Version 83 (modified by 3 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
WinCairo port is a WebKit port for Windows, which is fully Open Source and redistributable unlike AppleWin port. It is using Cairo for the graphics backend, libcurl for the network backend. It supports only 64 bit.
Installing Development Tools
You need CMake, Perl, Python, Ruby, gperf, the latest Windows 10 SDK and Visual Studio 2022 to build WinCairo port. The easiest way to install some tools is using Chocolatey,
choco install -y ActivePerl python ruby git gperf
choco install cmake
doesn't configure your PATH. A switch is needed.
choco install -y cmake --installargs 'ADD_CMAKE_TO_PATH=System'
WinCairo supports CMake Ninja generator and CMake Visual Studio generator. Ninja is optional.
choco install -y ninja
You might need more tools if you want to develop WebKit.
choco install -y svn patch diffutils
Or, you can follow the part of AppleWin port's instructions to install the necessary developer tools, and check out the WebKit code.
WinCairo command prompt
To compile, run programs and run tests, you need to set some environment variables. For ease of development, it's recommended to create a batch file to set environment variables and open powershell. Create a batch file with the following content and put it in the top source directory, and double-click it to open powershell.
@echo off cd %~dp0 path C:\xampp\apache\bin;%path% path C:\Program Files\CMake\bin;%path% path %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer;%path% for /F "usebackq delims=" %%I in (`vswhere.exe -latest -property installationPath`) do set VSPATH=%%I set RC_PROJECTSOURCEVERSION= set WEBKIT_LIBRARIES=%~dp0WebKitLibraries\win set WEBKIT_OUTPUTDIR=%~dp0WebKitBuild set WEBKIT_TESTFONTS=%~dp0Tools\WebKitTestRunner\fonts set DUMPRENDERTREE_TEMP=%TEMP% rem set http_proxy=http://your-proxy:8080 rem set https_proxy=%http_proxy% rem set JSC_dumpOptions=1 rem set JSC_useJIT=0 rem set JSC_useDFGJIT=0 rem set JSC_useRegExpJIT=0 rem set JSC_useDOMJIT=0 rem set WEBKIT_SHOW_FPS=1 call "%VSPATH%\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat" cd %~dp0 start powershell
You can replace powershell
with cmd
or wt
if you like.
Building WinCairo
In the WinCairo command prompt, invoke build-webkit to start building.
perl Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --wincairo --release
Ensure you don't have GCC in your PATH, otherwise CMake is going to use GCC and builds will fail.
build-webkit automatically downloads the latest WebKitRequirements from GitHub. It checks the latest WebKitRequirements every time you invoke. I'd like to recommend to use --skip-library-update for incremental build to speed up.
python Tools\Scripts\ perl Tools\Scripts\build-webkit --wincairo --release --skip-library-update
The build succeeded if you got WebKit is now built
message. Run your MiniBrowser
Building from within Visual Studio
In the WinCairo command prompt,
perl Tools/Scripts/build-webkit --wincairo --release --no-ninja --generate-project-only
Open the generated solution file by devenv.
devenv WebKitBuild\Release\WebKit.sln
Build "MiniBrowser" project.
Debugging WinCairo
Required Libraries
You will get required libraries downloaded automatically when you perform a build-webkit --wincairo
The source code is hosted in:
Running the tests
Install XAMPP. XAMPP should be installed in the default install path (c:\xampp).
choco install -y XAMPP-74
Install required Python and Ruby modules.
pip install pywin32 gem install webrick
If Apache service is running, stop it.
net stop apache2.4
Some extensions need to be registered as CGI. Modify the following commands for your Perl an Python paths, and run them as administrator.
reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.pl\Shell\ExecCGI\Command /ve /d "c:\xampp\perl\bin\perl.exe -T" reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.cgi\Shell\ExecCGI\Command /ve /d "c:\xampp\perl\bin\perl.exe -T" reg add HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.py\Shell\ExecCGI\Command /ve /d "c:\Python39\python.exe -X utf8"
You need openssl.exe in your PATH to run wpt server. XAMPP contains openssl.exe in C:\xampp\apache\bin directory. Append the directory to your PATH.
Open the WinCairo command prompt as administrator because http tests need to run Apache service.
Invoke run-webkit-tests.
# for WebKit1 python Tools/Scripts/run-webkit-tests --release --wincairo -1 # for WebKit2 python Tools/Scripts/run-webkit-tests --release --wincairo
You can use Docker to run LayoutTests by mounting the host directory.
docker run -it --rm --cpu-count=8 --memory=16g -v %cd%:c:\repo -w c:\repo webkitdev/msbuild
If you are using Japanese Windows, some layout tests fails due to form control size differences.
returns MS UI Gothic
on it. Remove GUIFont.Facename
of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\GRE_Initialize
And, replace MS UI Gothic
with Microsoft Sans Serif
in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes\MS Shell Dlg
If http tests fail as flaky failures due to the socket count limit, increase the user port range. See Bug 224523
netsh int ipv4 set dynamicport tcp start=1025 num=64511
Download build artifacts from Buildbot
- Go to WinCairo-64-bit-WKL-Release-Build Buildbot builder page.
- Click any "Build #" which is green.
- Click "> stdio" of "transfer-to-s3".
- You can find "S3 URL" in the console log.
- Download the zip.
- Download the corresponding release of WebKitRequirements.
- Unpack them, copy all DLL of WinCairoRequirements to the directory of MiniBrowser.exe
- Install the latest vc_redist.x64.exe of Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio
Compile WinCairo with Clang
clang-cl builds isn't supported anymore, see Bug 171618.
clang-cl has a problem for /MP support. It's recommended to use Ninja with clang-cl. Install clang-cl and Ninja.
choco install llvm ninja -y
Open Visual Studio Command Prompt, and invoke the following commands.
set CC=clang-cl set CXX=clang-cl perl Tools\Scripts\build-webkit --release --wincairo --ninja
clang-cl builds are experimental, see Bug 171618 for the current status.