Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of BuildingQtOnSymbian

Jul 1, 2010, 8:05:34 AM (14 years ago)

CONFIG-=def_files and --no-depend-generate could be default


  • BuildingQtOnSymbian

    v10 v11  
    2424  * Build for arm with 8 cores: {{{sbs -c armv6_urel -j8}}}
    2525  * Get a cup of tea/coffee.
    26   * Patch capabilities and generate the sis package:[[BR]]{{{cd src/s60installs}}}[[BR]]{{{perl ..\..\bin\ Qt_template.pkg release-armv6}}}[[BR]]{{{make sis}}}
     26  * [OPTIONAL] Patch capabilities and generate the sis package:[[BR]]{{{cd src/s60installs}}}[[BR]]{{{perl ..\..\bin\ Qt_template.pkg release-armv6}}}[[BR]]{{{make sis}}}
    2727  * Put the {{{qt-4.6\bin}}} directory in your {{{%PATH%}}}.
    3131  * Build the generated files and set up the build system:
    3232    * {{{cd where-your-webkit-sources-are}}}
    33     * {{{perl WebKitTools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --symbian}}}
     33    * {{{perl WebKitTools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --symbian CONFIG-=def_files}}}
    3434      * If you're building the trunk where the export def file for Symbian is not always up-to-date you need to pass CONFIG-=def_files as an argument to build-webkit as well
    3535    * {{{cd WebCore}}}
    36     * Build for hardware: {{{sbs -c armv6_urel -j8}}}
    37     * Patch capabilities: {{{perl %QTDIR%\bin\ QtWebKit_template.pkg release-armv6}}}
     36    * Build for hardware: {{{sbs -c armv6_urel -j8 --no-depend-generate}}}
     37    * [OPTIONAL] Patch capabilities: {{{perl %QTDIR%\bin\ QtWebKit_template.pkg release-armv6}}}
    3838    * Create the sis file: {{{make sis}}}
    3939    * Install it on the phone: {{{"C:\Program Files\Nokia\Nokia PC Suite 7\ApplicationInstaller.exe" %CD%\qtwebkit.sis}}}[[BR]]You can also Drag'n'drop the resulting .sis file onto Nokia PC Suite to install it.
    4545    * You need to have''' Qt built for debug''' as well
    4646    * {{{cd where-your-webkit-sources-are}}}
    47     * {{{perl WebKitTools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --symbian}}} '''--debug'''
     47    * {{{perl WebKitTools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --symbian}}} {{{CONFIG-=def_files}}} '''--debug'''
    4848    * Run the script {{{}}} from [git://]. It was tested to work at least with Python 2.6[[BR]] This is necessary because the quantity of debug information in WebKit makes armlink fail. This script works around the problem.
    49     * {{{sbs -c armv6_u}}}'''deb'''{{{ -j8}}}
    50     * {{{perl %QTDIR%\bin\ QtWebKit_template.pkg }}}'''debug'''{{{-armv6}}}
     49    * {{{sbs -c armv6_u}}}'''deb'''{{{ -j8 --no-depend-generate}}}
     50    * {{{[OPTIONAL]perl %QTDIR%\bin\ QtWebKit_template.pkg }}}'''debug'''{{{-armv6}}}
    5151    * {{{make sis}}}
    53 == Running a Browser on device/emulator ==
    54 If you have problems starting your favourite browser (Anomaly/QtLauncher) on Symbian HW, here are some choices to remember:
    55      * Use '''QtLauncher''' that ships inside trunk to build your test browser. You don't have to worry about exports and .DEF files in this case.
    56      * To use '''Anomaly''' from $QTSRC/demos/embedded/, you may have to update the .DEF files known to the Qt installation to make Anomaly work OK. [[BR]] To do so , recompile QtWebkit.dll by passing an additional argument to the {{{build-webkit}}} script and re-deploy to device. [[BR]] {{{--qmake-arg="CONFIG+=def_files"}}}