Version 8 (modified by 14 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
QtWebKit Checklist of trunk
As part of making sure trunk is good enough at any time here is 15 minutes checklist to run every week on trunk. The purpose if not to do an intensive testing (aka black team testing or layout tests or auto-test) but just a check up. It should not be long otherwise nobody will do it. Any problem we catch is worth running this small check up.
The concept is simple you take trunk, you write down the revision, you build it and you run QtTestBrowser.
Here is what you should do with QtTestBrowser:
- Go to (https version), log in, browse some mails, start a chat
- Go to, log in, browse some friends and pictures, start a chat
- Go to, launch some videos in flash (check the sound too)
- Go to, join the html5 trial and browse a video rendered in html5 (check the sound)
- Uploading an image to works as expected
- Go to and play with the site (interactive presentation)
- Go to and play with it. Does it work as expected?
- Go to and play with the videos, try different formats and check the sound, try seeking, try changing the volume as well as switching fullscreen
Test it with QWebView and QGraphicsWebView (Develop menu in QtTestBrowser).
Anything suspicious should be reported to the usual places: the IRC channel, the mailing list and bugzilla
You could send a small report to with the configuration, the revision so we are all aware the checkup has been done.