Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of QtWebKitTiling

Jun 22, 2010 2:55:12 PM (14 years ago)



  • QtWebKitTiling

    v5 v6  
    2727#include <QGraphicsWebView>
    2828#include <QWebSettings>
    2930int main(int argc, char **argv)
    6162Tiling basically means that the contents of the viewport is separated into a grid of tiles, so that when you update some area, instead of just updating the area you actually update the whole tile. This gives a few advantages for scrolling as when you scroll you do not need to repaint the new visible area for each scroll step, as you update a row of tiles each time; tiles that are often only partly on the screen. This minimized all the paint calls that we have to do and makes it possible to make nicely kinetic scrolling a possibility.
    63 Loading, layouting etc are blocking operations. Though barely noticable on a Desktop machines, these operations can block for a long time on a mobile device, letting the user believe the application has become unresponsive and died. Scrolling which is done by using fingers will also stall and give a bad user experience.
     64Loading, layouting etc are blocking operations. Though barely noticeable on a Desktop machines, these operations can block for a long time on a mobile device, letting the user believe the application has become unresponsive and died. Scrolling which is done by using fingers will also stall and give a bad user experience.
    6566One way to over come this issue, is to do all loading, layouting and painting (basically all non-UI related work) in another thread or process, and just blit the result from the web process/thread to the UI. When using tiles, you can blit any tile available when scrolling. When no tile is available you can show a checkerboard tile instead, not letting the scrolling wait for the tiles to be updated. This results in a responsive interface, with the only disadvantage that you from time to time might see checkerboard tiles.
    6970For now we will ignore the blocking issue and concentrate on the tiling and the interaction model.
    7175=== Resize to contents ===
    73 When using tiling, we basically want the QGraphicsWebView to act as our contents, as it supports tiling a.o. things. In order for this we need to make it resize itself to the size of its contents. For this we will use {{{QGraphicsWebView::resizesToContents}}}
     77When using tiling, we basically want the QGraphicsWebView to act as our contents, as it supports tiling a.o. things. In order for this we need to make it resize itself to the size of its contents. For this we will use [ QGraphicsWebView::resizesToContents].
    7779From Qt 4.7 documentation: "If this property is set, the QGraphicsWebView will automatically change its size to match the size of the main frame contents. As a result the top level frame will never have scrollbars. It will also make CSS fixed positioning to behave like absolute positioning with elements positioned relative to the document instead of the viewport."
     89Qt 4.7 docs also says: "This property should be used in conjunction with the QWebPage::preferredContentsSize property. If not explicitly set, the preferredContentsSize is automatically set to a reasonable value."
    8791If we are going to expand our mobile web view to the size of the contents of its contained page, then that is going to make the view a lot bigger that what can fit on the device's screen!
    8996=== Using a view as the window to the contents ===
    113 In order to properly handle mouse events you must install an event filter on web view or stack it behind its parent object (search for QGraphicsItem::ItemStacksBehindParent). By doing this the mouse events will reach a MobileWebView instance before they reach the member QGraphicsWebView
     120In order to properly handle mouse events you must install an event filter on web view or stack it behind its parent object (search for QGraphicsItem::ItemStacksBehindParent). By doing this the mouse events will reach a MobileWebView instance before they reach the member QGraphicsWebView.
    115122Keep in mind that you'll need to add some logic in order to distinguish different mouse events and gestures like a single click, double click, click-and-pan, etc. That is left as an exercise to the reader.
    117124Also keep in mind that as stated earlier, scrolling will have to be implemented manually, just as zoom etc.
    119129=== Adjusting how contents is laid out ===
    125135QtWebKit has a way to force a layout to a given width/height. What really matters here is the width. If you layout a size to a given width, it will get that width and images etc might get cut of. The width/height is also used for laying out fixed elements, but when we resize the QGraphicsWebView to the size of the contents, fixed elements will not be relative to the view, which is the behaviour found on most mobile browsers.
    127 Qt 4.7 docs also says: "This property should be used in conjunction with the QWebPage::preferredContentsSize property. If not explicitly set, the preferredContentsSize is automatically set to a reasonable value."
    131 From Qt 4.7 documentation: "If this property is set to a valid size, it is used to lay out the page."
     137From [ Qt 4.7 documentation]: "If this property is set to a valid size, it is used to lay out the page."
    133139We saw that this property is automatically set to a reasonable value when using QGraphicsWebView::resizesToContents.
    143149You can play around with this and find your own magic number, but let's stick to this 960px wide for now.
    145 === The 'viewport' Meta Tag ===
    147 As some sites do not work with 980 or want to have control on how the page is laid out, QtWebKit as well as Android, Firefox Mobile and the iPhone Safari supports a meta tag called viewport.
     154=== The 'viewport' meta tag ===
     156As some sites do not work with 960 or want to have control on how the page is laid out, QtWebKit as well as Android, Firefox Mobile and the iPhone Safari supports a meta tag called viewport.
    149158This one also deserves a whole blog post for itself. For now let's just say that this is a meta tag that Apple came up with to make a web page capable of "telling" the browser how it wants to be shown.
    160 === Enabling the tiling ===
     172=== Enabling the Tiling ===
    162174We haven't actually enabled tiling yet, so lets go ahead and do that. That is very simple as it is basically a setting:
    169181you might want to take a look at QGraphicsWebView::setTiledBackingStoreFrozen. With this you can avoid updates to your
    170182tiles during an animation, for instance.
    172187=== Avoiding scrollable sub elements ===