Status in Qt 4.6.0
NOTE: This is page is incomplete and under construction. These tables will be moved to QtWebKit documentation.
Web application features
Feature | Status | Qt documentation | Qt Autotest | Layout test
HTML5 application cache (manifest attribute) | Supported | (1), (2) OfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled attribute | |
Web Storage (DOM storage, local storage & session storage) | Supported | (1), (2) LocalStorageEnabled attribute | |
Web SQL Database | Supported | [(1), (2) OfflineStorageDatabaseEnabled attribute | |
"online" and "offline" events | | |
Web Workers - dedicated workers | | | |
Web Workers - shared workers | | | |
Web Sockets | Not supported | | |
JavaScript JIT
Just-in-time (JIT) compilation for JavaScript is supported on the following platforms:
- Mac OS X, 64-bit and 32-bit
- Windows desktop platforms when using Microsoft Visual C++ or gcc 4.1 or higher (MinGW)
- Linux on x86 platforms with gcc 4.1 or higher
- Linux on ARM (Thumb-2 JIT is not currently used)
Feature | Status | Layout test
<canvas> element | Partially supported |
canvas: text API | |
canvas: gradient API | |
canvas: image API | |
canvas: transforms | |
canvas: patterns | |
canvas: shadows | |
canvas: image API | |
<audio> element | partial and experimental support |
<video> element | partial and experimental support |
<source> element for alternative video or audio sources | |
CSS Features
TBD: preparefortransition and dotransition?
Feature | Status | Layout test
CSS 2D transforms | |
-webkit-transform: scale, scaleX, scaleY | |
-webkit-transform: rotate | |
-webkit-transform: translate, translateX, translateY | |
-webkit-transform: skew, skewX, skewY | |
-webkit-transform: matrix | |
CSS 3D transforms | |
-webkit-transform: translate3d | |
-webkit-transform: translateZ | |
-webkit-transform: scale3d | |
-webkit-transform: scaleZ | |
-webkit-transform: rotate3D | |
-webkit-transform: rotateX | |
-webkit-transform: rotateY | |
-webkit-transform: rotateZ | |
-webkit-transform: perspective | |
-webkit-transform: matrix3d | |
CSS transitions | |
-webkit-transition-property | |
-webkit-transition-duration | |
-webkit-transition-delay | |
-webkit-transition-timing-function: ease | |
-webkit-transition-timing-function: linear | |
-webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-in | |
-webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-out | |
-webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-in-out | |
-webkit-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier | |
element.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', func) | |
CSS animations | |
-webkit-animation-name | |
-webkit-animation-duration | |
-webkit-animation-delay | |
-webkit-animation-iteration-count | |
-webkit-animation-direction | |
-webkit-animation-timing-function: ease | |
-webkit-animation-timing-function: linear | |
-webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in | |
-webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-out | |
-webkit-animation-timing-function: ease-in-out | |
-webkit-animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier | |
-webkit-animation-play-state | |
@-webkit-keyframes | |
element.addEventListener('webkitAnimationStart', func) | |
element.addEventListener('webkitAnimationIteration', func) | |
element.addEventListener('webkitAnimationEnd', func) | |
TODO: would it make more sense to refer to a W3C CSS3 draft spec version?
Feature | Status | Layout test
<input type="search"> for search boxes | Not supported |
<input type="number"> for spinboxes | Not supported |
<input type="range"> for sliders | Not supported |
<input type="color"> for color pickers | Not supported |
<input type="tel"> for telephone numbers | Not supported |
<input type="url"> for web addresses | Not supported |
<input type="email"> for email addresses | Not supported |
<input type="date"> for calendar date pickers | Not supported |
<input type="month"> for months | Not supported |
<input type="week"> for weeks | Not supported |
<input type="time"> for timestamps | Not supported |
<input type="datetime"> for precise, absolute date+time stamps | Not supported |
<input type="datetime-local"> for local dates and times | Not supported |
<input type="file"> for selecting local files | Not supported |
<menu> a menu list of form controls | |
<command> a command button inside a menu element | |
<datalist> element | |
<keygen> element | |
<output> element | |
autocomplete attribute | |
autofocus attribute for web form controls | |
list attribute | |
required attribute | |
multiple attribute | |
pattern attribute | |
min, max attributes | |
step attribute | |
placeholder attribute for placeholder text in an input field | |
challenge attribute | |
keytype attribute | |
form attribute | |
maxlength attribute | |
novalidate attribute | |
HTML5 semantic elements
Feature | Status | Layout test
<section> | |
<nav> | |
<article> | |
<aside> | |
<hgroup> | |
<header> | |
<footer> | |
<time> | |
<mark> | |
<details> | |
HTML5 Microdata (item, itemprop attributes, microdata DOM API) | |
window.onhashchange event (fires when a window's hash (#) location changes) | |
Miscellaneous web developer APIs
Feature | Status | Layout test
Geolocation API | Not supported |
HTML5 getElementsByClassName API | |
HTML5 element.classList API | |
HTML5 registerProtocolHandler API | |
HTML5 registerContentHandler API | |
HTML5 Cross-document messaging API | |
W3C Selectors API | |
W3C Server-sent Events | |
Multi-touch input | Not supported |
Miscellaneous HTML5 features
Feature | Status | Layout test
HTML5 drag and drop | |
<progress> progress indicator | |
<meter> an indicator for scalar measurement | |
<ruby>, <rt>, <rp> elements for Chinese notes or characters | |
<figure> element | |
<embed> element for embedding content such as a plug-in | |
Inline MathML | |
Inline SVG | |
manifest attribute for <html> | |
sizes attribute for <link> | |
charset attribute for <meta> | |
scoped attribute for <style> | |
async attribute for <script> | |
ping attribute for <a, <area> | |
reversed attribute for <ol> | |
sandbox attribute for <iframe> | |
seamless attribute for <iframe> | |
Datasets (data-*) global attribute | |
contextmenu global attribute | |
hidden global attribute | |
contenteditable global attribute | |
spellcheck global attribute | |
draggable global attribute | |
HTML5 compliant parsing of HTML documents | |
<a rel="noreferrer"> (don't leak referrer info when following link) | |