
This is a proposal for a minimal filesystem API, designed for only the use case of sandboxed local storage.

Getting the root directory:

partial interface Navigator {
     Directory getSandboxedFilesystem();

The Directory interface:

interface Directory {
    readonly DOMString name;

    // The request will return the newly created FileHandle
    DOMRequest create(DOMString name, Blob blob);

    // The request will return the newly created Directory
    DOMRequest makeDirectory(DOMString name);

    // The request will return a File or Directory
    DOMRequest get(DOMString name);

    // Deletes a file or directory; DOMRequest returns boolean true or false to indicate success
    DOMRequest remove(DOMString name);

    // Atomically renames a file or directory; DOMRequest returns boolean true or false to indicate success
    DOMRequest rename(DOMString oldName, DOMString newName);

    // The request will return a FileHandle; error if called on a Directory
    // If File is passed, it must be a descendant of this directory
    DOMRequest openForWriting(DOMString name or File file);

    // The request will return a FileHandle; error if called on a Directory
    // If File is passed, it must be a descendant of this directory
    DOMRequest openForAppending(DOMString name or File file);

    // The DOMMultiRequest returns File or Directory objects
    DOMMultiRequest enumerateShallow();

    // The DOMMultiRequest returns File or Directory objects
    DOMMultiRequest enumerateDeep();


The FileHandle interface, representing a file open in read-write mode (for the read-only case, FileReader already exists, so why reinvent the wheel?)

interface FileHandle {
    readonly attribute File file;

    attribute long long offset;

    // Result for all of these is the FileHandle
    DOMRequest readAsArrayBuffer(long size);
    DOMRequest readAsText(long size, optional DOMString encoding);
    DOMRequest write(DOMString or ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView or Blob value);
    DOMRequest truncate(optional long long size);

    DOMRequest flush(); // fsync

    void close(); // Currently outstanding operations run to completion, but no more may be issued

Result interfaces:

interface DOMRequest {
    readonly attribute DOMString readyState; // "pending" or "done"

    readonly attribute any result;
    readonly attribute DOMError error;

    attribute EventHandler onsuccess;
    attribute EventHandler onerror;

interface DOMMultiRequest : DOMRequest {
    void stop();

    // Call if all results have been delivered
    attribute EventHandler onfinish;
Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on Sep 22, 2012, 6:03:25 PM
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