May 11, 2021:
- 11:04 PM Changeset in webkit [277358] by
- 6 edits in trunk
Include reasons for compositing in showLayerTree output
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
Since it seems useful to know why a layer is composited.
The logging code was only including one reason, rather than the
whole set of reasons, and that's unchanged (except for the function
name to make that clearer), although we could also just make that
include all of the reasons too.
There were two reason strings missing, which are also added --
OverflowScrollPositioning and WillChange -- which the use of a
switch should help catch in the future.
- rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.cpp:
- rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.h:
- rendering/RenderTreeAsText.cpp:
- fast/harness/render-tree-as-text-options-expected.txt:
- 10:55 PM Changeset in webkit [277357] by
- 32 edits in trunk
Port WTF::FileSystem::listDirectory to std::filesystem
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Update FileSystem::listDirectory() call sites to deal with the fact that:
- The function now returns file names instead of full file paths
- The callers now have to do filtering by themselves if they need it
- Modules/entriesapi/DOMFileSystem.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBServer.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp:
- Modules/webdatabase/DatabaseTracker.cpp:
- html/DirectoryFileListCreator.cpp:
- platform/graphics/gstreamer/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer.cpp:
- platform/graphics/gstreamer/MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer.h:
- platform/text/hyphen/HyphenationLibHyphen.cpp:
Update FileSystem::listDirectory() call sites to deal with the fact that:
- The function now returns file names instead of full file paths
- The callers now have to do filtering by themselves if they need it
- NetworkProcess/WebStorage/LocalStorageDatabaseTracker.cpp:
(WebKit::LocalStorageDatabaseTracker::origins const):
- NetworkProcess/cache/CacheStorageEngine.cpp:
- NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCacheFileSystem.cpp:
- UIProcess/API/APIContentRuleListStore.cpp:
- UIProcess/DeviceIdHashSaltStorage.cpp:
- UIProcess/WebsiteData/WebsiteDataStore.cpp:
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/glib/WebKitExtensionManager.cpp:
- WebProcess/MediaCache/WebMediaKeyStorageManager.cpp:
Update FileSystem::listDirectory() call sites to deal with the fact that:
- The function now returns file names instead of full file paths
- The callers now have to do filtering by themselves if they need it
- Storage/StorageTracker.cpp:
Update FileSystem::listDirectory() call sites to deal with the fact that:
- The function now returns file names instead of full file paths
- The callers now have to do filtering by themselves if they need it
- Plugins/PluginDatabase.cpp:
(WebCore::PluginDatabase::getPluginPathsInDirectories const):
Port WTF::FileSystem::listDirectory to std::filesystem with the following 2 changes:
- The function no longer takes a (blob-style) filter parameter
- The function now returns file names instead of file paths, allowing the call sites to more easily filter based on prefixes.
- wtf/FileSystem.cpp:
- wtf/FileSystem.h:
- wtf/glib/FileSystemGlib.cpp:
- wtf/posix/FileSystemPOSIX.cpp:
- wtf/win/FileSystemWin.cpp:
Add API test coverage.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WTF/FileSystem.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebCore/cocoa/DatabaseTrackerTest.mm:
- 10:53 PM Changeset in webkit [277356] by
- 17 edits1 add in trunk
Add SPI to suspend / resume a WKWebView
Reviewed by Geoff Garen.
Add new function to BackForwardCache to suspend a page and return a CachedPage
instead of requiring a HistoryItem and storing the CachedPage on that history
item. This is useful when we want to suspend the page in-place and do not want
to require a history item (or a navigation).
- Headers.cmake:
- history/BackForwardCache.cpp:
- history/BackForwardCache.h:
- history/CachedPage.h:
Add SPI to suspend / resume a WKWebView. This suspends the page as if it was in
the back/forward cache but the suspension happens in-place, no need to navigate.
The suspended page is also not part of the Back/Forward cache so its cap on the
number of suspended pages does not apply here.
Most of WKWebView's API / SPI will throw an exception when called on a suspended
view (The WKPageRefAPI will RELEASE_ASSERT()). Some of the basic API will stay
functional (URL, isLoading, title, ...). It is also safe to deallocate / close
a suspended WKWebView.
- UIProcess/API/C/WKPage.cpp:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebView.mm:
(-[WKWebView loadRequest:]):
(-[WKWebView loadFileURL:allowingReadAccessToURL:]):
(-[WKWebView loadHTMLString:baseURL:]):
(-[WKWebView loadData:MIMEType:characterEncodingName:baseURL:]):
(-[WKWebView startDownloadUsingRequest:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView resumeDownloadFromResumeData:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView goToBackForwardListItem:]):
(-[WKWebView goBack]):
(-[WKWebView goForward]):
(-[WKWebView reload]):
(-[WKWebView reloadFromOrigin]):
(-[WKWebView stopLoading]):
(-[WKWebView evaluateJavaScript:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView evaluateJavaScript:inFrame:inContentWorld:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView callAsyncJavaScript:arguments:inFrame:inContentWorld:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView closeAllMediaPresentationsWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView pauseAllMediaPlaybackWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView setAllMediaPlaybackSuspended:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView requestMediaPlaybackStateWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView setMicrophoneCaptureState:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView setCameraCaptureState:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _evaluateJavaScript:asAsyncFunction:withSourceURL:withArguments:forceUserGesture:inFrame:inWorld:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView takeSnapshotWithConfiguration:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView setAllowsBackForwardNavigationGestures:]):
(-[WKWebView setCustomUserAgent:]):
(-[WKWebView setAllowsLinkPreview:]):
(-[WKWebView setPageZoom:]):
(-[WKWebView findString:withConfiguration:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView setMediaType:]):
(-[WKWebView setInteractionState:]):
(-[WKWebView setAllowsMagnification:]):
(-[WKWebView setMagnification:centeredAtPoint:]):
(-[WKWebView setMagnification:]):
(-[WKWebView printOperationWithPrintInfo:]):
(-[WKWebView createPDFWithConfiguration:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView createWebArchiveDataWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView loadSimulatedRequest:response:responseData:]):
(-[WKWebView loadSimulatedRequest:withResponse:responseData:]):
(-[WKWebView loadSimulatedRequest:responseHTMLString:]):
(-[WKWebView loadSimulatedRequest:withResponseHTMLString:]):
(-[WKWebView loadFileRequest:allowingReadAccessToURL:]):
(-[WKWebView _toggleStrikeThrough:]):
(-[WKWebView _increaseListLevel:]):
(-[WKWebView _decreaseListLevel:]):
(-[WKWebView _changeListType:]):
(-[WKWebView _setViewportSizeForCSSViewportUnits:]):
(-[WKWebView _didEnableBrowserExtensions:]):
(-[WKWebView _didDisableBrowserExtensions:]):
(-[WKWebView _setEditable:]):
(-[WKWebView _executeEditCommand:argument:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _startTextManipulationsWithConfiguration:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _completeTextManipulation:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _completeTextManipulationForItems:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _takeFindStringFromSelection:]):
(-[WKWebView _updateMediaPlaybackControlsManager]):
(-[WKWebView _togglePictureInPicture]):
(-[WKWebView _closeAllMediaPresentations]):
(-[WKWebView _stopMediaCapture]):
(-[WKWebView _stopAllMediaPlayback]):
(-[WKWebView _suspendAllMediaPlayback]):
(-[WKWebView _resumeAllMediaPlayback]):
(-[WKWebView _restoreAppHighlights:]):
(-[WKWebView _restoreAndScrollToAppHighlight:]):
(-[WKWebView _addAppHighlight]):
(-[WKWebView _loadAlternateHTMLString:baseURL:forUnreachableURL:]):
(-[WKWebView _loadData:MIMEType:characterEncodingName:baseURL:userData:]):
(-[WKWebView _loadRequest:shouldOpenExternalURLs:]):
(-[WKWebView _loadRequest:shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy:]):
(-[WKWebView _grantAccessToAssetServices]):
(-[WKWebView _revokeAccessToAssetServices]):
(-[WKWebView _switchFromStaticFontRegistryToUserFontRegistry]):
(-[WKWebView _appBoundNavigationDataForDomain:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _suspendPage:]):
(-[WKWebView _resumePage:]):
(-[WKWebView _setApplicationNameForUserAgent:]):
(-[WKWebView _killWebContentProcess]):
(-[WKWebView _reloadWithoutContentBlockers]):
(-[WKWebView _reloadExpiredOnly]):
(-[WKWebView _killWebContentProcessAndResetState]):
(-[WKWebView _takePDFSnapshotWithConfiguration:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _getPDFFirstPageSizeInFrame:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _restoreFromSessionStateData:]):
(-[WKWebView _restoreSessionState:andNavigate:]):
(-[WKWebView _close]):
(-[WKWebView _tryClose]):
(-[WKWebView _insertAttachmentWithFilename:contentType:data:options:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _insertAttachmentWithFileWrapper:contentType:options:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _insertAttachmentWithFileWrapper:contentType:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _attachmentForIdentifier:]):
(-[WKWebView _simulateDeviceOrientationChangeWithAlpha:beta:gamma:]):
(-[WKWebView _showSafeBrowsingWarningWithTitle:warning:details:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _showSafeBrowsingWarningWithURL:title:warning:details:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _showSafeBrowsingWarningWithURL:title:warning:detailsWithLinks:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _isJITEnabled:]):
(-[WKWebView _evaluateJavaScriptWithoutUserGesture:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _callAsyncJavaScript:arguments:inFrame:inContentWorld:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _evaluateJavaScript:inFrame:inContentWorld:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _evaluateJavaScript:withSourceURL:inFrame:inContentWorld:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _updateWebpagePreferences:]):
(-[WKWebView _notifyUserScripts]):
(-[WKWebView _deferrableUserScriptsNeedNotification]):
(-[WKWebView _setAllowsRemoteInspection:]):
(-[WKWebView _setRemoteInspectionNameOverride:]):
(-[WKWebView _setAddsVisitedLinks:]):
(-[WKWebView _getMainResourceDataWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _getWebArchiveDataWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _getContentsAsStringWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _getContentsOfAllFramesAsStringWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _getContentsAsAttributedStringWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _getApplicationManifestWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _setPaginationMode:]):
(-[WKWebView _setPaginationBehavesLikeColumns:]):
(-[WKWebView _setPageLength:]):
(-[WKWebView _setGapBetweenPages:]):
(-[WKWebView _setPaginationLineGridEnabled:]):
(-[WKWebView _setTextZoomFactor:]):
(-[WKWebView _setPageZoomFactor:]):
(-[WKWebView _countStringMatches:options:maxCount:]):
(-[WKWebView _findString:options:maxCount:]):
(-[WKWebView _hideFindUI]):
(-[WKWebView _saveBackForwardSnapshotForItem:]):
(-[WKWebView _clearServiceWorkerEntitlementOverride:]):
(-[WKWebView _preconnectToServer:]):
(-[WKWebView _setCanUseCredentialStorage:]):
(-[WKWebView _setLayoutMode:]):
(-[WKWebView _setFixedLayoutSize:]):
(-[WKWebView _setBackgroundExtendsBeyondPage:]):
(-[WKWebView _setViewScale:]):
(-[WKWebView _setCORSDisablingPatterns:]):
(-[WKWebView _getProcessDisplayNameWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _setMinimumEffectiveDeviceWidth:]):
(-[WKWebView _grantAccessToPreferenceService]):
(-[WKWebView _setScrollPerformanceDataCollectionEnabled:]):
(-[WKWebView _setAllowsMediaDocumentInlinePlayback:]):
(-[WKWebView _setMediaCaptureEnabled:]):
(-[WKWebView _setPageMuted:]):
(-[WKWebView _removeDataDetectedLinks:]):
(-[WKWebView _doAfterNextPresentationUpdate:]):
(-[WKWebView _doAfterNextPresentationUpdateWithoutWaitingForPainting:]):
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebViewPrivate.h:
- UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp:
- UIProcess/WebPageProxy.h:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.h:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.messages.in:
Add API test coverage.
- TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/ProcessSuspension.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/postMessage-regularly.html: Added.
- 9:23 PM Changeset in webkit [277355] by
- 25 edits1 add in trunk
Remove the String::toInt family of functions
Reviewed by Anders Carlsson.
- platform/graphics/GLContext.cpp:
(WebCore::GLContext::version): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<unsigned> instead of String::toUInt.
- platform/graphics/GlyphBuffer.h:
(WebCore::GlyphBuffer::checkedStringOffsetAt const): Fix code that was
assuming GlyphBufferStringOffset was signed to compile without a warning
regardless of whether it's signed or unsigned. This was making GTK
builds have tons and tons of warnings, which was distracting while
working on the other fixes here.
- platform/graphics/gstreamer/WebKitWebSourceGStreamer.cpp:
(CachedResourceStreamingClient::responseReceived): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<uint64_t> instead of String::toUInt64.
- Shared/win/AuxiliaryProcessMainWin.cpp:
(WebKit::AuxiliaryProcessMainCommon::parseCommandLine): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<uint64_t> instead of String::toUInt64.
- UIProcess/API/gtk/WebKitRemoteInspectorProtocolHandler.cpp:
(WebKit::ScriptMessageClient::didPostMessage): Ditto.
- UIProcess/win/WebProcessPoolWin.cpp:
(WebKit::initializeRemoteInspectorServer): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<uint16_t> instead of StringView::toUInt64.
This is a 16-bit port number, so not valuable to parse larger integers.
- wtf/text/AtomString.h: Deleted AtomString::toInt.
- wtf/text/StringImpl.cpp:
(WTF::StringImpl::toIntStrict): Deleted.
(WTF::StringImpl::toUIntStrict): Deleted.
(WTF::StringImpl::toInt64Strict): Deleted.
(WTF::StringImpl::toUInt64Strict): Deleted.
(WTF::StringImpl::toIntPtrStrict): Deleted.
(WTF::StringImpl::toInt): Deleted.
(WTF::StringImpl::toUInt): Deleted.
(WTF::StringImpl::toInt64): Deleted.
(WTF::StringImpl::toUInt64): Deleted.
(WTF::StringImpl::toIntPtr): Deleted.
- wtf/text/StringImpl.h: Deleted the above functions.
- wtf/text/StringToIntegerConversion.h: Removed toIntegralType.
- wtf/text/StringView.cpp:
(WTF::parseUInt16): Deleted.
- wtf/text/StringView.h: Deleted StringView::toInt,
StringView::toIntStrict, StringView::toUInt64Strict,
StringView::toInt64Strict, and parseUInt16. Changed the constructor
that takes a const char* to work when passed nullptr. StringView has
a null value, and converting a null const char* should produce that.
- wtf/text/WTFString.cpp:
(WTF::String::toIntStrict const): Deleted.
(WTF::String::toUIntStrict const): Deleted.
(WTF::String::toInt64Strict const): Deleted.
(WTF::String::toUInt64Strict const): Deleted.
(WTF::String::toIntPtrStrict const): Deleted.
(WTF::String::toInt const): Deleted.
(WTF::String::toUInt const): Deleted.
(WTF::String::toInt64 const): Deleted.
(WTF::String::toUInt64 const): Deleted.
(WTF::String::toIntPtr const): Deleted.
(WTF::lengthOfCharactersAsInteger): Deleted.
(WTF::charactersToIntStrict): Deleted.
(WTF::charactersToUIntStrict): Deleted.
(WTF::charactersToInt64Strict): Deleted.
(WTF::charactersToUInt64Strict): Deleted.
(WTF::charactersToIntPtrStrict): Deleted.
(WTF::charactersToInt): Deleted.
(WTF::charactersToUInt): Deleted.
(WTF::charactersToInt64): Deleted.
(WTF::charactersToUInt64): Deleted.
(WTF::charactersToIntPtr): Deleted.
- wtf/text/WTFString.h: Deleted the above functions.
- TestWebKitAPI/CMakeLists.txt: Added StringToIntegerConversion.cpp.
- TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Ditto.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WTF/StringToIntegerConversion.cpp: Added.
Contains tests moved and adapted from the files below so we don't
lose test coverage. We and and should add many more tests.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WTF/StringView.cpp: Removed tests for parseUInt16
and StringView::toIntStrict.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WTF/WTFString.cpp: Removed tests for String::toInt.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/WKURLSchemeHandler-1.mm: Use
parseInteger<uint64_t> instead of StringView::toUInt64Strict.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/WebsiteDataStoreCustomPaths.mm: Ditto.
- 8:55 PM Changeset in webkit [277354] by
- 21 edits in trunk
[macCatalyst] should have CSS
hover: hover
andpointer: fine
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
Test: iOSMouseSupport.MouseAlwaysConnected
- WebProcess/WebPage/ios/WebPageIOS.mm:
(WebKit::isMousePrimaryPointingDevice): Added.
(WebKit::hasAccessoryMousePointingDevice): Added.
(WebKit::hasAccessoryStylusPointingDevice): Added.
(WebKit::WebPage::hoverSupportedByPrimaryPointingDevice const):
(WebKit::WebPage::hoverSupportedByAnyAvailablePointingDevice const):
(WebKit::WebPage::pointerCharacteristicsOfPrimaryPointingDevice const):
(WebKit::WebPage::pointerCharacteristicsOfAllAvailablePointingDevices const):
(WebKit::hasMouseDevice): Deleted.
macCatalyst should consider the mouse as the primary pointing device, just like macOS:
should always behover
should always befine
(instead of only if an accessory mouse/stylus is connected)
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WebProcessPoolCocoa.mm:
- UIProcess/WebProcessProxy.h:
- UIProcess/WebProcessProxy.cpp:
(WebKit::WebProcessProxy::notifyHasMouseDeviceChanged): Added.
- UIProcess/ios/WebProcessProxyIOS.mm:
(WebKit::WebProcessProxy::notifyHasMouseDeviceChanged): Deleted.
- UIProcess/ios/WKMouseDeviceObserver.h:
- UIProcess/ios/WKMouseDeviceObserver.mm:
- Shared/WebProcessCreationParameters.h:
- Shared/WebProcessCreationParameters.cpp:
(WebKit::WebProcessCreationParameters::encode const):
- WebProcess/WebProcess.messages.in:
- WebProcess/WebProcess.h:
- WebProcess/WebProcess.cpp:
- WebProcess/cocoa/WebProcessCocoa.mm:
Clean up macro usage to avoid unnecessary work on macCatalyst.
Drive-by: Move non-platform code to non-platform files.
- wtf/PlatformHave.h:
to make callsites
clearer instead of having a somewhat unrelated connection toHAVE_UIKIT_WITH_MOUSE_SUPPORT
(not to mention both of them arePLATFORM(MACCATALYST)
which isn't desirable since macCatalyst should consider the mouse as the primary pointing
device, just like macOS).
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/iOSMouseSupport.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/iOSStylusSupport.mm:
- 8:49 PM Changeset in webkit [277353] by
- 17 edits1 delete in trunk
Unreviewed, reverting r277341.
Caused WK2 layout tests to exit with an exception
Reverted changeset:
"Add SPI to suspend / resume a WKWebView"
- 8:46 PM Changeset in webkit [277352] by
- 7 edits in trunk
[iOS] Mail compose web view doesn't scroll to reveal the selection in certain configurations
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
Currently when computing input view bounds upon receiving
, we attempt to
map the on-screen bounds of the keyboard to the window's coordinate space, and save the result in an ivar in
. The keyboard frame (which corresponds toUIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey
in the
notification's userInfo dictionary) is given to us in screen coordinates, and we currently pass this through
, with a nilUIWindow
However, this results in mapping the rect from the coordinate space of the window's
rather than
the window screen. In shipping Mail on iOS, this doesn't matter because the window containing the compose web
view shares the same coordinate space as the screen. In some other configurations of MobileMail, however, the
compose web view appears inside its ownUIWindow
. This causes the above coordinate conversion logic to fail,
since we attempt to map a rect given to us in screen coordinates from the compose web view's window scene's
coordinate space, instead of the screen's coordinate space.
We fix this by using
instead, and explicitly pass in
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebViewInternal.h:
- UIProcess/API/ios/WKWebViewIOS.mm:
(-[WKWebView _updateScrollViewForTransaction:]):
(-[WKWebView _zoomToFocusRect:selectionRect:fontSize:minimumScale:maximumScale:allowScaling:forceScroll:]):
(-[WKWebView _contentRectForUserInteraction]):
(-[WKWebView _updateVisibleContentRects]):
(-[WKWebView _keyboardChangedWithInfo:adjustScrollView:]):
for clarity.
- UIProcess/API/ios/WKWebViewPrivateForTestingIOS.h:
- UIProcess/API/ios/WKWebViewTestingIOS.mm:
(-[WKWebView _inputViewBoundsInWindow]):
(-[WKWebView _inputViewBounds]): Deleted.
Rename some testing SPI. See WebKit/ChangeLog for more information.
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/UIScriptControllerIOS.mm:
(WTR::UIScriptControllerIOS::inputViewBounds const):
- 8:40 PM Changeset in webkit [277351] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Crash in DisplayLink::incrementFullSpeedRequestClientCount()
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
Crash data suggest that in WebPageProxy::updateWheelEventActivityAfterProcessSwap()
the connection might be null. Protect against that an an unset DisplayID, as we do
in wheelEventHysteresisUpdated().
- UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp:
- UIProcess/mac/DisplayLink.cpp:
(WebKit::DisplayLink::incrementFullSpeedRequestClientCount): Remove an extra semicolon.
- 7:45 PM Changeset in webkit [277350] by
- 10 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Display-frequency animations in ScrollController should be externally driven
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
Display-frequency animations (i.e. those driven by 1/60_s timers) should ultimately
be driven by Page::updateRendering(), since their output should be synchronized with
rendering updates.
As the first step, remove m_snapRubberbandTimer and m_scrollSnapTimer from
ScrollController and have it expose functions that tell its client to start and stop
the animation, and a per-frame callback. Give ScrollAnimator a 1/60_s timer
to drive this, temporarily.
- page/scrolling/mac/ScrollingTreeScrollingNodeDelegateMac.h:
- page/scrolling/mac/ScrollingTreeScrollingNodeDelegateMac.mm:
- platform/ScrollAnimator.cpp:
- platform/ScrollAnimator.h:
- platform/ScrollController.cpp:
- platform/ScrollController.h:
- platform/ScrollSnapAnimatorState.cpp:
(WebCore::ScrollSnapAnimatorState::currentAnimatedScrollOffset const):
- platform/ScrollSnapAnimatorState.h:
- platform/mac/ScrollController.mm:
(WebCore::ScrollController::isScrollSnapInProgress const):
(WebCore::ScrollController::isRubberBandInProgressInternal const):
(WebCore::ScrollController::snapRubberBandTimerFired): Deleted.
(WebCore::ScrollController::startSnapRubberbandTimer): Deleted.
(WebCore::ScrollController::stopSnapRubberbandTimer): Deleted.
(WebCore::ScrollController::startScrollSnapTimer): Deleted.
(WebCore::ScrollController::stopScrollSnapTimer): Deleted.
(WebCore::ScrollController::scrollSnapTimerFired): Deleted.
- 6:25 PM Changeset in webkit [277349] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Fix the CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend build
- Shared/RemoteLayerTree/CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend.cpp:
(WebKit::CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend::getPixelBuffer const):
- Shared/RemoteLayerTree/CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend.h:
- 6:16 PM Changeset in webkit [277348] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
Unreviewed, reverting r277319.
Always enabling AsyncOverflowScrolling made many tests fail or
Reverted changeset:
"[GTK] compositing/overflow/dynamic-composited-scrolling-
status.html is failing"
- 5:54 PM Changeset in webkit [277347] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Function.prototype.toString triggers page demand on Speedometer
Reviewed by Mark Lam.
Some JS libraries -- e.g. jQuery, Ember-Debug, Angular -- like to
toString() JS functions in order to enforce return type, argument type,
or deprecation invariants. This triggers pathological page demand if
we keep throwing away the underlying script string.
- loader/cache/CachedResource.cpp:
(WebCore::deadDecodedDataDeletionIntervalForResourceType): Let's try 5s.
- 5:52 PM Changeset in webkit [277346] by
- 5 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore
ConservativeRoots triggers page demand on Speedometer
Reviewed by Saam Barati.
Use a Vector instead of OSAllocator to avoid mmap() and page fault --
and, like, come on.
Bump default inlineCapacity up to 1024 because we seem to overflow
- heap/ConservativeRoots.cpp:
(JSC::ConservativeRoots::grow): Deleted.
- heap/ConservativeRoots.h:
(JSC::ConservativeRoots::roots const):
(JSC::ConservativeRoots::size const): Deleted.
- heap/SlotVisitor.cpp:
- heap/VerifierSlotVisitor.cpp:
- 5:46 PM Changeset in webkit [277345] by
- 5 edits2 adds in trunk
[MSE] QuotaExceededError Exception not thrown even if the sum of totalTrackBufferSize and appendBuffer size exceeds maximumBufferSize.
Patch by Toshio Ogasawara <toshio.ogasawara@access-company.com> on 2021-05-11
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
Test: media/media-source/media-source-append-buffer-full-quota-exceeded-error.html
- Modules/mediasource/SourceBuffer.cpp:
- platform/graphics/SourceBufferPrivate.cpp:
- platform/graphics/SourceBufferPrivate.h:
- media/media-source/media-source-append-buffer-full-quota-exceeded-error-expected.txt: Added.
- media/media-source/media-source-append-buffer-full-quota-exceeded-error.html: Added.
- 5:05 PM Changeset in webkit [277344] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source
Remove xpc_connection_kill
Patch by Alex Christensen <achristensen@webkit.org> on 2021-05-11
Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.
- UIProcess/Launcher/mac/ProcessLauncherMac.mm:
- wtf/PlatformHave.h:
- 4:41 PM Changeset in webkit [277343] by
- 8 edits in trunk
Use one VM per thread for IDB serialization work
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
The vm map in IDBSerializationContext uses sessionID as key instead of thread identifier. Normally IDB has one
thread per session (see WebIDBServer and CrossThreadTaskHandler), so we are using one vm per thread. With
r275799, we remove WebIDBServer more aggressively (when no web process is not using IDB) to make sure its thread
does not stay around, and WebIDBServer will be destroyed after it finishes scheduled tasks on the background
thread. Then, it's possible that while a WebIDBServer for some session is removed and finishing last tasks,
a new IDB request for the same session comes in and we create a new WebIDBServer for the session. In this case,
two threads ends up using the same VM.
VM is generally not designed to be used on multiple threads, otherwise we need to acquire lock for each
WTF::String operation to get correct AtomStringTable. So let's just make sure we are using one VM per thread by
making the map in IDBSerializationContext keyed by thread pointer.
New API test: IndexedDB.OneVMPerThread
- Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBSerializationContext.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/server/IDBSerializationContext.h:
- Modules/indexeddb/server/MemoryIDBBackingStore.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/server/MemoryObjectStore.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/IndexedDBDatabaseProcessKill.mm:
(-[DatabaseProcessKillMessageHandler userContentController:didReceiveScriptMessage:]):
- 4:30 PM Changeset in webkit [277342] by
- 8 edits in branches/safari-612.1.12-branch/Source
- 2:39 PM Changeset in webkit [277341] by
- 17 edits1 add in trunk
Add SPI to suspend / resume a WKWebView
Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.
Add new function to BackForwardCache to suspend a page and return a CachedPage
instead of requiring a HistoryItem and storing the CachedPage on that history
item. This is useful when we want to suspend the page in-place and do not want
to require a history item (or a navigation).
- Headers.cmake:
- history/BackForwardCache.cpp:
- history/BackForwardCache.h:
- history/CachedPage.h:
Add SPI to suspend / resume a WKWebView. This suspends the page as if it was in
the back/forward cache but the suspension happens in-place, no need to navigate.
The suspended page is also not part of the Back/Forward cache so its cap on the
number of suspended pages does not apply here.
Most of WKWebView's API / SPI will throw an exception when called on a suspended
view (The WKPageRefAPI will RELEASE_ASSERT()). Some of the basic API will stay
functional (URL, isLoading, title, ...). It is also safe to deallocate / close
a suspended WKWebView.
- UIProcess/API/C/WKPage.cpp:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebView.mm:
(-[WKWebView loadRequest:]):
(-[WKWebView loadFileURL:allowingReadAccessToURL:]):
(-[WKWebView loadHTMLString:baseURL:]):
(-[WKWebView loadData:MIMEType:characterEncodingName:baseURL:]):
(-[WKWebView startDownloadUsingRequest:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView resumeDownloadFromResumeData:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView goToBackForwardListItem:]):
(-[WKWebView goBack]):
(-[WKWebView goForward]):
(-[WKWebView reload]):
(-[WKWebView reloadFromOrigin]):
(-[WKWebView stopLoading]):
(-[WKWebView evaluateJavaScript:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView evaluateJavaScript:inFrame:inContentWorld:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView callAsyncJavaScript:arguments:inFrame:inContentWorld:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView closeAllMediaPresentationsWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView pauseAllMediaPlaybackWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView setAllMediaPlaybackSuspended:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView requestMediaPlaybackStateWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView setMicrophoneCaptureState:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView setCameraCaptureState:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _evaluateJavaScript:asAsyncFunction:withSourceURL:withArguments:forceUserGesture:inFrame:inWorld:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView takeSnapshotWithConfiguration:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView setAllowsBackForwardNavigationGestures:]):
(-[WKWebView setCustomUserAgent:]):
(-[WKWebView setAllowsLinkPreview:]):
(-[WKWebView setPageZoom:]):
(-[WKWebView findString:withConfiguration:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView setMediaType:]):
(-[WKWebView setInteractionState:]):
(-[WKWebView setAllowsMagnification:]):
(-[WKWebView setMagnification:centeredAtPoint:]):
(-[WKWebView setMagnification:]):
(-[WKWebView printOperationWithPrintInfo:]):
(-[WKWebView createPDFWithConfiguration:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView createWebArchiveDataWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView loadSimulatedRequest:response:responseData:]):
(-[WKWebView loadSimulatedRequest:withResponse:responseData:]):
(-[WKWebView loadSimulatedRequest:responseHTMLString:]):
(-[WKWebView loadSimulatedRequest:withResponseHTMLString:]):
(-[WKWebView loadFileRequest:allowingReadAccessToURL:]):
(-[WKWebView _toggleStrikeThrough:]):
(-[WKWebView _increaseListLevel:]):
(-[WKWebView _decreaseListLevel:]):
(-[WKWebView _changeListType:]):
(-[WKWebView _setViewportSizeForCSSViewportUnits:]):
(-[WKWebView _didEnableBrowserExtensions:]):
(-[WKWebView _didDisableBrowserExtensions:]):
(-[WKWebView _setEditable:]):
(-[WKWebView _executeEditCommand:argument:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _startTextManipulationsWithConfiguration:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _completeTextManipulation:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _completeTextManipulationForItems:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _takeFindStringFromSelection:]):
(-[WKWebView _updateMediaPlaybackControlsManager]):
(-[WKWebView _togglePictureInPicture]):
(-[WKWebView _closeAllMediaPresentations]):
(-[WKWebView _stopMediaCapture]):
(-[WKWebView _stopAllMediaPlayback]):
(-[WKWebView _suspendAllMediaPlayback]):
(-[WKWebView _resumeAllMediaPlayback]):
(-[WKWebView _restoreAppHighlights:]):
(-[WKWebView _restoreAndScrollToAppHighlight:]):
(-[WKWebView _addAppHighlight]):
(-[WKWebView _loadAlternateHTMLString:baseURL:forUnreachableURL:]):
(-[WKWebView _loadData:MIMEType:characterEncodingName:baseURL:userData:]):
(-[WKWebView _loadRequest:shouldOpenExternalURLs:]):
(-[WKWebView _loadRequest:shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy:]):
(-[WKWebView _grantAccessToAssetServices]):
(-[WKWebView _revokeAccessToAssetServices]):
(-[WKWebView _switchFromStaticFontRegistryToUserFontRegistry]):
(-[WKWebView _appBoundNavigationDataForDomain:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _suspendPage:]):
(-[WKWebView _resumePage:]):
(-[WKWebView _setApplicationNameForUserAgent:]):
(-[WKWebView _killWebContentProcess]):
(-[WKWebView _reloadWithoutContentBlockers]):
(-[WKWebView _reloadExpiredOnly]):
(-[WKWebView _killWebContentProcessAndResetState]):
(-[WKWebView _takePDFSnapshotWithConfiguration:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _getPDFFirstPageSizeInFrame:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _restoreFromSessionStateData:]):
(-[WKWebView _restoreSessionState:andNavigate:]):
(-[WKWebView _close]):
(-[WKWebView _tryClose]):
(-[WKWebView _insertAttachmentWithFilename:contentType:data:options:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _insertAttachmentWithFileWrapper:contentType:options:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _insertAttachmentWithFileWrapper:contentType:completion:]):
(-[WKWebView _attachmentForIdentifier:]):
(-[WKWebView _simulateDeviceOrientationChangeWithAlpha:beta:gamma:]):
(-[WKWebView _showSafeBrowsingWarningWithTitle:warning:details:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _showSafeBrowsingWarningWithURL:title:warning:details:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _showSafeBrowsingWarningWithURL:title:warning:detailsWithLinks:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _isJITEnabled:]):
(-[WKWebView _evaluateJavaScriptWithoutUserGesture:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _callAsyncJavaScript:arguments:inFrame:inContentWorld:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _evaluateJavaScript:inFrame:inContentWorld:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _evaluateJavaScript:withSourceURL:inFrame:inContentWorld:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _updateWebpagePreferences:]):
(-[WKWebView _notifyUserScripts]):
(-[WKWebView _deferrableUserScriptsNeedNotification]):
(-[WKWebView _setAllowsRemoteInspection:]):
(-[WKWebView _setRemoteInspectionNameOverride:]):
(-[WKWebView _setAddsVisitedLinks:]):
(-[WKWebView _getMainResourceDataWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _getWebArchiveDataWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _getContentsAsStringWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _getContentsOfAllFramesAsStringWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _getContentsAsAttributedStringWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _getApplicationManifestWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _setPaginationMode:]):
(-[WKWebView _setPaginationBehavesLikeColumns:]):
(-[WKWebView _setPageLength:]):
(-[WKWebView _setGapBetweenPages:]):
(-[WKWebView _setPaginationLineGridEnabled:]):
(-[WKWebView _setTextZoomFactor:]):
(-[WKWebView _setPageZoomFactor:]):
(-[WKWebView _countStringMatches:options:maxCount:]):
(-[WKWebView _findString:options:maxCount:]):
(-[WKWebView _hideFindUI]):
(-[WKWebView _saveBackForwardSnapshotForItem:]):
(-[WKWebView _clearServiceWorkerEntitlementOverride:]):
(-[WKWebView _preconnectToServer:]):
(-[WKWebView _setCanUseCredentialStorage:]):
(-[WKWebView _setLayoutMode:]):
(-[WKWebView _setFixedLayoutSize:]):
(-[WKWebView _setBackgroundExtendsBeyondPage:]):
(-[WKWebView _setViewScale:]):
(-[WKWebView _setCORSDisablingPatterns:]):
(-[WKWebView _getProcessDisplayNameWithCompletionHandler:]):
(-[WKWebView _setMinimumEffectiveDeviceWidth:]):
(-[WKWebView _grantAccessToPreferenceService]):
(-[WKWebView _setScrollPerformanceDataCollectionEnabled:]):
(-[WKWebView _setAllowsMediaDocumentInlinePlayback:]):
(-[WKWebView _setMediaCaptureEnabled:]):
(-[WKWebView _setPageMuted:]):
(-[WKWebView _removeDataDetectedLinks:]):
(-[WKWebView _doAfterNextPresentationUpdate:]):
(-[WKWebView _doAfterNextPresentationUpdateWithoutWaitingForPainting:]):
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebViewPrivate.h:
- UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp:
- UIProcess/WebPageProxy.h:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.h:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.messages.in:
Add API test coverage.
- TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/ProcessSuspension.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/postMessage-regularly.html: Added.
- 2:22 PM Changeset in webkit [277340] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[ BigSur wk2 arm64 ] editing/selection/move-by-character-brute-force.html (layout-test) is a flaky timeout
Unreviewed test gardening.
Updating expectations to Pass Timeout for BigSur wk2 arm64.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 1:46 PM Changeset in webkit [277339] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[ BigSur Release wk2 arm64 ] http/tests/appcache/fail-on-update-2.html (layout-test) is a flaky timeout
Unreviewed test gardening.
Updating test expectations to Pass Timeout for BigSur Release wk2 arm64.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 1:45 PM Changeset in webkit [277338] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Failing sandbox check for media permissions should not generate a violation report
Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.
We sandbox_check the UIProcess for camera and video permissions. But if the process doesn't
have those permissions, sandbox_check fails and generates an expensive violation report that
task_suspends the process. We need to suppress the reporting with SANDBOX_CHECK_NO_REPORT.
- UIProcess/Cocoa/MediaPermissionUtilities.mm:
- 12:48 PM Changeset in webkit [277337] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[ BigSur wk2 arm64 ] http/tests/cache/disk-cache/redirect-chain-limits.html (layout-test) is a flaky timeout
Unreviewed test gardening.
Updating expectations to Pass timeout.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 12:47 PM Changeset in webkit [277336] by
- 20 edits in trunk
Add SPI to restrict networking to a set of hosts
Patch by Alex Christensen <achristensen@webkit.org> on 2021-05-11
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
In r259392 I added SPI to turn network access on and off, but a client needs finer grained control.
This uses the same infrastructure to add a set of hosts to allow. Setting it to nil (the default) allows all hosts,
but setting it to an empty set allows no network access. This accomplishes the same ability as the old SPI, so I'm deprecating it
with this as a replacement. The new ability to specify a finite number of hosts to allow creates a limited WKWebView.
- Modules/websockets/ThreadableWebSocketChannel.cpp:
- loader/ResourceLoadNotifier.cpp:
- page/Page.cpp:
(WebCore::Page::allowsLoadFromURL const):
- page/Page.h:
(WebCore::Page::loadsFromNetwork const): Deleted.
- page/PageConfiguration.h:
- Shared/WebPageCreationParameters.cpp:
(WebKit::WebPageCreationParameters::encode const):
- Shared/WebPageCreationParameters.h:
- UIProcess/API/APIPageConfiguration.cpp:
(API::PageConfiguration::copy const):
- UIProcess/API/APIPageConfiguration.h:
(API::PageConfiguration::allowedNetworkHosts const):
(API::PageConfiguration::loadsFromNetwork const): Deleted.
(API::PageConfiguration::setLoadsFromNetwork): Deleted.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebViewConfiguration.mm:
(-[WKWebViewConfiguration _setLoadsFromNetwork:]):
(-[WKWebViewConfiguration _loadsFromNetwork]):
(-[WKWebViewConfiguration _setAllowedNetworkHosts:]):
(-[WKWebViewConfiguration _allowedNetworkHosts]):
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebViewConfigurationPrivate.h:
- UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/ContentRuleListNotification.mm:
(webSocketAcceptValue): Deleted.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/WKURLSchemeHandler-1.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/cocoa/HTTPServer.h:
- TestWebKitAPI/cocoa/HTTPServer.mm:
- 12:02 PM Changeset in webkit [277335] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
REGRESSION (r277071): imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/mediaqueries/test_media_queries.html is failing
Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/ios-wk2/TestExpectations: Mark the test as failing for iOS, too.
- 11:22 AM Changeset in webkit [277334] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[BigSur Wk2 Arm64] http/tests/privateClickMeasurement/store-private-click-measurement-with-source-nonce.html is flaky failing
Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 11:05 AM Changeset in webkit [277333] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
js/dom/Promise-reject-large-string.html is a flaky failure
Unreviewed test gardening.
Updating expectation to Pass Failure for arm64 only.
- platform/mac/TestExpectations:
- 11:01 AM Changeset in webkit [277332] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/ThirdParty/libwebrtc
Improve usrsctp restart handling
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
- Source/third_party/usrsctp/usrsctplib/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_input.c:
- 11:00 AM Changeset in webkit [277331] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
[macOS] Extend access to 'com.apple.print.normalizerd' when canvas drawing is done in the WebContent process
Reviewed by Per Arne Vollan.
We need to dynamically extend access to 'com.apple.print.normalizerd' when the GPU Process is not handling canvas drawing.
WebKit needs this access to properly draw EPS images.
Tested by fast/images/eps-as-image.html
- UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp:
(WebKit::gpuMachServices): Add 'com.apple.print.normalizerd' to set of required services.
- WebAuthnProcess/mac/com.apple.WebKit.WebAuthnProcess.sb.in: Remove 'com.apple.print.normalizerd' since it is
not possible to use from the Web Authentication process.
- WebProcess/com.apple.WebProcess.sb.in: Expect the extension to be dynamically extended on all releases.
- 10:46 AM Changeset in webkit [277330] by
- 6 edits2 copies in trunk
Factor out find bounce layer
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
Factor out the text indicator bounce layer in preparation of making this
compatable with iOS.
No behavior change.
- SourcesCocoa.txt:
- WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- page/mac/TextIndicatorWindow.h:
- page/mac/TextIndicatorWindow.mm:
(indicatorWantsBounce): Deleted.
(indicatorWantsContentCrossfade): Deleted.
(indicatorWantsFadeIn): Deleted.
(indicatorWantsManualAnimation): Deleted.
(-[WebTextIndicatorView initWithFrame:textIndicator:margin:offset:]): Deleted.
(createBounceAnimation): Deleted.
(createContentCrossfadeAnimation): Deleted.
(createShadowFadeAnimation): Deleted.
(createFadeInAnimation): Deleted.
(-[WebTextIndicatorView _animationDuration]): Deleted.
(-[WebTextIndicatorView hasCompletedAnimation]): Deleted.
(-[WebTextIndicatorView present]): Deleted.
(-[WebTextIndicatorView hideWithCompletionHandler:]): Deleted.
(-[WebTextIndicatorView setAnimationProgress:]): Deleted.
(-[WebTextIndicatorView isFlipped]): Deleted.
- 10:45 AM Changeset in webkit [277329] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Don't allow :visited link style in subtrees that use mix-blend-mode
Unreviewed build fix.
- rendering/style/RenderStyle.h:
- 10:16 AM Changeset in webkit [277328] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Unreviewed, reverting r277322.
Causing build failure
Reverted changeset:
"Adopt CoreMedia SPI to identify audio-only playback for MSE
- 10:14 AM Changeset in webkit [277327] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
[Cocoa] Add _STAttributionDisplayName to macOS and iOS GPUProcess Info.plist
Reviewed by Youenn Fablet.
- GPUProcess/EntryPoint/Cocoa/XPCService/GPUService/Info-OSX.plist:
- GPUProcess/EntryPoint/Cocoa/XPCService/GPUService/Info-iOS.plist:
- 8:52 AM Changeset in webkit [277326] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore
Tune number of threads for AS
Reviewed by Mark Lam.
Using 4 GC markers (which really means 3 parallel GC worker threads -- the mutator thread is
the 4th), 2 DFG threads, and 2 FTL threads seems to be more optimal than going off ncpu.
~1% JetStream2 speed-up, ~1% Speedometer2 speed-up.
- runtime/Options.cpp:
- 8:33 AM Changeset in webkit [277325] by
- 6 edits2 adds in trunk
REGRESSION(r275515): wpt/quirks/blocks-ignore-line-height.html
Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
Replace the generic line height quirk with a list-item specific one.
The original quirk was added to cover fast/lists/list-item-line-height.html but it looks like
it only needs a list-item specific quirk. This is copied from legacy line layout (see InlineFlowBox c'tor).
Test: fast/inline/line-height-in-non-standards-mode.html
- layout/formattingContexts/inline/InlineFormattingContextQuirks.cpp:
(WebCore::Layout::InlineFormattingContext::Quirks::inlineLevelBoxAffectsLineBox const):
- layout/integration/LayoutIntegrationBoxTree.cpp:
- rendering/style/RenderStyle.h:
(WebCore::RenderStyle::isOriginalDisplayListItemType const):
- fast/inline/incorrect-middle-baseline-alignment-with-line-height-expected.html: progression.
- fast/inline/line-height-in-non-standards-mode-expected.html: Added.
- fast/inline/line-height-in-non-standards-mode.html: Added.
- 7:55 AM Changeset in webkit [277324] by
- 6 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
[WebXR] Return a default layer handle in XRDeviceProxy::createLayerProjection
Patch by Ada Chan <ada.chan@apple.com> on 2021-05-11
Reviewed by Dean Jackson.
- Shared/Cocoa/XRDeviceProxy.h:
- Shared/Cocoa/XRDeviceProxy.mm:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/PlatformXRCoordinator.h:
- WebProcess/cocoa/PlatformXRSystemProxy.h:
- WebProcess/cocoa/PlatformXRSystemProxy.mm:
- 6:53 AM Changeset in webkit [277323] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
[LFC][Integration] Disable IFC when inline level box has box shadow
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Needs painting support.
- layout/integration/LayoutIntegrationCoverage.cpp:
- 6:42 AM Changeset in webkit [277322] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Adopt CoreMedia SPI to identify audio-only playback for MSE clients
Reviewed by Youenn Fablet.
- platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaSourceAVFObjC.mm: tells whether the AVSBAR is attached to an <audio> or <video> element.
- pal/spi/cocoa/AVFoundationSPI.h: Add forward declaration for new methods while this isn't in SDK yet.
- 5:49 AM Changeset in webkit [277321] by
- 37 edits in trunk
[CSS contain] Support contain:size
Reviewed by Alan Bujtas.
<canvas> and <video> don't support computing aspect ratio from width and height attributes yet,
so the heights are zero when they are with "contain: size".
- web-platform-tests/css/css-contain/contain-size-grid-003-expected.txt:
- web-platform-tests/css/css-contain/contain-size-grid-004-expected.txt:
- web-platform-tests/css/css-contain/contain-size-multicol-as-flex-item-expected.txt:
- web-platform-tests/css/css-flexbox/flex-item-contains-strict-expected.txt:
- web-platform-tests/html/rendering/replaced-elements/attributes-for-embedded-content-and-images/canvas-aspect-ratio-expected.txt:
- web-platform-tests/html/rendering/replaced-elements/attributes-for-embedded-content-and-images/video-aspect-ratio-expected.txt:
This patch brings initial support of CSS contain:size according to [1].
It adds shouldApplySizeContainment() to indicate whether the object is a size containment box.
The intrinsic sizes of size containment box are determined as if it had no content.
So the implementation need to cooperate with the layout steps:
- Computing logical width: Size containment boxes skip handling children while computing minLogicalWidth and maxLogicalWidth in computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths. So the logical width is not affected by children.
- Layout children: The logical height is changed after layout all children.
- Computing logical height: At the beginning, size containment boxes need to reset logical height to the empty content height if it is not renderGrid. So the logical height is not affected by children.
We also need to calculate the sizes according to the layout algorithms.
- Grid layout: To calculate the minLogicalWidth and maxLogicalWidth for indefinite size RenderGrid. The widths are calculated by GridTrackSizingAlgorithm: m_minContentSize and m_maxContentSize which are the sum of m_baseSize/m_growthLimit of all GridTracks. The size containment RenderGrid skips handling content in resolveIntrinsicTrackSizes and the m_maxContentSize will be the sum of m_baseSize. The logical height is same to width, but after calculating RenderGrid's logical height, it needs to calculate the track sizes again, to make sure that they are distributed properly. We use computeTrackSizesForDefiniteSize(ForRows, trackBasedLogicalHeight) to recalculate it.
- MultiColumn layout: According to the specification, size containment boxes should be monolithic, so we need to extend column height for overflow and positioned size containment boxes. m_spaceShortageForSizeContainment is added to indicate the shortage space that need to balance the column heights. adjustSizeContainmentChildForPagination() will calculate the shortage.
[1] https://www.w3.org/TR/css-contain-1/#containment-size
- rendering/GridTrackSizingAlgorithm.cpp: Add isComputingSizeContainment to indicate if it is calculating sizes for indefinite size RenderGrid which is size containment.
(WebCore::GridTrackSizingAlgorithm::gridAreaBreadthForChild const):
It skips resolveIntrinsicTrackSizes if isComputingSizeContainment, so growthLimit might be undefined,
if so, use track.baseSize() instead.
(WebCore::GridTrackSizingAlgorithm::resolveIntrinsicTrackSizes): Skip resolve the content if isComputingSizeContainment().
(WebCore::GridTrackSizingAlgorithm::advanceNextState): Added RowSizingExtraIterationForSizeContainment.
(WebCore::GridTrackSizingAlgorithm::isValidTransition const):
(WebCore::GridTrackSizingAlgorithm::run): Do not stretch the track sizes if isComputingSizeContainment().
- rendering/GridTrackSizingAlgorithm.h:
- rendering/RenderBlock.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderBlock::layoutPositionedObject): Calculate m_spaceShortageForSizeContainment for positioned size containment.
(WebCore::RenderBlock::computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths const): Skip computeBlockPreferredLogicalWidths if shouldApplySizeContainment.
- rendering/RenderBlockFlow.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderBlockFlow::computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths const): Skip handling the children for size containment box.
(WebCore::RenderBlockFlow::adjustBlockChildForPagination): Calculate m_spaceShortageForSizeContainment for child.
(WebCore::RenderBlockFlow::adjustSizeContainmentChildForPagination): m_spaceShortageForSizeContainment = childOverflowHeight - remainingLogicalHeight.
- rendering/RenderBlockFlow.h:
- rendering/RenderBox.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderBox::updateLogicalHeight): Reset the logical height to empty content height for size containment box.
(WebCore::RenderBox::isUnsplittableForPagination const): Size containment box is unsplittable.
- rendering/RenderDeprecatedFlexibleBox.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderDeprecatedFlexibleBox::computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths const): Ditto.
- rendering/RenderFileUploadControl.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderFileUploadControl::computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths const): Ditto.
- rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderFlexibleBox::computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths const): Ditto.
- rendering/RenderFragmentedFlow.h:
- rendering/RenderGrid.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderGrid::layoutBlock): If it is size containment with infiniteSize, using trackBasedLogicalHeight
to compute track sizes again to make sure the height is distributed properly.
(WebCore::RenderGrid::computeEmptyTracksForAutoRepeat const): Collapse if shouldApplySizeContainment.
- rendering/RenderImage.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderImage::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation const): This is handled in RenderReplaced::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation instead.
- rendering/RenderListBox.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderListBox::computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths const): The widths of size containment boxes are optionsSpacingHorizontal.
- rendering/RenderMenuList.cpp:
(RenderMenuList::computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths const): The widths of size containment box are theme.minimumMenuListSize.
- rendering/RenderMultiColumnFlow.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderMultiColumnFlow::updateSpaceShortageForSizeContainment): Set m_spaceShortageForSizeContainment.
- rendering/RenderMultiColumnFlow.h:
- rendering/RenderMultiColumnSet.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderMultiColumnSet::calculateBalancedHeight const): Add m_spaceShortageForSizeContainment to the column height.
(WebCore::RenderMultiColumnSet::prepareForLayout): Reset m_spaceShortageForSizeContainment.
- rendering/RenderMultiColumnSet.h:
- rendering/RenderObject.cpp:
(WebCore::shouldApplySizeContainment): Check if the object is a size containment box.
- rendering/RenderObject.h:
(WebCore::RenderObject::isAtomicInlineLevelBox const):
- rendering/RenderReplaced.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderReplaced::computeAspectRatioInformationForRenderBox const):
(WebCore::RenderReplaced::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation const): Use the empty intrinsicSize.
- rendering/RenderReplaced.h: The intrinsicSize of size containment is (0, 0).
- rendering/RenderSlider.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderSlider::computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths const): Ditto.
- rendering/RenderTextControl.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderTextControl::computeIntrinsicLogicalWidths const): Ditto.
- rendering/RenderVideo.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderVideo::calculateIntrinsicSize): Ditto.
- rendering/style/RenderStyle.h:
(WebCore::RenderStyle::containsSize const):
- rendering/svg/RenderSVGRoot.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderSVGRoot::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation const): Handled in RenderReplaced::computeIntrinsicRatioInformation instead.
Update the test result for size containment. Added explanations for size containment tests
that depended on other features.
- 5:24 AM Changeset in webkit [277320] by
- 6 edits2 adds in trunk
Don't allow :visited link style in subtrees that use mix-blend-mode
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Test: fast/css/visited-link-mix-blend-mode.html
- rendering/style/RenderStyle.cpp:
(WebCore::RenderStyle::visitedDependentColor const):
Return unvisited style in substrees that use mix-blend-mode.
- rendering/style/RenderStyle.h:
(WebCore::RenderStyle::isInSubtreeWithBlendMode const):
Add an inherited fake property for tracking this.
- rendering/style/StyleRareInheritedData.cpp:
(WebCore::StyleRareInheritedData::operator== const):
- rendering/style/StyleRareInheritedData.h:
- fast/css/visited-link-mix-blend-mode-expected.html: Added.
- fast/css/visited-link-mix-blend-mode.html: Added.
- 3:39 AM Changeset in webkit [277319] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
[GTK] compositing/overflow/dynamic-composited-scrolling-status.html is failing
Reviewed by Carlos Garcia Campos.
The test started failing in r277258, which makes WebKitGTK to use
always async scrolling in AC mode. After this change, WebKitTestRunner
should always enable AsyncOverflowScrolling.
- WebKitTestRunner/gtk/TestControllerGtk.cpp:
(WTR::TestController::platformSpecificFeatureDefaultsForTest const): Enable AsyncOverflowScrolling.
- 1:34 AM Changeset in webkit [277318] by
- 6 edits in trunk/Tools
[JSC] detect infrastructure failure for remote stress tests
Reviewed by Mark Lam.
run-jsc-stress-tests currently detects failures by the absence of
a failure file (that is generated by each failing test). This is
fragile to begin with, as it assumes that tests that fail to run
(e.g. because of an error in the runner script) are successful by
However, the main motivation for this patch is to make execution
more robust when using remote hosts. Currently,
--gnu-parallel-runner will transparently reschedule jobs on a
different host when a remote host goes away. But detectFailures
expects to be able to connect to all hosts and fetch the failure
files, which fails if a remote host is still down when the run
Instead, this patch changes the runners to always generate a status
file with the exit code. detectFailures then fetches all status
files from all hosts that are live on exit. Tests that failed to
run are explicitly accounted for as 'noreport' and are set to
ERROR in the final report.
- Scripts/run-javascriptcore-tests:
- Scripts/run-jsc-stress-tests:
- Scripts/webkitruby/jsc-stress-test-writer-default.rb:
May 10, 2021:
- 9:46 PM Changeset in webkit [277317] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Tools
Use non-throwing std::filesystem API in TestRunner
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
- TestRunnerShared/TestCommand.cpp:
- TestRunnerShared/TestFeatures.cpp:
- 9:31 PM Changeset in webkit [277316] by
- 10 edits1 add in trunk
[macOS] Allow immediate action gestures to begin when force clicking text inside image overlays
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
Allow immediate action hit-testing to descend into image overlay content. Currently, this uses the
hit-testing option, causing us to ignore image overlays (which exist inside
the UA shadow root). To fix this, we introduce aDisallowsUserAgentShadowContentExceptForImageOverlays
that behaves like the existingDisallowsUserAgentShadowContent
option, with the exception that we allow hit-
testing to pierce the UA shadow root to find nodes inside image overlays.
Tests: ImmediateActionTests.ImmediateActionOverText
- page/EventHandler.cpp:
(WebCore::EventHandler::hitTestResultAtPoint const):
- rendering/HitTestRequest.h:
Add support for the new hit-test option, which allows hit-testing to descend into image overlays (and is
intended to be mutually exclusive with the existingDisallowsUserAgentShadowContent
option). Specifying both
options will lead to an assertion on debug builds, andDisallowsUserAgentShadowContent
takes precedence on
release builds.
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::disallowsUserAgentShadowContentExceptForImageOverlays const):
- rendering/HitTestResult.cpp:
- pal/spi/mac/NSImmediateActionGestureRecognizerSPI.h:
Adopt the new hit-test option. See WebCore/ChangeLog for more details.
- WebProcess/WebPage/mac/WebPageMac.mm:
Add new API tests to exercise these changes by grabbing the immediate action
and calling into its delegate. This patch adds two basic immediate action tests by simulating the
immediate action over text and the body element, and includes a third test that installs an image overlay using
an injectedinternals
object, and verifies that the immediate action in an image overlay matches that of
regular text on the page.
- TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/mac/ImmediateActionTests.mm: Added.
(-[WKWebViewForTestingImmediateActions _immediateActionAnimationControllerForHitTestResult:withType:userData:]):
(-[WKWebViewForTestingImmediateActions immediateActionGesture]):
(-[WKWebViewForTestingImmediateActions simulateImmediateAction:]):
- 7:14 PM Changeset in webkit [277315] by
- 4 edits in trunk
[ macOS Release wk2 ] http/tests/cache-storage/cache-records-persistency.https.html is flaky crashing
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Pass ec parameter to std::filesystem::directory_iterator() so that it doesn't throw in case of the
path does not exist. Normally, the function would return early earlier if the path does not exist
or isn't a directory. However, in the context of the test, this function is getting called on a
background thread and another thread is deleting the directory in parallel.
- wtf/FileSystem.cpp:
Restore previous expectation for the test, now that it is no longer flaky crashing.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 7:05 PM Changeset in webkit [277314] by
- 1 copy in tags/Safari-612.1.12.5
Tag Safari-612.1.12.5.
- 6:34 PM Changeset in webkit [277313] by
- 88 edits in trunk/Source
Use PixelBuffer rather than ImageData in platform/ code to fix layering violation
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Replace use of the DOM layer & ref-counted ImageData class with the new
platform layer PixelBuffer class, which ImageData now uses internally.
Since PixelBuffer is not-reference counted or heap-allocated in most cases,
many uses of RefPtr<ImageData> to indicate a potentially null ImageData have
been replaced with Optional<PixelBuffer>. Generally, this allows us to remove
an unnecessary allocation that was only needed for the DOM object.
Additionally, to many functions with ImageData in their name now have
PixelBuffer in their name instead, e.g. ImageBuffer::getImageData is now
ImageBuffer::getPixelBuffer (though I think changing this in the future to
ImageBuffer::copyPixelBuffer is a good idea).
- bindings/js/SerializedScriptValue.cpp:
- html/HTMLCanvasElement.cpp:
- html/ImageBitmap.cpp:
- html/ImageData.cpp:
- html/ImageData.h:
(WebCore::ImageData::pixelBuffer const):
- html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2DBase.cpp:
(WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2DBase::getImageData const):
- html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContextBase.cpp:
(WebCore::WebGLRenderingContextBase::paintRenderingResultsToImageData): Deleted.
- html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContextBase.h:
- page/PageConsoleClient.cpp:
- platform/graphics/ConcreteImageBuffer.h:
(WebCore::ConcreteImageBuffer::putImageData): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/GraphicsContextGL.cpp:
(WebCore::GraphicsContextGL::extractImageData): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/GraphicsContextGL.h:
- platform/graphics/ImageBuffer.cpp:
- platform/graphics/ImageBuffer.h:
(WebCore::ImageBuffer::putImageData): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/ImageBufferBackend.cpp:
(WebCore::ImageBufferBackend::toBGRAData const):
(WebCore::ImageBufferBackend::copyImagePixels const):
(WebCore::ImageBufferBackend::getPixelBuffer const):
(WebCore::ImageBufferBackend::getImageData const): Deleted.
(WebCore::ImageBufferBackend::putImageData): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/ImageBufferBackend.h:
- platform/graphics/PixelBuffer.cpp:
- platform/graphics/PixelBuffer.h:
(WebCore::PixelBuffer::encode const):
- platform/graphics/ShadowBlur.cpp:
- platform/graphics/angle/GraphicsContextGLANGLE.cpp:
- platform/graphics/cairo/GraphicsContextGLCairo.cpp:
- platform/graphics/cairo/ImageBufferCairoSurfaceBackend.cpp:
(WebCore::ImageBufferCairoSurfaceBackend::getPixelBuffer const):
(WebCore::ImageBufferCairoSurfaceBackend::getImageData const): Deleted.
(WebCore::ImageBufferCairoSurfaceBackend::putImageData): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/cairo/ImageBufferCairoSurfaceBackend.h:
- platform/graphics/cg/GraphicsContextGLCG.cpp:
- platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferCGBackend.cpp:
(WebCore::ImageBufferCGBackend::toCFData const):
- platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferCGBitmapBackend.cpp:
(WebCore::ImageBufferCGBitmapBackend::getPixelBuffer const):
(WebCore::ImageBufferCGBitmapBackend::getImageData const): Deleted.
(WebCore::ImageBufferCGBitmapBackend::putImageData): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferCGBitmapBackend.h:
- platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferIOSurfaceBackend.cpp:
(WebCore::ImageBufferIOSurfaceBackend::toCFData const):
(WebCore::ImageBufferIOSurfaceBackend::getPixelBuffer const):
(WebCore::ImageBufferIOSurfaceBackend::getImageData const): Deleted.
(WebCore::ImageBufferIOSurfaceBackend::putImageData): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferIOSurfaceBackend.h:
- platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferUtilitiesCG.cpp:
- platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferUtilitiesCG.h:
- platform/graphics/cocoa/GraphicsContextGLOpenGLCocoa.mm:
- platform/graphics/cpu/arm/filters/FEBlendNEON.h:
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayList.cpp:
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListItemBuffer.cpp:
(WebCore::DisplayList::ItemHandle::safeCopy const):
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListItemType.cpp:
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListItemType.h:
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListItems.cpp:
(WebCore::DisplayList::PutImageData::PutImageData): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListItems.h:
(WebCore::DisplayList::PutPixelBuffer::pixelBuffer const):
(WebCore::DisplayList::PutPixelBuffer::encode const):
(WebCore::DisplayList::GetImageData::GetImageData): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::GetImageData::outputFormat const): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::GetImageData::srcRect const): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::PutImageData::inputFormat const): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::PutImageData::imageData const): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::PutImageData::srcRect const): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::PutImageData::destPoint const): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::PutImageData::destFormat const): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::PutImageData::localBounds const): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::PutImageData::globalBounds const): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::PutImageData::encode const): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::PutImageData::decode): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListRecorder.cpp:
(WebCore::DisplayList::Recorder::getImageData): Deleted.
(WebCore::DisplayList::Recorder::putImageData): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListRecorder.h:
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListReplayer.h:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEColorMatrix.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEComponentTransfer.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEComposite.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEConvolveMatrix.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEDisplacementMap.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEDropShadow.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEGaussianBlur.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FELighting.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEMorphology.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FETurbulence.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FilterEffect.cpp:
(WebCore::FilterEffect::requestedRegionOfInputPixelBuffer const):
(WebCore::FilterEffect::requestedRegionOfInputImageData const): Deleted.
(WebCore::FilterEffect::convertImageDataToColorSpace): Deleted.
(WebCore::FilterEffect::copyConvertedImageDataToDestination): Deleted.
(WebCore::FilterEffect::requiresImageDataColorSpaceConversion): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/filters/FilterEffect.h:
- platform/graphics/opengl/GraphicsContextGLOpenGL.cpp:
(WebCore::GraphicsContextGLOpenGL::paintRenderingResultsToImageData): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/opengl/GraphicsContextGLOpenGL.h:
- platform/graphics/opengl/GraphicsContextGLOpenGLBase.cpp:
- platform/graphics/opengl/GraphicsContextGLOpenGLCommon.cpp:
- platform/graphics/opengl/GraphicsContextGLOpenGLES.cpp:
- platform/graphics/win/ImageBufferDirect2DBackend.cpp:
(WebCore::ImageBufferDirect2DBackend::getPixelBuffer const):
(WebCore::ImageBufferDirect2DBackend::getImageData const): Deleted.
(WebCore::ImageBufferDirect2DBackend::putImageData): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/win/ImageBufferDirect2DBackend.h:
- rendering/CSSFilter.cpp:
(WebCore::CSSFilter::outputRect const):
- rendering/shapes/Shape.cpp:
Replace all uses of the DOM layer object WebCore::ImageData with the new platform
layer WebCore::PixelBuffer, which fixes a layering violation WebCore and avoids
unnecessary allocations / reference counting.
- Platform/IPC/ArgumentCoders.h:
Add templatized Encoder/Decoder to work with streaming encoder.
- GPUProcess/graphics/RemoteGraphicsContextGL.cpp:
(WebKit::RemoteGraphicsContextGL::paintImageDataToImageBuffer): Deleted.
- GPUProcess/graphics/RemoteGraphicsContextGL.h:
- GPUProcess/graphics/RemoteGraphicsContextGL.messages.in:
- GPUProcess/graphics/RemoteGraphicsContextGLFunctionsGenerated.h:
(paintRenderingResultsToImageData): Deleted.
- GPUProcess/graphics/RemoteImageBuffer.h:
- GPUProcess/graphics/RemoteRenderingBackend.cpp:
(WebKit::RemoteRenderingBackend::updateSharedMemoryForGetImageDataHelper): Deleted.
(WebKit::RemoteRenderingBackend::updateSharedMemoryForGetImageData): Deleted.
(WebKit::RemoteRenderingBackend::semaphoreForGetImageData): Deleted.
(WebKit::RemoteRenderingBackend::updateSharedMemoryAndSemaphoreForGetImageData): Deleted.
(WebKit::RemoteRenderingBackend::destroyGetImageDataSharedMemory): Deleted.
(WebKit::RemoteRenderingBackend::populateGetImageDataSharedMemory): Deleted.
- GPUProcess/graphics/RemoteRenderingBackend.h:
- GPUProcess/graphics/RemoteRenderingBackend.messages.in:
- Shared/RemoteLayerTree/CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend.cpp:
(WebKit::CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend::getPixelBuffer const):
(WebKit::CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend::getImageData const): Deleted.
(WebKit::CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend::putImageData): Deleted.
- Shared/RemoteLayerTree/CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend.h:
- Shared/WebCoreArgumentCoders.cpp:
(IPC::ArgumentCoder<Ref<WebCore::ImageData>>::encode): Deleted.
(IPC::ArgumentCoder<Ref<WebCore::ImageData>>::decode): Deleted.
(IPC::ArgumentCoder<RefPtr<WebCore::ImageData>>::encode): Deleted.
(IPC::ArgumentCoder<RefPtr<WebCore::ImageData>>::decode): Deleted.
- Shared/WebCoreArgumentCoders.h:
- WebProcess/GPU/graphics/ImageBufferShareableBitmapBackend.cpp:
(WebKit::ImageBufferShareableBitmapBackend::getPixelBuffer const):
(WebKit::ImageBufferShareableBitmapBackend::getImageData const): Deleted.
(WebKit::ImageBufferShareableBitmapBackend::putImageData): Deleted.
- WebProcess/GPU/graphics/ImageBufferShareableBitmapBackend.h:
- WebProcess/GPU/graphics/RemoteGraphicsContextGLProxy.cpp:
- WebProcess/GPU/graphics/RemoteGraphicsContextGLProxy.h:
- WebProcess/GPU/graphics/RemoteGraphicsContextGLProxyFunctionsGenerated.cpp:
(WebKit::RemoteGraphicsContextGLProxy::paintRenderingResultsToImageData): Deleted.
- WebProcess/GPU/graphics/RemoteImageBufferProxy.h:
(WebKit::RemoteImageBufferProxy::putImageData): Deleted.
- WebProcess/GPU/graphics/RemoteRenderingBackendProxy.cpp:
(WebKit::RemoteRenderingBackendProxy::sharedMemoryForGetImageData): Deleted.
(WebKit::RemoteRenderingBackendProxy::waitForGetImageDataToComplete): Deleted.
(WebKit::RemoteRenderingBackendProxy::destroyGetImageDataSharedMemory): Deleted.
- WebProcess/GPU/graphics/RemoteRenderingBackendProxy.h:
- WebProcess/GPU/graphics/cocoa/ImageBufferShareableIOSurfaceBackend.cpp:
(WebKit::ImageBufferShareableIOSurfaceBackend::getPixelBuffer const):
(WebKit::ImageBufferShareableIOSurfaceBackend::getImageData const): Deleted.
(WebKit::ImageBufferShareableIOSurfaceBackend::putImageData): Deleted.
- WebProcess/GPU/graphics/cocoa/ImageBufferShareableIOSurfaceBackend.h:
- 5:44 PM Changeset in webkit [277312] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore
Removed unused CallRecord::bytecodeIndex field.
Reviewed by Yusuke Suzuki.
- jit/JIT.cpp:
- jit/JIT.h:
- jit/JITInlines.h:
- 5:41 PM Changeset in webkit [277311] by
- 1 edit1 move2 deletes in trunk/LayoutTests
[LayoutTests] Decouple http/tests/media/resources/create-id3-db.php from webserver
Reviewed by Jonathan Bedard.
Replacing the creation of metadata.db with JSON into a new file named metadata.json. This standalone script remains in PHP to be able to still use getid3.
- http/tests/media/resources/create-id3-db.php: Removed.
- http/tests/resources/dir-helpers.php: Removed.
- http/tests/resources/portabilityLayer.php: Removed.
- media/content/create-id3-db: Copied from LayoutTests/http/tests/media/resources/create-id3-db.php.
- 5:35 PM Changeset in webkit [277310] by
- 4 edits2 deletes in branches/safari-612.1.14-branch
Cherry-pick r277297. rdar://problem/77797456
Unreviewed, reverting r277222.
WebContent process crashes while visiting
<http://ign.com|ign.com> (RenderFlexibleBox::layoutFlexItems)
Reverted changeset:
"[css-flexbox] Flex item construction may affect sibling flex
item height computation"
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@277297 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 5:25 PM Changeset in webkit [277309] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
[Cocoa] Extend Network Process sandbox to access more Network Extension databases
Reviewed by Per Arne Vollan.
We don't allow the Network Process to directly memory-map files used by the network extensions
feature. We can improve memory performance by allowing the process to mmap these files, rather
than forcing a series of XPC operations to build the same database in memory.
- NetworkProcess/mac/com.apple.WebKit.NetworkProcess.sb.in:
- Resources/SandboxProfiles/ios/com.apple.WebKit.Networking.sb:
- 5:19 PM Changeset in webkit [277308] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[BigSur Wk1 Release] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-masking/clip-path/clip-path-filter-order.html is a flaky image failure
Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/mac-wk1/TestExpectations:
- 4:54 PM Changeset in webkit [277307] by
- 42 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Unreviewed, reverting r277281.
Broke multiple debug tests
Reverted changeset:
"Use HashSet<RefPtr<Node>> instead of HashSet<Node*>"
- 4:52 PM Changeset in webkit [277306] by
- 6 edits4 adds in trunk
Speculative revalidation requests not properly attributed as app-bound
Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.
Speculative revalidation requests make network connections and should
be attributed as app-bound based on the initiating navigation.
- NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCacheSpeculativeLoadManager.cpp:
- NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCacheSpeculativeLoadManager.h:
- NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCacheSubresourcesEntry.h:
(WebKit::NetworkCache::SubresourceInfo::isAppBound const):
(WebKit::NetworkCache::SubresourcesEntry::subresources const): Deleted.
Remove const qualifier for the SubresourcesEntry::subresources()
function now that we need to store the app-bound value.
Layout test coverage.
- http/tests/in-app-browser-privacy/app-bound-attribution-speculative-revalidation-expected.txt: Added.
- http/tests/in-app-browser-privacy/app-bound-attribution-speculative-revalidation.html: Added.
- http/tests/in-app-browser-privacy/resources/frame-with-authenticated-resource.py: Added.
- http/tests/in-app-browser-privacy/resources/resource-with-auth.py: Added.
- platform/ios-wk2/TestExpectations:
Essentially copied http/tests/cache/disk-cache/speculative-validation/http-auth.html
to hit the speculative revalidation code path, and added in a check
for app-bound load data at the end to confirm all requests are marked
- 4:21 PM Changeset in webkit [277305] by
- 36 edits in trunk/Source
Add support to collect stats on cumulative LinkBuffer linked sizes based on profiles.
Reviewed by Saam Barati.
There are 2 ways to dump the stats:
- Specify --dumpLinkBufferStats as an argument to the jsc shell.
- Call $vm.dumpLinkBufferStats() from your JS script to get the stats as a string. e.g.
Here's an example of what the dump looks like:
Cummulative LinkBuffer profile sizes:
BaselineJIT: 79480320 (75.798340 MB)
DFG: 36108672 (34.435913 MB)
Thunk: 22495360 (21.453247 MB)
InlineCache: 19538521 (18.633386 MB)
FTL: 5186240 (4.945984 MB)
Wasm: 1998272 (1.905701 MB)
YarrJIT: 1331072 (1.269409 MB)
Uncategorized: 0
The stats are currently grouped into some coarse profiles. If needed, we can
break these down into more fine grain profiles later.
- assembler/LinkBuffer.cpp:
- assembler/LinkBuffer.h:
- bytecode/InlineAccess.cpp:
- bytecode/PolymorphicAccess.cpp:
- dfg/DFGJITCompiler.cpp:
- dfg/DFGOSRExit.cpp:
- dfg/DFGThunks.cpp:
- ftl/FTLCompile.cpp:
- ftl/FTLLazySlowPath.cpp:
- ftl/FTLLink.cpp:
- ftl/FTLOSRExitCompiler.cpp:
- ftl/FTLThunks.cpp:
- jit/ExecutableAllocator.cpp:
- jit/JIT.cpp:
- jit/JITMathIC.h:
- jit/JITOpcodes.cpp:
- jit/JITOpcodes32_64.cpp:
- jit/JITPropertyAccess.cpp:
- jit/Repatch.cpp:
- jit/SpecializedThunkJIT.h:
- jit/ThunkGenerators.cpp:
- jsc.cpp:
- llint/LLIntThunks.cpp:
- tools/JSDollarVM.cpp:
- wasm/WasmBBQPlan.cpp:
- wasm/WasmBinding.cpp:
- wasm/WasmLLIntPlan.cpp:
- wasm/WasmOMGForOSREntryPlan.cpp:
- wasm/WasmOMGPlan.cpp:
- wasm/WasmThunks.cpp:
- wasm/js/WasmToJS.cpp:
- wasm/js/WebAssemblyFunction.cpp:
- yarr/YarrJIT.cpp:
- cssjit/SelectorCompiler.cpp:
- 4:16 PM Changeset in webkit [277304] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WTF
should print the PID before sleeping
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
- wtf/DebugUtilities.h:
- 4:05 PM Changeset in webkit [277303] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[ BigSur Release wk2 ARM64 ] mathml/scripts-removeChild.html is a flaky image failure
Unreviewed test gardening.
Updating test expectations to Pass ImageOnlyFailure for BigSur Release wk2 arm64 only.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 3:52 PM Changeset in webkit [277302] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[ BigSur Debug wk2 ARM64 ] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/webrtc-encoded-transform/sframe-transform-readable.html is flaky crashing
Unrviewed test gardening.
Updating test expectation to Pass Crash for BigSur Debug wk2 arm64 only.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 3:41 PM Changeset in webkit [277301] by
- 18 edits4 adds in trunk
Preflight requests not properly attributed as app-bound
Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.
Tests: http/tests/in-app-browser-privacy/app-bound-attribution-preflight-async.html
A preflight request initiated by a main navigation that was app-bound
should also be app-bound. Testing sync preflight requests revealed
that we also need to mark this when loading a synchronous resource.
- loader/CrossOriginAccessControl.cpp:
- loader/FrameLoader.cpp:
Testing SPI to request load data to check if preflight requests
were properly marked.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebView.mm:
(-[WKWebView _didLoadAppBoundRequest:]):
(-[WKWebView _didLoadNonAppBoundRequest:]):
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebViewPrivate.h:
Add test infrastructure.
- WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/Bindings/TestRunner.idl:
- WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/TestRunner.cpp:
- WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/TestRunner.h:
- WebKitTestRunner/TestController.cpp:
- WebKitTestRunner/TestController.h:
- WebKitTestRunner/TestInvocation.cpp:
- WebKitTestRunner/cocoa/TestControllerCocoa.mm:
- WebKitTestRunner/cocoa/TestRunnerWKWebView.h:
- WebKitTestRunner/cocoa/TestRunnerWKWebView.mm:
(-[TestRunnerWKWebView _didLoadAppBoundRequest:]):
(-[TestRunnerWKWebView _didLoadNonAppBoundRequest:]):
Add two tests for sync and async preflight requests.
- http/tests/in-app-browser-privacy/app-bound-attribution-preflight-async-expected.txt: Added.
- http/tests/in-app-browser-privacy/app-bound-attribution-preflight-async.html: Added.
- http/tests/in-app-browser-privacy/app-bound-attribution-preflight-sync-expected.txt: Added.
- http/tests/in-app-browser-privacy/app-bound-attribution-preflight-sync.html: Added.
- platform/ios-wk2/TestExpectations:
These tests rely on internal additions, we should skip them in open
source expectations.
- 3:34 PM Changeset in webkit [277300] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[ BigSur ARM64] http/wpt/fetch/fetch-response-body-stop-in-worker.html is a flaky crash
Unreviewed test gardening.
Updating expectations to Pass Crash for arm64 only.
- platform/mac/TestExpectations:
- 3:27 PM Changeset in webkit [277299] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[ BigSur Release wk2 arm64 ] scrollingcoordinator/mac/fixed-backgrounds/fixed-background-in-overflow-in-iframe.html is a flaky text failure
Uneviewed test gardening.
Updating expectations to Pass Failure for BigSur Release wk2 arm64 only.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 3:16 PM Changeset in webkit [277298] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[ macOS Release wk2 ] http/tests/cache-storage/cache-records-persistency.https.html is flaky crashing
Unreviewed test gardening.
Updating expectations to Pass Crash while test is reviewed.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 3:01 PM Changeset in webkit [277297] by
- 4 edits2 deletes in trunk
Unreviewed, reverting r277222.
WebContent process crashes while visiting
<http://ign.com|ign.com> (RenderFlexibleBox::layoutFlexItems)
Reverted changeset:
"[css-flexbox] Flex item construction may affect sibling flex
item height computation"
- 2:39 PM Changeset in webkit [277296] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Unreviewed, fix the build with recent SDKs.
- UIProcess/ios/forms/WKFormSelectPicker.mm:
(-[WKSelectMultiplePicker configurePresentation]):
- 2:31 PM Changeset in webkit [277295] by
- 44 edits in trunk/Source
Make WebCore::HitTestRequest::RequestType an enum class
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
, and make it an enum class. I also noticed that
the first request type,ReadOnly
, starts at a value of 2 (1 << 1
) instead of 1 (which seems to have been an
unintentional change in <https://trac.webkit.org/r60761>).
No change in behavior.
- accessibility/AccessibilityObject.cpp:
- accessibility/AccessibilityRenderObject.cpp:
(WebCore::AccessibilityRenderObject::visiblePositionForPoint const):
(WebCore::AccessibilityRenderObject::accessibilityHitTest const):
- dom/Document.cpp:
- dom/TreeScope.cpp:
- html/HTMLPlugInElement.cpp:
- html/MediaElementSession.cpp:
- page/AutoscrollController.cpp:
- page/ContextMenuController.cpp:
- page/ContextMenuController.h:
- page/DragController.cpp:
(WebCore::DragController::hitTestResultForDragStart const):
- page/EventHandler.cpp:
(WebCore::EventHandler::eventMayStartDrag const):
(WebCore::EventHandler::hitTestResultAtPoint const):
(WebCore::EventHandler::isInsideScrollbar const):
- page/EventHandler.h:
- page/FocusController.cpp:
- page/Frame.cpp:
(WebCore::Frame::visiblePositionForPoint const):
- page/Page.cpp:
(WebCore::Page::editableElementsInRect const):
- page/PointerCaptureController.cpp:
- page/ios/EventHandlerIOS.mm:
- page/ios/FrameIOS.mm:
(WebCore::Frame::renderRectForPoint const):
- rendering/HitTestRequest.h:
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::readOnly const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::active const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::move const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::release const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::ignoreCSSPointerEventsProperty const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::ignoreClipping const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::svgClipContent const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::touchEvent const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::disallowsUserAgentShadowContent const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::allowsFrameScrollbars const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::allowsChildFrameContent const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::allowsVisibleChildFrameContent const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::isChildFrameHitTest const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::resultIsElementList const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::includesAllElementsUnderPoint const):
(WebCore::HitTestRequest::type const):
(): Deleted.
- rendering/RenderWidget.cpp:
- rendering/svg/RenderSVGContainer.cpp:
- rendering/svg/RenderSVGResourceClipper.cpp:
- testing/Internals.cpp:
(WebCore::Internals::nodesFromRect const):
- testing/Internals.mm:
See WebCore/ChangeLog for more details.
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/Cocoa/WKWebProcessPlugInFrame.mm:
(-[WKWebProcessPlugInFrame hitTest:options:]):
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundleNavigationAction.cpp:
- WebProcess/WebPage/Cocoa/WebPageCocoa.mm:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebFrame.cpp:
(WebKit::WebFrame::hitTest const):
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebFrame.h:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp:
- WebProcess/WebPage/ios/WebPageIOS.mm:
(WebKit::WebPage::rectForElementAtInteractionLocation const):
- WebProcess/WebPage/mac/WebPageMac.mm:
See WebCore/ChangeLog for more details.
- WebCoreSupport/WebFrameIOS.mm:
(-[WebFrame elementRectAtPoint:]):
See WebCore/ChangeLog for more details.
- WebCoreSupport/WebFrameLoaderClient.mm:
(WebFrameLoaderClient::actionDictionary const):
- WebView/WebFrame.mm:
(-[WebFrame elementAtPoint:]):
- WebView/WebHTMLView.mm:
(-[WebHTMLView elementAtPoint:allowShadowContent:]):
- WebView/WebImmediateActionController.mm:
(-[WebImmediateActionController performHitTestAtPoint:]):
See WebCore/ChangeLog for more details.
- WebActionPropertyBag.cpp:
- WebView.cpp:
- 2:25 PM Changeset in webkit [277294] by
- 4 edits in trunk
[iOS] Pages with service workers do not suspend promptly
Reviewed by Youenn Fablet.
WebProcessProxy::updateServiceWorkerProcessAssertion() was starting a foreground/background activity
if there is a service worker in-process and if any of the client processes are foreground/background.
The issue is that a common case is that one of the client process is the service worker process
itself (since we run the service worker in-process whenever possible nowadays). As a result, it would
create a process assertion cycle. We'd start a foreground activity due to the service worker but we
would not release it when the view is no longer foreground, because the process would stay "foreground"
due to the service worker process assertion.
To address this, updateServiceWorkerProcessAssertion() now only takes process assertions if there
are client processes other than the current process. This avoids the cycle and this is really the only
case we need to make sure the service worker process doesn't suspend. In the case where the service
worker and the client are in the same process, then the normal process assertions are sufficient.
- UIProcess/WebProcessProxy.cpp:
Reviewed by Youenn Fablet.
Update WebKit API test accordingly.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/ServiceWorkerBasic.mm:
- 2:21 PM Changeset in webkit [277293] by
- 3 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[ Mac ] accessibility/mac/expanded-notification.html is a flaky failure
Reviewed by Chris Fleizach.
- accessibility/mac/expanded-notification.html:
Replaced the setTimeout(..., 10) with the use of Promises to make it
time deterministic.
- 2:17 PM Changeset in webkit [277292] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Add null check in CachedResource::clearLoader
Patch by Alex Christensen <achristensen@webkit.org> on 2021-05-10
Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.
As much as we would like it not to be the case, we have records that m_loader can be null.
If it's null, let's not crash.
- loader/cache/CachedResource.cpp:
- 1:53 PM Changeset in webkit [277291] by
- 1 copy in tags/Safari-611.
Tag Safari-611.
- 1:35 PM Changeset in webkit [277290] by
- 8 edits in branches/safari-612.1.12-branch/Source
- 1:35 PM Changeset in webkit [277289] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI
Web Inspector: Network: rename "XHR" to "XHR/Fetch"
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
- UserInterface/Views/NetworkTableContentView.js:
(WI.NetworkTableContentView.addScopeBarItem): Added.
(WI.NetworkTableContentView.shortDisplayNameForResourceType): Deleted.
- Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
- 12:58 PM Changeset in webkit [277288] by
- 2 edits in branches/safari-612.1.12-branch/Source/WebCore
Cherry-pick r277228. rdar://problem/77772960
Increase stored AppHighlight character limit to 500
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
- Modules/highlight/AppHighlightStorage.cpp:
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@277228 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 12:56 PM Changeset in webkit [277287] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[iOS] WPT css/css-color-adjust/rendering/dark-color-scheme/color-scheme-system-colors.html is failing
Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/ios/TestExpectations:
- 12:50 PM Changeset in webkit [277286] by
- 4 edits2 adds in trunk
Fix for assert crash in AXObjectCache::visiblePositionForTextMarkerData.
Reviewed by Chris Fleizach.
Test: accessibility/mac/pseudo-element-text-markers.html
- accessibility/AXObjectCache.cpp:
Added check for Node::isPseudoElement to avoid hitting the assertion during the creation of a Position.
- accessibility/mac/pseudo-element-text-markers-expected.txt: Added.
- accessibility/mac/pseudo-element-text-markers.html: Added.
- 12:49 PM Changeset in webkit [277285] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[iOS] WPT css-fonts/font-feature-resolution-001.html and css-fonts/font-feature-resolution-002.html are failing
Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/ios/TestExpectations:
- 12:33 PM Changeset in webkit [277284] by
- 6 edits1 copy in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI
Web Inspector: Layout panel "Grid Overlays" main checkbox has dead space (no interaction) between checkbox and label text
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Make the empty space between the checkbox and the label text clickable in:
- Everywhere in Settings tab
- Layout panel, Page Overlay Options
- Grid Overlay header
- UserInterface/Main.html:
- UserInterface/Views/CSSGridSection.css:
(.css-grid-section .node-display-name):
(.css-grid-section .toggle-all):
(.css-grid-section :is(.setting-editor, .node-overlay-list-item-container, .heading) input[type="checkbox"]):
(.css-grid-section .setting-editor > input[type="checkbox"]):
(.css-grid-section .node-display-name,): Deleted.
Make all checkbox labels in the Grid section align vertically.
- UserInterface/Views/CSSGridSection.js:
- UserInterface/Views/SettingEditor.css: Copied from Source/WebInspectorUI/UserInterface/Views/CSSGridSection.css.
(.setting-editor input):
(.setting-editor > input[type="checkbox"]):
(.setting-editor > label):
- UserInterface/Views/SettingEditor.js:
- UserInterface/Views/SettingsTabContentView.css:
(.content-view.tab.settings > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .setting-editor):
(.content-view.tab.settings > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .setting-editor:first-child > *):
(.content-view.tab.settings > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .setting-editor input[type="checkbox"]):
(.content-view.tab.settings > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .setting-editor select):
(.content-view.tab.settings > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .setting-editor input[type="number"]):
(.content-view.tab.settings > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .setting-editor input[type="text"]):
(.content-view.tab.settings > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor): Deleted.
(.content-view.tab.settings > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor:first-child > *): Deleted.
(.content-view.tab.settings > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor input): Deleted.
(.content-view.tab.settings > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor input[type="checkbox"]): Deleted.
(.content-view.tab.settings > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor select): Deleted.
(.content-view.tab.settings > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor input[type="number"]): Deleted.
(.content-view.tab.settings > .settings-view > .container > .editor-group > .editor input[type="text"]): Deleted.
Rename ".editor" to ".setting-editor" so it matches SettingEditor.css.
- 12:28 PM Changeset in webkit [277283] by
- 8 edits in branches/safari-611.2.7.1-branch/Source
- 12:20 PM Changeset in webkit [277282] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[iOS] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-flexbox/flex-item-compressible-001.html is failing after WPT re-sync
Unreviewed test gardening.
Rebaseline test for iOS.
- platform/ios/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/css-flexbox/flex-item-compressible-001-expected.txt:
- 12:09 PM Changeset in webkit [277281] by
- 42 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Use HashSet<RefPtr<Node>> instead of HashSet<Node*>
Patch by Alex Christensen <achristensen@webkit.org> on 2021-05-10
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
This makes us more resistent to lifetime bugs.
- accessibility/AXObjectCache.cpp:
- bindings/js/JSMutationObserverCustom.cpp:
- dom/MutationObserver.cpp:
(WebCore::MutationObserver::observedNodes const):
(WebCore:: const): Deleted.
- dom/MutationObserver.h:
- dom/MutationObserverRegistration.cpp:
(WebCore::MutationObserverRegistration::addRegistrationNodesToSet const):
- dom/MutationObserverRegistration.h:
- dom/Node.cpp:
- editing/AppendNodeCommand.cpp:
- editing/AppendNodeCommand.h:
- editing/CompositeEditCommand.cpp:
- editing/CompositeEditCommand.h:
- editing/DeleteFromTextNodeCommand.cpp:
- editing/DeleteFromTextNodeCommand.h:
- editing/EditCommand.cpp:
- editing/EditCommand.h:
- editing/InsertIntoTextNodeCommand.cpp:
- editing/InsertIntoTextNodeCommand.h:
- editing/InsertNodeBeforeCommand.cpp:
- editing/InsertNodeBeforeCommand.h:
- editing/MergeIdenticalElementsCommand.cpp:
- editing/MergeIdenticalElementsCommand.h:
- editing/RemoveNodeCommand.cpp:
- editing/RemoveNodeCommand.h:
- editing/ReplaceNodeWithSpanCommand.cpp:
- editing/ReplaceNodeWithSpanCommand.h:
- editing/SetNodeAttributeCommand.cpp:
- editing/SetNodeAttributeCommand.h:
- editing/SetSelectionCommand.h:
- editing/SpellingCorrectionCommand.cpp:
- editing/SplitElementCommand.cpp:
- editing/SplitElementCommand.h:
- editing/SplitTextNodeCommand.cpp:
- editing/SplitTextNodeCommand.h:
- editing/WrapContentsInDummySpanCommand.cpp:
- editing/WrapContentsInDummySpanCommand.h:
- editing/cocoa/HTMLConverter.mm:
- inspector/agents/InspectorDOMAgent.cpp:
- xml/XPathFunctions.cpp:
(WebCore::XPath::FunId::evaluate const):
- xml/XPathNodeSet.cpp:
(WebCore::XPath::NodeSet::traversalSort const):
- xml/XPathPath.cpp:
(WebCore::XPath::LocationPath::evaluate const):
- xml/XPathPredicate.cpp:
(WebCore::XPath::Union::evaluate const):
- 11:58 AM Changeset in webkit [277280] by
- 12 edits in trunk
Add ObjC API similar to WKBundlePageCopyGroupIdentifier
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
Once adopted this will allow us to remove WKWebProcessPlugInPageGroup
- Shared/Cocoa/APIObject.mm:
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/Cocoa/WKWebProcessPlugInPageGroup.h:
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/Cocoa/WKWebProcessPlugInPageGroup.mm:
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/Cocoa/WKWebProcessPlugInPageGroupInternal.h:
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/mac/WKWebProcessPlugInBrowserContextController.h:
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/mac/WKWebProcessPlugInBrowserContextController.mm:
(-[WKWebProcessPlugInBrowserContextController _groupIdentifier]):
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/mac/WKWebProcessPlugInBrowserContextControllerPrivate.h:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/RemoteObjectRegistry.h:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/RemoteObjectRegistry.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/RemoteObjectRegistryPlugIn.mm:
(-[RemoteObjectRegistryPlugIn getGroupIdentifier:]):
- 11:43 AM Changeset in webkit [277279] by
- 7 edits3 adds in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI
Web Inspector: add support for panning/zooming on images
Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.
- UserInterface/Controllers/GestureController.js: Added.
(WI.GestureController.prototype.get scale):
(WI.GestureController.prototype.set scale):
(WI.GestureController.prototype.get translate):
(WI.GestureController.prototype.set translate):
Add a general controller class that takes atarget
(and optionally acontainer
) and adds
event listeners to handle various gestures:
- scale (both via trackpad and mouse wheel)
- transform (mouse click and drag)
- UserInterface/Views/ImageResourceContentView.js:
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype.get navigationItems):
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype.gestureControllerDidScale): Added.
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype.gestureControllerDidTranslate): Added.
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype._updateResetGestureButtonNavigationItemLabel): Added.
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype._handleResetGestureButtonNavitationItemClicked): Added.
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype._handleZoomOutGestureButtonNavitationItemClicked): Added.
(WI.ImageResourceContentView.prototype._handleZoomInGestureButtonNavitationItemClicked): Added.
- UserInterface/Views/ImageResourceContentView.css:
(.content-view.resource.image > .img-container):
(.navigation-bar > .item.image-gesture-reset): Added.
Add aWI.GestureController
and manipulate thescale
of the<img>
Add navigation items that show the current scale (clicking it will reset the gesture), zoom
in, and zoom out.
- UserInterface/Views/LocalResourceOverrideLabelView.css:
Add az-index
so that zoomed images don't appear on top.
- UserInterface/Views/ResourceCollectionContentView.js:
(WI.ResourceCollectionContentView.prototype.get contentViewConstructorOptions):
Don't create theWI.GestureController
in collection views.
- UserInterface/Main.html:
- UserInterface/Images/ZoomIn.svg: Added.
- UserInterface/Images/ZoomOut.svg: Added.
- Localizations/en.lproj/localizedStrings.js:
- 11:37 AM Changeset in webkit [277278] by
- 8 edits in branches/safari-612.1.14-branch/Source
- 11:32 AM Changeset in webkit [277277] by
- 1 copy in branches/safari-612.1.14-branch
New branch.
- 11:29 AM Changeset in webkit [277276] by
- 8 edits in trunk/Source
- 11:10 AM Changeset in webkit [277275] by
- 2 edits1 move in trunk/Tools
[build.webkit.org] Rename master_buildbot2.cfg to master.cfg
Reviewed by Jonathan Bedard.
- CISupport/build-webkit-org/buildbot.tac:
- CISupport/build-webkit-org/master.cfg: Moved from Tools/CISupport/build-webkit-org/master_buildbot2.cfg.
- CISupport/build-webkit-org/master_buildbot2.cfg: Removed.
- 11:10 AM Changeset in webkit [277274] by
- 14 edits2 moves2 adds in trunk
[macOS] ImageOverlayController should paint selection quads instead of bounding rects
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
(now renamed toSelectionGeometryGatherer
) to emit quads, rather than bounding
rects around each quad. We use these quads inImageOverlayController
to render selection quads via page
overlay (i.e., in the case where the image containing the overlay is transparent).
Test: fast/images/image-extraction/mac/select-rotated-transparent-image-overlay.html
- Headers.cmake:
- SourcesCocoa.txt:
- WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- editing/SelectionGeometryGatherer.cpp: Renamed from Source/WebCore/editing/SelectionRectGatherer.cpp.
, to reflect the fact that this helper class now
aggregates both selection quads and gap rects.
, and make it take aFloatQuad
(WebCore::SelectionGeometryGatherer::boundingRects const):
- editing/SelectionGeometryGatherer.h: Renamed from Source/WebCore/editing/SelectionRectGatherer.h.
(WebCore::SelectionGeometryGatherer::isTextOnly const):
- html/HTMLElement.cpp:
Minor tweak - don't add any margin around the word when the line only contains a single word.
- page/ImageOverlayController.cpp:
, and take aFloatQuad
in absolute coordinates
instead of aLayoutRect
. Store these quads inm_overlaySelectionQuads
(also renamed from
Make a few changes when painting selections using the
- Instead of painting with
, coalesce all of the collected selection quads into a singlePath
object, and pass that
. This allows us to render each piece of selected content as a
quad instead of a bounding rect, and additionally prevents us from rendering overlapping selections
when usingImageOverlayController
- Clip selections to the absolute bounds of the image overlay host element's renderer, which prevents the new
selection quads from spilling out of the host element.
(WebCore::ImageOverlayController::selectionRectsDidChange): Deleted.
- page/ImageOverlayController.h:
- rendering/RenderSelectionInfo.cpp:
- rendering/RenderSelectionInfo.h:
(WebCore::RenderSelectionInfo::collectedSelectionQuads const):
(WebCore::RenderSelectionInfo::collectedSelectionRects const): Deleted.
More minor refactoring: rename
, and make it take the
instead of the quad's bounding box.
- rendering/RenderText.cpp:
- rendering/RenderText.h:
- rendering/SelectionRangeData.cpp:
- rendering/SelectionRangeData.h:
Add a new layout test to cover the change. Currently, the below test case renders a visible selection rect in
the image overlay since we render the bounding rect of the overlay text quad, which intersects with the image
overlay's bounds. However, the text quad is positioned outside of the image overlay, so there shouldn't be any
visible selection rect. As such, this test is expected to render the same content as a plain image (even without
an image overlay).
Unfortunately, I couldn't write a matching ref-test for the case where the selection rect is inside the bounds
of the image overlay, since doing so led to tiny subpixel differences between the transparent image case (using
) and the regular image overlay selection case.
- fast/images/image-extraction/mac/select-rotated-transparent-image-overlay-expected.html: Added.
- fast/images/image-extraction/mac/select-rotated-transparent-image-overlay.html: Added.
- 11:06 AM Changeset in webkit [277273] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Fix some unified build errors
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/ios/ScrollingTreeScrollingNodeDelegateIOS.h:
- UIProcess/ios/WKTextSelectionRect.mm:
- UIProcess/mac/WKTextInputWindowController.mm:
- 10:46 AM Changeset in webkit [277272] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
[GPUP-MSE] Implement time changed callback
Reviewed by Jer Noble.
Implement MediaPlayerPrivateMediaSourceAVFObjC::setCurrentTimeDidChangeCallback so
the GPU process doesn't have to poll currentTime.
No change in functionality.
- platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaSourceAVFObjC.h:
- platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/MediaPlayerPrivateMediaSourceAVFObjC.mm:
- 10:30 AM Changeset in webkit [277271] by
- 6 edits2 adds in trunk/Tools
Add unit test for r274129
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
- TestWebKitAPI/SourcesCocoa.txt:
- TestWebKitAPI/TestWebKitAPI.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/RemoteObjectRegistry.h:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/RemoteObjectRegistry.mm:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/RemoteObjectRegistryPlugIn.mm:
(-[RemoteObjectRegistryPlugIn sendAwakener:completionHandler:]):
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/TestAwakener.h: Added.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/TestAwakener.mm: Added.
(-[TestAwakener awakeAfterUsingCoder:]):
(-[TestAwakener initWithValue:]):
(-[TestAwakener value]):
(+[TestAwakener supportsSecureCoding]):
(-[TestAwakener encodeWithCoder:]):
(-[TestAwakener initWithCoder:]):
- 10:20 AM Changeset in webkit [277270] by
- 8 edits in trunk
Add support for a
attribute on<meta name="theme-color" content="...">
Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.
Tests: WKWebViewThemeColor.MetaElementValidNameAndColorAndMedia
- html/HTMLMetaElement.idl:
- html/HTMLMetaElement.h:
- html/HTMLMetaElement.cpp:
(WebCore::parseMedia): Added.
(WebCore::mediaMatches): Added.
(WebCore::HTMLMetaElement::mediaAttributeMatches): Added.
(WebCore::HTMLMetaElement::contentColor): Added.
Add support for a reflectedmedia
attribute. Cache the most recently parsedmedia
becomes aRef<MediaQuerySet>
) andcontent
(which can become aColor
) to avoid doing
repeated work when determining the active theme color after media state changes. Notify the
whenever thename
attribute changes if the new or old
value will be or would have been related to calculating the theme color.
- dom/Document.h:
(WebCore::Document::themeColor const): Deleted.
- dom/Document.cpp:
(WebCore::Document::themeColor): Added.
(WebCore::Document::metaElementThemeColorChanged): Added.
(WebCore::Document::determineActiveThemeColorMetaElement): Added.
(WebCore::Document::processMetaElementThemeColor): Deleted.
Make calculating the theme color into a two stage process:
- find all
<meta name="theme-color">
that have a valid CSS colorcontent
in tree order - return the
of the first item from step 1 thatHTMLMetaElement::mediaAttributeMatches
This is done so that
doesn't have to repeat
step 1 each time it's run (which can be often) and instead only needs to iterate a (likely
very small) list in step 2. The actions/situations listed above would clear the cached data
from both steps, meaning that the nextDocument::themeColor
will do a full recalculation.
Notify the UIProcess of a change in theme color if the result of step 2 is different from a
previously cached result (if set).
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/WKWebViewThemeColor.mm:
(TEST.WKWebViewThemeColor.MetaElementValidNameAndColor): Added.
(TEST.WKWebViewThemeColor.MetaElementValidNameAndColorAndMedia): Added.
(TEST.WKWebViewThemeColor.MetaElementInvalidName): Added.
(TEST.WKWebViewThemeColor.MetaElementInvalidColor): Added.
(TEST.WKWebViewThemeColor.MetaElementInvalidMedia): Added.
(TEST.WKWebViewThemeColor.MetaElementMultipleValid): Added.
(TEST.WKWebViewThemeColor.MetaElementValidSubframe): Added.
(-[WKWebViewThemeColorObserver observeValueForKeyPath:ofObject:change:context:]):
(TEST.WKWebViewThemeColor.MetaElementOnLoad): Deleted.
(TEST.WKWebViewThemeColor.MetaElementMultipleTags): Deleted.
- 9:57 AM Changeset in webkit [277269] by
- 53 edits in trunk
Remove all remaining uses of the String::toInt family of functions
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
- Modules/indexeddb/server/SQLiteIDBBackingStore.cpp:
Use parseInteger<uint64_t> instead of String::toUInt64Strict.
- Modules/websockets/WebSocketDeflateFramer.cpp:
Use a reference instead of a pointer.
(WebCore::WebSocketExtensionDeflateFrame::processResponse): Use
ASCIILiteral. Use parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int> instead of
String::toInt. Use auto. Use references instead of pointers.
(WebCore::DeflateResultHolder::DeflateResultHolder): Use a reference.
(WebCore::DeflateResultHolder::~DeflateResultHolder): Ditto.
(WebCore::InflateResultHolder::InflateResultHolder): Ditto.
(WebCore::InflateResultHolder::~InflateResultHolder): Ditto.
(WebCore::WebSocketDeflateFramer::WebSocketDeflateFramer): Deleted.
(WebCore::WebSocketDeflateFramer::createExtensionProcessor): Pass a reference.
(WebCore::WebSocketDeflateFramer::deflate): Ditto.
(WebCore::WebSocketDeflateFramer::inflate): Ditto.
- Modules/websockets/WebSocketDeflateFramer.h: Use forward declarations
instead of includes, references instead of pointers, initialize data members
in the class definition, and remove an unnecessary explicit default constructor.
- Modules/websockets/WebSocketHandshake.cpp:
(WebCore::headerHasValidHTTPVersion): Use parseInteger<int> instead of
(WebCore::WebSocketHandshake::readStatusLine): Ditto.
- accessibility/AccessibilityNodeObject.cpp:
(WebCore::AccessibilityNodeObject::headingLevel const): Use
getIntegralAttribute instead of AtomString::toInt.
(WebCore::AccessibilityNodeObject::hierarchicalLevel const): Ditto.
- accessibility/AccessibilityObject.cpp:
(WebCore::AccessibilityObject::getIntegralAttribute const): Added.
Since AccessibilityObject has its own getAttribute function, we need to
re-implement Element::getIntegralAttribute here.
(WebCore::AccessibilityObject::setSize const): Use getIntegralAttribute
instead of AtomString::toInt.
(WebCore::AccessibilityObject::posInSet const): Ditto.
- accessibility/AccessibilityObject.h: Added getIntegralAttribute.
- accessibility/AccessibilityTable.cpp:
(WebCore::AccessibilityTable::isDataTable const):Use getIntegralAttribute
instead of AtomString::toInt.
(WebCore::AccessibilityTable::axColumnCount const): Ditto.
(WebCore::AccessibilityTable::axRowCount const): Ditto.
- accessibility/AccessibilityTableCell.cpp:
(WebCore::AccessibilityTableCell::axColumnIndex const): Ditto.
(WebCore::AccessibilityTableCell::axRowIndex const): Ditto.
(WebCore::AccessibilityTableCell::axColumnSpan const): Ditto.
(WebCore::AccessibilityTableCell::axRowSpan const): Ditto.
- accessibility/AccessibilityTableRow.cpp:
(WebCore::AccessibilityTableRow::axColumnIndex const): Ditto.
(WebCore::AccessibilityTableRow::axRowIndex const): Ditto.
- css/parser/CSSSelectorParser.cpp:
(WebCore::consumeANPlusB): Use parseInteger<int> instead of String::toIntStrict
- css/parser/CSSTokenizer.cpp:
(WebCore::CSSTokenizer::consumeEscape): Use parseInteger<uint32_t> instead of
- editing/cocoa/DataDetection.mm:
Use parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int> instead of String::toInt.
Also use StringView instead of String.
(WebCore::dataDetectorStringForPath): Use makeString instead of StringBuilder.
- editing/cocoa/HTMLConverter.mm:
(HTMLConverter::computedAttributesForElement): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int> instead of String::toInt.
- html/HTMLFrameElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::parseAttribute): Use parseHTMLInteger instead
of parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int>.
- html/HTMLFrameSetElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLFrameSetElement::parseAttribute): Ditto.
- html/HTMLHRElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLHRElement::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute): Ditto.
- html/HTMLIFrameElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute): Ditto.
- html/HTMLInputElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLInputElement::parseAttribute): Ditto.
- html/HTMLLIElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLLIElement::parseValue): Ditto.
- html/HTMLMarqueeElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLMarqueeElement::loop const): Use getIntegralAttribute
instead of parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int>.
- html/HTMLTableCellElement.cpp:
Use parseHTMLInteger instead of parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int>.
- html/HTMLTableColElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLTableColElement::parseAttribute): Ditto.
- html/HTMLTableElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLTableElement::parseAttribute): Ditto.
- inspector/InspectorFrontendClientLocal.cpp:
Use parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<unsigned> instead of
- inspector/agents/InspectorDOMAgent.cpp:
(WebCore::InspectorDOMAgent::nodeForPath): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<unsigned> instead of String::toUInt.
- layout/layouttree/LayoutTreeBuilder.cpp:
(WebCore::Layout::TreeBuilder::createLayoutBox): Use parseHTMLInteger
instead of AtomString::toInt.
- loader/CrossOriginPreflightResultCache.cpp:
(WebCore::parseAccessControlMaxAge): Use parseInteger<uint64_t> instead
of String::toUIntStrict.
- loader/FTPDirectoryParser.cpp:
(WebCore::parseOneFTPLine): Use parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<unsigned>
instead of String::toUInt.
- loader/PrivateClickMeasurement.cpp:
(WebCore::PrivateClickMeasurement::parseAttributionRequest): Use
parseInteger<uint64_t> instead of String::toUInt64Strict.
- mathml/MathMLSelectElement.cpp:
Use getIntegralAttribute instead of parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int>.
- page/EventSource.cpp:
(WebCore::EventSource::parseEventStreamLine): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<uint64_t> instead of charactersToUInt64.
- page/Location.cpp:
(WebCore::Location::setPort): Use parseInteger<uint16_t> instead of parseUInt16.
- page/SecurityOriginData.cpp:
(WebCore::SecurityOriginData::fromDatabaseIdentifier): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<uint16_t> instead of String::toInt, which
allows us to remove some range checking and type conversion.
- page/WindowFeatures.cpp:
(WebCore::setWindowFeature): Use parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int>
instead of StringView::toInt.
- page/csp/ContentSecurityPolicySourceList.cpp:
(WebCore::ContentSecurityPolicySourceList::parsePort): Use
parseInteger<uint16_t> instead of charactersToIntStrict.
- page/linux/ResourceUsageThreadLinux.cpp:
(WebCore::collectCPUUsage): Use parseInteger<pid_t> instead of
String::toIntStrict. Also removed unneeded special cases for "." and
".." since both will fail to parse as an integer, and this no longer
need to put d_name into a WTF::String.
- platform/graphics/gstreamer/WebKitWebSourceGStreamer.cpp:
(CachedResourceStreamingClient::responseReceived): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int> instead of String::toInt.
- platform/graphics/gstreamer/eme/CDMThunder.cpp:
(WebCore::ParsedResponseMessage::ParsedResponseMessage): Use
parseInteger<int> instead of String::toInt to parse a single-digit.
Probably should write this another way.
- platform/network/curl/CookieUtil.cpp:
(WebCore::CookieUtil::parseCookieAttributes): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int64_t> instead of String::toInt64.
- platform/network/curl/CurlCacheEntry.cpp:
(WebCore::CurlCacheEntry::setResponseFromCachedHeaders): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<long long> instead of String::toInt64.
- svg/SVGToOTFFontConversion.cpp:
(WebCore::SVGToOTFFontConverter::appendOS2Table): Use parseHTMLInteger
instead of parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int>. Might be even better
to refactor to use getIntegralAttribute later.
(WebCore::SVGToOTFFontConverter::appendVORGTable): Ditto.
- testing/Internals.cpp:
(WebCore::Internals::setSFrameCounter): Use parseInteger<uint64_t>
instead of StringView::toUInt64Strict.
- WebDriverService.cpp:
(WebDriver::WebDriverService::run): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<uint16_t> instead of String::toUInt.
- glib/WebDriverServiceGLib.cpp:
(WebDriver::parseVersion): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<uint64_t> instead of String::toInt64,
and then assigning into a uint64_t.
- socket/HTTPParser.cpp:
(WebDriver::HTTPParser::expectedBodyLength const): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<size_t> instead of String::toInt.
Also use StringView instead of String::substringSharingImpl and
dropped an unneeded call to String::stripWhiteSpace.
- Plugins/PluginDatabaseWin.cpp:
(WebCore::parseVersionString): Use parseIntegerAllowinTrailingJunk<int>
isnstead of String::toInt.
- Plugins/PluginView.cpp:
(WebCore::PluginView::handlePost): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<unsigned> instead of String::toInt,
and then assigning to an unsigned.
- WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/atk/AccessibilityUIElementAtk.cpp:
(WTR::AccessibilityUIElement::numberAttributeValue): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int> instead of String::toInt.
(WTR::AccessibilityUIElement::hierarchicalLevel const): Ditto.
- 9:56 AM Changeset in webkit [277268] by
- 4 edits in trunk
css-display-none actions from WKContentRuleList should apply to pages loaded with loadData and loadHTMLString
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Blocking and https upgrade don't really make sense on the url from loadData and loadHTMLString because blocking would be
incompatible with existing apps and because you're not really connecting to a server, you're just pretending you did.
- loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/ContentRuleListNotification.mm:
- 9:38 AM Changeset in webkit [277267] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
Fix potential races in AppleLanguagesTest.UpdateAppleLanguages API test
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Calling [TestWKWebView performAfterReceivingAnyMessage] registers a MessageHandler which sends an
async WebUserContentController::AddUserScriptMessageHandlers IPC to the WebProcess. We want to
make sure that that message handler is registered in the WebProcess before the JS on the page
. To address this issue, I moved the
call to[TestWKWebView performAfterReceivingAnyMessage]
before the call to evaluateJavaScript
that registers the event listener that may callwebkit.messageHandlers.testHandler.postMessage()
Also make sure the PreferenceObserver has been allocated after sending the
"NSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification" and before proceeding with the test.
I am also adding an extra check at the end to make sure that the value of navigator.language is
correct and to make sure that WKPreferenceObserver.preferenceDidChange was called. This was done
to help diagnose flakiness issues on the bots that I cannot reproduce locally.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit/OverrideAppleLanguagesPreference.mm:
- 9:35 AM Changeset in webkit [277266] by
- 6 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Have IPC::Semaphore::wait return a state boolean
Reviewed by Alex Christensen.
Semaphore::wait might return early, in particular if its sempahore is destroyed.
To handle this case, return false in that case to allow specific handling by caller.
Use return state in RemoteCaptureSampleManager::RemoteAudio::startThread as a way to stop the capture thread.
Covered by existing tests.
- Platform/IPC/IPCSemaphore.h:
- Platform/IPC/darwin/IPCSemaphoreDarwin.cpp:
- Platform/IPC/unix/IPCSemaphoreUnix.cpp:
- Platform/IPC/win/IPCSemaphoreWin.cpp:
- WebProcess/cocoa/RemoteCaptureSampleManager.cpp:
- 9:26 AM Changeset in webkit [277265] by
- 7 edits2 adds in trunk
[iPadOS] Do not present custom input peripherals when switching back to a tab with a focused element
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
With the introduction of desktop-class browing on iPad, form control
elements began to retain focus even after their input peripheral
(popover, menu, etc.) was dismissed. This behavior matches macOS - when
a <select> element is clicked, a menu is presented, and when a option
is selected, the menu is dismissed but the element retains focus.
Consequently, when a <select> menu is dismissed by choosing an option on
an iPad with a hardware keyboard, the element retains focus. Now, when
switching tabs and coming back to the tab with the focused <select>, an
activity state update is triggered. Upon recognizing that there is a
focused element, an ElementDidFocus message is sent to the UIProcess.
In [WKContentView _elementDidFocus:userIsInteracting:blurPreviousNode:activityStateChanges:userObject:],
the focus is given permission to present the input peripheral (menu)
when the hardware keyboard is attached. This is necessary when necessary
when focusing a text input, because the UCB needs to be displayed and
text selection needs to be set up. However, the behavior is undesirable
for elements that present a popover or a menu (select, color inputs, and
date inputs), since the user is unexpectedly shown an input peripheral.
Even worse, the user's scroll position will be changed to ensure the
focused element is visible.
To fix the undesirable behavior, and get closer to the macOS behavior,
custom input peripherals should not be displayed when switching back
to a tab with a focused element.
Test: fast/forms/ios/focus-select-and-switch-tabs.html
- UIProcess/ios/WKContentViewInteraction.mm:
(-[WKContentView _elementDidFocus:userIsInteracting:blurPreviousNode:activityStateChanges:userObject:]):
Only show the input peripheral if it is not a keyboard view.
Updated a UIScriptController hook that simulates attaching a hardware
keyboard to also swizzle [UIKeyboard isInHardwareKeyboardMode].
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/TestControllerIOS.mm:
Moved the default swizzling behavior into this method so that it remains
consistent across tests.
Unfortunately, the default swizzling behavior contrasts with the default
value of GSEventSetHardwareKeyboardAttached. However, this is an existing
inconsistency, and should be looked at more carefully in a separate
- WebKitTestRunner/ios/UIScriptControllerIOS.mm:
Added a test which simulates a tab switch by removing and re-adding the
webview to the window.
- fast/forms/ios/focus-select-and-switch-tabs-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/forms/ios/focus-select-and-switch-tabs.html: Added.
- resources/ui-helper.js:
- 9:08 AM Changeset in webkit [277264] by
- 29 edits2 deletes in trunk
Remove WKBundlePageGroupRef
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Its last use was removed in rdar://60987265
- Sources.txt:
- WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/APIInjectedBundleBundleClient.h:
(API::InjectedBundle::Client::didInitializePageGroup): Deleted.
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/Cocoa/WKWebProcessPlugInPageGroup.mm:
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/c/WKBundle.cpp:
(WKBundleAddUserScript): Deleted.
(WKBundleAddUserStyleSheet): Deleted.
(WKBundleRemoveUserScript): Deleted.
(WKBundleRemoveUserStyleSheet): Deleted.
(WKBundleRemoveUserScripts): Deleted.
(WKBundleRemoveUserStyleSheets): Deleted.
(WKBundleRemoveAllUserContent): Deleted.
(WKBundleSetAsynchronousSpellCheckingEnabled): Deleted.
(WKBundleGetLiveDocumentURLs): Deleted.
(WKBundleSetUserStyleSheetLocation): Deleted.
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/c/WKBundleAPICast.h:
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/c/WKBundlePage.cpp:
(WKBundlePageGetPageGroup): Deleted.
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/c/WKBundlePage.h:
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/c/WKBundlePageGroup.cpp: Removed.
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/c/WKBundlePageGroup.h: Removed.
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/API/c/WKBundlePrivate.h:
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundle.cpp:
(WebKit::InjectedBundle::didInitializePageGroup): Deleted.
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundle.h:
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundleClient.cpp:
(WebKit::InjectedBundleClient::didInitializePageGroup): Deleted.
- WebProcess/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundleClient.h:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPageGroupProxy.cpp:
Also use some smart pointers instead of raw pointers to keep things safe.
- TestWebKitAPI/InjectedBundleController.cpp:
(TestWebKitAPI::InjectedBundleController::didInitializePageGroup): Deleted.
- TestWebKitAPI/InjectedBundleController.h:
(TestWebKitAPI::InjectedBundleController::bundle const):
- TestWebKitAPI/InjectedBundleTest.h:
(TestWebKitAPI::InjectedBundleTest::didInitializePageGroup): Deleted.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit/DOMWindowExtensionBasic_Bundle.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit/DOMWindowExtensionNoCache_Bundle.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit/DocumentStartUserScriptAlertCrash_Bundle.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit/InjectedBundleDisableOverrideBuiltinsBehavior_Bundle.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit/InjectedBundleMakeAllShadowRootsOpen_Bundle.cpp:
- WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundle.cpp:
(WTR::InjectedBundle::didInitializePageGroup): Deleted.
- WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundle.h:
(WTR::InjectedBundle::bundle const):
(WTR::InjectedBundle::pageGroup const): Deleted.
- WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/TestRunner.cpp:
- 8:41 AM Changeset in webkit [277263] by
- 1 edit1 delete in trunk/Source/WebCore
[MSE][GStreamer] Remove stale PlaybackPipeline.cpp
Reviewed by Adrian Perez de Castro.
The WebKitMediaSrc v2 patch removed PlaybackPipeline but accidentally
the .cpp file survived the rebases.
This patch introduces no behavior changes, the file was not being
compiled anymore.
- platform/graphics/gstreamer/mse/PlaybackPipeline.cpp: Removed.
- 5:17 AM Changeset in webkit [277262] by
- 5 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
[GTK] Add picker UI for <input type=date> and <input type=datetime-local>
Patch by Carlos Garcia Campos <cgarcia@igalia.com> on 2021-05-10
Reviewed by Adrian Perez de Castro.
Use a GtkPopover with a GtkCalendar.
- UIProcess/API/gtk/WebKitWebViewBase.cpp:
(webkitWebViewBaseSetFocus): Only notify the web process about focus changes when shouldNotifyFocusEvents is true.
(webkitWebViewBaseSetShouldNotifyFocusEvents): Set whether the web view should notify about focus changes to the
web process.
- UIProcess/API/gtk/WebKitWebViewBasePrivate.h:
- UIProcess/gtk/WebDateTimePickerGtk.cpp:
(WebKit::WebDateTimePickerGtk::~WebDateTimePickerGtk): Call invalidate instead of endPicker.
(WebKit::WebDateTimePickerGtk::invalidate): Destroy the popover and allow the web view to notify about focus
events again.
(WebKit::WebDateTimePickerGtk::endPicker): Invalidate and notify the parent.
(WebKit::timeToString): Helper to convert the time portions of a DateComponents to a string.
(WebKit::calendarDateToString): Helper to convert selected date to a string.
(WebKit::WebDateTimePickerGtk::didChooseDate): Notify the WebPageProxy about the selected date.
(WebKit::WebDateTimePickerGtk::showDateTimePicker): Create or update a GtkPopover with a calendar.
(WebKit::WebDateTimePickerGtk::update): Update the calendar and current date.
- UIProcess/gtk/WebDateTimePickerGtk.h:
- 3:55 AM Changeset in webkit [277261] by
- 4 edits in trunk
[GStreamer] fast/mediastream/MediaStream-video-element-video-tracks-disabled.html fails
Patch by Philippe Normand <pnormand@igalia.com> on 2021-05-10
Reviewed by Xabier Rodriguez-Calvar.
- platform/mediastream/gstreamer/GStreamerMediaStreamSource.cpp: Fix out-of-bounds memset().
- platform/glib/TestExpectations: Unflag a couple more mediastream tests that are passing now.
- 3:08 AM WebKitGTK/2.32.x edited by
- (diff)
- 3:02 AM Changeset in webkit [277260] by
- 1 copy in releases/WebKitGTK/webkit-2.32.1
WebKitGTK 2.32.1
- 3:01 AM Changeset in webkit [277259] by
- 4 edits in releases/WebKitGTK/webkit-2.32
Unreviewed. Update OptionsGTK.cmake and NEWS for 2.32.1 release
- Source/cmake/OptionsGTK.cmake: Bump version numbers.
- gtk/NEWS: Add release notes for 2.32.1
- 2:13 AM Changeset in webkit [277258] by
- 5 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
[GTK] Use always async scrolling in accelerated compositing mode
Reviewed by Fujii Hironori.
We currently use async scrolling only when the hardware acceleration policy is set for always, but not when
entering accelerating compositing mode in ondemand policy. Since the GTK port still supports the non accelerated
compositing mode we need to add and remove the scrolling tree when entering and leaving the accelerated
compositing mode.
- UIProcess/API/glib/WebKitSettings.cpp:
(webkit_settings_set_hardware_acceleration_policy): Always enable async scrolling when accelerated compositing
is enabled.
- UIProcess/gtk/WebPreferencesGtk.cpp:
(WebKit::WebPreferences::platformInitializeStore): Ditto.
- WebProcess/WebPage/CoordinatedGraphics/DrawingAreaCoordinatedGraphics.cpp:
(WebKit::DrawingAreaCoordinatedGraphics::~DrawingAreaCoordinatedGraphics): Remove the scrolling tree if the
drawing area is destroyed in accelerated compositing mode.
(WebKit::DrawingAreaCoordinatedGraphics::enterAcceleratedCompositingMode): Add the scrolling tree.
(WebKit::DrawingAreaCoordinatedGraphics::exitAcceleratedCompositingMode): Remove the scrolling tree.
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp:
(WebKit::WebPage): Do not add the scrolling tree from here for the GTK port.
(WebKit::WebPage::close): Do not remove the scrolling tree from here for the GTK port.
- 12:16 AM Changeset in webkit [277257] by
- 26 edits4 adds in trunk
Implement <form>.requestSubmit()
Patch by Rob Buis <rbuis@igalia.com> on 2021-05-10
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Update improved test results and import requestSubmit tests.
- web-platform-tests/html/dom/idlharness.https-expected.txt:
- web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/form-submission-0/request-submit-activation-expected.txt: Added.
- web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/form-submission-0/request-submit-activation.html: Added.
- web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/the-form-element/form-requestsubmit-autofocus-expected.txt: Added.
- web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/the-form-element/form-requestsubmit-autofocus.html: Added.
- web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/the-form-element/form-requestsubmit-expected.txt:
- web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/the-form-element/form-requestsubmit.html:
Implement the requestSubmit method as defined here [1].
Behavior matches Chrome and Firefox.
[1] https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#dom-form-requestsubmit
Tests: imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/semantics/forms/the-form-element/form-requestsubmit.html
- html/HTMLButtonElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLButtonElement::isSubmitButton const):
- html/HTMLButtonElement.h:
- html/HTMLFormControlElement.h:
(WebCore::HTMLFormControlElement::isSubmitButton const):
- html/HTMLFormElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLFormElement::effectiveTarget const):
(WebCore::HTMLFormElement::findSubmitter const):
(WebCore::HTMLFormElement::prepareForSubmission): Deleted.
(WebCore::HTMLFormElement::findSubmitButton const): Deleted.
- html/HTMLFormElement.h:
- html/HTMLFormElement.idl:
- html/HTMLInputElement.h:
- html/ImageInputType.cpp:
- html/ImageInputType.h:
- html/InputType.h:
(WebCore::InputType::isSubmitButton const):
- html/SubmitInputType.cpp:
- loader/FormSubmission.cpp:
- loader/FormSubmission.h:
Add requestSubmit as experimental feature, disabled by default.
- Scripts/Preferences/WebPreferencesExperimental.yaml:
Update improved test results.
- platform/gtk/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/idlharness.https-expected.txt:
- platform/ios-wk2/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/idlharness.https-expected.txt:
- platform/mac-wk1/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/idlharness.https-expected.txt:
- platform/mac-wk2/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/idlharness.https-expected.txt:
- platform/wpe/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/html/dom/idlharness.https-expected.txt:
- 12:10 AM Changeset in webkit [277256] by
- 5 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Use IPC::Semaphore instead of sending an IPC message for every captured audio sample
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
Previously, we were sending an IPC message from UIProcess or GPUProcess to WebProcess for every microphone audio sample chunk.
We are now using IPC::Semaphore to signal that a new chunk is to be processed.
We no longer send the chunk timestamp. Instead, we reconstruct it from the number of previously processed samples.
At audio storage change, we send the start time and we assume that there is continuous timing based on sample counts after that.
That is why we recreate a new audio storage change anytime we need to reset or the configuration changes, which should not happen often in practice.
We process fixed-size chunks on WebProcess side and signal it on GPUProcess/UIProcess side.
This size is sent through IPC at audio storage change time and is the max of 128 samples (WebAudio quantum) and AudioSession preferred size.
In case WebAudio is used, it should be 128 samples. In case WebAudio is not used, it should be 20 ms of audio data.
Covered by existing tests and manually tested.
- UIProcess/Cocoa/UserMediaCaptureManagerProxy.cpp:
- WebProcess/cocoa/RemoteCaptureSampleManager.cpp:
- WebProcess/cocoa/RemoteCaptureSampleManager.h:
- WebProcess/cocoa/RemoteCaptureSampleManager.messages.in:
May 9, 2021:
- 6:48 PM Changeset in webkit [277255] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Add back protection of the pixel buffer in ImageBufferCGBackend::toCFData removed in r277237
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
In r277237, I accidentally removed a
RefPtr<Uint8ClampedArray> protectedPixelArray
in ImageBufferCGBackend::toCFData that was needed to avoided crashing in some cases
when running fast/canvas/canvas-toDataURL-jpeg-crash.html.
Since it wasn't super clear what it was doing, this switches to using the more idiomatic
method of keeping the data alive in a CGDataProviderRef by passing the leaked image data
as the context and derefing in the callback lambda.
Just to be consistent, I went to other callers of CGDataProviderCreateWithData and
updated them to be idiomatically consistent.
- platform/graphics/cg/GraphicsContextGLCG.cpp:
(WebCore::releaseImageData): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferCGBackend.cpp:
(WebCore::ImageBufferCGBackend::toCFData const):
- platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferCGBitmapBackend.cpp:
- 5:26 PM Changeset in webkit [277254] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
[WebXR] Remove reference cycle in WebXRSession
Unreviewed WPE build fix.
- Modules/webxr/WebXRInputSourceArray.h: Add missing namespace.
- 5:10 PM WebKitGTK/2.28.x edited by
- (diff)
- 2:21 PM Changeset in webkit [277253] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
[WinCairo][Clang] lld-link: error: undefined symbol: public: static class GenericTypedArrayView<>::tryCreate() in CryptoKeyRSAOpenSSL.cpp
Unreviewed build for r277142.
- crypto/openssl/CryptoKeyRSAOpenSSL.cpp: Include <JavaScriptCore/TypedArrayInlines.h>.
- 12:11 PM Changeset in webkit [277252] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
[Tools] Generate marshalling code without source reference
Patch by Khem Raj <raj.khem@gmail.com> on 2021-05-09
Reviewed by Carlos Alberto Lopez Perez.
- MiniBrowser/gtk/CMakeLists.txt:
- 12:04 PM Changeset in webkit [277251] by
- 15 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
[WebXR] Remove reference cycle in WebXRSession
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
Patch by Sam Weinig, who took my bad patch and made it better.
WebXRSession was attempting to create an WebXRInputSourceArray in
its constructor, which itself was trying to hold a strong reference
back to WebXRSession - causing a crash.
- Modules/webxr/WebXRBoundedReferenceSpace.h: Fix small typo.
- Modules/webxr/WebXRFrame.cpp: Use reference in constructor, since we
know the session exists.
- Modules/webxr/WebXRFrame.h:
- Modules/webxr/WebXRInputSource.cpp: Use a WeakPtr as a reference back
to the WebXRSession.
(WebCore::WebXRInputSource::session): Add this getter.
(WebCore::WebXRInputSource::update): Check for null.
(WebCore::WebXRInputSource::createEvent): Deleted - moved to lambda.
- Modules/webxr/WebXRInputSource.h:
- Modules/webxr/WebXRInputSource.idl:
- Modules/webxr/WebXRInputSourceArray.cpp: Add GenerateIsReachable.
- Modules/webxr/WebXRInputSourceArray.h:
- Modules/webxr/WebXRInputSourceArray.idl:
- Modules/webxr/WebXRInputSpace.cpp: Use reference in constructor.
- Modules/webxr/WebXRInputSpace.h:
- Modules/webxr/WebXRSession.cpp: Use a UniqueRef for input source array.
- Modules/webxr/WebXRSession.h:
- bindings/scripts/CodeGeneratorJS.pm: Add ImplWebXRSessionRoot to GenerateIsReachable.
- 11:57 AM Changeset in webkit [277250] by
- 8 edits in trunk
IPC testing API should have the ability to send and receive shared memory
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
This patch adds the capability to send & receive shared memory for IPC testing purposes.
It adds IPC.createSharedMemory which creates a JavaScript object representing a newly
allocated IPC-sharable memory. It has readBytes and writeBytes methods. Both takes offset
and the number of bytes to read / write. readBytes will return a new ArrayBuffer and
writeBytes takes an ArrayBuffer or a typed array as the first argument.
IPC.sendMessage and IPC.sendSyncMessage now supprts encoding this SharedMemory JavaScript
object. It supports the type specific arguments of "protection" and "dataSize" in addition
to the regular "value" property for the SharedMemory object.
This patch also adds the support for sending Semaphore object over IPC created via
IPC.createSemaphore, which was supposed to be added in r277199.
Finally, this patch also exposes the VM page size via IPC.vmPageSize to facilitate
the allocation of a sharable memory of an interesting size for testing purposes.
Tests: TestWebKitAPI.IPCTestingAPI.CanReceiveSharedMemory
- GPUProcess/graphics/RemoteRenderingBackend.cpp:
(WebKit::RemoteRenderingBackend::updateSharedMemoryForGetImageData): Use uint32_t instead
of size_t since the latter depends on the specific architecture (e.g. 32-bit vs 64-bit).
(WebKit::RemoteRenderingBackend::updateSharedMemoryAndSemaphoreForGetImageData): Ditto.
- GPUProcess/graphics/RemoteRenderingBackend.h:
- GPUProcess/graphics/RemoteRenderingBackend.messages.in: Ditto.
- Platform/IPC/JSIPCBinding.h: Added a specialization for SharedMemory::IPCHandle.
- WebProcess/WebPage/IPCTestingAPI.cpp:
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::encode const): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory::create): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory::size): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory::JSSharedMemory): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::convertToUint64): Moved up here.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::signal): Fixed a typo.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::waitFor): Ditto.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory::createHandle): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory::createJSWrapper): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory::wrapperClass): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory::unwrap): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory::toWrapped): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory::initialize): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory::finalize): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory::staticFunctions): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory::readBytes): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::arrayBufferDataFromValueRef): Extracted out of encodeTypedArray.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSSharedMemory::writeBytes): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPC::staticFunctions): Added IPC.createSharedMemory.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPC::staticValues): Added IPC.vmPageSize.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::getObjectIdentifierFromProperty): Now uses convertToUint64.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::encodeSharedMemory): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::encodeSemaphore): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::encodeArgument): Added the support for encoding SharedMemory and
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPC::createSharedMemory): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPC::vmPageSize): Added.
(IPC::jsValueForDecodedArgumentValue): Added. Creates a newly added SharedMemory JavaScript
object for SharedMemory::IPCHandle. It also exposes dataSize and protection value.
This decoder detects whether the shared memory is writable or not by attempting to map it
as Protection::ReadWrite and falling back to Protection::ReadOnly if the former fails.
Added tests for sending and receiving shared memory in the IPC testing API.
Also added a test to send semaphore, which was missing in r277199.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/IPCTestingAPI.mm:
(IPCTestingAPI.CanReceiveSharedMemory): Added.
(IPCTestingAPI.CanCreateSharedMemory): Added.
(IPCTestingAPI.CanSendSemaphpre): Added after r277199.
(IPCTestingAPI.CanSendSharedMemory): Added.
- 11:54 AM Changeset in webkit [277249] by
- 6 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Remove uses of the String::toInt family of functions from the WebCore/platform directory
Second half.
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
- platform/mediastream/mac/ScreenDisplayCapturerMac.mm:
(WebCore::ScreenDisplayCapturerMac::create): Use parseInteger<uint32_t>
instead of String::toUIntStrict.
(WebCore::ScreenDisplayCapturerMac::screenCaptureDeviceWithPersistentID): Ditto.
- platform/mediastream/mac/WindowDisplayCapturerMac.mm:
(WebCore::WindowDisplayCapturerMac::create): Ditto.
(WebCore::WindowDisplayCapturerMac::windowCaptureDeviceWithPersistentID): Ditto.
- platform/network/HTTPParsers.cpp:
(WebCore::parseRange): Use parseInteger<long long> instead of
String::toInt64Strict. Also use StringView so we don't allocate substrings on
the heap just to parse integers within an existing string. And removed unneeded
call to stripWhiteSpace in one place since parseInteger already allows leading
and trailing spaces, and in another case where we need to strip because of an
empty string check, used stripLeadingAndTrailingHTTPSpaces instead.
- platform/network/ParsedContentRange.cpp:
(WebCore::parseContentRange): Use parseInteger<int64_t> instead of
- platform/network/ParsedRequestRange.cpp:
(WebCore::ParsedRequestRange::parse): Use parseInteger<uint64_t> instead of
- 11:39 AM ProjectsWorthDoing edited by
- (diff)
- 11:39 AM Changeset in webkit [277248] by
- 1 edit in trunk/Source/WebCore/ChangeLog
fixed ChangeLog
- 11:35 AM Changeset in webkit [277247] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Follow-up to: Remove uses of the String::toInt family of functions from the WebCore/platform directory
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
- html/FTPDirectoryDocument.cpp:
(WebCore::processFilesizeString): Change format to "1000.0" as we discussed.
- 11:31 AM Changeset in webkit [277246] by
- 10 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Remove uses of the String::toInt family of functions from the WebCore/platform directory
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
- platform/DateComponents.cpp: Tweak a comment on the local parseInt function here
that should likely be consolidated with parseInteger at some point.
- platform/Length.cpp:
(WebCore::parseLength): Use parseInteger<int> instead of charactersToIntStrict.
- platform/encryptedmedia/clearkey/CDMClearKey.cpp:
(WebCore::CDMPrivateClearKey::sanitizeSessionId const): Use parseInteger<uint32_t>
instead of String::toUIntStrict.
- platform/graphics/HEVCUtilities.cpp:
(WebCore::parseHEVCCodecParameters): Use parseInteger<uint8/32_t> instead of
(WebCore::parseDoViCodecParameters): Ditto.
- platform/graphics/VP9Utilities.cpp:
(WebCore::parseVPCodecParameters): Ditto.
- platform/graphics/avfoundation/CDMPrivateMediaSourceAVFObjC.mm:
(WebCore::CDMPrivateMediaSourceAVFObjC::parseKeySystem): Use parseInteger<int>
instead of String::toInt. There's no need for the "allow trailing junk" here
because a regular expression is used to check format before we call parseInteger.
Also removed an unnecessary empty string check, since the regular expression
match check will fail on an empty string.
- platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/SourceBufferPrivateAVFObjC.mm:
(WebCore::SourceBufferPrivateAVFObjC::trackDidChangeSelected): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<uint64_t> instead ot toUInt64.
(WebCore::SourceBufferPrivateAVFObjC::trackDidChangeEnabled): Ditto.
(WebCore::SourceBufferPrivateAVFObjC::flush): Ditto.
(WebCore::SourceBufferPrivateAVFObjC::enqueueSample): Ditto.
(WebCore::SourceBufferPrivateAVFObjC::isReadyForMoreSamples): Ditto.
(WebCore::SourceBufferPrivateAVFObjC::notifyClientWhenReadyForMoreSamples): Ditto.
(WebCore::SourceBufferPrivateAVFObjC::canSetMinimumUpcomingPresentationTime const): Ditto.
- platform/graphics/cocoa/HEVCUtilitiesCocoa.mm:
(WebCore::parseStringArrayFromDictionaryToUInt16Vector): Use
parseInteger<uint16_t> instead of toIntegralType<uint16_t>. We could also
consider using -[NSString intValue] here with some range checking instead
of converting to WTF::String.
- platform/mediastream/mac/ScreenDisplayCapturerMac.mm:
(WebCore::ScreenDisplayCapturerMac::create): Use parseInteger<uint32_t>
instead of String::toUIntStrict.
(WebCore::ScreenDisplayCapturerMac::screenCaptureDeviceWithPersistentID): Ditto.
- platform/mediastream/mac/WindowDisplayCapturerMac.mm:
(WebCore::WindowDisplayCapturerMac::create): Ditto.
(WebCore::WindowDisplayCapturerMac::windowCaptureDeviceWithPersistentID): Ditto.
- platform/network/HTTPParsers.cpp:
(WebCore::parseRange): Use parseInteger<long long> instead of
String::toInt64Strict. Also use StringView so we don't allocate substrings on
the heap just to parse integers within an existing string. And removed unneeded
call to stripWhiteSpace in one place since parseInteger already allows leading
and trailing spaces, and in another case where we need to strip because of an
empty string check, used stripLeadingAndTrailingHTTPSpaces instead.
- platform/network/ParsedContentRange.cpp:
(WebCore::parseContentRange): Use parseInteger<int64_t> instead of
- platform/network/ParsedRequestRange.cpp:
(WebCore::ParsedRequestRange::parse): Use parseInteger<uint64_t> instead of
- 11:22 AM Changeset in webkit [277245] by
- 35 edits1 copy1 add in trunk/Source
Remove uses of the String::toInt family of functions from WebCore/html and similar directories
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
- dom/Document.cpp:
(WebCore::Document::createEvent): Fix spelling error.
- html/FTPDirectoryDocument.cpp:
(WebCore::processFilesizeString): Use parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<uint64_t>
instead of String::toUInt64.
- html/FormController.cpp:
(WebCore::deserializeFormControlState): Use parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<size_t>
instead of String::toUInt.
(WebCore::SavedFormState::deserialize): Ditto.
- html/HTMLFontElement.cpp:
(WebCore::parseFontSize): Use parseInteger<int> instead of
- html/HTMLFrameElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLFrameElement::parseAttribute): Use parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int>
instead of String::toInt.
- html/HTMLFrameSetElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLFrameSetElement::parseAttribute): Ditto.
- html/HTMLHRElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLHRElement::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute): Ditto.
- html/HTMLIFrameElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLIFrameElement::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute): Ditto.
- html/HTMLInputElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLInputElement::parseAttribute): Ditto.
- html/HTMLLIElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLLIElement::parseValue): Ditto.
- html/HTMLMarqueeElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLMarqueeElement::loop const): Ditto.
- html/HTMLTableCellElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLTableCellElement::collectStyleForPresentationAttribute): Ditto.
- html/HTMLTableColElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLTableColElement::parseAttribute): Ditto.
- html/HTMLTableElement.cpp:
(WebCore::HTMLTableElement::parseAttribute): Ditto.
- html/LinkIconCollector.cpp:
(WebCore::LinkIconCollector::iconsOfTypes): Use parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<unsigned>
instead of String::toUInt. Also removed unneeded call to stripWhiteSpace since the
integer parsing function already skips leading and trailing spaces.
- html/MediaFragmentURIParser.cpp:
(WebCore::MediaFragmentURIParser::parseNPTTime): Use parseInteger<int> instead of
String::toInt. The strings passsed in are fixed size and all digits.
- html/TypeAhead.cpp:
(WebCore::TypeAhead::handleEvent): Use parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int>
instead of String::toInt.
- html/URLDecomposition.cpp:
(WebCore::URLDecomposition::setHost): Use parseInteger<uint16_t> instead of parseUInt16.
(WebCore::parsePort): Ditto.
- html/shadow/DateTimeNumericFieldElement.cpp:
(WebCore::DateTimeNumericFieldElement::handleKeyboardEvent): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int> instead of String::toInt.
- html/track/VTTScanner.cpp:
(WebCore::VTTScanner::scanDigits): Use parseInteger<int> instead of
- mathml/MathMLSelectElement.cpp:
(WebCore::MathMLSelectElement::getSelectedActionChildAndIndex): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<int> instead of AtomString::toInt.
- wtf/text/StringBuilder.h: Added conversion operator to make a StringView, built on the exiting
is8Bit, characters8, characters16 and length functions. Removed now-uneeded equal function and
and != operators since the StringView ones work for those same cases with the same syntax.
- 11:13 AM ProjectsWorthDoing created by
- 10:43 AM WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 10:42 AM WikiStart edited by
- (diff)
- 2:52 AM Changeset in webkit [277244] by
- 12 edits in trunk
[GPU Process] Simplify DisplayList::Iterator part 6: Migrate ItemBufferWritingClient from ItemHandle to a const Variant&
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
This patch adds a new Variant that contains all the DisplayList item types, named DisplayListItem. It also migrates
ItemBufferWritingClient from ItemHandle to this new Variant.
There are two benefits to this:
- The templated overload of ItemBuffer::append() is way simpler now. Previously, we used to allocate a byte buffer
on the stack and run a placement new of the display list item type into it. Now, we can just run the DisplayListItem
constructor instead. Using the Variant does require more stack space, but we only will ever have one of these objects
on the stack at a time.
- The big table inside RemoteImageBufferProxy::encodeItemOutOfLine() is gone, and is replaced with just 7 lines. This is
one fewer place where we'll have to make sure the DisplayListItem types match a function in an entirely different
No new tests, because there is no behavior change.
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListItemBuffer.cpp:
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListItemBuffer.h:
(WebCore::DisplayList::ItemBufferWritingClient::requiredSizeForItem const):
(WebCore::DisplayList::ItemBufferWritingClient::encodeItemOutOfLine const):
(WebCore::DisplayList::ItemBufferWritingClient::encodeItemInline const):
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListItemType.cpp:
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListItems.h:
- platform/graphics/displaylists/InMemoryDisplayList.cpp:
(WebCore::DisplayList::InMemoryDisplayList::WritingClient::requiredSizeForItem const):
(WebCore::DisplayList::InMemoryDisplayList::WritingClient::encodeItemInline const):
- platform/graphics/displaylists/InMemoryDisplayList.h:
- WebProcess/GPU/graphics/RemoteImageBufferProxy.h:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebCore/DisplayListTests.cpp:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebCore/cg/DisplayListTestsCG.cpp:
- 12:17 AM Changeset in webkit [277243] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
[Cocoa] Unify last resort fallback font between all Cocoa ports
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Just remove an unnecessary #if.
Covered by existing tests.
- platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCacheCoreText.cpp:
May 8, 2021:
- 9:53 PM Changeset in webkit [277242] by
- 14 edits in trunk/Source
[GPUP] A small video element enters fullscreen with strange animations
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
instead ofIntRect
to exchange video element location/size
information between WebContent processes and the UI process to avoid information
mismatch due to floating-point rounding.
Manually tested.
- platform/ios/VideoFullscreenInterfaceAVKit.h:
- platform/ios/VideoFullscreenInterfaceAVKit.mm:
Deal with the video element resizing differently for two cases:
1) Video is playing in the inline mode.
2) Video is entering fullscreen/picture-in-picture.
For the latter case,-[WKVideoLayerRemote layoutSublayers]
will scale the layer
with the same factor in both X and Y direction.
- GPUProcess/media/RemoteMediaPlayerProxy.h:
- GPUProcess/media/RemoteMediaPlayerProxy.messages.in:
- GPUProcess/media/cocoa/RemoteMediaPlayerProxyCocoa.mm:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/VideoFullscreenManagerProxy.h:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/VideoFullscreenManagerProxy.messages.in:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/VideoFullscreenManagerProxy.mm:
- WebProcess/GPU/media/MediaPlayerPrivateRemote.cpp:
(WebKit::MediaPlayerPrivateRemote::inVideoFullscreenOrPictureInPicture const):
- WebProcess/GPU/media/MediaPlayerPrivateRemote.h:
- WebProcess/GPU/media/cocoa/VideoLayerRemoteCocoa.mm:
(-[WKVideoLayerRemote layoutSublayers]):
(-[WKVideoLayerRemote resolveBounds]):
- WebProcess/cocoa/VideoFullscreenManager.mm:
- 9:31 PM Changeset in webkit [277241] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/ThirdParty/ANGLE
[WinCairo] Remove linker warning on ANGLE
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
libANGLE is statically linked to libGLESv2.dll so that declspec(dllimport) is not required here.
- include/platform/PlatformMethods.h:
- 9:15 PM Changeset in webkit [277240] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore
Remove calls to the String::toInt family of functions from JavaScriptCore
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
- inspector/agents/InspectorDebuggerAgent.cpp:
(Inspector::parseLocation): Use parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<JSC::SourceID>
instead of String::toIntPtr. There was no reason to parse the source ID as a
signed integer, and it's more elegant to parse the type we intend to store and
process, not a different but similar type.
(Inspector::InspectorDebuggerAgent::searchInContent): Ditto.
(Inspector::InspectorDebuggerAgent::getScriptSource): Ditto.
- inspector/agents/InspectorRuntimeAgent.cpp:
(Inspector::InspectorRuntimeAgent::getRuntimeTypesForVariablesAtOffsets): Use
parseInteger<uintptr_t> instead of String::toIntPtrStrict.
(Inspector::InspectorRuntimeAgent::getBasicBlocks): Use
parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<uintptr_t> instead of String::toIntPtr.
- runtime/FuzzerPredictions.cpp:
(JSC::FuzzerPredictions::FuzzerPredictions): Use parseInteger<uint64_t>
instead of String::toUInt64Strict.
- 9:09 PM Changeset in webkit [277239] by
- 7 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Remove uses of the WTF::String::toInt family of functions from WebKit framework sources
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
- NetworkProcess/cache/CacheStorageEngine.cpp:
(WebKit::CacheStorage::Engine::readSizeFile): Use parseInteger<uint64_t>
instead of charactersToUIntStrict. Also simplified the code a bit by
reducing the mixing of integer types in the function.
- NetworkProcess/cache/NetworkCacheStorage.cpp:
(WebKit::NetworkCache::Storage::deleteOldVersions): Use parseInteger<unsigned>
instead of String::toUIntStrict. Also use StringView::substring so we don't
have to allocate a copy of a substring just to parse it.
- Shared/EntryPointUtilities/Cocoa/XPCService/XPCServiceEntryPoint.mm:
(WebKit::XPCServiceInitializerDelegate::getClientSDKVersion): Use
parseInteger<uint32_t> instead of charactersToUIntStrict. Also let the
StringView constructor take care of converting the const char*
so we don't have to write explicit calls to std::strlen here.
(WebKit::XPCServiceInitializerDelegate::getProcessIdentifier): Use
parseInteger<uint64_t> instead of String::toUInt64Strict. Also pass the
const char* as a StringView rather than converting it to a String so we
don't have to allocate a copy of the string just to parse it.
- Shared/Plugins/Netscape/mac/NetscapePluginModuleMac.mm:
(WebKit::PluginVersion::parse): Use parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<unsigned>
instead of String::toUInt. Also use StringView::split instead of String::split
so we don't have to allocate memory for all the substrings and a range-based
for loop for simplicity.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebView.mm:
(coreTextManipulationItemIdentifierFromString): Use -[NSString longLongValue]
instead of String::toUInt64. There's no need to parse this unsigned because
the values will fit in 63 bits just fine, and it's nice to use NSString
directly rather than copying the string just to parse the integer in it.
(coreTextManipulationTokenIdentifierFromString): Ditto.
- WebProcess/Plugins/Netscape/NetscapeBrowserFuncs.cpp:
(WebKit::parsePostBuffer): Use parseIntegerAllowingTrailingJunk<unsigned>
instead of String::toInt. The length can't be negative; it was not helpful
to parse negative numbers before and this is a small bug fix, but in a code
path that is probably not used for much of anything any more.
- 7:18 PM Changeset in webkit [277238] by
- 12 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore
[JSC] Fix invalid exception checks after recent ErrorInstance changes
Reviewed by Alexey Shvayka.
r277221 and r277224 each introduced issues under validateExceptionChecks=1; this patch fixes them.
Of particular note:
The earlier patch sought to consolidate Error#cause logic under ErrorInstance::finishCreation.
This part must be undone as it is crucial that non-user-thrown errors be able to bypass that logic
(otherwise throwException itself would need to be exception-checked).
- runtime/AggregateError.cpp:
- runtime/ArrayPrototype.cpp:
- runtime/Error.cpp:
- runtime/ErrorInstance.cpp:
- runtime/ErrorInstance.h:
- runtime/JSObject.h:
- runtime/JSObjectInlines.h:
- runtime/NullSetterFunction.cpp:
- wasm/js/JSWebAssemblyCompileError.cpp:
- wasm/js/JSWebAssemblyLinkError.cpp:
- wasm/js/JSWebAssemblyRuntimeError.cpp:
- 6:29 PM Changeset in webkit [277237] by
- 39 edits2 adds in trunk/Source
Factor out pixel buffer from DOM specific ImageData class
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Prepare to fix layering violating use of DOM level ImageData being
used by platform code by factoring out the pixel storage into a new
PixelBuffer class. Since it will be a little more general that
ImageData is now (though ImageData will need to gain these soon)
PixelBuffer also captures the pixel format and color space the pixel
data represents.
While here, update ImageData::data() to return a reference rather than
a pointer to indicate it is never null and update all the callers.
- Headers.cmake:
- Sources.txt:
- WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- bindings/js/JSImageDataCustom.cpp:
- bindings/js/SerializedScriptValue.cpp:
- html/ImageBitmap.cpp:
- html/ImageData.cpp:
(WebCore::ImageData::deepClone const):
- html/ImageData.h:
(WebCore::ImageData::size const):
(WebCore::ImageData::width const):
(WebCore::ImageData::height const):
(WebCore::ImageData::data const):
(WebCore::ImageData::colorSpace const):
(WebCore::ImageData::format const):
- html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2DBase.cpp:
- html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContextBase.cpp:
- inspector/InspectorCanvas.cpp:
- platform/graphics/GraphicsContextGL.cpp:
- platform/graphics/ImageBufferBackend.cpp:
(WebCore::ImageBufferBackend::getImageData const):
- platform/graphics/PixelBuffer.cpp: Added.
(WebCore::PixelBuffer::deepClone const):
- platform/graphics/PixelBuffer.h: Added.
(WebCore::PixelBuffer::colorSpace const):
(WebCore::PixelBuffer::format const):
(WebCore::PixelBuffer::size const):
(WebCore::PixelBuffer::data const):
- platform/graphics/ShadowBlur.cpp:
- platform/graphics/angle/GraphicsContextGLANGLE.cpp:
- platform/graphics/cg/GraphicsContextGLCG.cpp:
- platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferCGBackend.cpp:
(WebCore::ImageBufferCGBackend::toCFData const):
- platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferUtilitiesCG.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEColorMatrix.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEComponentTransfer.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEComposite.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEConvolveMatrix.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEDisplacementMap.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEDropShadow.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEGaussianBlur.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FELighting.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FEMorphology.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FETurbulence.cpp:
- platform/graphics/filters/FilterEffect.cpp:
- rendering/shapes/Shape.cpp:
Update for ImageData::data() returning a reference.
- GPUProcess/graphics/RemoteRenderingBackend.cpp:
- Shared/WebCoreArgumentCoders.cpp:
- WebProcess/GPU/graphics/RemoteImageBufferProxy.h:
- 6:26 PM Changeset in webkit [277236] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKitLegacy/mac
[Cocoa] Remove the one use of String::toInt from WebKitLegacy
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
- DOM/DOMHTMLInputElement.mm:
(-[DOMHTMLInputElement setSize:]): Use -[NSString intValue] instead of WTF::String::toInt.
Both functions ignore leading spaces, and both ignore trailing junk, so there is no
significant change in behavior.
- 6:17 PM Changeset in webkit [277235] by
- 16 edits2 deletes in trunk
REGRESSION (r276797?): [ macOS/iOS ] TestWebKitAPI.URLSchemeHandler.Exceptions is flakey crashing
Patch by Alex Christensen <achristensen@webkit.org> on 2021-05-08
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
This patch fixes three problems related to the lifetime of WKURLSchemeTasks:
- There was an unneeded abstraction API::URLSchemeTask which wrapped a WebURLSchemeTask, which could have a different lifetime than its owner. This is especially bad since at least one was used on multiple threads.
- We weren't explicitly keeping a strong reference to the task given to the API client in startURLSchemeTask: and stopURLSchemeTask: which could cause all our internal maps to release their references to the task after the first call to didFailWithError and there was a test that did multiple calls to didFailWithError and verifies it throws an NSException the second time.
- We were keeping a HashSet of raw WebURLSchemeHandler pointers, then using each of them without keeping it alive.
This is covered by at least the URLSchemeHandler.Exceptions API test which would crash in many exciting places before this but doesn't crash after this.
- Sources.txt:
- UIProcess/API/APIURLSchemeTask.cpp: Removed.
- UIProcess/API/APIURLSchemeTask.h: Removed.
- UIProcess/API/C/WKTestingSupport.cpp:
(WKGetAPIURLSchemeTaskInstanceCount): Deleted.
- UIProcess/API/C/WKTestingSupport.h:
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKURLSchemeTask.mm:
(-[WKURLSchemeTaskImpl init]):
(-[WKURLSchemeTaskImpl dealloc]):
(-[WKURLSchemeTaskImpl request]):
(-[WKURLSchemeTaskImpl _requestOnlyIfCached]):
(-[WKURLSchemeTaskImpl _willPerformRedirection:newRequest:completionHandler:]):
(-[WKURLSchemeTaskImpl didReceiveResponse:]):
(-[WKURLSchemeTaskImpl didReceiveData:]):
(-[WKURLSchemeTaskImpl didFinish]):
(-[WKURLSchemeTaskImpl didFailWithError:]):
(-[WKURLSchemeTaskImpl _didPerformRedirection:newRequest:]):
(-[WKURLSchemeTaskImpl _frame]):
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKURLSchemeTaskInternal.h:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WebURLSchemeHandlerCocoa.h:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WebURLSchemeHandlerCocoa.mm:
(WebKit::WebURLSchemeHandlerCocoa::platformTaskCompleted): Deleted.
- UIProcess/Inspector/socket/RemoteInspectorProtocolHandler.h:
- UIProcess/Inspector/win/InspectorResourceURLSchemeHandler.h:
- UIProcess/WebPageProxy.cpp:
- UIProcess/WebURLSchemeHandler.cpp:
- UIProcess/WebURLSchemeHandler.h:
- UIProcess/WebURLSchemeTask.h:
- WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/WKURLSchemeHandler-leaks.mm:
- 5:59 PM Changeset in webkit [277234] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WTF
Rename toIntegralType to parseInteger and prepare to use it to replace all our integer-parsing functions
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
I have a much larger patch that replaces all the many toInt functions with these parseInteger
function templates. The parseInteger ones take StringView, which means we can pass almost any
type of string or character/length pair including a substring without allocating a new string,
return Optional rather than using an out argument to report failure, take the integer type as
a template parameter so can be used for precisely the desired type at each call site, and make
the "allow trailing junk" feature explicit, rather than implicitly including it in the shortest
named functions, which I hope will discourage people from using that junk-ignoring mode
when it's not desirable.
Also includes adoption of parseInteger within WTF itself, outside the string classes.
My plan is to land the rest of adoption of this in chunks so we can review carefully and spot
mistakes as we go. Then return to files like WTFString.h and remove the many old functions
this replaces, including the String::toInt and charactersToInt families of functions.
- wtf/URL.cpp:
(WTF::URL::port const): Use parseInteger<uint16_t>.
(WTF::URL::setHostAndPort): Ditto.
- wtf/text/StringToIntegerConversion.h: Refactored the existing code to tighten things up
a bit, and got rid of overloads that take pointer and length and the the generic "any string
type" feature, since StringView already works well for that. Renamed toIntegralType to
parseInteger, leaving the old name behind to ease the transition while adopting parseInteger.
- wtf/text/WTFString.cpp:
(WTF::toDoubleType): Use the TrailingJunkPolicy enumeration from the
StringToIntegerConversion.h header.
(WTF::charactersToDouble): Ditto.
(WTF::charactersToFloat): Ditto.
- 5:51 PM Changeset in webkit [277233] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
[Cocoa] Unify font collection handling between all Cocoa ports
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Just remove an unnecessary #if.
Covered by existing tests.
- platform/graphics/mac/FontCustomPlatformData.cpp:
- 5:13 PM Changeset in webkit [277232] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Add bounds checks around calls to GlyphBuffer::stringOffsetAt()
Reviewed by Simon Fraser and Geoff Garen.
We're getting crash reports that look like they're from string offsets being out-of-bounds.
These string offsets round-trip through Core Text, which is allowed to modify them, which
can end up making them out-of-bounds.
No new tests because I don't have a reproducible test case; just crash reports.
- platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp:
- platform/graphics/GlyphBuffer.h:
(WebCore::GlyphBuffer::uncheckedStringOffsetAt const):
(WebCore::GlyphBuffer::checkedStringOffsetAt const):
(WebCore::GlyphBuffer::stringOffsetAt const): Deleted.
- platform/graphics/WidthIterator.cpp:
- 3:35 PM Changeset in webkit [277231] by
- 9 edits in trunk
Port Filesystem::pathByAppendingComponent() & Filesystem:: pathByAppendingComponents() to std::filesystem
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Build fix.
- Configurations/JavaScriptCore.xcconfig:
Port Filesystem::pathByAppendingComponent() & Filesystem:: pathByAppendingComponents() to std::filesystem
and get rid of platform-specific implementations.
- wtf/FileSystem.cpp:
- wtf/glib/FileSystemGlib.cpp:
- wtf/posix/FileSystemPOSIX.cpp:
- wtf/win/FileSystemWin.cpp:
Add API test coverage.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WTF/FileSystem.cpp:
- 10:56 AM Changeset in webkit [277230] by
- 7 edits in trunk
Fix a typo
Patch by Ricky Mondello <Ricky Mondello> on 2021-05-08
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
- loader/LinkLoader.cpp:
Update test expectations.
- http/tests/in-app-browser-privacy/context-string-preconnect-expected.txt:
- http/tests/preconnect/link-header-rel-preconnect-http-expected.txt:
- http/tests/preconnect/link-rel-preconnect-http-expected.txt:
- http/tests/preconnect/link-rel-preconnect-https-expected.txt:
- 9:54 AM Changeset in webkit [277229] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WTF
[GLIB] REGRESSION(r277158) imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/xhr/FormData-append.html is crashing
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
- wtf/FileSystem.cpp:
(WTF::FileSystemImpl::fileIsDirectory): Remove unnecessary path.isEmpty check.
- wtf/glib/FileSystemGlib.cpp:
(WTF::FileSystemImpl::fileSystemRepresentation): Return empty CString if path is empty.
- 8:03 AM Changeset in webkit [277228] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
Increase stored AppHighlight character limit to 500
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
- Modules/highlight/AppHighlightStorage.cpp:
- 7:12 AM Changeset in webkit [277227] by
- 1 copy in releases/WPE WebKit/webkit-2.32.1
WPE WebKit 2.32.1
- 7:11 AM Changeset in webkit [277226] by
- 4 edits in releases/WebKitGTK/webkit-2.32
Unreviewed. Update OptionsWPE.cmake and NEWS for the 2.32.1 release
- Source/cmake/OptionsWPE.cmake: Bump version numbers.
- wpe/NEWS: Add release notes for 2.32.1
- 3:43 AM Changeset in webkit [277225] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
[SOUP] Use the new libsoup network metrics API
Reviewed by Michael Catanzaro.
Use the new API available in libsoup3. It provides more accurate information for time metrics and also size
metrics that were missing.
- NetworkProcess/soup/NetworkDataTaskSoup.cpp:
- NetworkProcess/soup/NetworkDataTaskSoup.h:
- 12:32 AM Changeset in webkit [277224] by
- 5 edits in trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore
Introduce JSObject::getIfPropertyExists helper
Reviewed by Alexey Shvayka.
Suggested by Alexey during review of r277221.
ArrayPrototype also has a "Has-guarded Get", so it's helpful for JSObject to house this functionality.
- runtime/ArrayPrototype.cpp:
- runtime/ErrorInstance.cpp:
- runtime/JSObject.h:
- runtime/JSObjectInlines.h:
May 7, 2021:
- 9:32 PM Changeset in webkit [277223] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[WPE] Tentative gardening of crashes after last sdk update
Unreviewed test gardening.
Likely more crashes will appear from tests not run due to these
- platform/wpe/TestExpectations:
- 6:48 PM Changeset in webkit [277222] by
- 4 edits2 adds in trunk
[css-flexbox] Flex item construction may affect sibling flex item height computation
Reviewed by Sergio Villar Senin.
Flex item construction triggers layout both on the flex item and on its descendants (see constructFlexItem).
During this layout a percent height descendant may indirectly set an incorrect value on the flex container's
m_hasDefiniteHeight (this is due to the odd way we choose to resolve percent height values on the ancestor chain,
see setOverridingContainingBlockContentLogicalHeight(WTF::nullopt)).
Now this incorrect m_hasDefiniteHeight value (Indefinite) causes the next sibling's (also) percent height
resolve fail as it tells the flex item that the flex container can't help with resolving the percent height value.
As the result we end up with an incorrect, 0px height value for this sibling.
<div style="height: 100px; display: flex; flex-direction: column;">
<div id=flexItemA style="height: 50px;"><div style="height: 100%;"></div></div>
<div id=flexItemB style="height: 50%;"></div>
By the time we get to the construction of flexItemB, the RenderFlexibleBox's (flex container) m_hasDefiniteHeight
is already (and incorrectly) set to Indefinite as the result of us trying to resolve flexItemA's descendant height percentage.
This Indefinite value makes the flexItemB's height resolution fail as we believe that the flex container has indefinite height
e.g "height: auto", while it is clearly resolvable (50% of 100px).
Now if we flip the order and flexItemB comes first, the test case passes fine.
It is very unfortunate that some descendant height resolving process can trigger a state change on the ancestor RenderFlexibleBox, but
fixing it would certainly require some substantial architectural change (e.g. pushing down the constraints to the geometry functions instead of
walking the containing block chain).
In this patch, we just scope m_hasDefiniteHeight so that the RenderFlexibleBox's state is not effected by the flex item construction.
Test: fast/flexbox/flex-column-with-percent-height-descendants.html
- rendering/RenderFlexibleBox.cpp:
- fast/flexbox/flex-column-with-percent-height-descendants-expected.html: Added.
- fast/flexbox/flex-column-with-percent-height-descendants.html: Added.
- 6:26 PM Changeset in webkit [277221] by
- 6 edits in trunk
[JSC] Error#cause must recognize explicit undefined
Reviewed by Alexey Shvayka.
- test262/config.yaml:
Re-enable tests for this feature; they were all failing due to this quirk.
Error#cause is specified such that
new Error(message, {})
andnew Error(message, { cause: undefined })
are not the same -- namely, the latter should create a property descriptor with an undefinedvalue
This would seem absurd, but the reason is because the
field is meant to store a thrown object,
andthrow undefined;
is valid code.
In aligning our implementation with the spec, this patch also consolidates the relevant logic in one place
(ErrorInstance::finishCreation) to minimize confusion.
- runtime/AggregateError.cpp:
- runtime/ErrorInstance.cpp:
- runtime/ErrorInstance.h:
- 6:08 PM Changeset in webkit [277220] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Websites/perf.webkit.org
Add support for syncing repo with commit revision label.
Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.
Add new syncing option reportRevisionIdentifier, which will let the script try to sync the commit revision identifier from the commit message.
Add new syncing option reportSVNRevision, which will let the script try to report SVN revision from a git-svn repo.
- tools/sync-commits.py:
- 6:05 PM Changeset in webkit [277219] by
- 7 edits in trunk
Port FileSystem::pathGetFileName() & Filesystem::directoryName() to std::filesystem
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Port FileSystem::pathGetFileName() & Filesystem::directoryName() to std::filesystem so
that we can get rid of platform-specific implementions.
- wtf/FileSystem.cpp:
- wtf/glib/FileSystemGlib.cpp:
(WTF::FileSystemImpl::pathGetFileName): Deleted.
(WTF::FileSystemImpl::directoryName): Deleted.
- wtf/posix/FileSystemPOSIX.cpp:
(WTF::FileSystemImpl::pathGetFileName): Deleted.
(WTF::FileSystemImpl::directoryName): Deleted.
- wtf/win/FileSystemWin.cpp:
(WTF::FileSystemImpl::pathGetFileName): Deleted.
(WTF::FileSystemImpl::directoryName): Deleted.
Add API test coverage.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WTF/FileSystem.cpp:
- 6:04 PM Changeset in webkit [277218] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
[iOS] [GPU] Silence warning about com.apple.audio.AudioComponentRegistrar in the WebContent process
Reviewed by Per Arne Vollan.
We block access to various media things (like 'com.apple.audio.AudioComponentRegistrar') when the GPU Process is being used.
Some AudioToolbox code continues to try to connect even though we are not activating relevant parts of the audio subsystem.
AudioToolbox doesn't care about this blocked connection when running in this mode, but they have not had a chance to modify
the framework to avoid attempting to connect.
To avoid spurious logging and telemetry, silence the sandbox violation when the GPU Process is active.
- Resources/SandboxProfiles/ios/com.apple.WebKit.WebContent.sb:
- 5:38 PM Changeset in webkit [277217] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
[macOS] [GPU] Process is missing access to IOMobileFramebufferUserClient on Apple Silicon
Reviewed by Jer Noble.
Apple Silicon GPU Process needs access to IOMobileFramebufferUserClient for certain types of media playback. We allow this
on iOS, and in the WebContent process, but missed it in the GPU Process.
- GPUProcess/mac/com.apple.WebKit.GPUProcess.sb.in:
- 5:31 PM Changeset in webkit [277216] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[BigSur Release Wk2 Arm64] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/navigation-timing/test_performance_attributes.sub.html is flaky failing
Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 5:30 PM Changeset in webkit [277215] by
- 13 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
Validate Swift async imports.
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
Audit our imported Objective-C API for correct translations to Swift's
upcoming concurrency feature. This mostly entails removing redundant
words, tagging methods which Swift's heuristics missed, and in some
cases disabling methods that do not follow Swift's async conventions.
- Shared/API/Cocoa/WKFoundation.h: Because the Foundation macros used
for Swift async won't exist in all SDKs, provide our own wrapper around
them to avoid undefined macro errors.
- SwiftOverlay/Configurations/WebKitSwiftOverlay.xcconfig: Passing these
flags to older tools will result in errors, so only so conditionally.
- SwiftOverlay/WebKitSwiftOverlay.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Added a
new source file reference for generated sources. These will be copied
from WebKitAdditions if available, or replaced with empty sources for
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/NSAttributedString.h: Adopt new attributes to
define an explicit Swift async name.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKContentRuleListStore.h: Ditto.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKDownloadDelegate.h: In this case I also apply
NS_SWIFT_NAME as the "decisionHandler" argument would otherwise not
import as async. Despite using a different macro, I'm just using
NS_SWIFT_ASYNC_NAME to check for these changes as all these annotations
should exist or not-exist at once.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKHTTPCookieStore.h: Ditto.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKNavigationDelegate.h: Ditto.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKScriptMessageHandlerWithReply.h: Ditto.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKUIDelegate.h: Ditto.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebView.h: _Nullable_result is a new annotation
which specifies that the result and error are not mutually exclusive,
but rather than we can expect a nil result in cases where there are not
an error. For the same reason as above, we only want to refer to this
keyword conditionally.
- UIProcess/API/Cocoa/WKWebsiteDataStore.h: Ditto.
- 5:22 PM Changeset in webkit [277214] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[BigSur Release Wk2 Arm64] inspector/css/node-styles-refreshed.html is a flaky failure
Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 5:01 PM Changeset in webkit [277213] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI
Web Inspector: Breakpoint action add/remove buttons are not vertically aligned with action dropdown
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Change the breakpoint action add/remove button's
, and adjust the value to
properly vertically center the buttons with the action type menu.
- UserInterface/Views/BreakpointActionView.css:
(:matches(.breakpoint-action-append-button, .breakpoint-action-remove-button)):
- 4:59 PM Changeset in webkit [277212] by
- 4 edits in trunk/Source/WebInspectorUI
Web Inspector: Default source for new test cases is minified
Reviewed by Devin Rousso.
Move the placeholder test code to
as part of the non-minified sources so that new audit test
cases do not have their default placeholder script minified. This also allows us to remove
as it is no longer needed.
- UserInterface/Models/AuditTestCase.js:
(WI.AuditTestCase.stringifyFunction): Deleted.
- UserInterface/NonMinified/DefaultAudits.js:
- UserInterface/Views/CreateAuditPopover.js:
(WI.CreateAuditPopover.prototype.dismiss.const.placeholderTestFunction): Deleted.
- 4:49 PM Changeset in webkit [277211] by
- 1 copy in tags/Safari-611.3.2
Tag Safari-611.3.2.
- 4:46 PM Changeset in webkit [277210] by
- 13 edits2 copies3 adds in trunk/Source
Add an experimental alternative display-list-based RemoteLayerBackingStore implementation
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
- Shared/RemoteLayerTree/CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend.cpp: Added.
(WebKit::CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend::createImageBufferBackendHandle const):
(WebKit::CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend::context const):
(WebKit::CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend::backendSize const):
(WebKit::CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend::bytesPerRow const):
(WebKit::CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend::copyNativeImage const):
(WebKit::CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend::toBGRAData const):
(WebKit::CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend::getImageData const):
- Shared/RemoteLayerTree/CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend.h: Added.
Add an ImageBuffer backend backed by a CG display list.
- Shared/RemoteLayerTree/RemoteLayerBackingStore.h:
Add a new RemoteLayerBackingStore type that uses CGDisplayListImageBufferBackend.
- Shared/RemoteLayerTree/RemoteLayerBackingStore.mm:
(WebKit::RemoteLayerBackingStore::encode const):
Disable partial repaint if using display-list-based backing store,
because we don't currently have any way to mutate display lists.
When applying a display-list-based backing store to a layer, we just
pass the encodede data directly to the layer, and tell it to use the
display list to render.
- SourcesCocoa.txt:
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/RemoteLayerTreeNode.mm:
(-[WKPlainRemoteLayer description]): Deleted.
Move WKPlainRemoteLayer to RemoteLayerTreeLayers, and rename it to WKCompositingLayer.
It will now back all WKCompositingViews.
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/cocoa/RemoteLayerTreeLayers.h: Added.
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/cocoa/RemoteLayerTreeLayers.mm: Added.
(-[WKCompositingLayer description]):
(-[WKCompositingLayer _setWKContentsDisplayList:]):
(-[WKCompositingLayer _wkContentsDisplayList]):
(-[WKCompositingLayer drawInContext:]):
Make WKCompositingLayer replay the given display list in drawRect
(just because we're currently missing API to actually directly pass
the encoded display list data to CA).
- UIProcess/RemoteLayerTree/ios/RemoteLayerTreeViews.mm:
(+[WKCompositingView layerClass]):
Use WKCompositingLayer as the layer class for all WKCompositingViews.
- WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- WebProcess/GPU/graphics/ImageBufferBackendHandle.h:
- WebProcess/WebPage/RemoteLayerTree/PlatformCALayerRemote.cpp:
- WebProcess/WebPage/RemoteLayerTree/RemoteLayerTreeContext.h:
(WebKit::RemoteLayerTreeContext::useCGDisplayListsForDOMRendering const):
- WebProcess/WebPage/RemoteLayerTree/RemoteLayerTreeDrawingArea.mm:
Plumb the internal feature flag from WebPreferences to RemoteLayerTreeContext
to PlatformCALayerRemote to RemoteLayerBackingStore; if the preference is
on and the feature is available, we'll always prefer display-list backed
surfaces over either of the bitmap types.
- Scripts/Preferences/WebPreferencesInternal.yaml:
- 4:03 PM Changeset in webkit [277209] by
- 4 edits in trunk
[iOS] Make AccessibilityReduceMotion test case work on iOS
Reviewed by Per Arne Vollan.
New tests for Accessibility-related features were added in Bug 215664, but only for macOS.
We support these same features on iOS, and should have test coverage.
Tested by AccessibilityReduceMotion.mm.
- Platform/spi/Cocoa/AccessibilitySupportSPI.h:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit/AccessibilityReduceMotion.mm:
- 3:55 PM Changeset in webkit [277208] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
[iOS] [GPU] Silence warning about com.apple.fontservicesd
Reviewed by Per Arne Vollan.
We silenced the warnings about blocked connections to 'com.apple.fontservicesd' in the WebContent process in Bug 220320. We should
have done the same to the GPU Process to avoid spurious reports and telemetry.
- Resources/SandboxProfiles/ios/com.apple.WebKit.GPU.sb:
- 3:33 PM Changeset in webkit [277207] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[ BigSur Release wk2 ARM64 ] http/tests/workers/service/self_registration.html is a flaky timeout
Unreviewed test gardening.
Updating expectations to Pass Timeout for BigSur Release wk 2 on Apple Silicon.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 3:23 PM Changeset in webkit [277206] by
- 5 edits in trunk
Unreviewed, reverting r277201.
Includes project file change.
Reverted changeset:
"[iOS] Make AccessibilityReduceMotion test case work on iOS"
- 3:05 PM Changeset in webkit [277205] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
REGRESSION (r277071): imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/mediaqueries/test_media_queries.html is failing
Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/mac/TestExpectations: Resolve an issue with conflicting test expectations entries.
- 3:02 PM Changeset in webkit [277204] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[ BigSur Release wk2 ARM64 ] http/tests/misc/repeat-open-cancel.html is a flaky timeout
Unreviewed test gardening.
Updating test expectations to Pass Timeout for Bigsur wk2 Release arm64.
- platform/mac-wk2/TestExpectations:
- 3:00 PM Changeset in webkit [277203] by
- 3 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
[iOS] fix inconsistency around the meaning of
between WebKit and AVKit
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
In AVKit, the
is used when playback starts, such as resuming after
pausing. In WebKit, however,defaultPlaybackRate
is only used when first loading and after
ending scanning, with theplaybackRate
being used in all other cases, including when
resuming after pausing. As such, WebKit should return theplaybackRate
instead of the
in these cases when communicating with AVKit.
- platform/ios/WebAVPlayerController.mm:
(-[WebAVPlayerController setRate:]):
if not paused (i.e.rate != 0
) since WebKit's definition of
does not change when paused.
- platform/ios/PlaybackSessionInterfaceAVKit.mm:
Make sure tosetDefaultPlaybackRate:
as the latter can affect the former.
- 2:54 PM Changeset in webkit [277202] by
- 7 edits2 adds in trunk
Do not try to remove and already removed node while deleting selection
Patch by Carlos Garcia Campos <cgarcia@igalia.com> on 2021-05-07
Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.
Test: editing/inserting/insert-text-force-repaint-on-load-crash.html
- editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp:
(WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::removeNode): Return early if the given node doesn't have a parent anymore.
Add new API to allow tests to trigger a force repaint on load finished.
- WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/Bindings/TestRunner.idl:
- WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/InjectedBundlePage.cpp:
- WebKitTestRunner/InjectedBundle/TestRunner.h:
- editing/inserting/insert-text-force-repaint-on-load-crash-expected.txt: Added.
- editing/inserting/insert-text-force-repaint-on-load-crash.html: Added.
- 2:42 PM Changeset in webkit [277201] by
- 5 edits in trunk
[iOS] Make AccessibilityReduceMotion test case work on iOS
New tests for Accessibility-related features were added in Bug 215664, but only for macOS.
We support these same features on iOS, and should have test coverage.
Reviewed by Per Arne Vollan.
Tested by AccessibilityReduceMotion.mm.
- Platform/spi/Cocoa/AccessibilitySupportSPI.h:
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKit/AccessibilityReduceMotion.mm:
- 2:40 PM Changeset in webkit [277200] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
REGRESSION: [ BigSurE Release wk 2] webrtc/video-replace-muted-track.html is a flaky text failure
Unreviewed test gardening.
Updating test expectations to Pass Failure
- platform/mac/TestExpectations:
- 2:32 PM Changeset in webkit [277199] by
- 6 edits in trunk
IPC testing API should have the ability to create and receive IPC::Semaphore
Reviewed by Wenson Hsieh.
This patch adds the capability to create IPC::Semaphore for IPC testing purposes.
It adds IPC.createSemaphore which creates a JavaScript object representing a semaphore
with signal and waitFor methods like IPC::Semaphore but waitFor taking milliseconds
to be consistent with other JavaScript APIs.
This patch also adds the support for encoding RemoteRenderingBackendCreationParameters
to facilitate creating a remote rendering backend during IPC testing.
Tests: TestWebKitAPI.IPCTestingAPI.CanReceiveIPCSemaphore
- Platform/IPC/JSIPCBinding.cpp:
(IPC::jsValueForDecodedArgumentValue): Takes r-value reference since IPC::Semaphore
doesn't have a copy constructor.
- Platform/IPC/JSIPCBinding.h:
(IPC::jsValueForDecodedArgumentValue): Ditto. Added a specialization for IPC::Semaphore.
- WebProcess/WebPage/IPCTestingAPI.cpp:
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::create): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::exchange): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::JSIPCSemaphore): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::createTypeError): Moved up.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::createJSWrapper): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::wrapperClass): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::unwrap): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::toWrapped): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::initialize): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::finalize): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::staticFunctions): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::signal): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPCSemaphore::waitFor): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPC::staticFunctions): Added IPC.createSemaphore.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::getObjectIdentifierFromProperty): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::encodeRemoteRenderingBackendCreationParameters): Added.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::encodeArgument): Added the support for encoding
RemoteRenderingBackendCreationParameters as an IPC argument.
(WebKit::IPCTestingAPI::JSIPC::createSemaphore): Added.
(IPC::jsValueForDecodedArgumentValue): Defined the aforementioned specialization for
IPC::Semaphore with IPCTestingAPI .
Added tests to make sure IPC testing API allows creation of a semaphore,
and receiving one as a reply to an IPC message.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/IPCTestingAPI.mm:
(IPCTestingAPI.CanReceiveIPCSemaphore): Added.
(IPCTestingAPI.CanCreateIPCSemaphore): Added.
- 2:28 PM Changeset in webkit [277198] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
REGRESSION: [ BigSurE Release wk 2] webrtc/direction-change.html is a flaky text failure
Unreviewed test gardening.
Updating test expectation to Pass Failure.
- platform/mac/TestExpectations:
- 2:14 PM Changeset in webkit [277197] by
- 43 edits29 adds in trunk/JSTests
Update test262 (2021.05.07)
Reviewed by Alexey Shvayka.
- test262/config.yaml:
- test262/expectations.yaml:
- test262/latest-changes-summary.txt:
- test262/test/:
- test262/test262-Revision.txt:
- 1:28 PM Changeset in webkit [277196] by
- 24 edits1 add in trunk/Source
[macOS] Set the -isSourceEditable property when presenting webpage translation popup
Reviewed by Tim Horton.
-[LTUITranslationViewController isSourceEditable]
when showing the context menu for editable
content. Instead of plumbing another boolean flag throughContextMenuClient
and into the client layers through
, we roll all of the webpage translation context menu parameters into a single object
), including a new flag indicating whether or not the translation controller should
be shown in "editable" mode.
- Headers.cmake:
- WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- loader/EmptyClients.cpp:
- page/ContextMenuClient.h:
- page/ContextMenuController.cpp:
- page/TranslationContextMenuInfo.h: Added.
Pull the translated text string, selection bounds, menu location, and the new mode flag into a separate struct.
(WebCore::TranslationContextMenuInfo::encode const):
See WebCore/ChangeLog for more details.
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WebPageProxyCocoa.mm:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WebViewImpl.h:
- UIProcess/Cocoa/WebViewImpl.mm:
- UIProcess/PageClient.h:
- UIProcess/WebPageProxy.h:
- UIProcess/WebPageProxy.messages.in:
- UIProcess/mac/PageClientImplMac.h:
- UIProcess/mac/PageClientImplMac.mm:
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/WebContextMenuClient.h:
- WebProcess/WebCoreSupport/mac/WebContextMenuClientMac.mm:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.cpp:
- WebProcess/WebPage/WebPage.h:
See WebCore/ChangeLog for more details.
- WebCoreSupport/WebContextMenuClient.h:
- WebCoreSupport/WebContextMenuClient.mm:
- WebView/WebView.mm:
(-[WebView _handleContextMenuTranslation:]):
(-[WebView _handleContextMenuTranslation:selectionBounds:menuLocation:]): Deleted.
- WebView/WebViewInternal.h:
- 1:09 PM Changeset in webkit [277195] by
- 1 copy in tags/Safari-612.1.12.4
Tag Safari-612.1.12.4.
- 12:51 PM WebKitGTK/StableRelease edited by
- (diff)
- 11:56 AM Changeset in webkit [277194] by
- 3 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[ Mac ] accessibility/mac/expanded-notification.html is a flaky failure
Unreviewed test gardening.
Updating test expectations to include all mac.
- platform/mac/TestExpectations:
- 11:48 AM Changeset in webkit [277193] by
- 3 edits2 adds in branches/safari-611-branch
Cherry-pick r276739. rdar://problem/77581103
Don't create custom scrollbars for fullscreen placeholders.
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
We can end up calling RenderScrollbar::createCustomScrollbar with
element = nullptr
from RenderLayer::createScrollbar,
when the renderer is a RenderFullscreenPlaceholder.
We don't need to bother with scrollbars for the placeholder, so check to
make sure we have a valid element before creating custom scollbars.
Test: fullscreen/full-screen-crash-custom-scrollbars.html
- rendering/RenderLayer.cpp: (WebCore::RenderLayer::createScrollbar):
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
- fullscreen/full-screen-crash-custom-scrollbars-expected.txt: Added.
- fullscreen/full-screen-crash-custom-scrollbars.html: Added.
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@276739 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 11:48 AM Changeset in webkit [277192] by
- 8 edits2 adds in branches/safari-611-branch
Cherry-pick r276627. rdar://problem/77580982
Create a containing block when relevant properties are set in the current element will-change
Patch by Tim Nguyen <ntim@apple.com> on 2021-04-26
Reviewed by Alan Bujtas.
Per spec, any CSS property that is susceptible to create a containing block should create one when put on the
current element's will-change.
Relevant WPT are enabled.
Test: fast/css/will-change/will-change-creates-containing-block.html
- web-platform-tests/css/css-box/parsing/padding-computed-expected.txt:
- rendering/RenderElement.h: (WebCore::RenderElement::canContainFixedPositionObjects const): (WebCore::RenderElement::canContainAbsolutelyPositionedObjects const):
- rendering/style/WillChangeData.cpp: (WebCore::WillChangeData::createsContainingBlockForOutOfFlowPositioned const):
- rendering/style/WillChangeData.h:
- TestExpectations:
- fast/css/will-change/will-change-creates-containing-block-expected.html: Added.
- fast/css/will-change/will-change-creates-containing-block.html: Added.
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@276627 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 11:48 AM Changeset in webkit [277191] by
- 24 edits in branches/safari-611-branch/Source/WebCore
Cherry-pick r276575. rdar://problem/77581037
Make more IndexedDB objects iso-heap'ed
Reviewed by Darin Adler.
Deployed IsoHeap on more IndexedDB objects.
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBFactory.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBFactory.h:
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBGetAllResult.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBGetAllResult.h:
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBGetResult.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBGetResult.h:
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBIndex.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBIndex.h:
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBKey.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBKey.h:
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBObjectStore.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBObjectStore.h:
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBRecordIdentifier.h: Removed since it's not used anywhere.
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBRequest.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/IDBRequest.h:
- Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBConnectionProxy.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBConnectionProxy.h:
- Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBConnectionToServer.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/client/IDBConnectionToServer.h:
- Modules/indexeddb/client/TransactionOperation.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/client/TransactionOperation.h:
- Modules/indexeddb/shared/IDBDatabaseInfo.cpp:
- Modules/indexeddb/shared/IDBDatabaseInfo.h:
- WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@276575 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 11:48 AM Changeset in webkit [277190] by
- 4 edits in branches/safari-611-branch
Cherry-pick r276983. rdar://problem/77581150
localStorage changes aren't reflected between WKWebViews using WKWebViewConfiguration._groupIdentifier
Reviewed by Brady Eidson.
When we switched from using _pageGroup to _groupIdentifier, we also broke localStorage by making a new pageGroupID for each WKWebView.
This is the low-risk solution to this problem that remembers what pageGroupID we used for this same identifier, creating the effect of
using the same StorageNamespaceIdentifier for each _groupIdentifier like we did when we used _pageGroup.
See the comment in StorageAreaMap::dispatchLocalStorageEvent.
The higher-risk solution that needs to be done but probably shouldn't be merged to a branch at this point is to remove StorageNamespaceIdentifier.
I plan to do that in a follow-up patch.
- UIProcess/WebPageGroup.cpp: (WebKit::pageGroupData):
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WebKitCocoa/LocalStoragePersistence.mm: (TEST):
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@276983 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 11:48 AM Changeset in webkit [277189] by
- 3 edits in branches/safari-611-branch/Source/WebCore
Cherry-pick r276696. rdar://problem/77581076
Use a WeakHashSet for Document::m_mediaElements
Patch by Ian Gilbert <iang@apple.com> on 2021-04-28
Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.
Refactoring to use weak pointer instead of raw pointer.
No observable change of behavior.
- dom/Document.cpp: (WebCore::Document::registerMediaElement): (WebCore::Document::unregisterMediaElement): (WebCore::Document::forEachMediaElement):
- dom/Document.h:
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@276696 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 11:48 AM Changeset in webkit [277188] by
- 3 edits2 adds in branches/safari-611-branch
Cherry-pick r276630. rdar://problem/77581089
[MathML] Assertion failure in RenderTreeNeedsLayoutChecker
Patch by Frédéric Wang <fwang@igalia.com> on 2021-04-27
Reviewed by Alan Bujtas.
After r226180, RenderMathMLRow no longer performs layout of its "embellished operator"
children only its core <mo> descendant, which is causing dirty layout.
Test: mathml/vertical-embellished-op-dirty-layout.html
- rendering/mathml/RenderMathMLRow.cpp: (WebCore::RenderMathMLRow::stretchVerticalOperatorsAndLayoutChildren): always layout the "embellished operator" child, after its core <mo>.
Add regression test with all vertical embellished operators (other than <mo>) supported
by WebKit.
- mathml/vertical-embellished-op-dirty-layout-expected.txt: Added.
- mathml/vertical-embellished-op-dirty-layout.html: Added.
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@276630 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 11:48 AM Changeset in webkit [277187] by
- 2 edits in branches/safari-611-branch/Source/WebCore
Cherry-pick r276492. rdar://problem/77581017
Do not set synchronous scrolling for layers without relevant scrolling scopes
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
Fixed backgrounds could force the layer compositor to set synchronous scrolling because they're slow
to repaint. However that cannot be done if the layer's boxScrollingScope hasn't been previously updated
in RenderLayer::updateLayerPosition.
- rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.cpp: (WebCore::RenderLayerCompositor::updateSynchronousScrollingNodes): Do not call setSynchronousScrollingReasons() if there is no scrollingScope.
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@276492 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 11:48 AM Changeset in webkit [277186] by
- 2 edits in branches/safari-611-branch/Source/WebCore
Cherry-pick r275938. rdar://problem/77581120
Do not reset computed style for element children with display contents style
Patch by Carlos Garcia Campos <cgarcia@igalia.com> on 2021-04-14
Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.
We were checking hasDisplayContents() was false before calling resetComputedStyle() on the parent, but we don't
check it when iterating the children.
- dom/Element.cpp: (WebCore::Element::resetComputedStyle):
- style/StyleTreeResolver.cpp: (WebCore::Style::TreeResolver::resolveComposedTree):
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@275938 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 11:48 AM Changeset in webkit [277185] by
- 4 edits2 adds in branches/safari-611-branch
Cherry-pick r275607. rdar://problem/77581135
REGRESSION (r270849): Button content fails to render on apple.com "Blood Oxygen"/"ECG"
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
- The changeRequiresRecompositeLayer check in RenderStyle::diff should come after changeRequiresRepaintIfTextOrBorderOrOutline since RepaintIfTextOrBorderOrOutline is at a higher priority in StyleDifference.
- Ensure that we trigger setNeedsCompositingConfigurationUpdate on diff >= StyleDifference::RecompositeLayer.
Test: fast/text/text-repaint-when-pointer-event-property-changes.html
- rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.cpp: (WebCore::RenderLayerCompositor::layerStyleChanged):
- rendering/style/RenderStyle.cpp: (WebCore::RenderStyle::diff const):
- fast/text/text-repaint-when-pointer-event-property-changes-expected.html: Added.
- fast/text/text-repaint-when-pointer-event-property-changes.html: Added.
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@275607 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 11:47 AM Changeset in webkit [277184] by
- 5 edits2 adds in branches/safari-611-branch
Cherry-pick r271669. rdar://problem/77580999
Fix nullptr dereference introduced in r268228
Patch by Alex Christensen <achristensen@webkit.org> on 2021-01-20
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
Instead of taking data from the FileReaderLoader, which it assumes it still has later,
only give the bytes to JavaScript that have been received since last time we called didReceiveData.
This makes blob.stream correct and not crash.
Test: fast/files/blob-stream-crash-2.html
- fileapi/Blob.cpp: (WebCore::Blob::stream):
- fileapi/FileReaderLoader.cpp: (WebCore::FileReaderLoader::takeRawData): Deleted.
- fileapi/FileReaderLoader.h: (WebCore::FileReaderLoader::totalBytes const):
- fast/files/blob-stream-crash-2-expected.txt: Added.
- fast/files/blob-stream-crash-2.html: Added.
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@271669 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 11:47 AM Changeset in webkit [277183] by
- 2 edits in branches/safari-611-branch/Source/WebKit
Cherry-pick r277114. rdar://problem/77638135
Fix crash when WebsiteDataStore is destroyed with outstanding getNetworkProcessConnection request
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
In WebsiteDataStore::getNetworkProcessConnection if we don't get a connection the first time, we terminate the network process
and try again. This greatly increases our success rate. However, if we are cancelling the reply because of the destruction
of the WebsiteDataStore, we will end up doing bad things with partially destroyed objects, which ends up crashing.
In order to prevent this, use RunLoop::main.dispatch to retry on the next runloop iteration so that we will never be inside the
stack of WebsiteDataStore::~WebsiteDataStore when retrying. In that case, we will find that weakThis is null and send an empty
- UIProcess/WebsiteData/WebsiteDataStore.cpp: (WebKit::WebsiteDataStore::getNetworkProcessConnection):
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@277114 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 11:47 AM Changeset in webkit [277182] by
- 2 edits in branches/safari-611-branch/Source/WebKit
Cherry-pick r276671. rdar://problem/77620763
HashTableConstIterator's consistency assertion fails while closing m_webIDBServers in NetworkProcess::didClose since r275846
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
The items of m_webIDBServers were removed while iterating
Move m_webIDBServers to a temporary HashMap before iterating.
- NetworkProcess/NetworkProcess.cpp: (WebKit::NetworkProcess::didClose):
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@276671 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 11:08 AM Changeset in webkit [277181] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
REGRESSION (r277071): [Intel Mac] imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/css/mediaqueries/test_media_queries.html is failing
Unreviewed test gardening.
- platform/mac/TestExpectations:
- 11:06 AM Changeset in webkit [277180] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
Use test-tube emoji for EWS status bubbles for tester queues
Reviewed by Alan Bujtas.
- CISupport/ews-app/ews/views/statusbubble.py:
- 10:24 AM Changeset in webkit [277179] by
- 11 edits in branches/safari-612.1.12-branch/Source/WebCore
Cherry-pick r277069. rdar://problem/77659420
AppHighlight scrolls should be smooth
Reviewed by Simon Fraser.
Leverage smooth scrolling experimental feature to allow AppHighlight scrolls
to be smooth.
- Modules/highlight/AppHighlightStorage.cpp: (WebCore::AppHighlightStorage::attemptToRestoreHighlightAndScroll):
- editing/Editor.cpp: (WebCore::TemporarySelectionChange::setSelection):
- editing/Editor.h:
- editing/FrameSelection.cpp: (WebCore::FrameSelection::setSelection): (WebCore::FrameSelection::updateAndRevealSelection): (WebCore::FrameSelection::revealSelection):
- editing/FrameSelection.h:
- page/DOMWindow.cpp: (WebCore::DOMWindow::scrollTo const):
- page/ScrollBehavior.cpp: (WebCore::useSmoothScrolling):
- platform/ScrollTypes.h:
git-svn-id: https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk@277069 268f45cc-cd09-0410-ab3c-d52691b4dbfc
- 9:49 AM Changeset in webkit [277178] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
Add API test for FileSystem::fileExists() and FileSystem::fileMetadata() when dealing with symlinks to symlinks
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
Update FileSystemTest::SetUp() to use a valid path when constructing the test symlink
(tempFileSymlinkPath). Add API test for FileSystem::fileExists() and FileSystem::fileMetadata()
when dealing with symlinks to symlinks.
- TestWebKitAPI/Tests/WTF/FileSystem.cpp:
- 9:42 AM Changeset in webkit [277177] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
AudioWorkletProcessor which does not extend base class crashes Safari
Reviewed by Sam Weinig.
Update AudioWorkletGlobalScope::createProcessor() to validate the type of the processor
after constructing it.
- Modules/webaudio/AudioWorkletGlobalScope.cpp:
- 9:21 AM Changeset in webkit [277176] by
- 14 edits in trunk/Source/ThirdParty/libwebrtc
Allow libwebrtc to build for Mac Catalyst
Reviewed by Youenn Fablet.
This is progress towards rdar://77568774
Changes necessary to get it to build and link were:
- kCVPixelBufferOpenGLESCompatibilityKey is unavailable on Catalyst, so use kCVPixelBufferOpenGLCompatibilityKey like we do on macOS.
- SSE4 and AVX seem to be unavailable in the Catalyst SDK like they are in the iOS simulator SDK, so disable them similarly.
- Link to UIKit and CoreGraphics in debug builds like we do with iOS family builds.
- Don't use @loader_path/../../../ for DYLIB_INSTALL_NAME_BASE like we do with relocatable Safari builds, similar to an ANGLE change I made in r276318
- Export the same symbols as iOS for now. This may need some tweaking when I get it to link with WebCore, but that's why this is only progress.
- Configurations/DebugRelease.xcconfig:
- Configurations/SDKVariant.xcconfig:
- Configurations/libvpx.xcconfig:
- Configurations/libwebrtc.xcconfig:
- Configurations/opus.xcconfig:
- Source/third_party/libvpx/source/config/mac/x64/vp8_rtcd.h:
- Source/third_party/libvpx/source/config/mac/x64/vp9_rtcd.h:
- Source/third_party/libvpx/source/config/mac/x64/vpx_dsp_rtcd.h:
- Source/webrtc/sdk/objc/components/video_codec/RTCVideoDecoderH264.mm:
(-[RTCVideoDecoderH264 resetDecompressionSession]):
- Source/webrtc/sdk/objc/components/video_codec/RTCVideoDecoderH265.mm:
(-[RTCVideoDecoderH265 resetDecompressionSession]):
- Source/webrtc/sdk/objc/components/video_codec/RTCVideoDecoderVTBVP9.mm:
(-[RTCVideoDecoderVTBVP9 resetDecompressionSession]):
- Source/webrtc/sdk/objc/components/video_codec/RTCVideoEncoderH264.mm:
(-[RTCVideoEncoderH264 resetCompressionSessionWithPixelFormat:]):
- Source/webrtc/sdk/objc/components/video_codec/RTCVideoEncoderH265.mm:
(-[RTCVideoEncoderH265 resetCompressionSession]):
- 8:51 AM Changeset in webkit [277175] by
- 4 edits in trunk
[GStreamer][MediaStream] Emit black frames for disabled video tracks
Reviewed by Xabier Rodriguez-Calvar.
In case the video track is disabled, emit a black I420 frame. For disabled audio tracks we
might need to silence the corresponding audio frames, this will be investigated in a
follow-up patch.
- platform/mediastream/gstreamer/GStreamerMediaStreamSource.cpp:
- platform/glib/TestExpectations: Unflag mediastream test now passing.
- 8:23 AM Changeset in webkit [277174] by
- 3 edits3 adds in trunk
Crash in ApplyStyleCommand::applyRelativeFontStyleChange
Patch by Frédéric Wang <fwang@igalia.com> on 2021-05-07
Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.
Test: editing/execCommand/font-size-delta-same-node-for-start-and-end-crash.html
In ApplyStyleCommand::applyRelativeFontStyleChange, when the selection start and end have the
same anchor node, the start node of the loop is obtained by calling Position::upstream on the
selection start while end node of the loop is obtained by calling NodeTraversal::next on the
anchor node. This can result in the former being after the latter. This patch fixes this by
moving the end of the loop after the anchor node (similar to what is already done when the
start anchor node is a strict descendant of the end anchor node).
- editing/ApplyStyleCommand.cpp:
(WebCore::ApplyStyleCommand::applyRelativeFontStyleChange): Also include the case where
end.deprecatedNode() == start.deprecatedNode() in the conditional.
Add regression test.
- editing/execCommand/font-size-delta-same-node-for-start-and-end-crash-expected.txt: Added.
- editing/execCommand/font-size-delta-same-node-for-start-and-end-crash.html: Added.
- platform/ios/editing/execCommand/font-size-delta-same-node-for-start-and-end-crash-expected.txt: Added.
- 8:05 AM Changeset in webkit [277173] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
Unreviewed, glib WebAudio gardening
- platform/glib/TestExpectations: Unflag webaudio test now passing since r276978.
- 7:55 AM Changeset in webkit [277172] by
- 10 edits2 deletes in trunk/Source
[GTK4] Rewrite GTK gesture support to work for both 3.x and 4.x.
Patch by Carlos Garnacho <carlosg@gnome.org> on 2021-05-07
Reviewed by Carlos Garcia Campos.
- platform/gtk/GtkVersioning.h:
(gtk_event_controller_get_current_event_time): New GTK4 portability
helper methods.
Rewrite the touch gesture handling to avoid GdkEvent as an exchange
token, and not rely on the web view being able to hold and re-route
these at whim. This makes touch and touchpad gestures work on GTK3
and GTK4 in similar ways, and so that both work.
For this, touch event propagation got some substantial changes, it
used to work by first delivering the touch events to the web page,
and manually feeding the returned+unhandled ones to gesture controllers.
Now event delivery is delegated on GTK, and happens right away on
gesture controllers, it is the WebkitWebViewBase which chooses to make
them effective after the web page (maybe) handled the events. Gestures
are reset whenever the web page is considered to be handling touch
Also fix some buglets accumulated along the way, web view zoom conflicted
with in-page zoom handling, and ViewGestureController page switching
conflicted with press-drag-release emulation on the web page. These now
work better and closer to GtkScrolledWindow behavior.
No new tests, the GTK touch tests that should catch this were disabled
in the past and need fixing. This patch will require manual testing.
- PlatformGTK.cmake: Drop GTK4 conditionals around ViewGestureController
- SourcesGTK.txt: Drop GestureController.cpp. Build ViewGestureController
code files unconditionally.
- UIProcess/API/gtk/PageClientImpl.cpp:
(WebKit::PageClientImpl::doneWithTouchEvent): Delegate handling on
(WebKit::PageClientImpl::wheelEventWasNotHandledByWebCore): Use platform
independent struct to forward scroll to ViewGestureController.
- UIProcess/API/gtk/WebKitWebViewBase.cpp:
(webkitWebViewBaseSnapshot): Involve ViewGestureController in rendering.
(webkitWebViewBaseMotionNotifyEvent): Ignore pointer-emulated events from
(webkitWebViewBaseScroll): Use platform independent struct
to forward scroll to ViewGestureController.
Generalized to work on both GTK3 and GTK4.
(webkitWebViewBaseTouchSwipe): Newly added touch gesture implementation
callbacks. Not delegated anymore on GestureController.
(webkitWebViewBaseConstructed): Create touch gestures in the base view
widget, let them handle events automatically instead of relying on
manual event feeding via gtk_event_controller_handle_event(). Also add
a GtkEventControllerLegacy to handle forwarding of raw touch events to
the web page in GTK4.
(webkitWebViewBaseDidRestoreScrollPosition): Remove conditionals around
ViewGestureController for GTK4.
(webkitWebViewBasePageGrabbedTouch): New method to tag touch events
altogether as handled by the web page, thus resetting any ongoing view-level
gesture handling. This inversion is necessary as gesture controllers are now
always fed input events parallel to web page touch event handling.
(webkitWebViewBaseGestureController): Deleted.
(webkitWebViewBaseEvent): Removed widget_class->event vfunc. Touchpad gesture
event forwarding to event controllers is delegated on GTK.
- UIProcess/API/gtk/WebKitWebViewBasePrivate.h:
- UIProcess/ViewGestureController.h:
- UIProcess/gtk/GestureController.cpp: Removed. Gestures are implemented in
the base view.
- UIProcess/gtk/GestureController.h: Removed.
- UIProcess/gtk/ViewGestureControllerGtk.cpp:
(WebKit::ViewGestureController::completeSimulatedSwipeInDirectionForTesting): Declare
PlatformGtkScrollData, and use it as "platform scroll event" for both GTK3 and GTK4.
(WebKit::ViewGestureController::snapshot): New GTK4 specific method to render
the page switching gesture action.
- 5:31 AM Changeset in webkit [277171] by
- 15 edits in trunk/Source
Add WebRTC logging control in GPUProcess
Reviewed by Eric Carlson.
Migrate setEnableLogging to setLoggingLevel as a virtual method so that it can be implemented by WebKit to send logging level to GPUProcess.
Simplify WebCore::LibWebRTCProvider::setLoggingLevel to not differentiate debug from non debug builds.
Manually tested.
- Modules/mediastream/RTCPeerConnection.cpp:
- page/Page.cpp:
- platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCProvider.cpp:
(WebCore::setLogging): Deleted.
(WebCore::LibWebRTCProvider::setEnableLogging): Deleted.
- platform/mediastream/libwebrtc/LibWebRTCProvider.h:
Implement setting of WebRTC log level using LibWebRTCCodecs and LibWebRTCCodecsProxy.
This will help debugging issues with GPU-running webrtc codecs.
- GPUProcess/webrtc/LibWebRTCCodecsProxy.h:
- GPUProcess/webrtc/LibWebRTCCodecsProxy.messages.in:
- GPUProcess/webrtc/LibWebRTCCodecsProxy.mm:
- SourcesCocoa.txt:
- WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- WebProcess/GPU/webrtc/LibWebRTCCodecs.cpp:
- WebProcess/GPU/webrtc/LibWebRTCCodecs.h:
- WebProcess/Network/webrtc/LibWebRTCProvider.cpp:
- WebProcess/Network/webrtc/LibWebRTCProvider.h:
- 5:17 AM Changeset in webkit [277170] by
- 5 edits in trunk
[GTK][WPE] Bump libsoup3 version to 2.99.5
Patch by Carlos Garcia Campos <cgarcia@igalia.com> on 2021-05-07
Reviewed by Philippe Normand.
- Source/cmake/OptionsGTK.cmake:
- Source/cmake/OptionsWPE.cmake:
Remove expectations for tests that should be passing now.
- platform/gtk/TestExpectations:
- 5:05 AM Changeset in webkit [277169] by
- 5 edits in trunk/Source/WebKit
[iOS] Safari sometimes hangs underneath
Reviewed by Chris Dumez.
Consider the scenario where a webpage programmatically opens a window in a new tab on iOS while the keyboard is
visible. In certain configurations, Safari indirectly tells theWKWebView
containing the original webpage to
and then-becomeFirstResponder
again, while creating a new web view and shuffling
around the view hierarchy under-webView:createWebViewWithConfiguration:forNavigationAction:windowFeatures:
Since the keyboard is up, this causes UIKit to ask for an autocorrection context via `-[WKContentView
requestAutocorrectionContextWithCompletionHandler:]`, which blocks the main thread on a response from the web
process. Of course, since we're handling synchronous IPC, the web process isn't capable of sending a response
back to the UI process, so we deadlock until we exceed the IPC timeout, and then exit the call stack.
Instead, it's possible in this case to recognize that we're already handling a synchronous IPC message, and any
attempts to wait for a response will time out anyways. Instead of waiting for the entire timeout duration, we
can fail eagerly to avoid hanging the process that is waiting.
- Platform/IPC/Connection.cpp:
- Platform/IPC/Connection.h:
Add a new counter variable,
, that is incremented and decremented while we're
in the process of dispatching an incoming sync IPC message. Ifm_inDispatchSyncMessageCount
is nonzero and
we have a non-infinite IPC timeout duration, then we should fail sooner insideConnection::waitForMessage
instead of waiting to time out.
Drive-by refactoring: while we're here, let's also move initialization for some of the members on
into the class declaration, instead of the constructor.
- Platform/IPC/Timeout.h:
(IPC::Timeout::isInfinity const):
- WebKit.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
- 4:46 AM Changeset in webkit [277168] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WTF
[GTK] Warnings about unused filesystem functions
Patch by Philippe Normand <pnormand@igalia.com> on 2021-05-07
Reviewed by Adrian Perez de Castro.
Since r277158 these functions are no longer needed.
- wtf/glib/FileSystemGlib.cpp:
(WTF::FileSystemImpl::getFileStat): Deleted.
(WTF::FileSystemImpl::getFileLStat): Deleted.
- 3:02 AM Changeset in webkit [277167] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools
Unreviewed, WPE gardening
- TestWebKitAPI/glib/TestExpectations.json: Unflag test, wpebackend-fdo was downgraded in
the SDK revision r277166.
- 2:06 AM Changeset in webkit [277166] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools/buildstream
[Flatpak SDK] Update to libsoup3 2.99.5
Patch by Carlos Garcia Campos <cgarcia@igalia.com> on 2021-05-07
Reviewed by Philippe Normand.
- elements/sdk/libsoup3.bst:
- 1:47 AM Changeset in webkit [277165] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Tools/buildstream
[WPE] TestWebExtensions web-process-crashed is flaky failing after latest WPE libs update
Patch by Philippe Normand <pnormand@igalia.com> on 2021-05-07
Reviewed by Carlos Garcia Campos.
The update to 1.9.91 triggers critical warnings in tests. Might be fixed by
https://github.com/Igalia/WPEBackend-fdo/pull/158 which is not merged yet.
- elements/sdk/wpebackend-fdo.bst: Downgrade to latest stable release until the bug is fixed.
- 1:46 AM Changeset in webkit [277164] by
- 2 edits in trunk/LayoutTests
[GStreamer] Layout test media/video-playsinline.html is flaky
Reviewed by Philippe Normand.
The change to fullscreen takes a while on WebKitGTK and WPE platforms and can't be checked immediately.
- media/video-playsinline.html: Added a setTimeout to the test in order to defer the check to the next main loop iteration.
- 1:08 AM Changeset in webkit [277163] by
- 3 edits2 adds in trunk
Crash in InsertTextCommand::positionInsideTextNode
Patch by Frédéric Wang <fwang@igalia.com> on 2021-05-07
Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.
Test: editing/deleting/selection-on-empty-table-row.html
This is a follow-up of bug 213514, where removePreviouslySelectedEmptyTableRows was
modified to ensure the selection is properly updated after deleting the last row. This
patch does the same for other rows.
- editing/DeleteSelectionCommand.cpp:
(WebCore::DeleteSelectionCommand::removePreviouslySelectedEmptyTableRows): Update comment
about calling raw removeNode and move it to the top of the function. Replace all the calls
to CompositeEditCommand::removeNode with CompositeEditCommand::removeNodeUpdatingStates so
that the selection is adjusted.
Add regression test.
- editing/deleting/selection-on-empty-table-row-expected.txt: Added.
- editing/deleting/selection-on-empty-table-row.html: Added.
- 12:44 AM Changeset in webkit [277162] by
- 2 edits in trunk/Source/WebCore
[GPU Process] Closing the GPU Process should clear all the back pointers from ItemBuffer to RemoteRenderingBackendProxy
Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.
RemoteRenderingBackendProxy::gpuProcessConnectionDidClose() clears the
the backends of all its RemoteImageBufferProxys. It also clears all the
SharedMemory which are referenced by the ItemBufferHandles.
So DisplayList::ImageBuffer::clearBackend() should clear all the
ItemBufferHandles of its DisplayList.
- platform/graphics/displaylists/DisplayListImageBuffer.h: