Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of BuildingQtOnSymbian

Feb 24, 2011, 8:39:41 AM (14 years ago)

Improved English :) Remove references to Python script. Emphasized need for RVCT4.0 and newish SBSv2


  • BuildingQtOnSymbian

    v24 v25  
    55== Requirements ==
    7   * QtWebKit is built with SBSv2 (aka Raptor) v2.15.1 or higher. This setup assumes the availability of it.
     7  * QtWebKit is built with SBSv2 (aka Raptor) v2.16.0 or higher. This setup assumes the availability of it.
    88  * Please install the Bison, Flex, ActiveState Perl etc. tools from GnuWin32. See the [BuildingQtOnWindows instructions for building on Windows] where to get these.
    99  * Make sure that the GnuWin32 tools are installed in a path without spaces, i.e. not {{{Program Files\GnuWin32}}} but for example {{{c:\GnuWin32}}}.
    1010  * You need to have {{{\GnuWin32\bin}}} and {{{\Perl64\bin}}} (if that's where your Perl is installed) in your {{{%PATH%}}} before the S60 SDK tools path.
    11   * In addition you need to have a native Windows compiler in your PATH, i.e. MSVC or MingW.
    12   * You can download Raptor from here:
    1412== Building Qt ==
    4341== Building WebKit for debug ==
    44   * To reduce size and number of object files, you need either --minimal or --no-svg for build-webkit. With --minimal, the script below may not required as the latter bit rots often. You may likely need a 64-bit Windows OS and a 64-bit RVCT 4.1 linker (armlink.exe) binary. See next section for RVCT4.x notes
    45   * Almost the same as above:
     42  * You MUST be using RVCT 4.0 and SBS 2.16.0 or higher. Also, you will need to pass --minimal or --no-svg to build-webkit.
     43  * First try compile + link with your normal (32-bit) RVCT linker : armlink.exe. If you see OOM errors, you should switch to 64-bit Windows OS for development and use a 64-bit RVCT 4.1 linker (armlink.exe) binary.
     44  * Steps for building:
    4645    * You need to have''' Qt built for debug''' as well
    4746    * {{{cd where-your-webkit-sources-are}}}
    4847    * {{{perl Tools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --symbian --minimal}}} '''--debug'''
    49     * Run the script {{{}}} from [git://]. It was tested to work at least with Python 2.6[[BR]] This is necessary because the quantity of debug information in WebKit makes armlink fail. This script works around the problem.
    5048    * {{{sbs -c armv6_u}}}'''deb.slimdebug'''{{{ -j8  -b Source\bld.inf  -b Tools\bld.inf}}}
    5149    * {{{[OPTIONAL, only needed for self-signed SIS packages]perl %QTDIR%\bin\ QtWebKit_template.pkg }}}'''debug'''{{{-armv6}}}
    5250    * {{{make sis}}}
    54 == Using RVCT4.0 and 64-bit armlink.exe ==
    55   * RVCT4.0 is know to work nicely with trunk, particularly with UDEB mode where 2.2 often segfaults.
     52== Using RVCT4.0 ==
     53  * RVCT4.0 is strongly recommended for trunk work on Symbian.
    5654  * First set up your RVCT4.0 installation by obtaining the binaries and setting up '''environment variables''' per ARM's instructions (Nokians may use SymSEE to activate it)
    57   * If using with Symbian3 SDKs, you may have to compile the '''compiler support libraries''' first (or you will see linker errors)
     55  * If using with Symbian3/TB9.2 SDKs, you may have to compile the '''compiler support libraries''' first (or you will see linker errors)
    5856     * {{{sbs -b sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\compsupp\bld.inf -b sf\os\kernelhwsrv\kernel\eka\euser\bld.inf -c arm.v5.urel.rvct4_0 -c arm.v5.udeb.rvct4_0}}}
    5957  * To '''explicitly specify RVCT 4.0''' with Symbian3 SDKS, use the following (not necessary for MCL):
    6058     * {{{sbs -c arm.v5.urel.rvct4_0}}}
    62   In case your link stages run into OOM even with --minimal, you need a 64-bit Windows OS and a 64-bit linker (armlink.exe)
    63   * Back-up your armlink.exe from the 4.0 install
     60== Using 64-bit linker for debug builds ==
     61Assuming you are on a 32-bit OS, first try to link with --no-svg or --minimal configuration. If linking fails due to OOM, upgrade to 64-bit Windows 7 OS and a 64-bit linker (armlink.exe)
     62  * Once you are on the 64-bit development host, back-up your armlink.exe from the 4.0 install
    6463  * Obtain the RVCT4.1 toolchain from your organization's compiler tools team, or from directly.
    6564  * Extract the 64-bit armlink.exe and drop it over your 4.0 installation's armlink.exe
    66   * {{{cd Source}}} and them compile as ARMV5 or ARMV6 {{{sbs -c arm.v5.udeb.rvct4_0}}}
     65  * {{{cd Source}}} and them compile as ARMV5 or ARMV6 {{{sbs -c arm.v5.udeb.rvct4_0.slimdebug}}}