to make the handling of a declarative animation's owning element part of the
DeclarativeAnimation constructor.

  • animation/CSSTransition.cpp:

(WebCore::CSSTransition::create): Some refactoring to make the handling of a declarative animation's owning element part of the
DeclarativeAnimation constructor.

  • animation/DeclarativeAnimation.cpp:

(WebCore::DeclarativeAnimation::tick): Make sure we disassociate from the animation's owning element once we transition from a
relevant state to an idle state. This will catch any changes made via the Web Animations API to a declarative animation when the
"update animations and send events" procedure is run.
(WebCore::DeclarativeAnimation::disassociateFromOwningElement): Remove this animation from the list of declarative animations on
the associated timeline and make owningElement() nullptr so that document.getAnimations() will know to sort this animation with other
Web Animations created via the Web Animations API.
(WebCore::DeclarativeAnimation::cancelFromStyle): New method called from AnimationTimeline::cancelDeclarativeAnimation() which
cancels the animation but also disassociates it from its owning element.

  • animation/DeclarativeAnimation.h:

(WebCore::DeclarativeAnimation::owningElement const):
(WebCore::DeclarativeAnimation::target const): Deleted.

  • animation/DocumentTimeline.cpp:

(WebCore::compareDeclarativeAnimationOwningElementPositionsInDocumentTreeOrder): Adding a new utility used when sorting both
CSS Transitions and CSS Animations by tree order when their owning element differ, with special logic for pseudo-elements.
(WebCore::DocumentTimeline::getAnimations const): Filter and sort animations according to their composite order.
(WebCore::DocumentTimeline::updateAnimationsAndSendEvents): Compile a list of transitions that move to a finished state to
the list of completed transitions so that they may be canceled correctly in AnimationTimeline::updateCSSTransitionsForElement().

  • animation/DocumentTimeline.h:


Mark that the two document.getAnimations() tests for declarative animations are no longer flaky.

12:15 AM Changeset in webkit [237725] by zandobersek@gmail.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore

PNGImageDecoder: report no repetition for non-animated images

Reviewed by Michael Catanzaro.

When building with APNG support enabled, the
PNGImageDecoder::repetitionCount() method until now reported infinite
repetition count for all PNG images, even the ones that were not
animated. This is now changed so that no repetition is reported for
non-animated images.

  • platform/image-decoders/png/PNGImageDecoder.cpp:

(WebCore::PNGImageDecoder::repetitionCount const):

12:11 AM Changeset in webkit [237724] by zandobersek@gmail.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebDriver

[WPE] WebDriver: support validating and parsing the 'certificates' capability

Reviewed by Michael Catanzaro.

Adopt the same approach as in the GTK's WebDriverService implementation
for validating and parsing the 'certificates' WebDriver capability.

  • wpe/WebDriverServiceWPE.cpp:

(WebDriver::WebDriverService::platformValidateCapability const):
(WebDriver::WebDriverService::platformParseCapabilities const):

12:09 AM Changeset in webkit [237723] by Justin Fan
  • 21 edits
    9 copies
    2 moves
    5 adds in trunk

[WebGPU] Experimental prototype for MSL shaders

Reviewed by Dean Jackson.


Begin implementation for WebGPUDevice and WebGPUShaderModule and associated descriptor objects.

Test: webgpu/webgpu-basics.html
Test: webgpu/shader-modules.html

  • CMakeLists.txt:
  • DerivedSources.make:
  • Modules/webgpu/GPUDevice.cpp:

(WebCore::GPUDevice::createShaderModule const):

  • Modules/webgpu/GPUDevice.h:

(WebCore::GPUDevice::platformDevice const):

  • Modules/webgpu/GPUShaderModule.h:

(WebCore::GPUShaderModule::platformShaderModule const):

  • Modules/webgpu/GPUShaderModuleDescriptor.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPU.cpp:

(WebCore::WebGPU::requestAdapter const):

  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUAdapter.cpp:


  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUAdapter.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUAdapter.idl:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUDevice.cpp:

(WebCore::WebGPUDevice::createShaderModule const):

  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUDevice.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUDevice.idl:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUShaderModule.cpp:


  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUShaderModule.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUShaderModule.idl:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUShaderModuleDescriptor.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUShaderModuleDescriptor.idl:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUSwapChain.cpp:


  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUSwapChain.h:
  • Modules/webgpu/WebGPUSwapChain.idl:
  • Modules/webgpu/cocoa/GPUDeviceMetal.mm:


  • Modules/webgpu/cocoa/GPUShaderModuleMetal.mm:


  • Sources.txt:
  • SourcesCocoa.txt:
  • WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
  • bindings/js/WebCoreBuiltinNames.h:
  • platform/Logging.h:


Disabling WebGPU on non-Cocoa platforms and iOS Simulator.

  • wtf/Platform.h:


  • webgpu/shader-modules.html: Added.
  • webgpu/shader-modules-expected.html: Added.
  • webgpu/webgpu-basics.html: Added.
  • webgpu/webgpu-basics-expected.html: Added.
12:04 AM Changeset in webkit [237722] by zandobersek@gmail.com
  • 2 edits in trunk/Tools

Unreviewed follow-up to r237678.

  • wpe/jhbuild.modules: The patch element apparently has to be a child

of the branch in order for Jhbuild to properly detect and apply the
patch file.

Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.