Changes between Version 75 and Version 76 of April 2010 Meeting

Apr 12, 2010, 7:58:54 AM (15 years ago)



  • April 2010 Meeting

    v75 v76  
    88 * I didn't know the Web Inspector could do that! (JoePeck)
    99 * How the commit-queue saved my life, and other stories. (eseidel) [maruel]
    10  * WebKit2, Electric Boogaloo! (weinig, andersca) [othermaciej, abarth, dimich, xan]
     10 * WebKit2, Electric Boogaloo! (weinig, andersca) [othermaciej, abarth, dimich, xan, fishd]
    1111 * The messiah cometh: how new-run-webkit-tests will save us all! (ojan, eseidel, abarth) [othermaciej, xan]
    1212 * Do we need a better code review tool? (abarth) [eseidel, kbr, jamesr,dave_levin]
    1313 * JavaScript engine performance optimization. (ggaren?) [othermaciej, xan]
    14  * Loader code: can we make it hurt our eyes less? (othermaciej, abarth?) [dave_levin, xan]
     14 * Loader code: can we make it hurt our eyes less? (othermaciej, abarth?) [dave_levin, xan, fishd]
    1515 * gyp - maybe we can get more ports to use it (??) [eseidel, othermaciej, abarth, maruel,dave_levin, xan, tronical]
    16  * HTML5 new elements and input types [othermaciej, tkent, morrita]
     16 * HTML5 new elements and input types [othermaciej, tkent, morrita, fishd]
    1717 * CSS Animations, Transitions & Transforms: how they work (smfr?, cmarrin?) [othermaciej, jamesr, icefox]
    1818 * What's new with WebGL? (kbr?)
    19  * Hardware accelerated drawing [othermaciej, jamesr, xan, tronical]
     19 * Hardware accelerated drawing [othermaciej, jamesr, xan, tronical, fishd]
    2020 * The new V8 autogen testing and how we can use it for other ports! (yaar?, natechapin?) [eseidel, abarth]
    2121 * Features for mobile devices - should we get them into standards? - viewport meta, touch events, etc (manyoso) [othermaciej]
    2222 * Device element / Stream API / device access
    23  * The future of porting macros (othermaciej) [eseidel, dimich, icefox, xan]
     23 * The future of porting macros (othermaciej) [eseidel, dimich, icefox, xan, fishd]
    2424 * Improving the editing code (enrica?) [eseidel, morrita]
    2525 * Licensing, license compliance, dealing with license violations (george s) [maruel]
    2626 * Git (icefox)[simon]
    27  * Project-wide planning for new and experimental features (othermaciej) [dave_levin]
     27 * Project-wide planning for new and experimental features (othermaciej) [dave_levin, fishd]
    2828 * Getting the review queue under control. (?) [dave_levin]
    2929 * WebKit releasing: branching/maintaining webkit releases (tronical)
    3333== Proposed Hackathons (host) [would attend!] ==
    3434 * Fix the issues that stop you from using webkit-patch (eseidel, abarth, cjerdonek)
    35  * Unforking our URL code (othermaciej) [abarth]
     35 * Unforking our URL code (othermaciej) [abarth, fishd]
    3636 * Adding new-run-webkit-tests support for your platform. (eseidel) [abarth]
    3737 * Get the Windows Bots green! (aroben?, bweinstein?) [eseidel, abarth]
    3838 * Get the Qt Bot green! (Ossy?)
    39  * WebKit2 for your platform (weinig, andersca) [icefox,tronical]
     39 * WebKit2 for your platform (weinig, andersca) [icefox, tronical]
    4141== Attendees ==