68 | | 7. Change into the WebKit source tree: `cd c:\location\of\webkit` |
69 | | 8. For some reason, the build command was unable to create the `WebKitBuild\Release` folders by itself on my PC. I had to do `mkdir WebKitBuild` and `mkdir WebKitBuild\Release` before building. |
70 | | 9. You may need to do a `mkdir c:\tmp`. The WebKit build relies on the existence of `c:\tmp` when building in Windows. |
71 | | 10. Build the patched webkit (release mode): |
| 68 | 7. Download WebKit from svn (make sure you've left the location of your svn client in your %PATH% above): |
| 69 | {{{ |
| 70 | $ svn checkout http://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk %HOME%\WebKit |
| 71 | $ cd %HOME%/WebKit |
| 72 | }}} |
| 73 | 8. Change into the WebKit source tree: `cd c:\location\of\webkit` |
| 74 | 9. For some reason, the build command was unable to create the `WebKitBuild\Release` folders by itself on my PC. I had to do `mkdir WebKitBuild` and `mkdir WebKitBuild\Release` before building. |
| 75 | 10. You may need to do a `mkdir c:\tmp`. The WebKit build relies on the existence of `c:\tmp` when building in Windows. |
| 76 | 11. Build the patched webkit (release mode): |