Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of BuildingQtOnWindows

Oct 10, 2009, 3:04:02 AM (15 years ago)



  • BuildingQtOnWindows

    v19 v20  
    6767     * Note that `c:\Qt\2009.01\qt` above will vary depending on the QT SDK that you downloaded. You should modify it appropriately.
    68   7. Change into the WebKit source tree: `cd c:\location\of\webkit`
    69   8. For some reason, the build command was unable to create the `WebKitBuild\Release` folders by itself on my PC. I had to do `mkdir WebKitBuild` and `mkdir WebKitBuild\Release` before building.
    70   9. You may need to do a `mkdir c:\tmp`. The WebKit build relies on the existence of `c:\tmp` when building in Windows.
    71   10. Build the patched webkit (release mode):
     68  7. Download WebKit from svn (make sure you've left the location of your svn client in your %PATH% above):
     70$ svn checkout %HOME%\WebKit
     71$ cd %HOME%/WebKit
     73  8. Change into the WebKit source tree: `cd c:\location\of\webkit`
     74  9. For some reason, the build command was unable to create the `WebKitBuild\Release` folders by itself on my PC. I had to do `mkdir WebKitBuild` and `mkdir WebKitBuild\Release` before building.
     75  10. You may need to do a `mkdir c:\tmp`. The WebKit build relies on the existence of `c:\tmp` when building in Windows.
     76  11. Build the patched webkit (release mode):
    7277    `$perl WebKitTools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --release`
    73   11. The webkit build takes forever, so if you have more than one CPU on your machine you should use `--makeargs=j4` (for 4 CPUs). This will speed up the build no end. Other recommendations are `--no-svg`. There is even a `--minimal` flag available in recent webkit versions:
     78  12. The webkit build takes forever, so if you have more than one CPU on your machine you should use `--makeargs=j4` (for 4 CPUs). This will speed up the build no end. Other recommendations are `--no-svg`. There is even a `--minimal` flag available in recent webkit versions:
    7580    $perl WebKitTools\Scripts\build-webkit --qt --release --makeargs=j4