68 | | * Pending: Jasper Bryant-Greene < jasper at unix dot geek dot nz >, jasperbg on #webkit |
69 | | * Pending: Daniel Zucker, PhD < zucker at wake3 dot com >, zucker on #webkit |
70 | | * Still waiting to hear from the other 30+ WebKit reviewers |
71 | | * Policy: Any reviewer (see http://webkit.org/coding/commit-review-policy.html) who applies to be a mentor will be accepted (and are welcome to mentor in any area they feel comfortable in). Others are welcome, but we'll need to discuss details first. |
72 | | * '''EMAIL eric at webkit dot org if you would like to be a mentor''' |
| 68 | * Adam Roben < adam.roben at gmail > |
| 69 | * Brady Eidson < beidson at gmail > |
| 70 | * David Darrell Kilzer < ddkilzer at gmail > |
| 71 | * Maciej Stachowiak < maciej at gmail > |
| 72 | * Mark Rowe < mark.rowe at gmail > |
| 73 | * Rob Buis < rwlbuis at gmail > |
| 74 | * Sam Weinig < sam.weinig at gmail > |
| 75 | * Simon Hausmann < hausmann at gmail > |
| 76 | * Timothy Hatcher < timothy.hatcher at gmail > |
| 77 | * (Still waiting to hear from the rest of the 30+ reviewers) |
| 78 | * Policy: All mentors must be WebKit committers (this serves two purposes: 1. you can help your student get their patches landed. 2. you've demonstrated knowledge of the webkit code base, and ability to work with the community.) Any reviewer (see http://webkit.org/coding/commit-review-policy.html) who applies to be a mentor will be accepted (and are welcome to mentor in any area they feel comfortable in). Other committers who is not yet a reviewer but would like to mentor should email me (eric at webkit), and we'll work something out. |