Version 7 (modified by 17 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
Tips and Tricks for using Git with WebKit
fink install git
git clone git://
WebKit Script support for Git
The various scripts in WebKitTools/Scripts have been made to work pretty well with Git. Here are some of the specific things you can do with them:
- Telling the various scripts to append the git branch name to every build. This is especially useful so you don't clobber your previous branch's build when you switch branches
git config core.webKitBranchBuild (true|false) //the default is off
- Overriding the core.webKitBranchBuild setting for a specific branch
git config branch.$branchName.webKitBranchBuild (true|false)
- Using prepare-Changelog with git
WebKitTools/Scripts/prepare-Changelog --git-commit=$committish --git-reviewer="Foo Reviewer"
- Using resolve-ChangeLog with git
- Using commit-log-editor with git
git config core.editor commit-log-editor
Misc. Tips and Tricks
- You can setup Git shell completion and branch name in your bash prompt. In your /path/to/git/source/contrib/completion directory you will find a 'git-completion.bash' file. Follow the instructions in that file to enable shell completion. Here is a nice bash prompt for instance
PS1='\[\033[41;1;37m\]\u@\h:\[\033[40;1;33m\]\W$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")>\[\033[0m\] '
- You can set up multiple working directories to work on more than one branch at a time. In your /path/to/git/source/contrib/workdir directory you will find a 'git-new-workdir' script that can create new working directories. The usage is
./git-new-workdir <repository> <new_workdir> [<branch>]
- Colorize various git commands
git config --global color.status auto git config --global color.diff auto git config --global color.branch auto
- Important git config settings
git config --global "Foo Bar" git config --global ""
See TracWiki
for help on using the wiki.