Changes between Version 40 and Version 41 of QtBackLog

Dec 26, 2009 7:35:58 PM (14 years ago)



  • QtBackLog

    v40 v41  
    1717||[ #29279]||Decode images to RGB16 or smaller (instead of RGB32) to conserve memory. The patch introduces new API to Qt.||||||
    1818||||Go through the Palm changes and consider adopting them. Currently candidates are: Use stack/class memory in CSSParser, use JDCT_Fast for Jpeg decoding (to be achieved with QImageReader to set quality to 49), changes to Cached* to throw away encoded data more early. Palm avoids floating point operation on premultiplied alpha in setRGBA.||||||
    19 ||[ #30740]||Using QImageReader::setQuality(49) will use JDCT_IFAST and promises to give a 5% speedup on image_cycling.||||||
    20 ||[ #30210]||Create Embedded profile that will tune for embedded usage. This can mean to save memory in favor of speed, add a speed gain by avoiding certain operations, trading image quality for speed||||||
    21 ||[ #29443]||Using WebCore's FontCache decreases memory usage. Change done by Benjamin Poulain||||||
     19||~~[ #30740]~~||~~Using QImageReader::setQuality(49) will use JDCT_IFAST and promises to give a 5% speedup on image_cycling.~~||||||
     20||[ #30210]||Create Embedded profile that will tune for embedded usage. This can mean to save memory in favor of speed, add a speed gain by avoiding certain operations, trading image quality for speed||[ 52086]||14.12.2009||
     21||~~[ #29443]~~||~~Using WebCore's FontCache decreases memory usage. Change done by Benjamin Poulain~~||[ r51699]||4.12.2009||
    2222||[ #31009]||Implement throwing away frames from big GIF animations. This requires QImageReader allow to efficently jumping to a given image.||||||
    2323||||~~Change CursorQt.cpp to not create QPixmap's right away but only on first load. This will be a minor memory improvement.~~ Using DEFINE_LOCAL_STATIC had a negative impact on memory usage.||||||