Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of FAQ

Jun 2, 2007, 5:20:56 PM (18 years ago)



  • FAQ

    v1 v1  
     3== Extensions don't work in !WebKit! / !WebKit crashes with extensions installed! ==
     4Extensions are completely unsupported with any version of Safari/!WebKit. To provide their functionality, extensions rely on private APIs and implementation details that often change and cause the extensions to break. There have been many changes to !WebKit since the currently released version and the way extensions deal with changes and errors varies greatly, with many crashing often.[[BR]]
     6!WebKit will detect if you have any extensions installed and warn you if it comes across any. If !WebKit crashes, please remove any extensions from the following directories and see if you can reproduce the problem before [ filing a bug]:
     10~/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/
     11~/Library/Application Enhancers/
     13/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/
     14/Library/Application Enhancers/
     18== When will Apple release an updated !WebKit for Tiger or Panther? ==
     19Apple doesn't comment on future products.
     22== Why doesn't the version number change in the About Safari window when I'm running a nightly? ==
     23The info displayed in the About Safari window is the Safari version number, not WebKit's. It won't change unless the Safari application itself has been upgraded.
     26== Can I replace system !WebKit with one from a nightly or local build? ==
     27Replacing the !WebKit.framework that ships with Mac OS X or any of it's components with those from a locally built copy or a nightly build of !WebKit is '''HIGHLY''' discouraged. Doing so will likely leave your system unusuable and cause a tear in the fabric of spacetime - so don't do it! [[BR]]
     29There are a number of safe ways to test an application against a newer !WebKit:
     30 * If you have access to the source code, recompile it to link against the newer frameworks. It might be necessary to link against !WebCore.framework while doing this as local builds are not umbrella frameworks.
     31 * The [ run-webkit-app] script located in !WebKitTools/Scripts allows an application to run with a locally built copy of !WebKit.
     32 * Set the DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH to point to the newer frameworks.
     35== Can !WebKit automatically update itself? ==
     36No, though the page the nightly loads when started will let you know if a newer build is available and give you a link to download it. Many people use the third party [ NightShift] program to update their nightly.
     39== Safari should have a spiffy feature every other browser has! ==
     40Feedback and feature requests are always appreciated! Safari feature requests should be filed in Apple's internal bug tracker at (free "online" account available [ here]) while !WebKit ones should go in our [ Bugzilla].[[BR]]
     42If you're not sure where your feedback/suggestion should go, [ this blog post] might help. If you're still not sure or have any questions, feel free to [ get it touch].