Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of SVG TODO List - Short notes

Oct 6, 2007, 5:20:43 PM (17 years ago)



  • SVG TODO List - Short notes

    v9 v10  
    88== Filter problems ==
    99 * filters-composite-02-b.svg (no visible filter output)[[BR]]
    10  * filters-conv-01-f.svg (no feConvolveMatrix filter, bug 5861)[[BR]]
    11  * filters-felem-01-b.svg (problem with non-existant filters)[[BR]]
    12  * filters-gauss-01-b.svg (problem with x/y std devs)[[BR]]
    13  * filters-light-01-f.svg (point & spot light have problems)[[BR]]
    14  * filters-morph-01-f.svg (no feMorphology support)[[BR]]
     10 * filters-conv-01-f.svg (no feConvolveMatrix filter, [ #5861])[[BR]]
     11 * filters-felem-01-b.svg (problem with non-existant filters [ #12569])[[BR]]
     12 * filters-gauss-01-b.svg (problem with x/y std devs [ #5973])[[BR]]
     13 * filters-light-01-f.svg (point & spot light have problems [ #5865] [ #10115])[[BR]]
     14 * filters-morph-01-f.svg (no feMorphology support [ #5863])[[BR]]
    1515 * filters-tile-01-b.svg (feTile support broken)[[BR]]
    16  * filters-turb-01-f.svg (no feTurbulance support)[[BR]]
     16 * filters-turb-01-f.svg (no feTurbulence support [ #5864])[[BR]]
    1818== Problems when running testsuite embedded in XHTML ==
    2323== Misc problems ==
    24  * color-prof-01-f.svg (no icc color profiles)[[BR]]
     24 * color-prof-01-f.svg (no icc color profiles [ #6036] [ #6037])[[BR]]
    2525 * coords-units-03-b.svg (outermost svg viewport clipping not supported)[[BR]]
    2626 * masking-path-03-b.svg (outermost svg viewport clipping not supported)[[BR]]
    27  * masking-path-04-b.svg (clip text to image doesn't work)[[BR]]
    28  * painting-render-01-b.svg (no color interpolation)[[BR]]
    29  * struct-use-05-b.svg (no external <use> references)[[BR]]
     27 * masking-path-04-b.svg (clip text to image doesn't work [ #12571])[[BR]]
     28 * painting-render-01-b.svg (no color interpolation [ #6033] [ #6034])[[BR]]
     29 * struct-use-05-b.svg (no external <use> references [ #12499])[[BR]]
    3030 * styling-css-05-b.svg (css :lang selector problem)[[BR]]
    3232== Gradient problems ==
    33  * pservers-grad-10-b.svg (no spread method support)[[BR]]
    34  * pservers-grad-14-b.svg (no spread method support)[[BR]]
     33 * pservers-grad-10-b.svg (no spread method support [ #5968])[[BR]]
     34 * pservers-grad-14-b.svg (no spread method support [ #5968])[[BR]]
    3535 * pservers-grad-18-b.svg (inherted color & gradient stops issue)[[BR]]
    3636 * pservers-grad-19-b.svg (inherted color & gradient stops issue)[[BR]]
    3838== Text problems ==
     39 * text-align-05-b.svg (vertical text issues [ #13971])[[BR]]
     40 * text-intro-03-b.svg (glyph-orientation, various non-latin language related issues)[[BR]]
     41 * text-text-01-b.svg (textLength/lengthAdjust support [ #6421] [ #6422])[[BR]]
     42 * text-tref-01-b.svg (external tref references)[[BR]]
     43 * text-tselect-02-f.svg (no text selection API [ #12290])[[BR]]
     45== SVG fonts problems ([ #10649]) ==
    3946 * fonts-desc-02-t.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]]
    4047 * fonts-elem-01-t.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]]
    41  * fonts-elem-02-t.svg (text composition issue)[[BR]]
    4248 * fonts-elem-03-b.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]]
    4349 * fonts-elem-04-b.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]]
    5258 * render-groups-01-b.svg (okay, but no svg fonts)[[BR]]
    5359 * render-groups-03-t.svg (okay, but no svg fonts)[[BR]]
    54  * text-align-05-b.svg (vertical text issues)[[BR]]
    5560 * text-align-08-b.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]]
    56  * text-altglyph-01-b.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]]
    57  * text-intro-03-b.svg (glyph-orientation, various non-latin language related issues)[[BR]]
    58  * text-text-01-b.svg (textLength/lengthAdjust support)[[BR]]
     61 * text-altglyph-01-b.svg (no svg fonts [ #6426])[[BR]]
    5962 * text-text-04-t.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]]
    6063 * text-text-05-t.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]]
    6164 * text-text-06-t.svg (no svg fonts)[[BR]]
    62  * text-tref-01-b.svg (external tref references)[[BR]]
    63  * text-tselect-02-f.svg no text selection API[[BR]]
    66 = Important, data type design changes: =
     66= Important, data type design changes =
    6767 * SVGAngle* -> SVGAngle (pass by value, not by pointer)[[BR]]
    6868 * SVGColor* -> SVGColor (pass by value, not by pointer)[[BR]]
    6969 * SVGPreserveAspectRatio* -> SVGPreserveAspectRatio (pass by value, not by pointer)[[BR]]
    71 = JavaScript / ObjC SVG DOM issues: =
     71= JavaScript / ObjC SVG DOM issues =
    7272 * Provide more SVG DOM JavaScript tests (ie. for SVGLength & friends)[[BR]]
    73  * Fix fundamental SVG DOM issues with baseVal/animVal[[BR]]
     73 * Fix fundamental SVG DOM issues with baseVal/animVal ([ #14150])[[BR]]
    75 = Filter issues: =
    76  * Quality of filter output can be low in certain circumstances[[BR]]
     75= Filter issues =
     76 * Quality of filter output can be low in certain circumstances ([ #6021] [ #5226])[[BR]]
     77 * <feImage> needs to support fragment urls ([ #12027])
    78 = General structure: =
     79= Text issues =
     80 * different baseline are not supported ([ #6424] [ #14005])
     81 * SVG Fonts related DOM classes are missing ([ #10650] [ #10651] [ #10652])
     82 * SVG text is integer based due the integration with the HTML text engine. Imporant to fix. ([ #12172] [ #12448] [ #14242] )
     83 * Vertical text selection is not "natural" ([ #13910]
     85= General structure =
    7986 * platform/graphics/svg must be moved into ksvg2/<whatever> (maybe "graphics").[[BR]]
    8087 * ksvg2/ must be moved to svg/ (inside WebCore, as it is right now)[[BR]]