Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of WebKitW3CTesting

Dec 26, 2019 1:18:52 AM (4 years ago)
Pablo Saavedra



  • WebKitW3CTesting

    v3 v4  
    55= Importing new tests =
    7 1. Update LayoutTests/imported/w3c/resources/ImportExpectations to activate the import of selected tests
    8 2. Run "Tools/Scripts/import-w3c-tests" as is, or "Tools/Scripts/import-w3c-tests -t web-platform-tests/XXselected-testsXX" to have a faster import
    9 3. Run rwt to generate the new expectations on LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XXselected-testsXX
    10 4. Update if needed the list of imported files that should be marked as [ Skip ] in LayoutTests/TestExpectations
    11  * Tools/Scripts/import-w3c-tests will display in the console this to-be-skipped list of files
     71. Update `LayoutTests/imported/w3c/resources/ImportExpectations` to activate the import of selected tests
     82. Run `Tools/Scripts/import-w3c-tests` as is, or `Tools/Scripts/import-w3c-tests -t web-platform-tests/XXselected-testsXX` to have a faster import
     93. Run **rwt** (`Tools/Scripts/run-webkit-tests`) to generate the new expectations on `LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests/XXselected-testsXX`
     104. Update if needed the list of imported files that should be marked as **[ Skip ]** in `LayoutTests/TestExpectations`
     11 * `Tools/Scripts/import-w3c-tests` will display in the console this to-be-skipped list of files
    13 The import-w3c-tests is doing the following things:
    14 1. Clone the test repositories (as defined in LayoutTests/imported/w3c/resources/TestRepositories)
    15 2. Checkout a specified revision
     13The `import-w3c-tests` is doing the following things:
     141. Clone the test repositories (as defined in `LayoutTests/imported/w3c/resources/TestRepositories`)
     152. Checkout a specific revision
    1616 * It is important to keep the same revision for consistency
    17173. Import tests
    2828It is not yet automated. A preliminary patch is available at
    30 1. Check whether WebKit testharness.js is up-to-date with the latest one used in the W3C repository
    31  * If not update WebKit testharness.js accordingly
    32 2. Update the repository revision in LayoutTests/imported/w3c/resources/TestRepositories
    33 3. Delete all html|xhtml|xhtm|js|svg files in the corresponding LayoutTests/imported/w3C sub-folder
    34 4. Run Tools/Scripts/import-w3c-tests
     301. Check whether WebKit `testharness.js` is up-to-date with the latest one used in the W3C repository
     31 * If not update WebKit `testharness.js` accordingly
     322. Update the repository revision in `LayoutTests/imported/w3c/resources/TestRepositories`
     333. Delete all *html|xhtml|xhtm|js|svg* files in the corresponding `LayoutTests/imported/w3c` sub-folder
     344. Run `Tools/Scripts/import-w3c-tests`
    35355. Check for any manual edit that should be kept
    36 6. Regenerate expected files using rwt
    37 7. Remove all dangling expected.txt files and empty folders
     366. Regenerate expected files using **rwt**
     377. Remove all dangling `expected.txt` files and empty folders
    3838 * Some bots have difficulties with removed/added empty files.
    4242* Handle WPT test repository recursive submodules
    43  * Automated generation of LayoutTests/imported/w3c/resources/web-platform-tests-modules.json
     43 * Automated generation of `LayoutTests/imported/w3c/resources/web-platform-tests-modules.json`
    4444* Generate WPT MANIFEST.json and use it to know whether a file is a test or a resource file
    45 * Check whether a WPT resource file is already skipped in LayoutTests/TestExpectations
     45* Check whether a WPT resource file is already skipped in `LayoutTests/TestExpectations`
    4646* Finalise rebasing test script
    4747* Update import script to handle non-W3C test repositories
    4848 * Blink tests
    4949 * WHATWG streams test suite
    50 * Move already imported test suites to LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests
    51  * LayoutTests/imported/w3c/canvas, LayoutTests/imported/w3c/html-templates, LayoutTests/imported/w3c/indexeddb
    52  * LayoutTests/imported/blink/imported/csswg-test/css-writing-modes-3, LayoutTests/imported/blink/imported/web-platform-tests
     50* Move already imported test suites to `LayoutTests/imported/w3c/web-platform-tests`
     51 * `LayoutTests/imported/w3c/canvas`, `LayoutTests/imported/w3c/html-templates`, `LayoutTests/imported/w3c/indexeddb`
     52 * `LayoutTests/imported/blink/imported/csswg-test/css-writing-modes-3`, `LayoutTests/imported/blink/imported/web-platform-tests`