Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of WebKitGTK/2.0.x

Feb 21, 2013 6:04:23 AM (11 years ago)
Carlos Garcia Campos

Add page for stable WebKitGTK+ 2.0


  • WebKitGTK/2.0.x

    v1 v1  
     3= Preparing for 1.10.0 =
     5WebkitGtk+ '''2.0''' will be the next release in the stable series. We should merge not overly intrusive patches that improve stability or performance, fix build issues, etc. We branched at  r143592 (02/21/13).
     7When filing bugs ( against stable release, please prefix them with "[GTK] [Stable]" to ensure they are addressed with high
     8priority. Also, running a debug build and including stack traces is highly encouraged.
     10To get the stable branch code, simply check out
     13Over the next few weeks we'll be merging important fixes into the
     14branch, so be sure to stay up to date. Thanks for your help!
     16== Changes on track ==
     19= Previous versions =
     22For changes in older stable branches see: [wiki:WebKitGTK/1.10.x 1.10.x]
     24= Useful commands =
     26To get a wiki-formated list of commits that just got merged:
     29 $ git log --pretty=oneline <commit>.. | cut -d ' ' -f 5- | sed "s,\(.\+\)\(https://bugs.*\),  * ~~[\2] ''\1''~~,"
     32= How to add a webkit-2.0 branch to existing git-svn clone =
     34If you have already cloned git://, it only contains a git-svn clone of the svn trunk. To add webkit-2.0 branch to there, add a new remote to .git/config:
     36[svn-remote "webkit-2.0"]
     37        url =
     38        fetch = :refs/remotes/git-svn-webkit-2.0
     41and run the following commands:
     43git svn fetch webkit-1.10 -r 143592
     44git branch --track webkit-2.0 git-svn-webkit-2.0
     45git checkout webkit-2.0
     46git svn rebase